I if o ME mjip TO SELL YOU ! 8 J I A- CTTND 160 yl fence. Price for Give your business to Heppner people and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize vnu Wb hnlH Bnh nnrl PVftPff POrrfilDOlldent T6- r.nnslhle fnr his or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writer's real name is signed as an evidence ol (food laltii. Did jou ever Read about tbe Man who Hid bis Light under A bushel? YeB? well That ia like Doing business Without advertising. All the Snide schemes In tbe country Will not accomplish Half as much As a Rood ad. in a Rood, live, Legitimate newspaper, One that Is read By tbe people, And that owns Its own Soul; tlmt Diei its space Like merchandise, Worth dollar Fnr dollar. -Z2 41 Tbe right in the senate still oontinues and no vote will be taken soon ou the repeal question. Mhs. Cuahlottk Fkllino, an old lady ui :( nttle aged 80, was brutally murder cii lor her mon y last Monday night. it' doe Rosa, of Los Augales, has sus luined tb Geary law and ordered a ('l inaman deported. This is business. Tim firemen's tournament, spoken of I'pooutly iu this paper, should have been nooredited to The Dalles. The boys pre having a big time. I hk Bilver men iu tbe senate are still Mii'idiug firm. They propose to talk nuconditional repeal to its grave, even if ihey oau't vote it down. J)iiieotum, the four-year-old stallion, 's l ow king at 2:07. This beati Htau bonl's record W a seoond, Directum's first mile was the fastest ever trotted by ai y horse 1 lOO.y. Tun Iowa populists have nominated J. M. Joseph for governor, while the proliis of that s'ato have put L. 8. Collin up on the altar for the same office. Tbe latter will hardly accept. Tub bent article we have seen for some time on the "home newspaper" appeared iu a recent issue of the Oregonian, aud we reproduce it in next uumber. . It is worth reading, beoause it is as true as preaching. Tun state apportionment of the school funds for this oouutry, which should have been received some time since, baa not yet made its appearance owing to the fact that it was deposited in oue of Portland's suspended banks. Thb Chinese bop-piokersof Butteville, OrogoD, have beeu evicted by white men, Aooording to law, this may seem hard, but America was never intended tor Chinese labjr, and these bard times our own people need the work. CoLONUL JE110ME lioNAPAHTB, a SOD of tbe grand nephew of Napoleon I, and an American by birth, died in Maes,, Mon day, aged 611. He served in the French Imperial army for a number of years and was a graduate of West Point, serving as a lieutenant before resigning aud going to France. Al Millkh, a son of Joaquin Miller, who hue beeu serving a term iu the California peuiteutiary for stage rob bery, will have aoou served out bis term, when it is said he will again be placed in the Oregon penitentiary, from which he escaped, to serve out the re mainder of bis two year term, Db. T. Tiiatuhku Graves, the physi cian who baa been confined iu the Denver jail for some months oharged with tbe poisoning of Mrs. Barbary, committed suicide Sept. 3rd. He said he was tired out by persecution, and could not afford to fight tbe case any longer at il would leave bis family penullesn. In a letter to tbe public, he denies any knowledge of tbe orime. NOTICE. To all persons iuterested iu securing time for purchase of railroad lands, please call at olerk'i office and sign petition to cougreaa. ACRES Timber Culture claim Situated two miles west ef Hardman. the whole, $1100 ; or without the timber culture claim, $800. ANOTHER Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch ClttCUIT COURT PROCEEDINGS. FIRST DAY. Buliffa and grand jury appointed as mentioned elsewhere. Coffin & McFarland settled. Fe ix Johnson vs. Ed, tinued. H. Blackman & Co. vs. S. White, F. Day, con vs. Wm. and John Herivner, continued for service. J. B. Hunt vs. Newt Jones, oontinued, to reply first of next