Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 12, 1893, Image 3

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10 VIlVKHTlbKllS.
IMKMK iteHlrtnjr ihe l.ni-rtioti of ilNiby in
or rhftiiKf of m nits, uiiiMt nt-t tht'K-HiUy'N
no) later than Moi.o iy i-.i.ii.K fonsy. l-iII-Nlilloo,
or Ihurwlay i'ui'ln lordiNuCo.
lion. The I" m.E-iiM -u
er line win j
mine UHCk nr r,ai u- -;J.
w.ti n "V " piece of flannel
will Chamberlains Pajn Ba'ra and
bin.lin ,, onto tUe affecled parte. TbiE
t eatiiient wall ear. any ordinary caw in
" or tw day,. P.iD Ralm Bi"
' rl;imi(iKrn. 50 cent bottles for
oiuoum-jotinion Drug Co,
of five cct' " ' n ;i!lum of i . MoAlee Broi., having reonnnod i.
aril. tli'-" ""J ilouor, Palace bar kl i . reoPenea he
1. The mm
ulmrireU tor "'
uJ uwiuary mitieoi. mui-ir of .. ,) ai d 1 '."'" ,ueif former patronage. This
or .nail himwlf givi-v l't p ir(,., e. I H by all odds tbe Hneot bar in HeDoni-f
niiU:l.,ofpialin'1llV":tynu.;loli!er TueboiakBeD a unnA n.i
t. Nullccwof el- wUlch rexomie In to 1. 1 , l!Bep " 00d 8to-. Call on
di...i . ... i'vmI fur nt i. . iilm.
v. .si winillt'llU)
rlvivl, hau b" rl''e will l.o Htrictly a.llmr-
a line, "Kumib.
wl to In ev.fatua reasonable and wuatu,.wu
upon 1
lid OBi'h and every correnpon.lent re
.,?B ,'"r '"' ",r. ""'i'iU-atioii. No
J"WihIuik-o will be puull.hed u iiU.ua the
'"''B1 """"! lf"ed aaau evidence of
J. Inn Anent, 21 Merchants txchaniie
.1 hianelKeo, our autliorUau aKenl 'lhi
per la kept on lile in hiaollice.
Stage for Ilardman, Monument, Long Creek
John Uay and uauyou city, leaven an follows :
livery day at li a. in., except Sunday.
Arrives every day at ti p. in., except Monday.
Hie cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the Interior country.
W. A. Johnston, Agent.
Uive your business to heppner people,
and therefore assist to build up Ue.pp
ner. Patronize those who putrouue
Here and There.
The tide hal turned, and like the cat
Much lung of 111 the play,
The hoard of gold we sent abroad
Is couilug baik this way.
Though you may have a rasping voice
That lite a aythe will uiow you,
It's sweeter than sweet music when
He says: "Here's what 1 owe you."
Joe Woolery was, up trotu lone jester
day. TUTl'S PILLS give appetite and
good digestion.
Attorney Jayue returned to Arlington
Geo. Fell made a business trip to
lone Suturduy.
A. A. Roberts departed yesterday
niurbing (ur Portland.
H. A. Cupper, of Monument, was lu
Ueppuer buturduy.
County court did considerable busi
ness nt tueir session last week.
Hairy Hayes, uf Butter creek, was
seen on our streets ijaturdav.
Juki: JuIiusud and Wm, Hill are in
from Gooseberry loduy.
Who sitys it ciui't rain in Eastern
Oregon wuen it tries?
Geo. W. Goode and Herbert Ual
steud returned to Condon baturduy.
Lee and Henry Patburg, of Lexington,
were in attendance at oourt yesterday.
J. M. Fisher, formerly of Heppner
but now a resident of Idaho, is in on a
Heppner will have no raoe meeting
this fall. TlmtB are too slow to hung
We will trade a few years' subscription
eveu up for a lot of cord wood and few
sacks of potatoes.
Hood's Pills cure constipation. They
are the best after-dinner pill and family
Wm. K. Hiatt and Levi Hiatt,of Moun
tain Valley, were m Heppner Huturduy
uu business.
john Beunett returned irom Portland,
where he had been attending the races,
: The Gazette acknowledges a call from
Dr. Hogau, the Couuou pbysiciau,
Saturday of last week.
Billy Straight baa bought of Geo.
Noble the MoKinney creek ranch, and
will move thereon shortly.
All Gilliam couutyites, wbo were in
attendance at oirauit court, departed
for borne Suturduy morning.
Miss May Bailey arrived from tbe
East last evening, and has takeu her
plaoe in the Heppner school.
