- ,- "s. i .OT(Ca TO AIIVKIti'lHbUS. I'lMiSK ilesirllur the luii-rtiou of .lim.lny mis., r via.iKCuf Mine, must y,l tiu-ir coin l:i 'ttjt -aier than Mnn;ttiy cvuine for Tuewlay's btlitiou, iir ThureiitLy evening for Frultiys eli- I HK 1'ATTKKMIN PUBLISH I. Si, Co. NOIK K. L Tie mm of five ociiU per line wtU be eriarxeJ for "cards of thanks." "resolutions of Imiiwt," lints ol wwJUIiik presents and donors, 'id obituary makes, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and Botliesolsiieuial meetings lor whatever uriose. U. Nutiiei ol church and society and allolher 411tertHlulieliui fruoi which riwiij lu ... i.u .1. lived, shall be charged for at' the rate of live ran a line, i nose rules win be strictly adher ed to lu every Instance. Advertising rates reasonable aud made known Qpou aflltcatiou. We hold each and every coi retitiohtient re sponsible for his or her connuiiiiicatiou. No correspondence will be published unless the wnter s real uaiue is signed as an evidence ol good lallU. "I P. FlSHEK, NEWSPAPER AUVKKI1.V JLJ lug Agent, 2 Merchants exchange, ban r lahclsco, is our authoiueu agent. 'Ihis paper is aepl on hie lu hisoUice. TIME TABLE. Stage for Ilardinau, Moiiinnent, Long Creek, John Uay auu canyon Ciiy, leaves as lollows : hvci'j uay at 8 p. m except ouuuay. Armcsctcry uuyatu a. in., except londay. ilie chcupeel, .(ulikist and best line to or from tile iy trior couuuy, k J. a. UKLEVAN, Prup. W. A. JoCnatou.AKeut Give your business to Heppner people, and therefore usaiiit to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. Here and There. "Han wants but little here below." To test the saying's worth, Go up it. a balloon and see How soon you'll want the earth. She didn't like smoking so I quit At her request for a little v hile But, oh I 1 minded it not a bit I iound my reward in her sweet smile. I've taken it up again once more, I saw no reason lor stopping when She laughed at the tender love I swore And kept on 111 rt I ii b with other men. Heading is almost over in tbia oouuty. Autifermeutiue for eule by Minnr & Co. 53 7 For perfect digestion use TO IT'S PILLS. CIihs. McDowell is rusticating ont in the Blum. t Halversnn is out on Ditob oreik for a eliort stay. Jus. VVylawt was iti yesterday from the Hitrdrnnu eotiutry, CIihh Hudson returned Sutnrdaj from McDtitlie a rums. Holland Bros. Mnrtrd their thresher down near lone yesleiday. Ion creHin freiznra at n disoouut st P 0. Thompson Cnnipauj'B. 53 4 Low Tillard, of Pendleton, was teen on our streets jeaterday. Newt mid Frank Jones returned to the mountains yesterday. Pn f. A. W. Wit-r and wife returned from the sea shore Thursday. The Gem and Palace saloons for fine liquors, MoAlee Bros, Props. sw Al Biberts is ngsin down from the Ditch oieek camp tut supplies. Antifrrnentine, ti e great fruit pre servative, rnrsale by Miuor &C.i. 53 7 Warren Carsner got over from Wag ner ijuuday uinlit, returning yesterday, J.. D. Ball and family, Julia and Goa Hurt returned yesterday from the Blues. The Heppner Canyon stage line is the bf W, cheapest and quickest to the iu terior, Hood's Pills cure constipation. They are tbe best after-dinner pill and family cat hurt 10. Billy Cowins, Lee French and Frank Bnrg are now hucklcberrying over on Ditc:ti cieek. A, Hackeney, of John Day, passed through Heppner the latter part of lust week oti bis nay below. Tbe Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove cures liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine and tobacco habit. Uee ad. E. D. Piilmet and i(e, of Lt liri' ten, and Gjiur G Ftiqua and wife, of