rV U l'.-eut.s. Wuf'lac nij.curec.i.Upailon 'si si EE 1 13 AC. tit to 3 3 ?i PnmtiHt WtifviiiL' Mils euro constlp'iun yrPi.usBiH.myi.h f !! PRENTISS RECTIFYING PILL P u 3A Almost all pills and medicine produce e ocnstlpatlon.here Is a pi:t turn cures torpid liver, biliousness, rheumatism. Ingestion, sic JZtBlT O N which troubles without griping or leaving anr true of CONSTIPATION, wmcn une r" Iiof aU sfckno,,. beware of It getting habitual and chronic with you. see to It lu time ; those pills will euro ixx sat. inn ijwtv u-oopNTISS RECTIFYING r-iui-. I, w m ,.. because it IB the only safe anu nar....o.. romedy that will surely DEAUTIFY tho LA COMPLEXIO clear tho ckln and romovo all blotches irom the face. Try a box and see for you Kit MCcn.sabox. DRUQQ8x8j jj; Or rscnt by mall upon receipt of prim, by Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing: Co., ' 1 1 1 406 CALIFORNIA STREET. SAN rlCISCO,CAL. !l9 -;.7T71-J.-.7T...i, ,-.., r.,..ll nation l'rei.Una Itoeliryllllt )'"ls euro constipation . . ..........r, ........ .,... ,. .,., ,,,. n v!.,r. nil la euro const mutton 31 jllls cum con (t I p-it Ion I LAWYERS IN SINO SINQ. MARRIAGES IN CHINA. bne of Them Is ITeparln a Brief on ft j, Hot Absolutely Necessary for tbs half of Another 1'rUon.r. Bridegroom to Be Present. I Blng Sing has five lawyers among; ita A Chinese enfjajement dates Ita be tenants. They were all sent there re- ginning from the exchange of red card, eently, and their connections with the twecn the parents of the contracting ontside world hare not been broken ofl parties. These cards In many district! 10 completely as in the case of convict immense documents almost the si who have served many yuan, ui ""s of a horse-blanitci. i a ""t term. One of these lawyers has not or reason that they are used as evi only not cut off connection with denee CBse cf disagreements in till the world outside but he spends his fre. We seldom hear in China o: pare time in the prison in reading Droken engagements. Yet If a quarre more law and in working at law papers, not be settled peaceably recourse ii He does not get fees for the services in had to the law, and the judge usuallj money, but it is a pleasure for him to imposes a fine upon the party who has work at his profession rather than to brok.en the contract. The chief inci ait around and think idly during the dent in a Chinese marriage is the arriva moments when he is not doing the taskB ol the bride in her bridal clothes befor. Imposed upon him by the prison offi- the house o hcr chosen one. That is I :ials. The New York Sun thinks highly de lacto fulfillment of the contraet 3f the reputation and ability for shrewd- The wedding day is determined by th. ness that this lawyer has that not only parents of the groom. Tae imperii has he prepared his own case on appeal calendar names the lucky days, and 01 and prepared the cases of other prison- TOch davs trie so-called "red celebra srs, but lawyers in New York who tions" taie place, both in the city ant know him from time to time ask him to country. The same bridal clothe, yet up bills of exceptions in cases on may uscd seTeral times. In district! sppcal for them. where it is customary to eclebrat. This interesting convict is Abraham weddings in the forenoon thi a...i,m u ia nervine a five-vear sen- ,t,. , co-wives taki for o-rnnd larcenv on July 12, 1889. i. ; . afternoon or in ... tr -IHirM lirriiM BileBens Small Guaranteed to cur. Bilious attacks, Sick Headache and Con.tipatlos. " each 'Kittle. Pti" 26c- For 8aIe by druggists. Picture T. 17, W and fm',dt0"i J. t. SMITH ft TO., Proprietors, NEW lOna- OMAHA, KANSAsClTVbT.l'AUL, ANII AIX POINTS s Train 1..t. Ile,.pn. 10 b. ra. Arrive- 6 20 . ru, daily purept du"'- LEGENDS ABOUT THE POTATO. Stories About Its mirou . Into Bussla and England. Quoor When potatoes were first introduced tht A HANGING tXl -EMENCE. ; hy a ILunsas AN OLD DUELING PISTOL. t Has Seen Four Centuries of Sorvlce and Is Ktlll In Ooou lonuuion. ni onirience shows some of the de- : annortlinsr nf the criminal laws of the state, The Chinese thus hope t i. HD i. e..; it io net. Rn much the ,. i ;,nr,nrtant. That thi apt. down at uiuuui i matte mum ic , . .l,.,,,, ThoV iepriving him of his liberty as that it chief t of a Chinese marriage is th. neither plant nor touch them, i y n-ieves him as a lawyer to see anyone arriTalof the bride at the house of th. declared them to bo the -t-u. in. . Into Russia by a Mr. Rowland line -t f the introduction of the to the Ostsiatis- tuber into that benighted country being subject of controversy, out. uu...v 17U1) me ih'"io ;ommitted to Sing Sing with such Mai. Moore has t curios Drought oy one of yinla, says tne UIlllU K . . . . c.,n,, , v tv, . .i i,t tho,. u.ro iriven to his SataniL tn-rtfm ir l miKiraieu bkh" , ..v , among his collection disregard of the niceties of the criminal that the ns are often married withou majesty on his complaint a dueling pistol wmoi iaw as wan Deing preseut, m - --- - , to this country from lingiana be was convicwa in novemuer, ioo, Jt is not believed to ue - tile earnest scttieia ui was uutcu, w ."6 "e , cnane i-nc wwuiu , , - , The Hennotlous as l)e ; Mho. "I was hanged fr a horse thief jnce," said V. II. Stephens, a con tractor hailing from the Sunllower ill,,ln..nir,e.r:it man. It SUiLU, iu "J "v was just after the war, were were repenting of their sins. j J g fl.nt and 1()(u,cd could flrcd. s-mg he is looked on as a great au- chirjese iaw recognizes seven ground, moved into the state lu m . . , barrel, which thnritr on criminal law, and he is pre- MvnTt.j, from a