Thus. Morgan is quite a suooess as
bailiff. His sonorous voice could be
plainly heard rion on Main street.
W. B. Lacy will depart for Corvallis
the latter part o. the week, where he
will re-enter the Agricultural college.
The big rain of last Wednesday caved
in the brick wall on tbe east Bide of tbe
ngiue room of the Heppner flouring
Mr. Theo. Danner leaves shortly for
tbe East to join bis family. He will,
perhaps, speud tbe winter in Little
Ed. Day and wife departed yesterday
morning (or Cbieago, where they will
spend a few weeks visiting the World's
Born To the wife of J. H. Pearson,
of Ridge, Sept. 8th, an eight pouud
boy. Both mother and obild are doing,
Keep in view that on Oct. 10th, tbe
Grand Lodge, E. of P., will convene at
Heppner. We must put tbe best foot
Cox Bros., of Hardmaa, have gone
over on the John Day to operate 'heir
plaoer diggings. Reports are that the
b rs pay good wages.
W. P. Fell, assignee for Cox Bros.,
was in town over Sunday. He says that
tbe work of olosiug up the business is
proving to be a tedious job.
Fred tihermao and wife were over
from Butter creek tbe first of toe week.
Fred talks of locatiug iu Heppner to
take advantage of tbe school.
Yesterday was Jewish New Year.
T ie name for this day, in tbe Hebrew
language, is a regular jHW-brnker, so
we will let it so in plain English.
East Oregonian: Damon Lodge
Wednesday evening, elected I T. Barr
as its representative to the grand lodge
at Heppner, and Joe H. Parks as al
ternate. Times-Monntaineer: Mr. C. E. Bayard
was elected at tbe last meeting of
Friendship lodge, delegate to tbe grand
lodge K. of P., which meets in Heppuer
lieit month.
W. J- McAtee, having resigned his
position as jury bailiff, last week, Cbas.
Charlton was appointed. Cbas. bad
the pleasure of herding the jury over
W. L. Baling returned from his
oountry home yesterday. Whileout there
he was quite sick for several days,
though be is dow able to be
around again.
Judge Bradshaw ana Pros. Atty.
Wilson departed for The Dalles on this
morning's down train. They go to
Condon the latter part of the week
where court convenes Monday next.
' Robert G. Cochran, a brother of Mrs.
E. G. Sperry. oommi'ted suicide by
shoi'titiB bimelf, near Brownsville last
week. Deoeased was well-to-do, arid
an cause enn be assigned for bis sudden
taking swav. .
Rev. Shnlse preached bis farewell
nnn S tnday evening to a crowded
oe. Mr. Shulse departed Monday
v for Moscoiv to etiend con
iifter wbiob he will join his
Dun t overlook J. B. Tedrowe at the
Arcade when thirsty. Half and half and
rresh beer always on Up. Also a fine
"took of liquors and oigars always on
hand. Give Ted a oall.
Giil Halt has purchased Hick Math
ews interest in tbe City Hotel barber
shop. Shaves, Bhampooa, hair-outs,
etc., .Iisbed up in the best of style
uhiiis ior rue millions.
Ur. B. F. Vaiighan hns decided to leave
Heppner, and all those owing him are
ir4ueBiu io mane immediate settlement
i noBe deBiring work should apply at
Green Mathews' the barber, is now lo
cated next door to the furniture store on
main street. SliBves, shampoos, halt
cuts and the like aways on tap.
Howard Dodson went out to Hard-
man on yesterday mcrning's stage to
aSKist W. P. Fell in the aHsisnee'a aula
oi me i ox liros. stook.
D. W. Hornor will take wheat on
account at 60 cents per buebel, or will
exonutige goodB tor wbeat at that figure.
The Gnzette will takeoountv snrin nl
face on subscription, and pay balanoe of
same in casb at highest market price.
Every man who takes any interest in
fast Btock Bhould subBoribe for The
Horseman. Gazette shop, agents.
The Hennner Cativon stuire line ia the
best, cheupest and quickest to the in
terior. Tbe Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove
oures liquor, opium, morphine, oocaine
snd tobaoco habit. See ad.
Have you gut any machinery's that
out of repair? If so come in and get
some metal and refit your boxing.
Juatice H ill lot k is now located in bis
new quarters at tbe recorder's old office.
We will take wheat on subscription
at 50 oents per bushel.
Henry Blaokmau accompanied Sheriff
JNoule to oulciu this morning.
