Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 25, 1893, Image 3

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T"".'.'!?. ''IrtMR llleiuu-rtiuiiof lllsi.l.r
. -..-nu l UBLIKHINUCo.
ehaJ.!ief,"'r"!1. "'.? ,!'.'",t P.r will
via sr'rs-fziS
0.1 toil, ev.rry i.;,ta,.e " """"""Jr
rU""""ab'e "d . known
.mir. Ibi.,,. -u. ".tu,",V,!l"!''ll"- Nu
good lam, "" evidence of
l,ii!"Ki(; for "Kr,ln""'. Monument, Loiiir Creek
t,V ,Jlt) at 8, P- except Miiuduy.
IhV ?very,,,a)"Jtf' a- "'.ewoi.tflonda.
fr,!aSra"J tat
W.A.J(,h1,.to,Al!etS- DKLEVAN-
Cri't'e uo?r huttinpuit tn ir., '
.... i ii y .-""""rppner people,
and therejore assist to build up Uepijl
you lnuse wao patronize
Here and There.
Laugh and the world laughs with you,
Weep and you weep alone.
'or the erowd that stays while the hand Organ
When the hat Is passed has Mown.
I tied her slide today, and then
Oi course, it came undone,
And now she says the knot was but
A weak and lliinsy one,
That such display oi carelessness
Mould shame most other men:
Ah, 11 she knew i tied it so
That she might come again '
Autifertneutine for pale by Minnr &
wu- 03-7
Homer MuFarland left Wednesday
ior a turn w.iek's business trip ovur lu
Uriui t oomity.
D. A. Hamilton waa down from t be
mm Wednesday.
J. W. Dawson wont over to Monument
on last niibt h Htatie.
W. L. Saiiug and LaHlie Matlock are
uouie irom isiiati oreeK.
S. a. Humor and wife are baok from
a snort vaoatiou ni the Blues
W. R. Norway, a traveling man, was
in tbe city over Tuesday nint.
Gov. lisa went to Arlington Wednes-
uuy morning on legal business.
Tho Gora and Palace saloons for fine
liquors, mcAtee tiros.. Props. sw
Antifermentine, the great, fruit pre
servntive, forsale by Minor & Co. f3-7
Silvester McAtee, son of Mr. and Mrs.
. o. mcAite, returned Wednesday
irom pukaue where he had been
Howard Dodson arrived from Taeoma
last evening aud is visiting with friends
auu L1JO u I by i
Sam KinRmnn' oml fumllw Q,wi tji.mi
Cobn and wife have returned from the
E. H. Clarke oame in on yesterday
'"""""IS" "n; leaving on trie tram
tur j. eumuiuu
Mrs. J. R. R ilatou and ohildron, of
Lone Rock, were registered at the
Palace Tuesday.
Will lunllory and family have m.ived
uhok to uoppuer irom their home a
Mallorys mill.
1 rank McFarlaud returned to Hood
River Monday, to join his familv who
are now located tliore.
Ed. Copner oame over from Lone
Rock Tuesday eveuin., going below on
Wednesday u aown train.
The Heppner Canyon stage line is the
best, cheapest and quickest to the in
Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy in
action anu sure m etlect. o oents
The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove
cures liquor, opium, morphine, oocaiue
mitt tuoaucu nauit. oee ao.
Have you gut any machinery's that
out of repair? If so eome in and get
some metal and rent your boxing
Kverv man who tnltpa ans infaroaf
fast stock should subscribe for The
Horseman. . Gazette shop, agents.
John Bennett left yesterday morning
for Portland to attend tbe full races at
Irvington park whioU begin tomorrow.
Antifermentine is specially useful
for preserving fruits of all kinds with
out cooking. For sale by Minor & Oo.
Born To the wife of M. B. Haines,
of Eiaht Mile, August 20th, a six pound
girl. All doing nicely but Beaoh, who
is recovering slowly.
John and Frank Wilmorth aud Frank
Elder returned home yesterday from a
two weeks' outing at Desolation Lake,
where they report a very pleasant time.
