7A ; - WE LEAD in Millinery, Ladies' Fiinii.ihings ami Children's wear. Our strtck is the largest, and our prices the lowest ; and we guarantee satisfaction. Also carry a complete stock of Dress Goods and Trimmings. Ladies' Hose and Underwear A Specialty. SEND TO US FOK BUTTERICK PATTERNS. JKXvIv BROS MAT ST., OPPOSITE PALACE HOTEL. Qive your business to Heppner people and therefore ussist to build up Ilepp ner. Patronize those who patronizt W bold pnrh nnrt pvflrv cnrresnondcnt r- Donslble lor hia or her eoniiiiiiidcalliin. No correspondence will be published unless thy writer s real name Is signed ut un evidence ol good lallll. Did jou ever Read about the Man who I j id bis Lit;lit nniler A bushel? Yes? well Tlmt is like Doing business Without advertising. - All the - - SniJe schemes Io the country Will not accomplish Iliilf as much As 8 good ml. In a eond, live. Legitimate uewepnper, , One that Is read By the people, And that owns Its own ' Soul; that D e its apnea Like trerohandiae,' , ' Worth dollar If or dollar. . JE1 CONFISCATION. Tho 'Uostnn Olobr, the only demo- ornticv ijewapiiper of lare circulation 1 in the East, bus this to liillllllti?' t'1 l " ver question, ami eavs n o fo7?p "yi'liiit we indorse every word of it r "The gravity o( the silveroris is lies in the (act, that the question of demoneti ... zitiou must soon pats from the phase of a liunueinl problem into ft burning sooiul isBiie, Wuioh, if it oaunot be ud jiibU'd, must apparently preoipirate sums uatai-trophe. "The 'difficulty is self-evident. Any thins' which causeB the ulti rii'ion of the ratio which the Btaudurd of Value bears to other property must inevitable conli-catn the properly ot one man for the limn II I of auutl.er: "Thus, for tx ample, the notion of Euttlaud anil other oountries has canned so great a fall in the price of silver that debts nulil in silver dollar would lie sealed down more than one-half, and the lender would suffer proportionally But supposing silver to ko out of circu lation, the supply of gold would be so much leFS limn the demand that its price would rise relatively to other com modities, wilh the result ot confiscating the properly f the debtor for the bene fit of the creditor, and It is tins ureal fad, Hud nut thu rapnoity of the rich silver miners, which mukts the bititr ness and the danger of the present struggle. The silver kings could be bundled easily enough, but it is .the Southern and Western farmers who see the progressive shrinkage in the price of a bushel of wheat and a pound aotton w ho are desiieratu and who will be heard. "Nor is this movement eonllued to the United Hlntei-; it extends over the whole world, and is a suggestive fact that I lie demand for a single statdard. which has tended and must tend to en hance the relative value ot gold, origi nated wilh Eugland, which is the great capitalistic nnli in, and whose direct in terest it is to o lulisouie the property of all to whom she has lent money. 'There can ho no q 'lent ion that for the ui'iim'nt the commercial people have no alternative hut to do likewise, since in no other manner is it poisihle to protect themselves; but it is equally certaiu that such action will uot be a solution of the dilhunlty. The stubborn faot re mains that a single standard, if per sistrd in, must end in enhancing the relative Milne of noli!, and by so doing it will have the t licet of taking a portion of the d btor's property ami giving it to the creditor. It also seems certain that suoli an alteration in values oaunot fail to produce uids s iread distress, if not 1 general bankruptcy, nnd that such a calamity, unvoting prinoipiilh small property. holders, would Hciioualt endanger the stability of existing in titutious. II could nit fail, for x ample, to online an enormous exteusion ot socialism. It is uot at all impossible, therefore, that silver may be the test qiiention upon which thu relative strength of tl.e captnlistio and the debtor classes may finally be tried all over the civilized world." Confl-oiilion is the word. No other de-crib-a ho well the results of silver de moiieti. i ii hi. Fanners, meicliauts, Wiirkinuiiien of Oregon, jour property is to be confiscated in order that English oaptalialH may pnsper. If ou are me i, stsn f up for your American Jj-,r,- - r."'1-,'i 1 T, t.