Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 15, 1893, Image 3

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    nwick to advkhtisisus.
The nit i. .- . . .
from W I ,7 "?elpl or lett,,r
wh vm If .F"w' vbo WR' former!,
r . 4 JZ ml,ua" tbe Acme
iiox I, mmmu r u . .. . , m
n"" ''"uJH'iarlers at Washington
Jn,l i....rr oourM'ite Will OD his
1U aecuring such a position.
E. W. Kinflh.-f . .
ndoUtuary notices (,it... h i "' ? "w e-
Kn.-m t ' ;uuluKrapuer irom
' fWh' rii- FILM HOTEL
ood foitu. " " ,luml lls evidence ol
-Ll. in -a ,J,V FAI'EK ADVERTI
K.II Kru,i..i... "r .!.''. ",.tr('"l"t AXtUanie
pauor 1. knt ,.I "LV """" Keut. 'luis
7W Mflif.
hiAS ""d " o
W.A.Juhsto,Ag,tS- DELEVAN- P.
Wive our business to Heppner veoule
and therefore assist to build up ttepp
en tatronize those who fatronL
Here and There.
Jolia Johnson had a silver tongue
That ne'er enjoyed a rest;
A child, ho talked his friends to sleep,
At school he talked the best.
When speech was on the bill of faro
John Johnson never balked;
Asleep as well us when awake,'
He talked and tulked and talked,
Ho talked the shingles oil' the roof,
The hinges uH' the doors,
Until at last he got a wife,
And then he tulked no more.
over irom Grant
cjtiuty tins week.
E. G. Sperry and family are Beam
residents ol ileppner.
A. A. Roberta returned from Portland
Weduesduy evening.
We will tnlio . ...
. r,, : " " """" miuouripuon
at 50 cents per bushol.
n3we?eli: ot Chu'0 City, came in
on Wednesday evening's stuge.
E.O.: V. W. Tillard has returned
rrom a stay of several months at Henp
ner. B. L. Gibbs, representing a hardware
nrm of Portland, was in the oity Tues-
Ed. Hollaud and 'Squire Barnett of
tUe lowpr ftnnntvv ..... ....
day ""oiu meoiiy yester-
W. A Johnston and Orrin Farnswortb
baok from Grant county this morn
Park Garrieues departed yesterday
morning for Salem where he will ioin
bis family. '
nenry ueppner's building on the
corner of i nay and Main street is being
Robert Hynd has arrived at his
baotlaud ho.ne, and, we learn, is having
a pleasant time.
Johnnie Johnson, son of Uncle Felix
JohDRon of Butter Creek, was in Hepp
ner Wednesday.
A 0. Pettjs, of lone, was on our
streets yesterday with a flue loBd of
fruit and vegetables.
Canned oats are somewhat of a
novelty, but Art Minor has the article at
cost, 40ceiits a can.
Ruloh Dittnuhnnfop nmo ;n xi
ner over Wednesday night, leaving on
ibursday's down train.
Dr. McHwnrrio Qti.t fam.'l.. ln rrt
.... u.uii7 iciv
day fr T,it to the World's Fair and
ucii iciubives in UU10.
Mrs. Go. Conser returned Wednes
day eveuing fom a wei-k's visit with
menos aua relatives in the valley,
Times-Mountaineer: Mr. Frank Mo
ionauu ana wife, or Heppuer, nr
uvea in me oity on the morning traiu
K. C. MoFarland, who bad been
visiting relatives lo this city, departed
for lin home at Mansfield, Ohio, last
Col. Robert A. Miller and Mrs. Sarel
la G. Grubbe were married on the 11th
'"' , a' ne uome ot tUe bride's parents
at Waldo bills.
E 0.: Henry Blackwell, tbe Morrow
j oiouKiuan, is on tne road with
cattle for shipment from Pendleton to
Bound markets.
Dan Rice was in frnm TTarmor,
Tuesday. Keoeut tains have damaged
nueui 10 some extent in that section,
we were informed.
Mrs. E. J. Slooum and baby returned
evouiug irom an extended visit
wiin relatives in Pennsylvania. Ed
met tnem at Arlington.
Sam Kinsman returned Tnesday
evening irom Portland where be bad
delivered a shipment of cattle to the
tuion jJressed Meat Co.
L. Blumantbal, of Albina. is visitine
bis biotber-in-law, Joe Kolmau, of
iuib oity. iur. Blumenihal was fnruierly
in the mercantile business at Arlinotnn
Evalena Thompson, of Athena, who
uccu yiniuu uer orocuer, J. A.