' J. 0. Brown, tbe vegetable man, is
pretty badly crippled up, the result of
landing on the under Bide of a load of
bay whioh he was unfortunate enough
to upset,
Arthur Ammermnn came down from
the Hamilton mill Tuesday evening.
He reports the mill olosed down owing
1U. I... 1L 1 .1 .....
iu lus isci mm mere .-is very little de
mand for lumber.
F. J. Hallook and family, W. B.
Potter and family and Mrs. Arthur
Minor returned from the Blues Tuesday
evening. The boys report lots of fun,
but very little game.
Green Mathews' the barber, is now lo
cated next door to tbe furniture Btore on
Main street. Shaves, shampoos, hair
cuts and tbe like aways on tap.
Dr. B. F.Vaughan has decided to leave
Heppner, and all those owing him are
requested to makeimmediate settlement.
Those desiring work should applv at
once. 143tf.
"Owing to tbe searoity of whittling
materia1," Horaoe Matlock recently
trind the ever ready jack
knife on the baok of his fingers, and as
a result has a pretty lame hand, tbe
tendon on tbe middle linger being
ft. Campbell, of Vinson, who went
over on t, tmud (ast hopjnR ,0
' "faun, returned last Tues-
liV I'Vl'tinor n(,o........:nJ L... ,
ne does not seem to have been much
improved by the change. While over
tiKTe Mr. ('nnmlioll nt
, ........ bitch Atiuum.
wJnrh plueOie says, in without doubt,
ibe tlwidt-Ht city hi that Heotion, and
UIilt'KS rplif-f cnmoB o,.,.., .. ...;ti
Htua!Jy he compelled to tinv crpol n
atHive. '
j """umu imurueu
rrom thft Khh via P.kt.H.l rn i ...
lUHt. While EfiHt hn hnd nhnmo f a
pHi tmcnt of Oregon's educatioual exhib
it trom f'lH fir Ua r,r,w..l
WURlnnvron. nnrl lml tt.o ..i
meeting a lure number of the elect
wImIh hi thut city.
'J'tlH (llivif'fl thut Tricot :
. jui-ii win Kive
in ijiji i(j (irittir. tint ic Dn
Kt the 1whl rVha mui,i-.- i
. "ciTDucm BH1UUI1
rarnes un excellent stock of cigars, liquors
"...v.o iieer. a. nue oilliard parlor
:.M...cuuou. jan on V hat b utiH
LllCk Who Will atunva t,Qt .
I) K. Giliniin nt n..ll T3.li. n.
;" " "n"i i oik uo was
U lleonner WpdnooHnu .I an
on business. Mr. (iilnian nn.no i.r. fr
below overland with a f..,i.i,. t
- .um-uiM ICilUI,
and will return mnn l,o..; a: j
ol his interests in Gilliam and Grant
UUtlll llt'H,
J as. Jonea nnil (Inn 4
- ui,r,8j(mi return
ed from Montana Tuesday. Dave Mo-
w i , V J ' xennB,E oame down to
Walla Walla with the horses and from
then, proceeded on down below to attend
the Porllund meeting.
Don't overlook J. B. Tedrowe at the
Arcade when thirsty. Half and half and
Freeh beer always on tap. Also a tine
stook of liquors and oigars always on
hand. Give Ted a call.
Gid Hatt llH nilrnlinnal T-T;l,
ews interest in the City Hoel barber
shop. Mbaves. sham
etc., dished nn in tho hat ni .,!'
Baths for tbe millions.
Arthur Hodnnn nnmo in vaata.lni,
Black Butte, this counuty, where he has
been camping for several days. He re-
puna a unmoor oi people up in that seo-tiou.
U. JJ. French and family have moved
from this place to The Dalles, but Harry
will shortly depart for New Mexico where
be will probably go to railroading Bgain.
T. M.: Hon. Henrv Blackman, of
Heppner, arrived in town Inst night
from Portland. He will take the night
train for his borne.
The Gazette force are grateful to our
old friend, Fisher, of Wagner, for a box
of very toothsome apples reoeived Tues
day evening.
Antifermentine preservesfrtut, cider,
milk, butter, eggs, tomatoes, catsup,
pickles, etc. For sale by Minor & Co.
