Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 08, 1893, 2, Image 7

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    IV -
XyofZ"' .
copy in
; u V.!' tlila.nrn.ug fur Fossil, their
"li home. Thev
tour a Anm...llnj a
lilVBilnH.al....... : " -jicu IU
Wntnnu.i. . . . "y me nooa or
waj ,u og) uusare.
W. A. IT.rl, ., . ..
f..n .r, .,. "V," - eu a, iue con.
ti -enrt it L "Olletoa ;..( week, lo
i.i il "r . ot"erenoe at Mem
film i . -wiu WUN
u,JO aaie time and place
, ' ul luw ueaa 01 neep, whiQ bad
- H"iuumy purchased by Kinsman
4 Bishop over in Grant county, were
I. Tho sum .,; p.
charKed lor "citrus V
I?"l"JVt.'" list of wed :
"' ;. ', "resolutions of
nrv n. .it..... , , ' J"10 'I MOI o m.
or shall biiuwlr lve ' " ,"" -l.t-notices
ol nneciai . Iimi,,? a'' 01 's) hmu
rlve.1, 8 mil be charged fu? Vo " u' '.
tentN a lino. Th ,u, ' uin i 1,1 '" ,: " '.Vi
corresiiondenci ,5 fcr ,' """"Utiim. tw
writer's r,.. Pi.iulMirai umIvm tl.
good lallh. "Kiieu as an evidence ol
ti"lTahi!8cf i. "chants iwliaiiue,
paiier is kepi on iilP i ,, i i ..;,"i;eu . This
JqhnTS.r.udtS ."t- .V."? Creek,
? i. -V,? rr.J iy lit i p. ui.,excei.tS.i.rt.
from tee iSoVS' a"d " "or
W.A.John.ton.Ag,"-' DELKVAN, Prop.
Here and There.
our streets
i, whs over
the Goode
Piirely vegetable Uood's Pills
N I? i,.r
Pros. Atty. Wilson arrived Tuesdav
r. j. j. rlwaU( of Ooudc
this week as a witueas iu
ma"nik?' JnUn' Promien' ""ess
this ouy 01 1U V!8Uiug tielu,8 10
2le, whatever that meaus.
Lee Kilboume was iu from Oooseber-
well uuder way m bis ueihborljoo.1.
The ruelououlio days have oome. W
A.l'i8ber uf Haystack, supplies Hepp."
uer with the larger snare f The disease.
i J"?, J- W0D " half mile raoe at Port
land Monday with all eaee iu 0:51
Bir Heury also raked iu the oash ou a
mile contest iu 1:43
E. O: Mrs. LbbIir i, i
. .... i4nn ueeu
JiH.t u her daughter, Mrd. Thomas
fcradley returned this moruiug to her
home at Hamilton, Uraut county.
Mrs. Dil. Qarrisues and ohildren, who
tiave beeu visitini; relatives iu this oitv
for come time past, departed yesterday
morning for their home iu Poitb.ud.
Thriiugbsome iuadvertenoy, Tuesday's
UHZette bore the day and date of to
d s publication. Newspaper meu
..tuuuj. mane mistakes, strange as it
may seem.
As flue s lot of mnskmslons as a
reporter or hardware Veuder ever pui
B tooth in, are to be found at the store
oir.U fnnpwa Oj. aeet,jaioy
and delicious.
K 0: Mrs. Margaret Haijuewood,
formerly a resident of Umatilla county
is visiting Mrs. W. W. lirauuiu. Mis
Haguewuod came from Heppuer to at
tend the Ouufereuce.
MoAtee Bros., having reopened the
'" oar, Kinaiy urn tor a coutiuu
Bnce of their former patronage. This
is by all odds the finest bar in Heppuer.
a tuuu HIUCK. Uall OU
Rev. Kdwin
H. !. , . .
i. J ""'"ook j. u. Tedrowe t the
fresh boer alwiiva on lu,. 4i .
hand. Give Ted a oalL n
Gid Halt has purohased Hiok Math
!,!VU,reetlQ tbe Cl'y Hotel barber
7" "oaves, suampoos, hair-
r;' UP m the best of
Baths for the millions.
Ur. R IT Vo.,..i ,. .