woman childless Xn "nnm-ared unscrews about an inch from the flash- paring a brief for James E. Bedell, an- improper conduct, neglect of the paren- pan. lO 10aU It um winti " utlier lawjcii " " n 01 llic uuauouu, ta " j icrewcd, the powder poured in and 0f twenty-five years for forgery, and is jeaiousy and incurable disease. A nat rammed down. The barrel is then re- crushed by it, while Suydam is bright, ural conSequence of the importance at placed and the bullet, about three chipper and intellectually active. Both tached in China to male heirs is that times as large as a buckshot, is dropped he and Bedell are at work on the books whcre they are absent, the husbanc in The sight is on the side of the 0f the prison, the highest class of em- marries a co-wife. This, however, ii barrel about midway between the trig- ployment there. They are well liked by not general, and is limited to familiei Hotitry. Winer, ro ". ; jt Mi li wi,h ' , 'l nu.tlllBO(.nntie.. 1B,.in M"'";"mi ,lr' rami J" epnl..te,l III.).. ,t. , .11 left holll'ler. , l, quarter eir. 1- uver , .n .,.ip 'V''!!."-e,e:l,u.'ler h il-.""-" ll,t.,n Jnk"' '1"''' , 'ear aed i'lit " 'e-irJonnVVll'ilanjein'-"; ditrici. !'" w'n''; 0r.n,)r., nrniwled (,rt county. 7L (or. tilla coontli. r )r.Horse, shwlwl '"lC'pUre" ."j il Uardman. Or.-llo,.. H on lot Hit eper-' Cars Fteclining Chair and Diners let Hank n i)i.-Horses, wineglass Hon l'orllno'l s"" everv four diiVB. Frmicisei' Tickets TO AND KILIlM luuopc. mstlon eall ou Hayes, , , urn ..."... ---:. Dr.-HorM. 1 I UBtoU. lAU.ier. --.,,, ,... on.uu uu Heppner, Or -Horses. Ire. l...ulder. faille, the Sams. ile. )"'"' bs:1"' i.Ti sHine coulltv u ..... .1 mi lefl liiuiuo on Kil" - - , ,i ;.,,,, nnia savs the new lorn uuuruui. isi. xii -r - , , ciueu. i. mo m.v .. . i just after the war. St xk U . ves p flint.lock, ia fully tombs and did a fairly large law bust Jore, happens to be called away on th. -e pretty thick, and t ht n cuife 1nu;drcd yoars 0id and is still in ness there, advising other prisoners and wcdding day the marriage takes plac. re not allowed to v. a. .to m t condition and if capped with a consulting about their cases. In Sing - ending the bride to his house, cntingof their sir. ,. i J ?..,. ,i i,i,i -r,,,i,i he fliwl. ir, h is looked on as a great au- ri,in. law recoirnizes seven ground! bought a horse, a re;ru nlnrr. from a VounTi tCI" ' r-- o' V. . , ' , . , , ., t. to be all np;IH, ami vie ""J" dhim and starie.1 l ) l'rt Soott to transact some btif.ia.-.s. "I had ridden pcrhnps a do.en miles when I was overhauled by a p-ssc of armed men who we re lmnUn;; stock thieves. Then.. 1 v,-.m ri.ling had been stolen froia a r.ic::il); of the party, and I was swung up fie limb of a tree by the romWdn vithout oemg jiven a chance to oxplu'u. There was a sharp, momentary 1 a;:i, a choking sensation, succeed! I by one that I can only compare to fa: delightful intoxi sation of the opium hmo'.a r, and then unconsciousness. I would like to ex perience that sensation aratn, but do Dot care to undergo the necessary pre liminaries. The parly concluded that I mii'ht have confederates, and let mc down, hoping that I would peach. "The coming back to life was a gi rleal more painful than taking leave It When 1 cot so I could tall: I my story, but it was not believed, and they were about to swing me up w.'ien n. noiyhbor. returning froi Scott, chanced along and convinced them that they had the wrong man." gcr and tho muzzle. Instead of sight ing over a point on the extreme top of the barrel, as one docs when handling a modern revolver, the old pistol was held so that the sight was taken over the knuckles of the person using it. the officials, as they cause no trouble. DEFENSE OF THE PEACOCK. It Is Not True, as Suld, That Ills Feet Am jjglyllow lie courts. of wealth. The bad results oi tne sy tem are recognized by the Chinesi thomaalro. The practical Chinese therefore, have adopted a more simpl. way of obtaining heirs the adoption o: Ttn, th wacock has us-lv chUdren who belong to side branchei The nistol was manufactured in Lon- . . TnvieVrmist Wood, ol of the family. In this way the lamilj PEOPLE OF EASTERN PERU don and was brought to this country by a man named Mason, who was related to Lord Fairfax. It remained in tne Mason family until 1ST9, when it was given to an old fisherman by Miss Mason, a granddaughter of the man who hrnuirht it over from old England. rod The old fisherman gave it away and it of finally foun 1 its way into the hands of t ild one Detective Kair, wno presenicu n vj Maj. Moore. again,! The descendants ol tne original pos- froin Fort sessor, Mr. Mason, still rcsiou on mo farm on which he settled some mree hundred years ago in King George county, Va. How many affairs of honor this "lingering eternity" of a barbarous custom has figured in is not known by its present owner, its history having been lost in the recent rapid changes of ownership. the Smithsonian institution, to a Wash- line is kept intact Intrton Star reporter. "I have heard male descendants in the side branch Kad tLrpeTof nonsense ever of the family, the sons of strangers a since I was a child, and I understand adopted. The Chinese prefer this meth- that it is recorded as an ornithological od to marrying second wives. truth in classic Greek and Latin. You will come across mention of it even in fables. To my mind it affords an illus tration of the fact that most people never use their own physical senses ac tively, but depend for their notions of life and things upon the observations of others. "I have just finished mounting this nair of