Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 08, 1893, 1, Image 3

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    n-ma ill ADVEIt'I'lHUUs.
later tl,u Mn . ay "m , r '',r'"l; ',"
IUi,,,i, or lyVi C
Tbt lltllf. Vfll.v .t . I
will l.r ii. "T," '"A.'""-' - r- WW WW
... , wiuiimuci. in uuil
I -, ... ui'uhiiiod or the session of
I -- . viranu ixiuge of Oregon at
2. N,
liter tnl
rived, H
touts a
Hl tO 111 t'Vt'rV illfltun....
- m IIHIIHT OI lll'U'N 1
in. r"Kcl 'of t the rules oft Vo
oniliMit re-
...f.I,.,.V'at.f",;,!'.l."l1 corra,
I,-:i, - J va no imiowH ;
r;h ' m) "' except B lily.
A rrh u every day .11 1) p. ,., exi epl .l,m
lie i fhc-HpuBt, uuicki'Bt Hl.d bit li,
from tlio Interior country
J. H.
W. A. Johnston, AkciU.
ihs May
the East
Owe your business to Heppner people,
and therefore waist to build up Hep,,,
you rontze thme wh patronize
Here and There.
To enjoy life use TUTT'S PILLS.
L. O'Connor is over from Condon.
W. A. Baird was seen on our streete
W. P. Fell onrne iu from Hardmau
this uiorniug.
Mrs. C. Onto bua nirain taken up her
residence iu Heppner.
Johnny Ayers lias moved luto Heup
uer for the winter.
Kli Keeuey made a business trip to
Arliunton yesterday.
J. A. Thomns and wife came up from
Arlington last evening.
Mrs W. U. Boyer and family have
nioved back to Heppner from the ranch.
The beginuing of school has brought
many of our winter residence back with
Miss Katie Ojnnid left yesterday morn
ing for The Dalles where she will again
enter school,
Doo Rasmus and family and Dr. B. F.
Vautfhan returned from the mountains
last Friday afternoon.
Mrs. Geo. Conser and Miss Ellor
Rhea departed yesterday morning for
Hillsboro to visit with relatives.
Billy Chandler went below on yester
day rooming's train. Ue will shortly
go to 'Frisoo to visit his parents.
Born To the wife of Green Matthews,
of this city, Tuesday night, Hep. 5th, a
boy. Green has placed another chair
in tbn barber shop.
Ted Minard has moved his suloou
from Dear Teel springs to Albn, where
be will continue to dish up deoootious
the in latest style.
Wm. Tirtlot and wife bid farewell to
Heppner yesterday morning, leaving for
Rochester, Washington, where they
will probably locate.
Wallace Smead and family and others
camping with him returned from Ditoh
oreek Saturday. Wallace reports a
very pleasant vacation. ,
J. F. Spray and W. R. Kiohards got
over from Wagner Sunday with two
oarloada of oattle, which were shipped
below yesterday morning.
J. A. Kleckner and George Camber
returned from Teel springs via Pendle
ton last Friday evening. All Heppner-
ites nave now returned from that resort
Arrnur uoasin, or JjexiugtoD, was
seen on our streets Saturday. Arthur
is just recovering from injuries received
rrom a uoree tailing on him about two
weeks ago.
Chas. Mullory and wife returned home
irom the East last evening. Charley
reports slow sale with the horses he
shipped, though considering the times,
tbiuks he did fairly well.
John Miller, formerly with the Liberty
Meat Market of this city, has left fur
the Ohioago fair. He will also visit his
old home and frienda near Crawfords
ville, Indiana, while East.
John Shaw returned from Grant
county last Thursday evening where he
hoped to get Borne hogs, as he was
desirous of buying about 200 head to
feed this fall. He reports poor suocess.
The East Oregonian speaks of the
orgntiiztion of Pendleton's base ball
Olub, and says that Heppner's team
have expressed their willingness to meet
them. If this is true the boys should
keep in practice.
C. N. Peok was up from the lower
country Saturday. Mr. Peck reports
having one of the finest orchards in that
section. Crab and apple trees are very
heavily loaded with fruit, bo muoh so
in fad, that be was oompelled to prop
many of them up.
Herbert Halstead came over from
Condon Sunday to be in attendnnoe at
court this week. Mr. Halstead was
formerly in mercantile business at that
plaoe, also postmaster during the
former administration.
