L - the lowest ; and we guaranty satisfaction. Also carry a complete stock of TFf? LEAD in Millinery, Ladies' FarnibhiKgs and Children's wear. Oar stock is the largest, and onr prices me iowu , . , Dress Goods and Trimmings. Ladies' Hose and Underwear A .Specialty. - SEND TO US FOK 9 ' BUTTERICK -:- PATTEKINo. We have a large stock to seleot from. We invite yon to inspect onr etook, prices, etc BEPFNEB, OREGON. MAT ST., OPPOSITE PALftCE HOTEL. Give your business to Hefner people and thereore assist to build up llVP- Patronize those who paironw ner. We hold each and every c"P"d,?,nt K writer', real name U signed a" evidence ol good lailh. DiJ j on ever Bead about the Man ho Hid bit Light under A bushel? Yen? well That is like Doing business TFitbont advertising. All the Stiiie schemes In the country Will not iicoomplish Half as much Ab a (rood ad. In a ctond, live, Legitimate newspaper, One that Is lead By the people, And that owns Its own Soul; that TJ e Us space Like merchandise, Worth dollar For dollar. purchasing power of the standard money, rendering debts more difficult to pay. Iu fac t, they will not, regardless of the silver prndnoed, or that can be mined in our state. Senator Mitchell bis introduced a joiut resolution declaring it to be the sense of congress that no change be made in the tariff during the 53rd oon gress. This is indeed a very important move, and if passed wonld stimulate the whole oonntry, give us a market for our products and open np the many factor ies that bave closed down during the past eix months. However, it ia not likely that measure can be adopted, as the majority of the democrats, regard less of the interests of the section whioh they represent, will oppose it bncause it is not in accoid with their policy, yet this will oompel thtm to show their colors either for or agBiust protection to our Amerioan industries. Thnsncoessof Mrs. Annie M. Beam, of McKeesport, Pennys.vania, in the treatment of riiaTboBa in ner cunureo will undoubtedly be ot interest 10 many mothers. She says: "I spent several weeks iu Johnstown. Pa., after the great flood, on aooou.it of my husband being employed there. We hart several chil dren with us, two of whom took the diarrheal very badly. 1 got some of Clmniheriain' a (Julie, uuniera ann Dmrrticen Kennedy from Kev Mr. unnp uian. It cured both of them. I kue of several other cases wbere II whs equally Miioesafiil I think it cannot he etc 110' and cheerfully reoommeiid it 25 to 50 cent bottle" for sale by Slooum- Johnson Drug Co. buck I b.jrrv nnnce ilh n little mnttnn fn rn Dave Herreti'a hand. Edgar Mal leoli, the lierder, lias been after the in truder with a Wirchister, bnt the ani mal has proven bi melt too slick for Edgar. The fellow who would neither cut wood nor pick huckleberries was told that eating was somewhat slender at that camp, so far as he was concerned, and lie promptly took his medicine like a hero. Much of the trail leading over to Ditch creek was quite sininpy earlier iu the season. T. W. Avers. Jr., and Al Rob erts were kind enourti to remove them the first trip iu, a id now the roads are excellent. Matlock & Pnttersou (Sr.) added a half mutton to the invoice of eatables, Sunday morniug before breakfast, and there was much j iy in couseqiieuce. Supt. Baling is n"t exaotly camping in the mountains this year, but during unemployed fragments of the week. Will lianas ont ou Ditch creek. The visiters of Saturday returned Sund-y Hod Moudav morning. They would have remained longer if possible. Patterson refused to pi.-k huckleber ries, bnt cut wi od as a compromise and was allowed full access at the table. Dock Rasmus is the poet of the camp. Dock is quite original iu his Hue. After Breakfast. To purify, vitalize and enrich the blood, and give nerve, b dily and digestive strenglit, take Hood's S irsaparill i. Continue the medioine after every meal ir h mouth or two and yon wi I teet like a new man." The merit of Hood h. Sarsaparilla is proven by is thousands of wonderful cures, wuy aou I you try it? Rov Wrr.KKH has set a new mark for paoiug Btallious. 