t0T IIPJl GiZtl fL) " OTmr a . i rrTlvrKrr, ' ,iS " OFFICIAL PAPER HEPPNER GAZETTE. He who b his biz would rise, must either bust or advertise. - Ex. DON'T RTPnnr N Aa dvertlMment, tay. Printers "luk, to bear fruit to ono night. You catfTeat enough in . week xo la.t you . Z Those who advertise 0nco in three month. change, ELEVENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY. ORTmnxr pnm.v z7- mibu sonjH aayg. SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. - "y, x-muAi, oiiii'lUMliER 8 189? WEEKLY WO 547 I - , - - : - IT I I IT i nr ii 14. 41 Tuesdays and Fridays BY ME PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. Ai.VAH W. PATTERSON Bus. Manner. ima PATTEUSON Editor AliJlKT'' 1125 ,,,r 8,1 ra"",h8' V ' f . rt. i ears iuDscnption to a Pop ular Agricultural paper Aduertising Rates Made Known on . Application. GIVEN FREE TO OURREADERS The - E.A.Q.r,B. , Oregon puny every Friday (;, ., 7Z.. 7;T'u,j "i r" (irant n,7iTC .,oV, S' fi '"uiiiiiibu oy me same eom- SubHeription SSia t y 4iV "ISlti8llK rat. wUlres. ; S"i long creek, Oregon, Heppner, Oregon. .Editor and Gazette, "PHIH PAPER is kept on tile at E. C, Dake's AdrtS"i( Agency, M. and 65 Merchants r L iK ' i "no'8o. .California, where 01 rncts for advertising can be made for it. THE GAZETTE'S AG 'SUITS. vj'hgner, Arlington, Long Creek,, Echo '' Camas Prairie, . . ..'.'.'.' Nye, Or Hardmau, Or., .'.'. Hamilton, Orant Co., Or.,'.' . lone, Prairie City, Or.,'.'.','.". Canyon City, Or Pilot Rock Oayvllle, Or...... John Day, Or., " Athena, Or ' Pendleton, Or.,. Mount Vernon, Grant Co '.ibr, Shelby, Or Fox. Grant Co.. Or Eight Mile, Or.,. .., Upper Rhea Creek,. Douglas, Or Lone Rock, Or uooseuerry Condon, Oregon... ueAiiigioil.. . ..B. A. Ilunsiiker ...i'hlll Heppner The Eagle . . . PostniHsh.r ...Oscar De Vaul H. C. Wright Postmaster PoKtmanter T. J.Carl . K. R. Mcllaley n. ij. rarnsli O. P. Skelton J. E, snow ..F. I. McCnlliim . .John Edington Postmaster Postmaster .Miss Ktolla Flett J- . Allen Mrs. Andrew A.hbaiigh B. F. Hevland Postmaster ft. M. Jolinson J. It. Etteb Herbert Halsteuil Iua mi.. I. AN AOKNT WANTED IN BVKHY 1'ltEClNCT. a "pooiBi arrangement with the publishers we are prepared to furnish riJi to each of our readers a year's m.usuripuon to the nomilnr mnnH.lv B'i"uUnrai journal, the Amebic an Fakmkk, published at Springfield and Cleveland, Ohio. This offer is made to any of our sub scribers who will pay up au arrearages on subscription and one year in advanoe, ... uy new suDscribers who will pay one year in advance. Th a,t,t. rAKMKK enjoys a large national oircul uU rauKs amoiig the leading -K.uimrai papers. Jiy th s Hrrn... L 1L nnn.- " uioui n (juaxa UU NOTHINQ to oeive the Ambrioan Fahmer for o year, It will be to your advantaee oail promptly. Sample copies can be seen at our office. Highest of all in Leavening PowerLatest U. S. Gov't Report in ISI Bak Hi iivw row Can be proou.ed at the drug store of 1. 1. Ijerv Jr. Next door to City Hotel, a.n.rriNi!;u, : : OREGON. der America's Merchant owtcs at the beginning of 1890 with 2540 vessels of all classes, of which 7 7 T ' Se eTOSS tonnage 7,W3,676 tons, and whose estim, un- waa estimated 1 PURE ALIEN IMMIGRATION. island BufTering from an nwi. come Influx. i to T1e Original Webster s Unabridged u 1I.TIIIHT. Umon Pacfic Railway-Local card. No, i1,?' U1!,led leaves Hoppner 10SO a. m, ti "iiiuKLon i-ina.iu. i).' except Bumlay. leaves " H;IW n m ar. at Heppner 6:20 p. m. daily East ( bound, main line ar. at Arlinirton 1 :2t) a. m ' 1 ' leaves 1:21) a. ui, nay trains have been discontinued. C'''XCI.A.Xi DIBEMOBT. United States Ollieials. Piefeident Vice-President .', Kecrerary of (State (Secretary of Trwsnry. . Secretary of Interior.. Becrotary of War becreUtry of Navv Postmaster-General. . ...G rover Cleveland .....Ad ai Stevenson .. Walter Q. Gresham John O. Carlisle noae csimtn ...Daniel H. Laniont ...Hilary A. Herbert Attorn7v-Hee "'. V, SL,,1 B8e" Heoreti.rvnf Vi. ",VU , ..b..uu.uu.o . oLorung morion State of Oregon. Hrt r. '.if ' Nf'V ',"?,; 1 P.J'1' Hnpt. Public Instruction.,.. H. B. MyKlroy senators 1 n. intoliell ( J. . Doluh Congressmen ) ntnger nermann . . ' " i W. U. Ellis Fnnter Frank (J. Baker a I........ IU A. Moore i VV. P. Lord ( M. S. Bean Seventh Judicial District. Circuit Judge w. L. Brarlshaw l'roscuuuK Attorney VV. ii. Wilsun Morrow County OHicials. Joint Senator Henry Biackmsn representative J. M. Brown ...unty Judge. . . , jiill8 Keithlv comniiRsioners Peter Brenner "lrlfv J. W.Morrow Sheriff (jeo, Mobie. Jreaeurer w. J. Ltezer Assessor K. L. Shaw Surveyor..... lsaBrown School Bup't VV.ii. Haling ( "rouer T.W.Ayers, Jr HEPPNER TOWN OFFICERS. :; J. R. Simons Counciiiueii. ........ ......0. K Farnsworth, M, liichtonthal, Otis Patterson, Julius Keithlv, W. A. Johnxtnn. .T. I. Vun.. " B8001''1'"' A. A. Boberts. f.""''1;8' E.H. Slocum Marahttl J. W. Kasmus. Precinct Oltlcerp. Justioe of the Peaoe F. J. Hallock Constable c. W. Kychard United States Land Officers. ft" '.MS 1 eopyto eachofourlubrcrft'er'r0 ,,U'U18', 8 nc uuuimiy is a necesBit' K'.ClnilRrv 1H a narmcnlt.. i school and business hnnr'7t1S,r7".?.nome. rnihe - .. iS,;,"' " vacancy, dred other vol un.Js of Te h S.?S L'e?"R; rl.au and poor, .hould'a,Yt wttttaSTSS refer to its contenls every day in the year As some hn.vp hhIilH if i,iji- - "V, y r' . tnal Webster'. V r . .Tr ? i. 1 Ule eomulete on which about forty of toe best years wr$.?uj?0U bound in ninth li u i r hi .in. ...i . .., i ana is ...... anu sneeu. until Turtner notice we will fnrm.k .u.. vaiunuio uici:onary rirst -lo any new subscriber. Second To any renewal subscrib in hu lyany suoscr Der nnw in n.n... niiu pays up ana one vear in arlU!.n the following; prices, viz: 1 run uiotn Dound, rilt side and stamps, marbled edges, $i.00. Malt Mo'occo, bound, pilt side and n, oiampa, oidruiea eages, $1.50. run oneep oouna, leather label, marbled uyes, ,2.00. Equal to lime and sulphur, and miinh better for the wool, as it promotes thP growth rather than damages it. National Bank of newer. . 1-ersecutli.n In Continental miung lleltiyo in Great llrltaln Their DamaKl r;nct on the Working lasses. WM. PENLANI), fcD. President. It BISHOP. Cashier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS COLLECTIONS Made on Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD HEPPNER, tf ORF.nnw QUICK TXME ! TO San Pronoisoo And all points in California, via the Mt. Shasta . route of the Southern Pacific Co. The great highway through California to all points i,ast and South. Grand Hoenio Route of the Pacific Coast. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. Second-class Sleepers Attaohedfcto express trains, affordine sunerinr accommodations for second-class passengers. For rates, tiokets, sleeping car reservations, ,. call npon or address KOEHLER, Manager, . P. ROGERS. A.t Gen. F. & P. Agt.. Portland, Oregon. I lie immigration of foreign working mon nnil ii.,... i..i. ... """ imi) r.ng-iantl in past times has been of the very highest v. cononucal and social progress of the country. Silk manu- un.vui-n, so important n. hn.n,.i, iuuusrry, is only one of the -uu.v pursuns mat lutvc been estab lished by aliens, who by religious or iJ1Wcui persecution liad been forced to leave their own country and follow their u ra pursuits in England. tactically the descendants of these im migrants have beeomn Encii.i, .1 their origin is lost sight of, for in a large number of cases they have Angli cized their names; the Lu Koys have become Kings, the lioulungers linkers and so on. Immigration of this kind was most valuable to the persecuted in dividuals who were forced into exile, and to the country which received them and .