Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 15, 1893, Image 2

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o mE myp to sell you ji ppni i
:One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County.
CTTND 160 ACRES Timber Culture claim adjoining, of which deeded Innd there are 140 acrrs gw d farming land, and the balance A 1 pasture. The deeded laud has a gor.d spring of water on it. all under
I fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardman.
Price for the whole, $1100 ; or without the timber culture claim, S800.
Deeded ranch, 160 acres, boss wheat land. Will sell on easy terms A good terempV
for it with first crop raised on it Reason for selling, owner lives in the East and has no use
Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best Btock ranch in Morrow county, cheap and on easy terms.
Give your business to Heppner people
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
n. vM .nn, onH vnrv enrreiinondent re
sponsible for his or her communication. No
correspondence will he published utilesB the
writer s real name is signed as an, evidence ol
good faun.
Did jon ever
Rend about the
Man who
Hid bia
Light under
A bushel?
Yes? well
That is like
Doing business
Without advertising.
All the
SoiJe schemes
In the country
Will not acoomuliab
Half as much
As a good ad.
In a good, live.
Legitimate newspaper,
One that
Is read
By the people,
And that owns
Its own
Soul; that
Oei its space
Like merchandise,
Worth dollar
For dollar.
Ebp. Ellis has introduced several
bills relative to land and irrigation
During the month ot August, $1,273.
267 in treasury notes were redeemed in
silver dollars.
A mo fxpress robbery ocourred in
Northern Indiana last Monduy night.
About $20,000 were taken.
The oourngeous Californiun, Judge
Rosa, has five (Jbinnmen on the load
to the flowery kinodom.
Tnu Uroeon National is the first bunk
of Portland to resume. The others will
follow Bnit in the near future.
Trm Oreconinn abuses Senator Mitch
ell because he is a silver man. This is
bad taste, besides the people are with
Tub people are trying to find out how
and when the tariff will be tampered
with. That is the trouble; thev oan't
do it.
Colonel Huohkh, of Kansas, has been
dishonorably discharsed for refusal to
disband tbe republican bouse of the
Kansas legislature last winter.
Senator Mitchell thinks that in
stead of increasing the ratio, we Bhould
deorease it to 15) to 1, France's ratio.
His speech Tuesday was well received.
Tub men who robbed the Delta
Colo., bunk lust week have been iden-
titled as Tom and Fred MoCarty, father
and sou . Billy Mot'urty, a brother of
Tom MoCarty, escaped.
Tub Sun Jose Mercury waB fined for
contempt of oourt, ooused by publishing
the details of a divoroe trial. The
paper appealed and the decision of the
lower court was reversed,
Senatoii Dolph says if be were going
to vole for free silver he would favo,
lit to 1. But as he don't favor it at all,
it matters little how the senator specu
lates on the subject.
Secretary Caiilisi.h now admits that
no form of paper money, except gold
certificates, have been redeemed in gold
since Mil). 4th This does away with
further exouxe to fight the Sherman
TiU'Htc is now in silver bullion, held
by the government, $174,061,212, (coin
ed value,) and under the Sherman act,
subject to coinage, if tbe government
wills it.
Tub house of lords rejected the Irish
home rule bill by an overwhelming
majority. Gladstone will probauly
appeal to tbe people for justification of
bis polioy. There is, aud has been fur
-years, among the oommou people of tbe
iUuitid Kingdom, a bitter sentiment
against the upper bouse of parliament.
France baa $18 per capita in silver;
we have 8. France is prosperous.
'Taking the gold-bug cry of "danger
Jine," we can yet iuorease $10 per
capita iu silver and then be solid as a
rock, eveu iu the eyes of the mighty
Euglaud, our financial Ood, so suith the
We aub reliably informed thai the
report cm rout about a large part of tbe
lH(e school funds being lied up in one
of tbe suspended Foitland banks has
no foundation whatevar. It was pub
lished generally iu the press of Oregon,
and it is a wonder that the matter has
not been noticed before. However, as
we are satisfied that the report it en
tirely untrue, in justioe to State Treas.