2:06- Jack Demprey, who was reported iu sane last wees, has left the hospital having eutirely recovered his bealtb. Tub eighteen-year-old son of J. R. N Bell, the newspaper mar, was acoidenlly shot and killed Suturday last near Independence. A 0. MoCutauAND, ex-receiver of the Lit Grnmle LrwJ i like, has purchased the linker Ciiv Hli.de. and will enter the newspaper field. Success to you Mao. I.iect. Nelson, of the First Kegt., O. N. G , was wounded iu a sham bnttle at Ciimti Coimison by a wad from a blsnk cartridge. He is not aenously hurt. John L. Ayuh, the would-be "kid hutb" anil eistwhile polilioiau, has led Portland and his accounts lire fout.d to be crooked. A warrant is out for his arrest. Aa Tim lime iippioiiches for a vote on the silvi r qui stion, it hi ooiuis more and more unoei lain us to the result iu the house. It is oeitain that siuale will sustain a unjority for unconditional repeal. Fiianoh is talking over a scheme to corner tin silver supply of Colorado, forcing England and other countries to pav their ptice for ihe metal, when such is needed for suhsidiaiy coinage or for other pur uses. Miw. Jazzta M. KirpLKY has been appointed post master at Fullev, Tilla mook county. A new postollloe was also recently established at Carson, Union county, with Lnoretia Uoopiu garner as postiui"tres. Bobt. J. Ubmiuickh, editor of the Salem Statesiuau for nine jears, nas beeu appointed mperinteudont of the Htate reform school. Boh was a success as a newspaper man, aud will doubtless ninke as none! a maik iu the in sition to which he lias just beeu appointed. C. B. Irvine will now edit Ihe Statesmsu, while Geo. 11. SatibeU will have charge of the busiuess miningement. Both have been connected with the paper for a lonf time. It is uot tu.itiy of us that cau lis held up for any cash at present, but the principle ol the thing lemaius just the same, and we would advise all to load their shotguns wilb buckshot aud l ou Ihe keen 1 okont. Be prepared for the raid of thieves au.l g'.va them t Warm reception. Aud more than that eyery e'ispicious character should he made to move on immediately, aud to keep going until the einiiuuuity riddeu of them. OriitaoN is said by some to nave to interest in the silver questiou, became . it is not Btiictly a silver state. Soores and scores of ininrs which would pro duce pnjitig uiiuerhl, in anything like ordiuuiy times, Hre lying doiiuaut iu Oregon because of the unceasing sod unjust war ou silver. Eastern Oregou is purt.culaily a silver, product' g Bcctiou But tvell If Oregon (reduced not one ounce of silver in justice to the debtor -- .1'iuiiil niit take au DITCH CKKKK CAMPERS. They are Having BU fniie Piekini; Hackle- berries Uruinie Fioiu the uutsiue vtoriu, They Have Cast Dull ITuies to the Fore-Winds. ReotesentativeB of the Oezstte were uiloted into the mountain region buck of Hennnar. tweutv live miles, last Saturday afternoon by E. L. Matlock stopping with friends wi o are camping ou Ditou creek, on Bud near Gus Hale urairie. deoending, of oourse, on whioh one of Ihe boys you refer to. At the uooer camp on Gns Hale nrairie. the bovs found J. D Ball family, Julia and C ira Hirt, E G Sloan aud wifo, John MoOarty and wife, Sherman Hoi nor and wife, Wallace Smeud. family and Jay Shipley, Messrs 0oien8, Burg and French, Dave Herren family, MrB. Dawson and Geo. Smith John Rasmus and family, the Ayers, Roberts aud Matlock camp, and just aoross Ihe oreek 'Gene and Dr. Vaughan Theu dowu the creek a mile or so, the neatest and prettiest little glade imaginable is the camp of Rhea, Spencer &Co. All are busy gathering huckleberries and having a geueral jolly good time. To the poor, GodforBkeu, time-soarred priuter, it is a haven of rest. Mil awny from the dull ooufines of the social whirl, and where the braiu of man toitured day in uud day out iu the vain endeavor to pay up overdue paper bill and keep the grocer iu a good humor it was just a little nearer heaven than our crowd had readied lately. Peace aud plenty meanB happiness, aud that' what is iu s'ore for Ihe people