Six Years in Thb Pen. The trial of
Nnab Mulkey, wbo the grand jury had
found guilty of murder in tbe second
deuree for killing Wm. Matteson, was
begun Saturday morning. After con
siderable delay thefollowing jurymen wan
selected: Nat Shaw, J. E. Sorivner,
Geo. Swngga.t, Jas. Jones, D. W. Hor
nor, L. D. Boyed, K. A. Ford, J. B. Car
michael, J. J. Roberts, W. M. Scrivner,
C. A. Rhea and H. E. Clark. The oourt
room was crowded during the entire
trial. Muuy lad es were also present at
every session. They were looked after
and cared for by Bailiff Morgan, wbo
paraded the aisle with tbe dignity of a
Driuct.. The trial continued until yester
day afternoon, whe i the jury was in
structed and after being out about two
hours, brought iu a verdict of man
slaughter. This morning at 8 a. m. tbe
judije sentenced Mulkey to a term of
six years' imprisonment in the Btate
penitentiary. Sheriff Noble started
below with the prisoner this morning.
Piles! Pileal Itching Piles.
Syuitoms Moisture ; intense and
etiugiug, most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue tu
mors form, which often bleed and ulcer
ate, becoming very sore. Swatne's
Ointment stops tbe itohing and bleeding
heals ulceration, and in most cases re
moves the tumors. At druggists, or by
mail, for 50 cents. Dr. Swayne & Son,
Philadelphia. sw 1 yr.
A Bio Shipment. The following
from the Wasco Couuty Suu would
indicate that a big shipment of stook is
soon to be made from Grant county:
"A. R. Lyle, D. McPberson, Alt. Allen,
Sanders Logan, J. W. Howard, Frank
Prine, Wm. Pollard and other Grant
county stockmen bave pooled their
cattle to raise 5,500 bead on a sale to
Mr. Rand for Eastern shipment, at 825
per bead for 3-year olds, and $27.50 for
4-year olds and over. Cattle from the
northern portion of tbe county to be
delivered at Tbe Dalles by the 20th inst.
and those from tbe southern portion of
tbe county to be delivered at Hunting
ton by Ootober 1st. Tbis is one of the
largest cattle deals that has been made
in that division of tbe state since Crook
was sliced out of Wasco county, and
will put at least $100,000 into circulation
over there.
Some years aeo we were very much
subject to severe spells of cholera mor
bus; and now when w? feel any of the
symptoms that nsually preceed that
aliment, such as siokness i t the stomach,
diarrhcea, etc., we become scary. We
bave fouud Chamberlain's Colio Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy tbe very thing to
straighten one out in snoh cases, and
always keep it about. We are not
wiiting this for a pay testimonial, but
to let our readers know what is a good
thing to keep bandy in tbe honse. For
sale by Slocum-Jobnsou Drug Co.
Divorce Granted. Tbe oaBe of Mary
Luelling vs. Abraham Luelling, asking
that divorce be granted, was called
yesterday afternoon. The report 'bat
this girl, not yet 15 years of age, had
been frightened and forced into mar
riage by both her mother and the de
feDdent, was auBtaiued by her testimony
while on tbe stand. Luelling did not
appear in defense. Divoroe waa granted
by tbe judge.
Another Stock Shipment. W. B.
Laoy bought about 75 bead of bogs of
Thos. Davidson, of tbe Gooseberry
neighborhood, and a car load of sheep
from Tbos. Quaid, of this city, whioh
were delivered this morning and shipped
to a meat company at Albany, of whioh
Mr. Laoy is a member.
Amnng the Incidents of childhood that
stand out in bold relief, as our memory
reverts to the daya when we were young,
none are more prominent than severe
sickness. Tbe young mother vividly
remembers that it was Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy cured her of oroop, and
in turn admioieters it to ber own off
spring and always with the best results.
For sale by Slooum-Johnson Drug Co.
Ur. . Zarktn
Whole Family Helped
"My husband was confined to the house, al
nost unable to walk, on account of an ulcer on
hli left leg. lie took Hood's SarsaparlUa and
and at once there were signs t laipm
menu le w&i soon able to go to work a'Taln.
My oldest son was stricken down with rheo
matlc fever. Attar taking Hood's Barsaparilla
a short time he soon recovered his health. At
tending others, I became all run down. Hood's
SarsaparlUa did me much Rood." Mns. B. 8.
Larki.n, Chlco, Butto County, California.
Hood's Pills are prontpt and efficient, yet
lay In action. Bold by all druggists. 25c
To Obtain Id Oraif Free.
Every person who purchases ONE DOLLAR'S worth of goods will re
oeire a tioket on Grand Weaver Organ one bnndred and twenty-fire
dollar Organ to be given away December 24th 1893,
Has Opened Up at Heppner.