Metschun, we make this statement.
State op Ohio Citt of Toledo, I ss.
Lucas County. j
Frank J. Chbnby makes oath that h
is tbe senior partuer of the firm of F
J. Cheney & Co , doing business in the
City ot Toledo, County and State afore
said, aud that SBid firm will pay the
(or each and every case of Catarrh thai
cannot be cured by the use of Hall's
Caturrb Cure.
Sworn to before me and subKoribed iu
my presence, tbis 6th day of December,
A. D. 1880.
seal I
Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and ants directly on tbe blood aud
miio'ius suriaoes of the system. Send
tor testimonials free.
V. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, O.
IWSold by Druggisis, 75 cents.
A Pretty Good-sized Grist of Business for One
(session Official List Next lssne.
County court convened in regular
session on Wednesday, 6th day of Sep
tember, 1893, with the following
officers present : Judge Julius Keithly;
Commissioner J M Baker; Clerk J W
Morrow and Sheriff Geo. Noble. After
due proclamation of opening court the
following proceedings were had, to-wit:
In the matter of tbe case State of
Oregon vs. Rebecca Howard, costs were
ordered paid as lollows: F J Hallock,
justice fees, $7.06 ; C W Rychard, con
stable fees, $3.30.
Case State of Oregon vs. T R Howard,
cost hill ordered paid as follows: FJ
Hallock, justice tees, $7,115; C W
Rvcbard, constable fees, $3. 30.
Cost bill in case Slate of Oregon vs.
lice Ailkins anil Moore, paid as foil
own: 1' J Hallock, paid justice fees,
fU.yi); witness tees, .Mrs. Whetstone
$1.70; G W Rea, $1.70; C C Sargent,
$1.70; met Sargent, $1.7U.
Cost Bill in case State of Oregon vs.
Frank, .Sloan, Frank and Newt Jones,
paid us follows: Justice fees, F J Hal
lock, $21.00; witness fees: Geo. Conser,
$0.20; J G Thmopson, $6.20; G W
Harrington, $3.20; llillv Hvnil, $8.50;
V A Johnston, $4.70: R j Williams,
$8.50; Tom Bucklev, $0.20; Mac Smith,
$6 60; Geo. Grav, $6.20; Willis Stewart,
$6.20; Utis 1'atlersori, $4 70; WK
.Straight, $4.40; Uzz French, $5 20;
Geo. N'ob!e$ 170; Albert Ron, $3.20;
1) A llerren, $5,511).
Case Stato of Oregon, vs. John Dow,
costs paid as follows: F J Hallock,
justice lees, $3.95.
Cost bill in case State of Oregon vs.
Tice Ailkins and Moore, paid as fol
lows: Justice fees, F J Hallock, $10.00;
witness fees: Frank Sloan, $1.70; JG
Thompson, $1.70; Miss Nelson, $1.70;
('has. Tilden, $1.70: R Neville, $1.70;
F.I Hallock. $1.70; J Skoglund, $1.70.
Cost bill, State of Oregon vs. Noah
Mulkey, paid as follows: Justice fees,
FJ Hallock. $8.60: witness fees, John
McFerrin, $3 90; Ida Matteson, $3 90;
Minnie McFerrin, $3.90; Mrs. Ben
Jlattiison, $3,90.
Cost bill, case State of Oregon vs.
John Doe and Richardson, paid as
follows: FJ Hallock, justice fees, $4.45.
In the matter of tbe insanity of Grov
er L Wright, cost bill paid as follows;
K T Gngcin, attending physician, $5 00;
Kngene Myers, witness. $6 90; James
llansfoid, witness, $0.90; J W Morrow,
clei k's fees, $0 00 ;
Cost bill, State of Oregon vs. Wm.
Qiiinn, F J Hallock ordeicd paid $4.45
as justice fees.
Case, Slate of Oregon vs, Andrew
Cuinmings, F J Hallock, ordered paid
$5 35, justice fees.
In the matter of affidavit of publica
tion of the official list, affidavit, of A W
Gazette, was found to bo correct Riid the
same was accepted.