-r- ni The Oregonian is now crowing about what the people demanded and got because the gold-bugs, by the grace of Orover Clevelund, bave foroed the WiUon hill through the house. Hot) smoke! When did the Oregonian begin 1 1 get so aolioitons for the welfare of ihe "dear people?'' It looks like the people had a whole lot to do with it when the "one-man-administratiou" hud to use all the federal patronage wilhia his grssri to oarry bis point. Never in the history of the country has a president so mercilessly and ruthlessly trampled over the people's rights to force legislation in favor ot the gold biitfs, and depredation for the debtor. ft ihe Oregonian thinks that tbis is the people's way of handling governmental all. n'rs, thut monopolistio organ will awake some tine morning to learn that they have suddeuly made a change in matters. The delusion under which the Oregonian is lsboring will then be as plain as a livery stable sign. The Oregouian is always liberal on all questions, when everything goes its way. Both Ellis and Hermann voted against the unconditional repeal of the Sherman law, We are iuformed that they sup ported the free coinage of silver, 20 to 1. Oregon is to be congratulated on hav ing two congressmen who are cot afraid to stand up for silver, though the Ga zette would bave been nii'oh pleased hud they supported Bland's amendment, free coinage of silver, 16 to 1. Although Ihe Wil'on bill passed the bouse with a vote of'23y to 110, the senate will hardly oonciir in making it final. But if they put this to one side and pass the Voor hees proposition, which is a veritable fake and not halt so honest a measure as the house bill, it will be making a bad mnttnr worse. FuiiTHiiB degrade silver, and we wonder where the few gold-bugs of Portland, who bave been howling for repeal, will find themselves. A large part of Portland's trade goes to silver seoi ions, or those directly or iudireotly effected by the white metal. Further ilemouotize Bilver aud the ability ottbe people to pay their debts becomes harder than ever, and ouly moss will occupy prominent places in Ihe metrop olis where now, and for years past business notivity has boen rife. Tub world only produces $125,000,000 in gold now, and gradually diminishing, With increasing population and large demands for money, it Is bard to nnder siuud how we can have an expanding curreuoy and not use silver as standard money. As eonutry after country goes onto a gold basis, the greater the soaroity of money and the harder the times. It cannot be otherwise. The report is out that Olevelnud has been operated on for a cancerous growth in the mouth, nnd that his life is really in danger. Iu the oase that Clevelaud should be "called away" during this administration, 8teveuson would mauatre idlaii'B well enough to suit the majority till the enu of teim. 18'.l(!. In fact, Stevenson is more of an American Uibu his big partner. Iir tub sennte acquiesces in the aoti' n of the bouse, theu we oan have un opportunity of knowing wbnt is hurting us whether it is the Sherman law, proposed rhnnire of tariff laws, or both, We fear the experiment will be an ex pensive one to the primary producers, Ellis says he voted against the un conditional repeal of the Sherraau law because his constituents were built thut way. Besides Will is a bimetallism