Hair Death
; Inrtantlv rrmora and forever dfulrovK ah-'
t jcetionahle Aaj'r, whether upon kandi, face, j
I annt or neck, without discoloration or w- ?
I jury to the wiosf dWicare akin. It was for If
utty years the secret formula of Erasmus i
wnson. acknowledged by physicians as
the hlffhest authority ai.d the most emi
nent dermatologist and hair Boeclallst
J that ever lived. During his practice of
a life-time among: the nobility and arts
i tocracy of Europe he precrlbed this rec
3 ipe. Price It by mail, securely packed.
I Correspondence confidential. Sole Agents
; for America. Address.
Tut. Skookam Root Hair Grower Co.
Dept. R., 57 South Fifth Avenue, New
Loahey, J. W. Heppner Or. Horses branded
Li aud A on left nhnulrinr! nnttla aamA nn att
hip, wattle over right eye, three slita in r,ght
Rip's Wood Yard. The Heppner
wood yard, under the management of
Rip Van Winkle, ia prepared to deliver
wood at your residence, sawed or un
sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at
87.00 per cord. Wood aawed twice in
two, 75 eta. per oord; three times, 81.00.
Yard near tbe depot. Leave orders at
Sloan & Howard's. 4-tf.
Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak
er and repairer of many years' experi
ence, has just looated in tbe Abraham
si ok building, on May street, where be
is prepared to do everything in bia line.
Mr. Birbeck is Btrictly a first-olass work
man and warrants all work. Give him a
oall. 14wtf
Land For Sale. 480 aores over in
Wilson prairie. A good stock ranoh and
will be sold obeap. Call at Gazette
office for particulars and terms. tf.
The Studebaker wagon heads tbem all.
r- or Bale at Uillium He Bisbee s. a
"Hardware" did you sayT Why, yes
at P. O. Thompson & Oo.'s stand, and the
plaoe for bargains. i
M. Lichtentbal & Co.'a new stock of
splendid, summer bottoo and tie special
ties in tbe shoe line are attracting mark
ed attention. a
The Palace is the leading hotel in tbe
city. Well furnished rooms with plenty
of light are provided for everyone, a
Borg, the jeweler, is the man to fix ud
your watch or clook. Ue keeps a full
stock of everything pertaining to bis
OusineBS' a
Thompson & Binnsown the buss which
goes to and from the Palace hotel, but
will call for parties desiring to go to train
in any part of the city. Leave orders
at City hotel. a
Gilliam & Bisbee are still doine busi
ness at the old stand, reports to the
contrary notwithstanding. Tbey invite in
spection ot their mammoth stock of bard-
ware, wagons, implimentB, etc. a
Minor A Co., tbe hew firm, bave not
lost any of their popularity by the
change. Tbey oontinue to do business
in the old way the greatest amount
quality considered, for the least money
Osessi or Seas Have Mo Existence oa tha
Lunar Planet.
There are, no doubt, some reasons for
thinking that there may have been once
water on the moon, but it is now cer
tain that there is no liquid on Its sur
face, nor indeed can I find much reason
to believe that there is even frozen
water there, as has been sometimes sup
posed. It is certainly a singular fact
that two constituents which are so
abundant here should seem to be en
tirely wanting in the moon, and it is an
Interesting subject for speculation as to
what has happened to the water on the
moon if it once existed there. It is
generally believed that as our satellite
cooled down the water penetrated into
the interior, and was there seized upon
by the minerals which required water
in order that they might assume their
appropriate crystalline forms. Tbe
water on the moon has, therefore, ac
cording to this view, been transformed
into a solid form, incorporated with the
bodily texture of the globe. It has
even been surmised that a similar des
tiny awaits the oceans on our own
globe; broad and deep though they
seem, they yet may be inadequate to
quench the thirst for water possessed
by so vast a moss of crystallizing min
erals as must exist in the interior of the
globe. But whether thiB be the ex
planation of the absence of liquid water
from the moon or not, the fact of that
absence cannot be questioned.
The moon has been subjected to care
ful scrutiny for centuries, says Good
Words, yet no one has ever seen any
genuine ocean or sea, no one has ever
seen any indication of the present exist
ence of water, and we are entitled to as
sert that water, in a liquid form, is ab
sent from the surface of our satellite.
Offers a magnificent new stook at prices tbe lowest yet nsmed for strictly
first-olass goods. High grades in all departments. True merit in every
article. Honest quality. An immense assortment nothing miss
ing. The quality will tell it: the price will sell it. That is
the reason you should oome early and secure vour BAR
GAINS from our splendid lines of
Blankets, Quilts, Trunks, Hats.
