o W SELL YOU JI BPH ! 8 L4 One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County.: 8I1d bBB.eeedpriUeofwteron it, all under CJTND 160 Give your business to Heppner people and thereore assist to build up Hepp ner., Patronize those who patronize vent. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for his or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writer's real uame ii signed as an evidence ol good faith. Dill soa ever Read about the -Ml Man who Hid his Light under A bushel? Yes? well That is like Doing business Without advertising. S-l All tbe Snide BCbeinea In tbe country Will not ocoomplieh JP Half as much As a good ad. In a (rood, live, Legitimate newspaper, .S3 One tbat Is read By tbe people, And that owns -S3 Its own Soul; that Uei ita apace Like merohnndiae, JiCi Wortb dollar For dollar. Nancy Hanks did a very fast mile at Iudianapolia the other diy 2 ;04. The Navaboe, tbe American yacht, has been afain beBten by the Brit tannia. Mas. Jbnnib Cannon, wife of Hon. A. M. Cannon, ot Spokane, died the 8th inat. Senator Mitchell, of Oregon, will vote Bgaiuet tbe Voorbeea unconditional repeal bill. Economy ia the watohword for these times. Nothing elae can give ua relief atpieaeut. TiiEui! ia a rumor in tbe senate that there will be a compromise in tbe re peal of the Sherman law. Hon. Hamilton Fish, Grant's eeoretnry, of state from Marob, 1HGU, to Maroh 12, 1877, died at Uarrison, N. Y., on the 7tb hut., aged 75 years. Unit Kovorntneut is running behind $170,000 a day. A falling off of imports and internal revenue receipts is re sponsible for tbe dt lioieney. Judge Uonh, of Southern California, is going after the Chinese, and warrants of arrest are being infilled under tbe provisions of the Ueary law. As this press puts it, another princsBB wae boru to tbe democratic bouse of Cleveland, Saturday, Sept. I). The president waa much disappoiLted be cause it wae not a boy. Uon. H. II Rmtviss, of La Qrande, bus been chontm as the Oregon member of the Gimid Armv national oounoil of administration, Capt. J. Q. B. Adama ot Mass., baa been chosen as the ootn-maiulur-iu chief. It ih estimated tbut it will require $7,1X10,000 to carry out the provisions of the Ueury law. What if it does? Tbat amount of money will be saved to the Americau people the first year our aoil ia ridden of Chines. Wolcott, of Colorado, aiguillonntly inquired the other day into the amount of bounty paid maple sugar producers up iu Vermont, but said nothing at all about Louisiana. Woloolt ia after the uuconditi uial repealers. If tub Huarunii law ia to be uncon ditionally repealed, tbe sooner it ia douo the better, and tbe aoonor wo will learn tbe results, Kood or bad. The East reports a steady improvement under the preaent conditions. Tiihhb daring robbers weut through the Delia, Colo, bank forSVX), killing tbe oasbier. A citizen named Simpson, and a dead shot, killed two of tbe robbers before they got out of town. They are supposed to be a remnant of the Daltou gang. The mill at Heppner ought to be able to do considerable onstom work this winter, Besidea, the stores have none but foreign flour now, when, in fact, none other but the local brand should be used here. The demand seems greater than the supply. Cluvkland will not agree to any compromise measures being attached to ACRES Timber Culture claim yl fenoe. Situated two miles west ef Hardman. Price for the whole, $1100 ; or without the timbpr culture claim, $800. ANOTHER Good, deeded ranch, 320 aores,best stock ranch the repeal of tbe Sherman law, although it is claimed tbat the aenate is favorable to such a move. Tbe seDate has de cided that there will be no cloture rule, hence it is either oompr mise or no vote. At a session of the Pan-American Medical Congress at Washington, D. C. last week, tuberoulosis (consumption) was declared a contagious disease. Tbis has long been olaimed, and faots brought out