-wivu uy lnelr Knowledge, thrift nmuswy. imt the London Queen ...ere is anowier kind of immigra tion which possesses none of these ad vantages, and this is going on to an in jurious extent at the present time that of the paupers from the eastern countries of Europe, who have no E i7!!dge' and, therefore, on -.-.. i .., cuurury, nave to com pete with the lownst. ft,, , y , consequently, lower the rate .Cr ?15,09,300. Other totals ang American fleet "uMlt 1U.423 tnnn r. nil .... . ' i,nm i. r , 7'"pio. uiner 1 SHOW that. Hill. nr. !. thefre.Vn " "6, Peamsr year rating11 movement IV the whofe ratine America fl , . . 110,423 tons of all commodities, Others shew flir. i . ci; r "u?Der ; p 0f an 'W made up the nr,)i. I nary or 0mpiementa " ' eratinc vesui .. . ""p- " 4 mw uniTftfi siataD lar r: " -P'TSUr.e. CTaft n the At- paid in wagea-was no less than 136,867,. A MAMMOTH FLUME. ElKhty-Pive FcotHI ana Thlrty-FiTk Miles l.oB. " J',f(.fllnnc w4hih conveys' the water from the mountains to the reservoir at Know whereof thnv cn,i, i.- , largest and longest t.hW v, j the world. It is thirty-five miles long and is composed almost. wi,n,. wood. J leu" 1 11s course th Jo a... . n ; j , The tnnllrt,r.n i i . " ini fi,;";.;:: 7, w flave centen- - vino cell-. LI1H n vet- i its course this crosses 315 streams and vn Z mental 1, "Z "er WM exPeri' trestles, the lonm.k of ...v.:t .C . - " tl v.: "7, 7. new inven- feet .and , 85 feet high."' T,. Umb' pSiSlS'iJ' used in them were nut touetWr v. which n..:iC7r 8 a . ?he neck o ground and raised to the.v T i to. r"L " 7 ":7,ue often re- besides its many trestles, thu fl, ! knife. h,,f rlulLK ,sctloI1(" the passes through 'elirl.t tn' t ' . " "B Baw tne diabolical longest of these being length. The tunnels are each F fee Medicine T -'ages among the most dcstitnto o.,i,g- people. IJuring the last four months nearly 50,000 aliens have 9WHIQ1 f il . .. lw ; . lno continent at the east- s rear, lintain. Of these. f .messed their intention of 4- I emmttv.- Uolden Opportunity for Siifferin Humanity. Physicians Give their Kemedles to the People Write us at once, explain- i"K your trounie, ana bacl. Fifty cents added in all cases fnr r,,.,. age to Heppner. MP-As the publishers limit the time and unlior ot books thev uln in,.jir ?"a prices, wo advise nil L ...:,',"?,. low J?n,0 "llB Breat opportunity to attend tilt DO YOU SUFFER will send you FREE OF CHANGE a full course of specially prepared remedies best suited to your case. We want your recommendation. We can cure the most aggravated diseases of bOth SeXeS. Our trparmonr tnr oil rllnnanno nv. deformities are modern and scientific, acquired by many year's experience, which enables us to uuttidiiwiu u uure. uo not despair, iit-Moy 111 IB I Hlltl 1 ILTarrn Kiiiornnnnn crii.nn Dr. Wiluamr Medic at, inh Rnprufit iv. la luainei oireei, ean Francisco, Cal, ARE -YOU ANY GOOD AT PUZZLES ! The vmiliia wtift Im.nni 1 nmr. Citt i..,i,r. , r r ....milieu mc i-iLcei. puz CM J! V jti.1-4 OH A.MPION zle' "Vla 1,1 Clover," and many others, has in vented a brand new one, which is going to be ;these J. W. Lewis., T. B. Lang.... THE DALLES, Off. Kpgister jKeceiver LA GRANDE, OB. ?S' Renter J.U. Kobbins Receiver Kock y- -- Mountain -:- News THE DAILY-BY MAIL. Subscription price reduced as follows: . 8ECBET SOCIETIES. Dorio Lodge No. 20 K. of P. meets ev- oi j. uesuay evening at 7.sno'elock in uicu ,o.ie nau, national llank build, ing. Sojourning brothers cordially in V.A "Wend. W. L. Saling, C. ('. W. B. Potteb, K. of it. 4 8. tf One Year by mail) Six Months " Three Months " One Month " THE WEEKLY BY MAIL. One Year (in Advance) : $6 00 3 00 1 50 50 $1 00 H AWUN8 POST, NO. 81. G. A. B. Meets at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of All veterans are invitod to join. OKU. W. BMITtt. tf Commander. 