TITE show all the latest novelties in great profusion. We keep the finest aelec
" tiona in all standard styles. We make it a point to bave every article in
I; stock the best of its kind. The dollar you spend with us goes farther, lasts
j longer, gets more style, gets more quautity, gets more quality, and does
I more good in service, worth and wear than any money vou aoend. Oar loods
and prioes, now waiting for your insbeotion. will prove this. Remember it is bo
established fact that it paya io trade, providing you want to save money, at the
BEN LELAND, Salesman.
To Gret Even on Your "Life.
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware,
Wood and Willowware, Blacksmiths' Supplies, Iron, Steel and Coal, Pumps and
ripe, lanss, rtatninDB ana sinxs, riumning luaceriais, Agricultural imple
ments. All fUncle of Mepamng quickly and neatly done.
Bain Waps, Hacks ms Bnckboaris.
:- -:- You will save money by
getting our prioes before purchasing
elsewhere. -:- -:- :- -:- -:- -;-
Odd Fellows' building, Main St.,
i I i A.T in-
McFarland Mercantile Co.
Heppner, Oregon.
Now is tbe time to make your money count. Our whole stock of Dry Goods, Cloth
ing, Boots, Shoes, Huts, fancy Goods, Gloves, etc, etc., will be sold at
wholesale prices for cash.
Having Quit the Credit System,
We are offering goods lower than ever before known in Oregon. This is NO BAIT
on a few lines. Our WHOLE STOOK goes at such reduoed figures that the per
son needing supplies for oash cau be made happy. If you wish to save vour monev
send in orders by mail or call in person. We are giving disoounts on
P. g. jpoifflgOL go,
Llaving put their business upon a tern
porary cash basis, Call Attention to
the fact that Money has now a Greater Pur
chasing Power than ever before known iu
W must get our stook into money, and profits are no objeot when the money
cornea in sight. Shake your oash at us and see ua tumble.
Not only once, but again and again. They know that from aa they always set
full weight and good measure for the least money. Why we sell the best ia ex
plained. The "best" brings people baok, holds custom, makes ua friends,
and eo establishes our trade. We want you to have aoms of our
friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clotbiog, Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Caps, and everything kept ia a well-regulated, general
merobandiae store. Come in and see us, everybody.
jyj inor
Heppner, Oregon.
Change of Ownership
" whioh we propose to anndnnt in Mi tnnt oi;.f.i... tttjh
- wwBb bbihibuiui; uiBuiior, win seep
on hands at all times the ohoioest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
shaw & Mccarty,
W5-tt- ProDrietors.
The Kedey Institute
For the Cure ox
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It Is located at Forest Orove, Or.,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the Gazette office for particulars.
Strictly confidential. Treatment private aud iur
the Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store.
On May Street, opposite Falaoe Hotel. They will keep on band a foil line of
tariss and Provisions.
A full line of choice Pies. Cakes and Rrnrl ; (n font tnarilhinn that I-
usnally kept in a first-class bakerv Btore. Thav will sell ohaan fm caah. Tall .nn
try tbem. BW
per oent. off.
Dry Goods, Olothing, eto 25 to 33
Men a and Boys Hate 30
Women'a and Children's Shoes,Z5 to 30
Men's Sboes t 20 to 30
Cotton Ginghams, Sheetings
and Domestioa 20
per cent. off.
Hosiery 30
Meu's Overshirts and Furnish
ing Goods 30
Hardware 20 to 25
Saddle, Harness, Stoves and
Tinware 20 to 30
All groceries at lowest wholesale rates. Country orders solioited. oash with
orders. Shipments of wool received as cash.
Very Respectfully,
Reserved for the leader of Cash Trade.
Heppner, Oregon.
Portland, Okeoon. A. P. Armstrong, Principal.
Open all tbe year. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue free.
FwuuylTanla's Exhibit.
A topographical map of the Gettys
burg battlefield and models of the cen
tennial exposition and of Independence
ball will appear in the Pennsylvania
exhibit. A public-spirited citizen will ' HEPPNER,
contribute the first named, and the city ! m
of Philadelphia will furnish the last
two. The schedule of exhibits adopted
by the state world's fair board Indicates
that Pennsylvania will make a very ex
tensive, complete and interesting show
leg. .
X&llis, Dawson Xs Tyyons,
All buainesa attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office
Out for
Cash Bargains
Cash Talks.
Etc., Eto.
Trust Busts
COST, the entire stock of general mer
chandise in the store of Cox Bros., Hardman.
Bargains in all lines never before found. Call
and learn prices.
Otis rattan
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
1 W. PATTERSON, AGENT Qj?o gii!ggis' wo-ia
,,.. .,. .. ,,,,. , u