anyway, and there is none of thut iu further degrading silver. Thk Oregonian goes efter Ellis and Hermann for voting nguiust repeal of the Sherman net, oalling them hard nnmes, Btuiing further that regurdless of the demands of the people the) should have voted to suit the sages of Oregon, i. e., the Oregonian, pitN. iy. iiiLL is silver man hut he votes tor uucoudilioi.ul lepea) just the nine. His Western friends call tins juimlery, hereafter David can ook to the gold-bug E.ist for hench men. Iiovkhnoh Fksnokr is on the itmight road to the U. S. senate. All hades ouu't prevent him from succeed ing Sen. Dolph, now that the latter will insist on voting for monometallism. Tub Oregonian says that the bonse represents the people and thst Bellies it with silver. Looks more like it was representing Orover Cleveland. Ai'Tou Oum, better known us "Suui'l OToscu," a character he assumed in a play, has been acquitted of the charge "I murdering Polic'iutD Grant. Eloin, Union couuty, has been visited Er.Lls and Hermann voted for free silver and against the nncnnditional repeal of the Sherman law. They sup ported the 20 tn 1 proposition. Domino, riddeu bv Taral, won the Futurity stakes at SheepsheaU bay on August .'29th. Tiie value of the stakes was ?i,600. Tub Atlantic coast has been visited by another big storm, and reports of loss of property and life Bre rife. No banks have gone under down in Mexico and busiuess is good. And yet it coins all the silver it oan get. Thk action of the house in the Wilson bill is pleasing to English capitalists. It is playing to their hand. "How to Cure All tikiu Diseases.' Simply apply "Swayne's Oiutir,ei,t." No internal medicine required. Cures tetter, eczema, itch, all emotions on the face, hands, nose, &e., leaving the skin clear, white and healthly. Its great healing and curative powers are possess ed by no other remedy. Ask jour drug gist for Hwajne's Ointment, sw 1 yr. THE SHOUTING AFFAIR. Win. Mattesnn, sou of Hen Mnttesnn Loses his Lite at the llueds of Noah Jlulkey. Johnuy McFeniu arrived late Wed nesday from the vicinity of Blaok Butte, bringing in the sud information thut Will Mutteaon, son ot Ben Matte son, bad been shot and killed about 3 o'clock that afternoon. A posse of men consisting of Jt ff Hayes, Chas. Charlton, See Driskell and Johuny MoFerriu left immediately for the mountains, and were speedily fol lowed by Coroner T. W. Ayers, Jr., and others who held au inquest. . 'J hi: trouble arose just back of Black Butte where Matteson, MoFerrin and others were huckleberryiug nnd ueBr where Mulkey was herding. It appears that the voung men bad had trouble before, and some remaiks that Mulkey made about Multesou'a mother only added feel to the flame. When they met both were on horseback, Bnd Mat teson called on the other for a settle ment. Hot words ensued and both got off their horses. Coming together a few blows were struck and Mulkev being much Ihe older and stronger soon forced Matteson to reel to one side. At this moment Mulkey drew his pistol, a 38 oal. weapon, and commenced shoot ing. Matteson ran a short distance and fell over u log dead. Four shots were tired in all, three taking effect, one missing. Two shots entered the back aud either would have caused denlb, while the other struck the right arm near the elbow. Johnny McFerriu aud others witness ed the tragedy, and the first-uientiooed immediately Itft for town. The ooro ner's jury fouud a verdict in accordance with the fuots iu the case. Immediately after the shooting Mulkey rode away armed with a re volver and Winchester. Lust evening uboui dark the posse of deputies re turned to town without their man, elating thut he had left the limber nnd was mukiiiii for the Columbia. Ou the way out, he stopped at Bill Gosney's where be told what he bnd done and that