'Hch month, ' . t). Boon. Adjutant, PEOPESSIOlTAu. A A. EOBERTS, Keal Estate, lusur- ance and Collections. Offioe in TJounoil Chambers, Heppner, Or. Bwtf, S. P. FLORENCE, The News is the only consistent ciampton of silver in the West, and should be in every home in tne nest, and In the hands. of every miner anu Dimness man in Colorado. Send In your subscriptions at once. Address, the isrExrta, Deliver. Colo. the greatest on record. There 1b fun, instruc tlon and entertainment in it. The old and learned will find as much mystery in it as the young ana unsophisticated. Thla great puzzle s the property of the New York Press Club, for whom it was Invented by Samuel Loyd. the great puzzlelst, to be sold for the benefit of the movement to erect a great home for newspaper workers in New York. Generous friends have given $25,000 in prizes for the successful puzzle solvers. TEN CENTS sent to-the "Pre cih Building and Chrrity Fund," Temple Court. New York City, will get you the mystery by return mail. JX-v&x-y Header OF THIS journal 1b invited to aid in the erection of a great home for newspaper work era Dy sending one dime to "Press flii Building and Charity Fund," Temnle Court " jura, j ou win aid a great work nnd re celve by return mail a wonderful puzzle-game wnicn amuses the young and old, balliefl the mathematicians and interests everybody. Public spirited merchants have contributed fm.mo worth 01 premiums for such as can solve the mystery. Everything from a "Knox" hat to a Steinway" piano. tunejfljlvc- env rente I relieved that a very fi remained in this coun- -. ..'tuMiierable number of these "ussian ana tierman Jews, driven away by the relentless persecution to which they have been exposed. That our own laboring poor should be subjected to the mnmntiti ..;!.. from such an influx of unskilled labor is not to be coiitemiilntcl -..-ttv, placeney. The question of pauper im migration is crowinc ii. i.m... wiuaiucniunn cannot he much lnn,. er ignored by the legislature. The ne cessity of an organization for Ho gratiouofour own redundant, ni. tion is recognized hv nil i,,t u ,.:... j . ' , "..u xu nuiiid oe a national calamitv if w nt 1 4. ' n"".V w.v. uie strongest and most skilled of our workingmen and womor, ,...i. their fortunes in our colonies, and per mitted the introduction of nn oi; ulation, unskilled, many of them with habits that are repugnant to English people, capable of livinrron eiiMVi tr.n....- fare that they reduce the rat.,. 0 ,'1. to the lowest possible point. Yet this is being done at the present time. Tl, pc.aecutea dews have during the last '"""ins arrived in England in numbers greatly exceeding those of nro. yious years, and this during the time of u.e piussover and Eastertide, when the poorest Jew, if possible, refrains from traveling. Nevertheless, 1,500 a month has been the excess over I lmsn rived during the year 1891, and at the present time we are not only threatened with, but are sulTerinc from, nn ii of anarchists from the continent ,, are fleeing from the courts of justice in their own country. It is sincerely to be hoped that parlia ment will not rise until a very stringent measure for the suppression 'of obnox ious immigration has been passed. Our tiuiisaiianite cousins, with m,i;,n,,i leet in size, with n,-.n .....A iuu.a. Each mile of the flume reo,'l average 250,000 feet of lumber and timbers of all kinds, that used in con structing the water-bov Hw,i redwood, two inches thick. Building a vvater-tln-hf w, miles long over fathnml00 i, , through the hearts of ZZT, gigantic undertaking which many be lieved could not be aeenmnHi,,i -ru. -l. 1. , J-......1-V. i..(3 .v.,L..., ..us provea flitterent. CONCErTlNDlAMONQS. rhelr Sale. Are Increasing with Wonder ful Itapidlty. A diamond expert in London th tin- courses on them-oduct nn,l ,iit-t,.;t,...- of diamonds: "The Americans are the finest judges of diamonds in ti u and insist upon huvimr the 1 and the most perfect cutting. It is esti mated that thr.y will take fifteen mil lion dollars" worth this year. India furnishes a market for large numbers 01 white stones, as well n f. n -1am?1l8' or sto"es with flaws thenlMyit1,-lJla natives invest es, this flume rP-horribi; ha, u 111 --v.wvi-jji ji ins nntnn . ment of torture he died a broken-hearted old man m the KuedelaSourdiere at the age of seventy-six, in March. 