J'lOUll... i Prvnlirv iuj.ti ri!:ifi.roi..a.'-U;iliMii -tll hm 1'IHsciiro coTiwij.fiH.ni 1 D RENTiSS RECTIFYING PILL jU Nu Almost all pills and medicine ppin. ",p r- ' l"rl" liver, biliousness, rheumatism. Indication. .I t headache a:i,l kidney aud liver troubles wltvut prirlnj or 1ov!tu- any trr..- of CONSTIPATION, which Is the prlmociuwi.t nil l,'knoi, V : re of It RUItlnt habitual auj chrenlc with vou. seo to Hln time; lie pill ' w.ll cure ' ' LADIES::; I l"" e"S r !l i Ljcsn Jj N-aiiM it 1 the only ante ami harmleM y 1 Lteial 'WniolT that will surely DEAUTIFY COMPLEXION clear Iho .kin ..n.i rpi-.', 'lit S ft NiX. Or eont by niAit upon rtvvi;,. ' pi i''' Prentiss Chemical 406 CALIFORNIA STKI LT, and rivnti liiv(ifm; iC pi J5REAT SPEAR HEAD CONTESI AND SAVE THE TAGS. 3 ib Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, $173,250.00 In valuable Presents to be Civen Away In Return for SPEAR HEAD TAGS, 1 1 55 RTKM WINDINGI ELGIN GOLD WATCHES 5 775 KINK IMPORTED KIIKSCH OPERA OI-ARSEMOW BOUY, ' 11 A(JK ENAMEL, TU1MMINU. (iUAKANTEhD AU1ROMAI1C... 23,1 00 IMruiU EK up.ii.ia.1 in,. iyh,jiv. iwi-.i...", . 23,100 (H. nimiiTKIl fll.-llMAN HIKKIIOHN HANDLE, rULK lil-aou IWKET KNIVES.. 110,500 1IOI.EEU (lOI.D WATCH CilAUM IIOTAKY TELESCOPE TOOTH I V.''.'.','.'.m.',',V,'.!!V,-."nuV....,...1 im t-i l-wm f'fit.tlltH. for frumlnc. 1 1 5 GOO LAK' ivi 1 11 1 lfivr.n i i-iAin iiicub; in i lulvurllbiiiK on them 261.030 PRIZES, AMOUNTING TO The n hove nrtlolcs will he distributed, by HEAD I'Iiik Tcibucco, aud return to ua tliu 1 1. i Aur iuki-u in""'"". We will distribute 2SU of these prizes in thltt ronnljr as follows: To THE PARTY w-mllnK iir the Rrenlest number of SPEAR HEAD .,, wTf.n TAILS front tliW eoiuily we will give 1 OULU wailii To the I-'IVE PARTIES snnillli!? us the next greatest .nuniner or HPEAR HEAD TAILS, we will give to each, 1 OPhRA OL.A.SS. To the TWENTY PARTIES si-nilins us the next greatest number of .SPEAK llliAHTAd;), wo will (,'ivo to each 1 FOLKtl K.N II' 1' To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending us the next greatest liilinlHT of HPEAIl HEAD TAHS, we will give to each 1 WILLED (1111,1) WATCH CHARM TOOTH PICK To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending us the next greatest number of SI'EAR HEAD TAOS, we will give to each 1 LARUE rUTUKE IN ELEVEN COLORS Total Number of Prlz.es CAI'TION, No Tugs will be received before January 1st, 1801, nor nfler February Isi ism. li puelliigii containing tags must be Coiinly, Stale, and Number of Ta(j In each m'"llKD -HPEAR HEAD possesses more qunlllles of Intrinsic value tbnn any "the plug tol.ncco produced. II Is I ho sweetest, the touglicst, the richest. NI'hAlt llf,AW 1 ubsolulelv, positively and dNIIiiell vely dillerent In llavor from any other liliiE tobacco A trial will convince Hie mosl skeptical of tills fact. Il ls tho largest seller ol any slinlla Ulvl o oarlli. which proves thill 11 hiweaugllt tho popular taste and pleases th n,,..,. .. .... , .".,. u, onle. Trv It, and parllelimlo In 0 cent piece ol HPEAR HEAD ou liny. ipiautlty. Vix-v cl itoerel v THE A list of the people obtaining these prizes in this county paper Immediately after February 1st, 1M. DON'T SEND ANY TAGS SLEUTHS OF THE RANGES. Inly It Is I Prlrlo Detective Hh Truck Cuttle I'hlec Column after column has been writ ten about the daring deeds, miraculous escapes and cunning capture of crimi nals by the detectives of Europe and America. In thousands of cases the praise accorded these ollicers for their ingenuily and daring has been deserved, but there is a class of detectives who risk their lives oflener, and wlto must know not only the ways of the high wayman when he is in the city, but also his haunts and his hMin-places and his go-between in the thinly-settled coun try us well. These men are on llu- go almost all the time to-day. il-nvn in Mexico look ing for a hiH-se-lliicf. who is a murderer as well; nt xt wee uadiiin line nn 1 1 cattle thieves win the Molilalia or U only in I he pie. I n their worlh has their servi--es v.ili says the Helena I In the early d;-v Wyoming and t . range thieves b ranchmen f r n; gani.'.e, get on lh run them t:i tlirlv or hang llu-iii. Ai kind herds w. ..' safe fur a I ii:ie . of head of :. each year i-'m! '; which lh,- ri, -h; ': a cent. The st... a stock- r . pointed f r i : 'i stock in- t ', ; . :i i';!i a toss the Ca--.e trail of a gang of i haw kvn despoiling , -loiter ranges. It is -en years that a-ciiv-iated or 1 'icy should be, cl -nt. .idle raising In v, henever the loo hold, the un.l would or ; of the thieves, a id then shoot t a be siiation of this comparatively -'e; s. thousands . cs were stolen ' Chicago, for is i-.-ecived not iiin oro-uni.-.ed ilion and np . i t the state a 1 'Howed suit i -wed later by In a few y Montana. Theihil not I i lo,,: 1 ' tors were ml l - cattle, but I of cattle e-et a list of u v. as, and etary of the of course, of late years lo in--p.- t ,-v. i shipped ,m;1 ,-f ;li the bra nil .. w h , report (! fa---. til' usso-ia(; o. mistake. I. so peri', i h;i . it is a'ni : a; fo ship a lu .ol MonlaiKi -. nie that i ir.' for a thief i I ,- rail out of i i. Gradually 1 ' "' ' were added 1 watching the liave become their s -Vetcd from the rn men, thorough tin1 eountrv, and the duties o, and i shipi'iicr chaser,. The in- ; bravest el ly coin , men of in 'I t! '1 ' it 1 1 Vlh'o. i-lle Their powers In t i those of a deputy authority is reoog tate. Montana s:reo,i hherilf, tr.i.l I'm nized ail over 111 The general merchandise establish ment formerly owned by t'ollln A Mi'Knr. land, has lately changed hands, now he lm? under the eoritml and msnHgcment of The MoKarUnd Mercantile Compnnv, wlii oh continues business at the old stand with a larger stoek tlniD ever. a oiiMlpAtton t)iitlintl',n ifiitl- tit ylf unm' - ORFNTISS RECTIFYING pill.. rll M.