he was on his way to town to give himself up. However, he had not done so up till midnight lust night, Bnd the probabilities are that he is jet ranking a desperate tffort to escape. It is thought that he cannot get away, and that hie apprehension will ocetirsbortlv. State of Ohio City or Toledo, ) ss. Ll'CAa Coll NTT. ) Frank J. Cheney makes outh lhat h is the senior partner of the firm f V I. C'nKNRY 4 Co , doing business in the City pi Toledo, County und State afore said, and that suid li-rn will pny the sum of ONE BUNDUED DOLL A US for each and ( very oase ot Catarrh thai cannot be cured bv the ns of H,,ii' C'Btarrb Cure. FRANK .1. CHENEY. Mworn to before me Bnd subscribed in my presence, this tltli day of December A. D. 1880. A. W. tiLEASON, I Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cnre is token Internally nnd .acta directly on the blood nod mucous surface nf the at stam. S,,,,l for testimonials f.ee. f . .1. CHENEY A CO . ToUL, , O. IS'-Snld by Druggis s, 75 cents. MIDWINTER EXPOSITION. An International Exposition will be held at San Francisco, Cat, U. S A from January 1st to June 30, ISlH. Tbe site of Ibis exposition is looated in QolJen Gate Park and will cover an urea of ab wt 100 acres, 'there will be five principal buildings for tbe Mid winter Fait: viz: a) Manufuet LilwrMl Arts; b) Atfriculturiil uml Horti- .. I. . 1 rt . . . . unurai mill; e) Wctiauicul Arts: ,fi Fine Arte aud Decorative Art; f a,i. miuislration Building. Applications are being received daily for separate aud and special constructions suoh as State FihihO. roatnrnnta. innvtl,.il.. j. . 1IC" We have a larre stock to aeleot from. We invite yoa to iiiRpeot onr atonic, price, etc. President ot the National Commission, shows, etc. M. H. de Young, Vice World's Columbian Exposition, Cbioagn, will act as Director General and Presi dent of the Executive Committee of the Winter Fair; the other members of the Administration and Offioers are: Jrwin C. Stump, Vice President; P. N. Lilien thai, Treasurer; Col. A. Andrews ; It. B. Mitchell; Hon. Eugene J. Gregory, Sacramento; Jaoob H. Neff, Colfax; Fulton G. Berry, Fresno; J. S. Slauson, Los Augeles; Alexander Badlam, Secre tary; R. C.irnely, Assistant Director- General. Information for intending exhibitions, maps of the grounds, build ings, etc., may be obtains 1 by applying to tho Department of Publicity and Pro motion, California Midwinter Inter national Exposition, Mills Buildiug, tjau Fraucinoo. Cal., U. 8. A. ShIi.s Aeuilud the circle Of the diseases to which it is adapted with the best results, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, a family medicine. comprehensive iu its scope, has never been thrust upon public attention in the guise of a universal nunacea for bodilv ills. This claim, daily arrogated in the columns of the daily press by the proprietors of medicines far inferior to it us specifies, has in a thousand instances disgusted the puhlio iu advance by its absurdity, nnd the prospeots ot other remedies or superior qualities have been handoapped by the pretentious of their worthless predecessors. But the Ameri can people know, because they bave verified the faot by the most trying tests, that Ihe Bitters possesses the virtues of a real epeoifio in cases of malarial and liver disorder, constipation, nervous rhenmutio, slomaoh and kidney trouble. What it does it does thoroughly, and mainly for this reason it is indorsed and recommended by hosts of respectable medical men. A COOK BOOK FKKB. "Table nnd Kitchen" is the title of a new cook book published by the Priae Baking Powder Company, Chicago. Just at this time it will be sent free if you write a postal mentioning the Semi Weekly Gazette. This book has been tried by ourselves aud is one of the very best of its kind. Besides contain ing over 400 receipts for nil kinds of pastry and home cookery, there nre many hints for the table Bnd kitchen, showing bow to set a tBble, how to enter the dining room, etc; a hundred and one hints in every bronoh of the culinary nit. Cookery of tbe very finest and richest as well as of the most eco nomical and home like, is provided for. Remember "Table and Kitchen" will be sent, postage prepaid, to any lady send ing her address (name, town and state) plainly given. A oopy in German or Scandinavian will be sent if desired. Postal card is as good as letter. Ad dress Price Buking Powder Co., Chicago, 111. LOCAL MARKET REPORT. Wheat, bu 35 Floiir.bbl 3 75 4 00 Beeves, cows & two-year-ohls. cwt. I fit) " " three " 2 00 2 2f Sheep, muttons, head 1 ,r(litt2 25 "tek 1 50 to 1 75 Hogs, ou foot, cwt H 75 Hogs, dressed 6 50'itt 700 wool... e10 inum'B, mow erne. ijiitter, roll 40 ft 50 eggs, uoz 121 Chickens, doz 2 00 Turkeys CALIFORNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt jfi 05(3 1 20 ? l"r. I'l'l 8 00 6H 4 00 Beeves, stall fed 4 50 5 00 Muttons, cw t 6 00 8 00 Hogs, cwt 4 50 (S 5 25 Wool Eastern Oreiron. H rf 1,1 Butter, 21) he 25 e.ggs, uoz Chickens, doz Turkeys, lb IU 90 5 (10 it 600 15 s 18 I'ORTLANO MAItKKT. Wheat, cwt 90 a t 00 fl"ir,bbl 3 00 0340 Beeves, cwt 1 75 cf 2 75 ' dressed 4 00 6 00 Muttons, live sheared... 2 50 (S 3 (10 " dressed 5 yr, (t 6 00 Hogs, on foot 4 50 dressed Wool Eastern Oregon..'. Butter Knife, doz ' Chickens, doz Turke)e lb 7 00 6ft '14 15 Id 25 15 ( 16 2 00 $ 4 00 12 (! U O.W.R. MFlQ.CS PORTLAND. OR. n For .8loum- Johniton Drug Co. and T. W. Aysrs, Jr. 8 HATTEES CLEVER ROGUES IN ASIA. Hindoos Wilt Tl'orlc for Daij-s In Order tc Make a Quarter Dlshonestlj. It is doubtful if any race of swindlers can quite equal the Asiatic. The smile, which is childlike and bland, of the ac complished Chinaman, often masks 0 profundity of cunning that the Cauca sian cannot rival. Even the mild Hin doo has a faculty for fraud that is not always suspected. In the bazars ol Calcutta and Bombay the vilest poison is sold to the English sailors as whisky or brandy in bottles branded with a re- ' liable dealer's name. Jack pays the 1 price of the genuine article, but is sup plied with a villainous compound of native concoction. The dealer knows the value of brands. He lays in a stock : of genuine bottles and never disturbs . labels or capsules. By the skillful ap plication of the blowpipe ho drills a small hole in the bottom, draws oil all the genuine liquid, replaces it with his poisonous stuff, closes up the hole so that no trace remains, and palms off the bottle on unsuspecting Jack as real "Martell" cr "fine old Irish." The ab stracted liqror, of course, always sells on its own merit" elsewhere. Tbe Palace is the leading hotel in the oity. Well furnished rooms with plenty of light are provided for everyone, a NEW RESTAURANT. I have opened a first class restaurant at tbe old Matlock building called Holton restaurant. 43-tf. Mas. G. W. Swagoart, NOTICE. To all persons interested in securing time for purchase of railroad lands, please call at clerk's ollbe and sign petition to congress. 58-07 J. W. Mobbow. flUO REWARD! Oue hundred dollars reward will be paid for tbe arrest sud conviotion of the partieB connected with the robberv of Frank Sloan and J. A. Thompson, near Heppner, on Monday Augu9t, 21, 1893. Geo. N.nir.B. 156-tf. Sheriff of Morrow county. Borg, the jeweler, is the man to fix up your wutcb or clock. Lie keeps a full stock of everything pertaiuiug to bis uusiness n KAGLK THE BRAND BEST ROOFING! it is uueiinalled for House, Barn, Fac tory or uut Huililmas and costs fiulf the price of shiniiles, tin or iron. It is ready for use and easily applied by anyone. Old -:- Shingle -:- Roofs r.nnuy mane wnior HRht and Are nrnnf at ainnll exneiiw. W 1th dark red ruliljcr iih nt 011 rienm.il niiililes. It Il ls the pores aim ni, t h sutjstan- UalniO!tllat .tHtHfnrv..,iru I. ... JhliiKles , It briuim to iheir jilares snrl keepf I IK 111 I ha (run 1 1 1 ii a n !.),.. 