Kikht Mile, nere in Siiiidiiy lust. Have you g t any iiiaebinery's tliHl ont of lepan? If so come in and get tome metal and relit jour boxing. Every man wbo takes any iutereet in fast stock should subscribe for Tbe Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. Heppner was somewhat excited yester day over the daiing holdup, but is again assuming her tioimal condition. The Gazette has a hit of metal which it will eel) hi 20 cms a pound, cash. Makes the bobs atuff to "busti" b -xiuu. John Turley dropped iu Srtnrdny from the Greenhorn section, but will return shortly to look after Jus. Hayes' beep J W. DawBon left Saturday morning (or Pendleton on a business trip. Be will also likely visit Walla Wbllu ere returning. Tbe balanoe of nnr stock of gunran teed rubber hose to be sold for casb to close out for the seasou at F. G. Ihonipsoh Company- IS i Mrs. J. C. MoFarlnnd, mother of Homer and Frank MoKarliind, is I ere on a visit to ber sons ubd itspeoiive their lamili s. Surveyor Isa Brown was in thp oity yesterday. Isa bus just completed a week's surveying on the road between Book Creek and Eight Mile. Frank Mcf'arland returned from n tour over iu brant county 8ut(!a evening. He reportB eveiytbiug ex tremely quiet in that eeonou. Antiferuieuiiiie is specially useful for preserving fruits of all kinds with out cook in K. For sale by Miuor & Co. f 3 7 Green Mathews' the barber, is now lo cated next door to the furniture store ou Main street. Shaves, shampoos, hair cuts and tbe like aways on tap. J. C. Cochran, of tbe North Fork of the Jobu Day, arrived Saturday with a Wagon load id tine apples which be i-fld wutiout uincb diffionliy to our people. East Oreg'Dian: Nela Maginien oamw in from M rrow county this after noon with a big banJ of slieep, which he will take to the Sound over tbe Northern PaciUi:. Dr. B. F. Vaughnn has decided to leave Heppui r, and all those owing him are requested to makeimmediatesettlement. Those desiring woik should apply at once. E L. Patberg and Harvey McAlister of Lex it. gion, passed turongb Heppner yesteidsy on their wav to the mountains where they expect to remaiu for two weeks. Pythias: The honor of being Oregon's next grand oliarcellor, K P lies between Hon. Henry Blackmail, 4 past grsnd victihsnc IhT, and J. A. Waddle, grand vioe- oririLoellor. Will Spencer and Arthur Minor sno ceeded in killing a deer(?JlBst week that bad wandered down too near tbeir i amp. AH decided that it wag by far the best peat of tbe kind they bad ever eaten. i Wilson Bros, aiarted their thrstier I down in ti .Ionian Fork country 1 last llmrs.liiy. Krom that section, w learn Ibi.t wi eiat, which it was thought would not mahn over five bushels to the ; sore, is averaging fmui eight to ten. ; Jordoti Forgers now think that all the i grain will average at least one-tbir 1 i more than was predicted for it when cut. Mr. J. 0. Bonwell, one of the beat known and most respected citizens of briiwtiwond, Tilts, suffered with di rrhoai for a long time ami tried many did'eient remedies wit boat benefit, until ..liBinberlain's Colic, Cuoiern ' "aud DiarrloBi R msdj was used; that re lieved nim at once. For sale by Slocnm, Johnson Drug Co. The advice that moat men will give you is not to drink, bnt when you do get the beat. Tbe Belvedere saloon cnrr ies an excellent S'ock ol cigars, liquors wines aud Deer. A hue bihiard parlor in conneoiion. Call on Charlie and Dick who will always tiei.t you court eously, tf, "Matrimony under false pretesea',' is the title, ot a newspaper article, flow often does it occur otherwise? The false pieienses are as a rule harmless lu d lined only lor good pui poses, but it can not be drilled that they are used iu some shape iu neaily ail oourtships. I Xchunge. 