Thompson, of ibis oity, for some time
past, departed borne yesterday moruiuu.
0. A. Lane, formerly of Snsanville,
came in on Saturday evening's train
from laooma, where he reports every
thing very quiet. Mr. JLane will leave
soon for the luner oountry.
Geo. W. Vitioent, of Galloway, whs
appointed commissioner by the county
court at tbe last day's session to till the
unexpired teim of Peter Brenner
whose resignation bad been previously
W. I.. Hill, who hns been herding
sheep for Jacob Johnson this season,
oame down from tbe mountains the first
of tbe week. He reports sheep in good
oonditinn and range much improved
by the recent rains.
William Eix and A. L. Walker were
down yesterday from the mountains.
Mr. Walker usually speods the winter
out on bis Clark's oanyou farm, where
be says he has raised enough wheat and
bay for his own use, though tome one
seems determined to destroy it by out
ting the fencing, I bus giving range to
outside stock.
r"L,U.r,' ,,0LWil' 'ot business
... ...,.. mr. itinenart is a first
o ass photographer and we bespeak for
,n":,,' ir a continu-
i- h ii ' a.;: . I 1UI8
The. h T n est b"r ,n ileppner
nn:H' Moo'3y' daughter, of The
i. . B0"ia ast week,
while on' nnmn nn j- j ,,.
l. k-, bus uieo. one
was eight years of age, and a niece of
pinoe iucH'ariond, of this
Don't OVfrlnnlr -T T fJ -x
iiivinun wi en rniraiu I vi i
fresh beer always on tap. Also a fine
,,, T W H " . BDa 'ata "'"ays on
Gill Hntt hna nnrr.BnJ tj: l nr....
ewa interest m the City Hoel barber
Kl) 'l8bet? up.'? the be'8t of style.'
o mr iijh minions.
Ur. B. F. Vanghan bnsdeoided to leave
Heppner, and all those owing him are
requested to makeimmediatesettlement
1 hose desiring work should apply at
once. li8tf
Pi., If D.Hl of Jhe Reorganized
OhlllCh f)f JPHUS m,r,a k.u
Bfrvioes this evening, and will continue
for a week, perhaps ten days. All are
Thfi flVMlfaa nAU
n i cunur, loreman, etc.,
all boiler! down m'o one individual, has
been Imd p on the shelf for repairs
most of the week. Nothing serious.
Grftftn Mlif rionta' M.a V. .1 . ,
a ,1PC uttiutir, is dow lo
cated next door to the furniture etore oo
Mam Btreet. Sunves, ehampoos, bnir
cuts ntid the like awaya on tap.
Henry Thompson was over from But- i
pears and other fruit. His peaob crop
will be a failure this year.
The IrhJlulta uill ti .
ru e ..u subscription, and pav balance of
Rfamam oniik L i . .
... voai, m uigneso market prioe.
Every man who takes any interest in
fast Btock should subscribe for The
Horseman. Gazette shop, agents.
The Heppner Canyon stage line is the
v,ucolJC0. auu qUjtKe8t t0 the in
terior. The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove
"" y.qaor' op,,lm' morPm'ne, oocaine
uu luuoucu naoiD. aee ad.
Haye you got any machinery's tbat
out of repair? If so come in and get
some metal and refit your boxing.
Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy in
action and sum in on
ououi. m ueacsa
Justice Hallock is now located in bis
Huaners at ma recorder's old office.
Jus. Mc Haley reports snow up on
Mahogany Ridge last Tuesday.
Only First-CJaM hotel in Heppner.
2. BoildiDB Wired for Eeohic Lfgbta
8. Beet flooommodatiooa for the traveUng
. Courteous treatment assured tbe ooun
try people.
MRS. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress.
Mr. fi. T- Rnlt,
A Well known nhfibiirranha A ir .
a. "j. ..... . LCiWal KM..
testlfles: "My face and hoilv ,-..
with red blotehes whlph rfiaflira . a
a much sufterlns. Other mediclnej fallea to
neip my case, but after taking four bottles of
Mood s Sarsanarilln
X am entlrnlv frnn frnm ati hiAAi . -m
, iiy uiwbuurjs una nil
iwrfectlywell." HOOD'S CUeca
HOOd'S PIIIO Bt'A IlnrMlu .
arefully prepared. 25c Try a box.