.,.Ki,nl, unnueoiuea to leave
Ueppoer, and all those owing him are
.- ,u mane immediate settlement.
uMcn,,iiii; wom BUOUld inn u .t
Mrs. Will Walbndge was oompelled
u. TV, out "f U-rtt,n property D
West Mhv street, vutu.j..
h,.,n., j" j : ur"'K so
ui...v uniuHL'tn nu VVAitiiua.luuia
to be untenantable.
ureen Mathews' tho liuh., i
n.l 4 J . .. . IU-
or, uuor to tne lurniture store on
Main street. Shaves. shm,
UJ ue iiae aways on tap.
W. A. Kirk nnd u.if H n n.... :..
Jennie Noble, J. (j. Yonng.- Mrs.' Jas
Adkmsand Kev. K.Tt Puim.. j
from Pendleton Tuesday.
B. W. Humor will tnkn wli.nl
aoennnt nt 50 oentn ni. hl.i . ;n
exohonge goode fur wheat at that figure.
The G'tZette Will InlrA n,nnlL.
, ....... v. .mm j cuiiu til
face on subscription, and pay balanoe of
n easu ar. uighest market prioe.
e.Vftrv man nrlm I.I . .
i Z me any interest in
""i. sioc a. enouid subscribe for The
""",". uazette shop, agents.
The Heppner Canyon stage liue is the
-, cueupesc ana quickest to the in
The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove
onres liquor, opium, morphine, oocaine
uu luuuocu nauic. aee ad.
"uveyou got any machinery's that
out or repair? If
S. jr. Hyde
uo You Lver Have Boils?
r or several tmm nin. t
hard . ay "
fltluir anmll. - , " UU
- v.uF , le arls,n ,rom ,mpur-
Hies of tho blood. I bet tn iir. tr,.
, . b"f0r0 1 had a"tih'-'1 third
SS?ivuMvTeB cn,irc,5r c"r,!d-" 8-N-
ydo, ot an Valer & Hydo, r.eal Estate De
loe landing, Fresno, Calltornla, '
Hood's Plllaai
CasilV VAt nrnmi.n..
e liver and'biweC
some metal and refit your boxing,
ivev. erankAdkius and family arrived
at Heppuer last evening, their residence
.no urn year at least.
trwi," tHk?wheat on subscription
The weather bureau predicts light
trost for this section tomorrow morning.
Mat Halverson returned Wednesday
evening from the Lone Rock country.
Palrrpr ilonari
- -.-"iivu TOICI-
uaj luuiumg loruis oia home at Ander
ou, (Jalif., where he will spend a short
uuiB wnu uis pareuts, after which he
w.i, ku o uis new homof labors up in
the Spokane district.
Leep in mind that theK. of P. Grand
Lodge will meet in Heppuer Oot. 10, 11
and 12. Get your deooratious ready,
the blue, yellew and red. Heppuer is
no mossbark town, aud we'll make
those K. of P. boys know it, too.
Mrs. T. J Matlock and Horace, 0. W
Ryobard aud family returned the first of
the week from a visit with relatives over
in Gilliam ounuty. Cash Iihh louao
atook ranch over near Lone R ick where
he aud his family will soou locate.
d. P. Garrigues gx buck to Heppner
from the Ehsi, Wednesday evening vi'h
Salem, w ere he lei t his wife and Percy
be having entered the Willamette
University. Mr Garrigues expeois to
make daltm his future home.
The wife nf Rev. J. M. Sbnlse and
youuger ohildren departed yesterday
uioriiing tor aniem where they will
locate. The three older chil ireu who
went dowu recently have eLtered the
University. Mr. Shulse will j ,i them
after atcending coufereuce at Moscow,
The Gazette acknowledges reoeipt cf
a complimentary ticket, from the mmia.
Oafa ,.l ilia ..nnn.. .... t- . . n .
... ,uo u.U uiegnn district rnir
which opens at Prairie City on Out. 2nd
This is 'he fifth yearot this fair and the
management intended that this
should exceed all others.
laHt Tuesday evening, about 10 o'clook.
Main street was thrown into a Btate of
excitement by hearing a souffle about
the Arcade saloon, followed by a pistol
shot. It was soon learned Hmt ih;
was occasioned by trouble between
r. Howard and Albert
ttea. 1 hough the entire faots are not
obtainable, we give what oan be learned.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard objected stren
uously to Albert Rea keeping oompaoy
with their oldest daughter. Miss f)lli
Both, however, persisted in getting
together whenever opportunity present
ed. This finally led to some uncompli
mentary comments all 'round. On the
evemnii above-stated, the you. g people
had been out in town and Mr. aud Mrs.
Howard want out on a search for them.