-Kh.-s fnun tho fnc. Try a box and seo rorynun D GY ALL DRUGGI3T3, 5 3 Manufacturing Co., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. my tipalkm lipfiiton i 1.m lyii) pills ciirf ....JM.OOO 01 ,875 01 , " - 28 875 OC' $173,250 00 ronnf Im, amc-ne pnrtleii who chew BPEAB i OPERA GLASSES ..21) POCKET KNIVES ..100 TOOTH TICKS 100 riCTUBEfr for tills County, 220. ninrUeil plainly Willi nameui rwuuui, mi paekago. All charges ou packages must L, i.1D u.,.,ll,,,t TAIJ Is nn ever- Head lu tho tags, no muuer now siuun vu P. J. 80RO COMPANY, MinnLKTOWN, Ohio pill bo published in tbl BEFORE JANUARY I. 1834. SOUND ADVICE. Tha Canadian Premier's Admonition t a Vounir Reporter. A young shorthand writer was once told to report a speech by Sir John Mc Donald, says Spare Moments. Now it happened that the Canadian premier had come to the house from a dinner party, and his speech in matter and form was of a decidedly postprandial character. The youthful reporter, how ever, could not believe it possible that Sir John would want editing, and took down every word. His editor, on see ing the copy, told hiin it would not do, and as it was not wanted for the next morning he was advised to go and see Sir John and get him to correct it. The reporter, on being shown in, found Sir John, as usual, exceedingly affable. Having explained the object of his visit the reporter was desired to read his notes aloud. This he did, while Sir John lay on a sofa listening with a face of extreme solemnity to his own lnco j hereiH'ies, and correcting them as the occasion reiiulrod. When the notes I were lliiii.hcd the premier arose, laid his hand on the voung man's shoulder, and lic;;a:i in the mosl fatherly of tones: "I See exactly what has happened. Now, my dear young friend, 1 am an old man and you are a young one, and you v.i'l therefore not mind if 1 give you a dei e of advice as to the practice of your nr. -ression. My advice is this: Never attempt to report a speech unless you are perfectly sure that you are so ber " With this Sir John bowed out his visitor. th:: world a shell. Queer l:i-li,T of tbe Savages of tho Soutk I'lii-lllr. The savage i-. landers of the South Pacili, Iviicvo that the world is, a cocoa nut s)u !! ,-f enormous dimensions at thet pof vl.i -h is a single aperture eoininur.ieatii'g with the upper nir, where l-.ina ;-i beings dwell. At the very bi'it.e-'. f this imaginary shell is a s'ein .-ra.ltie.l'y tailoring to a point, vhtch rein , 'sen's the beginning of all 'hi.i 1 hi point is a spirit or demon wilhout Ire.: "Hoot of V entire fel ri, In !', i-l at it.- very So ttarr. v. ct-ov.deil :tr ever with Her name '.i:-n f i'-r.i, whose name Is :; !'-.: .t.vice." lly him the i f i rca !on is sustained. - :' ri -f t ho cieoar.ut shell, ' 1 rt, Mves.i female demon. t'n- - jia e into which she is : she I. ..I'll 1 t- sit for kr.ecs and chin touching, is "The Verv Heginning" and fr. her ere f-nn!'.::r numerous spirits. They Inhabit live different Honrs, into whi, h the great cocoanut is divided. I' rem certain of these spirits mankind is descended. The islanders, regarding themselves us tho only real men and women, were formerly accus tomed to regard strangers as evil spirits In the guise of humanity, whom they killed when they could, offering them as sacrifices. Guaranteed to cure Billons Attaokts Ouumumuuu, Omatl Uu Uuuis. j TRICKED THE DRUMMER. The flle.'er Scheme of Some 'Main I'mc. i ttnil .Inker. The town of lVxtcr, Mi'., boast.s the hnnUfit-heartod not of wnpt to bo f n i il anvw here. The mont of them are eon ' Hlnntly on the lookout for the suljjivt 1 of a iirtu'ticul joke, un.l hunlly u iliiy pusses that they do not Unit one. The latest, related by the Lcwibton Journal, is on tlio fresh eigitr drummer who thought his nierehanilise N-tUr tlian anything of tho sort on earth. In his travels h carrlea In his coat pocLxt n j bltf citfar case nnil advertises himself : and his goods by (riving free:- of his i brands to any w ho will smoke them, j He was in IVxter this week. The day was hot and he left his eoat nnd cigar case on a ehair while he sat in u cix l i ing draught in the door. One of the ! jokers cot a rubber comb and broke I out twenty teeth. They wore small and sharp. Into the end of each cigtir a rubber tooth was pushed, and with a small nail the tooth was driven in out of sight. The tobaeeo leaf eanie to (Tether, completely hiding the tooth. Then the jokers waited for the fun. Soon the cigar man, now well cooled down, begun business. Ooirg Into a store he first gave away a cigar, which the intended enstomer began to smoke. Sxin tne air was oroonier His, not von a sweet and frairrant smell, but with one not unlike that of old unlocks or burning rubber boots. The lustomer sickened and threw away the weed, and said he had on hand cigars enough to last all summer. Another dealer hi'd a similar experience. Still nnotb.er was given a day's nausea, and w hen that drummer pot through with his gifts he was hated by nearly every clfpir dealer in town, lie packed his goods in sor row, and does not know to '.his day that an old rubber comb front the sta ble box of a hostler wrecked him com mercially in Dexter. A PIRATE'S POWSPt. The Talented Lnlltte ami 11U Control Over His .Wen. 