H. T. Blaokwell, Tom Williams, E. N,
urocKett ana Torn seroggins crime up
Friday evening from Portland where
they had been attending the fall racws.
Tbey left for Long Creek Saturday
morning in private oonveyanoe.
J. P. Luobb, of Condon, A. A. Jnyne,
of Arlington, and Judge W. L. Brail
shaw, of The Dalles, arrived on last
evening's train to be in attendance at
circuit court which convened this morn
ing. Pros. Atty. Wilson will arrive
this evening.
For a lame back or a pain in the side
or chest, try saturating a piece of flannel
with Chamberlain's Pain Ba'm and
binding it onto the affected parts. This
treatment will oure anv ordinary case in
one or two days. Pain Ralm nlno
oures rheumatism. 50 cent bottles for
sale by Sloonm-Jobnson Drug Co ,
Felix Johnson and wife were in from
Butter oreek last Friday. Felix re
cently reoeived word from Washington
that the dismissal of the Dav-Johnsnn
land contest case by tbe La Grande
Land offioe had been approved by the
interior department. However, the
case has been appealed for a re-bearing
It is reported that the farmers hnve
fenced up tbe road over which the Lone
Rook mail carrier has contracted tn
carry tbe mail. This is a bad move, as
they lay themselves liable by so doinir.
While the road may not be an establinh
ed highway, yet he has a government
contract which gives him authority to
carry tbe muil over this lii.e.
Geo. W. Goode, an attorney from
Condon, aocomoanied by his wife,
came over to Heppner Snndav. The
grand jury of Gilliam county found a
true bill against Mr. Gonde some lime
-sinoi f ir embezzlement. Tbe case will
be disposed of at this term of oirenit
court. Manv are of the opinion that it
is a trumped-up affair and will amount
to nothing.
minriniv mi ...
- "v mu, aim let us show that Hepp
i i considerable quantity of
"lu-imie activity.
Heppner'g school opened yesterday
With .a It.. .... i . . '
i, . uu"iy aueuaauCB. ill
"itney uas been detained in
llirnlll.l, u...b..r.un 1 ...
-p.- buu wun tins ei-
v.uu, lue corps or teaohers were pres
ent. Aiiss Bailey's room will be in
charge of a competent teacher till her
W. A. Biddle, of Gooseberry, is in
attending oourt as a juryman. At pres
ent, he is walking on crutches owing to
a severe wrench he gave his foot abont
a mouth ago. The accident happened
oy jumping out of a header box.
The atmosphere ib choke full of smoke
and if it were later in the season, the
Gazette would be moved to say that
log days" are ended and "Injun"
summer is at hand. There is undoubt
edly hre in the Blues.
A crowd I of Lexingtonites consisting
o( W. O. Hill, Nels Magnusen. Marion
fcperry and J. W. Davis passed through
Heppner today en reute to MoDuffea
"pnugs. mey expeot to remain about
two weeks.
Born-To the wife of Jake Brown, of
Gooseberry, on Sunday, Sep. 3, a girl.
I hough Juke has seen five years of
niurried lire, this is his first baby. He
was able to get around yesterday.
In our last issue the type made us
any that yesterday was "Arbor Day."
luu was purely a typographical error,
overlooked in reading the proofB. It
should have been "Labor Day."
Don't overlook J. B. Tedrowe Bt the
Arcade when thirsty. Half and half and
fresh beer always on tap. Also a fine
stock of liquors and oigars always on
band. Give Ted a oall.
Gid Ilutt has purchased Hick Math
ews' interest in the City Hotel barber
shop. Shaves, shampoos, hair-cuts,
'iisueu up m me best ot style.
uutlJB for the millions.
Dr. 1!. F. Vanghau has decided to leave
Heppner, and all those owing him are
rtqueHteu to make immediate settlement.
Those desiring work should apply at
once. i43tf.
Green Mathews' the barber, is now lo
cated next door to the furniture store on
Main street. Shaves, shampoos, hair
cuts and the like aways on tap.
Chris Reininger is over from the
Greenhorn where he is tending camp
iur j. j. uurus ana J. J. Adkins.