1 .. . . .. ' heati;,g ad uo tai- ' """" rlq"'"" ON TIN OK IRON' TOOFS. It la ed the best nHlnr hHB i..,o 1.. ..,,.' kiioivledfr applied, expands by the contracts ut'eohl, anil Mt'llilintts covered nilh felt ran be made water tiirht at small expense. Write at "nviui llVllirtlH. Excelsior Paint and Roofing Co., ,," 11,1 wiancMtrcet. New York, N. Y, AGENTS WANTED on salary and com mission for THE ONLY AUTHORIZEL ) By GAIL HAMILTON, his literary eiec utor, with the co-operation of bis family, and for Mr. Blaine's cnmulete norlto 1WENTY YEAH3 OF CONGRESS." ami nis later book, "POLITICAL Ills CESSIONS." One prosnectut for thA. 3 best selling books in tbe market. A K. r. Jordan, of Maine, took 112 orders from first 110 calls; agent's profit 81S16. H. Mrs. BallBrd, of Ohio, took l&order, 13 Seal Russia in one day: nroflt S2fi 9s. C V T- . . . ... c ii. nice, or Mass., took 27 orders in I lays; profit $47.25. J. Partridce. of M. oK w orders from 3B calls ! nroflt ?5 . J5. E. A. Palmer, nf W nnw 1. i-..- - unn., OIU1I OC lueii, iu o aays; protlt 808,25. Exclu sive territory given. If yon wish t, muke large money, write immedlateh for terms to THE HENRY BILL ITJb. CO 154'7 ' Norwich, Con.,. Citation. N THE COUNTY CofKT OF THE PTATF I of Oregon, For ihe Count v ot Sorrow - In the matter of the estate of Jaine, S BreUJ le. eased, Citation: To David llardv and K 1 "know,, heir, ef jne. Breed g deeea.e oreeiing: In the name 01 tne St, 1 011 are. hereby etleri and required to anJefr ' he loiiinv Court of the Vale i- P1 ,"' Monday the 6th day of Novemlwr In .V , WiliieH, the llon.'jultn, Kelthlv l,l... .1 Countv Court of the Wall ,,V the County of Morrow, with he sea of''.'', 0r "" M-SO t- W. Moaaow, Clerk AlO WM,1 jee U PtU fall out -.',. .T.,.-t io-'i? mm imm 1. W,.i :.' .: A I' what von Hut. Its nnxhirtlon In ir en wim ; ' ' 1 - i-e.irelj. Knowleilueof tlio t.. tr. a! tht-in. "Hko'ikuin ' ":,, wi U,l mm (.--K..p tlio scalp cli 101, lu'altliyan.1 fre fi'.-n ii'MMti. 1 er ,. I. n 0 . hnk-M. SkM Soap. KOifclroJJ purusilto - 1; Iircj-.j Jwi 1 'your dniKBist Clanot for J.rKj. TNAOE MAaa THE SK00KT1!, KOOT HAIR GROWER i ',outh Fifth Ave., New York, N. V. It One reason wcjian Cod Liv and Soda h.is i: ''Almost as ;..ti- that its cur;i.::i' w :r d iv O l f.uch as the couQ'h. sM.jli flesh and build v the -. Scott's Jimul-ina euros Cot'gho, Colds, Consumption, Scrofula, and all Anauinic and Wasting Disear.os. Prewonts wnsting In children. Alnio t as patntnhlo m'lti, (net only the gcmii;:c. 1'rc parod hy Scott & IJowno, Chemists, Now jork. Sold by all Druggisls. FOR INVENTIONS. n. iE?TlocVltTst?f tose having- claims aSainst the government ia that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attornevs employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a pateut depends greatly , if not entirely, upoc the care and skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, and of seeitip; that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents in the United States anda!l Foreign Countries, Conduct In terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. fcil1!? ? invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to fdlkJrl t (7ef es"'l,tl0u of Ue important features, and you will be at once ntw! o r 1 CmnSe- t0 I1urs"e- Models are se'(1om necessary. If lnr.)"f"'S on ymr rights, or if you are charged with infringement by matter. matter t0 us for reliable OPINION before acting oa tS 0 THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, D. C. p. o. box 63 JOHN WEDDER3URN, Managing Attorney. 