over ou Dilch oreek. The wildest advocate Henry George's theories, or the most violent socialist, can Uud here the exemplification of his plans and prinoi nhs. Tlia oulv dillioulty that has arie.cn so far is I lie entire failure satisiy appetites. Meat of all kinds. cook ed in the old fashioned way, bread baked iu a Dutch oveu, and numerous oilier llttlo delicacies, were too many fur the editor and he nearly foundered the llrst meal, but not content with thiB experiment, repealed it assiduously eac auiljevery tiuii the opportunity preaiuted Not us Drenms are so realistic I here that they merge into startling facte. The record for fishing, so far this season, is ZZl in 4 uours.ni minutes anil 17'4 seconds. A loi g newspaperman ate the camp out of Inickh beiry pie Uue or the la'iies suggested that he must be a relative ol Huckleberry Fiuu. The moat important personage at present at the camp IB the Duchess ol Ui'ch creek. His .laglels, tile tiuKe. Is indisposed and will uot appear this season. Thebittleof Ous Hale prairie will puss imo history as a most import an I event. Somehow or other, the writer has forgotteu aa to the extent of the engagement. The waters of Ditch oreek produce a wonderful thirst the tirst time yon indulge. By mixing it a little, just euougli to kill Hie microbes, you bave no further trouble. The lower oamp, Rhea, Spencer A Co., feasted on venison all last week. One day one of the bos suddenly re memOend that it was veal. Unbianded cuttle bave no license to go poaching ou the deer reserves of the Blue mountains. Someone said that two deir had walkid intoeiimp and were slaughtered mercilessly for their intrusions. A deer can venture within two hundred yards wiih perfect safety, hut should not so far foruet hi parlor etiquette as to walk iu-o a teut nuiuvited. 1 vnr has been beard of near camp. H rora our Long Creek l aper. W. G. Burleigh, editor of the Living Issue, is visiting the World's Fair. Wm. E. Allen and familv departed Wednesday for the huckleberry re- gious. A band of 277 head of beef cattle were driven from Northern Grant this week. Ye quill driver accompanied by John Hayes, paid a visit to the Fox mines Sunday. Tom Williams brought over "Gray Dick" from Johu Dy early tins week. and will put him iu trim for the fall races. Mat Halverson, book-keeper in The National linnk, of lleppuer, arnved in Loiib Oreek Snndav on business for Ihe bank, reluming to Heppner Mouday. Mrs W. B. McAlister, of Lexington, who speut the heattd senBon of last year at McDufKe hot springs, baa been at that famous resort for several months. Her health is much improved. Lime Swnk returned from Cinatilln oonntv Friday, tie wa8 unable to secure work of any cousiqneiice. w hich, however, is no more than the experience of oihers who have gone in searoh of labor this season. EAULKT8. THE LIFE OF BLAINE. To be Written by (iail Hamilton and Pnb lisbrd by the Heury Bill Pablisblea Coaipauy. As Norwich had the honor of publish ing to the world Mr. Blaine's great his torical work, "Twenty Years of Con gress," so Norwich is t" bave the hottoi of ulviug to the world the only author ized story of his life. President Haskill of Ihe Henry Bill Publishing company has just returned from Wash ington, where Le made arrangements with Gail Hamilton for the immediate preparation of the life of James G. Blaine. Gail Hamilton has for years been a member of the Blaine family. She hae known the inner and outer life of the man who stood foryears ss the foremost American statesman and political leader. She had his respfCt and con fidence; she was made bv him his literary executor, and to her care were confided his papers letters find all his historical and biographical remains. Hereelf a writer of remarkable powet and attractiveness, with a force and vividness of style wbioh are the envy of her literary colleagues and the attain ment of none, she undertakes a subject iu its own diameter facinating bejond any other American biography of the decades. From this combination of a gieat subject and a great writer a great book will result. Nothing