Sheep are doing nicely though range ia
The town watering trought at E. L
Matlock's corner will prove a boon t
the town cow and to our neighbors'
D. W. Hornor will take wheat on
account at 50 cents per bushel, or will
exchange goods for wheat at that figure.
Sure, efficient, easy Hood's pills
they should be in every traveler's grip
and every family medicine chest.
The Gi.zette will takeoounty scrip at
face ou subscription, and pay balanoe of
same in cash ut highest market price.
Every mau who takes any iuterest in
fast stock should subsoribe for The
Horseman, Gazette shop, agents.
The Heppner Canyon stage line is the
bst, cheapest and quickest to the in
terior. The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove
cures liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine
and tobacco habit. See ad.
Have you got any machinery's that
out of repair? If so oome in and get
some metal aud refit your boxing.
Clay Luce and others were over from
John Day for freight the first of the
Bom To the wife of Mr. Hansbrough,
of 11,-ppuer, ou Sunday, Sept. 3, a boy.
Bom To the wife of W. J. MnAlen.
Friday evening, a ten pound boy.
Harve Rush and family have returned
to touu lrom their ranoli.
Circuit court is grinding with Judge
W. L. Bradshaw at the helm.
We will take wheat on subscription
at 50 oeuts per bushel.
Emil Voruz made a business trip to
Ioue today.
Gave Himsklk Up Last Sunday morn
ing, Noah Mulkey, the slayer of Will
Mattesou, accompanied by Bill Gosney,
oame to town and gave himself up. He
arrived about 6 o'clock, and was at onoe
comm.tted to jail. Mulkey tells an in
teresting story. After the Bhooting
sorape he left immediately for his horse
which was fully a mile and a half away,
iustead of near the scene of tbe trouble
as stated iu last issue. He then etarted
for town by a oircuitous route, but be
coming alarmed lest he might be way
laid by friends or relatives of the de
ceased, he returned to the mountains
aud hid in the brush, first safely hiding
his saddle and horse. Several times
while he was iu the timber and brush be
recognized persons who were out
after him. Mulkey says that but for fear
ot losing his life, he would have attempt
ed to come tj town for the purpose ot
giving himself up tbe same day of the
Bhooting. He shows the effects of the
hardships and mental strain through
which he has undergone, though is con
fident that when his oase is oleared up
he will be found not altogether to blame
tor the-sad ooourenoe. His trial will,
perhaps, come off at this term of court.
Mr. Edward Prather
Complication of Diseases
"I was troubled with lck headaches aad
palm in my back and sides. I became partially
deaf, and ray nervous system was all run down.
Finally, I was seized with heart d'sease and
thought my days were numbered. I used
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and I am better In every way. I have gained In
flesh and my former good appetite has re
turned." Edward J'kathfh, Grafton. CaL
Hood's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all drusclsts.
l;alx for f5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD
CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable. 25e
Obtain AnO
Sudden Death. Relatives here re
oeived a telegram this morning announc
ing the death of Mrs. Geo. Kidder, of
Pendleton, daughter ot Mrs. Mary Thom
as, of this city, last night. The death is
evidently a very sudden one as none of
tbe family here were aware of ber sick
ness. Floyd Thomas, her brother, left
for Pendldton on this morning's train to
attend tbe funeral.
Piles! Piles! Itching Piles.
Symptoms Moisture : intense and
stinging, most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue tu
mors form, whioh often bleed and ulcer
ate, beooming very sore. Swayne's
Ointment stops the itohing and bleeding
heals nlceration, and in most cases re
moves the tumors. At druggists, or by
mail, for 50 oeuts. Dr. Swayne & Son,
Philadelphia. sw 1 yr.
Rip's Wood Yard. The Heppner
wood yard, under the management of
Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver
wood at your residenoe, sawed or un
sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at
87.00 per cord. Wood sawed twioe in
two, 75 cts. per cord; three times, 81.00.
Yard near the depot. Leave orders at
Sloan & Howard's. 4-tf.
Iff :
Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak
er and repairer of many years' experi
ence, has just located in the Abraham
siok building, on May street, where he
is prepared to do everything in bis line.
Mr. Birbeck is strictly a first-class work
man Bnd warrants all work. Give him a
oall. i4wtf
Salesmen, to sell our choice and hardy
nursery stock. Many speoial varieties
to offer both in fruits and ornamentals,
and coitrolled only by us. We pay
commission or salary, give exolnsiv
territory and pay weekly. Write us a
once and secure ohoice of territory, ,
May Brothers, Nurserymen,
12-60 Rochester, N. Y.