3 Cut this out and BRnd It w'th :-our inpuiry. -cr UKEGOiN- STATE FA.III. I'nderthe mansftement 01 ' the state lioard of Aurleiilture, on the state Fair (ironiids near -aleiii..omineiic1iiKteiteniber llih, l.v.i;;, and .oilliuilini! one week. M'lUK Til A.N Jir,,oon JX C.S1I Mil be iaid aa iireiiiiiiins tor stork, poultry -imk, rturieiiuurni iirni netn. Unit. ,,..n. 'indl";?.'''!'"'1,"' "O'ofurtitiirl laiu-'y work, ind for trials ol" kneed. itEDlTF.D HATKSOF FA 11 1 'AMI V HE IGNT.S t.i v ,ALL ''HAN'SI'nltT.liliU I.INl'x 1AVII.IOM open lour evcnliura duiinir the veck, vMlhgood inusie lnatten.laec rHENEW OKASI.STAXnaiKl the new reim lation truck are conceded to l,e auionn the inosl loinfonalileand tin; best on the I'acilic coast Valuable and handsome Improvements have ton made on the irrounds anil buildli K . I'K.MICM 1.1 HI' S' ".ltlm".re ""d "ll',r"vi,d 'h henelit of KlitrffM fnr .,.. I'HI;K8 OK ADMISSION. , 1 . , , 1 iicKeis j,., ;) omen s season Tickets V., Men s llav 1 ii,L-,.iu 1 A'onien s'Dav Tickets f. Kace Track Hckets, liallv '.".''. ;; Cho".'"'" """'cli'ife Course. Free' '. T.GHEOC, Secretary I t line ., 'OS, I'rcshlcnt. OJ-W-SH' To Couai irjiiti-o-o&i. The underslKiied Iteallh by.ilnnhVn L":'..,r,'","rl " iress. 1-t a w ntv. MiWaiiii A. hmik Brooklyn, New York. Notice of Assignee. NLILP'IY,''' THAT THE s-is-nee , ,ir ',. " "!! ""."I'Pi.i.itcl HI eredil,.,, W,o.h I n.w " l' ' " "I"' illlin three im.i.ih. ,r, , . '.""',r ''"I"' alion of thl. ,. ., 01 puliii llvUleuii. uii.ll ii, , ."'I"'!1''" tl" lalini i,r,.i,.i,i.l i,ii- "oi 01 al n...,dh,.d allowed by t, e ," l..'. ! "'PPner, urenoii, August 3l.t i.ytj. " "u RI.UIHIU THllMiS 11,,.. Attorney for AigeiMuMASAe HGITNEK, OREGON. HE AOS t - end,? " W W; cm or hruV! Is f ffft Jt U ..'"""''"' Ift""n 1 ,.irl 'ii tiuio uT 1fn will i.fcn;nt isoT urn sills (lis.-ns,- cf the lialr ami K; r,.rrl,lnir Ton. H' mmil'nlllii! supply ?,,, 7? 5i''.,"j!; ; ..vl'l f,i heal., ill CO,-. Scolt's Emulsion of Pure Nor- and I ly)0)hosphitcs of Lime a large sale is because it is milk;" but the best reason is properties are unequalled. It cure3 ie; the waste of tissues, produces entire system. notice of Intention. 7 . AND OFFICE AT THK. DU.I.F.-I. J he JollowliiK Linn,., I K-iller Iiiih liU'd her intfiiifoii In nnike liiial iirnol'iu I lier claim, unci Unit Mild proof win l,f lore ,1. . Moi-rmv, Coiinlv Clerk ,v' Or., on Miindav. ui-tuber ' lyi:l v'' , , KlH I'll l.l'F.I.I.I.'ii' of Iliirdinau II. t; ., 477 ,,,r r I Shojia.nesthe fofloti'iir'wuVie 1 J ' " v.i 01 r l . o. n. .1 I'oiitiiiuoiia rcsi.ii.in.f, 1, 1' .1 said laud, viz ; . J o. II. Miller. Waller. IleiineU nuiire, an oi nam, nan t John w. I.J A'ofce of Intent I AMMlPFlr'E AT 'I III.- 1. . ! ti 11 1 J' lvJ;l- Noliceisl he hillunliiK imiiied senior In! his i ilenlinn lo make II mil i,r, iisclaliu,,,,,,! that said proof lore J. . .Morrow, ComMy (, Oregon, oil Sep. -.':i, v ) ,,, , . JOIIX s. Bltll'A ol Lexington, 11. jj N. hv. I.', Ip. J.S., U, .j;,, k. IV. Mj He naines the follow ins win coin ,,, residence up5u J sanl land, i. : I'. 11. Horir, Heppner, n C. C. lloou, lorn Harnett. 1 ''''I'1' John , tiotice of mt T AMD OFFICE AT THE '' ' i J Auk l.v.1.1. Nouce ,' I e follott ii,K.,,l(.,i .,,1 lis inlentioi. I,, make Olial p, his claim, and tlit ...i.i . ... ',) lore .1. W. or., on Sen. ;ki. Ivi.:',-,., . ' ! 1lll'NlU. I ....... . , ,., , MONEY s It" tlKht Mile; lid.. ;' 01 see. ;in, Tp. .1 . ' v; lleiiauicsihelollowi,,',,,.!,. ii'c,;,!i',. "f-'r- "'tlit Mile, Kiel n u 'l"i'8li, CO l' 1 jo-iirfi John W. Uw itentionK 'Dam A'ofce of Intentio . l.i.iui. a,,, "k? "-ii ' l,.''0p. "' J- . Mo , ?' 'VlT, 'a : ou Dec j. is.;, '"'y " rt J 11 J. 'rt , 1 ... '"in...: - , of lone.; Mil. II lit I lit luinci 11,. "'l "iitiiiiiou, n.,;,.tiMl""' "El- I'l. l.'lli'vr O' Iol'flns Pl.v-t ' ,.i .. il""' 1.... TV 1..,. P.iHr.- 1 EiBiilsion t '. iu-t '