for years past in tie ex perience of tbe medical fraternity prove conclusively that suoh is tbe oaae. Commissioner, of Internal Revenue Millkr is going a little far when he deolares tbat banks' certificates of de posit should be taxed 10 per oent. because occasionally they pass from band to band in lieu of oaeb. Cheoks often perform that same funotion, and it would be just as consistent to say tbat they should be taxed for tbe same reason. Wolcott, of Colorado, introduced a petition in the senate last week oalling for the repeal of tbe MoKinley law. It was originally one of tbe petition forms sent out by banks calling for the unconditional repeal of tbe Sherman law. Tbe petitioners erased tbe word "Sherman" and put in "McKinley." Wolcott evidently believes in reoiprooity and retaliation. One of tbe cures for tbe ills of bard times ia eoonomy. Tbe American people as a rule have been too extravagant. They have lived like tbeir neighbors, and all have moved faster than con ditions warranted. If tbe people would go back to the days ot our fathers and teaoh the youDter generation bow to knit, enrd, spin and weave, many an idle moment could be turned to account. Many ranchers and sheepmen produce mnoh that cannot be sold at a remuner ative figure, because there seems to be no money with whioh to buy it. Instead of selling wool at a loss, as it seems we must under the present administration policy of prospective free trade, and then going deeper in debt at tbe stores, enough of this for home use couH be worked up. Home made blankets.stook ings. jeans and carpets may seem a little orude to tbe younger generation, but unless some e ement of industry and economy is infused into them, the land will soon be filled with panpers. In a measure, we will have to oome down nearer to tbe primary conditions (if man. No political party ia responsible for individual extravagance, therefore tbe remedy must oome through eaoh person so affecte d. TUE HOME NEWSPAPER. From the Orcgonlan. The remnnaf runne acninflr oivino nH vertising of tbeir towns to "outBide" publications of questionable influenoe, wbiob are seen in the columns of Western Washington papers at present, ar jiiatitluble aud well taken. When a local newspaper is not eood ennnuh to herald a town's advantages abroad, there is something wronir with tlmtnwn The newspaper is to a very great extent wnai ine community makes it; and by reason of its representative capacity, the community has a mpnanra of re sponsibility toward it. The people who win rot help make a good paper for their town must not complain if they are held in low esteem by the o utaide world. The home paper, properly sup ported, not particularly by advertising patronage, but iu a hundred ways of kindness and of service which u nothing, is always tbe best possible medium Tor advertising ita locality, because it will be bright, oeay, aud will be read bv intending nttl pra ami oupitiilista as a truer index to tbe town's social aud business life than any other printed matter oonld be. The proprietor aiwnvs omuls h iu in- come to improve bis paper. It seems mat be ouu't help it. When he has a lew dollars ahead he must get tbe paper a new dress, or some all-braBe galleys, or au improved mailing machine. It a few hundred, be buys a new press, and again puts bis nose to the orm,l. stone to get out of debt. When be iuidk us sees good times ahead he enlarges bis paper and increases bis payroll. When mouey gets scarce again be tries to keep a stiff uppei lip, inning wood aud potatoes uu subsorip tion. works eighteen hours a day, back slides at the church, defaults at the lodge, forgets bis friends and neglects his family. Whatever else he may prove recreant to, with bia paper it is always "love, honor and cherish." All the aid aud oomfort the tbe town gives to ita paper goes in it. Subscriptions paid in advauos blossom iuto breeiy looale, and half-page