else would be a reasonable proposition. It is proper matter for local pride that, as Mr. Blames own greatest inerari work oarried into tens of thousands of homes the imprint of a Norwich pub lisher, so this is only authorized nnd complete biography of him by bis own chosen literary executor will bear the imprint of the same Norwich publisher. Norwich Morning Bulletin, Norwich, Conn., Saturday, February 18, 1893. (iOT HALF A BILL ANYWAY. Judge Bradshaw and Prosecuting At lorney Wilson, not liking the law con stituting the first Monday in June aud September the opening of the sessions of the circuit oonrt at Heppner, on ac count of it interfering wilti their nan- hath devotions Bt The Dalles, mutually agreed that one or the other would en deavor to have the law change I to Tues day at the last session of the leuislalme. A few days after the session closed they met and both were struck with the thought at the same time. "D'd you introduce a bill to change?'' said the judge. "No, I forgot it; I suppose yon did, though," replied the attorney. "No, I forgot it myself." It now transpires that unwittingly and without their effort, thev are gain ers by half the hill, for Ihe last legisla nire changed labor day to be the Hist Monday in September, nnd being a legal holiday, the law specifies that the rial following shall be the one for the trans action of bnsiress. Consequently the Sniidev Dreeedintr the first Monday in September they may confidently be looked for in their accustomed pew, The Dalles Cnroniole. Mutton Shipments. Wednesday next. The McFarland Mercantile Co. will begiu to gather np mutton sheep to the extent of two traiu loads, prepara tory for shipment from Baker City to Chicago. They will be taken principally out of Grant conuty Later on a train load of 10 to 20 cars will be shipped from this point by the same parties. This move will go far toward starting a little leiml tender moving in onr midst. Tims. Qonid will accompany the first train load as prinoipal manaver. Srof.makkb Eil Birbeok, a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi ence, has just located in the Abraham- eic cuilding, on May street, where he is prepared to do evety thing in his line. Mi Birbeck is strictly a first-class woik- mnn uud warrants all work. Give him a oall Hwtf CUUKCH ANNOUNCEMENT. "How to Care All Skin Disease".' 8imply apply "Swayne's Ointment." No iuternal medioine required. Cures tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the face, hands, nose, &c, leaving the skill clear, white and healthly. lis great healing and onrative powers are possess ed by no other remedy. Ask jonr drng- giBt for SwBjne a Ointment. sw 1 yr. At M. E. church, South, next Sun day. there will be regular services at Un.m. and 8 o. ru. Morniug subject: "Home." Evening subj ot; "Dinger Signuls." This being the last Sunday of our conference year, we extend an especial invitation to all our friends and the good people of Heppner generally to utteud. While our stay among you baa been short it has served to awaken an attachment we feel loth to Sever, and should the Episcopal wheel in its annua! revolution uot cast us again in your fair little city, we take this opportuniiv of expressing our thanks for ihe much kindness aud many favors received. Edwin Palhkr, Pastor Nerve Tonic Blood Builder 50c per boXi 0 for S2.30, Perrt for defrn.mt nuuii.niLL Dr. V.'ILLIAKS1 MEDICIKE CO. Schenectady, N.Y. nj Biockvuic, Ont, EAGLE BRAND THE BEST ROOFING It is unequalled for House, Barn, Fao tory or Out Buildings and oosts half the price of shingles, tin or iron. It is ready for nee and easily applied by anyone. h Haw hie) jr Jk -T i Vt&v'WUs. (EH. Are you all rundown? Scott s Emul sion of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil an. ! f ) ypophosphites of Lime and Soda will build you up and pi flesh on you and give you a good appetite. Pcott's Emulsion curea Coughs, Colds, Cous'imption, Scrofu'.a and all Anaeink. and Wi.stin Ei3cascs. Prevents wasting in eli-Urcu. most os piilatabie us inlilt. ;etonly the scnuliie. l'reparod by Scott It Bowne, Chemists, New York. Sold by all Druggists. Eastern Oregon -STATE NORMAL bLHUUL, Weston, Dtnatil'a County, Oregon. TUITION FREE TO PiOIUlALi SIUUEH IS, ana mareiy in u i psrntory and business departments. Graduates reoeive State Diplomas au. thoiizing them to teach io anv of the public sohnols of the state without further examination. Board and lodging, $! 