'I recently met a survivor of I'irate Lafltte's band of freebooters,' said Thomas Haines, once a lieutenant, iu the United States navy, lo u St Louis Globe-Democrat reporter, "lie was a tough-looking specimen and must have been well past eighty years of age, for it is more than sixty years since Lahtte had his headquarters on Galveston island and preyed upon the commerce of the gulf. The relic of those half forgotten times was nn inmate of a Jersey City charitable institution and was not much inclined to tlneuss by gones, lie said, however, that Lafilte was a very handsome, i-renciiman, more than six feet in hoi;rht, well made and possessed of wonderful talents as a commander. He ruled the toughest lot of men ever congregated on one island as ' mgh they were a (lock of lambs. Occasionally a lawless spirit would rebel, however, but his days thence forth were brief and full of trouble. Every woman who came in contact with Lafitte fell in love with him, and he was as safe among his female friends in New Orleans as on Galveston island surrounded by his armed buccanneers. According to this survivor, a prominent New Orleans lawyer once (rave Lafitte offense and he made a pilgrimage to the city to kill him but changed his method of revenge and pursuaded his enemy's handsome young wife to elope with him. According to this ancient chronicler, several well-known people In south Texas and Louisiana are de scendants of Lafltte's piratical crew and a few of his female companions are still living in that section. EXPLOSIVES IN WARFARE. Terrible Agents for the Ilesirdction of Human Life. High explosives, hitherto untried in either military or naval contests, will play a large and important part m tho warfare of the future. The most power ful at present known is "explosive gelatine," being fifteen limes as strong as gunpowder. 1 1 is made by dissolving gun-cotton in nitroglycerine, the prepa ration having the consistency of honey. Unfortunately it is very unsafe stuff to use in battle, because a bullet striking it will set it off by concussion. No ex plosive is good for fighting purposes that can be touched oif by shock or otherwise than by the actual contact of tire. A novel kind of bomb is filled with what the inventorcalls "hellofite." The two chemical ingredients, binitro benzole and nitric acid, are in separate glass vessels, which are broken when the shot is tired, their contents being mixed together by the rapid revolution of the shell and exploded by a time fuse. Wonderful accounts are given of the havoc created by the bursting of projectiles of this description. Up to the present time no method of throw ing high-power explosives from guns by means of gunpowder has been proved successful, although one scientific gentleman has wasted three hundred thousand dollars of Unele Sam's money in experiments which only resulted in bursting many valuable cannon. How ever, trials that are being conducted under government auspices with a new mixture termed "ermensite" seem like ly to solve this problem. Until now pneumatic guns have been found avail able for such purposes. il.MNJiVil. These figures represent the Dumber i f bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery foi Consumption, Coughs and Colds, whin ere sold iu the United States fron Mnroh, '91 to March, '92. Two millim two hundred sin) twenty-eight thousand ii hundred and seventv two bottles sol. in one yesr, and each sud every bottl, was sold on a positive unnratitee tha' money would he refunded if sutisfacton results did ut follow its use. The score if Its sncoess is plain. It never disap points and can always be depended in the very best remedy for coughs, ool, Is etc. Price 5lV ami 81.00 at Sloctini Johnson Drug Co. Hummer" Mot American Slatis;. Americans get credit for a great ilea. of slang which originates on the othet side of the Atlantic. The word "bum- mer," for instance, is not an American -uu an Ltigusn expression, being found n the market laws of two hundred years ago, where it was used to desig nate a retail dealer in fish who peddled his goods outside the market and with out a license. A transition from an un licensed peddler to a disreputable loafei was one which came easily and natural ly in the course of time. Bctt Comth bjrup. TuUtaUoutL Un in num. tntui pt tlriitylin. 1 3 BURR HAD TO OBEY, t Tie Frnlilent Uu Atopped Snndai by tbe TUhloffmaii, A relative of Deacon Higby, the oh! tlthlnffxnan of Milford, tells the atorj of an encounter with Aaron Burr wher the latter was traveling from Boston U New York while he was vice president of the United States. It has been toW often, but seldom accurately until now. says a Milford (Conn.) correspondent ol the New York Sun. Deacon H iff by, ai tithliujmaa, was accustomed to sit be tween sunrise and sunset very Sunday In the front follery of the old Plyrooutt church on the turnpike In this place From the window he could command s view of the road for several miles east and west, and if any traveler passed or pleasure or business bent he was halted and compelled to stop over until tht sun had set. Mr. Burr arrived at Mil ford Sunday morning. Deacon Higbj saw tho imposing equipage coming to ward the church and ran out to stop it The postilions drew up at his word oi command, and Mr. Burr asked: "What's the matter?" Deacon Higby told him that he was breaking a law of the statt by traveling Sunday, and that he must put up his horse and wait until sunset Burr was somewhat astonished at the command and, after, looking at