1814. 1 six by six THELITTLETHISGS THE MOST VALUABLE. Comparatively few people regard themselves "Inventors, but almost every body h.s been tT. "m.e r thai 1 . .7 10 reauce some of the little friction, of life. Usually ,ueh idea, are d . missed without further thought wZfif in't !.he railroad comPnJ' ""ke Us car claims the traveler , CX' road I won, J " 1 were runDlD 'he lllt.m m alch "Hhat was the man ,i, ' q:::r,.r;hr'.;;: Hang such a collar hnii,,,.... ,.' who is late for breakfast, "if TZl LZl ousmessl-dmake bullous that wouldnTs in outor break otT, or gouge ou, the back 0, my And the various sutterers forgot about their grievances and began to think of .JJ,.! : 'r,' " 'heyWould et wn the next con- wl " ' ""'"""ty, put their Ideas about car windows, saucepans and collar buttons inta praetical shape, and then anp ly ,c Tvl a U the fifteen puzzle. f-.eu.eu a teihpTHgofi,(h brhMdtUCe 'be PePle 10 keeD tra or their bright ideas and see u hui o,. Press Claims Comnanv h . 7 I, "J . 'Cm'tlle irize.l " To the Bncklen's Arntca Salve, lbe best salve in the world for outs b'ri ?toreS',U,0er8'8alt rheum! few IT.' tOT...l'apPed hands. ohilh Shf. T " oua 8km eruptions, and rJosi lively cures piles, r D0 p8y required T is guaranteed to or money refunded ft 0e 25 PaFn0y"8,eb' value. ns many Clous cemh ns wo d iS '"AZSJir rm - - ooouiis ana shares. Russia's fancv is fnr la, i low diamonds. Chino i 1 r..f buyer, for very recnnt.lv t.h omn. u.oa.eu inrougn tne old custom "."ciipronimted women from diamonds in her country. She could nut, resist tne beauty of a superb dia- "ecKiet, presented to her. Rh wore it at court and set. tin Japan is also rapidly becoming a con siderable customer. With the opening ur, nf 1-.H ... 1.. 1 .1 - 1 6 -r "y railway ami steam ship communication the demand for di amonds has increased marvelously. The world now purclwses about twenty-five million dollars' worth per annum. Twenty years ami it. ,.i,f hundred thousand dollars." MAKING THE BENCH. Way to e person 1. 1, n point of view, the company win B.ve lw.,r.,iv. hundred dolTa t win aso advertise the Inven tlon free of charge. '"veil. t) This offer is subject ,0 the following coudl- Every competitor Imust obtain a patent for his invention thrni..u which will be five dollars. Should this IT T "wlthd8 lnVent,n ' be -p"-tabl ne can withdraw without further expense anniwi 6 V" be eXpCcled t0 mplete h,,' "Pplication and take out a patent In the regu ar way. The total expense, including the Government and Bureau fees, will be sever! a prize ought to be a rfo "u.eau tees, win be dollars. For this, whether he ,.,. or not. tim innan. ...... . ,.u. .. . win nave a patent that prize wm hr ePrpert5, t0 hlm' The three , K,Warlelbya Jnry oltin of ton ln ? patenta"orhey, of Washlhg Jon. Intended competitors should fill out the 1893. 2??.?" 'mention THE WESTERN PEDAUOU UK. We are in receipt of the May Damber of our state school paper. It exceed "y ot me former numbers ir. paper this mouth oontai; "" uu vaiuaoie featurea. Tl, ,n.. trated series on the schools of the state p ? rof ueed, by a P"Per on the Friends Polytechnic Institute at Salem, Oregon. Ihese papers oannot fail to banf valuebothto the sohoole and to the I H!m "' M--:t - , , - - ? rresauialma Company " ...'Pl W articles 4 A . X 'V . current t.ventB,"8aturday Thoughts," . Thl!rIs1a "ompetitlon of --.ther an unu.al na- ulmou l0 onei. pr,2ea for (he utory, or picture, or architectural m.r, .11 competitor, risking the loss of their labor and the successful one merely selling his for the amoun of the prize. nt p.... ... " Company's offer Is something entirely differ ent. Each person Is asterf moi.t, t,. elf and the one who helps him self to the best advantage Is to