50 per week in lonng fames' nome; Donru alone, $2 2 '. Board and lodging iu private families, from $:! 53 to $i 00 per week Good opportunities are offered iu vooal and instrumental music. All the depart ments are thoroughly furnished with modern appliances. For further inform ition pply to M. O. Itoyal, Presideut of the F.ioulty, or P. A. Worthington, Seo'y ot the Board of Regents. 1 B w PENDLETON ACADEMY A Boarding and Day Sehool.s First-class advantages offerer for the study of the Ancient and Modern Languages; preparation fur Teaching in our Public Schools ; fitting tor college ; a Business Education, or the Study of Music Board and Lodsnrm- SB3.50 a week. The closest oversight giv n to all students placed in onr charge. Fall term begins Mondai, September 4, 1893. For further information pareuls will please address MBS. JOHN VERT, 147 155w Pendleton Oregon. a-tiiffiyS.lfSB5!5T?r-rm,, 11H..111111111 urn mi FOR INVENTIONS. NKW KKSI'AUIUNT. I have opened a Hist olass restaurant at the old Matlock Hnltou restaurant. 4;i-tf. Mrs. O. W. Swago-aut, WAN I HI). Salesmen, to sell mir choice and hardy nuisery slock. Many special variethe to offer both in fruits and oruameutals, and oo drolled only by us. We pa ci'ininissinu or salary, give exolnsive territory and pay weekly. Write us at once and secure choice of tenitory. May Bkutiihks, Nurserjmen, 142-tiO Rochester, N. Y. THE OPEN SWITCH. A ESTAHL1SUUO SAFEGUARD. Anvbodv who navels bv cars knows what bull. ling called ia meant by ' an open switch." It 19 the terror of railroad men, anil ihe dread ol the traveler. Its victims killed, horrib y man gled or maimed for life are numbered by the ifore each year. Yet even the dreaded "open switeh " Is not so widely fatal as is a certain disease, wliii h, without ceasing its activity for an insunt, is daiW tilling hundreds of graves. Wl.it is that terrible ailment? you ask. It is ar( Diieatel ' But," you reply, con. fideutly, "1 haven't any heait disease my mart is nil ru-lit Are vo l sure I Old -:- Shingle -:- Roofs rn expense, w ith niirk red mtmer paint on deesyid slilniiles. it tills the pores hiiU mIvis u sulistHii tiiil roof that lusts for years. Curled or wurped shtiiiilea, it brings to llieir places sml keeps them. 'I he genuine rubber paint requires no heating and no tnr ONT TIN OR IROV BOOFS It Is ne- kliowledir- ed the best paint, has heavy body. Is easily applied, expands by the contracts of cold, and never cracks. One coat equals fnur ol' any other Buildings covered with felt can be made water tiirht at Binutt expense. Write at once for particulars. aint and Roofing Co. 155 and 157 Dimno Street. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. The Stndehaker wagon heads them all. For sale at Qilliam k Bisbee's. a "Hardware" did yon sajf Why, yes at P. 0. Thompson Si Co.'s stand, and the place for bitraains. a It you waut to buy groceries, and bread stuff cheap, go to the Enterprise Uruceiy, Kirk & Buhl, proprietors, a Borg, the jeveler, is the a. an to fix up your waich or clock. Ue keeps a full stock of everything pertaining to his business' a M. Lichtenthal & Co.'s new stook of splendid, summer button unit tie special ties iu the slioe line are attracting in irk ed attention. a Thompson A Binusown the buss which goes to and from tke Palace hotel, but will call for parties desiring togo to train iu any part of the city. Leave orders at City hotel. a Oillium & Bisbee are still doing bnsi ness at tlie old stand, reports to Ihe Oi'titrary notwithstanding. Tney invite iu suectiouoi their man moth stock of bard- ware, wagons, impliments, eio. a Qive the matter a li'tle thought. Reference ia made to the ueat bard ware, tinware, plumbing, etc, atook o