The following miscellaneous bills
gainst the county were allowed in full :
G G Wickson A Co.. Htatimmrv
account R.'W
A W Norton, road and briik'A
uci'minl oo An
" -u.uu
McFarland Mercantile Co., School
Sunt. Record 0 nil
Glass & I'rudlioinnic, Countv Ru-
COt'lt ,( Oil flit
Minor & Co., court house aud jail
account 4.25
A Glisan. imiiner account 1 "s
HalKtO'Oonnell.stationeiyacct , 3.50
Allowed in njirt
F.ugene Myers, Insane acct. $7.25
'iiiovu'U $5.70
Disallowed :
N Nielson, damage claim. . . . $ 1.79
N Nielson, ' 100.00
("has. McDowell, having passed sat
isfactory examination is appointed as a
student to the Stato Agiicultural college
or year 1893. He was recommended
by II Blackman.
Scrip ordered issued to J W Pawson
for services as Prosecuting Attorney in
case of State vs. J F Spray, $5 00
Claim of $4 00. disallowed.
Claim of S C Stone continued for
Resignation of l'etcr Brenner as com
missiner of Morrow county consideied
and accepted.
Issue of scrip was confirmed in the
matter of Hie justice certificate for Dist.
Attv. fees, Slate vs. Ailkins and Moore.
11 L McAlister is appointed a pupil
in the Statu Affrioultnral college on
recommendation of J N Brown and
Supt. Saling.
Bond of J F Willis, for the delivery
of 20 cords of wood at the court bouse,
with A M Gunn assuretv, accepted.
Bond of W L Mallory with W 1'
Dutton as suretv, accented.
Cost, bill ca-e State of Oregon vs. J F
Sprav allowed as follows: Justice fees,
C M Hague, $6 00; constable fees, S 1111
Meadows. $27.10; witness fees, K S
Cox, $1 50. WE Kahler. $1.50; Frank
Sloan, $150; J N Brown, $5 50; Mrs.
A M Banister, $2.00; Lizzie Gruyton,
$2.10; James Wvland, 2.90; disallowed,
J W Dawson, mileage as prosecuting
attorney, $4.00.
Upon certificates of F J Hallock, J I',
issue of scrip was confirmed in the fol
lowing named cases, towit: State ol
Oregon vs. Frank and Newt Jones and
Frank Sloan ; State of Oregon vs. Noah
Miscellaneous bills against tbe county
were allowed as follows:
Vavvter Crawford, stationery acct.$ 9.45
W L Sating, county school super-
intendant account 95 25
White & McLangbiin, road and
bridge account 44.79
Wm Portland, pauper acct 30 10
F J Hallock, teacher's examinat'n 12.00
W J Leezer, County treasurers
salary 83.33
Glass & Prudhomme, stationery
account 89.90
Henry Padburg, pauper iccount. . 19.75
Heppner Light and Water Co.,
court house and jail acct.. 5.00
Jess Lieuallen, pauper acct 23.00
Gilliam & Bisbee, courthouse and
jail account 5.50
Patterson rub. Co. stationery acct 27. 3o
Petition in matter of road application
No. 131, of James Nolan and 23 others,
accep'ed and David Baker, M R Morgan
and II K Simpson appointed viewers
and Isa Brown surveyor, to view and
survev and locate said road, to meet on
Oct. 7, 1893, at 10 o'clock.
Contract for repairing road from
David M. Leatherman's up Rhea creek
to the Miller place, was awarded to
Chas. Kirk.
W L Mallory awarded contract of
making grade around what is known as
Dead Man's lull. ChaB Hams, super
visor of the district, appointed to re
ceive the work upon completion and
report to the court. The pay for this
work to be made out of the five per
cent iumu appropriated by the state lor
road purposes.
In the matter of road application No.
127, the court finding that viewers to
assess damages failed to be sworn as
ordered, and bill for services was con
tinued until such time as the viewers
shall qualify. The viewers are V J
Vanghan and Samuel Walker.