Miss Howard soon returned home, but
the parents continued their searoh for
Albert, finding liim finally, sitting' in
uuuii in iue Arcade saloon Mrs. How.
arc! struck Albert several times with
....--.."?, ..cluing u m several pieces,
noiicaing mm down. About that time
a pistol shot was heard, and bystanders
say that the weapon was aimed at Albert
Dy Mr. Howard, though the latter sav
that he only intended to use the weapon
asaclnb, and that the discharge was
accidental. Mr. and Mrs. Howard then
proceeded home, aud Albert was picked
up, ana, upon examination, proved to be
unhurt except a few bruises, though he
was considerably dazed for a few
minutes. Warrauts were gotten out
immediately, charging Mr. Howard with
BSBault with a dangerous weapon, and
urs. Howard with aault aud battery.
me. nownra Bppiared for himself and
wife nud the cases were ooutinued till
Wednesday when botb waived exami
"Htiou aim gave bonds to appear before
the grnud jury wbioh is now io session
It is indeed an unfortunate nffair and
much regietled by friends nf all parties.
Brinht 8 niaanaa
Inflammation of the Blad
der, Yellow Water, Brick
uuai oeuimem in urine
Burning Sensation, Pain
in the Back, and all Dis
eases of the Kidneys.
Oil Mannfactpriiigjfl,.pg5ip-
and T. W? Aye7rm',;0hn8t0D Dr"8
G-illiam & Bisbees
FOOTWEAR in heppner.
"S ' ': K- --Tt-
r 4.
1. Only FirstClass hotel In Heppner.
8" BebmmodatiJEfl ' the traveling
Courteous treatment assured the eoun.
try people.
MR8. M. YQN CADOW. Proprietress.
Not only once, but again and again. Tl. i-
run weight and good measure for tho la. . m ng ,ae' always get
Plained. The -beat- 72 pip, STm WbJ" 'he bestisex
and so estabHshes our fade We tan't yc I'T' m8ke8 D9
Wendly bargains in DrvQood o , h8V8 8ome of
Hats. Caps, aud JZlT.
L ""f" 1U wen-rega ateiJ
, BUUO,al
and see as, everybody.
merchandise store. Come
Heppner, Oreg
West Side of Main Street,
HKAvr Rainfali,.-
Wedrjnaiav avah
ing, Heppner and vioinity was visited by
w.im rainrall of the season, and,
.or years past. In moch less
w.au an nour precipitation to
UUi, oi six-tenths was nnt
t lhan.... C-:&l ...... J
ouiun. jyjuon hail fell, and
tne race of the earth was like a vast
r va r Tk a . n
mouniain House, opposite
wsaeue omce, was flooded with
uuui lne nauook hill, and the
oooupants had to seek other rmri till
"uusiueu. AimoBt everv
room in the house both uo and rW
etairs was Hooded and the damage was
nnnaUa.nl.1. V, . .
""""aum nearly everv nrnnri
U"u onur nearine rootof Hallook and
jonea mil suffered more or less. F. J
Hallook's cellar was invaded and o'on-
...HUU. iurs. wiikins, over near
the court house, also had ber cellar
miea with water. Other damage of
like nature was reported. Though, to
the tenderfoot, this was nothing more
thun an average, Eastern rain-storm, in
the eyes of the old-timers here it
ed up in vast proportions, aud frightened
uies ana, children if notmuoh alarmed
members of the sterner sex, were no
exception. The fall of hail aooomnfl.
ing the storm was the heaviest ye Ga
zette shop has ever seen iu the West.
H. A. Thompson
A. E. Blnns
The Heppner Livery, Feed and Sale Stable,
Below Coffin & McFarland's, Main Street.
Good Oonveyance for Traveling Men.
Teams to hay per day, 75 ots. Hay aud graiTeTdv. 81.25. Meals 25 cts
at O. 0. Sargeant s, next door to Feed Stable Grain and
baled hay alwava on hand,
r v i
Nenty ot them at the
Gazette Office. . . .
Portland, Oregon.
A. P, ARMKTRflNr.. PuiuriDii
upenautheyear. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue free.
At ibe regular convention of Dnrio
Lodge Inst Tuesday evening, the editor
of this paper whs ohoaen as a two-year
delegate to represent D iric in the Ore
gon Grand Lodge. Mr. E. P. Vomz
was bis opponent, and was d featerl hi
only one vo'e on Ibe third ballot, the
first two ballots being each a tie.
While our reporter was wandering
around the oonrt house yesterday he
called on the oounly court, whern he
noticed the absence ot Comrnisinn' r
Brenner. On inquiry he learned th.t
Mr. Brenner had resigned, owing to lb'
fact that the salary had been out down
by the last legislature to a figure that
would not nsiify him in further de
voting his time to the office. The court
will call an adjourned session in the
near future to fill the vacancy.
Oub Mistakk, Your '1 beat. Brother
Michell, of The Dalles Mountaiueer,
calls our atteutiou to the fact that we
were wrong in looating the grand fire
men's toiiruaineut iu "Portland, as we
should have stated that it
held iu The Dalles. We admit the
error, but on looking up the card asking
us io give notice of same, we find that
it was mailed at Portland, as gtamp
would indicate and no mention of The
Dalles being on the same, not even the
heading, what else eould we infer but
that same was to be held in Portland,
Phi . C." .1. l . a . .
j. iou uuuuiu nave oeeu more
careful iu bis correspondence. How
ever, it is our mistake and his treat.
Ooubt Notes. The following gentle.
men oompose the grand jury for the
present term of court: M. A. Olden
loremau. i nomas Hoskins, Tboa. Mar-
latt, Oliver Cox, O. B. Day, W. A.
Biddle and 0. H. Bulhs. Bailiffs:
Grand jury, Chai. (Jl arlton; petit jury,
W. J. McAtae; general bailiff, Thos.
Two Jubv Cases Disposed o.-Th
ease, State of Oregon vs. Geo. W. Goode
which was brought here ou ohange of
venue from Gilliam couuty, as mention
ed in last issue, was given a hearing
Wednesday, the jury being instructed
that evening, whiob, after a night and
day grind of it, brought in a verdiot of
812.15 for plaintiff, also oanoelliug the
note for 8100 which had been i.un
plaintiff by defendant as a former com
promise. However, as it is thought that
the note cannot be oanceled in this man.
ner, and a motion to set aside the verdict
will probably be argued today. The
case, Mrs. Henrv Welnh T t. ti
mer, which has been mentioned before
.u our ooinmns, was oalled up for trial
yesterday. The jury was instructed
immediately after supper, and about
midnight brought in a verdict in tnm.
of defendant, thus AH vina Hint tl...
lint tua
note, in favor of Aubrey, the absconder,
bearing the ). L. Beymer's signature,
which had been discounted by Mrs.
Henry Weloh through the First NHlinn.
bauk, was a forgery, presumably
oommitted by Aubrey, whose residence
is now UL.kuown.
New Episcopal Ministeb. H.irmn
E. St. Cluir has arrived m ponioi..
from Chicago and will reside at the
rectory oi the Churoh of the Bedeemer
with the Kev. W. E. Potwine. Mr. St.
Ulair comes to engage in lay missionary
worn among the missions whioh Mr.
Potwine has been serving in oonneotiou
with Pendleton. He will pursue his
studies meanwhile and be ordained at
sometime during the coming spring.
Mr. St. Clair is a graduate of the law
and liberal arts departments of the
University of Michigan at Ann Arbor.
ue win oonduot services in Hepp
ner, Arlington, La Grand and other
places whioh Mr, Potwine has been i
customed to visit-East Oregoniaa.
plenty op Ba'b. Beub Grant reports
plenty of bear in the mountains. Ke
oently while camped near a band of
VVm. Peuland's sheep, he saw four of
the animals in one night, and cot a cnnH
snot at one of them but failed to kill
n n . t. .. ,
vo me uazeiie a eaitor a very
pressing invitation to accompany him
to that seotiu for a regular, old-fashion
All kin. knHl L...L a . ..
, -uo. uuui, uui press OI duties in
both the editorial and prt ss rooms is
taking up all our time, and we could
not go without suspending publication
for two or three issues. However, we
appreciate the opportunity presented
for some rare sport. These hard times
a little bear meat would not be bad.
Mobb Petti Tiiikvinq James Nev-
me luiormea us last Monday that he
bai just discovered that some unprin
cipled pi tson had broken into the
Catboiio church parish and eloleu
almost all the bedding, consisting of
blankets, spreads, sheets, etc. from the I
looks of the rear windows, Mr. Neville
also thinks that thj boys have beci,
using the same as a target for rill
praotice, as nearly ull the lights wer.
oracked or broken. It is to be regretted
that anyone would steal or destroy
property of that kind.