J. W. DHWSOn rfitllPTlA,! Vmma f.nm
Pendleton Wednesday evening. He
also visited Walla Walla while above.
Mrs. W. P. Dllttnn rotnrnol M.,.l..
from a visit tn O V. 1,,ra,...n, j
family, out at their Hardman ranoh.
I he Lioue Rock stage met with an ac
ident Werinpsiluv anH dia .v,;i .
be brought in on horseback.
E. D. Palmer aud familv. nf T
pfisaed through town this
the mountains.
Frank Sloan nnrl Al Rnliorto n,,.t
out to the Ditch creek 'cump Wednes-
u a y.
Editor Parker, nf tho Wollo TOoli.,
Statesman, is defending a libel suit
D. W. ITornnr U7ll1 tnlra
account at Till rmnta rtar K,.al.nl nn :n
exchange goods for wheat at that figure.
' Wr. D. M. Flandert
" I had Typhoid Fever
Which left mo with torpid liver and kidney
trouble. I was a great sufferer. I took a
bottle of Hood's Rarsaparllla and was restored
Hood's58 Cures
to health and gained over four pounds In
weight It Is the best blood purifier." 1). M.
Flanders, real estate agent, Portland, Oregon.
Hood's Pills cure constipation. Try a box.
! lir 1 I
ifi - A
or sale by Slocum-Johuston Drug
w. buu , w. Ayers, Jr.
snrn .
Sold Whisky to Minors. 0. J. Frak
er oame to Pendleton this
E. H. Kelloffgand F. C. Rudeman. whom
be arrested in Morrow county after a
three days' search. They are in com
pany with Reese Heycock, oharged with
giving liquor to minors. 0. F. Thomson
makes the complaint, and his bovs ar
the minors who wore given the liquor.
Mr. Heycock keeps s saloon at Echo,
and has not yet been brought to Pendle
ton. Kellogg and Kudeman were ar
raigned this morning before Justioe B.
B. Bishop and plaoed under 8100 bonds,
in default of which they went to mil
The examination will take place Monday
ai iu ociook. Tbis afternoon Eees
Heycook appeared before Justice Bishop,
waived examication, and was mit minVr
$100 bonds. E. O.
We have picked uu a. few now Qnh-
scribers this week, reiardless nf ma.
vailiui; hard times,
Ciihs. Clark, nf
brother, Hiram Clark, and' his family
am, wewK,
J. D. JlauiiUon visiter! F.;,lif UlU
lbne ye.steniay, reluming this morning.
Joe Kcenev is nvnr from Hnmou rpn;rw.
this week, looking after business matters.
E. G. Sioan anrl w.f rhirnalI VFo
day from the Ditch oreek oamp.
Jeif and Joe Haven Jr.. ratnmad fnm
their mountain trip Saturday last.
V. A. tftevpns nnrl ann nf n..l.n
were in the oity Wednesday.
Mrs. Sallie Haven roinmorl frm T.
hock last vt eaneBday night.
Mrs. J. W. l1nrrno7 in .,,,.:; .,i
at v .a. rarnswortns,
Mrs. Ben Allev rntnrnarl tr.,rr. ,:
ue.ow ihhc weunesuay.
Ben Hniisnker oamo nvp fmm tr
stacK yesienitty.
Before J ustiob Hallock. Wednen.
day the case of Brown and Swaggart
was given a hearing before Justioe
Hallock. Some time ago T. E . Brown
went to work for Ben Swaggart, and
was to take a horse for nav. When
time for settlement came, Brown claimed
he was to have choice of two horses, to
which Swaggart objected and as a
result the matter was brought into
oourt for settlement. Brown was reD-
resented by Attornev J. N. Rrnwn.
while Mr. Swaggart aoted as attornev
for himself. The case was decided in
favor of Swaggart.