'J he family of Tbeo. Danner, accom aonipanieit uv Mrs. J. J. Muir, mother of Mrs. Dinner, lett yesterday inoru uig for Belmont, Kas. After visiting a stiort time there they will locate at Little Book, Arkansas, whine Tbeo. will join them next mouth. C. F. Leyde brought in a twig about two feet lu leiiKth trom a Siberian crab tree, grown on his ranch below town, which contained U'9 apples, so many in fact that the twig could soarcely be seeu. Jiiduing this is a fair sample, tbe tree trust he a very fiuiilul one. Wm, Jiiuti and wife aud two children came up from The Dalles ou Saturday evruiug's train. Air. Duuu has been sebolid as conductor for tbe Heppner brunch, and comes bere with the intention of locating with us. John N. Elder and wile and Mrs. F. O. Buckniim and little son arrived borne nun Mi DuIIi- springs about a week ago, mid Sunday Mr. Buck mini also returned aim st entirely cuied uf rheumatism, though yet Weak. We must realize on remainder of sew ing machines souu as possible and they willbesohl for cash at stariljngly low rjg tires. If you want a sewing machine, hero is a snup. P. C. 'i'homptuu Company's 53 4 Win Huguewood, of Eight Mile, lost his house by tire aaturd iy last. Home rhreshers utnr by saved part of the furniture. We do not know how the Un siurtcd, but presumably from a bad Hue. Don't ovt rlonk J. B. Tedrowe at the Amide when thirsty. Half aud half and fresh beer always ou tap. Also n fine itock of liquors and cigars always on baud. Give Ted a aud. Gid Hutt has purchased Hiok Math ews' interest in the City Hotel barbe' shop Shaves, shampoos, hair-outs, etc., dished up in the best of style Baths for tbe millions. Mrs. M. A. Wilson, nf Fairbaven, Wash , aud Mrs Eva King nf Portland, respectively, mother and sister of Mrs. J. W. Lei zer, are visitiug iu the city. Antiferuieiiline preservesfiuit, cider, milk, butter, eggs, tomitops, oatsnp. pickles, tic Fur sale by Miuor & Co. 63 7 Miss Heuryettn Sinsheimer and Mr W. C. Pedlar departed for their Port land home t bis mor uiug, after a pleasan visit wiib friends bere. Dan Humor got home from La Grande last night. He sued for balance on bis uote, was beateu and appealed the oast. Art. Minor gut in last night from tbe mountains, and the remainder of the party are exneoted in today. Late word from Thru. Nelson finds him at Baker City, where he reports everything quiet. Miss Ellor Rhea has returnel from the mountains aud is uow visiting with tleppuer friends. Newman Lee, of Echo, is visiting bis relatives, J. . Leezer and family. Mariou Webb is reported as improving in hiulib. Mr. Thomas B.itte, editor of the Oiflpbic, 'XVxiirkaua, Arkansas, has found but be believes to be the best remedy in exisMica for the Hi x. His experience is well worth remembering Hesiys: ''Lust summer I had a very severe attack of flux. I tried nlruoai everv known remedy, uoue giving relief (Miambeilaiu's Coiio, Cholera and Diarrl ce i Kem-dy was recommended to ine. 1 purchased a bottle and received almost iiumediiite relief. I continued to use i lie medicine and was entirely cured 1 take pleasure ill reoummending thi remedy to any person suffering with such a disease, as in my opinion it is the best medicine in existence." 2b and 50 cent bottles for sale by Slocum & John son Drug Co. D. W. Hobnob Boi nd Oveb.