peacocks. Isn't the male bird a ANIMAL INSTINCT. Singular Sagacity Displayed by Horses. food." W here- digging in potatoes growing t.nAin tllCltlUi . A similar legend seems to have ob tained credit among the staid British ers in Berwickshire Knglaud. In that shire the introduetior. of potatoes is nnrmlarlv attributed to Sir Michael Scott, one known all over Europe as The Wizard of the Aortn." accuiu.uk to the storv Muliaei anu me formed a copartnership and took u lease of a farm on the Mertown estates, called the 'Wlutehouse." Michael was to manage the farm; the devu me cap ital; the produce was to be divided in the following manner: The first year Michael was to have all that, oxnw 'above the ground, and the devil all that grew lienea the second year sh::.v: divided in just the oppi Satanic majesty, ::.tn :r: badly beaten by the v, l that, nnrsonnire. with iru Bight, sowed all the land to wheat the first year and planted it all in potatoes the second So the poor devil got nothing but wheat stubble, and potato tops. How these absurd legends orig inated no one seems to know, but the fact remains that the peasantry ol doid for rales and general Inlov Depot Ticket Agent, .J. C. I I A RT iiepi' ner. Orel , r).s. Act. lU'lU.BI'UT. AkkI Hem. $ Washington St.. PellTI.ASI). OlIKdON. ivffiitl-:-of-:-()i'p. nn.i. in r.glil Mid split in Ml er J.,kii , D IV., ill l. Vernon.. . Ift ulioulder; on entile, suieoiti crops ou Hear vall.u i,ll,, runs branded KM'on fifrtui , JSlurin.d cop olf left ear: unuer i. .,-,., m hirK, J- A-, iieppi.e. ali.uikler; eallle, iw u L..L .1 ... noi.uuer. Ur.-lloraes Hank: eallle 11 "" rwhl si.lo. 1 .. .. N..........I.. nr.: horse stoii de. ; eallle uu.e on i ighl side. uudelUil on "K1" "'!',.... j ,o ,1 M...,nt Vernon. Or, in nul.l ear. UH. .in. , ,,, hri.1,1 ti.tiiut, lu and on e i wnuiiiuei . i.u.h" ... - - Luflen, Stoplien, iox, Oi'.-? uu 1 '" . crop and split ou right ear. I orsos same brand on left shoulder. Itunge lnl "allen.John W.. ,, Or.-H;... bianiled l.all-ci.clo JL eonuucl.m ou ion i- i;aitl.,. sauit ou i.iu nip. n.a -.1 on homes on . I.tfi t.io and two both 'ears, llangeiu ioxaud left 17 ou either 11 on left u-tiil on -1 1. on i in 1 ft Horses same )pen KUGENK. Monday, Seutember 8th. h t'.ie surface; , v.ere to be sit. way. His i i say. was y Michael, for j ScotLish fore- J That cattle and horses can communl- Russja and England even to this day . . .,- a.. ...v.,,,. anil ars cate intelligence to c.. endowed with a certain amount ol reasoning faculty the following iac are pretty conclusive proof: I once pur chased a station on which a large nura- frequently allude top-jtaljes as fruit" devil's OILING A r.C inglncer's Trerttim ot . Ai.-eal. The Montana of Soulli Anierlen and Its Inhabitants. Eastern l'eru, though changing it nnlilicnl title at various periods, has been called the Montana or wooded LONGEST TUNNEL IN THEWORLD country Rinec the lirst colony was planted there, two hundred and fifty- six years ago, says a writer in Harper's Weekly. The experiences of the early I settlers were an endless succession oi There used to be u: id may be yet . . i . cnaseu a hmnwu 0 beauty? You can see for yourself that and horse8 had Kone wUd, his feet are decidedly pretty, well . ... t vnceA tht - i 1 U KCli k v '" i -a. - - shaped and rather small in proporuou r " nt w..t..ra distance of twenty the Las Cruces div Tbov are verv siio-htlv big- . , , j,,.Mi0 At ., : ger than those of a turkey and are de eidedlv handsomer. The same can be :ger. r a : elfish Road VST CLOSED THE MOST TUGS pereim venr in u tiif ury. "h" 1 .. 'I I, 111- range or mumes v Unuineu noilrse lidded I" ton frp. Eulratiee fee, $11). .mi hiiUitiL' at rensi.iiMlile rines ,io..i.nt new dnimiior) and in iit... iuulon. i ..... i ll. ,....er. Dr.- iloiilile li coi.neeu ntinieuu.wo v....u wing li. on lell shoulder. Jn.ikl.aui. A. M., lleppuur. Or.-l)altle large M on lull side, both earn cropped, ami f pi it in in., I., nurses M ou lelt hip. llange, -Horsos branded tlurk's Board 111 Hie Hrilinn linn n the CHinims, Here Biiuiei.'B n. ceive lieibiiuiu niieivisi...., JoitN W 147-81 Jl.HSSoN, President. be that now to be constructed through ..... 4j:mnl..n A.mrr,lino- to the final romantic adventures. towns were ' . ... . , th of and f-"rT. ,, iha Vi.Q miles, or u.l lliuea i.iw.c .. The nortnern said of the hen bird, unattractive though the latter is as to other points. Through wherever in the feathered kingdom the .b w r.l ia t.hn handsomer he does the The longest tunnel in the world will courting, while in the comparatively of the Santa miles leaving traps at intervals, a. j-e railway an engineer 's first this answered all right, but soon Jack Long." One night Jack was the wattle became exceedingly cautious ,ione at his engine oiling up the ma- It Will Ho Over Twelve Miles, the hl.i.ploi. Mountain, about entering the traps; waiting out , chine, while the rest ot the crew, line side for two or three nights before go- the passengers, were at supper in the ing in, and if they could smell a man oi j dingy eating house. The train was a his tracks not going in at an. m .o. . 