ads bring forth double-leoded editorials on the new water works and the shipping en route aiidtheoouuty'swouderful wealth and progress. To lender it ttMtorui adjoining, of which deeded IhdJ ibere are 10 acres gwd farming land, BARGAIN. in Morrow county, cheap and on For support is to invite capital; to withhold, "tendetb to poverty." '1 be livj town will have a live paper; and if it has anything worthy the atten tion of the outside world and wunta it told where it will do the most good, it will put its trust in the borne paper, and the home paper will do the business, t here are newspapers in Oregon ntid Washington wbiob are read in the East, and bave helped in many ways to build up the Pucifio Northwest; but they are not printed in towns whoso advertising funds bave gone to Eastern and Culi fornia journals, to the neglect of the home publication. CIRCUIT COURT PROCKUMNU. FOURTH DAY. William Cecil va, George Noble, con tinued for term. State of Oregon vs. Geo. W. Qjode, motion to set aside vetdiot and new trial. State of Oregon vs. T. R. II j ward, arraigned to plead. FIFTH DAY. Minor Bros. vs. A. Peterson, defuult and judgment. State of Oregon vs. Geo. W. Goode, motion for new trial granted. State of Oregon vs. T. R. Howard, plead guilty, fined $50. State of Oregon vs. Noah Mulkey, on trial. SIXTH day. State of Oregon vs. Noab Mulkey, on trial and jury returned verdict guilty of manslaughter. R. L. Hngbea vs. Geo. W. Thomao, continued for term. Mary Luelling vs. Abraham Lnelling, decree divorce granted. R. W. Robinsoa vs. Morrow oounty, dismissed. In the matter ot assignment of M. Liobtentbal & Co., continued for term. In the rjiBtter of assignment E. I-'. Cox and 3. II. Cox, continued for term. K. F. Hughes vs. Geo. Gray and Lucy Gray, demurrer to oompluint overruled, aud decree granted for want of answ r. O. 11, & N. Co. vs. E. R. Swinburne, et al., continued for term. SEVENTH DAY. State of Oregon vs. Noab Mulkey, senteuoed by judge to 6 years imprison ment in the state penitentiary. report of orand jury. We, tbe grand jury for the September term of oourt, 1893, respeolfully show to the court tbat we bave dow been in session five dayB aud bave found and returned iuto court three indictments and one not true bill, aud bave also inquired into other matters which were brought before ua, but wbiob did not warrant indictments and no reports were made, thereon. We bave also inquired into the con ditions and management of tbe offices pertaining to tbe courts of justice in the county aud also tbe public prisons of theoouutj. We fouud all said offices aud prisons iu good condition and well kept and managed. We were highly pleased herewith and havj no reoom m udutiuiis to make in regard thereto. Having completed; our labors we re spectfully asked to be discharged. M. A. Olden, Foreman. Uei'Pnbh, Or. .September. 0th, 1893. "How to Care All Skin Diseases.' Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment." No internal medioiue required. Cures tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions ou the face, builds, nose. 4c. leaving tb akin clear, while uud healtbly. Its great ornunx mm uiu.mye powers are possess ed by no other remedy. Ask your drug gist for Swajue'a Ointment, sw 1 yr. LOCAL MARKET REPORT. Wheat, bu 35 Flunr.bbl 3 75 ij' 4 00 Beeves, cows & two-year-olds. owt. 1 50 " " three " 2 00 ft 2 '25 Sheep, muttons, bead 1 r-iOiS- 25 " "took 1 50 4t 1 75 Hogs, ou foot, cwt ft 75 Hogs, dressed 6 50 (tf 7 00 Wool... 610 Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll 40 (( 50 Eggs, doz oi2 Chickens, doz 2 00 Turkeys CALIFORNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt hi nr. i 1 on Monr, bbl 3 00 4 00 Beeves, stall fed 4 50 (it 5 00 Muttons, owt 6 00 d 8 00 Hogs, cwt 1 mi 1 oc Wool -Eastern Oregon.. 8 (i 10 Butter, tb 20 & 25 Etf ua. dnz. . . .u on " u 19 w Chickens, doz 5 00 W 600 iurKeys, id 15 y 18 PORTI.1WI1 U1UITLT Wheat, cwt 1 un 3 t 00 it 3 40 2 75 0 6 00 M 3 00 6 00 Flour, bbl 3 00 Beeves, ort 1 75 ' dresned .... 1 fin Muttons, live sheared... 2 60 dressed 5 jr. Hogs, on foot 4 5o " dressed 7 00 Wool Eastern Oregon... 6 Butter 5 Ei?lfS. doc. ... IK it 14 25 Hi 16 4 00 (? 1 Chickens, doi. .. 2 00 Jurkeyi lb 2 easy terms. further information call at our office. WANTED. Salesmen, to eell ourohoica and hardy nursery stock. Many special varieties to offer both in fruits and ornamentals, and controlled only by as. We pay commission or salary, give exclusive territory and pay weekly. .. Write us at once and secure oboice of teriitory. May Brotuers, Nurserymen, 142-00 - Rochester, N. Y. . NEW EESTAIIRAOT. I have opened a first olass restaurant at the old Matlock building called Holton restaurant. 43-tf. Mrs. G. W. Swaqoart. S100 REWARD) One hundred dollars reward will be paid for tbe arrest aud conviotion of the pnrties connected with the robberv of Frank Sloan and J. A. Thompson, near Heppner, on Monday August, 21,1893. Geo. Noble. 150-1 f. Sheriff of Morrow county. NOTICE. To all persona interested iu securing time for purchase of railroad lands please call at clerk's office and sign petition to congress. 58-67 J. W. Morrow. After Breakfast. To purify, vitalize and enrich the blood' and give nerve, bodily and digestive strengbt, take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Continue tbe medicine Bfter every meal for a montb or two and you wi'l feel "like a new man." The merit of Hood's. Sarsaparilla is proven by is thousands of wonderful cures'. Why don't you try it? LIST OF LETTERS. LETTERS ADVERTISED AT HEPPNER Sept. 11, 1893. Aubrey T C Brown J M Mullen H M Rcpper I N When calling for these letters please say advertised. A. Ma LLO BY P. M. BIDS WANTED. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE county court of Morrow county will re ceive sealed bids for the-construction of a bridge on Kha creek at the crossing of road No. 114, as per plans and specifications on file at. the county -clerk's othce, said bids to be opened Sept. 20, lsu:i. at 1 p. m. The court reserves the rijfht to reject any and all bids. Julius Kkithlv, 161-64. County Judge. Hotict of Intention. I AND OFFICI AT THE DALLES, OREGON J Auk. 22, !. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler haa filed notie 0 his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will b made be fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Or., on Dec 3, lsitl. viz.: REUBEN SPERRY, of lone; Hd. App. No, 4S55 for the NEW of See, 211, Tp 1 N, R, 24 E. W. M, He names the following witnesses to prora blf continuous residence upon aud CBltivatUn of said land, viz.: Ed. Ilolloway. of Douglas Oregon, Joh Long, T. J. Carle, and Paul Reitiuau, all of lone Oregou. 157-167 Johx W. Liwis, RegtsUr. Notict Of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, J Aug. 22, 1B93. Notice is herebv giran that the following-named settler haa filed notica f his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will b made be fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppnar, Or., on Sep. SO, IK'j:i. vis. : SIDNEY S. BE ALES, of Eight Mile; lid., App. No. 2332 for the NE of Sec. 110, Tp. 3 i4, R 25 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz.: O. I) Coats, of Eight Mile, John Jenkins, of Heppher, Ed Ashbaugh, C. G. Fuqua, both of Elgh Mile. 156-166 John W. Liwis, Register. DB, J L. CASHES. Stricken Down with Heart Disoase, Dr. MUcm Medical Co., Xlkharl, Tnd. Gintlimis: I feel it my duty, u well u a pleiuiurc. lopuMlsh, unsolicited, to the world the benent received from p. Milis- SoTommi Umcoiks ,1 was stricken down with Ueort unaiucompncations, arnpia pulse vsjy Ingfromso to uobeais per minute, a choking or I wutwm humuvu ui uim wuiu pipe, oppression thousands!"!?