Billy Potter, Odd Fellows' hall. He de sires to please iu both quality and price. a Minor 4 Co., the new firm, have not lost Buy of their popularity by the nhanne. They continue to do business in the old way -the greatest amount quality considered, for the least money a Tlie general merchandise establish ment formerly owned by Ootlin 3t Mc par land, has lately changed hands, ilia under the O'introl and mat of The McFarland Mercantile ' whioh continues business at til '- l..n rbnn erasV Dr. Franklin Mils, of Elkhart. Ind.. the AGENTS WANTED on salary and com distinguished specialist in diseases ot the mission for THE ONLY AUTHORIZED heart and nervous system, states that disor. , . i ,. ,., , ders of the heart are as common as those of KIAfF'tlllmlV AT IdP I I! I ill II a the lungs, liver, atom ,cl, bowels or kidneys, f)lUl(lyll UlfJllj. U, 01(11111!', thou,'lt iilten unsuspected. 1 he reason peo- D n ., l , . ,. , pie are not aware of tnis importaut fact is B? UA1L UAMILION, his literary ejeo because symptoms of heirt disease are not ntor, with the co-operation of his family, usually rc-o-iiized as proceeding from this and for Mr. Blaine's Ci mplete worke or-an, 1 ,t a.e ai.ribut.d to some oilier "XWENTY YEARS OF CONGRESS " source, n y u have suortness of breath.1 . , . , . , , ",'."' fluitcring or u dpitatinn. pain or tenderness ""a "is later book, "POLI IICAL DIS- i in left breast, shoulder or side, oppressed or CUSSIONS." One prospectus for these 1 choking sensit. on, fainting or smothering 3 best Belling books in the matket, A 'ln&ith heart tliseas. ' f' P - foryears. My left pnL-e was very weak, could 'fom hrst 110 oalls; agent'a profit 8196.- at times scarcely feel it, excitement would 50. Mrs BailHid, of Ohio, took 15orders weaken my nerves and heart, and fear ff 13 Seal Russia in one day: profit 826 25 impending death stared me in the face for a K p;. . ,c. . . . , . hours. Dr. Af,es' Nervine and New Heart N liie'' "' M"" ,ook 2' "" ' 2 j Cure are theonlv medicines Mint have proved ''; profiler 25. 3. Partridge, of Mo., of any benefit aud cured me." L..VI. DYER, took 43 orders fr on 33 calls; profit $75 - Cloverdale Md ' 25. E A. Palmer, of N. Dak, took 53 "Mv wfe Ins been taking Pr.Mi nf Xeti , . . , . ' ! tore (or thtlltart. She thinks it wonderful. "-' 8 day.; pn.flt $98.25. Exclu- She has not been troubled with pain or ,,ve territory given. If you wish to mothering spells since using it. We have make large money, write immediately also used Dr HilcJ Pills, and we find them r terms to ai i inev are cimmea to oe. uu j. urisib., Poiladelpliia, Pa. These and linndredj of similar testimo nials are convincing proofs of the wonderful po 'ers nf Or. Mile Nne Cure f.r ihe ir(. Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government is that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Toe much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not entirely, upoi the care and skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tained couuse) expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as to the best course to tmrsue. Models nre oolrlnm n.rv. Tf New York, N. Y. ! others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by , ., ubb... vu u, iu, a icuauic wriiNiup uciore acting ou mc matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, D.C. t. o. bo 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. THE HENRY BILL P0B. CO , 151-7 sw Norwich, Conn. It is tfvitf,atiretahle, and shove all. SAFE. Bold by druggists on a positive guarantee, oi vr. Allies weuicui u, tiwtiart, ind. For sale by T W. Aers jr., To Consumptivea. The nnnVnlenerl hsvlnir been restnreil to health hy simple means, sttcr iirtrln for lev ernl vonr with a severe Inne alTeetlon. anil thit itresil itl.ea.e Pnmnmiittnn, Is amlous to ninke known to his fellow nltorer the means nf enre To thive who it.slre It. he will cheerfully send (free of ohsreei a oony of the prescription nseit, whleh thev will flnil a sure eore for Coiisninn tloo. Asthma, rntsrrh. Rronehl'ls anil all thrnnt ' '"'ik malartiea He hopes nil