Every person who purohases ONE DOLLAR'S worth of goods will re
ceive a tioketon a Grand Weaver Organ one bnndred and twenty-five
dollar Organ to be given sway December 21th 1803,
Has Opened Up at Heppner.
Utters a magniuoeut new etook at prices tbe lowest vet named for strintlv
Buuyu. uiku graues in an uepartments. irue merit in every
article. Honest quality. An immense assortment nothing miss
ing. The quality will tell it : the price will sell it. That is
the reason you should oome early and tecure vour BAR
GAINS from our splendid lines of
Blankets, Quilts, Trunks, Hats.-
TVTE show all the latest novelties in great profusion. We keep the fioest selec
tions in all standard Btyles. We make it a point to have every article in
:J: stock tbe best of its kind. The dollar you spend with us goes farther, lasts
i longer, gets more style, gets more quantity, gets more quality, and does
.. I more good in service, worth and wear than any money you spend. Our goods
and prices, now waiting for your inspection, will prove this. Remember it is an
established fact that it pays to trade, providing you want to save money, at the
Uaving put their business upon a tem
porary cash basis, Call Attention to
the fact that Money has now a Greater Pur
chasing Power than ever before known iu
We mast get our stock into money, and profit, are no object when tha moM
oumrs in BIgni. H hakA vnn, Afi.h .1 ... j - ,
J , M,u U uo BUU
see us tumble.
Not ouly once, but again and again. They know that from . iw
17!!. t? T1 Trre ,or the l6a8, money- Wh the bestu .
,..-.UvU. UOO UrlUgS people aofci Q0,d9 Ouatonji makeg
u DU esiaoiisnes our trade. We want vou to
i ns friends.
hAVA Bnmn n
friendly bargains' in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothiog, Boots, Shoes
Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general '
uiciuunuuiue Btore. uome in and
see ns, everybody.
BEN f.ELAND, Salesman.
To (Jtet Even on Your
s (J UOJ
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware,
Wood and Willowware, Blacksmiths' Supplies, Iron, Steel and Coal, Pumps and
Pino Tun Ira Tfothinfca mA Utk. Ul ., , 1.; .. ll, ', ....?.
r", nuu uiuno, x juujuiug lunLciiiiir., nuriuuuurai Ampie
n.m.t. All r:: , .... ,
ujcubd. .cm nmua ut wuBiiiug quit'Kiy anu neatly aone.
Bain Wagons, Hacks and Buckboards.
-:- -:- You will save money by
getting our prices before purchasing
elsewhere. -:- -: :- :- : -:-
Odd Fellows' building, Main St.,
Thr Boys Released. The prelimi
nary hearing of the Jones Bros, and
Frank Sloan whioh oooupied the at
tention of the justice court last week
was concluded Saturday morning. No
evidence being produced against them,
they were released by Justice Hallock.
M. Licbteuthal & Co.'s new stook of
splendid, summer botton and tie special
ties in the shoe line are attracting mark
ed attention. ft
Council Doings. Last evening was
a regular session of Heppner's oounoil.
They metattheirownquarters, and were
therefore happy with all oounoilmen
present except Farnsworth Minut
es of previous meetings read and approv
ed Bills allowed : A. A. Roberts,
833.32; J. W.Rasmus,89 80; J. W. Cowius,
86.75; J. R. Simons 813.75; H.Bleahm,
85.50; Minor & Co., 89 10: R. A. Spivev,
86; John Jenkins, 810.50; Gilliam & Bis
bee, 82J5.56. Bills oontinued: A. M.
Slocum, 860.13; H. Heppner, 835.40; W.
P. Sorivner, 83 50; E. L. Matlook, six
bits Amount due from Lawyer Pax
ton ordered paid to the Heppner Light
fc Water Co. for light service, 8200, July
and August Six spittoons were or
dered purchased for use of council. Also
locker ordered built in engine house to
hold town tools The town's attor
ney was requested to collect the Osmers
& Hughes liquor bond, $300 due, Frank
Gilliam and T. W. Ayers, Jr., sureties.