Gilliam & Bisbee,
( m&&
?,T,er,ffitbeia,'Lge8t in lts history. New members have been added to the faculty new araratui.
a1.!? The gradualei'arViL'demanTto fill
tion. ' ' " ""'
'flic Leading Normal School of the NorthwesL
Strong ProfeBsionnl and Academic oourses.and
well organized model school for practical train
ing of TeacherB. Normal, Advanced Normal,
Business, Music and Art Departments. Beauti
ful and healthful location. Light expense. No
The Normal has enjoj-ed a steady growth
during the past year, reaching an enrollment of
Only First-Class hotel in Heppner.
for Eleotric Lights
Building Wired
Best aooommodations for tbe traveling
Courtubus treatment assured the coun
try people.
MRS. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress.
jyi IHOR cfc oo.
Heppner, Oregon.
And Bound to Stay.
-Oar Prices in all lines of-
further Pismlnotinn
Normal Mi. 25 ner term nf 10 nuti TJ..; n ore .
- T , . . ,Ttta. 4juBiuoHa iru.u per term.
Hub-Normal-$5 per term of 10 weeks. Board at Normal dining hall, tl 75 per
Room 50 oents per week, unfurnished. week. '
TnT?1!4",81-25, ,nIn?h- , Ei:urd aud Lo(1K'"K Private families,
luition, board, lodging and books, less $3 50 to $4.00 per week.
man iou per year.
rOKfiT.BViTOBV mP fTTOTrt mt
Tuition per term of M lon. UUU5" CU'8eS IIerea VOCttland music-
sixtv mlle Tsonth 7,f PnrtwT V . pul" 10 8t,lte' twelv! nu'es from the state capital,
sixty mues south of Portland. Catalogue cheerfully sent on application. Addreas
. .-imu, rresmeni. 4U-52w 8. SHEW), Secretary of Faculty.
xes, there are many of them.
Some very good, some bad.
Bad uruijs are pomonous,
Also of no value whatever.
Pure drugs are great helps,
And these alone should be
Used iu compouuding.
We claim to keep in stock
1 he pureEt drugs made.
To compound them skillfully,
To prepare prescriptions quiokly.
To charge for them reasonably.
Who can do better than this;
Goods, .Bring, heriss, Hats, Caps
Boots, Shoes, Provisions. Notions
A" SUbSCd btth6 gods y?u wi8h' and -
cuo yuu wm do pleased, because our prices are all right.
An early call will be appreciated. '
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
85.ti SHAW & Mccarty,
mmmmmmmmmmmmmm froorietors.
rR. josephT bilT
Graduate M. E. 0. V. S . , London. Enolanrl '
Chronic Diseases a Specialty
inary Surgery. If you have anvS ffflWffrf? Pedure of Veter- "
HEPPNER, . cal1 011 me Stewart's stables. mtere9t t0
slouDwstoi m wm.
PHIL. COHN, Proprietor. .
Habdman Eumbwngs, Word oomes
down from Hardman that a vouni? Conn
ie, rtcentfy married, are not moving
along the path of matrimony as 6mooth
as miht bo. The stepfather of the
bride was reoently committed to the asy-
nra from this county. The wife was
left with quite a large family on her
bands, the eldest being a girl of noarly
fifteen years. It is charged that the
mother ooerced her into marrying a
neighbor boy, said matoh beinir whollv
distasteful to the young lady. After the
oeremony was pronounced tbe bride
locked herself upstairs and refused the
swain admittance. The next mornine
she left for the house of a neighbor where
she has since stopped. It is stated that
the young lady has entered suit for di
vorce. We give no names at present, as
we have not inyestigated the affair snf
fioiently to do so, but if the mother act
ually did force the ohild to marry some
person wboly distasteful to her and at
the tender age of fourteen, no kind of
censure that could be inflicted would be
too strong.
Stolen Cattle. Yesterday. Jas.
Johnson, of Butter Creek, reports that
about 125 head of cattle, belonging to
Felix Johnson, Jerry Brosnan and Al
Florenoe, have been stolen. From
what can be learned, they were driven
towards the Middle Fork of the John
Day and hopes are entertained that the
thieves may be caught.
Piles! Piles! Itching Piles.