The Studebaker wagon heads them all
Si or sale at Gilliam & Biebee'e. a
"Hardware" dirt i no? va...
at P. C. Thompson & Co.'s eland, and the
e.nuo iui ourgains. a
Thompson & Binns own thn hno h,h
goes to and from the Palace hotel, hm
will oall for parties desirinc tom rn trin
in any part of the city. Leave orders
at City hotel.
Gilliam & Bisbee are still doing busi
ss at the old stand nnnri. t
oontrary notwithstanding. They invite in-
okcuumuui ineir mammotii stook of hard
ware, wagons, impliments, etc. a
dinor & Co.. tha nam fl- I ...
lost any of their popularity by the
ohange. They continue to do hnin0.
the old wav the orenh.ot
nnolit ,..-J ' j ...7 . - -""""
' J i-""uiuoieu, iui- rue least mnnov
Change of Ownership
which we ;z::;;t r? the eRTy meat ma
on hands at all times the choicest satisfactory manner. Will keep
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Cor
ea oeer, ttc, Etc.
1 1 . .
Keeley Uiule
or the Cure
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It in located at Forest Grove, Or.,
The Most Beautijul Town on the Coast.
Tie Enterprise Bakery and fer? Store.
On May Street, opposite Palace Hotel. tw..m. ...... . .
xuey win Keep on hand a f nil H
As Mi him,
A full i;
nsuallv Ventn I "ee8- U8.keB and Bread: in fact .... .
try them. ' ,aBa uar' 8tora- Thsy will sell cheap foi cash J"
Some very good, some bad. ' th8M'
Also of no value wtte'vT Pi80nOU8'
And these alone fhUodrbTBre 8reSt help9
To compound thlm madB-
To charge for themPeasnabryr.e80rip,i0118 qniokI
1171. ,
no can ao netter than this?
They Will no Made I'nrt of tho Service ol
tho United States.
The United States practice ship Con
stellation, which recently sailed on the
cadets' summer voyage, had aboard a
number of homing pigeons, to be used
as means of communication between
the ship and points ashore. The hir.li.
will be liberated at intervals and are
PHIL. COHN, Proprietor.
IT TELLS nn " " JJres81n. 'to..
.nuuenco or Fiams,
What to Eat,
Things to Do,
Jhlnirs to Avoid,
Perils of Summer.
IowtnRi.il.. '
IJaneers of Kls(ni;,
"V""'""3 a-uuu ana a iiinrnnnrii..::.."
jieu (linn. I,:"."'' ij
Superfluous Hair. WZESX! d
....iiuvuiK name,
Care of Teeth.
After-Dinner tfaps,
"'ui or l ODacco,
t Of Kissing, Restoring the )rnwn.H n J; ."ch wr, ' Tn et SV3U,'f Ctt.
wuuiniiuu, nnea ' 'J " -u n
Clot!,lng?What toear Sffi'T "'Peranw,
How Mu ih ir. 0.". ear, Headache, Cause A Cn
Contagious DlsnHo.
v uu iiviv TO CUBE BljrV r. 11.11
(TTionln.1 ln 1..: jti..!.i . CoUffhn r-l,nlM r...... . " DiaCK Jfiyes, Bolls. Tlnmo nknivi.,..
u,lut. uiuciiu raessaffes irom v r , , uipntiierla, Dysonterv Dandn.iT ri , v'"",u""n. uold Feet, Corns
the practice vessel to the naval acade- JSS Hiccough, HivJ, UoZlZ f.tS&
- m 3
EJEKVii guaranteed.
Pilesl PllesI Itching Piles.
Symptoms Moisture; intense and
etioKiuei most at nitfbt; worse by
aoratcbing. If allowed to continue tu
mors form, whioh often bleed and ulcer
ate, beoomingr very sore. Swaynb's
Ointment stops the itohing and bleedina
uco.o uiocrnuou, ana in most esses re
moves the tumors. At drueffists. nr hv
!mail,for53oeuts. Dr. Swayne 4 Son,
Philadelphia. BW j yr'
Bip's Wood Yabd. The Heppner
wood yard, under the management of
Eip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver
wood at your residenoe, sawed or un
: sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at
87.00 per cord. Wood sawed twice in
two, 75 cts. per oordj three times, 81 00.
Yard near the depot. Leave orders at
Sloan a Howard's. .ff
Wb AB8 at Wouk. What has Hepp
ner done or what will she do to enter
tain the Grand Lodge when it meetn
there next month? We haye not hear.l
a word from the Heppner brethr
although we have been sending sample
copies to them right along. Oregon
n-oigni. lieep your outer garments
orotber. The Heppner boys
at it now. It ia not neoessary
uum wobi neppner is going to do.
She has a reoord for getting there ou
every proposition.
a loft, nr .-ntn l.n. n " " " ""' x". "neumatlsm. Rfmrwnrm bj: ureats.lvv Pnl.m.1
been established, says the Baltimore VVrJlJ,''ai 't Bites.TweS S?re
Sun. I . " .-."". u. uaren. iX Wiu UvE nl
If f Pvnnmin.T.r -l 1.1
---"'""." diiuuiu prove sue- nroBen,l .,ih t
co UU()J, m luIS H8 B premjnm
Win. ''oothache. Uloer
. uB. win ue
1 lltt A'fillmr i..,. i.. ...
OAiTr.,... .... '." I1.' I I
wunsii) I in) nnurifid i
inv to ;,(.'
MinistbhiaTj Apfaiks. Rev. Frank
Adkins bus been assigned the M. E.
South charge at this plaoe for the
eusuing fiscal year. Mr. Adkins is well
known here, formerly residing in this
vioinity. Bev. Palmer, the pastor of
the past year, bobs to ti.o ri..!
circuit, Spokane district. During his
sojourn in Heppner he ban fuithf,,ii
discharged his duties and has made
many friends.
'P1.,. . i
vn Pi";'"-now to imve m-m Uln
, .I, , "'V liOW t' havo thorn witlio
i no cli.Klles.s-l.ow to bo fruitful and multiply,
; I he curious how t lev "urP,i n,i ' .i
. ( o '"i i-.iiiit; lu l
I he heal tWl,ow to enjoy hfe and keep well ANI) 1
The invalJ-how to get well again .speedily ' SA VI
i 0 impident-ho w to refminVastiil enertr'v. at f
8H0EMAKKR.-Ed. Birbeok. a shoemak
er and repairer of many years' experi
ence, has just located in the Abraham
' building, on May street, where be
is prepared to do eveiy thing in his line.
Mr Birbeck is strictly a first-class work
man and warrants all work. Give him a
oali- Uwtl
wv.aa ivi. wilt, wo.nr. L-nf.n.- rt.i.. 1...
IiP?iT' WP''. 200 cuts, 24 t,,l. plates 5 20U 1 recipes- Lnnnf?
Lt-fcJJ' I '-' P, m.h St.. No- Vorl- SOLD
Land For Sale.-480 acres over in
Wilson prairie. A good stock ranch aud
will be sold cheap. Call at Gazette
office for particulars and terms. tf.
lossiui tno government would prob
ably find it profitable to the navy to
encourage the homing- pigeon service
with the small appropriation needed to
carry out the plans of the projectors of
the enterprise. At present the facilities
ou, for trainin? birds nt, thn nnvni ,.,i..
are riglu ; are limited, no government appropria
to boai-t ' tion heing available.
At Fortress Monroe, the first stopping
place of tho ship, it is possible several
trained birds from Baltimore. Phila
delphia and New York will be taken
aboard and dispatched with informa
tion from the cruising grounds. The
headquarters at Washington will also
be posted of the whereabouts of the
vessel tnrough winged messengers from
that city.
A lot of the birds to accompany the
ship willno doubt be sufficiently
trained toward the close of the voyage
to be useful in conveying messages
The practicability of the homing
pigeon service has been satisfactorily
tested by communications with the
ahips of war anchored off Annapolis
and from vessels plying between Balti
more, Annapolis and other points. If
mese experiments should be successful
they will demonstrate the possibility of
. ..umu( aiong ine coast at a
distance of over one hundred miles,
where no other means of communica
tion would be possible, to be kept In
constant intercourse with the shore.
This prompt service, it is nlnim
would be a great advantage to the gov- 'Ti, p. T . Kr. . CTITri
ernmcnt. The experiments will be con- 11 LANCASHIRE
tinued during the entire nmlsn fc. - ' -- -
ship and will be watched with unuau&l 1 (l MANCHbmtkh,
" ine iii-st one. to inarrv;(l5r?W0
lappy in luarii;, Bc ; ' ( DAYS
have urizK lmliiiis: . nvn
Have them witlumt. imi.1. 1 a nr?vm
be:( AO
energy. ( $1,100
Dawson fe T
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors '
:(Jtis ratal
Insurance Co.
otl Be-tjn tne Worm