-D. W. Hornor, the Heppner man who adver tised the S. li. Kieves note for sale, was brought over from Heppner by Deputy Marshal Ardrey, Thilisday, and was taken hi fore Justice Kiowles on the charge r f "publishing an allusion to a person with intent to ii j ire, defame and maliciously annoy." He wan held to await tbe action of the grand jury, with bail fixed at $150, whiob be fur nished La Giaude Chronicle. Mi. Hnruor has since brought suit against Mr Reeves for Ihe collection of tbe note. The case will now be left for the couria to decide. Nobth Fork Placers.-Sam Enslev has recently put in a uiaohine for earing fine gold, over ou tbe North Folk. Ed. Cox and Justice of the Peace Hogne propose to put one in on their claim. provided Etisley is successful. The boys are able to "pan out" $2 50 a day iu the ordinary way, and their saving machine ought to make big money if siiecissful. There is, by far, more excitement this season over the placers iu Grant county than any year since active operations ceased at Canyon City and Husanville in the "sixties." A Burning S'iiami!. Now tbat Hepp ner has waterworks, it is a burning shame aud an everlasting disgrace tbat our streets ure allowed to go without spiiukling. Every time a little breeze moves up or down Heppnei'a principal thoroughfares the dust looms up iu eudhss qnsiiti us, tilling every bonse with it. Every (lock of goods in the city cannot help but be more or less damaged by this, besides it is uncom fortable aud unsightly. Can't some thing be done to have tbe streets sprinkled? JLTra. If, A. Hamilton Given Up to Die "I was troubled with liver complaint and en largement of the spleen. At last I could not walk across try room, anil tiol; to my bed, u many thought, tj die. I b:;au to take Hoou's SarsaparilU a.id am entirely cured. It baa all Hood'sCures been brousht about by Ilood's Sarsaparllla." Mlis. It. K. Hamilton, Fresno, California. Hood's Pills Curs Blok llead&che. 260. DAKING HIGJt WAYMEN. Tliry Hold op Frank Moan slid Young J. A. Thompson in Micht ofHeppnei's Big School lloase In Broad Pay Hat. Yesterday morning, Heppner waa thrown into a state of exoitement by tbe announcement that Frank Sloan and a young fellow, who bad been winking for him, by tbe t atne uf J. A Thompson, bad been held upon tbe Hintoo creek road, near the big spring this side of Joe Hector's, aud robbed of quite a Bum of money aud a golil watob. Tbe robbery occurred about 9:30, a, m. Frank owed Thompson some money and as soon as the bauk opened, drew out what be needed, paying Thompson S75 in flout of tbe City hotel, keeping $55 for bis owu use. Leaving town shortly afterwaid, for Frank was due on Butter ciet k yrsiiuli.y to pay foraud re- oeive some Cittle, aud in company with Tnompsoii, they proceeded on past the old brickyard aud Jobu Q. Wilson's place, and w ben opposite a bunch of tall fje grass in tbe lower end of Joe Bee tor's field, were auddeuly ouufrouted by t.vj iiiirj, both m iskai with red band kerchiefs, wbo, with big pistols present ed, ordered tbe youug men to dismount aud dig up. Oue of them said, "Sloan, you kuow you've gut 'nr." Their lan guage waa abusive and mauner quite threatening, aud ueitber lost much time in obeying. They look Frank's money, So5. He didn't like tbe looks of tbe big guu very much, right up in bis face, so diverted his gaze from the rubber to something els Tue highwayman said, "You, , , look at me." Tbouipron lust $125 iu all. He wore a gold watub aud chain. Kobber No. 1, uoticed tbig and said, ' Take tbat 'a watch." No sooner said than done. Oue ot the disciples of Black Bart them got on one of the horses aud rode up the road a suori aiatauoe Due soon came back. The