Also horse given for fine ordered gold at
the best possible advantange .Com
mittee on fire and water asked to ascer
tain whether or not the Heppner Light
& Water Co. is complying with terms of
contract with town Note for fine
order oolleoted Adjourned.
L Young Man Pays Ileurly for Hla Iguor
unco of tlio Latin Tongue.
A little knowledge is more often s
lseful than a dangerous thing, and a
foung man who knows "small Latin and
.ess Oreek" discovered the fact not long
igo. The Saturday Gazette tells the
A young Boston man had a slight
sold and soro throat, and meeting hif
;ousin, who is a physician and some
thing of a wag, he asked him what tc
io for it.
"Oh, I'll write a prescription for you,'
was the answer. II e wrote it, and th
gentleman glanced at it before taking
it to the druggist It read: "Aqus
pura ounce; rniorme sodium ounce
Shake well before using, and gargU
with it every half hour."
"How much is if.'' queried the pa
tient, as the. druggist handed him th
"Two dollars." was the reply.
Some weeks later the young man'f
throat was sore again, and remember
ing the efficacy of his cousin's prescrip
tion, he took the bottle to be filled
Another clerk waited on him, and
when he inquired the price he was as
tonished at the cheerful answer: "Oh,
we don't charge anything for salt and
He had paid, two dollars for an under
standing of two simple words.
R 1 II
- m t AT
f A CASH ! .j.
So Numeroui at Tlincg as to
ienne Hrown For.
The British consul at Mogador men
tions, in his last report, that while on
an excursion inland, about a day's jour
ney from Mogador, he met flights of
locusts. He says it was an astonishing
and interesting though painful sight,
the air being in some parts so thick
with them that they formed a dense
living brown fog, through which he
could hardly find his way, while they so
completely covered the ground that the
utmost caution was necessary in walk
ing, as he could not tell whether he wa
treading on soft sand, hard, slippery
rock or what. Many birds feasted on
the insects, including large flights of
gulls from the sea, and beasts evidently
enjoyed their share, for In the middle of
the densest swarm, he saw, says the
Scientific American, a fine red fox
dancing about in the most frantic man
ner, leaping up and snapping dozens of
the locusts in the air, until, seeing the
stranger, ho suddenly dropped on all
tours, and quickly vanished in the live
fog. Not only did the barbel get their
shore of the novl food (the consul used
the locusts successfully as bait for
them), but some of the fish of the At
lantic were found gorged with locusts
which had been blown off the land
by easterly winds. As usual, they
were eaten by the native population,
both Mahometan and Jewish.
McFarland Mercantile Co.
Heppner, Oregon.
How is the time to make your money oount. Our whole stock or Prv Goods, Cloth
ing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, fancy Goods, Gloves, etc, etc., will be sold at
wholesale prices for cash.
Having Quit the Credit System,
we are ouerine goods lower than ever hefore known In nr7r, m,;- ;0 vn tj a it
l: -.- mn,.r ,-. . "-" " " ""il
vu a ie uutm. our vmuj-ic uruua goes at suoh reduced figures that the per
son needing supplies for cash cau be made happy. If you wish to save vonr monev
BanH In n,laH hu mail n Anil 1if t
... ui van m persuu. n e are giving aisoounts on
per oent. off.
Dry Goods, Clothing, etc 25 to 33?
Men's and Boys' Hats 80
Women's and Children's Shoes,25 to 30
Men's Shoes 20 to 30
Cotton Ginghams, Sheetings
and Domestios 20
Heppner, Oregon.
Change of Ownership
f w"'h we propose to oonduet in tv,. .:...7 i UJ.
on hands at all times the choicest 7 manner. Will keep
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
& Mccarty,
The Keeley Institute
For the Oure oA
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It Is located at Forest Qrove, Or.,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast.
The Enterprise Bakery and Grow Store.
On May Street, opposite Palace Hotel. They will keepon hand a full line of
Groceries and Provisis,
A.ful1. !iDe ' "''ce Pies, Cakes and Bread : in font .,...
u.uauy Kept in a Urst-class bakery store. Thev will -11
- - -" -J ,ui tHBU,
per cent. off.
Hosiery 30
Meu's Overshirts aud Furnish
ing Goods 80
Hardware 20 to 25
Saddle, Harness, Stoves and
Tinware 20 to 30
Country orders solicited, oash with
All groceries at lowest wholesale rates,
orders. Shipments of wool received as cash
Very Respectfully,
Reserved for the leader of Cash Trade.