Symptoms Moisture; intense and
stinging; most at night; worse bv
scratching. If allowed to continue tu
mors form, wbioh often bleed and ulcer
ate, becoming very sore. Swaynk's
Ointment stops tbe itohing and bleeding
heals ulceration, and in most cases re
moves the tumors. At druggists, or by
mail, for 50 oents. Dr. Swayne & Son,
Philadelphia. gw yr.
Maeshal "Not in it." If the report
that has reaobed this office from Prairie
City be true, the marshal of that town
is not "in it," when it comes to genuine
slugging. From Bob and Eva McGinley,
who entertained the people of Prairie
City last Friday night, we learn that
the oity marshal was powerless to nre.
serve peace, and the boys bent on having
a good time, took his star from him and
did about as they pleased. Bob says
his tec t was treated to a heavy shower
of eggs, and with that eiceotion nn
further damage was done. Long Creek
lib NO
West Side of Main Street,
H. A. Thompson
A. E. Blniu
The Heppner Livery,
turn ut
Below Coffin & McFarlaud'B. Main Street
(! m Ml
Are Yon Nervous,
Are you all tired out, do you have than
tired feeling or Biok headache? Yon
can be relieved of all these symptoms
by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, which
gives nerve, mental and bodily strength
and thoroughly purifies the blood. It
also creates a good appetite, cures
indigestion, heartburn and dyspepsia.
En-'s Wood Yabd. The Heppner
wood yard, under the management of
Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver
wood at your residenoe, sawed or un-
sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at
87,00 per oord. Wood sawed twioe in
two, 75 cts. per oord; three times, $1.00.
Yard near the depot. Leave orders at
oloan & Howard s. 4-tf.
Good Oonveyance for Traveling Men.
Teams to hay per day, 75 ots. Hay and grain per dav. 81.23. Meals 25 cts.
at O. V. Sergeant's, next door to I'Yed Stable. Grain and
baled hay always on hand.
Portland, Oregon. A. P. Armstioxg. Principal.
Open all the year. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue free.
Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak
er and repairer of many years' eineri.
ence, has just looated in the Abraham
sick building, on May street, where he
is prepared to do everything in his line.
iSirbeck is strictly a first-class work
man and warrants all work. Give him a
call Uwtr
Land Fob Sale. 480 acres over in
Wilson prairie. A good stock ranoh and
will be sold cheap. Call at Gazette
office for particulars and terms. tf.
Salesmen, to sell onrohoiee nnrl linrrlv
nursery stook. Many special varieties
to offer both in frnita nnrl nr,iom,...tl
and controlled only by us. We nav
commission or salary, give exclusive
territory and pay weekly. Write us at
once and secure ohoice of territory.
May Brothers, Nurserymen,
142-60 Bochester, N. Y.
1100 REWARD!
One hundred dollars reward will be
paid for the arrest and oonviotion of the
partiee connected with the robberv of
Frank Sloan and J. A. Thompson, near
Heppner, on Monday August, 21, 1893.
Geo. Noble.
156- tf . Sheriff of Morrow county.
LOCAL market report.
Wheat, bu 35
g'"ur.bbl 3 75 & 4 00
Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, owt. 1 ISO
three ' 'I 002 25
bheep, muttons, bead 1 tM(2 25
" ""Ok 1 50 1 75
Hogg, on foot, cwt $4 75
Hogs, dressed 6 60 (in 700
Wool.... 6 0io
Horses, alow sale.
Butter, roll 40 50
Ohickens. doz 2 00
Wheat, cwt 81 05(8 1 20
,lonr- bfv, 3 00 tg 4 00
Beeves, stall fed 4 60 ( 5 00
Muttons, owt n cm fii. u 1 m
K. owt 4 50 5 25
eastern uregon.. 8 (g. 10
Butter, lb 20 ffl 25
Eggs, doz Kj q 20
Chickens, doz 5 00 600
Turkeys, lb 15 (c IS
Wheat, cwt $ 90 O 1 00
Flour, bb! 3 00 64 3 40
Beeves, owt 1 75 m 2 75
" dressed 4 00 ( 6 00
Muttons, live sheared... 2 50(3 00
" dressed 5 75 a i 6 00
Hogs, on foot 4 f,o
" dressed 7 00
Wool Eastern Oregon... 6 (? 14
Butter 16 25
EitfH. do. in t. i
Chickens, doz 2 00 (tf 4 00
J urKejB 10 J2 (a 14
h Hi Institute
For the Cure oj.