buys were them ordered to get ou their horses and to lose no time moving up the road, lu less than five minutes, tbe boys were at Joe Keotoi's stackyard where Joe, Wm. Straight aud another man were putting up bay. Two uf them went down to the sceue of tbe rubbery as soou as possible but saw no sign of any one. Sloau aud Thompson uume to towu aud reported their Ion to Sheriff Noble , who at once left ao companied by Geo. Hurriugton, Frank Sloau aud Tuompsun. Where the robbery took plaoe a five do'lar bill was found which tbe fellows had dropped iu their baste. They were trucked down into the creek where a black bat was found, then on up ihe ra vine aud over the bill into Jas. Jones' alfalfa field above tbe bonse. Up to time of going to press, no arrests had been made. Iu fact, the offi-ers have very little clue as to the perpetratore, but should they be discovered it is the opiniou of many tbat they will be found unt far away. Iu tbe meantime, all loose and unnec essary residents of our town should be asked to move on. W K YOUR GOLDEN OlMTIITf Piles! Piles! Itching Piles. Symptoms Moisture; intense and stingiugi mnst at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tu mors form, which often bleed and ulcer ate, becoming very sore. Swaine's Ointment stops the itohing and bleeding heals ulceration, aud in m ist cases re moves the minors. At drungists, or by mail, for 5.) Cents. Dr Swayue He Soo. Philadelphia. aw 1 yr. Land For Sale. 480 acres over in Wilson Drnirie. A goud stock ranch and iil be sold cheap. Call at Gazette office for particulars and terms. tf. Eip's Wood Yard. The Heppner wood yard, nnder the management of Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver wood at your residence, sawpd or un awed. Wood sawed and delivered at 87.00 per oord. Wood sawed twice in two, 75 cts. per onrd; three times, $1 00. Yard near the depot. Leave orders at Sloan & Ho Brd's. 4 tf. Bncklrn'a Arnica Salve. The best salve in tbe world for cuts bruises, sores, nloera, salt rheum, f. ver sores, tetter, chapped bands, obilblains corni and all skin eruptions, snd posi tively oures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction nr money refunded. Prioe 25 oentn per box. For sale by Sloonm-Jobnson Drug Company. Ellis Minor and family, Frank Rogers and family and Oscar Minor and family, wbo left Teel springs last Wednesday. came in Sunday, having spent several days berry-bunting in tbe mountains. LIST OF I.KTTKK8 LETTERS ADVEitTIHKI) AT HEPPKER Auk. 14, lv.)3. Knsier.lno Harmon rinra Fslnhurst Frank Pe.erson heona drover K A Thompson (ieilterWm. C. Thompson Itosetts When calllnc for these letters please sav advertised, A. Miixoav P. M. fit. AU' lA n... lOUDUUBMUiTiifl Tilt u Every perton who pnrohnsoa ONE DOLLAR'S worth nf goods will re ceive a ticket on a Grand Weaver Organ one hnndred and twenty-five dollar Organ to be given away December 21th 1893, KO..LMAN" Has Opened Up at Heppaer. Offers a miuniSoent new stock at prices the lowest yet named for striotly first-olass goods. Higb grades in aM departments. True merit in every article. Honest quality. An immense assortment nothing miss ing. The quality will tell it : the price will sell it. That is tbe reueou you should come early and secure vour BAR GAINS from our splendid lines of DBY 60DDS, CLOTfllJll, BOOTS ami SHOES ! Blankets, Quilts, Trunks, Hats. yE show all the latest novelties in great profusion. We keep the finest seleo : tions In all standard styles. We make it a point to have every arltole in :; stock the bst of its kiud. The dollar yon speud with ns goes farther, lasts ; longer, gets more style, gets more qtianliiv, gets more quality, and does ,. ' more good iu service, worth and wear than any money you spend. Our goods and pnoes, now waiting for your inspection, will prove this. Remembei it is an established fact that it pays io trade, providing you want to save money, at tbe -B0ST0IJ STOP,- J. H. KOLMAN. BEN LF. LAND, Salesman. HEEE IS THE PLACE To Get Even on Your Xjile. i jff : HARDWARE STORE ! A COMPLETE LINE OF -. --. Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, Wood and Willow-ware, Blacksmiths' Supplies, Iron, Steel and Coal, Pumps aud Pipe, Tanks, Bathtubs and Sinks, Plumbing Materials, Agricultural Imple ments. All Kinds of Repairing quickly and neatly done. THE CELEBRATED Bain Waw, Hacks and Backboards :- -:- You will save money by getting our prices before purchasing elsewhere. -:- :- : : : -:- Odd Fellows' building, Main St., 534-tf HEPPNER, OREGON, DISCOUlu -lit .A.T in- McFarland Mercantile Co. Heppner. Oregon. Now is the time to make vnr money count. Our wbole stock of Prv Qr oils, Cloth ing, Boots, Shoes, Huts, H'aucy Goods, Gloves, etc, etc., will be sold at wuolesale prices fur cash. Having Quit the Credit System, We are offering goods, lower rban ever before known in Oreg m. This is NO B.T on a few lines. Our WHOLE STOCK goes at suoh reduoed Bgures that Ihe per son needing supplies for ciah can be made happy. If yon wish to S'ive your mone) send in orders by mail or call in person. We are giving diaoouuta on per oeut, i IT. Dry Goods, Olothing, eto 2o to 33 Meu'a and Boys' Hats Ml) Women's and Children's S!meH,25 to 30 Men's Shoes 20 to 30 Cotton Ginghams, Sheetings Bud Domestics 20 per cent off. Hosiery 30 Men's Overshirla aud Furnish ing Goods 31 Hardware 20 to 25 Saddle, Haruet-s, rjtoves and Tinware 20 to 30 AH groceries at lowest wholesale rales. Country orders solicited, oash with orders. Shipments uf wool reoeived ns cash. Very Respeoifully, MoFAULAND MERCANTILE CO. Reserved for the leader of Cash Trade. C. S.VANDUYN, Heppner, Oregon. BORG, : THE Out for Cash Bargains IN Jewelry, f f E, K,fTRUME JEWELER! Watches, Clocks, silverware, MUSICAL RUMENTS, Cash Talks. W Trust Busts SEE BOKO, MAY STREET. HEPPNER, OU. A. P. ARM&TKCiMi, I'PlhCIJ-AU. N Portland, Oregon. A. P. Arm&tkc Open all tbe year. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue free. 15 A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS. P. g. ohqpsoi? go, Llaving put their business upon a tern porary cash basis, Call Attention to the fact that Money has now a Greater Pur chasing Power than ever before known iu Heppner. We must get onr stock iuto money, and profits are no ohj-ot whi tbe money cotnea-in eight. Shake your oash at us and ate na tumble. t law hf wHeppner, Oregon. RIGHT IN THE LEAD And Bound to Stay. -Our Prioee iu all lines of- hi Ming, G;:::::::, hi Caps Boots, Shoes, Provisions, Notions, Etc. Are th lowest. Come and point out the goods you wish, and we are confident you will be pleased, because our prices are all right An early call will be appreciated. Change of Ownership Vff K HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OF THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET v wuich we propose to conduct in the mnal wt infant,, . m?:n " luauun, vruiaeep on hands at all times the choicest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn- . ed Beef, Etc., Etc. shaw & Mccarty, SD"tt ir'roDrietors. DK. JOSEPH J. BILL, Graduate M. E. 0. V. S., London, England. Veterinary -m- Surgeon Chronic Diseases a Sneeialtv. t am Prepared to do