be rewind k .. The prize is only a stimulus to do something that would be well wnh ,5 The architect whose eomr,eiH , 1 , v. yuan iijr uUOMUUB, aews" "The Oraole uwers, uorrespondents," etc, each IT 'lM ?ch!?'W . ""ding Tr has T h" m"" i,,e mK8zine . w yuKos 01 matter, well printed and arranged. VV hn.. .... Ul , - I uuuc tue western Pedagogue the best d,,n. uuuui monthly on the ooast. everyone ot our readers ahonld the paper if they are at all interested iu euuoation. JNo teacher achnl .!:.. UUUUI uiiou- tor or student can get alone- m0ll ;n, uui is. vye Wll rfineiva .!,..:... club house on a certain ed has spent his labor corner is not occept- on something of very Ittle use to him. But the person who patent. -1 . - . 1-"""" .imuie anu nscfu rini,in.u ..n . . t una onioe. Friceonv Sim. n..., .u ... rress claims , uu... r. b wmjjynuo A Carpenter Who Made ijudircshli), A good story is told of a United States senator who began life as a carpenter, says the Youth's Companion I will not always be a carpenter," he used to declare, for it seems he had set his heart upon sometime entering the legal profession, lie did not slight his carpenter's work for his day-dreams of what he should do and become, but was noted for his honest, conscientious labor. rruen aesired we will send the Wotrn Pedagogue and Gazette one vear to n.. address for 3.00. Call and examine sample oopies. Teaohers, directors and fail to secure ion. need not worrv if h prize. He ha . .,,1...... .1.. result to show for his work-nn .w .., IlB vaiue m the time. market at any pains to land requiring a large supply of labor, iu i-iiniL Lilt lntrni iwiti.r. DIJj YOU TRY "PIQS IN CLOVER" or the "FIFTEEN PUZZLE." Well, the man who invented them has lust completed another little playful mystery for young and old, which is selling for TliN CENTS for the benefit of the fund to erect a home for VV ,HAVE F0R 8ALE ku' KINDS OF UN new8paper workera in New York. This puzzle -ht ii . f. ' 01 ueppner, at ' me property of the New York Presa Club and generous friends of the club have donated unskilled jumper laborers, vriii, . greatly reilund.'.iit Doonlntion ,'t ,-B ; finitely more necess.irv that. .,ch striction should be carried into effect in this country. LUMBER! , NESTING Two Rata That IN A TRAP. what is known aa the SCOTT SAWMIUT., Knew Ffow to IHnk , seat or Things. A 11 1 KCIlUCin.'in t t in nnrlh Tr 4 , r. . . . ui uiu mini, Li One day the young mim was planing v.,,!,, u, uccome a part of juoges oencn, ' when a friend, observ- .uK ins painstaumg, inquired: vvny uo you take such smooth that board?" Instantly the voraiir ennmnim. ii4, iit),; " - ' " 'r. -"""c nam, a smooth seat when come to sit on it." His friend laughed, and thought the joke so good that he reported it in the 7' "K e young man was bantered 1.01, a iittic about the "judge's bench. aiways replied, good-naturedly Wait and see. lie laughs who wins, uu 1 may sit there yet." Ana he did; but the distance between ".o carpenter s ami the udo-e's bench was paved with heroic stinD-n-i, anA .n.. acii-sduii .1 Ce. 0 AN INTERESTING QUESTION. PEK 1,000 FEET, ROUGH, " " CLEAR, 110 00 17 60 artford, Conn.; hud been annoyed by huge rat which persisted in A,i';. " v otuu uotc UIHIHIHII I ... ... '"tnuiji over 125,000 to provide prizes for lucky people, y ' . c,lll',c''n ''cd and pretty much young or old, who solve the mystery. There ! eWything else that it found in the a 101 01 entertainment and instruction in it. I t-nil 1 iw HEPPNER, WILL ADD rci i,wu .eci, aouitionai. STOCKRAISER ! HEPPNEK, OREGON. Cattle branded and ear marked as shown above, d oreea F on right shoulder. Mv cattle range in Morrow and Umatilla conn, tics 1 will pay 1UO.OU for the arreet and con fiction of any puraon atealiag my stock. L. HAMILTON, Prop. m. m a M 1 M. X. J n , AI A, jTX 9 fir WlbCONSIN CENTRAL LINES (Northern Pacific R, R. Co., Lessee.) LATEST TIME CARD Two Through Trains Daily, 12.4.ipmlfl.2'ipm!Lv.MlnneapnlisArl8.40am 1.2.',pin7.1ipml.v...Kt. Paul. ..ArjS.OIIam iu.a"ami.(i.ipmil,v...l)uluth... Aril 1.10" l.l."ipm7.0.'ipniLv.. Ashland.. Ans.or.am 7. ljam'lfl . r)ainAr. ..Chicago.. .hvt.'i.Otip I I I oci.u a ui.ue ana get the souvenir puzzle by .cm, man. Aaaress "1'ress Club Souvenir, iemple Court.New York City. P mi. t4 r .r; 10 I-SEKT ' ri.'-lll I.OCC vol IVuin I, CceiVeil Will. In w mi pi wm?t K.'W4J,i:.1 Tickets sold and hnt?t?i7e rihpi.iit ihmnoli all points in the United StateB and Canada. Close connection made trains lining East and South, Chicago with all nil. nn lor 1 year fcoldlv 1 . , f"u'njei KUaraiiteehiK 1X3,00(1 & liHlient ami i, it.., r.iXTTI turera you'll ri.i,. t U.6AI. i Pri'bulily, thoiiKui,(t oi -----'. "Mi.iiiu' iiiioks. i,ii(.rn 'TT.'i, . '"'"(".'"iiKiiiMeM.i.ir. All am! o;.., nariel u itli one olynui-jitnitt'il inldri-Ms l.iliuu .. . r..-ftan we MID al rf. pi'.nf ai,il ,.rpjiy postaKe omvwol vrair lul.(l iidilrcsaiB to you; m,icl. tirk on ri.nr u,ivai,.,...u ...... fflW, Wfia?rf Keht-ville, -. ( writes : J. nun lW:.'fflXJ 'tI , "'"''lelre. In your l.lBlii,,ii,B sU'W iLT 1 r7't"rv v" recplved inv,vmil,res. 9 .. 1 "in rarcei 01 ..Hail. .My Hililri-sse; vim wiilti.r. - -1 1- "in. iimnnriii-ui ...... 111 1 n ink llliuy, oil Vllllli.1,1, 01 Ill-til Ir ill ,u;o,of the Cure for Colds, Fevers and General De. Uity.iSnioJI Bile Beans. 2Sc.perbotU , . tul1 information apply to your nearest 1 tleket agent or as. fj. POND, Gen. Paas. and Tkt. Agt, Chicago, Til. irnm, 5.00pm 7.:iripm 4.30pm 11.45" mm rem. n i-ls rlii' im- WORLD'S FAIK DIRECTORV CO., xraiimioru and Girard Aves., Phlladel- pu.a, ra. When Did Ladles Hee to Ride Sideway. 011 Ilorsebackr In a book entitled "Remains Concern tnrr Tttc..:., 0 ....i:. 1 , . ..... .. . B .ouwi, uoiisiieu in 1014, It la ai-aiea tnat tieen Anne, wife of Eich ard II., first taught English women to nue on sk e sin 1 es u..hnn , ... uie , in.u:wiium ou. ion, Where a few hens were strug- 'ney ro"e astde. As late as 177a Queen gang to reproduce tlieinsi.b.,.0 i Mariana Victoria, of I'urtmmi !,.... .. ,,v v,i u.i.cuens. one of the new- lloMmc- ;" " ,ll M n inipa tlit have at- iUKre "as "ei'n some discussion as to nuoieu so inuc l nttcnt ,m ,.i.,. wneuier this annunt ,.,..,,.t;., i had been baited with a choice piece of not be r,'vlvel, and the side saddle .uasieci ciiecse to temnt the l.-,.Kn.l,- nDanooneu, savs the R der a.,,1 tii- says the Courant, but the old fellow In May- 1890' a )ady. wife of an English was too "fly," and so nn old.nci,; j baronet, anncared in Roft.n p.,,., w.i.1 trap was mined under the chuff in tenaea Y "er groom and mounted cross the well-worn path from under the hay lced- the wire bointr Dimheil nm'do mn...i.o .' Her ridintr hnblt wae . ..t.. ' ,i,wnin III1U. I r ...... j.wu w.iij. Willie ine old rat tumbled into the hidden i what Wer than the new fashion en trap and was camlit,. V,thi. loins, but lonrrer thnn t), . thought of the wire cage (which lay wel1' Bnd wa simply a very volumin naif concealed by a lock of hnvi ,,,011 ous divided skirt. one night recently, when it. . m,..i The fashion, however ,!.. . out of the way. A mass of stuff in the ' pear yet to makli uch way, although center of the cage attracted attention, i 11 ls known tni't 't not so uncommon and upon examination It. ,..., 1 , for lalies to ride cmuc Ba,i,n,. .:i.. that a couple of half-grown rats had be8PPfed. A curious side saddle la found their way into it, had evident.! ! usd by women in Iceland. given up trying to escape and had set-1 Itha a scat with a back like a com tled down to make the best nt l l, ctt. mon chair, and has. Instead of n ti ation. They had drawn in through the a Iittle shelf on which both the feet can . mm iwo quarts of chaff and , rraI" ui nay, anu had constructed a com- TVia v., parents, now is the time to subscribe, tf -rk oZZL "h", ll'Tf. than the mechanical exnert ,hn .....n only frora the theoretical point of view. Get rid of the Idea that an lnnr....i u beTte'r" '"th6 W"h Plltent"l' The slmplcrlh. better. The person who h. ... combining simplicity and popularity, will get a;:dpd:nar:aim8 company'6 The responslbilitv nf hi. . Judged from the fact that its stock Is held bT about three hundred of the leading newspaper, of the United States. Wld,Surnht,Prc C,alms Company, Job. S W.rhinX.ng.aUOray' m i tr" PRIZES ON PATENTS. How to Get Twenty-five Hundred Dollars for Nothing:. 0 TL. i.i: . . ..a winner nas a clear Cift of a Small i-onune, and the Losers Have Patents that may Bring them in Still More. Would you like to make twenty-five hundred do !ars? ff you would, read carefully what follows and you may see a way to do it. The Press Claims Company devotes much attention to patents. It has handled thousands of applications for inventions, but it would like to handle thousands more. There Is plenty of inventive tallent at large in this country needing nothing but encouragement to produce practical results. That encouragerneuttho Press Claims Company propose to give. WOT SO II Altlt AS IT SHETIS. A patent strikes most m. ,,,.. in f.mM.i.,. ........ rr . 'i'o"ig- ' Us. inc idea ls that an in ventor must he a natural neniiiH. jr.n Bell; that he must devote years to delvii, i complicated mechanical problems and that he . n i. ocuiiii a .OrbUne On del CntA nvna.l. . before he can get a new device to a t,i.,...i degree of perfection. This delusion the . pany desires to dispel. It desire. i . i... the head of the public a clear nnmnrhn... of the fact that It is not the great. oomnW ..,h expensive Inventions that bring the best returns to their authors, but the little, simple, and :--uie inings mat seem so absurdly trivial that the average citizen would f..i somewhat ashamed of bringing them to the attention of the Patent Office. . A. It. NOTICE. l-.U SOU SIIVS Ollll O.n ...... It... .... 1 from the patents o"a,"hs tnarveh", liZZ, .0 is navu not ncen sufficient to pay the cost Mils experiments. In.. n. ...., ...,... P0"1 ceived the Idea of fastening a bit of rubber' out of III. scheme. The mode ru ZZ Z ,T nine is a miracle of Ingenully-tbe product f the toll of hundreds of busy brains iV, .k niiiKirei and tlfty years, but the whole l.ri ant result rests mum ih .i,....i X' ',''"': putting the eve of the iiemllo " .m stead of at the other end. ' " '"" We take this opportunity of inforr,i. our subscribers tbat the new oommi.. siouer of pensions has hen nnn;..j Ue is an old soldier, and we belidr that soldiers and their heirs will ra- oeive justice at his hands. We do not anticipate that there will be changes in the administration of paCBio affairs under the new regime. We would advise, however, thut 0. B. soldiers, sailors and their heirs, take steps to make application at once, if Ue nave not already done so, in order to secure the benefit of the early filing of their claims in case there should be any future pension legislation. Buoh legislation is seldom retroaotive. There fore it is of great importance that bd- i"''" uo uieu in tne department at the earliest possible date. If the U. S. soldiers, sailors, or their widows, ohildren or parents desire in formation in regard to pension matters, they should write to the Press Claims Company, at Washington, h. 0., and they will prepare Bud send the necessary application, it they find them entitled under the numerous laws eneoted for their benefit. Address FRESH CLAIMS COMPANY John Wkddeiiiiukn, Managing Attor uey, Washington, D. C, P. O. Box 385 tf. U" PRICE'S A 1 1 1 1 loaoie home and gone to housekecp disturbed. r T . ... ii you want in iinv ,,r,.,.ri .i I bread stuff cheap, go to the Enterprise Grocery. Kirk & Kuhl, proprietors, a ' fiealiakinf The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.-No Ammoni.- v a,.. wsea m Millions of Homes-.n v- .t,J cV" 7 , ySY " i fTi