Gilliam & Bisbee,
Not , only once, but again and again. They know ,W , .
ran weisnt and r,nH . u" oey aiwsva sat
Plained. T'l' Wby We 8eU the be. is exT
and so establishes our tfade b''S f U9!m' make8
friend,, bargains iu Dry Goods, 0,
il h PVDd eVethiD1 kept i0 well-regula ed nST
merchandise store. Come in 8nd eee L, everybody
RriflhfR nieaien '
Inflflmmntlnn nf 4hn Dlmt
der, Yellow Water, Brick
uusi seoimcnt in Urine,
Burning Sensation, Pain
in the Back, and all Dis
eases of the Kidneys.
jyj inor oo
Heppner, Oregon.
Closing out the entire stock of
U.W1 Mann m fnrinor fin., "skland.
f'T8w Ay 8looum-JoliD8tonDragOol
"OID, an.
Boots and Shoes Change of OwneShip
fl. U z,. 'Vftjy, I
A Uobbeb's OuTPiT.-Peck Morris, of
Hamilton, brought to tbis office Thurs
day of last week, a robber's outfit, con
sisting of a jumper, overalls, cap, mask,
Rags and several strings, which was
found by an outing party in a cluster of
bushes about six miles from Long
Creek,, near the forks nt th
stream bearing the same name as the
town. Wm Moore, who is now in jail
for the robbery of J. F. Allen nf liv-
informed Sheriff Combs tbat be had an
outfit cashed away in the neighborhood
or wuere this was found, nnd it is sup
posed to be a part of Moore's parapher-
uHiin. at least the mask which Moore
said Keiter need when Allen was robbed,
is of the same kind of goods (is the one
found on Upper Long oreek. Just
which one of onr citizens n, u
been the victim of the robber wearing
tnis costume is a matter nt mnnh
jeeture. Long Oreek Eagle.
Leahey.J. W Heppnor Or.-Horses br.nderl
hu iTle(t 8h"nlderi ""tile me on left
hip, wattle over right eye, three slits in r.ght
Watlrax Vi: L.il. n
r- .11 u"fin ar eons, Marrtman Or -rtKSJ.11
"otaU Eon left
Z, leftM ,T;88on left hiP. horses eame
inline ia morrow county.
Piles I Piles! Jlchlne Pilen.
Symptoms Moisture: i ntennn a n A
stinging; most at night; worse by
burarcning. ir allowed to continue tu
mors form, whioh often bleed
ate, beooming verv sore. Suw.
Ointment stops the itching and bleeding
uomo uiueraiion, ana in most cases re
moves thelnmors. At druggists, or by
, 0eDt8- Vt- Swayne & Son,
Philadelphia. 8W x yi
NaBBOW EsOAPB. Last W,lnp.,l.
morning J as. McHaley's attention wn
atiraotea by the ones of somn ,mm,
down on tbe bank of Hinton oreek near
ms place. Kunninir down tn tho noi.
ueiouna mat Utile Grace Whetstone,
not yet tnree years old. while nlavin
some other children on the bank,
naa tallen into the stream, whioh is
quite swift at that point. James 1 11 m nar)
in just in time to resoue tbe little girl
asshe was Binkingthe last time Ti.i.
was indeed a narrow escape from drown
ing, and a lesson that should su uepat
to pareuts the necessity of oautioning
their little ones iL regard to playing
near the bank of the creek.
of the old firm of M. Liohtenthal & Co., at
Cost for Cash.
Call and Secure a Good Bargain.
' Assignee.
ou hands at all times the choioeet m8t miat Will keep
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef. Ein F
shaw & Mccarty
H. A. Thompion
A. E. Biuns
The if ner Livery, Feed and Sale Stale.
Below (Inffin a rnVai.ieni. v.,- .
'im a, mtu u street,
The Eeeley Huh
For the Cure oA
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It is located at Forest Orore, Or.,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Pnll at U- it
Gpod Conveyance for Travelinp- Men
Tnm. i , r
u. v. aargeant s, next door to Feed Stable: Grain snd '
Otis Patterson
Mistaken. Geo. W. nnnd. .
tornty from Condon.
bis wife, came over to Heppner Sunday.