all kinds of Veterinary Surgery, Emsscnlatlng Horses and RerlinM a BDeel. alty. (This Is the only true method of oneratfneon hors,. i sn-vr,,. V?...,Ti5",fecl ou Btiort notice. I will treat all animals in the moat approved procedure of VeS-r " luary Surgery. If you have any sick at.imnls It iff be to yoSr interest to HEPPNER, . call on me amewarf. stables. ' SkKSsw - . OREGON Ik Keeley Institute -OF- For the Cure o Liquor. Opium and Tobacco Habits It is located at Forest Grove, Or., The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call at the GzrtTTa office for particulars. Strictly confidential. Treatment private aud sura cure. KIRK & RTJI-IL, The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store. On May Street, opposite Palace Hotel. Tbey will keepoo band a full Hue of STAPLE AND FANCY Groceries ani Provisions. A full line nf clinlre Vep. Pukta nnd TIipoiI in font imti,;.. ii,. usually kept in a firat-tlasa bultery atore. Tbey will sell cheap foi cattb. Call anp try Ibt-m. " aw rtR. FOOTE'S HAND-noOK OF HEALTH HINTS AND READY RECIPES, , the "tie of a very valuable book that gives a great amount of Information of tbe Utmosl Importance to Everybody, concerning their dally habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, etc., What to Eat, ITnw in V.ut it Things to Do, i niugs to Avoid, Perils of Bummer, How to Breathe Influence of Plants, Parasites of the Skin, Y",uiul,tijii .... iiyauus, ruining uesi wny, After-Dinner Nfaps, Vdrilnlnn 11, .w ,. 1 Sit "' rai, Superfluous flair, nEThEr. iSla 1.nemA Cure for Intemperance, Clothing, What to Wear, Headache, Cause & Cure, How M uch to Wear, To Get Kid of Lice. iiuw w orettuiH, nemovinji name, now Much to Wear. uangers or Kissing, Restoring the Drowned, Contagious Diseases. Malarial Affection. Overheat rur Houses. Preventing Nuar.SlLMit..H. Hnw ir. l,l ThT' J?"1!1. Affections, Ventilation; ' ness, Kxerclse. "oup-w rreveuu IT TRI.t.a HAW ita Mtni? m.A vn.. n-n . - . n. ,C , ', . , . , . unu, cniiiBlaini, Cold Feet, Corns. Coughs, Cholera, Dlarrhcea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid Feet. Freck es. Headache. Illcoouiih. Hires Hnar.no. .;: j . ro'"n"' "ua Waru, WhooVta, cough, Wonn. ta TchUdrea. IX inmilST' tWAII new annxunberH and pnimpt renewals during tbe month of Auk. will be preaeuaed witb a free copy of this aa a premium. or' ' "" co i. 'ii.-;; VOLT WANT TO KNOW WHAT EVERY BODY OUGHT TO KNOW. ItEAD P. H. T. I I Ho Vi. tins' .tim' to I'll in-" : ii' It' s!, urn' In ItiillTy i Tito IHfl'I'll'li llOW to bf. Iii.;ij in uiumiiir; iTli's fond piu'diit how to Jiu e prizf Ijubicn; )Tlu; inotlit-r how t' have tliem wit.liout puiti ; )Tho childless how to be fruitful and multiply ; )Tho curious how they "growed" and ciinie to be )The healthy how to enjoy life and keep well; )The invalid how to get well again speedily; )The imprudent how to regain wasted energy. ) All who want knowledge that is of most worth )Find it in Dr. Fuote's "Plain Home Talk," )1,0(K) pages, 200 cuts, 24 col. plates; 200 recipes; )R(!dtir:ed from $.'3.2f to 1 .50; circulars free. (Murray Hill Kiv.k Of.., VJ.H R 2Mth .St., Now York it IX TWO i ;)A Vrn ( ONK (AGENT ( .SOLD ;( 42 (AND HE SAVED $1,100 (IN ONE ( YEAR. (500,000 ( COPIES ( SOIiD. lllls-4, Dawson Ss Iryons, ATTOItNKYS AT LAW. All business attended to in a prompt and sntisfaetory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. HEPPNER, : : : ; ; OREGON. Otis Patterson NOTARY PUBLIC -CONVEYANCER CAI.I, AT OF" ITCH The Lancashire Insurance Co. OFT MANCII KTKH( KNOLAND L W. PATORSON, AGENT or, pi thje.t i. worwi