The report of viewers and surveyor
on road application No. 129, came be
fore the court and was considered. The
surveyor's report was found to be in
error and the same was continued until
corrected. Claims for services in this
matter ordered paid as follows:
Kobert Saver, viewer 1 day $1 00
J M Ilamblet, " 1 " 1 00
G W Denham, " 1 " 1 00
Ernest Reitman, chain bearer. ... 1 00
1) II Grabiil, " " .... 1 00
N B Williams, marker 1 00
Report on road application No. 128
was considered, but surveyor's returns
being in error, the same was continued
for term. Bills in this connection al
lowed as follows :
Robert Sayer, viewer and chain
bearer, $6.20; allowed $5 80
J M Ilamblet, viewer 3 00
G W Denham, viewer 4 10
Krnest Reiunan, chain bearer. ... 4 10
N B Williams, maiker 2 30
The report, of viewers and survevor of
road application No. 130, considered.
Surveyor's return being in error, the
same was continued for term. The fol
low ing claims were paid:
Robert Sayer, viewer, $10.30 ; paid $9 70
J M Ilamblet, viewer 5 70
G W Denham, viewer 6 30
O J Wilson, chain bearer 5 50
r.rnest Reitman, chain bearer. ... 6 00
Claim of W G Scott, supervisor of
road district 23, for $16, allowed.
lhe costs in tbe iimuest over the
body of Wm. Matteson, ordered paid as
follows :
Thos Morgan, juror . $ (1 00
W J French, " 6 00
J G Beans, " 3 00
1 Large, ' 1 00
Sam Kibv, " 1 00
John .McFerrin, witness 1 50
Minnie McFerrin, " 1 50
Dr P B McSwords, examining
physician 25 00
T W Ayera, coroner 16 60
Letter of Aithur L Thomas, chairman
of the National Irrigation Committee,
requesting the appointment of two dele
gales to the International Irrigation I 'on
gresstobe held in Lob Angeles, ChI.,
on October 10, was fully considered and
the matter lett with the Judge to make
the appointment.
Tbe following bills were allowed:
Nate McBee, stock inspector's
salarv $1K) 00
Simons & Son, court house and
jail account . 3 25
Contract of Morrow countv with Paul
A Ozanne, to make present ownership
books, accepted and agreement filed.
The Sheriff oidered to collect delin
quent taxes for the years 1890-1-2.
tieo W incent appointed Countv
Commissioner to fill vacancy caused by
the resignation of Peter Brenner.
A J Cook appointed supervisor of road
district No. 19.
A levy of 10 mills on all taxable pro
perty was declared.
Petition of J M Kees and 21 others.
praying for bridge on Rhea creek on
road No. 114, considered and Draver
granted, and the Judge instructed to
advertise for bids for the construction of
Miscellaneous bills allowed as fid-
lows :
J M Baker, com. salary $ 16 tX)
IllltUS Keith V. iniliiH salarv. l.MI Oil
Geo Noble, sheriff lees ' hT) ra
J W Morrow, clerk fees 253 80
further information call at our office.
Robert L Shaw, assessor's claim,
$760.00; allowed 6S0 00
The official list will appear in our
nut issue.
Bwh.g Around the Circle
Of the diseases to which it is adapted
with the best results, Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters, a family medicine,
comprehensive in ite scope, has never
been thrust upon public attention in the
guise of a universal panacea for bodily
ills. Tbis claim, daily arrogated in the
columns of tbe daily press by the
proprietors of medicines far iuferior to it
as speoifiee, has in a thousand instances
disgusted the publio iu advance by ite
absurdity, and the prospeots of other
remedies of sunenor qualities have beu
haudeapped by the pretentions of their
worthless predecessors. But the Ameri
can people know, beoause they have
verified the fact by tbe most trying tests,
that the Bitters possesses tbe virtues of
a real specific) in cases of malarial and
liver disorder, constipation, nervous
rheumatio, stomach and kidney trouble.
Wbat it does it does thoroughly, and
mainly for tbis reason it iB indorsed and
recommended by hosts of respectable
medical men.