Tbe grand jury of milium ,-,t
found a true bill some time since
Bgninst Mr. Goode for
Tbe case will be disposed of at this
arm of cirouit court. Many ar nf th
opinion that it is a trumped np affair
snd will amount to nothing. IUrana
On behalf of our grand jury, the Journal
extends thanks for the implied oompli
ment. Wonder if Mr. Goode did not
make it a point to "see" the ftnmtta
man? He well knows the power of the
press Fossil Journal. In this in-
tance the Journal man is wronc. for ut
he time this artiole was written th
writer bad not met Mr. Gnndo Wi
gave only bat we thouht to be the
taots in tne oaae. and from lh mi-dint
of the jury, believe we were about right.
A Bad Wkeok.- Heppnerites coming
up from Portland on Wedneadnv nioht'a
train were considerably delayed s short
distance below Blalook by an east
bound freight train which had hn
badly wrecked by a boulder which Ird
rolled down cn to tbe track. Ahnnt ifl
ears were derailed and some entirely
uemonsneo. une oar loaded with
horses from The Dalles was smashed
up, killing or crippling every horse in
the oar. After about five hours delav
the wreck was cleared so that th
passenger train could prooeed east. But
one person was reported as seriously
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
A Shhbp King's Wedding. An
Vey. widely known SB an entnrnriaino
HDd successful sheep magnate of TJma
lilla county, and Miss Marv Mnlnrino
a lady who arrived about six months
no from Portugal 8"d has ltlv r.
sided at Walla Walla, were united in
marriage Inesday afternoon at 430
dock, at the Catholio oburob. The
wedding was a quiet affair. Rev.
Father P. DeRoo nerfnrmpri I ho ,o-
mony, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Puig,
cl this city, attended as witnesses.
Ibis mnrninit Mr. and Mrs. Vv lort tn
the biidegroom's rano'i on Butter creek.
There Mr. Vey lately built a new resi
dence, ana be has prepared a handsome
home for the reoeption of bis bride from
sunoy Portugal, The wedded pair have
he best wishes of numerous friends cl
tbe bridegroom. East Oregonian.
Rip's Wood Yard Th R.r,n...
r 1"''
wood yard, under the management of
itip van winBie, is prepared to itiivo
wood at your residence, sawed m.
sawea. wood sawed and dlivr .
$7.00 per oord. Wood sawed twine in
two, 75 cts. per oord: three timo i nn
Yard near the depot. Leave orders at
Sloan & Howard's. A.ff.
Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok. a shoemak
er Bnd repairer of many years' experi
ence, has just looated in the Abraham
siok building, on May street, where he
is prepared to do eveiy thing in his line.
Mr. Birbeck is strictly a first-olass work
man and warrants all work. Give him a
oall. Mwtf
Land Fob Sale. 480 aorea over in
Wilson prairie. A good stock ranch and
will be sold cheap. Call at Gazette
office for particulars and terms. tf.
Plenty of them at the
uazette Office. . .
YOU vv 'e na,J'-hoW to b i.;iiLty in marriHgej
W A NT ti! i Pnt-how to have prize babies ;
In e r-h ' lave thorn without pain,
KNOW tk childless-how to be fruitful and multiply
WHAT lit KrtW Fiey "s'r?wed" and winie to be
FVFRV ill P1!1-0 to enjoy life and keep well;
RODV ?nvall-h--: to get well again speedily;
OTTOWT ii ""w r.o reo-am wasted energy.
TO J-WTnt 0VfMS that is of most worth
VMniiT " " "l uu s um uome Talk,"
MAT?' W18'20'124'1- l-ltttes; 200 recipes,
"Jgil!. )Mnrray niil lW,kfl,, , r;. 28tb Mc Now York.
:( AO
( $1,100
The Eiwise Balm and r.mrv
On May Street. onnoaitPAlon iti m .. . "
C?m a xueywm leeponbandafnlllineof
mm m Mm.
A fnll lino .
"""ykeptta iMMrtak . BBni Br!!?' ,! f,ot "wything that is
I try them. ""'-wass bakery store. They will sell oheap foi cash. Call "np
I Too tK ...
o. . '"" re many ot tnem.
Some very good, some bad.
ai.. i B drns are poisonons.
Also of no value whatever.
, Fare drugs are great helps.
And these alone ahonld be v
tpi- l . Caed in compounding.
We claim to keep in stock
, . The purest drugs made.
To oomponnd them skillfully,
Ti, .L To PreDaro prescriptions quiokly
To oharge for them reasonably. 4'iy.
wnii, rroprietor.