Heppner, Oregon,
try them.
ing that is
Call anp
Out for
Cash Bargains
J ewelry,
Cash Talks.
Etc, Etc
Trust "Busts
concerning meir aauy bablU of Eating, Drinking, Dressing,
What to Eat, Influence of Plants, Parasites of thB RH
HOW to Eat t. Ocnllnn f,,r InilM. n7.,i,l . S'.V1.e..Slt,n
SS.'"S J? ?' . , Alcohol as a Food and a Lungs and Line dS
Perils of Summer, Superfluous Ilalr.
now 10 Breathe, Removing Same, How Much to Wr
SS?.?' K.lfln ""Storing the llr'ownod, ('oritaglous DlseS
Ventilation nes8, " Eierel , CwP-to Prevent,'
IT TELLS HOW TO CUBE Black Eres Bolls tin. ri,ni., ,
Coughs, Cholera. Dlawhosa. DIohthBrt.. nv.nTS.-iBT9h"lwi1 Co Corns,
Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness Itchi in , tfraclle' Felon. Fetid
Mole., Pimples, Plies, Hheumatlsm, KinirniS8 Iv? Pol"".
Information of the Utmost
Care of Teeth.
y. After-Dlnner Naps.
...'- . . . . 3.."""'""", "ficuis or Tonarwi.
to Uet Kid of Lice,
Malarial Affections,
"""""K, oiamraering. Dora Ev nn m.,.i.
'" II' I B - '
- , iavis WCTOBSi Bins,
Sore Nipples, Bore Throat, Sunstroke, Sting, and Insect BitesTweaVlng' Foe?
Warts. WhoODlnir Omirh Wnrm. I rMl.t, .... ..... . ' . roet.
Toothache, Ulcer
1 j'vs rT, jr
MT'AIl new saoscrihers and oromnt renAwiilii lnr, m.i, a.. :n
pressed with a free copy of this as a premium. ue
OI )Th(i yoiiii how i(crio(c (In;
COLTISK)Tli niiitrit'd liow to hn Imjipy
best uin to marry ;( IN TW6
111 iiiflmntre: DAS
- .. .. 1--J 1 -w-.j
; 1 ne curious -how they "growed" and enme to be :( 4-P
) I lie loud parent how to have w-ize babies:
)The mother how t- have them without pain;
)The childless how to bo fruitful and multiply ;
jTho health v' how to eniov life and keen well
)Tho invalid how to get well again speedily;
)The imnrudent how to reirnin wasted poi.eiyv
OUGHT )A11 who want knowledge that is of most worth
TO )Find it in Dr. Foote's " riain Home Talk,"
"u " . uiLft.'N, cv) curs, j.- eoi. 11 (ires: vihi vwitih .
JKedui'cd from $:f.2." to l.'iO; circulars five '
(Murray Ii ill Hook '... '.:':.) R. xth St., New Yor
P. II. T.
( $1,100
; (500,000
k.( SOLD.
Portland, Orruom. A. P. Akmsiuon.;, Pkiijcm'ai.,
Open all the year. Students may enter ot any time. Catalogue free.
Tbe Htudebnker wbkod beads them all.
For sals at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a
"Hardware" did too say? Why, yes
at P. G. Thompson & Co.'s stand, and the
plaoe for bargains. a
Thompson & Bi'ddbowd the bliss which
goes to and from the Palace hotel, but
will call for parties desiring to go to train
in any part of the city. Leave orders
at City hotel. a
Gilliam & Bisbee are still doing busi
ness at the old stand, reports to the
contrary notwithstanding. Tbey invite in-
sped ion of their mammoth stock of hard
ware, wHgons, implimeots, etc. a
Minor A Co., the new firm, have not
loNt any of their popularity by the
change. They continue lo do business
iu the old way the (jreatcst amount
quality considered, fur the least mouey
Land Fok Sale. 4H0 aores over In
Wilson nrairie. A good stock ranob and
will be eold cheap. Call at Gazette
office for particulars and terms. tf.
KlHi, Dawson Xs Ions,
All business attended to in a prompt and satiafaetory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
A. W.
One o tl let Ii tte World