0ng one anu tne uugiuu Where? At Abriilmmsick's. In mlditimi to his niloring business, he has added a fine me of underwear of all kinds, negligei- -hirts, hosiery, etc. Also has on hand some elegant patterns for suits. A. Abrnliamsick. May street, Ueppner, Or. Foot-l'i inls on the Path to Health. EveryotjH needing a doctor's iidvioe -.hould read one of Dr. Fnote's dime pamphlets on "Old Eyes," "Oromi," ."Rupture," '"Phimosis." "Varicocele," Disease of men, Disense of Women, and i"inn th best means of sel -cnie. M Hill Puh. Co., 129 Kui-t 2Hth St., New York. St. Gothard tunnel. mouth will be situated about 2,300 vards south of Brieg, at the little vil- yards beyond Ivelle, present wall gallery. just below the About one-hall incline of 1.5 Per 1.000 yards, just suffi cient to cause the water to run off, while tho southern portions will have an incline of 0.5 per 1,000 yards. The process of boring will be the same as that followed with the Arioerg tunnel. built and destroyed many times, there is scarcely a single sita which hai not been bathed with the blood of whit and Indian through centuries of con flict. Spanish and Peruvian possess. r tho soutiiern 600 of this territory has consequently oeei .,, ,,, i more nominal than renl until withir the last twenty years, during which time several of the old mission station! have flourished forth into cities of fron two thousand to six thousand inhab itants under the commercial stimulus given by the opening of the Amazon tc the flags of all nations in 18(10. Accordingly the majority of the pun whites now living in tho Montana art either Peruvians originally from the west coast or Germans, French am? English, with two or three Americans, who have been allured to this rcmots corner of the gloho by tho prospect ot speedily amassing fortunes in the rub ber trade. These new comers are ofter noble examples of manhood, full of that courage and determination which art needful in establishing government lint commercial prosperity in the midst of e somnolent and sometimes treacheroul native population. Women of appar ently equal rank are, however, eonspic uously absent. unusual case where the female is more gorgeous she it is that takes the initia tive in the love-making. It is a curious thing to observe trial they adopted a plan which beat me. A mob would come to the trap-gate, and one would go in and drink and corns out, and then another would do the same, and so on till all nan watered. of the tunnel facing north will have an ,, ht d dazzies her all at once with ... . i i..et cen. 6 ' .... , . the male peacock in courting his chosen e'hiui evidently arrived at the con mate approaches her not with the j wou",, not catch one and Dngntiy cuioreu io.ee u. ...o toward her, but backward. Then, on coming close, he wheels suddenly about, with every plume trembling in tne sun- bis beauty. As for the popular miscon ception respecting his feet, there can be no doubt as to how it originated. When the peacock is pointed at, being natur ally a wild bird, he is apt to drop his fan and Bcuttle away, inus tne im- from the little cluster tit uuuuiugs. Suddenly, "throw up your hands!" was (rrowled at him and Jack found him self looking into a gun in the hands of a hard-looking citizen. The fel low demanded money and Jack be gan to argue, protesting that he had but a dollar in his pockets and that to take that were a cruelty, since it was meant to pay for his sup- Yes, the marauder was determined STOl'K litiAXKS. ner. to have the sacn, even ii it nau uui i more absurd." Workshops and depots are to be estab- pression was conveyed to the ignorant lished on the right bank of the Rhone, t,mt he iraaf,jned his feet to be objecta close to the northern entrance, at a cost Q( attention and accordingly sought to of 4,000,000 francs. The power of work- nide tnem, of course, nothing could be ing is estimated at 1,450 horsepower viz.: 520 for boring purposes, 780 for ventilation and 200 for electric light ing, etc. i. c., at the end of the tunnel alone, for which purpose the river Massa is to be dammed In. At the southern side a similar station Is to be established, which is calculated to cost 8,000,000 francs and to furnish 2,700 horsepower, derived from damming up the river Cairasoa. The total cost of the remaining works Is estimated at 80.000.000 francs, of which 80,000,000 OLD BURIAL The Way CUSTOMS. by unerals Aro Conducted mnerent Knees. The Mohammedans always, whether In their own country or one of adop tion, bury without collln or casket of any kind. The Greeks sometimes buried their dend in the ground, but more generally cremated them, in imitation of the Unmans. In India, up to w ithin the last few years, eii her an ording to her wishes or otherwise, was reunited on the same three years, a feat hitherto unrivaled in the history of naval architecture. Still more noteworthy is the fact that the vessel was completed for 10,000 less than the original estimates. The steam. francs are contributed by the various gunnery and torpedo trials of the new states interested in the scheme. In sea monster have been made with the order to facilitate the undertaking, a most satisfactory results. With 9,700- track is to be laid on the road between horse power the ship made nearly 11 Dornodossala and Isellc, while in the knots, and with 13,300-horse power 16 borings aro to be used Brandt's rotary knots, or half a knot more than the boring machines. It is calculated that Trafalgar, which is a smaller ship with the work will occupy eight years and a similar engines. The lloyal Sovereign frighten all the others away. To get in the wild horses, six hundred oi which were running on a large plain (about twenty thousand acres), I erect H a stock vnrd with a gradually widen ing lane in a hollow where it couio noi 8ingle dollar, uuring me uiscussiou easily be seen, and by stationing horse- slipped his hand from bulb to men at intervals on the plain galloped nozzle of the long machinist's oiler and the wild horses iu. My first hunt edged around the head of the locomo- fwhich lasted for some days) was sue- tive, finally backing across the track, cessful, the wild horses heading toward dosely followed by the temporizing the mouth of tho lane, without much holder-up. When the man was so well difficulty, but of course some escaped by into the glare of the headlight as to charging back at the stock yard gaU' guide Jack's address, this worthy and in other ways. My second hunt, promptly laid over his head with the about a month later, was a failure; neavy 0iier for a bludgeon, and, when ,. . t , n .... ,l,i ..Inin carnal ., 1, 1 . . .-.,-tl, iha A New English War Ship- I every moo oi noises ou v..v . v. , , V" tne victim ye-rn. ua. ' I " . eomaehable fact about the Eova to know Wli mo iu " " supping contingent, ; vv, B ZT, the latest and perhansihe not head that way. This seems to his assailant almost senseless and stood, 'Zmidabli o 'thEnff ltae of "how that the horses that escaped from ! weapon in hand, looking down at him, battle "SSm the Itat hm,. told jU the others wher, grimly: "Well! I guess I've and fullv eouioped for sea In less tnan mc -j - it" jy -r ------- half. 1 e.lei in 1 i.l I:. el l!..it converted her hus- , ini i ashes in Greenland, savs the natives bury a dug to be used by to the other worhl. regard to this pe- t'ley will answer, vay anywhere." r A". Ir.i.ia lie the hands I -e'.'.ier and ull out tho f t l' -ar t'uil the corpso i.. , ,.y . .tit of the grave . .... , place a eertitl , ' i.i T. tl. ad person's -;.l- J..V. U to St. Peter !...ien. funeral pyi band':, rvi.u 1 -i ; . the l !.i e live d v, i. the child ., When n'.,e culiar ;,i:p. "A dog car. Thena'u of tin ir d. nails; tlii. may s n and be, The j ,-ii. Cute i ' .v. hands, v. 1 at tin- rat. 1 sa, .: . Yl.ii.n. The l'vi'. ' i r; 1 vi.iun varies with c'.r'.a.'uv, i , ". : ! .;i ,.f the atmos phere, inii 'i i' v ': illumination and other iii ' :'. ', ,,' . :.'!'. '-i;s. tin a clear day an elj.a .no f..ot above a level plain may la ; a .'i.tanee of 1.31 miles; ::.' in feet hi liohrht, -I.I.". miles; one 'JO feet l-'erY miles: one 100 feet high, 13.1 miles; one a mile hirll (as tho top of a mountain), !'.. 03 utiles. This allows 7 inches, or to 1" more exact, 0.0D iuches to the mil" ;' r the eiu-vnture of the earth, i::'.l ' stu 's that the size and Illumination of the object is sufil cient topr.uhi -e a.i iina.re. Terne Plato. Tin plate, or, to speak more accurate ly, tinned plate or tinned sheet, is thin sheets of plates of iron or steel coated with tin. Terne plate is sheets or plate iron or steel covered with an alloy 01 tin and lead, usually two-thirds lead and one-third tin. It is this union oi three metals, iron, lead and tin, thai gives rise to the name of terne plate, terne bolng the French equivalent ol the English adjective tern, meaning threefold. The oft-repeated statement that terne is from a French word mean ing dull is incorrect. Terne plate, be cause of the presence of lead in the coating, is duller than tin plate, which is frequently called bright plate; but it is not tills fact that gave rise to the ap pellation terne, but the union of the three metals. There is a question as to whether the tin used forms an alloy with iron or is only a simple coating. It seems to be more firmly attached to the iron than a mere coating would be, rarely if ever when the sheet is proper ly preparod sealing off, but requiring absolute rubbing away to remove it 1 is probable that the tin coating fon an anoy with the iron. Ilrandln-T t'l" I'.rl-c One of the :.U-, n,- : .. if late years is thepropo srts to brand every man irmv. in order to make d lible. No doubt the luffering from a sev Give the matter a little lh.mc.lit. Reference ia uiuda to t Ije neat hard ware, tinware, plumbing, etc., stuck ot Billy Potter, Odd rVllowa hall. He de lire to plsase in brith qualitr and price. attains greater speed with less expend! turc of power than any of tho vessels of the famous "Admiral" class, and is greatly superior in this respect to the Italian war ship Lepanto. She is, in fact, the fastest war ship of her dis placement and defensive and offensive i qualities in the world. She carries fom I 87-ton guns, 10 six-inch quick-firing guns, a number of torpedo tubes, and all other customary armament. Her value, with supplies and ammunition on board, Is just about ill ,000,000. Angora tloats. The Angora goat is filling a pretty large place in the domestic economy oJ the United States. Thirty states and all the territories number these goats among their useful animals, and the crop of hair last year amounted t six hundred thousand pounds. The stock, however, is deteriorating, and Secretary Busk has taken measures tc Import some full-blooded animals from Turkey. It is estimated that from two to three thousand choice foreign goats are needed to put the industry on s firm footing. The goats multiply rapid ly. One farmer in San Jose has a flock of ten thousand from an original im portation of four, but only one thou sand are full-blooded. I. Ar.nv .