term. Mrs. Henry Welob vs. J. L. Beymer demurrer to complaint overruled. Wm. Cecil vs. Geo. Noble, demurrer to compluint overruled, tomorrow to answer. P. C. Thompson & Co. vs. John Mar shall, default and judgment. B. F. Smith vs. Cbas. Baker deiault and judgment. Wiu, Hughes and J. D. Kennedy vs. Dun Osmers, default and judgment. K. F. Hugbes vs. Dan Oauiers and Mut Liohlentbal, default and judgment. Mrs. J. H. Stabl vs. On i.ers & Hughes, default and judgment. Wm. Hughes vs. I. L. Vau Wiukle, dismissed at plaintiff's cost. It. Allen & Son vs. Seta Kinsman dismissed at defendant's oost. C. 14. Tayleur vs. Press and Marga- rette Loouey, continued. D. B. Mulkey vs. unknown heirs of E. F. Mulkey, deceased, default and decree. D. B, Mulkey vs. Jones Smith, de- fuult and deoree. Mary Luelling vs. Abraham Luellina. uiotiou to strike out commitment, over ruled. W. O. Minor vs. G. W. Kea, demurrer to oommilment. The Solicitors Lobh & Trust Co. vs. D. P. Shippey. coufirmation eranted. Henry Fleckenslein and S. Julius Mayer vs. Geo. N. and Sarah Murray, order on sheriff to make deed. State of Oiegou vs. Geo. Goode, de murrer to indiotment overruled, tomor row for trial. Htute of Oregou vs. Noah Mulkey, indiotmerit, oharged with murder in tbe second degree. SUOONU DAY. State of Oregon vs. Noah Mulkey, . Goode, arraigned, tomorrow to plead. State of Oregon vs. Geo. W on trial. THIRD DAY. August Buobler v. Dan Osmers, dismissed on motion of plaintiff. AugUBt Buonler vs. Osmers Hughes, dismissed on motion of plaintiff. Wui. Cecil vs. Geo. Noble, motion for continuance. August Buobler vs. Osmers & Hughes una James Doherty, default and judg meut. August Buobler vs. Osmers 4 Hugbes and M. S. Driskell, default and judg meut. The Oregon Mfg. Co. vs. Franc M. Shnrte, default and deoree. Mary Luelling vs. Abrobam Luelling. motion ot btb, overruled. iuiis Minor vs. Mat Hughes, Dim Osmers, et al..default and decree. W. O. Minor vs. John Rooh, order for sheriff to make deed. State of Oregou vs. Geo. W. Good. verdict for $12.15 for plaintiff. Mate of Oregon vs. Noab Mulkey entered plea of not guilty. Mrs. Henry Welch vs. J. L, Beymer, verdict for defeudeut. What do YoaTake, Medicine for 7 Beoanse you are sick aud want to get well, or because you wish to prevent illness. Then remember that Hood s Sarsapnrilla cures all disease. oaiiBed by impure blood and debility of lie system. It is nnt what its Dronri- eiors say urn wnat Hood's saranparilla loea, tuat te a tne stnrv nr it n.ii. Uo sure to get Hood's and only Hood's. lONK ITEMS. School meeting on Saturday, Sep. !)th. Our school oouimeuoes next Monday Sept. 1 lib. warm days and nights have beeu prevalent iur some time. Many trips to the mountains for wood are coniempiateu, Wheat is being received ocgasioually at the lone warehouse. Saddle school will commence Monday Sept. 11th. Threshers are making things more lively in the reigbborhood. II. M. 'lbornton ia Imok from Hcpp. ner where he transacted some business. Oscar Cochran left for an extended visit to the Johu Day couutry. Johu Geinger, a visitor from Huuiil. tan, returned home. A. T. Wood and family, and Mies Alice tains miim 11,8 Blue nuu- Miss Cilia Pettys returned from a loug visit to tbe upper couutry. Wei come. Mrs. Hale and sister, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Sprry, are here visiting. The fnl term ot the Wilmoth school will beein on Mon.luv H.m no, . . J 4 ..u. ililHS Auna Balsiger, of this place, is employed as tettcliAr. r ' J A KB. :One of the adjoining, of which deeded land BARGAIN. in Morrow county, cheap aud on For "How to Care Alt Hklu Disi-rwh.' Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment." No iuternal medioiue requited. Cum tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions ou the face, hands, nose. Arc, leaving tbe nkin dear, white and healthly. He greit healing and curative powers are popppbh ed by no other remedy. Ask your drug gist for Swayne's Ointment, bw 1 yr. A Good Thlnir to Keep at (land. Front the Troy (Kansas) Chief. EAGLETS. From our Long Creek Paper. Wm. Hughes aud family, who have beeu at the McDuffee springs for the past few weeks, returned to Heppner Saturday, Homer McFarland, uf ttin McFar land Mercantile Co., of Heppn 'r, nr rived in Long Creek early thin week on business. Pry Wilson, of Monument, threahed near 500 busbels of grain last week. This was the first threshing done in Northern Graut. Dr. E. P. Gagen passed through Long Creek Saturday eurouto to bin home at Heppjer, after ppeudiug an enjoyable vaoatiou in tbe Blues atd at McUuttee bot springs. We learn that C. S. Dustin is on his return to Oregon from his trip to Not tip Dakota where he shipped a carload of horses. The market for horse tienh is demoralised, and they wi I hardly pay for shipping. John Shaw, a well knovp bU ck dealer of Monow county, is in Grant oouuty this week lookma after surplus buuehes of hogs. He is desirous of buying two hundred head to feed tbic fall. The McFarland Mercantile Co., ol Heppner, have been buny coUtciiuiv small bauds of sheep from various sheep uian iu Grant county preparatory to shipping two car loads to the Chicago market. Thos. Quaid will manage the first shipment. The Eagle has received word from IhoElk oreek mines of Sloan & Uhh- Ken or cue tinaing of a sdio.fll) nngaet in ttieir diggings last week. The beau tiful specimen is absolutely free from quartz and 19 by fur the largest nui'ge that has been found in Ibeir placpi mines ror several years. Their iniu yieiueu quite naunsomeiy tins season ana Messrs. Sloan & Haskell are to congratulated for their success dun u the seasan run. State of Ohio City of Toledo, j sa. Lucas County. ) iitANK J. Cheney makes oath that h is the satiior partuer of the firm of J. Uheney ac Co , doing business in the City ot Toledo, County and State afore sun), and that said firm will pay tl sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every oase of Catarrh thn ennnot lie cured by the use of Hull Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed i my presence, this (Ith day of Decembe A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public seal Hall a Catarrh Cure is taken internal! and acts directly on the blood aud mucins surlnoes of the system. Send tor testimonials tree. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. JSTSold by Druggis s, 75 oents. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENT. t i, , ,, , . At ai. a, cunrou. Sabbath service morning and evening. In the evening farewell servioes. Text, 'Finally brothers, farewell. Be perfect, bo o i i . .... fcouu uiuuiurt, uh oi one niino, live iu peace and the God of Lova and Peace ahull be with you." I would be glad to have yon present at this last meoiin J. M. Siiulsr. Pastor. Bwlug Around tho Circle UI t lie diseases to which it is ndnntpd with the best results. ITostH0 cioniBi'u miners, a family medicine. uuujpMrMciiBiva iu us scope, una nevtr oeeniurnsc upon pith iu atteut on in H guise of a universal panacea for bodily ins. 1UH claim, dailv arroiatBd in n, columns or the daily nress hv tho proprietors or meiueiues far inferior to it asspeoifies, has in a thousand i iiK-KumcM us piioiio in advance bv its aoetinnty, and the nroanents nf nth remedies of superior qualities have been namioappea ny the pretentions of their wortiuess predecessors. But thn Amtri can people know, because they Imve piiuru iue raoi Dy me most trying tests, mat ine rsirrers possesses the virtues of a real speoino iu cases of ma nrii.1 ml liver disorder, ooustipation, nervous rheumatic, stomaoh and kiduey trouble. "Vbat it does it does thoroughly, and mainly for this reason it is indorsed and recommended by hosts RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE. Castle Hai l or Doric Lodge, ) No. 20, K. of P., I HiiprNKR, Oheoom, Sept. 1st, 1893. Wheueas, it has pleased tho s.. " IIUI universe to take an nv rom our midst, Mrs. Johanna nm.... he beloved wife of Ollr Ftrrt Ti'm;..I. rViniol 11....... . 