- jlon of the heart and below lower rib, pain In ths anus. shortneof breath. tlecplessues, Meukueas and general debility. The arteries In my neck would throb violently, the throbbing of my heart could be heard across a large room and would ahaka my whole body. I was so nervous that I could not bold my hand steady. I hnv tma mndr rA rrrmnl of innl pSyMam, anal ssm safe-M palloiw ef falml Mr diHt arltfamt IH Ixial brnrJU. A friend recom mended your remedies, she was cured by Dr kllea' remedies lharetaken . three bottles of your New I I I O IT fl Bean Cure and two bottles n L LS Henrlna. My pulse Is normal, I have no more violent throbbing of tha heart, I H a will an I alneerely recommend evenr one with vmptoins of Heart Dlaeasa to Kilw lir. HiU-.' hf torZ a"- J ir(f and tw cured. OypsumCityana L. L. Caaxu. all on Positive) Ouaraita. t MONCV RETURN! D. For Mil by T. W. Avert jr., and the balance A 1 pasture. The AND STIIJ, AXOTnBK. ' Deeded ranch, 160 acres, boss wheat land. Will sell on easy to A good for it with first crop raised on it. Keason for selling, ow ner lives in the luibt ana A LOVING MOTHER. How She Took Tier Daughter's Attempted 8ulclle. The daughter of a tailor in the city of Berlin, having been jilted by her lover, jumped into the river. She was saved by the heroic exertions of a young man, A stranger, assisted by several people standing on the bank and holding a long- rope which the courageous swim mer had tied around his waist. The girl was taken to a hotel close by, was placed in bed, and was given restora tives which recalled her to life. Her name and address having been ascer tained, her .parents were informed and were soon by her bedside. When tho mother entered the room she just glanced at her daughter and then care fully looked over her wardrobe. The hat was missing. "Whore is your new hat?" cried the affectionate mother. Hardly able to talk, the girl whispered the supposed the current had carried it 33. "Well," retorted the irate mother, "I shall not buy you another. You ;an wear your old white bonnet for the rest of the year." And turning her back upon her daughter she allowed the father to fondle the girl and kiss her tears away from her pule cheek. Nerve Blood Tonic Builder Pcr1 for Ji.Uji 111. L Dr. WILLIAMS' MEDICINE CO., Schenectady, N.Y, .n,iPvrri:-ilrCi rjn) EAGLE BRAND THE BEST ROOFING! It is unequalled for House, Barn, Fac tory or Out Buildings and oosts half the price of shinnies, tin or iron. It is ready for use and easily applied by anyone. Old -:- Shingle -:- Roofs Easily made water tight and fire proof at small expense. With dark red rubber paluton decayed shingles. It fills the pores ana gives a substan tial roof that lasts for years. Curled or warped shingles, it brings to their places and keeps them. The genuine rubber paint requires no heating and no tar ON TIN OR IROV ROOFS. It is ac- KnowieUE- ed the best paint, has heavv bodv. is easily applied, expands by the contracts of cold, and never cracks. One coat equals four of anv other. Buildings covered with felt can be made water tight at small expense. Write at ouce for particulars. Excelsior Paiat and Roofiog Co., 155 and 157 Duane Street. New York, N. Y. OREGON STATEFAIE. Under the management of the State Board of Agriculture, on the State Fair Grounds near Baiem, commencing September 11th, 1893, aud vuuiiuuiuK one weea. MDKETHAN ilK.nnfl INf-ASH Will hp nM r,n,ii,,n. Inr swine, Agricultural productB, fruits, native wuuuh, iniuertus, worits 01 an ana lancy work and for trials of speed. REDUCED RATES OP FARE SAND FREIGHTS ON ALL TRANSPORTATION LINES. PAVILION open four evenings during the "cci, win, kuuu mimic in auenutice. THE NEW URAND BTAND and the new regu lation track are conceded to be among the most couuuriaoie ana me oesi on tne racitlc const. SPLENDID CONTESTS nf ra.rt oh h,. There Is entered for these contests the best Held of horses this year that has been on the grounds for many seasons. Valuable and handsome improvements have uccn uiauc ou me grounas ana DUliaing. I'KMIIIM MKT Has been revised and improved to ths benefit of exhibitors. Entries for premiums close at 8 p. m. the first y of the fair, and exhibits must be in place PRICES OK ADMISSION. men s season rickets 40 in U n,nun'B T,..l....