the tall ,, . ... ,;,h!nirmn.n .mpomnir figure of the Mhingmu who stood at the horses' heads, he re marked, as if expecting to settle the question: "But I am Aaron liurr, vice president of the United States." The deacon was no respecter of persons. With an obeisance, he replied: "It makes no difference if you are vice president of the United States. In the name of the Ood I serve and the coun try I honor I forbid you to pass through this place until the sun has set." Burr, Instead of defying the law, obeyed the command and had his horses put out, and he and his retinue took dinner in Butler's tavern, staying until after the sun went down. Deacon Higby often related the incident to his friend and physician, Dr. L. N. Beardsly, who re peated it to the relative who tells the story now. It removes the Imputation that Burr refused to obey the law, and is due to the memory of Deacon Higby, who, in the performance of his duty, was undismayed by show or titles. Strength sad Health. If yon are not feeling strong ami lieidiby, try Eleetrio Bitters If "La Grippe" has left you weuk and weary, use Electric Bitters. This remedy acts din otly on the liver, stomach and kid 'ipys, gently aiding those organts to per form their funotioud. If ynu are afflicted with sick headaohe, you will fiod speedy 'ind permanent relief by taking Electric Bitters. One trial will convince you that this is the remedy yon need. Large bot tles only 50a at Slooum-Johnston Drug Company. A DISAGREEABLE JOB. Owners of I ibra.-les V. l'.l "ni Perform the Necessary ceding. Itisafat which every owner of a library will confirm that the reluctance to weed one is the greatest of all ob stacles to its collection. A private map who loves books, unless lie is ex ceptionally rich, is always, as he ad vances in life, tormented by the diffi culty of finding room for them. They grow and grow, and the wall space does not grow, and the shelves do not grow cither, and unless he resorts to the unspeakably detestable expedient of reduplicating the books on each shelf a device which not only destroys the back rows but imperils their own er's chances of Heaven, the book want ed being invariably lost for tho time being, with results in evil wishes and language there comes a time when he is at his wit's end. Not one room in ten will allow of shelves being set at right angles to the walls instead of along them, though that quadruples book spa-c; and the collector, with weary sighs, either heaps books above each other or leaves them in packing cases, or, in desperate emergencies, puts them on the floor. All this while, if he would only weed them there would lie plenty of room, and the opportunity of weeding is al most limitless. Wo venture to say there are not five men in England possessed of three thousand books apiece who dc not know that half their books ore lum bor, book's which they will never read or consult or open for any purpose whatsoever. They arc the books of for gotten periods of life, the books oi whim, the books of abandoned studies, or, more numerous than all, the books about, which their owner's only thought is a wonder how the devil they ever got there, books he can no more account for than he could account for the foolish ness of early day dreams, or for the morsels of absolutely useless knowl edge packed away in his memory. He knows perfectly well the lumber ought to go to the auctioneer, but he nevet sends it, unless, indeed, he changes hit house; nor, if he is rich enough to keep a "librarian," or library clerk, will that invaluable person send it; he is, indeed, insulted or made lachrymose by th very suggestion. PEARLS WILL DECAY. Fherfor They Are Not Entirely Nate investment, Pearls are very perishable, says a srriter In Woman. They cannot be con lidered a first rate investment like dia nonds. After a time they decay. Some times a fine specimen will lose its luster nd beauty within a few months, so that the possessor of such treasures loes well to keep them put away in a sealed place. They are very delicately made, consisting of thin films overlaid one upon another, with more or less an imal matter between the layers, and it is no wonder that they deteriorate. After being buried in the ground for awhile they are found worthless. Those which are dug out of Indian graves some of them of great size and doubt less of wonderful beauty when they were new are utterly valueless, even when they are not pierced. Neverthe less there is a pure and evanescent beauty about them which seems better to become the maiden than anv other Jewel. Nothing varies so much in value as pearls. With them fashion affects the market constantly. Sometimes whiteones arc soun-ht, while other tints t intervals are in demand. For some years past black neat 's have been the age. A fine speeiinen worth 120 will fetch 200, perhaps, if another can be jot to match it perfectly. Give the matter a li'tlo thnnehr. Reference is msde to the nent hard ware, tinware, plumbing, (,((. t stock o' B'l Potter, Odd Fellows' hall. He dc irea to please in both quality and prict. BileB e&ns Guaranteed to cure Bilious nltacks, Siek Headache and Constipation. 40 in each -ottle. Price 25c. For sale by druggists. Picture "7. 