1 ... v'r.,u-,, (If L jrsuirea mat in thin, i m ,. ,.i II. . . 1 , m. . . ... ocreavement ne Has the sympathv of his brother Knights of Doric Lodge No "0 of which he is a faithlul mrmhor ' ' Rfioll'fd Tlmt. rnnv ( 1 Resolutions be spread on' the minutes mi. i.ooge,a copy he presented ISro. Osmers, and a conv hn.l.t to to ii oi uie ne ppner twiners fnr publi- ation. Fratenally submitted it F. C. A B ( I' . P Voiit'z. Com J Vawtpr Omwrnnn. Best Pieces of Land in then ore 140 acres good farming land, easy terms. further information call at our office. HER FATHER'S DINNER. k Pretty Sight Witnessed on New York 6treet Car. Car No. 193 went rattling up Fourth avenue the other noon at a great rate. A breakdown in the Bowery had blocked the track and delayed travel nearly half an hour. To make up the lost time the horse tore along and the car bobbed tip and down like a sun- baked dug-out dancing on the bay. No stop was made to take on passer gers, nor did the driver slacken speed until he reached Twenty-seventh street. Then he began to whistle softly and study the people along the west side of the avenue, lie was a slightly-built man about forty years of age, but weather-beaten, bent anil wriukled from exposure and unremitting1 toil. As the car approached Twenty-ninth street it slowed up and the tunc became merrier and louder, says the New York Evening World. Then both stopped for a moment and a little girl in a gingham dress and a lam O'Mianter, with danc ing brown hair and apple-red cheeks, came up to the front platform and, with a "hello, papa!" that made her blue eyes twinkle and her red cheeks dimple, laid a lunch basket at the driver's feet A passenger who stepped aside looked at the child with admiration and at the man with envy, then gave a sigh and continued smoking. Like a deer she ilew across the cobble stones, the sun and wind gilding and tangling her beautiful hair, and reach- ing the sidewalk she waited with her little hand pressed to her mouth. She watched the car with childish eager uess until a figure leaned over the stop and a bronzed face turned smilingly toward her, and then she threw the kiss that sweetened the noonday and seo toned the dinner of a happy man. BOATS FDR WOMEN. rhy Prefer One Tlmt Will Not EiMllj Capsize. Women affect to prefer yachts. What they really like is a catboat. To p,-o sail ing In a catboat is like sailing iu a wide piazza. One would as soon feel i in a drawing room. A catboat uruau us it is long1, ftomc cntDools are broader than they arc lone. !i would be a catboat thirteen ftx by twenty' four, winch arc tho dimensions of a well-remcmbercd patient. Thrtt nautical estimate; tn; .i.: ., 'i i; .. rights should be twice thel jvot:', ,.f Ixvim, as in this case it won not. Tlu-ro U but one man; he handles the lii'ier with one hand, shifts the sail with tho otherund entertains you with tall; of his craft. He pretends frrcat ltutafrretiee to yachts ana says: "tveclont think much of 'em." A catboat, say.s tho New York Journal, not only is as broad as a room but has a ecntcrboanl. Literally it can not capsize. On line aftcrnoonx when cat boats are available they look like float ing nurseries. The most timid moth. era wui taice their children out in a cat- ooai n tne children will promise not tc throw themselves or one another intc the water. There is no other possibility ui mi-ir geiung' in. A well-built cat boat will sail like a skimming dish by raising the center board cr v.