Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 01, 1893, Image 3

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i . :f ""' llim'fl'"i "f .llHpiny art...
tliart Muihlay jf,.-niiiK l,,r Tii.-.li
-iiiioli.or lliurnlay evening li.r Krlilays U
'"" I " rKR,.N I'lllUMIlNU t.'O.
'J'he film llf flTA PKtltB ...i. llnA .
F I,"!iul!li,!lry ".""Vr1'' ""''' tlmn tliow tliowlit.'
... B l;l"m'1' Hml "'w-itty ami ill ,l(h...
- " " ''" wiiii 11 revenue In to bciie-
AilvertiMlnu mtuk luimillllll.ll ami -,...1..
nimii 'IU nllnii. -. uuu
i Vie lnil,l (.u,., uii.l every rurrw
.Oll.lellt re
Iwtiiei'h run
g ,...' .'uilh.
iiri-i-Ki,i.i.il..i,.-.. ..in i .. , I J"'
livi llei h ri...l i, :.. .. . . . ILW l"t-
evidence 01
HollKIt, MiWhl'AI'Kl: Aliv l-iri k.
HLUIll. 2 M.-,l..,,.la .. 1..1
Wll I- lljllK lM-O, 1B ,r KllllMii.B, uut',,! 11,1-'
IMHH.T 10 Ll-. ,e ,ln OII1. 0.
tjtiige for llurdmiiii, Monument, Long Creek
J.ilm I itiy anil t hi iy in i t;l ly, lettven tin tullou m '
Mel) (In) hi i, h. in., except niimluv.
A rriVM every ihiy mii i. in., exeepi .Nliiwlav.
I lie i-lieiit, tjnu-kt l ..ml u-i.1 Hub hi or
fr..iu Hie. manor cuiiniry.
. , , . J. o. l.l-.I.KVAN, I'rop.
. A. Jiiliiistini.Afieiit. y
(Jive your Uusineimto Uvppner people,
and tlierejoie uxsixt to builtt up Hepp
ner. fMnmize Uum who patronize
Here and There.
'WTwo ,0"' wil1' a 8lllele thought,
v.;. '1'wo heiin lliut beat tin one,"
ilie liuiiniioek nipe hub weuk, and when
r s;4'inincd, It npullt their fun.
pithing like a mbbit'l foot to bring
' ,i'.i luck,
Xf h' when II I fortified by energy and
certain f. vvnat happen, in the
i.miuiv oi lliu dome,
That u lot of oiliee-kcekera led their rabbits'
feet at lioiue.
1) nice loumrrow night.
. Ueppuei'ij school beiua Mcudav.
'.T. J. Allyu was up from lone Tues
day. 1). A. 1'oler was iu Hie city Wednes
day. .
A, tend s'lie d nice at the opera house
tomunuv iii'liC.
L. 1). IJii-w-d and family lira back fruui
the ImilluUliH.
Wo will Hike wheat ou eubsciiptiou
at 5U cootH per b jsiibI.
Eimiictt Ouohcaii oiitue over yeHtepiny
f rum Aluuiiuient.
J. J. KtfWiut, a traveling miiu, was in
the aity jeuleidny.
J. D. HhuiiUou returned from Portland
ou yesteidiy's truiu.
Mat M.ii;rik wus iutorviewiug our
bllBilicSH men jB.U-i4ny .
IV. Gaueii nud Wui. HiiKbes returned
(fruui AiuLliitlid spiiuifH Tuesday.
Tbe nijilit dnvej over I lie Happner.
tCuujoii liuu me ended fur lbs present.
Kit'lit Klile lias jint linisliliiK up iiead
itut;. T'bresbiuu bus not beiiu nitb ibem
.Sir llmiry won a pevn-eiKlitlndash at
Vunluud Tuesday iu i li wus a bin
John Currfln, tbe wi'll-knnwn pioneer
travelllUK tu a u, was iu HeipUer over
Wednesday. j
Miss Inez V iruz, who ban been viitiii(j
ifriends ami relatives iu Ibe Kist, return
ed last evening.
Tbe soliool-boy .sbnuld now begin
K!li-ririr bis b.ioks fur scbool wbieb
bei.iiiB Alunday.
A W. Saline, Wes. liriimion, Grnnl
Warden and J. N. 8aliu( were in fiim
Si'.i'bt S& vest- iday.