17, 70" and sample dose free. J. F. SMITH & "0., Proprietors, NW YORK. DOG BARBER OF PARIS. A Frenchman Who Makes Good Thing Out of a 1'ecullar Iluslncss. Ooing down the river Seine, after passing the Hont des Invalidcs, one sees a curious little ark by the water's edge. It is like a small houseboat, and its in habitants prove to be two men, a woman, a magpie and a cat; also, a dozen or so of dogs as transients. This is, in short, the dog-washing establish ment of Monsieur Marie. The proprie tor is very willing to talk; in fact, a writer in Forest and Stream learned from him that he clipped from ten to thirty dogs per day, that he got from lOUr tO Vlllfa v,-'h",-J' vvuvb one dollar and sixty cents) apiece, and that the large breeds of dogs paid the J best, while the poodles gave tho most work and were paid only as small dogs. , Then followed a dialogue which will interest those dogmcn who have taken a stand on the l'astcur question. "1 see you do not muzzle the dog; do you never get bitten in consequence?" "Bitten!" said he, "look there," and he showed his hands and arms slashed and scarred up- to tho elbows with in numerable old scars aod one or two re cent wounds. Then his wife showed her hands and arms, and the assistant did the same. Each of these persons had been bitten once or twice a week for years, and yet were in perfect health. I "Have you no fear of hydrophobia, or perhaps you take ample precautions?" 1 "Never think of such a thing," said he. "If the wound is a bad one. we tie It up; if not, we take no notice and it heals in a few days." IT WAS HIS HAT. That Was What Caused Mr. Johnson Bo Much Embarrassment. "A begum hat once caused me con siderable embarrassment," said Howard ! Johnson, an enthusiastic geologist, to a Globe-Democrat man. "In 1875 I was making some explorations in the moun tains of North Carolina and eastern Tennessee. The natives were a very primitive lot, and few of them had ever seen a locomotive or a town of 3,000 in habitants. They spun and wove their own clothing, made their own whisky, and lived on corn bread, Bait pork, 'yarbs' and sassafras tea. "One evening I reached a village of perhaps two dozen houses and created as much excitement as a circus in the 'black belt' Everybody turned out to stare at me and follow me about, and couriers were dispatched to the country folks to come in and view the curiosity. They were soon arriving, afoot, on mules and steers, and one old fellow came in hot haste astride a bull wear ing a rope bridle. I was vexed and puzzled. I secured quarters for the night and went to my room, but the crowd hung about the house and talked in subdued whispers. Finally a commit tee, composed of two of the oldest cit izens, was appointed to wait upon me. Their missior was to inquire if my head really ran up to the top of that tall hat. They looked disappointed, and said they didn't see any use for more hat than head, After that I wore a regula tion slouch until I got back to civilisa tion " THREB DOLLARS A WEEK FOR LIFE). lie re is s Snap for llralny People-The Lalral Tlilna Oat. In inter to intrmlucr The Cnniut'itn Agriculturist Into Ni-w honipB, the plililiiilifM hare deeiilt) to present an tinuaoally Bttriclife reward lint for their Ureal Eighth Mull Yeftily Literary Attraction for the stiminerot 1813. I hey have entered intoH written avreemeitl to pay through he .liidre- all the rewanle offered Mow. H,.w to Skcuks a Rewahd Tliiwe who liecnme -nlwrllieni can compete free of clutrice. All that ip 'I, o-swiry in to take a few Bheptu of paper iiml make all he Hrls yen can oill of the letters in the three wonls, 'World's Ofilinnhian reposition,' and send them to us, n. losing jl for su nioiil.li. sxlweriplion u either The ,o,n,ii:,n Aicriculttirst or Tie- I.iidl.s' Heme Magazine, ' o, lh,- i-liotc'si illustrated periodical of theiluy. Thf Render of the lurfe-st lisl will receive 93 per week "I life; Villi. l.000 in Bold; Jrd, 8SOU ; 4th. 250, ti. frloO ; lith, Tu-ket to World's Fair ami ten days el- n ; pianos, nri-ana, ladies' and Kelite (told ami silver :,'rhes. "liver l.a -el vires, diamond r nit , and ov, r 1U.UUI l;,Tr,-war-is, milking ,.1 ep-i iier the moa vahiithle prize I'-v r "tiered i,y any publisher, bend for priiiudlist 1 tonin-r prize-winners. It I-1. K. 1. KoretKr, or nlteolete words not counted. 2, tiers rannot Ik- used often, r th- ii they appear in the mis " Weill's "olmnl.ian l-ixpoHtiiou liiat is, the "I 'riti,lle,"f,irinslaiu'e. ioi,ld not he used, is-eause - e is Imt one "A " in the three words, etc. 3 Names ,-miiib and places harn-d 4. No charae for packing shipin l,nt all prize winners a ill la, exta-i-leil to help l xtend our elieulalion. 5 All listw c -ntainiug over o i'rr-cl wonts will receive a sias-ial reward. -lunoKH. - The following- vell-kn.iwn gentlemen have onsenied loaet as nidges and will see that the prizes re fhiily ewaided-O iiodore Calcntt, (Proprietor -,1, nil s I ine of Steamers), Peterlmrough, and Mr W -ou-roion, PreBident Times Printing Company. Petsas onuigh. Anf-.s-m W.KTID-Wenay 11 Ui K per day salary (no riM in-siitnttiMii n, women. ioy. and girla. Writeforpar eu'ars Kegisler all money letlera. Address, Aoaf ci.tuhist era i.. (1,'uU Peterborough, Cans,!, fope't Pine. Nearly all the forests of Powhatan county, Va., have been destroyed by in sects and among other trees the famous Pope's pine, a noted landmark. It stood on an eminence from which it was visible for twenty miles or nibre around and towered high above all surrounding trees. In old times Col. Pope, a local patriot, put a liberty cap like that stamped on our copper cent pieces on top of the tree, and every yeai when Fourth of July came around he celebrated the anniversary by holding a barbecue at the foot of the pine. CoL Pope lived to be ninety years old anc knew personally every president frorr Washington to Polk and was