Salesmen, to sell our choice and hardy
nursery stock. Many special varieties
to offer botb in fruits and ornamentals,
and controlled only by us. We pay
commission or salary, give exolusive
territory and pay weekly. Write us at
once and secure ohoice of territory.
May Brothers, Nurserymen,
142-60 Rochester, N. Y.
I have opened a first class restaurant
at tbe old Matlock building called
Holton reetaurant.
43-tf. Mrs. G. W. Swaooabt.
$100 REWARD!
One hundred dollars reward will be
paid for tbe arrest and conviction of the
parties connected with' the rbbberv of
Frank Sloan and J. A. Thompson, near
Heppner, on Monday August, 21, 1893.
Geo. Noble.
156-tf. Sheriff of Morrow county,
To all persons intereated in securing
time for purchase of railroad lands
please oall at clerk's office and sign
petition to congress.
58-67 J. W. Morrow.
From our Long Creek Paper.
Pbil Metcban, Jr., son of the state
treasurer, has returned to Salem from
a visit with friends in Grant oouuty.
V. O. Kelly, C. V. Mael and J. S. W.
Smith arrived from Heppner Sunday
with freight for Long Creek merchants.
Sen. Hamilton, who drove a email
band of horses to Butte City, Montana,
recently, bas sold. However, at what
price, was not learned.
Tom Williams, E. N. Crockett and H.
Y. Blaokwell returned from Portland
Sunday. Pin Ear was not run in but
one of the races in whioh he was entered.
L. French and little daughter, Mil
lard French, Mrs. L. W. Briggs, Mrs.
H. E. Freuoh and Miss MBrv Nelson.
all of Heppner, passed through Long
Greek early this week en route for tbe
lucDuffee hot springs.
Johnny Nealen was in the oitv Sat-
nrday on business. He has just com
pleted harvesting bis second orop of
airaiin nay, vtDicn be says it fully
equal if not better tban the first crop.
He hopes to harvest tbe third orop tbis
"How to Care All Skin Disease.'
8imply apply "Swayne's Ointment."
No internal medioine required. Cures
tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on tbe
face, bands, nose, &c, leaving tbe skin
dear, white and healthly. Its great
healing and onrntiye powers are possess
ed by no otber remedy. Ask your drug
gist for Swayne's Ointment. sw 1 yr.
One of the most interesting and
wonderful exhibitions outside of the
World's Fair, at Chioago, is the great
Panorama of the Chioago fire. No
written description can do justioe to
this remarkable sceue. It presents the
oity as it was while burning, iu which
are Bhown in a startling manner tbe fire
nuns and panic that make this oon-
flagmtioD the most awful calamity of the
ceutury. Everyone going to the World's
Fair to see the sights should take oc
casion to view this thrilling scene. It
is situated at 130 Michigan Avenue Bnd
is easy of acoess from all the down
town hotels.
Are Yoa Nervous,
Are yon all tired out. do you have thnn
tired feeling or sick headache? You
can be relieved of all these symptoms
by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, which
gives nerve, mental and bodily strength
and thoroughly polities the "blood. It
also creates good appetite, cures
indigestion, beartbnrn and dyspepsia.
count? ; con; t of Morrow couuiv will re
ef ve .vale,! bun tor the eonsiruction ol
brlclKe oii Kb., creek at the croHing of r"
No. 14, m per plain and .peclUc-ailon. on tile
t the county clerk'i ollk-e, natd bkl to be
opened Sept. JO. lutu. ,t 1 'p.
rcterve. th right to rejt any and all bid.
, . JDUIIS KillHl-T,
IW'M- County Judf.
Wheat, bu 35
Flour.bbl 3 75 4 0b
Beeves, cows dt two-year-olds. cwt. 1 50
" tnree ' 2 00 2 25
Sheep, muttons, bead 1 50(g2 25
" stock 1 50 I 75
Hogs, ou foot, cwt $4 75
Hogs, dressed 6 50 700
Wool 610
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll 40 50
E.'.'gs, doz I2li
Chickens, doz 2 00
Wheat, cwt gl 05 1 20
Flour, bbl 3 00 4 00
Beeves, stall fed 4 50 (i 5 00
Muttons, owt 6 00 8 00
Hogs, owt 4 50 5 25
Wool Eastern Oregon.. 8 (J 16
Butter, lb 20 fti 25
Eggs, doz 16 20
Chickens, doz 5 00 6 00
Turkeys, lb 15 18
Wheat, cwt $ 90 1 00
Flour, bbl 3 00 3 40
Beeves, owt 1 75 (i 2 75
" dressed 4 00 a 6 00
Muttons, live sheared. .. 2 50 3 00
dressed 5 75 6 00
Hogs, on foot 4 50
" dressed 7 00
Wool Eastern Oregon... 6 14
Butter 15 25
Eggs, doz 15 (a) 16
Chickens, doz 2 00 4 00
Turkeys lb 12 14
It is unequalled for House, Barn, Fac
tory or Out Buildings and costB half
the price of shingles, tin or iron.
It is ready for use and easily
applied by anyone.
Old -:- Shingle -:- Roofs
Easily made water tight and fire proof at email
expense. With dark red rubber paiuton decayed
(shingles, it fills the pores ana givff a substan
tial roof that lasts for years. Curled or warped
shingles, it brings to their placeB and keeps
them. Thp genuine rubber paint requires no
heating and no tur
It is acknowledg
ed the best paint, haa heavy body, is easily
applied, expands by the contracts of cold, and
never cracks. One coat equals four of any
other. Buildings covered with felt can be
made water tieht at amall expense. Write at
once for particulars.
Excelsior Paint and Roofing Co.,
ISA and 157 Duane Street. New York, N. Y.
3?o Conaumptives.
The undersigned having been restored to
health byslmple means, after sutfering for sev
eral years with a severe lung affection, and that
dread disease Consumption, la anxious to make
known to his fellow iufl'erers themeanB of cure.
To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send
(free of charge) a copy of the prescription used,
which they will find a sure cure for Consump
tion, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat
and lung maladies. He hopes all sufferers will
try his remedy, as it is invaluable. Those deslr
ing the prescription, which wll cost them noth
ng, ana may prove a Diessing, wm please ad-
Irons Vtrv L'lue.or, A U'ncu
1-t a w
Brooklyn, New York.
Notice of Intention.
1j Aug. 22,1893. Notice is hereby given thai
the following-named settler has tiled notice o
his intention to make final proof in support of
nis ciaim, arm mamma prooi wm dc maue be
fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
ur., ou uev- a, ipi;m, viz.:
of lone; Hd. App. No, 4855 for the NEMofSeo.
29, Tp 1 N. R, 24 K. W. M.
He names the followtn g witnesses to provs his
continuous residence upou aud cultivation of
sain iaim, viz.:
Ed. Hollowar. of Douerlas Oreeon. Jnh
Long, T. -I. Carle, and Paul Reitman, all oi
ione Oregon.
157-167 John W. Lewis, Register.
Notice Of Intention.
I J Aug. 22, 1S93. Notice ii herebv given thai
the following-named settler has tiled notice of
his intention to make final proof in support ol
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore J. W. Morrow. County Clerk, at Heppner
of Eight Mile; Hd., App. No. 2332 for the NEJ
of Sec. 30. To. 3 K 25 E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
i.uiiuittiou riraiuem;c upuii aim cultivation of
said land, viz.:
i. D Coats, of Eight Mile, John Jenkins, of
nvipuei, mi AHiiuaugn, v. u. ruqua, both ol
1-166 John W. Lewis, Register.
OW.R. MF'G. CS PORti Aiun nB
.-w. uri.
For sale hy Slncum-Johuetoo. Druu
Co. and T. W. Ayera, Jr.
One Smaa Mile Dean erirv
week u,TorpiJ iSUU
mat i. V . V1 ' hair V-nar'n-
VrUUe, Jo i, .PUt at en.. Ha. it a ...
. it out .e or r.H.? Uit ff '
your .calp t U dry or in a heated condition
jjocm r . . ... ,, you will beeom
are ome of your .ymptomt be warned in "
i. what you 0ea. It. predion &2SgaatT&
earch. kuonledM of Ae dl.eo" ; ol tie .Mir a d icaip ou nntafyftbut
to treat them. "Skookum " contain! ethtT mVlf .t 1 atlig the follicles, tl rtiju
a dellehtfuuy coollns and refre.hlng Tonl Uy allmuaiius vu
falling Imtr. cures dandruff and q rowthmrm taw , erpton. by the uni
tliehuir. t . .n(i direct to tin, and we will forward
ar fi titr fci.SU.
67 South Fifth
It is a vvonrkrful remedy, which is alike benefi
cial to you and your children. Such is Scofl's Emulsion
of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophos-
phites of Lime and
children and produces
them from taking col
and i
Scott's Emulsion ciuiu
Colds, Consurn?t.;"7i, Situ
all Anaemic and T,7r.;.-;V: .:.
Prevents wasting iu c h !
most as palatable m'-'i.
the genuine. IVi-.-jkH i
Bowne, Chemist i, l.Vv y.irt
ill Drills:';.
la the title of a very valuable book that gives a great amount of Information of the Utmosl
Importance to Everybody, concerning their daily habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, etc.,
What to Eat, Influence of Plants, Parasites of the Skin, Care of Teeth,
How to Eat it. Occupation for Invalids, Bathing Best Way, After-Dlnner Naps,
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of the tucompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their
patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employingStent and rel
able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent f epeXerwUv if not
entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. a""cutQePenQSereauy "not
taiued counsel expert in patent practice,
.u rolcmj, , vne umtea states and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In
terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases.
Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
If VOU hflVfr An tnwntinn vh lnA J . -
J0HN weddERBURN, Managing Attorney.
W Cut this out and send It with your Inquiry. -W
Notice of Intention.
n"-.10' lm- Noti,'e hereby given that
OreVon!on'se,:"'v4flei'k ' U
miU laSHl," de',,!e Upo" and cultivation of,
V. O. Bore, Heppner, Oregon, J. T. Yount
MATh l0m Bttr,,le.tt' i!1 ,0 LexinKtoS or.'
Notice of Assignee.
Ullders irniKi h. n,i. ...... ' " A 1 '"E
lirnp ,t i iV . "5 " n. appointed
all creditor. n 1 " ' '""! to, and
U -v".u u
vLKnJl', KKon' August 3lit m
Attorney for A..igneiH0BiaA "
C.MIlUlt IP r (' ,i m
elaims presented within iu 1 1 LT , ,
months and iir,i,-.i . .. wrninf three
me court. n.
Ave., New York. in. m.
It checks wasting in the
hoahhy flesh. It keeps
i: will do the same for you
P. Armstrong, Principal.
and therefore are Zg&Z
uciuic uvuug uu iac
Notice of Intention.
ihi fi"f",8t 15' 18'j;l- Nntiee Is herebv Riven that
n!,,y,in',sm,eIerha filed notice of
for. IP'm'"1 that 8Hl1 P1' II1 be made be
rr L Mo,rrow. County Clerk at Heppner,
"Jr., on Monday. October i, 18113, viz.:
2 LWj"!"'8 N. W for the WW BWJ4
one nam pr tha tnii...t . ...... t.
S??VV "9Ui.reWenco upon and cultivation '
""IU IHI1U. viz, ;
Jm bMUler;.Walter Bennett, C. E. Hami
tie!(.I?aniB' ttU of Hardman Oregon.
i,H'it4 John W. Lewis Regliter.
Notice of Assignee.
ben i, ' (rs snwl the lly. of Sept.
I h if ' """'Knee oi tnenrm otuox uroi.
!i.i, i!uitm "ho Bhall not exhibit their
claim with n t iri mn,.,i,. r .h ,f
Pn III !!"!?' 'hi idice shall not rarticirate
in the rth hlends until after pavment in full of
" " Presented v.iihin said term of three
mouths and allowed bv the court Dated at
Sf, "f,"' '"W'.Beptember 8'h, 1M3.
lydhj W. F. FILL,
Attorneys for Assignee. AislguM.