- ' r'l'V Men's Day Tickets V.V.V. . !so uincu b imy 1 icaeis jvuvc linen iicKeis, unuy 05 mnen 10 me Kaee course. Free, c a . .Children under 1 years, Free for all Send to the secretary at Portland for a premi um list. .T APPFPQHV Tt-lA . J. T. GREGO, Secretary. ' 62-00'sw Citation. TN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE v . , n'ccoinm vi .mines a ureedlinr deceased, Citation: To David Hardy, and the unknown htr 1 i, ,u u'1 Grwln,: Inihen.raTol,,:,eKoloXn' on are hereby cited and required to appear n he County Court ol the State of Orcjon (or the County of Morrow, at the court room there of, at Heppner. in the County of Morrow on Monday the 6th day of November was, at 1 .- ..... luiniwn ui mat aav, then &nii there show cause tl any exists why'an order of S Tp. ttT t0 ,e" of sec! Witness, the Hon. Julius Kelthly Judee of the County Court of the State of tireaon for tS? (.S,"ntr ?i,M?Ir?w-,vlth tne "" of wid court Attest- y ' A"' A- D- mi- ., t,, 3- w- Monaow, Clerk byiJ.W. Will.; Depuiy. To Oonaumptivesi The undersigned havlnir been restor. health by simple means, after tt" rlns fo7 sev eral years with a severe limit affection InA IV, dread disease Consumption is anj Inlli ?i known to his fellow s, flerers tlf?me. !. ,m"k to those who desire It he wTl I cheeJ ill' and lunK malad e, He h m ', !!!$, ,hro! nmay prove , new lore. deeded 1 nsumpilon That dreaded and dreadful disease! What shall stay its ravages? Thousands 'say cod ecl us and soda has curt crnrrpc Have vou a con to consumption? Make no 1 Scott's Emulsion cures Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Scrofula, and all Anaemio and Wasting Diseases. Provents wasting In Children. Almost u palatable as milk. Cut only the genuine. Pre pared by Scott & Eowno, Chemists, New York. Sold by all Druggists. 7 Eastern Oregon STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, W pat nri . rimntilla Oonntv. Oregon. '-TUITION FREE TO NORMAL STUDENTS, and merely nominal in tho pre- 1 1 1 . - .1 t .n nnn.1..,.taa ranaiva Mrnlfl T)i nlntii UU All. paratory anu Dusiness uepruiieuin. uira --- thorizing them to tenota in any of the public schools of the state without further examination. Board and lodging. $3.50 alone, $2.2). Board and lodging in private (umilieit, from S3 50 to 81.00 per week. Good opportunities are offered in vocal and instrumeutul music. All the depart ments are thoroughly furnished with modern applinnoee. For further informatics apply to M. Q. Royal, President of the Faoulty, or P. A. Wortliiuuton, Seo'y of the Board of Regents. law DR. FOOTE'S H AND-HOOK OP HEALTH HINTS AND READY RECIPES, is tbe title of a very valuable book that gives a great amount of Information of the Utmost Importance to Everybody, concerning tbeir daily habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, eto., IT TELLS ABOUT What to Eat, Bow to Eat It, Things to Do, Things to Avoid, Perils of Summer, How to Breathe, Dangers of Kissing, Overheating Houses, Ventilation, Inflncnco of Plants, Occunatlon for Invalids. Alcohol as a Food and a fiieiltclno, Superfluous Hair, Kemoving Same, Kestorlng the Drowned, Preventing Near-Sighted- ness, IT TELLS HOW TO CURE Black Eyes, Bolls, Burns, Chlllblalns, Cold Feet, Conn, Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning, Moles, Pimples, Piles, liheumatlsm, Ringworm, Snoring, Stammering, Sore Eyes, Sore Mouth,' Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, stings aud Insect Bites, Sweating Feet, Toothache Ulcers, Waits, Whooping Cough, Worms In Children. IT WILL SAVE DOCTORS BIlLs. tSAII uew sunHcriuers 4ml prompt renewals during the month of Aug. will bo presensed with a free oopynf this as a premium. OF" curi;si' Yor WANT TO KNOW WHAT EVERY BODY OUGHT TO KNOW. READ P. II. T. iTliis yoiiiii;- U" hp flu) m.si one In iiiiury ;(I ."NTi'V() l)Th' tna lici': Imw to ) l.