a famoui character In Virginia. Klehest Men In Home. The pope's private fortune makes him by far the richest man in Rome, though his wealth has shrunk very greatly from the forty-five million lire left by Pius IX. Much of the shrinkage hai Vuin rl ,, e n r t,-. ......... : . . uiveatmentt in building bonds and in corporation Stocks investments mado tv, tk. pose of receiving a higher rate of inter est than that paid by the Rothschilds. The pope gives his direct personal at tention to financial transactions such as sovereigns usually intrust to a secre- tnnrehD,nK,.l.;n IT., l in his own apartments and always car nee vue Key to h lumself. On sale TO OMAHA, Kansas Cnv, St. Paul, Cliiotttso, St. Mollis, AND ALL POINTS EAST. PIP B SOUTH Train leaves Heppner, 10 fl. m. Arrive 620 p. m , daily except Sunday. ukiii S 1 iieri, CoionlMt su eieri, Reclining Chair and Diners Cars Portland to Sun every four days. Fmnoinci Tickets TO AND KROM Hurope. For rates and general Information call on Depot Ticket Agent. J. C. 1-IAET Heppner. Oregou. H. llUKLBfltT, Asst lien,. Pass. Agt. AM Washington St., l'OHTI.JNI). OKKOON. University -:- of -:- EUGENE. Open Monday, September 8th. JUST CLOSED THE MOST HiOS perons year in its history. Wide range (if studies Thorough in struction. Busines course added. Tu lt on free. Entrance fee, $10. Board and lofljinir at reasonable rates ill the elegant ntw dntmitory and binmling hall ,in the campus, where students will re- ceive personal supervision doH.N W. JonNBoN, President. 147-81 Where? At Abrahamsick's. Iu addition to his tailoring business, he has added a fine line of underwear of all kinds, negligee shirts, hosiery, etc. Also has on hand iome elegant patterns for suits. A. Abnihamsiok, May street, Heppner, Or. Foot-Prints on the Path to Health. Everyone needing a doctor's advice should read one nf Dr. Foote's dime oamphlets on "Old Eyes," "Croup," .'Rupture," "Phimosis," "Varicocele," Disease of men, Disease of WTnmen, and learn th' best means of sel -cure. M Hill Pub. (Jo., 129 Eact 28th St., New York. STOCh BliANDS. While you keep year subscription paid up yen an keep your brand in freoof charge. Allyn. T. J.. lone, Or. Horaes G on left llimider; cattle same on left, hip, under bit on iirht ear, and upper bit on the left; range, Mor ow county. Armstrong, J. C Alpine, Or. T with bar nn ,ir n on left shoulder of liorseB; cattle eiune n left hip. Allison, O. D.,Kilit Slile, Or. Cattle brand, - lion left hip and horses mime brand on ris'lit milliter. thlUKf, Eight Mile. lkiuB, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, JA eon--ted on lelt flank; caltle. BKUioon left hip. Itfirtholnmew, A. (t., Alpine. Or. Horses iniletl 7 E .ai either shoulder, llunfte in Mo.- v enmity. 'lonkiiiHn, (ieo.. Hnrdliinn, Or. Horses, a flay "ft sin, aider: cattle same on ,iwj,t shoulder minister, J. W., IlHrdniHli. Or. Cattle brand !l ou left hip Rial tliifdi: split in each ear. lirenner, Peter, tmi selwry OreKou-llorses tied P II on left shoulder, ('utile same on elit sine llurke. M tit C, bom! Creek, Or On cattle HAY connected on left liip, oiop oif left ear, un der half crop uff riulit. Horses, mime brand ou letff shoulder. Itnnae in (Irant anil Morrow connty. Hrosman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7 nn rifriil shoulder; cattle H on the left side Left ear half crop nd riulit ear upper slope. Hiirton, Win., H ppnw. Or. -Horses, J II i,n railit tlimh, cuttle, same on riizht hip; split in each ear. Hrown, tea. Lexinaton, Or. Horses II) on the iiltht stifle; cattle Biinie on riiditliip; rilliiie, Mor row county. Drown, J. C Heppner. Or. Horses, circle i with dot tiic,, ler on left hip; cattle, same. lirown, . J., Leas, ureiion. Horses W bar over It, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left Inn. Hover, W. 0 Heppner. Or.-Horaos, bo main! ie r'ttli hip cuttle, eamo, with split in eitcli ear. Borif, P.O., Heppner, Or .-Horses, P B on lefl shoulder; cmtle. siiiueon left hip, lirownlee, W. J., Knx,()r- 'nttle, JH connected on eft Bide; crop on left ear and two splits and iintlil e piece cut out on richt ear; ou horses aanie brand on the left thigh; liange in Fox valley (irant county, 1 Caisne,' Warren. Wngner. Or.-Horse, brand ed ( ion iiKlit stiUe; cattle S (three bars) on riitht ribs crop iind splii in each eur. Itango in lirant and Morrow counties. Cain.E.. ( :aleb.()r - V Jj n horses on left stifle U with qiuii-ter circle oyer it, on left shoulder lutl on left sti le on all colts under S years; on left shi.ii.iler only on ull horses over 5 yeara. All ranee in Uraat county. , ('l"rik' I1 . Or.-IIorses WHO con. tiectci on left thoulner: ctillle eamo on riKht nip. lui, tee Morrow and Umutiliu counties. l ate, ( has. Il Vinson or Lena. Or. Horses Con riKht shoulder; cattle same on iK t llainre Morrow and Umatilla eoumios. (oi-il, Wm. Douglas. Or.; horses J (' on lef shoulder; ca'tle same on lefl hip, waddles on each jaw and two b.tain the right ear. ur , l. Il J,,hu Hay, Or.-Ihmhle cross on each lap ou cut e, swallow fork and under bit ill right ear, split in lef t ear. Hange in Oram IT id T"' inf"'r,t"i Aand spear p. i slioii dur. tar marko.i ewes, crop on left ear timid couiitv Cook, A. J.,Leuu.Or. HofHeB. .10 on riu-lAtul.,,r.i I altJ ii on left ,l .,a, V? ' f : 1are WiniM Mil I'llhi tiin. .,.. i. eftSe'."' ' "''hV0r. -Horse on vox no. ., litirdmiin, Or. Cuttle ii, center; horses. 