- a-: ''ted ,al of Gen Hob in the liritisi, sertion impos- brave general is ease of atavism. Some of his early a-ieesto-s may have attended to the business cf branding 5f his own slaves m.d criminals and this loathsome penchant he transmitted successfully to his preset remote de scendant. ' The I. rand, '..reposes tho general, shall cons'.:.', vf the nitials of she royal signature tattooed upon the irm. Three Thousand Voice. The musical director of the Chicago, exposition. Theodore Thomas, will con duct the music October 21. He will have a chorus of 2,000 voices, a supple mental children's chorus of 1,000, an or chestra of 120 and two military bands. The scene of the dedication will be the interior of the largest exposition build- inir ever built namely: the magnifi cent temple to manufactures and liber al arts. a t'nlque World's Fair Enterprise. A Creole kitchen, with native cooki and waiters, and dishes prepared in ere ole style, will be a striking adjunct U the exhibit which Louisiana will mak at the world's fair. It S turn Id be in Kvery House. J. H. Wilson, 871 Clay Ht , Sharptliiire, P- sn.vs lie will nut be without Dr. King's New piscovery for eonsnmpti'iti. Coughs and Colds, that it cured lna wife who was threatened with Pueninonia af ter an stuck of "La Grippe," htn vari ous other remedies ami WWrjd..lLysi. einna hsd done her iWfiooil. Hubert Barber, of Cooksport, Ph., ilsm.s Pr. King's New Discovery hag doue him more good than anvthing lie ever used for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Tr it. Free trial bottles at Slneiim-Johnpoo Drug Co. Large bottles, 60o and 81.00. - Jier. Slavery on American Soil. m It Is true that "Columbus made the first Blaves in America," but he was promptly and severely rebuked by Spain, and in the matter of slavery England might well wish that its own indigestion try Electrio Bittere entire blood had made half so clean a record sutisfnrtiou gnBrHiHeed.nr money reftitut F.lMtrlc Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well kuowa aud so popular as to need nospe oial mention. All who have used Elec trio Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is unarHUteed to do all that is claimed. Electrio Bitters will cure all disenses of the liver and kidneys, will remove pim ples, boils, eslt rheum sod other affee t'ons esused by impure blood Will drive nialnris from the system snd pre vent as well ns enre all nialnrial fevers For cure of headache, constipation and in the new world as Spain did. ed. Price 50c and 1 00 per bottle at Slocnm Johnson Drug Co. The genera! merchandise establish- Plans of the Teiaa Women. r The women of Texas are raisins' nnnev wiih whieh to nl.. tnt,,o tiient formerly owned by Coffin 4 McFar of Huston and Austin and busta ot ll4,u'' h,Ba '"'y cliBoaetl hands, now be Bowe, Crockett, Travis and Fannin-all in,V, "'l? ,Cnil . ."J!!a,f,"nnt celebrated Texas historical character, ''f jhe MoFarland Mercantile Companv -In the state building at the world bheMtinnMbMweitttooldtand fair vT - with a larger stock than ever. a run hot' again for one whilel" SEEING WITH ONE EYE. Effect of Judgment Trained by lllnoenlar VMon. A person may sec as far with one per fect eye as with two, but he cannot see as clearly; for the .advantage that binocular, or double vhion, possesses over monocular, or o'.ie-rvye.l vision, is that the former, by allowing the ob server to catch sirht of the object from two different points of view, gives him at once some idea of the proportions of of its different parts. But though t.na is true in theory, in practice the judgment interferes, and the judgment has been educated and in measure rendered independent of the services of binocular vision by expe rience and the use of other senses, such as touch, says the Washington Post. Thus a man with only one eye is never deceived ns to tho nature of an object with which lie is well ac quainted, for the report of it that he gets from his vision is corrected and supplemented by his experienced judg ment and transmit ted to his centers of consciousness in ns perfect a form as that which reaches those of a man with two eyes. The advantage of binocular vision may be thus further illustrated: In rapidly dipping a pen into an inkstand or putting a stopper into a decanter tho one-eyed man cannot judge so accurate ly as the two-eyed man. (ir, again, if we shut one eye and attempt to plunge the finger rapidly into the open mouth of a bottle we are apt to over-reach or fall short of it. An Affectionate ,J:i,-k:U, The jackal is only a Htjile wild dog. Its body is but fourteen or fifteen inch es long, its tail about ten more, and it stands about fifteen inches high. It has the habits of a dorr; when wild it howls, but when tame it barks just like a house dog. It is nocturnal in its habits, but that is because the heat of the climate in Asia and Africa is so great that most animals shun the light, and the jackal does not like the heat any more than other animals do. It is easily tamed, and becomes as affection ate and faithful as any dog. While you keep your subscription paid up yen can keep your brand in free of charge. Allyn. T. J.. lone, Or. Horses (J(i on lefl shoulder; cuttle same on left hip, under bit on right ear, and upper hit on the lefl; range, Mor row county. Armstrong, J. I'., Alpine, Or. T with bar nn dsr u on left shoulder of horses; cuttle same on toft hip. Allison, O. D Eicht .Mile. Or. Cattle brand, O 11 on left hip and horsi's sfuno liraiid on rii;lil shi.ulder. ltane, Eight Mile. Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horn's, JA con nuclei en lelt Hank; cattle, san.e ou left hip. linrtliolauipw, A. G., Alpine. Or. Horses brHinled 7 E on either slionlder. Itunge in Mo, r..w county. Hll-iiknian, Geo., Harihnfui. Or. Hordes, a ring ..eli'ft shoulder: earth) sanio on riwlit ulioulder .Minn ietor, J. W,, Harilnian, Or. Cat lie hiiind ,1 H on lefl hip and thigh; Rplit in each oar. Hrenner, 1'eter. Ion eel.eiry Oregon Horses triinded PH ou left shoulder. Caltlu same on ,glit side Hnrke. M 8t Long Creek, Or On eattle, vlAY connected on left iiip, crop ot lefl ear, nii ,er half crot. off right. Horses, same hrand on tfl shoulder. Knngo in Grant and Morrow ronnty. Kiosmfin, Jerry, hena, Or. Horses branded 7 n riglit shoulder; ri.lt.le H on iIih left side. ,eft ear haif crop ml right ear upper slope. Hiaton, Wu... H' ppner, Ur. -Horses, .1 II on .rl.t th'idi, cuttle, same on r.eht hip; split in i.eli ear. iirovrt, U;n, Lexington, Or. Horsos IR on the right stitle; cuttle same on rijfhthip; range, Mor row county. Urown, J. C Heppner. Or. Horses, circle C witliilot ince tor on lefl hip; catlle. same. Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Horses W bar over it, on the lelt shoulder. Cattle same on left hip. Uoyor, w. li Heppner, Or. Horses, bin rigm hip cattlo, same, with split in .Minor, Oscar, Heppner, Or. Cattle, M U ou rml.l lap; ho.se. ill oi. lull shouluur. Jloigin, H. N., lleppuur. Ur.-Horsos. M ) on lell sliouluei culllo suiuo ou lolt Inp. McCuuilier, Jas A, lichu, Or.-llores. M with bur i. vur ou right shoulder. Morgan, 'iuu... lleppuer, Or.-llorees, circle T on loll shoulder and left thigh; eallle. L ou Jlncl.e.l.'oscarilone, Or.-Horaus. 77 on right hip; eallle, Ti ou i-.glil side. 'llcl .arun. ll. 1.., lirowusville, Or.-llorses, (mure 6 on each shounlur. calllo. Jla.m nil. McCar.y, oavld II., Echo, or. Horses branded U.ll connected, on the lell shoulder; catlle same "'Mcl'inrl'r'rai'.k, Vox Valley, Or.-Mule shoe will, loe-cork ou cattle on ribs Had under in each ear; hoisbs same braud on lell stllle. Mcllulej, U. V., Hamilton, Or. Ou Horses, b will. I.sll circle unuer on lelt shoulder; on Catlle, lour bars connected ou top on the ngnt side liKi.goin liraiil l.ouiny. Nal. Andrew. Loue liock.Or. Worses A N con. ueclud ou lull shoulder; cattle same on both hipu. Nonlyke, Ji Bllverlon. Or. Horse, cirole i on lell thigh; eallle. same ou left hip. Oliver, Joseph, I auion City, Or. A 3 uu cuttle ou lelt lap; on horses, sumo ou lull thigh, Huuge in Grant county. Oiler, I'urry. Leiinglou, Or. 1' O ou lefl " oip, Herman, Ptairie City, Or. On outtle, 0 Ll' connected ou lell hip; horses ou lelt suUe aud warns on nose. tun. go u. Uiaut county. i-eatbuli, Oluve, Eight mile. Or. Horses, ijuur lur circle sluelo uu left shuulder snd ii on lelt Inj.. CutUo, lors, in lell ear, light cropped. 'IA on left hip. Hang, ou Eight Mile. I'arker ot U reason, liarumaii.Or, liorausll'on I. It ghoul. lor. I'.pei , En.e t, Lexington, Or.- Hor os brund e E IL h eolilieoleuj o.. lelt shoulder ; cattle s u.eou light nip. Itauge, juorrow couin. l.por, J. 11., i.esil.au.1,. Ul. liulben, d t. con. iieclt-il o. lelt shouluur; catlle, same on lull hip. un.lei bll lu each ear. rettys, A. c, luue, Or,; horses diamond 1' on shouluer; cattle, j n J connecu-u, o.t ll.s lett hip, upper slope in lefl eur anu slip in u.e light, l ow ell, JolinT., Uayville, Or U.uses, JP colu uecedou lell shouluer. l altlu Oh. couueoted ol. lell hip, two under hall crops, oUe on each ear, wattle unuorlhioat, tin. go in lirui.tcouut). hooil, Andrew, ilaruuiuu, Or. limsus, sonars cioc, will, quarter-circle over Hon lull euue. lieunigui, Chris, lleppuer, Or. noises, C 11 on leltsl.oiitoei. iucen I'an, Haiuiuun, Or.; horses, three panel worm lelice on lei L snouluer; cattle, O A iN en rigl.l shouluer. Itauge uoar llurdmuii. lu.itu, Aaion, lleppnei, or llcisob, plain V ou tell shout.ler; caltle, si.u.e biann revem-d ou right lot. auu crop oil rlghl ear. iiunge in illor row cou.il. husli riroe., lleppuer, Ur. Horses bianiled X ou u.e right shouluer; cuttle, IA ou lliu lell nip clop oil lell ear ami oewlap ol. ueck. lout;e 1L Mo. low and adjoining counties. n.ist, tvi.uau., Kiugu, Or. Horses It on lull shouluer; cauls, it ..u lell hip, crop od light eal, unoeroll on lull oar. iM.ccp. li en wualhci'b, louu.l crop oil rigl. ear. huuge Oiha liliuanu .Hoiiowc .unties. liet.h.'j, AUUlew, l.eiUiglou, Or. Horsel branded A li on rigid sl.ouiu. r, veut quaiu-l c.rcie over brtii.d; cattle suuie ou l'lgl.b lop. tiai.g., 1oitow county. lu.iee, Win. ll, Oairyvilie, Or lill connecleC will, uunnei cneie o.er lop ou cameou ugliliill at... Ciol- od r.glil ear and bpnl lu lelt. Hoib.-i ui.n.c Oniiio .... .ell sltoulUer. liuugu in Morrow uit.nl ami Oiiuum counties. i.coLoi.d. iy.. liopput-i. Or. ltoises, JJ et luttsriouioor. Caitiu, u on right tup. 1 .sprckr.idl, J. W., uooseberry, Or. Hurr,o uranueu 61 ou lull shoulder; .uuae in Mort'uW count. bai.ing, C C lleppuer, Or Horses branded on .ell bi.ouluei'i cuule saute ou lelt tup. bwuggan, 11. r,, LokrngLon, Or. Holsss Willi uanii under it ou lelt stille. cattle ll with Horses, P B on loft brand or' each ear. Borg, P.O., Heppner, Or. shoulder; cattle, same on left lirtiwnlee, W. J r'oj.Or-Cattle. JH conned ed on left side; crop on left ear and two splits and middle piece cnt out on right ear; on horses same hrand on the left thigh; Hunge iu Fox valley, Grant county, Carsner Warron. Wagner, Or. Horses brand- en v on ngnt stitle; caltle (three burs) on right ribs, crop and split in each ear. llimge in Grant and Morrow counties. Cain.E., nleb.t )r.- V 1) on horsos on left stifle tj with quarter circle over it. on h,ft uho.il, inl and on left Btrfle on all colts under 5 years; on left shoulder only on all horsus over 5 years. All range in Grant county. Clark, Wni. H., Let a. Or.-Horses WHC con nerled. on left shoulder; caltle same on right hip. llarge Morrow and Umatilla counties. late, ( has. It,, Vinson or Lena, Or. Horsea H 0 on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Itange Morrow and Urunlllla n.. unties. Cecil, Wm Douglas. Or.; horses J (' on lef shoulder; caHle same on lefl hip, waddles ou each jaw and two b.ts in the right ear. Curl, i. 11., John hay, Or.