-i; ' ' in m ; t-fi;: ;t-; 1 DAYS )Thii iiiiid nn'!il, liow to l,iivi' )ivi;'.c li;ilii(;s; ( (INK )Tiie mother 'now t lnivn tiirm wiiliout pain; AG1INT )Tlie childless liow to ho fruitful and imilliiily; ( bOLD )Tho curious how they "crowed" and came tb bu ;( 42 The healthy how to enjoy life and keep well ; (AND HE )ino invalid now to fret )The imprudent how to )A11 who want knowledge mna it in Dr. Foote's "Tlain Home Talk," )1.000 pages, 200 cuts, 2-1 iwuiH-tru i nun rf,..i (O ,1 )Mmrav NiHE MEM ti I,- FOR INVENTIONS. tHat&l WS1U ToZ n,chycarrP natte"'ion 01 t)ie attorneys employed to Xfu their able solicitn.i 6 Cannot b exerc'ed in employing competent and reli- and of'seewZiFvTrin!,115 inVent,1rs hom'rlhUSS or careless attorneys, nut r. i . . r ' rlf Dr,ic. t 7 .; . '""""""unss tTosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and CopyrighU, Render Opinions as to Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. gethlrthrbrieVdhZr 8 stet or Photograph thereof, to !h)..7. .b !iV ?escnltion of the important features, and vou will he, at once hVe infri pUrT- Mdels are seldom necessary. If others. suC S fhMIi' or ,f J. charged with infringement by matter. us ,or a 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST P. O. BOX 483 3- Cut this out and send Notice of Intention. J .A1?SJU:lM THE DAI.I.ES, ORF.OOV th ii ,. I,' ' ."0,l,:e " hereby Riven that f.S.?h.?'!,."W wltnew to provehl. said land, vfz.; Up" cuUlv" of, C c b0?' H,eT'P'"'r, Oregon, J. T. Yount C-C, o, Tom Ba rnett all8 of U,, Notice of Assignee. NI':l'L"??KYVEN THAT THE as., nVr ."".V heen appointed ".onth. and slfowed b "the'coim atn, Ul-W"".reKo, August Slstlwi " V-;, Attorney for Assign0 A& i-., 1MH68. ' "j80' "0r it r Scott's Emulsion ol pure iNuiwcguui iver oil and hypophosphitcs of lime of consumption in its nrst h or cold acute or leading delay but take cott's per week in Young Ladies Home ; board Parnsltcs of the Skin, Iiathlng-llest Way, Care of Teeth, Aftor-Dinner Naps, EfTectB of Tobacco, (.'ure for Intemperance, Headache, Cause & Cure, To Get Hid of Lice, Malarial Affections, Croup to Prevent. i.ungsanu i.ung umeoaes, Clothing, What to Wear, How Much to Wear, Contagious Diseases, How to Avoid Them, Exorcise, well again speedily; regain wasted energy. that is of most worth ( SAVED ( $1,100 (IN ONE ( YEAR. (500,000 ( COPIES col. plates; 200 recipes; ,;t; CIVCllllU'S ri'PO, .:) R. i!tli St.. New York.f SOLD. (-"creiore are preparea to Counts. Conduct .n- reilable OPINION before acting on the ltAS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. It with your Inquiry, -tt Notice of Intention. f AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, fu , lr'. IM. Notice is herebv Riven that tne following named settler has tiled notice of ner Intention to make final proof in support of f" claim, and that said proof will be made be- ore j. Morrow, County clerk at Heppner, Jr., on Monday. October 2, vm, viz.; , mm , KDITH LUELLING 21 Kflu-,'!,,n E N. for the W14 8W of Sec. 15, Tp. 6 8. R. a E. W. M. sne names the following witnesses to prove ber said landUvuT'l(lenCe Up0n lnd culUvatl011 ' j.J.Ib"llle',,.Wl,Uer Bennett, C. H. Hams, James Hams, all of Hardman Oregon. lll"1M John W. Liwis, Register. Notice of Assignee. VOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THK beenSyr"' I ,S Ll f"tor,' wh0 Bh'l not exhibit their i i,i u. .yi'"1'1! ,hree months from the date of in Ii. ii ! i "'is notice shall not participate ,'ini l"vll,er"i until after payment in full of mo prs'5t'",,?d '""'" term of three MS, "?, all0ed by the court Dated at K?, ,. n1' 0rc,Io". September 8th, 1893. klus, Dawson a Lyons, w. P. Fsll, tn AUorneJ' 'or Assignee. Assignee.