1 :h. ... lr, ,! ' C with Cochran, It. K, Monument briirit Co Or , orses biumied circle w it I. b, beneath, on lef, -houldir; cattle same brand on bo I hiU mark ilider slope boll, ears and dewlap. V ' VoiTlIt ""can'ri "Vf1'.'" bran1a t!,L " i f : ( ?'"" u"ded the same. Dickens, tub- Horses braided whh three IZiTVIl '1' i'mi" m nf o WriK lAiuglaes, w. II , Galloway, Or. Cattle K Hon "!,Xh tlT" 1UW-,U' in r;"hoK 3 ,li,V!"!1!'"',(- T" P'niRlns. Or-Horses TU ou ll.e right Btifle; cattle same on right hip. ed lV n 1-ri.i u,u1.Wr',-Hi'es brand- hip. hole ,. , , . -uim, uame Mania ler. rat tit. i.ni.1.. ir ri),t nar. " VhcIi.. Mmitmae if.- r: . Elliott. Wash, ui,. j .,. ' is immoiia on Emeij.t.b., Ilarriman, Or.-Horses branded l.everscv i U, laii) Ml ,l(,,d V""," h""u ln Morrow com, t fleck, Jacasim, Heppner, Or.-Hoiaei -i k cotmected on right shoulder cl tl TiLZe on oil'left.hlP- h"18 in r"iht "crop right hiu: her... V ,,s '.':,"""' riorence, l,. a., Heppner, Or. Cattln t.u I shoulder. """" on "a r lureuce, o. r. Beppner. Or Horsea V right .hot lde, ; cattle, if on right hfp orThiil, hreiich, beorg.., Heppner. Ur.-( attic brend'eil W i. with bar over it. on left side; crop oB left car. Horsea, same b.andoa left hip .notlfaer""1"1'' UePl,I;er' Cr-GA on left Uiinian-Freneh, Land and Livestock Co., Foe. "orses. ai j tSft,mrkl- . rit" e'anderidUnVef't H. wul. Klmer. Kcho. l)r.-llori l-rndl H. liiinaeinuiiarler nirelB over it. on lelt alma ! Hnyo.. farrow ami Ulliatlllaceulltie.. ! williiliiarte.Irf.u, Or. Hran.iJH cj.iin.wpd I lliatl A. Il vleoverit left shoulder. Iwithonarler iMge, Ir.-t 'all If. round-lop A i Hanice iu Slormv under it on Ine right Hip. Jlinlon AJenke.i limulillai'i'inllee. 1 on either hip; crop vtn.Or-Catll, two rare I Horsoe. J on rigid tnitsht ear and "phi in lelt. I Hugh, Saninel, WaUangoin ii I connei'teil)on riulit shell. Or- tl ' on right hip and on left horsns; on cuitU,. rigid earuiid "lit in left- swallow fork in idieiriei, Jlorei'W coiinly. -am lUystacli I Hale. Milton. Wagnei. t '-; -)- (circle with parallel talis) o.ePB rjrnndHl , .....i., u,.,a ,,n lefL hit, I also largt, alionlder. wide . ieoU lett Hall. lt.uwin,uonnoaj,. "'.'. -hip; horses same on right shoulder. , rfght (iruutoounty. -jfuin Howard. J L, ' alloway. or.-nomee, -r with bar above it) on right shoulder ; e "line on lelt side. Itnnge in Morrow and Uu 'TugtMat, Heppner. Or.-Hor, saadet. l,rt n the left .boulder. Kallge Morrow I o. ' Hunsaker, H , Vvagner. Or. -liorBM, on le.v shoiililenea tle. wonlefthi;.. . , ''Ilumpiirevsr? Tuardman, Or.-Horeee. H on l''lH.okJ. M Heppner. Or.-Horsea wineglaas "'rZ' Hon tie wane on lett I Hange I n "rr ow eoi , y. lvv. Alfred, toug Creek, Or -t attle 1 D on right hip. crop olt left ear una on in ng.i., '" Zm briiid on left shoulder Hange n (irant conn" .. .. ... n,. horBB. lft hUI.o; cHtilo.Hi"uii riKtitinii. umler hnlf crop in riulit witi suiit m lft uir ltmu-tm left ImJder: on ca.tle. J oil lft hi ! Iwo smooth crops uu both mn. xihiikou. KN i ou lefl hip oaUlo name aud crop otl left nar: iiu-.w Inpe ou Hit rluhl Kirk J. T., Heppner. Or.-HorstfB HM mi lett HlioiiltU-r; CHltie. til) on left hip. him. J 0, Heppuer. Or-Uoruea. 17 ou either tlHiikiuHtlle 1. ou riulit Bide. Kirk, Jtwue, Wppur, Or.; home 11 oil lot t nl.uL.itWi eanie ttutue on liglit Bide, undorbit ou "Kumberliu.d.W.O.. Mount Vernon. Or.-l 1. oil cuille on riKhtand left huitw, hwuiIovv fork in uu onr and unar uiop iu nttlil ir. Horwoi wiuin unuid ou left uhouhler. iiunne in Omiit couiiiv. Lofton, atoplieu, iox, Oi.-b Lou lull hip ou uttttiH, crup nnd split ou rilit eur. ilurew tttmm bmud ott left snoulder. limine Orant UOUlltV. ,, Liyuulleu, John W., hr it" Or.-Horr.en brnuuiHi Imil-uiiole JL couuoutfd on lett mIiouI dtir. t.'uitlu. sum on Mi hip. ituutfo, ner Lex iutiton. , , . Lord, OoorKe, Heppner. Or. Hornet, branded double 11 coi.nei-u hoineliiueu CHlleU a bwiiitf 11. on ieli HtiouiUer. Alitikhani. A. M.. Heppner, (Ir.-Cnttle lnrKe IU on iolL r.le both iiuru cropped, and i-pliL iu both, lioibuu M uu lelt lap. ItaiiK", Clark a iianyoii. .... Miuor, Oncar, Iloppnor, Or. Clattlo, M D ou riKhtliip;iioit.o, Mun lolirihoulder. Alui'fjuu S. Heppuer, Or. HorBeB, M) ou Ifli Hhoului uiittle name on left hip. MuCuiubor, Jhm A, Kcho, Or. llortiob. M with bar over on right shoulder. MorKiiu. 'IIiub., liei.puer, Or. HorBoe, eirulo T uu left eiioiiJder and left thigh; uutilu. L ou riRhtthiKh. Alitolmil. Oncur,lone, Or. HorBOB, 77 ou riht hip; came, 77 uu nifhi Hide. .UtiCmren, i. Ii., lirowuMTille. Or, Jlorboe. FiKiue Iiou Haoh HhoulUer. caltle. Aloii bin Mct any, Oavid H., helio, Or. ltitrbutt braudfd H.tl couiihcuhI, on the leituhouldfjr; cattle name uu hip and Hide. RicOnr, vlraiik, Vox Valley, Or. Mule boe with toe-cork on cattle on ribe aud under in each ear; boioert buuiu braud ou lelt tttitlu. Mcilaley, U. V., liaiuiUou, Or. On Huihom, ti with liait circle under ou lit uhouldr;ou futile, four bain oouuected uu top on the right Hide iiHUKe in (irant ('ouniy. INMal.Andrew, Lone Itock.Or, UorttOH A N cou necwwl ou left uhoulder, cattle name on both liipb Nordyke, L., biJvertuu. Or. lluremt, circle 7 uu left thigh; cattle. Maine ou left hip. Oliver, Joseph, t ttujon Uity, Or. A 3 on cattlo on left iup; ou horueu, huui ouleftthigli, Ituugu iu (irant couuiy. Oiler, iJerry, Lexiugtou, Or. V O on left bhou.ilui. Olp, Herman, 1'iuirie Oity, Or. On cattlo, O Lf couuecied ou left hip; hurttuu ou left uuJte uud wariie on none. Unuge in Uiant county. 1'uaibou, Uluve, Kight Aiile, Ur. Huihoh, nuar ter circle ulutiJo ou loll shoulder aud Z4 uu loft hip. Caltle, tort, iu lei; yar, right croppod, 24 on left hip. Hangi uu Kighi Mue. Murker tV, bleasuu, Harduian.Or, HoruuH IPou b'll Bhoulder. Viper, hrue I, Lexington, Or.