-Double cross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in right eur, split in left enr. llnngo in Grant county. On sheep, inverted A aud spear point on shoulder. Ear marko.i ewes, crop on left ear puuehed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in right and under half crop in left ear. All rangs in Grant countv. Cook A. JLona,Or.-Hor8es,90onrightslionl det. (attle, same on right hip; ear mark sutiare crop oil left and split in right. J'urrrn. H. X., CurririBvillo, Or. -Horses, 0 on Vox Ed. 8., Hanlmnn, Or. Cattle, C with ' in cei.lur; horses. CE on left "lip. (ochran, 11. E Monument. Grunt Co, Or. llorsos branded errele wrth bai beneath, on left shoulder: caltle same brand on both hips, mark under slope both ears and dewlap. "' Chapin 11 llardmnu, Or.-Ht.rses branded -on right hip. Cattle branded the same. Dickens, Elib-HoiBOB braided with three "Y, , "... V.1 ".11Ile-1 "ule wi'ne on left side. . ougiass, n m , .,;,lloway, Or.-t:attle, K h on nghl side, swa low-fork in each ear; horses, 11 h UQ JOlt flip, Douglas. 0. T., Douslas, Or-Horses TD on the right stifle: cattle same on right hip Ely, J . B. ii ttoiis, houglae.Or.-HorseB brand. v uu ic.i m.ou.ui hip. hole tp right eur. r.i. Fl PUo'1 Bstnedy tor Catarrh ll the mm I j Best. EssleK to fin, tnd Chespest. I I II tola bi DrottlsuorMat by man, I I U aie. M. t. BaMlUaa, Warrsa, r. J Li on left shoulder, cattle aatna on left ... una. eur. lott. Wash.. Hennnni- fl- n; J ril.t .l,w. " " " "'""."uu on Emery, C, B., llardman Or.-Horses branded il (reversed C with tail) on left shoulder ; cat. tie same on irght hip. Hangs in Morrow county. Jjleek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses 7" connected on right shoulder; cattle same on oil left r'ght and crol Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or.-Cattle, LF oa right hip; horses F with bar under on right shoulder. 1 Florence. 8. P. Heppner, Or Horses F right shoiddei; cattle, i on right hip or thigh, i-rerich, George, Heppner. Or Cattle branded ; ' 1 t.:L f . uve'"'uu.'i'"ide; crop 01 left . BHU.O o.auu ou lell. Uip. Gay. Henry, Heppner, Or. GAY. shoulder. GUman-French, Land and Livestock Co.. Fos- aau,eo-n"Sf,r!u,H!I1C!':,?.0n """houlder; vent. ear marks, o.mn nff pUk i ' left uitbii Lhuur il on ngut iui, ciup uli nyia vnr and wiiuuiwu ou iigitL iiiiiU lug. imuyB id. jiuiiuw, blliiumniili UliiULlilH UOUliLlUH. bwiiKKtul, A. i-..,Atl.oiitt. ur. liorHeu btulle', 2 un lell uliuuiUer; cotUu ouuio ou iufl Uxp. Uiul on uur, wtiUlu uu itt tuuu lug, hu'ttigui W . 11., rttiu'jiiur, Or. lioroeB uluuied J b uu Iul. Btilioi caiue a t uu Lull inu, swwlluw Luik ia right uur, unuoiuu iu lull. otiup, iuub., iloupuui, Wr. iioiiiBb, ii Al'uu lull til p; CULLlt bHlUU uu left lup, bliritir.Juuu, Uux, Ur, ISO connected Luioiib un right lup; CHtue, Hume uu right IujVi uiup ull rigiiL eur uuii uuUur Ul iu lull eur, Uuukd Lti Grant uuuutj. buiith 13 1 ob., bUbHuville, Or, liorbta, branauu tl. L. uubiiuulaur; cut it uiue uu lult ttiiuuidur. buuirea. Juluhm. ArliDuUtn. dr.: huririHi UiuntloU JbuuluLL Huuumor; cmLHo ihv tiuuiUi hihu liOf wiiuaitj, itHiigu iu Jlurruw uua ijiinuiu coami. btbpheiiB, V. A., liai'Uuitiu, Ur-; tiofbu tiouu riglu btiliw; cutUtt Uurizuuuu L uu Uio light tfii btevoiibuu, iurt) A. ., lluuuutjr, Ur. Cutiw. O UU llguL Ul, ; BWHliUW-lOilt iu lull our. bwuggurt, U. VV ., Meppur. Ur. liuibtw. W uu lull tmuuiuu. ; utttuu, 44 uu lull tup. , , bpoiry.lL. U., ileppuw, Ur. t.uUl W C oo Lull hip, urup utf rigut uud uitderuit iu It'ft it Ubwihp; liuibob yv tuu lull ttuouluer. liiuiupauu, J. A., itwppuw, Ur. HurBub, S"" lull Biiuuiutr; cttttlu. uu luit nuuitiabi'. iipptttb,b.l.LuittrpruiH,or. ilwrtt:i. C-ou W BllUUlUUL, - iuiuor It. W., Ueppuer, Or. Small capita) . lull ttauuiUtii, hurbubi uuilltt wuu uu leit UP with bpin iu buih eur. , Ahuiutuu, ii. il., luiia, Ur. Humotj brauueo h i uuuuuctvd uu loft tiiitlu; tttuwu huuiu braud, Vuuuurpuui, ii. i Ltoutt, ur; uurioi ii V cuu tiecwu uu right bhuuiUur;ctttUu, bttiue tm rigltl Walbridwe, Win.. Heppner, Or. Hon, U. U uutheibii Bhuuniur; cuttle Baiue ou light hip. oi op oil lelt ear aud right uar lopped, Wiibuu.Juhu IJ., balem ur iieppuer, Or. Hurbub biunUHU Jy uu tue left Buuiuuwr. UH iUuituw uuuuty. Warreu, W B. Caleb, Or Cattle W with tiimrtar circlo uvr it, uu itt side, split i" "KiJL liurneii buiuu brat id o" iett uhuuidur. Ut"geiu Uraut cuauty. H W uu the right liip, byuare crop oU right ear aua bplitiu ieit, lali Waue, iieury, Ueppner, ur. uurbt auu ul Mpautw ou leit ehoulder aud lett mv Cattle braudttd baiue uu loft bide and lett wp. W elib, A. a.. Heuuuwr. ur. itoraeb, " ahuuider; uau e auie. . W uinuger, Joud. John Uay cny,ur-uu iv tliree parallel bare uu lefl bhouider; 7 "V.".! bit iu both ean. itauge in Oraut aud AUiWt uuuutiea. np Wuudward, John, Heppner, Or. How vr Oonuecicd on lett ahooiuer. Watkiui, Libhe, Heppner, Or.-HorMi bran" UK couuecteo on left btina. w Wallace, Cuariea, Portland, Or.-CatUe, v right thigh, bolt ui left ear; norm, W on bhuuluttr, boiut same un left ehuulder. Whittier Bro. Huutiugton, Baker Co.. Or-' Horbee branded W B. couuwjleu on left baiouiuet Williams, Vaacu, HainUtun, Or.-Quarter cir cle uver threu bare on left mu, botu catu a" hureeb. ilaiiKe (jraut cuauty Williams, J 0.1xng Creek. Or-Hor8.fl ter circle over three bare on ft hip; cuttle """ 1, k .... - Khliuy III l-wrHUL UttUUtr Wren. A. A., ueppner, Or.-Horeea rwumuf aa.n,..!,. ' IllDH .7 7 " ol.l Isl 11. I XT! 7 ' ri ou TlXni w 811(1 onderbit in left uu "-uiuer; watLae, . 55 GlillGfil, Crook and Morrow1 Xoaji. J, B., Gooeeberry , Or. Hoe brM A1 1