Tummm to sell you FPW. ' I f' EsOne of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County.: 160 , ....:..,.f wnfprouit.tiU umlur . . . . I' Th dwrfed land 1.RB agora p.'b CTTND 1 60 ACRES rimb Culture claim adding, of which deeded bad there are 140 acres good faring W me tia.at.ce a 4 I fenoe. Situated two miles west ef Hardman. ' Tnce for the whole, SHOO ; or without the timber culture claim, S00. TT. AND i"A AXOTHI5K BARGALX. Good, deeded ranch, 320, Ih in Morrow county, cheap and on easy terms. .. .1 rustler can pay Deeded ranch, 160 acres, boss wheat land. W.U H . ' ast ml hu no use for it. for it with first crop raised on it. Reason for selling, oner lues For further information call at our office. . - i Give your business to 11 eppner people and therefore assist to build up Hepp- Patronize those who puirvw ner. wi. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for his or her coinmuiilca " correspondence will be published unless ' writer's real name is signed as an evidence ol good faitii. f Ml Between Life And of a Did you ever Read about the Mau who Hid hia Liybt under A bushel? Yeaf well Tbat is like Doing business Without advertising. All the BniJe schemes In the country Will notacoomplisb Half as much As a good ad. In a good, live, Legitimate newspaper, One that Is read By the people, And that owns Its own Soul; that TJsei its space Like merchandise, Worth dollar For dollar. .22 One of (lie Remarkable lug on the Koi J3 T Hit silver fight is not over. No, it bas just oommenoed. The Kentucky congressman, Breoken ridge, is the aubjeot of quite a sonndal Washington, D. 0. The home rule bill bas at last passed tbe English bouse of o mmons. It will now be sent over to the bouse of lords for their aotion on the measure. Tub latest iu the line of fraternal paperB lu Oregou ia the Oregon Knignt It is a bright publication and tbe Knights of Pythias should be proud cf it. Tub Living Issue publishes Hons. W. It. Ellis and J. L. Wilson as voting tor the gold -bugs. This is a mistake, as both voted iigniusl the unconditional repeul of the Sherman aot. It's getting down to a point where parlizauehip must ceuse to a certain extent. The West and Houth oan oombine and get along nicely, but tbe East and West, never. 11 b A Singolar Story Detroit Moh'er. TEUBIBLE BATTLE WHICH LASTED MONTHS. Incidents burder n antic. Conuuhshman Hermann should suc ceed Dulph to tbe senate, if a republican is to be elected. Hermann is in toncl with the people. Dolph oan not be returned to the U. 8. senate. If tiiic Sherman law is unconditionally repealed, then followed by radical tarilT olianges, we may expect still harder limes than we have had, an 1 lucky is the man that can weather it through to 1 ;(. England is all smiles now. Wkstkun republicans iu oougreBB threaten to retaliate on Eastern protection-gold -bugs by voting for free trade. While we do not believe in free trade, yet this move is nothing mure than right, and, perhaps, it may bring many a gold-bug republican to bis senses. Enuland demonetized silver in 1S16 . Why? Because she bad no s'lver of her own, no set about to make the balance of the World's stock as valueless us possible, giving her holdings iu gold a greater purchasing power, producing if possible a discount on silver, and all other products, as oompared with gold. Our country, the home of silver, fell into the trap and England has been successful. As a measure of values silver if let alone, oan perform tba( function oven better than gold. Legis lation is responsible for its present condition. MII ICK TO rO.NSt'JIKHS. From the Detroit Free Press. Thomas Ha.en was seated in his comfortable rooking ohair at bis oosy home, 1289 Russell Street, yesterday morning when a visitor was aunounoed. Tbe gentleman arose and greeted tbe newcomer with tbe grace of a diplomat, and as he opened up a conversation it was evident tbat Mr. Hagen was a person of more tban ordinary intelli gence. To his visitor tbe remarkable changes and peculiar career of this man was a sourae of muoh interest. Tbe wonderful transformation in bis appearance within the past two years is itself worthy of the study of a scientist. Mr. Hagen, a oouple of years ago, was so. weak and emaciated tbat today be doeB not seem tbe same individual. KbeumatiBm was the oause of bis terrible sufferings. He is a Detroiter by birth, having first seen the light of day in this city 36 years ago. When quite a boy he was apprenticed to tbe molder's trade, and .ver since he bas followed this avocation. Ha is quite a prominent member of tbe local Stovemolder's Onion, and can be found nearly every Saturday night in ubbcuuuuUb n, luo uieeuug Ol tuo v,. About two years ago Mr. Hagen beoame seriously affected with rheumatism, the result of working in draughts of oold air. "The shooting pains of rheumatism are actually, I believe, tbe most horrible peualties that can be inflioted on man kind. I cannot begin to tell you of tbe agony I Buffered. I had a thorough experience in the art of torture, and no matter what I used to ease the pain, it seemed as though I was doomed to greater suffering. I had a number of friends who took great interest in my case, and reaommended numerous reme dies, which I tried without avail. Nothing seem to do me any good. 1 was under tbe onre of Beveral well known Detroit physicians, but their sei vices were absolutely without favor able results. I was bedridden. Why, I oould not move from one chair to another without assistance. Home days I would feel a little brighter than others. "But presently another attack of that infernal rheum itisin would strike me, leaving me a veritable wreok on the barren shores of humanity. ny accident l read two years ago a Canadian paper containing a remark able story of a miraole in Hamilton, Ont It was that of a man who was tortured to death by rheumatism. He was in duced to use Dr. William's Pink Mils for pale people. He was immediately cured I doubted tbe truth of the matter at first, but thought I would try it. I bnd my people hunt all over town but they oonUl not find the pills at any of the drug stores. The only place they were then sold at was over in Wiudsor. Well, my relatives went over tbere and purchased a few boxes. Great Christopher I but my niiud goes baok in ecstasy to tbe obange whioh iin mediately came over me after nsitig the ink Mils. I began to improve and in a few weeks I be lunatic pains left me, and in a Bboit time I was able to be out and around. From that lime I bav been at work. store shattered nerves. Tbey are an unfailing speoiBo for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. VitUB' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheu matism, nervous headache, tbe after effect of la grippe, palpitation of tbe heart, pale and sallow complciionB, that tired feeling resulting from nervous prostration; all diseases depending upon vitiated humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also a speciflo for trouble peculiar to femaltB, such as suppression, irregularities, and all forms of weakness. Thev build up tbe blood and restore the glow of health to pale or sallow cheeks. In the caae of men they etfeot a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of whatever nature. These pills are manufactured by the Dr. William's Medioine Company, Scheueotady, N. Y., and Brockville.Ont., and are sold only in boxes bearing tbe firm's tradi mark and wrapper at 60 cts a box, or six boxes for $2.50. Bear in mind that Dr. William's Pink Pills are never sold in a bulk, or by tbe dozen or hundred, and any dealer who offers a substitute in this form is trying to de fraud you and should be avoided. Dr. Wil iams' Pink Pills may be had of all druggists or direot by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company from either address. The prioe at which these pills are sold makes a course of treatment comparatively inexpensive as compared with other remedies or medi cal treatment. "How to Care All Main Diseases.' Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment." No internal medioine required. Cures tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on tbe faoe, hands, nose, Ac, leaving tbe skin dear, white and health) Its great . - "j z ,"ii5u7" Ask your drug gist for Swayne's Ointment. sw 1 yr. COMMUNICATED. Auy wet streets or sidewalks, made trom our mains, found in front of resi dences or business property onoe during the course of a month, will render the party owning or occupying said property as renter, liablo for one mouth's sprink ling at regular rates. J. D. Hamilton, Sec. H. L. 4 W. Co. fumnwr Weakness And that tired feeling, loss of appetite and nervous prostration are driven nwav by Hood's aarsaiwrilla, like mist before the morning sun. To realize the benefit nf this great medicine, give it a trial and you will join the great army of enthusiastic admirers of Hood's sar-Mnnrilln. M. E- ohorob, South, East Columbia Conference, was called to order at 9 a. in. by Bishop O. P. Fitzgerald. Theie is a full attendance of ministers. Attend ance of "lay" representation Is small. The session promises to be very pleasant and profitable. The first day's session was devoted to bearing reports from presiding elders and pastors. Preaching last evening by Rev. How- son B. Terry, of Rosalia. Preaching this evening by Kev. Craig, of Spokane. The intervals of sessions arj spent in committee work. The Bishop is lather feeble, having recently been attacked by the grippe, but his diguined presidency is pleasantly modified by sparkling flushes of native wit. Tbe persouel of the conference is about the average of like representative bodies, being composed of men of large and varied expeiieuoe aud attainments. Conference will close Sunday evening with tbe reading by tbe Bishop of the appointments. Respectfully, Edwin Palmer. Pendleton, Or., Aug. 30, 1893. A Good Thiun to Keep at Hand. From the Troy (Kansas) Chief. Some years ugo we were very much subject to severe spells of cholera mor bus; aud now when wi feel any of the symptoms that usually preceed that aliment, bucu as sickness i t the stomach, diarrham, etc., we become scary. We have fouud Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhea Uemedy the very thing to straighten one out in Bucb oases, and always keep it ab ut. We are not writing this (or a pay testimonial, but to let our readers know wbatisagoou thing to keep handy iu the bouse. For sale by Slucuin-Johuson Dmg Co. 1 GREAT SHOWtR OF II Made Many IVopli- Ilrllovo That I lie Kntl of the World Mad Come. The most imposing display of shoot ing stars on record occurred on the night of November in, 1W, and was witnessed in the greater part of civil ized North America. To be exact, it extended over the limits comprised be tween longitude sixty-ono degrees in the Atlantic and one hundred degrees in Central Mexico, and from about the lat itude of the Ureat lakes to the West Indies, says the Philadelphia Press. Seldom has nature exhibited a scene of greater or more awful sublimity. A resilient of the vicinity of Niagara falls gives the following-account of this, the grandest display of natural tire-works: The two Icnd'ni' powers in nature, water and life .'i-nil to engage in an emulative display of their grandeur. The ileafotiiii'r r.mr rf the cataract rilled the mind of the spectator witn an infinitely heightened si-nsc of sublimity when its waters were lightened by the crhn-e of the ineteori.: torrent in trie skv. In tiianv parts of the country the people were stri-Uon dnmb, imagining that the o-.id of th.' world had come. Others, whose eilucntion and vigor of mind prevented thorn from yielding to such terrors, were nevertheless vividly reminded of tin- jrrand description in the Apocalypse, where It says: 'The stars of heaven fell ir.t i the earth, even as a fi;f tree castetb her untimely tigs when she is -.lnVn f a miphty wind.' " In ls"i: n si nihi'- ! ..-t ::il exhibition, though of cm fmuvU', was wit nessed alon"' t:. Ohio river and off the coast of Spain: the year before, 18SI, a great "fall of stars'' was reported by Capt Hammonds, of th" Hritish vessel Restitution, then sailing in the Indian ocean. It is rath'-r remarkable that each of these "star sh iwers'' occurred on the night of Nuveinbcr lit. TO PREVENT SEASICKNESS. Sundry Theories Vl. , Ko- iral'dlnji i' curious notion 1 umon tbat the stoma-h (, is full possible, savs '-, .. .... Thus have we seen stout old men Hind women take with praiseworthy persistence had the result been sati -.factory bis cuits, brandy nr.! soila. apples, a pint of porter, n red herring and various other edibles and potnblcs with an en tire want of mi." os io retaining" them. a course of procedure peculiarly trying to those who happen to be standing, or, rather. lyinK on the verge of the act of vomiting. Were we to counsel those who are liable to this affection we should rcominond as follows: Take a moderate men! two hours belore going on board. JicnKiin on deck amidships, well protected lorainst cold, as long as possible. As soon as the premonitory symptoms appear retire to the berth. undress as quickly as possible and lie flat on the back for the first twelve or even twenty-four hours without food, Then take a small portion of dry bread and roast beef without fluid; this the stomach will probably retain. If there ia much movement of the vessel lie quiet again or even go upon deck, and in the course of thirtv-six or forty eight hours the system will have re covered itself and no further trouble will be experienced. It is a mistake to introduce a quantity of fluid, even of strong coffee, into the flaccid stomach, but if sickness persists a glass of cham pagne will probably prove serviceable. In some few persons quinine or antl pyrin, chloral or potassium bromide may act well, but as a rule medicine of all kinds should be eschewed by those who do not wish to aggravate what ia already hard to bear. LOCAL MARKKT KKPOltT. Wheat, bu . J Flc.nr,bbl 3 75 ? 4 00 Beeves, oows & two-year-olds. owt. l ou three - a uu t Sheep, muttons, bead 1"uf fl " stock o . ' Hogs, ou foot, cwt J"? Hogs dressed 6COJ?2 Wool. 610 Horses, slow sale. Batter, roll 50 Egge, doz 1-ti Chickens, doz 2 00 Turkeys CALIFORNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt 81 05 1 20 Flour, bbl 3 00 (M 00 Beeves, stall fed 4 50 o 5 01) Muttons, cwt 6 00 O800 Hogs, ewt 4 50 5 25 Wool-Eastern Oregon.. 8 fc 10 Butter, tt 20 (i 25 Eggs, doz 1 2b" Chiokens, doz 5 00 (t( 6 00 Turkeys, lb 15 18 PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat, cwt $ 90 1 uu Flour, bbl 3 00 0340 Beeves, owt 1 75 2 75 " dressed uu b n w Muttons, live sheared ... 2 50 3 00 " dressed o 70 W o uu Hogs, on foot 4 50 dressed I w Wool Eastern Oregon... 6 14 Butter.... 15 25 Effirs. do. 15 ((? 16 Chickens, doz 2 00 4 00 Turkeys lb 12 14 Eastern Oregon -sSTATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Weston Umatilla uoumy, o"' . . ,,, v,!uxr i r. STUDENTS, and merely nominal in tbe pre- -pUITION flitr. ium -,,.,., receive State Diplomas au ute without further allies' Home; board mousing , -: ,iap k in examination. Board ami iook.u,,, T " ' frn,n 81! 50 to 4 00 per week. alone. S2.2. Board and lodging in Pr . ' ' ' ' , mllaio. A11 tlie depart Good opportunities are offered in vocal -J fT For further inform,tion ueu wiiu lunuoiu t t r 1. A. Yoriniuniuii tjo m 1 ft w f.lP.l.MI niantii O PA I H r( 1 1 1 u (J ( T I'l'""'" apply to M. Q. Royal. President of the Faculty, or the Board of Regents. The Palace is the leading hotel in the city. Well furnished rooms with plenty of light are provided for everyone, a At I'llUltCU M. E. church, ANNOUNCEMENT. Sabbath service ' It was not long after I scoured the pills over Bt Windsor tbat I fouud they were for sale here in Detroit, at Brown & Co.'s, corner of Woodard and (Ion gress, Michell'a and BasBett & L'Uom meuieu s, iiooaward avenue. 1 pur chased them for nity cents per box. I guess you can buy them uow at allium every drug store iu Detroit. "I have recommended the Pink Ml to Feveial ef my friends around town, ami although their cases were similiiir to mine, they have all been cured. There is nothing ou the face of God's earth djual to them for rheumatism and and other diseases. Until my dying day I will praise the pills for being the cause of my present happy and con tented condition." Dr. William's Pink Pills are not a pateul medioine in the sense in wnich that term li usually understood, but are a scientific preparation successfully used iu geueral practice (or many years before being offered to the public gener ally. They ooutain iu a condensed or.n all the elements necessary to give new life and richness tn th hlnod. and re- morning and evening. In the evening farewell services. Text, ' Finally brethern, farewell. Be perfeot, be of good comfort, be of one mind, livo iu peace and the God of Love aud Peace shall be with you." I would be glad to have you present at this last meeting. J. M. SlIl'LSB. Pastor. Preaching at the Baptist church next Sunday at 11 o'clock. Theme: "Hard times and how to better them." Among the incidents ol childhood that stand out iu bold relief, as our memory reverts to the days when we ere young, uoue are more prominent than severe sicKtiess. mo yoiiug mother vividly remembers that it was Chamberlain' yougu Keinvdy oured her of croup, and iu iuiu nuuiiuisiers u to ner own off spring aud always with the best results, tor sale by Slocum Johnsou Drug Co. Johnny Kirk informed ve shop force yesieruay mat ne would ou that day me uiujscii Biieywania or a sweet, though brief season of rest and recre ation. However, he did not gel away as ne was seen coming in from tbe oounlrv yesterday afternoon with "Farmer' Hychard. NKW liKsiwrttANT. I have opened a ttret olass restaurant me oiu matlock building called uouon restaurant. NOT1CK. To all persons interested iu securing time for purchase of railroad lands, please oall at clerk's office and sign petition to congress. 58-67 J. W. Morrow. (100 KKWAltD! One hundred dollars reward will be paid for the arrest and conviotion of tbe parties connected with tbe robberv of Frank Sloan and J. A. Thompson, near Heppner, on Mondny August, 21,1893. Quo. Noble. 156 tf. Sheriff of Morrow county J One reason why Co.1 Liver Oil nrwl nd:! h:is had such 'i Alnirxit . i hlta! mV AS tlli that its curative properties are unequalled, the coinh, supulie; the waste of tissues, Serif's hmulsion ol rure lNor atul Ilypophosphites of Lime a larjc sale is because it is but the best reason is It cures produces flesh and lmikls up the entire system. Scott's KiuuUien euros Coughs, Colds, Consumpt'on, Scrofula, and all Anaomio and Wa9ting Disousos. t'rovonts wasting in children. Almost as palatable as milk. Get only liie roiuiIuc. Pre pared by Scott & liowno, Chemists, Now Jork. Sold by all Druggists. tts coi Emulsion w LlliUill CI IN am j Liu ft Plenty of them at the Gazette Office Willi 4ultmV JVmVM.Vf'M' " Borg, the jeweler, is the man to fix up your watch or clock. Lie keeps a full stock of everything pertaining to his business' a Nerve Tonic BFood Builder afcr jt 50e. per box. O for 8'i.Sll. Penrt foi dwcrlpln ia patii hi, t. '. WILLIAKS' MEDICINE CO., Schenectady, N.Y. KAGLE THE BRAND BEST ROOFING! STRICKEN DEAD. TRUSTWORTHY STATEMENTS. A recent New York dispatch reads: "James C. H , a line looking and apparently healthy man, was observed to tagger while walking on Filth Avenue this atternoon, and alter taking one or two un certain steps fell to the sidewalk. When picked up tie was dead. A physician ex. amined the body, and pronounced heartditcat the cause of death. A peculiarly sad feature of the case u that Mr. II was on his way to Maine, to settle in the home of his boyhood. He had passed the previous ten years in the western mining country, and had amassed a fortune. lfYUU haveanyof the symptoms given in the fbllowingtestimoniala you should lose no time in seeking relief. From John L. Koberts. 81atineton. Fa. "I have suffered with palpitation, irregular pulse, fainting and mothering ipelli, pain in shoulden, tide, and arms for over forty years. For twelve years have been treated without avail by prominent physicians in my neigh borhood and in New Vork. Growing con stantly worse, smothering spells followed one another, so my lite was often in danger and I needed constant care. As mv son had been cured by Dr. MM A'rw Heart Cure, he tent ju. ,yir.. i "c ..nn uo gTe mi tlle ,,.; 0( ,he estate of Jn'nie. N Hr .n ll instant reiirl. Uelore using tlie last bottle deceased, Citation: To David Hanly, and the uiihiiM,, lima wi .lanieu tiieecniiK, iieeeased Greeting: In the name ot tne State o( Oregon on are herehv cited and rt-onlmi t, n,.UUr o. the County Court ot the state ot Oreaon, ior oie t uiimjr 01 jiorroiv, at tne court room there, ot, at Heppner. in the County ot Morrow, on jiouuar ine oin nay ol isoveniber lw;t, at 10 o l i",- in me lorenoon ot tnat dav, then and there show cause II any exists why an order of sale should not be made to sell the NWii of Sec 18 Tp. 2 S K ii E. W. SI . Witness, the Hon. Julius Kelthly JtioVc of the County Court of the State of uremia, for the County of Morrow, with the seal of said court attixed, this 16 day ol Aug. A. D. Issia. Attest: J. W. Morrow, Clerk, by W. Wills, Deputy. It iB unequalled for House, Barn, Fae tory or Out Buildings and costs half the price ot shingles, tin or iron. It is ready for use and easily applied by anyone. Old -:- Shingle -:- Roofs Enrtly made watertight and fire proof at small expense. With dark red rubber paint on decuvi d ibinnles, it tills the pores ana give a substan tial roof that lastB for years. Curled or warped shinKleB, it brinei to their Maces and kppns them. The genuine rubber paint requires no ut-niiiiK mm uu uir ON TIN OR IRQ? ROOFS. It ts oc- knowledg ed the best paint, has heavy body, 1b easily applied, expands by the contracts of cold, and never craeKB. One coat equals four of any other. Buildings covered with felt ran be inane water ticni ai small expense, write at once for particulars. Excelsior Paint and Roofing Co., ISA and 157 Duane Street. New York, N. Y. Citation. IN THK COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, For the County of Morrow: In I Was comoletelv cured. AlihoiiD-h levtmtv. five years old f feel twenty years younger. I claim my cure to he almost a miracle." Here i a letter from Mrs. John Kolges, of Cleveland, O.t " I had been troubled with my heart and stomach for years, but for six teen months had been confined to my bed. I bad four of the best doctors in the citv, but none of them amid benefit the weakness'ofmy heart. I alio had dropsy and rheumatism. I never took medicine tnat relieved me at once as Dr. MM Aw Heart Oun does. I am much stronger. My appetite ii splendid. I gain strength with every dose. I have gained more in six weeks from vour treat ment than in sixteen mouths from all the doctors." " Dr. Mile 1,'eu Curt for the Heart ii sold on a positive guarantee by all druggists. It is $afe, efeetire, agremble. and dnet care." Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind. r"-" Jr.. LETTERS Vug. '.'1. IMS. Handlew IV T Harmon F U When LIST OF LETTERS. ADVF.KT1SE1) AT HF.fPNER Snyder Lewis ,,.,, Verne Miss violet 3 -'i.'iwnnv j rt rfvertpSd '"ng 'r lhe,e Pie"" say nirriwi, A. M H.I.nv P. M. FOR INVENTIONS. Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government it that of INVENTORS, .who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a pateut depends greatly, if not entirely, upon the care aud skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents In the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In. terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, D.C. p. o.box 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. Cut this out and send It with your Inquiry, rf 011EGON STATE FAI L. Cnderthe mnniiBenient of the Stale Ilonrtl of Agriculture, on tlie state Fiiir Grounds near Salem, coiiiniencins September lltli, ls'.tl, and continuiiiK one week. iloKKTHA.X 115,1X10 IN CASH Will be paid as premiums for stock, poultry, swine, Aurieiiltiiral products, fruits, native woods, minerals, works of art and fancy work, and for trials of speed. KEDl'CEI) RATES OF FARE FAN I) FREIGHTS ON A LI. TRANSPORTATION LINES. PAVILION open lour cveninits during the week, with good music in attendaee. THE NEW GRAND STAND and the new repjn lation track are conceded to be among the most eoiulortaljleand the best ou the 1'iiciile coast. SPLENDID CONTESTS of speed each dav. There is entered for these contests the best field of horses this year that 1ms been on the irrounds for many seasons. Valuable and handsome Improvements have been made on the Kionnds anil buildlne. t l'KMIIWI LIST Has been revised and improved to ths benefit of exhibitors. Entries for premiums close at ;! p. m. tbe first day of the hi r. and exhibits must be lu place by 10 p. in. ol said chiv. F l'RICF.SoV ADMISSION. Men s Season Tickets im Women's season Tickets 'Tim Men's Day Tickets Women's Day Tickets ', Race Track Tickets, Daily "5 Women to the Race Course.' Free'." a j . ..l under p.' years. Free for all. urn "ist 8t'crcl"r' at I'ortland for a pienii- 1 T cnv. n c .J' Am:ll('N, President. JG RKldl , St'eretiiry. SJ-ttO-sw h ZlVL ","'er"iK"e'l havlnir been restored "to health by simple means, alter snn'eriiiB for se" eral years with a severe hum iitlectlon, and that dread disease Consumption, Is anxious to inake t'h'" 10 !f"mv ""' the m,Vof euro lo those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of charKe a copy of the prescription used which they will find a sure cure for c" lion Asthma Catarrh, Bronchitis and all t "oat and limit ma adies. He hopes all sufferers w "l Zibi"'"""1",8 " 18 'va liable. Those a es r ... .... ,..tn. ,M,uuii, wiiicn w'lleostt hem 110th It ? , and may prove a blesstn,, w ill please Id. KF.V. LliWARO A. W1I.KON, Brooklyn, Hew Vork. d ress. 1-t a w Notice of Assignee. VOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN TH T THE .I'JllS 5."i'l' 1,a !!"! I1'! '" appointed within three months from the (late of pu i eation o this notice shall not participated 1 the dividends until utter payment in f .1 of n claims presented within said term of three month, and allowed by the court Dated at Heppner, Oregon, August 31st l f KAN K KkLLOOO THOMAS Ql'AID Attorney for Assignee. Assignee Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, I J August lo. 1MM. Notice Is herein- idvell that the following named settler has tiled notice of her intention to make final proof in support of nei ciiiiin, aim mat sum prooi w 111 oe nume oe forcJ. W. Morrow, County Clerk at Heppner, Or., on Monday, October 2. MM. viz.: K.DITH I.IIKI.I INO of Hardman. II. E No, 47H7 for the 'Vt HWJi !" o n V OI ec. in, 1 p. 0 S. K. '20 K. W. M. she names the following wltnenHMs to orove her continuous residence upon and cultivation ol salil land, viz.: D. 11. Miller. Walter Bennett, C. H. Hams, James Hums, all of Hardman Oregon. iio-iU'l JOHN W. L.KW1S, KeglBier. Notice of Intention. T AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, Aug. 1ft, w.a. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made be fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk at Heppner, Oregon, on Sep. it, iwu, viz.: JOHN S. BROWN of Lexington, H. E. No. -iw.) lor the NE!4 of See. 12, Tp, 2 8., R. 2ft, E. W. M.. He names the following witnesses to proveliis continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said (ami, viz.: P. o. llorg, Heppner, Oregon, J. T. Vomit, C. C. Boon, Tom Bamett, all of Lexington or. 1M-HH Johk W. Lkwih. Register. Notice Of Intention. T AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, 1 J Aug. 22, ims. Notice is herebv givtn that the following-named settler has filed uotici t his iiiteiitiou to make dual proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will b made be fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Or., on Sep. lm:l, viz.: , , , SIDNEY 8. BEALES, 0 Eight Mile: Hd App. No. 28'L! for the NEK of See. M, Tp. 3 s, R 2,-, j w. M. He names the following witnesses to prove till continuous residence upon aud cultivation of, aid land, viz. : O. D Coats, of Eight Mile, John Jenkins, of 'h'P"1,1", Ed Ashbaugh, C. O. Kuqua, both of Elgh Mile. lfte-Kiii Johk W. Lwis, Register. Notice of Intention. T AND OFFICt AT THK DALLES, OREGON m .A','8' 22' mi- Notice Is hereby given tint the following-named settler has Hied notice 0 his intention to make final proof in support ol tin claim, and that said proof will b made be- orej. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppiufi Or., on Dec 3. ism. viz.; ,, ., HEUBEN HPERRY, of lone; Hd. App. No, ts!a for the NEofSec, -"j, IP 1 S, R.2IE. W. M, He names the following witnesses to prove nil continuous residence upon and caltivatleu of said laud, viz.; E1. Holloway, of Douglas Oregon, Job Loii T. J. Carle, and Paul Reitmau, all lone Oregon. Johk w, T.awis. fef iter.