"She Hepjuier Caiiynn stride line is tbe
best, eliew.pent ai'd qitiekest to the iu
terior. '
The Keeiey luetitntfl, at Forest Grove
euros liqii'ir, opium, raorpbiue, oocaine
Snd tobacco babrt. See ud.
Cal Miiiih, of (Jrant oonntv, who wns
sent to Ibe ''pen" 1i.bC year lor assault
will) iuteut Iu kill, bas been pud lued.
Have you (fit liny inaibinery's thill
out of icpnii? If so come iu and gel
ome metal hud lefit jour buxinif.
S. L. Be.MDer, of Eijibt Mile, bns
pnicba-ed a new iIiifsIiihk nnitit wbicli
be wil! eturt out in tbut seutinu Monday.
Every man wbo takes any interest iu
fast stock sbould subscribe fur Tbe
HnrKemau. GaeUe sbop, auenls.
Tlmro will be A dunce at Ibe opera
houre tnmiirrow ? veiling. This is tbe
; first of Ibe fall seasou and ull sbinild lit
ttend. "iWillia fell wbiie in (lie nionn
". wetk, linrtuiK Lis lff prnliy
'H; isuubis "pius" BKaiu, bow
nf Ounilon, and Attorney
;.iiil, O'-nio in jesteiday.
remain oyer lor on--
Eibt Mile, repnrl
I Ijendlbi,' Wtdnes-
Uieie, tbey say,
e county scrip ni
1 pu tin III I1CH ol
.Uiaiket ii ici-.
7 GU
from Lone
HlraltiiD Iish
Lime. Kuuk
r ills. 2"c
ce by C. I.
f., bavini;
(f at I lie
f H irdman.
.l from n
l.iuuty last
away be
Vv, Lauvon
l) Mrs.
('Hgers tu
Ig. where
ping Mrs
cr and mas
m. In
Thp nn'oiliers aliendina tlm Orand
IjD.tifi-, lv. ur K, to c.ii vi-ne at llcppuer,
l iins.lay, Ui t. lOiii, will B.-t R oii fare
rain r.ir laiili ways un all U. I', lilies,
while tbe I'. will probably trrantabiiut
"lie wui mie lbird fare for tbe same ser.
vico. Tbe boys hern. re vtiry bard at
work now.
Tbe advice tbnt most men will give
jon is not to drink, hut when jhrjdo
et the heal. Tbe 'itelvedere saloun
earries an ncelleut a'oek ol ciBHrs, liquors
winta aud Ueer. A.iiue billiard paJor
ia cniiiiection. Call ou Charlie and
Dick who will always tiei.t you conrt
euusly, ...
Oniii? to the general Hnnneial depres
si.ui which new pied uniiiaie.H hi tbia
land. Hrppner lint ueeptfd, the linn nf
M Lichllifnt'ial A (Jo, diuleis in boots
niiil kliues, made nil nufignment yebter
ilay fur Ibe bHiiefll of Ibeir creditors.
Dnn't ovi rlnok J.B. Tdroe at the
Arcade when tbirsty. Half Biid half and
'resh beer always un tap. Also a line
lock of liquors and oiyars always on
hand. Give Ted a sail.
Onx Bros., of Hnrdmnn, made an ns.
simiment ynsleiday in favnr of their
orediinrs. Walter Fell was appointed
assignee, and went up this moruinK to
t. ke charge of tbe business.
Oid Halt has purchased Hick Malh
ews' interest in the City Ho'el barber
sliop. Shaves, shampoos, hair-cuts,
etc., dii-hed up in Ibe best of style.
Bulbs for the millions.
Or. B. F. Vaiiiihan has decided to leave
Heppn, r, and all tlmee nwinu him are
requesteii to makeimmecliatesettlemeBt.
Thnse desiring work sbould apply at
once. H3tf.
Green Mathews' Ibe haiber. is now lo
cated next door lo Hie furniture store ou
.Maui street. tSliaves. sbamnoos. hair-
outs and Ibe like nways mi tap.
D. W.. Humor will take wheat on
account at 50 en's per busbfl, or will
exchange oods fur wheat at Ibat figure.
Fhom THEhbi'invns Late Wednesday
eveniiiK Jerry Culm and !tnily, Hick
Mnlbews and family, Gtsnt JulinsoB,
Ileppy ISlnrkman, Charley Sheldon,
Charley McFarlatd, gut back from
Te.l Fpiiniis. Tbey were piloted over
bv A. A. limns. From all appearances
all Lave had a veiy eijnjable time
duriuii Ibeir stay at (but resort. Hick
Mathews, who bud been troubled no
much with rhtumuliam, comes back
entirely well aiiaiii. Sheldon looks
quite well for one who came so near
being "foundered" on water, nud Grant
Johnson will make a creditable ao-
penrance when be shall have gained
ibe 33 pounds, avoirdupois which, be
lost over there. All Heppnerites are
buck now, wilb Ibe exception of J. H.
Kleckner, wbo w ill return soon.
That Fitoa. A petrified frog silling
on a petrified limb is among tbe
curias soon to be added to Col. F.
J. Parker's famous Walla Walla
cabinet. This curiosity was found thirty
feet underground in Uuion Couuty, Or.,
by Prof. M. li. 11 lyid. FusbH Journal.
This petrification (?) is a product of the
Heppner cuuuliy insteud of Union,
but the limb, frog and all were whittled
out of 1.1 ne niouiiliiiu sandstone, by a
genius wbo wan with U. V. coal prospeot
ors about two years ago up at tbe
head of Butter creek. Tbe Gazette bad
all the tuu it wubled over the curiosity
'!) ibeu turned it over to Ed. Mullock
who kept it till Pr. Bctyul'g vi.it here
a slmrt tirou ug .
FcNEiui. of Miti. Osariis. -The
funeral of Mrs. Dun. Osmera ocenred ut
the M. E. church. South, Wednesday ut
1 o'clock, p. m 11 iv, Sinilae o iuductiug
tbeieivices. It was qnile larpely at
teinlei by the people ( t onr town, and
also by tbe Kuigbt of Pythian, Mr.
Oxniers being a member of both the
Knight iij.l Ouifoim Hanks. The
services at tbe grave wtre qnile short
though appropiiate. Mrs. Osineis'
maiden name was Johanna Beckmann,
horn iu Bremerhaveu, Germauy, Feb. 17,
18G3, nud two ohildien are the result of
the uuion. Mrs. Osmers had many
frieuils iu Huppuer anil her demise is
sincerely regretted.
Stuanob Conduct. Last night, up at
Ibe John Q Wilsou rauob, two young
men discovered some persin at tbe bam
bo immediately took lo the brush Tbe
house dog was sent in after Ibe person
and was roundly cursed nnd diiven
back. The young fellows did not in
vestigate further, and this moriiiug Slier'
ill' Noble sent up some deputies to see
after it. It is thought Mint this per.
son may be Mulkey, the slayer of Mat
Ips ni. (It has siuoe been learned tbnt
Mulkey stopped at Smith Hurcb's last
eveninnaud then went ou in the moun
tains.) JJiiin't Find TniiM. -George Harring
ton, who left last Fi May with warrants
for the arrest of the parlies who had
stolen the Butler oreek cattle, returned
last evening, after having made a fruit
less search in the mountains. George
was over as far nn Mi'DafTee springs and
ibe mouth of Desolation creek, but
failed to find any trail, though le in
forms us that a portion ot the cuttle
that were supposed to have been stolen
were found, having strayed away.
Jerry BmtDan and others are still on
the seaieb.
The Jones-Sloan Examination. The
rxnmiuiiiiou of the Junes Bros, and
FT'ink Slonn is in process at the court
bouse before Judge Hallock. Nothing
of any note liua been adduoed in Ibe
testimony brought forfji, Ibe prose
cution depending entirely on circum
stantial evideuce. The case will prob
ably not end before tomorrow.
Sirs. il. F. Hone
I Vao a Wreck
nth catarrh, lun.1 trouble anil generally trokea
ilown. Te.'ora 1 had takea half a bottle ol
Hood's Sai'sapaiilla I fait bf tter. Now I am In
food health, ror all of which my thanki ar3 due
f Hand's Sarsaparllla." mbs. m. F.
Touts, Clover, Iron Co., -Mo. tiet Hood'3 "
Hootl'3 Plli3 eura ConiUpalloa by reator
liyi the perbjtalUo aetion ol tlie alimentary caaah
iia vr. you It A CKACHR ?
i?) Diabetes.
bright s uisei.se.
intiammatiun of tha Blarl-
&tfSf Scdimnt.t in Urinfl. i'iiWK
Burning Sensation, Pain VC; ' IWM
in the Back, ami al! Dis
eases ot the Kidnoys.
For salo hv Slnnnm .l.ili.mtnn rininPn
and T. W. Ayers, Jr.
Death of D. N. Baud man. On
Wednesdny last, at Hardman, occurred
the death of J. N. Hardman, nn old
and respected oitizm. Mr. Hardman
bad been ailing for some time, but the
people at large in onr county did not
appreciate that he was so near death's
door till his death was an
nounced, Rev. Shnlse preached
the funeral sermon yesterday after
whioh the interment took place at the
Hardman cemetry.
PilpftI PilesI Itching Piles.
Symptoms Moisture; intense and
stinging, most at night; worse bv
soralohing. If allowed to continue tu
mors form, whioh often bleed and ulcer
ate, heooming very sore. Swayne's
Ointment stops the itobing and bleeding
heals ulceration! and in most cases re
moves the furnrs. At druggists, or by
mail, for 53 oeuts. Dr. Swayne & Ron.
Philadelphia. bw 1 yr.
Doings of City Dads At a special
meeting of the Heppner's council
Thursday, the work of Tirtlot & Cbaa
nler was accepted and a warrant drawn
for contraot price, 898. Also 8b' for the
same fiini for extra work and SlO.oO to
John Jenkins for building a flue. The
effiotsof town are being moved now,
and very soon He oily fathers of "goose
egg" fame will be snugly ensconsed in
very oorafortable quarters, aud best of
all, the property of the town.
A Hatlle fur B.ood.
Is what Hood's Sarsaparilla vigorously
fjuhts, and it is always victorious iq
expelling all Ibe foul taints and giving
the vital fluid the qtmlity and quantity
of perfeot health. It cures scrofula,
salt rhenm, hoi In and all other troubles
caused by impure blood. " -
Bip's Wood Yabd. The ' Heppner
wood yard, under the management of
Rip Van Winkle, is prepnred to deliver
wood at your residence, sawed or un-sawed.-
Wood sawed and delivered at
87.00 per cord. Wood sawed twice in
two, 75 cts. per cord; three tinies", $1 00.
Yard near Ibe depot. Leave orders at
Sloan ft Howard's. 4-tf.
Shokmaker. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemnk
er and repairer of many years' experi
ence, has just located in the Abraham
sio'' building, on May street, where be
is prepared to do eveiylbing in his line.
Hi Birbeck is strictly a first-class work
man and warrants all work. Give him a
oall Uwtf
Land For Sale 480 sores over in
Wilson online. A good stock ranch and
will be sold cheap. Call at Gazette
office for particulars and terms. tf.
M. Lichtenthal & Co.'s new stook of.
splendid, summer bolt on nnd tie special
ties in the shoe line are attracting mark
ed attention. a
The Studehaker wagon heads them all,
For sale at Gilliam b Bisbee's. a
"Hardware" did you saT Why, yes
at P. C. Thompson & Co.'s stand, Bud the
place for bargains. . . . a
If yon want to buy groceries, ,and
bread stuff cheap, go to the Enterprise
Grocery. Kuk & Kohl, proprietors, a-
Thompson & Binns own the buss which
goes to and from He Palace hotel, bnt
will oall for parties desiring to go to tratrr
in any part of the city. Leave orders
at City hotel. -,.-
Gilliam & Bishee are still doing busi
ness at the old stain), reports to tbe
contrary notwithstanding. They incite iu
spectioDoi their man moth stock of hard
ware, wagons, impliments, etc a
Minor A Co., the new firm, have not
lost any of their popularity by the
cbang. They oonlinne to do business
in the old way the greatest amount
quality considered, for the least money
HAN I Kit.
Salesmen, to sell nurohoiee and hardy
nursery stock. Many special varieties
to oli'er both in fruits and ornamentals,
and oo drolled only by ns. We pay
commission or salary, give excluaive
territory and pay weekly. Write ns at
once and secure ohoice of territory.
Mat Brothers, Nurserymen,
H2-C0 " Rochester, N. Y.
V I rrrm'ir?.' .111.
'wr '
Si's " 5l-;-'l!',;l!!i1 1 Etle-r
T'iixt eji.i.E sir
Yes, there ara many of them.
.Ill" 'Some very good, some bad.
Bad dru s aro poisonous,
Also of no value whatever.
!' Pure drugs ore great helpB,
" And these alone should be
Used in compounding. -
- We claim to keep in stock ,
- -The purest drugs made.
To compound them skillfully,
' -- ,To prepare prescriptions quickly,
lo charge for them reasonably.
Who oan do belter than this?
PHIL. ( OHM, Proprietor.
Wert Side of
H, A. Thompson - . .. A. E. Binns '
Hiiicr Livery,
Below Coffin & McFarlanrJ's, Main Street.
Good Conveyance for Tiaveling Men.
Teams to hay per dny, 75 ots. Hny and grain per dnv. 81-23. Meals 26 cts.
st C. C. Surgeant's, next door to Feed Stable. Grain and
baled hay alwavs on hand.
Portland, Oregon. A.
Open all the year. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue free.
09me of the Kurlliir antl Lena Famed
Jourimys of Columbus.
' Besides the mental labors of Colum
bus in early life in chiirtography, so
favorable to nn intellectual develop
ment of which tho influences were
brightly apparent everywhere around
him, hu repeatedly . outfaced in practi
cal voyages, thereby piiininjr cxperienco
and train in;; in the art ami oiiioe of nu
accomplished nuvigiitor. .Thus he sailed
up to tho extreme north and down to
the southern limits .of the lands then
known, visitinif (juinea nnd Iceland.
The scientific purpose of all these
voyages is foHu.l fully sot forth in the
notes written by Columbus himself,
which tend to demonstrate the iuhab
ltability of the various zones of the
planet far beyond the bounds then as
signed by popular, superstition to the
existence of human life. . .
"I sailed," hesaid,accordins to a writer
in tho Century, 'iu the year 1477, in the
month of Feb ruary, a hundred lcapic
beyond Thule island, whereof the aus
tral part is distant 7:) decrees from th
efjulnoctial nnd not (W. iu some say, anc:
It is not within the line, which boundf
the Occident, as I'tohuny says, but h
much further to the westward; and tf
this island, whii h is as hu-'o us Lnf
land, IO the lCn,'lishincn witli wares
especially thosonf Itrlslol; nnd ut tin
timu when f was theru the sea was not
Congealed, but lliero were very great
tides, so nni' h so that in sonic placet
they rose twice iu tho day twcuty-livt
fathoms in heitrht and fell as much."
Gilliam & Bisbee,
in heppner.
Main Street,
Feed and Sale Sta ble
Plenty of them at the
' Gazette Office. . . . '",
P. Armstrong. Piunco'al.
Seventeen Alcml.orti of One rumily Served
Their Country In Its Nccil.
A revolutionary tradition of Rhode
Island, Ion" currently believed but
only a tradition, has just been verified
by tho oollcctif in of a number of scat
tered bits of evidence. It would bo dif
ficult to find another instance of an
equal amount of patriotism in a single
Caleb Arnold and his excellent wio,
rationcc. were, at the time of the rev
olution, the p;,rent3 of eleven grown
children, cifrht sons and three daugh
ters. Caleb and his eight boys Esch,
William, Nehomiuh, LMwnrd, Oliver,
Ephraim, Jabez and Othniel all en
tered tho patriotis army. Mis three
sons-in-law became soldiers, also.
'Ilia wife and her three daughters,
Patience, Anna and Achsa, together
with n daughter-in-law, Iscouh, re
mained at home and managed "e farms
in tho man's absence, finding timy, and
strength to perform, in addition to
these labors, the duty of nursing tho
sick and wounded among the soldiers
of the state.
It is related, says tho Youth's Com
panion, of the two sons, Jabez and
Othniel, that as they wero marahlng
with Gen. Groone's brigade to Hunker
II ill Othniel was seized with tho pre
sentiment of death which so many
young soldiers have experienced. , -
"Juboz," ho said, turning to hU
brother, "If I am killed in this battta
will you marry rny sweetheart, Itachel
Vhottyplaeo?" . . :
Jabez did not hesitate to give the re
quired promise, and Othniel, though he
survived the glorious disaster of the
day, received a wound which eventual,
ly proved mortal; but, either because
Jube:! felt that his v.-ord had been too
hastily given, or because Itachel had not
been consulted ns to her views upon the
question, he did not then marry her, but
shortly after was wedded instead to th
Widow Cole.
lieing within a few years left a
widower, he eame courting to Itachel,
who was still unweiidi-d, married her,
and so kept his word.
Counting sons-in-law with sons and
daughters-in-law with daughters, we
find that in this one large family of
little l:!iode Ii.hind there were seven,
teen persons and perhaps more who
"rvod their country i.i in r need. It if
" fine record for their descendants to rc
member. .-
Not only once, but again and again.
run weibt and good measure for the last m mev Whv we .! th. i,
Plained. The "best" bring, peop.e back, SStT
tri Xt "sbeS0ur'r"d9- -We want you to have some of our
friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clotbiog, BooU.Shoes,
Hats, Caps and everything kept in a well-regulated, general
merchandise store. Come in and see us, everybody.
y IWOR c55& GO
! 1 .:
Change of Ownership
which we nrnnnu tr. rt l.. :..
i i . ., . .
on hands at all times the choicest
Meats, bausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
85ti SHAW & McCAETY,
' -troDrietors.
Graduate M. E. C. V. 8., London, England.
Chronic Diseases a Snprioltv
1 as1tPvrePI.d.Hl'k,!l,d:"' '"ra8". Kmmatnig Horses and K.,n . ,
; on Short notice, I -lii treaiaii an.rna1 h!?,' S5..C"''i"? HT
o,ry 0Urgery. ii you haye any sick animal. It w llf be to yoS Tnt erSt to "
HEPPNER cal1 on me ttt tewrt' stable.. 1 mn-rest to
' - 53bw - . OREGON
The Keeley Insiituto
i ii i
i he Enterprise Bakery and Grocer? Store
imuy a
On May Street, opposite Palaee Hotel.
Groceries and Prcvisis.
I. the title of a very valuable book that give, a great amourft onffo r11?10
Importance to Everybody, coneerilng their dal.y habits of Ttint DrlniurD eS,
What in Vat
How to Eat it,
Thinim to l)o,
Thlnits to Avoid,
Perils ot Summer,
SupeifliKiui Hair.
now 10 urcatne
VESKS KSf UU8tA y"S """""Wd-
IT TF.I.LS HOW ti r-iinn m..t v
Cough., Cholera, Dla.Tl.rxa, Diphtheria, DyscnterP Dandn, Dy, i p; Chld C'
Feet, Freckle., Headache, Illcoough, Hive,, Hoanfene. riL?7ed IFel,1, Fed
Mole., Pimple., Pile., UheumatUm, Klnworm, Snoriog SUmmerZ ,TJ Po"nln
Bore Nipple,, Sore Throat, 8un9troke, Sting, and tJuSSSln SSiT T'
Waits, Whooping Cough, Worms la Children. IT WILL SA VB BOOXOHsT. BILL
BSTAIj I new sni.scribers and prompt renewals during the month ot Aue. will be
presenBed with a tree oopyof this as a premium.
, 0F-
i KNOW,-
)TIm yoiiHi?-!iotv tu i-ln..- tini best c.mV to nmrrv ;TlT 'l'rVV(
i)Tiiij iiiiiii-ic(i--ii,u-to i-iiajijiy iii niniTiiigtf; ' ( DAY'S
)Tht' fund jmnmt ,- hnw tu Imvc prizo babies; ( ONE
)Tlie mother iiow t - have tliem without pain; (AGENT
)The cliildltiss how to bo fruitful and multiply ; ( SOLD
)Tlio ourious how they "growed" and vtime, to be ;( 42
)Tho health y how to enjoy life and keep well ; (AND HE
)The invalid how to put well again speedily; ( SAVED
)Tho iinpfudent how to regain wasted energy. ( $1,100
)in wiio want, Knowledge
rum inn ur. room s " rutin iiome Talk,"
)1,(X)I) lUltrt'S, 200 fiuts. 24 col. nhltPS: 201) veeines.
P. II. T.
If. 1.. 1 1. ..... ll- . .! ,
ueiiuetMi uum it..i. ro
)A1iiituv Hill 11
IvIlKs, Dawson Xf Iyons,
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
i W. I',
1. Only First-Clesi hotel in heppner.
.2. Bnildinjf Wired tor Eleolric Lifbta
8. - Best scoommodations for Ibe travtliBB
1 Conrteons treatment assured the coun
try people.
MES. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress.
They know that from . ...
Heppner, Oregon,
, "iniumi,
mine most satisfactory manner. Will keen
i Sped-
For the Cure oA
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It Is located at Forest Grove, Or.,
The Moat Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the Gazktte office for rjartlcnla.
Strlctly coi.IUiei.tlal. Treatment prtvSeTnd I
They will keepon hand a full llnnr
VMm ?W ? .at tr.'vt.,.. "..f :In.t"nlP"?".
j.ow Avo!d'8liS: ?rao'uare SSSt
that, is or most worth (IN ONE
( COl'lES
f. . t J
S-I..HJ; eil'clUiil'.S fiW.
E. 2th St., New York.f SOLD.
Ore of t te Beat tn the Wont,