-ill cleave tne water like a cutter with itr. lowered center board. It is. howevc: becalmed in. It carries but on its breadth offers a good dnl ance. Hut a calm on the w:i tc ing to a calm on land. A bola : bad tc "ar and i resist 5 1 ::oH :.il:ng party on a quiet summer night will throw a household into consternation ana Drealr. up the fountains of the deej that lie in woman's eyes. OW.R. MF'G. CS PORTLAND. ORI. For sale bv 81onnm..Tnl,ntnn n Co. and T. W. Avers. Jr. " THRBD DOLLARS A WEEK FOR LIFE. er It a Snap forBrlii, reopleTh Lnlrl Thlni Out. teiiiw.!',w'i mi. Th", h,?J 'i,i!ST Altr'" " imin.w of fJ HfMrrihuM . . i . is' irefl or chrg. if1;."" t " mir of th- Inter m t miou ng i rr in momht milwrii.iirn. t.. -t.h". WO Of Ihc ehn.,.1 ill.... V . othf rivwantii. niakli.u li IIM f. r nffi.rr,l t,v ,.,.ri;.t.. Senil tor printnl lut .... in tTicr-winiifr. nrLFS. or "hti'pirm. hni ll j.hc wini u . to ntvnd mir i-m-uliM ton . 5 A II UZ V nVV'' ' J help .II' 1 on't)fti to 'I .iJf-o 1,-1.; , r'.irf" 'I U IhIum .ill .1 . HAT TEES i rtoi'tin Morrow County.; and the balance A 1 pasture. The Deeded ranch, ICO acres, boss wheat land. Will sell on easy terms. A good it with firtt crop raised on it Eeason for selling, owner lives in the East and LOCAL MARKET REPORT. Wheat, bu Flour.bbl 3 75 & 35 4 00 Beeves, cows Sc two-year-olds. owt. 1 50 " " three ' 2 00 2 25 Sheep, muttons, bead I 502 25 " stook 1 50 1 75 Hogs, ou foot, owt 4 75 Hogs, dressed 6 50 7011 Wool 610 norsee, slow sale. Butter, roll 40 50 Eggs, doz 12 tihickens. doz 2 00 Turkeys CALIFORNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt 81 05 1 20 Flour, bbl 8 00 4 00 Beeves, stall fed 4 50 (d 5 00 Muttons, owt 6 00 800 Hogs, owt 4 50 5 25 Wool Eastern Oregon.. 8 (a) 16 Butter, D 20 25 Eggs, doz hi 20 Chiokens, doz 5 00 600 Turkeys, lb 15 18 PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat, cwt $ 90 1 00 Flour, bbl 3 00 3 40 Beeves, owt 1 75 & 2 75 " dressed 4 00 6 00 Muttons, live sheared ... 2 50 3 00 " dressed 5 75 6 00 Hogs, on foot 4 50 " dressed 7 00 Wool Eastern Oregon... 6 14 Butter 15 25 Eggs, doz 15 6i 16 Chickens, doz 2 00 (B 4 00 Turkeys lb 12 14 M. Lichtenthal & Co.'s new stook splendid, summer botton and tie special' ties m tne shoe line are attracting mark ea attention. Tbe Palace is the leading hotel in tb city. Well furnished rooms with ulent oi ngni are provided for everyone. & Preaching at the Baptist ohnroh nex Sunday at 11 o'olook. Theme: "Hard times and how to better them." Borg, the jeweler, is the man to fix u your watoh or clock, tie keeps a full stooit oi everything pertaining to on- business' WANTED. Salesmen, to sell ourohoice and bardv nursery stock. Many special varieties to offer both m fruits and ornamentals and oottrolled only by us. We pas commission or salary, give exolusive territory and pay weekly. Write us al once and secure ohoioe of territory. mai brothers, JNurserymen, 142-60 Rochester, N. Y. NEW RKSTAUKANT. I have opened a first olaRS restauran at the old Matlock buildinir called ttolton restaurant. 43-tf. Mrs. G. W. Swaqgart. $100 KGWABDl One hundred dollars reward will be paid for the arrest and oonviotion of the parties connected with the robberv of Frank Sloan and J. A. Thompson, near Heppner, on Monday August, 21, 1893 Geo. Noble. 156-tf. Sheriff of Morrow county EAGLE BRAND THE BEST ROOFING! It is unequalled for House, Barn, Fao- ui.y ur nuiiainga and oosts belt the price of shingles, tin or iron. It is ready for use and easily applied by anyone. Old -:- Shingle -:- Roofs many mane water tigtit ana Ore proof at imal Aircuie. n an aam red rubber painton decayed IllllEles. it fi ls the nnro. ntirt ol,,.. a d..k...... tial roof that lusts for yearn. Curled or warned shinsles. It brinim tn their nln. a . ' them. The genuine rubber paint requires iio ON TIN OR IROV ROOFS. It li ac- eu the beBt nalnt. hn. hpav. hrulD t A..n.. knowledir applied, expand! by the contracts oi cold, and never cracks One coat equals four of any other. Buildings covered with felt can be made water tight at small expense. Write at vvs ivi caiwuiail. Excelsior Paint and Roofing Co., 15S and 157 Duane Street. New York. N Y Citation. N THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE ol Oremn. For th rtnmitv the matter of thepmnin nf .famau a t, deceased, Citation: To David Hardy, and the unknown heirs of James Breeding, deceased Greeting: In the name of tne State of Oregon V on are hereby cited and required to appear la he County Court of the State of Oregon for the ( ounty of Morrow, at the court room there- who b,, " V, 01 M.orrw' " tne "ourt room there :. All uim i , ?' HeRPneJ; he J-'ounty of Morrow, on rami m.k,, ,u Monday the 6th day of November Must, at K ihr nl. o clock in the forenoon of that dav. thin nA iiiere sno v cause it any exists why an order of ' Tp 8K B. w! M ' ' "e" the Ol 8 vtltness, the Hon. Jul us k'olthlr t.,j. .v. nty Court of the Htate of nrcgon, for the ,'Jl"lT- W,ith the ,eal 1 WW court aifcxcd, this 16 day of Aug. A. D. im. J. W. Morrow, Clerk by Q. W, WmLs, Deputy. 51-60 notice of Assignee. ATOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THR and .11 creditor, who shal not Mb?tX tBh,V claim within three mouths frn m efJibV..'he'! pbllcattou of this nntiee shall t ..,","' claim, nresen e, .i.r ,? Kraf' .'" I of IH ine OlVtllenrla unl UH t- jilus, Dawson 4 Lyohj, W P Km . Attoruey. for Assignee. AiigueS" deeded land has a orc fpiiug of water on 1 , u BALD What i, the condition of ifm7 U yor hair dry, har.h. brittle? Joe. it eplit at the end.? Has it a lifote., appearance t Z0 it fall cut uhen combed or bruehed? Ie it full ef dandruff? Does your ecalp itch? Is it dry or in a heated condition ? Iftheee are eome of your eumptom, he irarn.d in time or you will become bald. KOefM Is what you need. Iti onnrr-h Vlinwlitlire Of (i-iiKr t)em "'SlrnnkUl of tkooktm Skin Soap. It uie fair. iwpald, on receipt ol price. ir vour arutrtnas cbduuv TRADE MARK Stegifitered ar; t b ior 9.au. THE SKOOKUM ROOT je-7 South Fifth That J What shall stay its ravages? Ihousands 'say Scott's cod liver oil and soda has cured us of consumption in its first stages. Have you a cough or cold acute or leading to consumption ? Make no delay but take Soott'a Emulsion cures Cough9f Colds, Consumption, Scrofula, and all Anaemic and Wasting Diseases. Provents wasting In Children, Almost im palatable as milk. Get only the genuine. Pre pared by ficott & Eowno, Chsmists, New York. Sold by all Druggists. FOR INVENTIONS. Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government is that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli able Solicitors tO procure CateiltS. for the value of anatent 3.n.tifatrr.atlv if nnt entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents in the United States and al! Foreign Countries, Conduct In- lenerences, make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If vou have an invention on hanrl send n 1reti4i r,nn.i, -r gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as tc, the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. a THE PRESS CLAIMS rnMBHwv 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, p. o. box 463 john WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. Cut this out and send It with your Inquiry. J OKEUOJN STATE FAIR. Under the maiineement ol thn Stntp tlnnivl nt Agriculture, on tlm stnrn h'.ilr i. Salem, comuiencinK September Hlh, Mis, and eomiuuins! one week. , t M'AKE T1UN 15'0M IN' CASH "111 be Palll RB Dreinilinm fnr UI.-...I. swine, Agricultural DroductR. (iin'tu i,ti,. woods, minerals, vnrkn nf ,-f ,,.! r.,,. and lor trials of speed. ' REDUCED RATES OF FARE 'AND FREIGHTS TRANSPORTATION LINES. FAVU.ION ODen tour pvr.nlCTB .1, ,!.,,- week, with ennd mimic In ttn,i.. h THEM,W GRAND STAND and the new reRtl lation track are conceded to be amonK the most comfortable aud tne bent on the Pacific coast SPLENDID CONTESTS of speed each dav There is entered for these contests the best Befd of horses this year that has been ou tho grounds for many neurons. 