"Hardware" did yoo sayT Why, yes
at P. C. Thompson k Co.'s stand, and the
place for bargains. a
M. Lichtentbal & Co.'s new stook of
nnlonrlirl onmmAp knfinn onA H
- , " - t uu.luu nnu .Id OOUIUI-
ties in tbe shoe line are attracting mark
ed attention. a
The Palaoe is the leading hotel in tbe
of light are provided for everyone, a
Bnrff. thfl loDTAlor io tKa man f. Aw
9. . .... , . I. v-JV UJBU IU UA
VAIir W U t ll r. - nlnnlr f.A 1. -. t. 1 1
" " w. v.liv., H O fcCClIB It IUI1
stock of everything pertaining to bis
ThAmnann JL ,L. I 1.1
goes to and from tbe Palace hotel, but
will nail fnr nnrtioA iloiinni. nn n i
.. .. .u. f,,.. .,uv utniuuK wgu wuniu
in any part of the city. Leave orders
ai uuy uoiei. a
OilliBm & Bisbee are still doinir busi
ness at the old stand, reports to ihe
contrary notwithstanding. They in ite in
spection oi their mammoth stock of bard-
ware, wagons, impiiments, etc. a
Minor & Co.. the new firm, hnva nl
lost any of their popnlarity by tbe
obauge. They oontinne to do bnninets
in the old way the greatest amount
quality considered, for the least money
Mohb Cattle - Shipped. E. Mays
oame up from Portland Wednesrlnv
secure 350 head of cattle of Oilman &
French, from their Fossil ranch, which
were to be delivered here vRtpnW A
special oar also came up in the after
noon to take the cattle down. Rnl
owing to delay they did not get in nntil
mis morning with tbe cattle, when tbey
at once began loading tbem. These
cattle go to the Union Dressed Meat Co.,
at Troutdale.
Onr Fablio Bchonls
Are the main-stay of our repnblio. In
them are being cultivated tbe minds
which are to be our future lawmakers
and leaders in every walk in life. How
AOBAntial it IO Ihat lk..a .... .1 .... t IJ I
nnited to strong healthy bodies. So
many children suffer from impurities
and poison in the blood tbat it is a
" mm mey ever grow pp to be
men and woman Monv naronla Mnnnn
. f - AjauUU
nnd words strong enough to express
luou grautuiie to nooa s aarsaparilla
for its good effect upon their children.
fccrofu'.B, salt rheum and other diseases
of the blood are effectually and perma
nently cured by tbis excellent medicine,
and tbe whole being is given strength to
resist attaoks of disease.
Mr. and Mrs. John Maddock visited old
friends at Heppner a oouple of davs
last week, returning home Monday.
Tbey formerly resided at Heppner when
that town was in its infHncv yet, and It
being H years siuoe Mrs. Maddook last
saw the pinoe, she was greatly aston
ished at tbe neRt little oity's rapid and
substantial growth. Condon Globe.
ThA SUnrloholrA. Btnnn kAJ.ll II
" - uoaui uoui nil.
For sale at Gilliam k Bisbee's. a
"ere m a Hni ,or ,lnllliy .COpTh
.llll-Nl IIHIIU flut.
;!r FK uWi
J,; ",. , f' iwriB ollerwl Mri.
wr;is? err" j!" ' ffiJvM;
(iiiimii-rn Ari.-.,i r..L. yvi'
!"-.; pi,,;. ., i. -' " 1?
llt-l l L. ' . . .
f "., ' "rai'i worm not crainlnl J
L'VrjJ Ui-nUiiiji.ir'ui
. rrt " ri.l II- ' f r.,J .".'. . " J'-,'!1""1'!" -""' i. tl
U.re l I.., ,. H "V .,"' '.V " ""' M llfOWM
oii ,. ;,, i i,;: ,.. ... ., '"r r."."- Kama.
K.".' Wri ;,i. j... ."''"
Ji;wini.-Tb foil,,,,,, null knn ,Mlieni ,
Killed by LiOHTNiNa. During
heavy thunder-shower, Wednesday of
last week, two horses belonging to Jeff
D. Kirk, of Black Horse, were struck by
lichtning and killed. Another ran into
hub wire and wns seriously bmt. Tbe
hordes killed were viiluable, one being a
stiillion. Mr. Ki'k whs in Ihe moun
tains bnckleberryiug at the time the
accident occurred.
COST, the entire stock of general mer
chandise in the store of Cox Bros., Hardman
Bargains in all lines never before found. Call
and learn prices.
W. p. FELL,
Prevntaml euro Constipation aniSlolc
Headache, Smou Bile Bonus.
Dawson s Lvnn.
-x xitiNUi YS ATLAW,
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
: : t : .