--Uor es brand e .L (L L connucieuj oi, lett hhouidur ; uuitlft h me on nghihip. hauge, iuri ow couuur. X ipm , J . ii., Luxiiigiun, ur. Hoi butj, j b, cou neciksu ui lelt Huouiuur; cattle, name ou left hip, uuuur bit iu each ear. 1'ettyB, A. O., louu, Or,; boreee diamond Foil HhuuhJer; catilo, J ii J conuecicu, on thu lelt hip, uppur Blupe iu left eur and blip in ih light. lJowell, John T., Dayville, Or HorBoa, J P coii uuc.ed uu it, U ahuuhior. Cattle OK cuuiiucted oil leiihip, two utidur half cnjpH, ou ou each our, wattle uuuerlhruut. Kai gem Orantcouuiy, ItouU, Andrew, Haiduiau, Or. lioj aeb, bi uaro crow wiin quarter-circle over tl ou loll BiWo. ltoiungor, Chrib, Jiuppuer, Or.- iiomeb, O ii ou letlbliOUlULI. liico, lau, Hardiuan, Or.; lioreoa, thrte panel worm lence ou lull Hiioulder; caUle, L) A IN ou nglu bhouJUer- Kauge near Hard man. uojbe, Aaron, lloppiiei, ur lint boh, plain V on ieli bliouKnr; cauiu, bauie brauti reversed oa rigiiLhip and crop oil right ear. Uange in iUor low couuiy, liubii biub., Heppner, Or, Hoibob biundrd 3 un Uie liglil. bhouiuur; calUe, lA. on Uie h!l hip crup ob lelt car nua uewiap on neck, liaugo it itlur;ov aitU aUjuJiiing countieb. liUol, VViilmm, HiugM, Or. lloibeb It oa loll Biit.uh.ur; caliki, n uu left hip, crop oil riKht ear, uLUeibu on lelt car. touuup. U ou wuuthoiH, luunu crop otl nyh fur. Uange Ijma lllitt unti iHiuriowc juntit'b. ijeano-), auuihw, Ltxingtoii, Of. HurBei brunaed A U on right shoulder, veut imurtoi circie over brand; catilo same on ngUi hip. liuiige Morrow county. UoyBe, Wiu. H, Ouiryville, Or 1111 connected waii ijimriur cm-ie over Lop ou caltle on ngiahip audciopott nghitur anu bpin ui leu. Jloibei bujne bruiiii on loft bhouiuor. Hange in iioiruw Uruni anu UilliuiucouuiifcB. necioi , J . W liuppuur. Or. HorBtw, JG ofc lefibiiuutuer. CuiUe, u ou right hip, aSpicknall, J. W., Ooorieberry, Or. llorae brauUuuulou lull shvuider ; lange iu Morrow county. buiuug, C 0 Hoppnor, Or UorBeB branded on iuU biiouiuor; cuille bauie ou Ieli hip. swuKgHrt, li. 1., Lexiugiou, Or. lloiwiH with uuaii under ilou lutt btine, cattle 11 with uaoh uiiuer it on rigtit nip, ciup ull right ear uud wauuit-u on right mud lug. Hange iu ilion uw, uiiiiamaud umuuua countieH. fawaygart. A. L.,Aiheutt. ur. HorseB branded 3 uu ieli biiuuliieriobitujbauje Ou left hip. Clou un ear, waltie uu lett mud leg, Btraigni W. h., Hoppuer, Or, HorseB shaded J b on let Btllie; catUe J O ou lelt hip, bWailoW lorn in nghi ear, unaorbit in lull. oapp, inoB., Heppner,' Ur.iiurBeB, H A 1 on lett nip; uaiu buuio ou lelt iup, Bhrioi.Johu, ox, ur. AO connected on Uurouboii nghi hip; came, baiue ou right hip, crup rigui ear and uuUer bit iu lull eur. Hang in iirtti.t county, biuith Htob.,oubnville, Or, llorBeb, branded H. L. on biiuuluer; caa.e, uiuoouiutt dii.utaur. Cuiunob, ilameb, AiiiuKton, Ur,; hoibeo branded Jboutmi Buuuuier; cattle the same, also now wauuie. Itange iu .Morrow ana Oimuui couiitieu. tstopneiib, V. A., iiarduiau, Ur-; uoibeB bouu rignt biifle; catUe hurizoniul L ou the light side OteveubOii, iUib A. J., lleppuur, Ur. cuttle, ti on rigni ui, ; swaiiow-iuiit iu leu ear. Cswaggart. ti. WM Heppuer. Ui. Horbea, 14 on lett buuutut. ; cattle, 44 uu lelt hip. bporry, (j., Heppuer, Or. t attle W 0 on IuU nip, urop otf ngui aud underbit iu left year, uewtap; hurbes ,V C on lett shoulder. lhouipbuu, J. A., Heppuer, Or. UoiBes, Z on lelt nuoiuutr; cattle, li on lett BUoulder. XlppoU.&.l.,li,uieipliBe,Ur. HwibeB. (J-oU left bliuuiaui . luinur It. W., Heppner, Or.-Smatl capitul T leiL bliuumtu, hoibeb; cuttle bauie ou lelt Hip witn split iu bull. ear. ihi rntoii, H. !., iuut Or. Horses brunded 11 1 uouuouLed uu lett Biitie; bheep bauie braud. Vanaeipuul, U. I., Lvua, Ur; Uoibue HV con necieu ou right shouiUurxutlie. btuue ou right nip. Walbridge, Vm.fllL'ppi,or, Or. HoreeB, U. L, on the leu siioutuer; cal tle same on uglit hip. uiop ull lett em anu light ear lopped. Wilson, John y ttalem or Heppner, Or. Horsub brauued Jy on the left shouiaer. liaugtf borrow county. Warreu.W H.Caleb, Or-Cattle W with quartw circle over it, uu Wit Bide, tipiit iu rigni ear. uoibOH same biaad ou leu Hhouider. liaise m uraut couuty, Wriglit, bilas A. Heppner, Or. CatDB braaded o VV ou uie right hip, square crop oU right ear anu bpiitin It? it, Vaue, iieury, Heppner, Or. Horbea bmuded ace ul apaueo uu leL bhoulder and lelt hip tattle biauuw: same on lett biue anu lull nip. V elib, A. a., Heppuer, Or. Horses, 0 h left ahoutuei ; catt e name. Vi oiunger, John, John Uay City, Or On hormi three paraiiei oaib on lelt bhouiuer; j on bhwep, bit iu both ears, hange in Oruui tuiu iliaihubl couiitieb. Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses, OP conuecUHl on lelt shoulder. V atkius, LiBhe, Heppuer, Or. Uonee branded counecteo on lett stitle. W allace, Charles, Portland, Or. Cattle, W on right thigb.huu in left ear; hones, W on right houluei, som Bauie un left shouiaer. Whittier Bros., Haniiugtou, Baker Co., Or. -Hurbes branded W b. couuecteu on lett ohuulder Wiliiauis, VascoHainiltou, Or. Quarter cif cle over three bars on lelt hip, both cuille aud horoeb, Hange tiraut county. Williams, J O, Long Creek. Or Horses, guar ter circle over three bare on left hip; catUe bums am nt iu Hach ear Hang in draui county. ien, A. A., .eppuer, Or. Horses running A un shouluer; Cattle, name un right mo. iuiuiK, J. s doueeowry. Or. Horse" Ab on ta njtht ahouidar. A