8 Valuable and handsome im rovements have building. oeen mane on the urnnnds am hml.ii,.,. Has been revised and i PEMIUMblsr exhibitors. proved to ths benefit of Entries for nrcmliims nln.n ... -i .. ... . . av nf th fi; " . " I'-'" ." nrst by 10 p. m. of said dav. , PKICKSoV ADMISSION Men's Season Tickets I" place omen s season Tickets Men's Day Tickets . 1.00 ... .511 Women's Dm-Ticket. Race Track tickets, Dally'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. .', ' " '." Ch r ,e rw 0o,lrsc- Free. Send to the Rc'pei I, r,' Im , . . . i . ree "" al ¬ um list. ' prenii- T. GRFllfl Oonri.;; ' resident. I IDDCtlsnw n 5--60-SW To Const. '"iptivoa. ealth "tored HA 1inrloi,cl.4 i . eral years with a sever?! , ,g aftet in 7 mJi ucniiii o) simple means, a i..r .iru.i... r . that o those who desire It hV will S Z?, i,iftl.,. ... '"'" hich thev will li, Vrt'i., "S"1-."'1 011 "Mil, ree or cnnrirel a ennv nf n Dtil" tion, Asihina. Catarrh Rrnimhni ll inn. "aiifi allthronf '""S hi a i at i it!H. Me 11 dress. - ' ad- 1-t a w ' n- " H.KON, Brooklyn, New Ynrt f HANK KKLLOUQ Tu., Attorney for Assignee. Assignee. Notice of Assignee. KOT1CV. IS HE RE II Y GIVEN THAT TPir Dated at rut .tier car i pay has no Ube tor it. HEADS BOOT HAIR GROWER) producMon li not an acoldont, but thoreault of wientifloro VdLwaws ot the hair auU scalp led to tUo msnovery of how urn " contains neither minerals uor oils. It In not a Dy e, but destroys pai-asiUo insects, whwh fud on and dUiug from imc , send direct to ns, and we will forward vuvvj v, - r. , Grower, fl.00 p dohio; oior w. may, HAIR GROWER C0.k Ave.. New York. N. Y. dreaded and dreadful disease! Emulsion of pure Norwegian and hypophosphites of lime WASHINGTON. D.O. Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, J Anuust 15, was. Notice is hcrehv given that the following named settler has lilc'd notice of her intention to make filial proof iu support of here aim, and that said proof will be made be fore , I. VV Morrow, County clerk at Heppner, Or., on Monday. October , w.r.i, viz EDITH LUELLINQ S v S?i?""! J1- No' 471,7 ,or the WH swk S'? S'4 of Sec. 15, Tp. 6 S. R. 5 E. W. M She names the following witnesses to prove her m H lalld"8!"18""6 Up0" B,,d c,lltl, uo D. H. Miller. Walter Bennett, C. H. James Hams, all of Hard man Oreeon. Hums, m-m John W. Lewis, Register. Notice of Intention. T AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, A.i,l l:P m- Notice is hereby' given that the foiiowi, i ;, : j '"yfi1" UMl. hio i,.t..T,nV n. otLlltl "as uiea nonce oi h sliiteutfonto niakelinal proof in support ot ore 'd thttt Pof will be ntndo bo Oregon"ou'se"' " KT3.Ki?i0' ,he ne cnnfi,',',1!'"68 th? 'oilowing witnesses to provehis said land' vize- e Upo" a"d cult'vatio" of, r r 'inJ0'?' n,cPPnef. Oregon, J. T. Yount, ,V;S?,0"' lomBirilctt' aU of Lexington Or. " JOHN W II..., .lu. Notice of intention. L a?,.ZF CS AT THE DALLES, OREGON, th. l,?n$; im' Notlce her'lv given that h s ln i1?"1"!!;1""1 settler has filed nolle, .f h srlifm ? m,kea'lal P0"'' 1,1 "'PPort of for. 1 w' 1 ld tlmt "ld Pro0' '" b n'ade be- o"?oJnP.orK:r-"ty Clerki of m!hEY 8. BEALES, cont',,',',',o!'''1,ih?iollowil' witnesses toprove his said : land, IT- Ce upou nd cultivatlou of, He'iher'T?' ?f J,,;1,t Mlle' John Jenkins, of Eigii Mile ABhbuS. t-- G. Fuqua, both of 1M-1U6 JoHlt w LEW1Si Ke(!i,Ur- Notice of Mention. LA:Jnl',F!C1 ATTHB DALLES, ORBGON thi fni inB,;f ' lsJ:i- Notlce i" ne'eby fiven that h i, ,h?ii 1"K;"m'(i aettler has filed notice o h 'i.f, tio","''e final proof in support of fore j w' u ,11'd Pro"' wi" b n'a Or.,onDec i:iwtNii .y ' " nftnno.u, 1(liL'BEN SPERRY, .Ti N?kJS4.Nf:S,w ,or,he NE!'8ce- He name. th. fni'i..'.,.l ..... eontli nn,,. - Ti wimessesioprovs, nil said il !S rt',luee upon aud cultivation of aid li nd. vis.! , td, Hollowsy, Long. T. J, urit lone Oregon, l-.i Scott's ---miin of Douglas Oregon, Job , and Paul fieilnian, all Jon v Tr-'. citer, ft ... - j