sufferers will J as It Is InvaluaMe Thoserleslr 'hleh wMi thpm noth will please til- Wilson, Citation. TS THE COUNTY COL'RT OF THE STATF A of Oregon, For the Countv ot Morrow In trie matter nt the estate of James M BrcedtnV deceased, l italion: To David Hardy, and life unknown heirs of J., Breeding, deceased Greeting: In the name ol tne Mate of l ire ' ou are hereby cited and required to appeJr in the t oun y Court ol the Mate ol OreiiSo for the I Oil Illy of Morrow n.., i". ol. at Heppner. in ihe fount u Mo no v on Monday the 6th day of November lv" at lo o clock tii theloreiioon of that day. then and there .how came il any exis-s whv an order of T II ! "k . k. w!"m le ,u ,eU i5v.04r5W2 Itness. tire Hon. J iiltui Ketthlv Judge of the Conn y conn ol the state of .iri gon, for the iS,y'"?'Vl-Mrr- tl"!"e1 '"Id court Attest- A"g' A' 1"'Ja- a, 1- W. Mosow, Clerk. M I III I VI I 3 Cut thle out and send it with your Inquiry.-- Plenty of them at the Gaz.tte Office. . . . . OREGON ST AT K FAIR. Under the management of the State Board of Agriciilture, on the state Fair (irouuils near Salem, commencing .-eptember lllli, W)i. and contliiiiingo.ie week. MOKE THAN Jl.i.OOfl IX CASH Will be paid as premiums for stock, poultry, swine. Agricultural products, fruits, native woods, minerals, w oiks of art unci lancy work, and for trials of i.,ceil. KEDt'CF.Il KATES (IF FARE 'AND FREIGHTS UN ALL TUAXSIMKTA'HOn LINES TAVILIOS open four evenings during the week, wlih good music in attendace. THE NEW (lltAN'li HTAND and the new regu lation track are conceded to be among tne lllnat comfortable and tne best on the I'acillc coast Th8r,''NDI.D u,n,NTI'v-''''' "Poed each day. There Is entered for these contests tlie bekt liel'd of horses this year thui has been oil the grounds for many seasons. Valuable and handsome Improvements have been made on the grounds ami building. 1'EMILM List' M"flb!'tonrsreVi,Cd "d 1,"I'rnvcd t0 benefit of Entries for premiums close at :) p, m. the first FKK'ES OK ADMISSION. Jlen s Season Tickets . W omen's easoll Tickets Men's liar Tickets omen's Dav Tii kcls Kace T rack 'I ickcis, Imily :,': Woii.cii to ihe l:iiceV'nurse. Fr..e'" Rend t .1 J. "re." "I,dsr ''"" Free for all Send to the secretary at I'orUund for a premi .J:..APrERS0N. President. I'.'.sn lull . .01 um lut. Notice to tax Payers.' jVOTICEIS HEREBY (JIVEV THAT THE I ' Board of Equalization for Morrow county, Oregon, will meet In the county clerk's ott.ee In Heppner. on August ath 1S1U, for tin purpose of equalizing the assessment of the present year, ami will continue in session one week, or until the ork of the board ia completed All parties di-satlHed Kith their assessments arc requested to appear before the board aim inuke their grievances known. It L. Shaw, Assessor. Heppner, Or., Aug. 1, ikw, 1MMM Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, I AiiKiist 15, IH'.fl. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice ol her intention to ninke liual proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made be fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk at lieupi'tr' Or,, ou Monday. October WW, viz.: tII KD1TH LL'ELI.ING ,,. of Hardman H E No, 4"7 for the Wtf SWJi !i NW'i4 of Sec. 15,Tp.6S, K. J5 E. W. M, She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation 01 said land. viz. : l. 11. Miller. Walter Bennett, C. H. Baa James Hams, all of tlarduiau Oregon. '''I''' John W. Lbwis, Reghiter;,. Notice of Intention. f AND OFFICE AT THE DALLE9, ORE00''. V , A"K- !5. '"'J'i- Noiice is hereby given " he following uanied settler has tiled notice os his Intention to make llual proof In siipl""'' li.s claim, and that said proot will be made of loreJ. W. Morron, County Clerk at Hcpp""' Oregon, on Sep. a, imh, viz. : ,, , JOHN 0. BltoWN u j of Lexington, H. E No. 4:iii!i lor the " sec. , l p. s., K. 2i. K. W. M. hU lie names Ihe following witnesses to prove ii continuous residence upon and cultlvaiw" " aid land, viz..: ., V. o. Borg, Heppner, Oregon, J. T. C. C. Boon, fom Baruett all ot Uxlufftou ti.'r.i ,Ti"v w. T vc p.-'!rt.