Liquor, Opium aod Tobacco Habits
It Is located at Forest Grove, Or.,
27ie ilfosf Beautiful Town on the Coatt.
THll Ut tha tl . . .
ft Map Bakery and Grocery Store.
On May Street, opposite Palace Hotel. They will keep on hand a full line of
Groceries ani Provisions.
A full lino nf "T... r -.it.
nanttllv knf . i' r u". 00' ' ueB B? ard S hot everything that i.
try them. BO y store. Thsy will Bell cheap foi cash. Call anp
What to Bat,
now 10 tat it,
Thlnns to Do,
Thine- r. A. ,-.1,1
Perils of Summer,
MnW Tr Kniat hu
llangera of'Klssi'nfr
IT J.' 1 w a a K--w. u,t
TnflURrirjG of Plants, Parasltpn nf th an- - .
Oc,uatlon for Invalid., BailXs-Best W., ' ??.re "'Teeth,
Alooliol asa Food and a I.us .nd LunSfcare. mSTk1''11'
Medlcmo, How to Avnlrf ffhJ ' Sffect of Tobacco,
Superfluous Hair, CloOilrJir Wha ft -- 5 urefo'n'enperance,
liemovlmt Hame,' How Muchto Wear W6"1" Vuie,
IT TKI.I.fi HAW I'A rrn7 ti.i t- ' .. .
OCbmj ChOIhUto. Cold Feet, Com.,
Feet. Friwl.l .n... ,m......u , y e,uandruff- Dyspepsia, Earache. Felon. h,m
Mo.ei,PlmP.e,Tn;.7K;umaUsm S ,
Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, sC d lmtoag'? So Mootb'
Wart., Wiooplag Cough, Worms la Children.4 ISSSSSt
m-M new subscribers and prompt renewals during the month of Aue will b
presensed with a free oopyot this bs a premium. g'
The Htlldnhnl. Pr Wnrtnn hntiA n t k w 11
"'- -u nvmju ,UDU1 nil,
X' or sale at Gilliam & Binbee's. g
'Uardwaro" did vrm onv? Wl.tr o
at P. (1 Tllnmin.m I'.i ,, ol,,.l ..,'l 11..
piaue ior i.argauis. B
If you want to buy groceries, and
bread stuiroheap, Ko to the Enterprise
Orocery. Kirk Ai Bull), proprietors, a
Bortf, the jeeler, is the man to fix up
your watoh or clock. Ue keeps a full
stock of everything pertaiui-K to his
business' B
tUl .1, .-.;.) i !- intiiri.-d Ik.v; lo m ,dv in ummu.rrB. nVM
1OI. VI 1m fdiid iMii-ciit linw in I..',.:,". ...!-,. i...u:.;. ; mn
,t. , v-m , : 1 " "' .tiu (iiw wumi I (J.NJ1,
VV AN i. ! iu- itint.li..- luiwr t l,oir tl,... ,;tl 4. . 1 , 1 Tl XT no
vn m- m, chll.lllesliow to be fruitful and multiply t SOLD
E't 10 urJll9-ow they "growed" and came to be ;( AO
VVlIAT VP m hen. tli m inw tn ..n!,.,, V,tn 1, .11 ') i.ttC't
D-rnnir nn T"",:V , - -.jv, m. .u MCU AXN U llrii
r-VJiltl lllie lnvulul linvv tn mt. woll n. -..!. u.. uittpt.
JJU 1 1 1 1 ft lnirii-tul..nf Imii. 1., v,. ...... .4-... 3 ' j
Tn n who want knowledge tluit is of most worth (IN ONE
gOW. )1,0(IO 2()0ci.tH, 2-f col. plates- 200 recipes;
V li;!l J'..,n' :',;..
P. II.
I Mur:
. 2:ftli St., New York
.( SOLD.
iSllIs, Dawson Ss rv-on,
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfaetory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
-,rrKK3?25f I: