Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 15, 1893, Image 4

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Oie Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars,
In valuable Presents to be Clven Away In Return for
6.775 r.WWOT iW,,
Jli.4tl.IV 1.." A'l l-U 11U"I
23,100 IMPOItTKl) (IKItMAN
1 it ItS. ...................... ... i.'irtu i'nr (1I,U fnr frKinln.
1 1 5,500 I.AIUJK PH 1 IIHKM lilxis irKMK S)
uo advertising on them ...
Thf above articles will br, !ltrlbuteil, fiy ronniioe, among I""" v"" " -HEA1)
riim Tobacco, and return lo u tho l I.N TAUN taken tux-ri-fioin.
Mr H,,,. n,,,,.. .j,ii.,f i ,,rl,- In IliiH connlj- ill followa:
: TIIH I'AHTY sending in the greati-al milliner oi wxnu
TAOS from IhU cuniily wo will give
,o tin- KIVF, PAHTIHS m-n.lliiK "i tho next greatest number 'if
HPHAK HEAD TAOS, wu will give totucli, 1 Ol'l'.ItA ULAMS.
I'o thf TWENTY I'MITIIH sending in the next greatest number
or H l ' . it ui..u irtiin, wo win kiw io tuiu ww.....
To the (INK IHINIlUKD PAHTIKM sending us tho next greatest
, ,.r or KPEAIt II HAD TAIIM, wn will give lo each I
To the ONE III'NHIIKI) PAUTIKH sending us tho ni'Xt greatest
,,,,,,, 1 r ,,r Hl'KUl HEAD TAliS, will glvu lo cuch 1
Tolnl Number of Prizes
CAI'TION.-No Tims will ho received before January lsl, mil, nor hmit i-eortuiry ist,
, Tiicn will ho n'ci-lv.'il Iwforo Jiinunry lsl, IW.U, nor iiftr-r
ls:ll. Ki.'-h mi-lu:;e containing niesimiHi ne
oiuilv. SUiU-, anil MimlHT oi iutfs iu fiicn
ISUIU. UIU1 ,iiuu'i ot " in,
''"'"'llKAn.-SriAU IIKAK 1'oraiwcs morn
, Inc-O. II S III,' ,lVI I 1I'H, lilt'
v irlnl will i-onvlni'p Mil' niosl Blioiitlcnl of ( M
ill il. unil Nlvli' o" nli, wliU li proven tloil II
, 'l'rv 1I-, in nrllclliiiii' In I tic .'onloHl
lo ivni Hli'co of Hl'KAK II HAD v.m liny.
,Vi.-..ii,.i v ,,liilv,-lv ii'nd llnll.irllv.-ly illlliireni In lluvor from nny oiIht iiIur totmrro.
A Hit of Ihn ivopl,' oliliilnlnK Iho.w nrlies lu this eounty will lio publishud: In this
Ijupcr InimeitluU'ly nfmr Kcliniury 1st, l.'l.
..if) Orlprln of Atnlirr, Cryitiil unit I'enrU
l-Aplii.iir I l,y mi l;p-Tt.
"AiiiIht Is ciu iinin stnlT," sulii n col
lector of curios In u Washington Star
reporlcr tlio ollii'r Uay. "It iu only uotn
piiriitlvnly n-ci ntly that Its iiaturo has
boon known, ami ovon at this day very
few inoplo scntn (n liuvo any notion aa
to what It Is Ini 'iility. Tlio unclunta
anli'il it us alto;i'i.lit-i' niystoriuus auil
jvon ninirii-al. They foiiml that it was
.emU'iinl I'li'i'trii-ul by IrkMlon so as to
attract li;;lit MibstancoH, ami our word
'ok'Ot.ru'lly' conies fnitn tlio tlrocU natno
.oV anilior, which was 'electron.' A fa
vorito ini.zlo with llicni was how tho
tnscots so fi-cqncnlly found In anibor
limo to bo so situated. Not us a mod -
. orn poet has phrased It:
that llic thlni: v. us clihcr rich or rare,
Hut liow tin) ilevll ilul II. net llii'l-o
"I liuvo inysolf scon a chunk of very
transparent anibor in which a small liz
ard with II vo ii'irs was enciised, looking
as if it iniirht. havo been alivo yesterday,
thouj;h, ilouhtless. it hiul been dead for
thousands of years. Tho mystery ro
(rariline; this sort, of phenomenon is easi
ly nuou;fh explained when It Is under
stood that umber is actually the fossil
Ifutn oi an exlluct kind of cone-bearini
tree. In the processor li:mlonin,'r it im
prlHoned tho Hies and oilier creatures
preserved in the chunks o( It that are
found to-day. 11 is discovered plonti
fully by dhrintf In certain paitsofthe
great plains of .North Gormany, whero
Uio straipro tree once nourished. It is
also found iu considerable quantities
long tlio shores of Iho llallic, In the
yellow kamlstonc. At l'lilmlckon. In
I'ast Prussia, It isdusf In re;(uhir niincsi
uUowhero it is picked from elilTs, and a
tfood deal of It Is pather,', in the shap
of nodules cast up by .lie wave-.. T'lio
llnest specimen td uni'ier in lui'opo Is a
oup niatlo of that material, now at the
llrltfhton Museum, Iherluiul. It was
found at. Hove some years ajvo. loiher
with weapons and utensils of siono and
biiinzo, so it Is evidently i ry ancient
Indeed. In the fourtoonlh century, and
before iiinher was made into knives and
forks with one prou;r, which wero used
by princes and church dignitaries, it
was more valuable than pild then. Now
It is worth from iJ lo ifcO a pound, ac
cordltljr to lis quality. Tho most Im
portant use tnadoof it is for tnoorschautu
and other pipes. Meerschaum, by Ihn
way, Is a material due; out of tho earth
In Turkey; it oomes in boxes holding
fifty pounds, and valued at from to
WOO. Tho dust and chips obtained from
it in tlio process of mauufacturo an)
worked Into pipes, this -natcrlal being
wiled 'Imitation mceis, liauni." Amber
.lust is molted, and (ho product is w hat
is sold as 'aniheriiio.' "
"What a very beautiful spboro of
.irysuil this is!" said the newspaper man,
caking In his band a cool gUtbe that
looked like a huj;o dewdrop, which tho
.'ollector handed hlui for examination.
"Yes, that is a pretty specimen. 1
iipposo Ju ce aware of the theory en
tertained by the ancients regarding
inch rock crystal. They thought It was
actually ice frozen to great density by
luratlon of time, congealed beyond
liquidation. 'Krystullos' in Greek
means 'ice.' Tlio (anions writer on nat
aral philosophy, Pliny, who wroto mor
facta that were not true than ever any
ian collected together before or since,
.ays the crystal Is undoubtedly water
.rojeti by cold so Intense that nothing
.-an melt it again. Koman ladies of
that time were accustomed to carry
iluch spheres as this one in their hands
during hoi weather for coolness. It
ass (he thing also to have the material
worked into wine jugs and other vessels.
Nero had two drinking cups of crystal
worth .I,IKH each, and a crystal l.ullo
lso; but w hen he learned ihat lie had
lost bis kingdom he broke theui, lest
ibey fall lino the hands ot any one else
A crystal lens was employed in Home to
mndlo the sacred vestal tiro. Groat
.-are was taken not to put the crystal
ware lua warm place for fear that It
would melt. The uios: r arkablo dlj
rovery of crystal on reec was mado In
ISO above the Ticfeii gl...' r by a party
of tourists, a sin,;!o cave in iliogranlta
JU'iUui-' l.i'OO crystals of f.-om 6i) to 100
pounds wet ;lit."
"And what is this'.'"
"That." replied the collector, "l a
dimliiutue t hinese god covered with a
coal of ovarl bv a real pearl ovster. On
XS$V: ,5 00
21,100 00
l.i r.i.r.v v,... -
118,875 00
$173,250 00
. ...I... l...tit WIP 1 R
..loo tooth pick
fur ilil l oonly, 220.
uiuriieu piaino i--.,-"- .......... ""."
.... r o--
riunlltli'H of Inlrlnslo vi.1i.r-Jlifln nnyi thijr
lOUKIll-Nl, 1 I r. ...
In fui'l. II la tho InrRMl hi'IIitoi nny similar
Iiiih riiucllL tho ii u I n f "'" ' l'l'l'
for orto. H,-n flint 8 TIN T Is on . vory
Hi'iiJ In lie tuKii, uo miiitor liuw small tlio
f any similar
1'. J. SOKO COMPANY, Middle-town, Ohio.
such parts ot tlio coast oi uie riowery
Kingdom as produce pearl oysters a
regular business is often made of manu
facturing pearls artificially by intro
ducing into tho shells of tho live oysters
foreign objects of various kinds. You
doubtless know that tho pearl is a mor
bid symptom in tlio bivalve. A grain of
sand or some such substance getting
into tho oyster produces irritation and
the nniiuai protects itself by covering
'.he objectionable particle with coating
after coating of lis own pearly secre
tion. The Interruption of light by the
successive coats of which the pearl is
formed in this way gives it its bcautifu'
luster. Taking advantage of this habit
if the pearl oyster tho Ingenious China
nan pries it gently open and puts in
.vhatcver he likes, may boa liitle llgurc
if a god like this The oyster roc?
'm work and covers it willi pearl, until
iftera tow months the idol is a pearl
Letters Tlmt Nvtr Wtmt.
Seine time ago the man who tires a cer
tain newspaper dipping bureau a circulars
through the mail saw a notice of a newly
Issued eheupediiinu of Dr. Johnson's "Uass-
elas," am! he immediately wroto to "Samuel
Johnson, I.L 1)., eareof & Co., publish
ers," inclosing circulars, and stating that
the bureau would be pleased to furnish him
with criticisms on his "recent popular
work." That was only equaled by the man
who saw two pictures, the property of W.
II. V'anilcrbit , at a loan exhibition, and who
was so much pleased with them that he de
termined to have some painted by the art
ists to whom they were credited on tlio cat
alogue, mid so wroto to thorn, addressing
his letters, one to P. P. Hubcns, Esq., the
other to V. 11. Itembrandt, Esq., anil sent
ihciu in care of W. It. V underbill, with in
irueUeiis to " please forward,"
Uoi-m-s tVi-re Intro, liu-i-il In Aim-rim by
Ihr S,:inliii-ils and Sotiit- t:seapt-d.
The Indian h,-rses of the mouutuin
and plains tribes were originally oi that
wild slock once found in vast herds all
over the iiitracont incut region, and
which had their beginning from those
thai strayed l'rnni the Spaniards in old
Mexico, as there were no auiinals of
that character on the continent until
the Spanish conquest, if we except nil
extinct species found only as a fossil ou
tin- plains of Itiinsas. These were geo
logical specimens long before the ad
vent of the Indian, tnnl of such a re
mote age as to bewilder the mind in its
Kveu until the middle of the
eighteenth century the Indians of the
country ea -t of the Mississippi used to
lung!) at tilt bile man. w ho could not
walk but must ride a horse. The In
dian thought nothing of keeping up a
"dog trot" all day, making his lifty and
sixty miles during that time.
The w ild horses of the Ainericnn con-
i,-,-,,t ,i, isinuied from the border ol
old Mexico us far north us l. ano tun
nipeg, .-ays a writer in the Kansas
City Star. Twenty-throe years age
there were a (Treat ninny wandering
over tin- broad, grassy bottoms of the
Cimarron, in southwestern Uansas; per
haps they ere not all extinct yet All
the wild horses that 1 have ever seen
were of a small stature--pony built in
every instance -but possessing a vvou
derful amount of endurance; a tough,
hardy uuiiiial, will tilted to perform the
peculiar duties the Indiana demanded
of him. The savages are very hard ou
their animals, ami unless their horses
were constituted to "live on cactus and
drink the preen slime of the bulTuk'
wallow s" they would have become ex
tinct probably long ago. When caught
young they aro easily broken, but il
taken at an advanced age they aro per
fectly incorrigible.
1 remember one that used to do dntj
on the old stage line between l-'Us
worth and Sterling, about scventeer
years ago. He was the mast vieioie
brute it has ever been my fortune ti
see. Whenever it became necessary to
shoe him he had to be knocked down
with an ax, and before he recovered hit
senses tied, and only in that conditio!
would tho blacksmith dare approaer
hini. His endurance was eomcthlnc.
marvelous; his driver, tho only man that
oould do anything with him at all, trice
for years to near hiin out, but with
out success, und he succumbed at last
only to old age. 1 have ridden Ih-Iuiic
him many a time, but iu momentary
expectation of having mv brain,
kicio-ci out or aasiu'U to pieee wnm
vor ha started down liili. Ilia bonci
lie bleaeliin; mmcwlnre on the dividl
between the Sinoky liiil and the At
Humrluul luctdenta mat how That wi
tan nattered.
During the early excesses of the
French revolution, a rabble of men o.Dd
women were rioting in the streets of
Paris. Lafayette nppearetl and ordered
a young artillery oluoer to open fire up
on them with two cannon, ''he officer
begged the general to let him try first
to persuade them to withdraw.
"It is useless to appeal to their rea
son," said the general.
"Certainly," answered tho officer,
"and it is not to their reason, but to
their vanity I would appeal."
The officer rode up to the front of the
mob, doffed his cocked hat, pointed to
the guns and said:
"Gentlemen will have tho kindness
to retire, for I am ordered to shoot
down the rabble."
The street was cleared at once; for
none could brook the idea of being
classed with the scum of the city.
During the agrarian riots which dis
turbed England in 18:i:i, a mob of rick
burners and machine breakers appeared
at the old mansion of twe elderly
The walls of the hall were decorated
with suits of armor and antique
weapons pikes, halberds, swords and
battle axes. The mob clamored for the
weapons and for drink. Tho ladies re
fused their demands, and when the
mob seemed ready to refiort to violence,
Miss Hetty, the elder of the ladies, went
up to the leader, a hideous-looking man,
and said:
"You, too, of all the people In the
worldl I'm not surprised at these poor
misguided creatures. " Hut that such a
good-looking, intelligent man as you
should attack two defenseless women
does astonish me. You are the man I
should have looked to for protection
Hut you are not the man I took you for.
Never again will I trust to good looks."
There was no standing up against
that compliment. The man took off
his hat and said:
"Come, old lady, we ain't so bad as
all that; only give us sonic beer. We
would not harm a hair of your head."
"No; I know that," retorted Miss
Hetty. "You can't; I wear a wig."
The mob roared witli laughter and
retired without another word.
Her Afft) Is Culruliitt-d by Gcologlata te
lio Very, Very Croat,
The amount of lime salts in water
which drains from districts made up of
granites and basalts is found by com
parison of inherent analyses to be on
an average ot about ;i. parts in iuu,-
000 parts of water. It. is further as
sumed by those who take this mode of
reckoning the age of the world, says
the St. Louis Hcpiiblic, that tho excess
areas of igneous rocks, taken on an av
erage throughout all geological time,
will bear to the exposures of sedi
mentary rocks a ratio of one to nine.
I-'roin these and other more compli
cated data, it has been inferred that
the elimination of the calcareous mat
ter now found in all the sedimentary
strata must have been going on through
a period of 000,000.000 years! This,
therefore, represents the minimum age
of the world. Geologists also conclude
that the formation of the Laurentian,
Cumbrian and Silurian strata occupied
a period of about '00,000,000 yours; the
red sandstone, the carboniferous and
the poecililic systems another 200,000,-
000 years, the remaining 200,000,000
years being taken with the formation
of all other strains. Thus we are led
to believe that geological titno has
been enormously in cxi ess of the limits
urged by certain well-known physicists,
and that it has been ample to allow for
all the changes t hu h, on the hypothe
sis of evolution, have occurred iu the
organic world.
Hotv an IiiiTi'tilniis rroli-si,r Made a Oae
Iluiiilrt-,1 I), -liar l-Yo.
Th-fore the fish commissioners de
cided to stock the streams of the state
with that milt li-i!e..pisetl but powerful
llsh, the l.tT:n:-.:i . ;-,-p, ; oey were great
ly concerned as to v. lii-tUcr the species
would lice iu vr;.:i:i v. aters, says the
San l'ran- iseo Kxat-.iiner.
They debate 1 t'.-.e i.i-.i - .tion through
several meeting:-., grew red in the face
over it, and, ti save heat und a possi
ble disruption of tlu- board, determined
to submit the question to Prof. Uoch
stadtcr, the eminent pisciculturist, for
i decision.
Numerous samples cf the water wore
obtained ai-.d ti;r:-.i 1 over to the profes
, sor, who i:i a very l-.-icf space submitted
a report a;-.,! a bill f r one hundred dol
lars. The lull was y i l and the devas
tating carp turned I se to disorder tho
It was not until lac other day, how
ever, when Judge llenshaw and Prof.
Ilo -li.stadter were i
illations over f.ski::
crossing on the l'i,
alvmt the great s ii
with that water ea
so much over tc'iin
training their iiuag-exp-.-i'icnees
ir.i -r.t, that the truth
-n'.ist's e-ip.-riiiients
ae out. lie chuckled
g about his bill for
one hundred do.lc.rs that llenshaw
"lint how did you ascertain that carp
would live in the water submitted to
"Why, I bought a carp for ten cent
aud put it into the water. It lived."
I. treat Vi-rlilat;o.
An oln deed recorded in Pettis county
over lifty years ago, says the Chicago
Herald, contains a good illustration of
the legal verbiage comm -n in su h in
struments in early times. l:i addition
to forty acres of land sold for a consid
eration of lifty dollars, the document
conveys "all and singular appurten
ances, appendages, advowsons, benefits,
commons, curtilages, cowhouses, corn
cribs, 'airies, dovecots, casements,
etnoi-,.. s, freeholds, features, furni
ture, fix, gardens, homestalls, im
protenien. immunities, limekilns,
meadows, i ' -s, mines minerals,
orchards, par. asure grounds, pig
eon houses, pig -uan-ies, remain
ders, reversions, , rights, ways,
water courses, wiiu., , together with
every other ntve-.-cr'- ' t. i r-u-.nty,
privilege nml adv.-.nt.-. v. hat-.n-vi-r
name, nature or doser-io ''
Foot-PrlntuM tbt Ftttb to Hfulth.
Everyone nrdinff a doctor's Rilvice
ahnuM read on nf pp. Fonti-'n dim"
lmrhlitii on "Old Evw." "Cmnp,"
.'Knptnre," Thin)o,." 'Vriortvlp."
Pi8hh of niHn, l)'r-B(i of Women, und
lpnrti th Wnt nicHUH of hp) -cnre M
NiHViib. Co., 129 East 2Sth Su Sw
They increaee appetite, purify the whole
trewa awl act ou the Over. Uik- EUMusSatotf.
How tha Remarkable Beasts Of
Carrousels Are Produoed.
A York Factory Which Turns Oat
tenairrr.M by the Dozen, and BraU
lsa ILtuJaotne Profits from Chris
tians and ytlhms.
Lions, unicorns, tigers, hlppoTriffs. cam
els, dragons, elephants and elks, as well as
horses Bnd jackasses, aro mado right here
In New York, in a f.ictory over on the east
side, evcrv working day of tho year.
They aro, savs the Evrning Sun, of the
nr.-ited. rnmnant. startling, uuique and
often Drenostorous kind3 seen in tho "car
rousels" at Coney Island, in tho Central
Park, and manv other places. When the
carrousel was first Invented, iu Italy, iu
tho t nth eenturv: when it was popularized
in Franco a few hundred years lutcr, and
in fact, until recent tmies.pooplowero satis
fied with wooden horses, or jackasses, to
ride on their merry -go rounds. Hut mod
ern genius, particularly tho American
kind of it, has utilized most of tho animal
forms found iu tho men igerio and tho tan
cios of heraldry, to givo a grntesqno plctur
esqueness to tlu carrousel. In form, th
wooden animals generally approximate si
closely to their original models that one
hits no ri.monltv in lifoirniziug thorn. The
elephant's trunk provents h.s being looked
uuon us a lion; the camel s two iiunips ren
der it perfectly easy to distinguish him from
tho jackass, and anybody win) will tako tin
trouble to observe the nutlers upon tin
doer will not make the uiistako of con
founding him wiih the horse. Hut there is f
point in their production when difference-
are far from plum. 1 uat is wncn uiey an
built up f Jr the carvers. Each animal ir
made up of a series of pieces of two-inch
mniar or uasswoud plank, lirnilv (rlnnd lo
lo.v.iy for tk-vi io
yet keep tlio i
At this suigu ill
.e ibis :
nn tin
am! h-.han-'li
avy har.swoo t planks aro glue
.i.ie.i of tin- 1-iiiii-up pile. I.crs, ear
ail t are sliced out in apparr-uli.
hunks or Wi lli, and aro aiuit-iio
to ill - bi'.!i:-ci bodies, culier before or aflo
carving, according i-i cn'cuiiistaiices.
The c.i-'.-cr-i aw r.kilifui vorkincn, deft, ii
wielding mallet, chisel ami gouge, ami initio
i heir rapid manipulation llio clumsy pile ol
.itiglen is s;ieeiiiiy rounded and shaped llu
it is not. every carver who can do tills work.
In fact, those who can are very scarce. One
must havo a natural talent for it, something
of tho sculptor's genius, to develop by Ins
Iteen tools the ii:;ui'0 or an animal lroui the
diiinsy mass of .io.l laid before him, anil
to give iis features expression. Expression!
That is whore they just turn themselves
loose. Their employer does not interfere
with their giving free rein to their fancy.
uid such excited, startled and enraged ex
pressions as they put upon theso beasts are
oflen both nmaii:g anil amusing. Tho boss
is proud of their achievements in this line,
lie says: "There is a drowsy, conservative
tone about the llnglish animals, whilo ours
are sharp, auiiuaicd, vigorous, vivacious."
Oh, yes, they urc ; very vivacious, indeed !
ilud even if vou havo somo doubts whether
the lion is roaring with laughter or with
rage, you at leas' have the delight of know
ing that he is duing something, aud doing it
very earnestly, too, with no ' drowsy, cou-
iorvuuve touo" about him.
From tho hands of tho carvers the ani
mals go to the paint shop, where they first
receive a heavy coat of brown body color,
and they are tinted up with as freo and un
frammeled fancy ns animated tho genius
ihat gave them tlioir vivaeiou:-. expressions.
Tho results may well rattlo tho mind of a
child that has preaouceived the idea based
upon observations iu the menageries, but
perhaps na.uio would have made tho world
much goyer and more gorgeous if sho had
.mil the chance to tako some points from
theno carrousel animals. Strict fidelity to
nature may obtain in the blue, or even the
green, unicorn, for aught that anybody
knows to the contrary, and possibly the
hippogriff is born wi.h nil that gilding on
mm ; but. what shall be said of tho carmine
lion or the rose-pink elephant! Finally the
animals that should havo hairy tails are
provided with thornportions of real ones
cut from cattle -and then they aro all
boxed up for sliipmont along with the awn
ing and hand organ, and the sectional plat
form, and the central pile from which the
whole inuehuio is to depend, and the cog
wheels that aro to make it go around, aud
the guys and braces that are to prevent it
from falling down, and the boxing to hide
the perspiring man who turns tho crunk,
and the lii.lo swords to jab at rings with,
anil the iron rings lo be jabbed at, with the
brass one that gives a freo ndo next time
to tho boy lucky enough to seizo it.
Carrousels aro only mado to order, and it
takes two or three months to get one up,
according to its size. A little ono, supplied
only with eight horses and two chariots, can
bo got complete for from JoOO to IJoO, ac
cording to finish. From that the scaln for
choice goes up to the mammoth concern
forty foot in diameter, with eighteen arms,
carrying tliirly-livo horses, two camels, twe
elephants, two doer, two nous, two jack
asses and threo double-seat dragon char
iots, which may cost as much as (J, 500, in
dependent of the steam-engine to drive it
and tho music machinery. Tho organs
range in price from 100 to $3,200, and the
extra cylinders accompanying them from
(Mo to 120 each.
Some years this establishment turns out
loriy or nny carrousels. Ana thoy are
cut all over tho world. Ono has been sent
from here to Melbourne, Australia; anothei
is just being shipped to Port-au-Prince, aud
an extraordinarily vivacious sot of animals
.ire now being created to go to Kingston
lamaica. Single figures are frequently
uppiit-ii, to take the place of broken onos,
or to stimulate, by novelty, tho flagging ia-
tcrest i
I hey range in price from
r.!iol is most expensive,
Uld the .k-u. ;:' '
-,, n.-yf.
Desrrvlm Praise.
We ilesiie to ssy to our oitiiens, that
for years we have been aellino l)r Ki' V
new ilisoofery for consumption, Dr .!
j Kind's new life pills, Buekleu's arnica j
salve and electric outers, and nave ne-
er hand led remedies that sell as well, or !
that have given such universal satisf ,e- !
lion. We do not heeitate to guarantee
them every time, and we stand ready to 1
refund the" piirchsae price, if satisfactory
irpiiii. tin on. ioiiow inrir tier. tur.r
remediee have won their great populari
ty ptirelv on their merits. Slocum
Johnsou Drug Co.
At Abrnlismsieli'e. In addition to his
iHiliinnn bUHinefi. be nan Added a fine
line of uiiderweur of ftll kinds, negligee
Bbirt. hosiery, etc. Also has on band
km elegant patterns for suits. A
Abrahaiusick, May street, Heppner, Or.
Thompson A Biunsown tbebnss which
goes to and from tke Palsoe botel. bnt
i will call for parties desiring to go to train
j in any part of tha city. Leave orders
! at City botel. a
Guarantml to cure n-Hom Attack aod
ftso'i TtsmdT for Catarrh la Um
Br.1, Kulot u rw, and Chespeit.
loU by Dratrm er wet by nan.
Be. X. T. swinae, Waia, fa.
,-liiit,:iiS' r.n I i"'.i-'iii,T
ment ,.f d-'sir- d ."-ri:i
si.li- c-f lis- b'-ly li" lo'V.
came: tool: i i-.oiiioimiig .i:
r1.:.:. 1 -3---.b.
,- -,J---t
.. . .i rz z.j i
W. D. Edward. llmyr. -. r""L'
1 bv bm a :re nurivrei' freM
Ctlveneca and IlrU Headache, IU
bat trlaxt aaaay anolicliie, bat j
Tuft's Pills
la the only one tkat rve me ''
find that on pill be,'"J"1,
tbree of any other Uln l, and doea not
weaken or gripe."
eoated. DosasmalL rrlee, K5 centa.
Office, 110 to IU Washington M., X. I,
Indite iMo Blllow-iieM. Headache. Cntt
pit ion, Dyspcpftla, Chronic Utcf Tranblct,
IH ix I , Bad Complexion, Priitery.
Offensive Breath, and all disorder! of the J
Stomach, LIrer and Bowels.
Rlpans Tabnlea contain nnthlnpr lnjwrtmw to !
the uioHt delicate count Jtutlou. rie-inauttoULko,
safe, effectual. Gire immediate rellff.
Sold by druorfriKtH. A trial bottle seat t7 mail
on receipt ot 16 cents. Addreu
Kansas City, St. Paul,
St. IvOllls,
I eaves Heppner, 10 a. m.
7:10 p. m.
A rrives
I'tilliiimi Sleenera,
Colon I t Mit epera,
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
SU amors
I'or'liiDd to Huh Francisco
every four days.
Knr rnteB and general iiiforoiRtion call on
Depot Ticket Ajrent,
Heppner. ()rt!Ktni.
. Hl'KLtt V KT. AttNt ueni. I'afg.
Washington St..
. Portland. Orkhon.
Guaranteed to euro lMlioun attacks.
Sick llcatlaoho and Coastipatien. 40 iu
each -ottlo. Price "5c. For it!o by
Picture "7. 17, 70" ami sample tVsc- f-
J. r. SMITH & CO., Proprietors, MW ,
Uiiivcrsily of Orceon.
Monday, Seutember 8th.
pcrons year in its history. Wide
range of studies Thorough in
itrnction. Bnsines oonrse ndded. Tn
t on free. Entrance fee, $10. Boid
ind lodging at reasonable rates in the
IpiiHiit nrw iloirui'ory anil boardintr hsll
n the cnnipn", here students will re
ivive personal enpenision
John W. Jobnson,
'47 81 President.
They Are
the Fl it-st l.o kl-ig
Class ol
Dlea In the Wnriil.
Franlt 0. Carpenter in a letter fron
Russia writes: "The clmr h is perhap
the richest of all Russian instituti-ms.
and the thousands up m thousands 0!
priests who are supported by the peo
ple are, as a class, the finest looking men
in the world. They never shave or cut
their hair, anil their lo.l;s are as silky
as those of a baby, and ih v : Iroani
down their ba.ks, rea !
most to the waist. '1 1
-lie 11 al
i . i's arc
-it under
-' car on
:' black
- hand-
os' and plump.
,1 :,h :
the high bin :1c 1 ;
the streets nn-l
gowns th v 1 1
some and 11 b e.
"Durih" their
ey tal c'tdT lii
&JS fnm
e !i:.:' lies
ihtir liair
f . up., ..,
their hi::
making you think of the patriarchs of
old, and during many of the services
they appear in gowns of silver and gold
and wear great tiara-like hats which
sparkle with gold and jewels. The
Russian Uret-k i-hnr.-hew ,,,-. f-,. ,..M
gorgeous in their uppoiiitmcnts thun
many othors in the world, and thorc is
enough p.u l.-:f :-,t
chun-lu'S of Vi-.i r;':it
'' the
I pay the
Kusainn natioiuil -ol : ; t. relieve the
starviutr people t f t:u- iaininedistricU.H
A Million Frtfnd.
rnepd m need is a friend lr,,iaoj
not less than one million s.a.1.1
1 a a .
nnve rnnnd mt n,.h t
King . New Disr-overv for eon.nmption,
eonat. ,nd eold,lf Von have
used ll, Hret eonoh medicine, one trial
-in .v-nvinee yoi, thai t hg wonderful
reive powers in.-II, ,'.e,BS of throat,!
e. r.ucn Dottle onaran.
tee.1 to do a I thatU ,.Ui,..i
ill he rofn i,IPr.
Tsiul l,.,i.l.
fhS 9 H Cb. tlSiX 5Rvrt s
Sirs itta- -
, ,..,...i-ijt nv THE STATE
,. U llilLV. UIHIIIIHli
T. a,n of the ttsteot oreiion- mu . .
. ,"."r ' r-,1 to nneisr and n er ine.eu"'-
l.toti.t tilfi.l "K"1""' J h ,l, v of senteniber, A.
i. dti ,r belorc ic "".- ..",.. .1.,. .
U. 1.v..ih?V. r..,rt lr v.u mil to
. luiine I tit1 llrHl tin) ''
: he 8lt1 cuuri. m-i .
S-J escennu Hi" . icllvctcu toy ,
JhiN'Vt, oi the Ey "'f-'r..R K!f. to ,
the N W H ot sec
mm as touow h
v v. i.. .it' tin r-K
MViof sec. 17 In 'l, 4 S."1
., it -i7 KC, M. nun
i, hi t o - , Y.i.,i,iiiirs
Benemllylorllierel. i. ";!'Be in the
,;.,.ii.,t. duly tiled in tho sal" cause -
Si. M7te...d dslcd ., chHiiilu-n, at ...
i. 1 1... I'll,- tlHM-il i il . ii"
a H is-.tl lil.Us, PtU.-ON
Altornt-ys ior I'luintifr.
1 i;i
I ol orwton, for tlii-i-oiiiitv of Sliirnw
rvr TITli- f'TIJri'TT CI
i-ouiitv of Morrow-. .
Mulkt-y.'iilstnlilt. vs. I lie unknown heirs
nl Kill,,!, H Miilkcv. di'i't'iiscil.
Ii, II unil-ol the -stflc of nri-BOli
ht-rcliv required to appcir sud ainjvi-r 11 c -
pii,.t i,i-d imiiiiisi yon in 'h';l,,i ;nl A
Min.ii .,r lii-ion- the llh day of st-ilcii bcr, A.
Slid answer tho coin-
silll on or ijt-nii,- ,iiv .... - - - . ,
I). S!M, llieniino ot-iug me I""' " " , , ,., :,
regular term of sniil court. I you t '
Bwer. for want thcreol Ihe i-lui nut II u
to said court for a decree iliiit-nil ng '
lion of the deed executed and tlt-ll -n si .
Klijsh F. Mulkt-y to pliilnllll, cint-lug t c
E'i of lliei-K'., and fc'-. l the Sh, J
15 Id 4 s of It -J7 KUM, to rend us lol-o.'-
I he of the hKi, of rec.W ami the
K", of the M? of sec IS in I p . t . of H. -HU
M. and genei'iilly tor the rellcl prayctl lor
phtinllU 's i-oinl.lnlnt, duly tiled 111 suld cause .11
the nhovcenlitled court.
This sulionons is terveil hy pull Icntlon t
order oi Hon. W. I.. Hradsliaiv, jiulge of suld
,-ourt. imidc and dated til t liniiihers at 1 e
Dulles Ciiy, Wasco Co., "r. tlielmli day of Jul,
A. D. 1KKL KUM, DAUritlN L)O.N-s.
Uii-58 Altorneys lor l'lniiitilt.
flotice of Intention.
Jj JulvHii. '.still. Notice Is hereby given that
the following niinicil settler has lilcil notiet.- ot
his intention to make final proof In support oi
hisclitlin. and that sniil proof w'll be made be
fore J. W Morrow. County Clerk, at Heppner,
Dr., ou Sept. 2, I WW. vi:
of Hardimm, II. K. No. :HI7 for the N'i SfcV,
and Si; N K',:, ol Si c. -'7. Tp. I S , It. 'A h " 'I
He liaines the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation oi,
said laud, viz. :
K. S. Cox, annuel Cox, John Adams, 8. "..
Mendows, ull 01 Hurilliltin llregotl.
Ms-iSs John W. Lkwis, Kegister
W W -4t
. rUr? 10 1-CENT STAMPS
li 1 lit' il ii prft'u .) your iul
;i(1re8n it leceivt'il within :W
--'-' v. v':
tlaya will be lor 1 yt-iir boldly
(t v -
AV t.W - laDelH. Only IHrw'tury
fjjiJ Ushers ami iiiiimiluc-
II aVM pnrtinhly, thousiiuils ot
U.VJVl'ljn viilimlilo hnnL-M nniipri.
rswrt Htiiii,'it;i,iiiuii'uf,iiu,T-n.-.
Illi'l . -,. Jit(i eiu'h uniffl
with oneofvourprinieil utldiTss li.lK'ls
pitsti'il thereon. KXTKA! We will
also print mid prepay postuRe on ;-Xi ot
vour liibol mldn'Ksi'H to you; which
stick on your envelopes, books, etc., In
prevent their beliiR lost. J. A. auk,
of Keidsville, N. V., writes: "From:
my lio cent address In your Mphtnmii
Dinvtorv I've received my W" ad.lress
labels and over 300O I'ar'I- ol
Mail. My addresses you sraltered
anions publishers und maniii'iictuiers,
are anKinu dniiv, cm vaUutliie i'jin p!s
of mull fPimull jiarts of the W'nrld
CO , tiirard and Franklin
AvciuiCB, Philadelphia, l'a.
Prevent and cure Const ipation and Sica
Boadaclie, )auh bile Hcaus.
While you keep your subscription paid up yet
can keep your brand in freeof charge.
Allsn. T. J.. lone. Or. Horses GO on lefl
shoulder; catlle -ame on left hip, under bit. on
right ear, and upper bit on tho left; range, Mor
row county.
Armstrong, J. C, Alpino, Or, T with bar un
der 11 on left shoulder of horses; cattle same
on lefi hip.
Allison. O. D.. Eight Mile. Or.-Cattle brand.
O D on left hip and horses same brand on right
Bliotiiuer. itange. ragnimiie.
Atlkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Hordes, JA con
i.eeieii on leit flank: cattle, sameon left hip,
Rartliolamew, A. (i , Alpine, Or. Horsei
branded 7 E in either shoulder. Range iu Mo
row county.
Hleakniau. Geo., Hardman, Or. Horses, a flag
01 ipii snouiaer: came snuie on right shoulder.
bannister, J. W., Hanliiian, Or. Cattle brand,
etl H on U-fi hip and thigh; split in each ear.
Premier, Peter, Itoi seberry Oregon Horses
brnntletl P H ou left Bhoidder, Cattle same on
right siue.
Hnrke. M St C. Lone creek. Or On ttle
MAY connected on left hip. ciop off left ear, un
der half crop off right. Horses, same brand on
letft shoulder, linage in Urant and Morrow
Hrosman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7
on nghi shoultler; cattle 11 on Ihe left Bide.
Left ear half crop and right ear upper slope.
Harton, YVm., Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B ou
right tlngll, catlle. Bailie on right hip; aplit in
each ear.
Hrow-n, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right siitle; catlle same on ritfhthip; range, Mor
row county.
Brown, J. C Heppner. Or. Horses, cirole
C with dot 111 n 1 ter on left hip; cattle, snmo.
Brown, W.J. , Lena, Oregon. Hurses W bar
over it, 011 the left shoulder. Cattle sume on left
Buyer, W. G Heppner, Or.-Horses, box
brand o- r .h l ip cailie, same, with split in
each ear.
Horg, P. O., Heppner, Or.-Horses, P B ou left
ehoulilt-r; t-iiltle. same on lefl hip.
Hrnwnlee, V. J., Fox.Or-Cattln. JH connected
on left side; crop uu left ear and two splits and
middle piece cut out on right ear: on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Hango in Kox valley
Grant county,
Caisner Warren. Wagner. Or.-Horses brand
ed O 1111 light BtiHe; ,.,itle (lliree bars) on
right ribs, crop andsplit in each ear. liange iu
Grant and Morrow counties.
Caiu.E., ( aleb.Or.- V 1) un horses on left stifle
l) Willi quarter circle over it, on lefl shoulder
and on lert etirle on ail colls under ft years- on
left shoulder only on all horses over 6 years. All
range 111 Oraut eountv.
Clark, Win. H., Lo, a, Or.-Horses WHO con-net-led.
011 left shoulder: cattle same on right
Inp. Ha go Morrow aud Umatilla counties
fate, ('has. li Vinson r Lena, Or. Horses
H t on right shoulder; cuttle same on righl hip
Kange .Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Cecil, W m., Douglas. Dr.; horses J V. on lef
shoulder; ca-tle same 011 lefl hip, waddles on
each jaw and two bita in the right ear
Curl, T. II., John Day, Or.-Double croBs on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit
m right ear. split in left ear. liange in Grant
county. On sheep, inverted A anil spear point
ou shim iter. Lar niarkoa ewes, crop oil left ear
punched upper bit 111 right. Wethers, crop in
right ami under half crop in left ear. All raiiiM
111 ti rant coutitv. K
Cook A. J.,Lena.(r.-HorscB, IKlon rightshoui
dei latlle Baineor, r.ghllnp: ear mark Buuare
ciop oil left and split in right. i"are
lefiTmlo V" L,urr""""11"- Ur- -Horses, mon
vox uti. ., Hardman, Or. (Vutle
in center; horses. CE on left hip.
C with
tociiran, 1. t. Moimuieut, Grant Co. Or -Horses
branded circle with hai beneath, , lef,
shoulder: cattle same brand ou both hips, mark
antler slope both ears and dewlap
Chapm H Hanlman, Or.-Horses branded
la',?'" 'i'P; ' le branded the sauie.
tli ?71Jt''.' 1 Vrfu""? ''"letl with three
m left'shio:
- r- . u 11 ruiir ( ttl lie Ml'llf
: ... . , . ----, niuo, u hi .
iimKlHfd, Y. .U .tlHiioWHJ, Ur.-
i ...... u i . . .
Zr" "'w-u,r- " 1)
- niurj, u L. ,(U .
Douglas O. T., Douglas, Or-Horse. TD on
""''"a.t.ncaliie ,, rigluh.p. .
CO. U. II. Ul fVIIIM. I I, 111., I,.. II. U... , .
I hip. hole" h ru,", tr C"tUe ,n le,t
Elluui. Wash.. Heppner. Or Dium.,j
1 rignt snouiuer.
tmeiy, I . B.. Ilartiman. Or -H.,... k j j
I'ovVrse,. I with lail i,n left . ,T, .i. .
liesanieon ugh, hip Itange in Morrow county"
Heek, Jackson, Heppner, Ur.-Horse. )s;
connected oi, right shoulder: cattle same
nght hip. Earmark, hole in rmht m,.i
i oil left.
Florence, L. A., Heppner. Or c.tti. i o
shoidde;. uuu"r uo "K't
L'l Li r .,
! hghi shot hle
-lurpiic-i, o, r. nenpner. Or H..r it
cuttle, fc on r.ht hip or thitrh.
r etii'h, tuHirii
WF, wu h bar over it. .,, If, .,.'i.. "rS'"fe?
rj-iPiifr. ur.-i attte branded
I ear.
. hors.s.niuuebiatilo.-i huhip. v "
. hip.
Oay, Henry, Heppner.
.Oilman-French, Laud and Live St.w-1, r u
" ur.-iiois, anchor s ,, lfi i,.,i.i..".. .-T
, ' ... llr - lief hmmhst II.
flrntr,. K.lni-r, rKl ";'t'r il. on lIt
i Italic in M- ' 'wan" 1)mIJl)j, rpnmUd
Hsnaoin ;'"rrVw nL,,,;!,,,!, Or I'attlf.lat. hurt
on wtl-e" -hipt.ef ! 1 )' indrsnt eoulitl
anaeta Morrow and -,
iUoiie in Orsiit couuty
. i,-...,-r llr r t r i
''",' -l.":, ,,,, ,i,ou!derunftor.,; on ciinio,
COUm,fituw - ,
.an riifhl lllt ,,.ft lY?
count "- " , iri Kwalt
fork in
.i. - iw Ml(rnvf wmmy-
"'.. . IVo.inat
w111" ."rr,.;i ;.,-. ..i. IHrt nhullir.
KIT. ntinw-H uninuni
.,u l.u,.()r.-('att e K Hon rIKht
rui count,.
allowny. Or. KorwMt.'- onw
,. inlt aide. Huna-eio iuihiow uu vino-
' ". ;;;.
"'ff' , Mst. Heppner. Or.-Hor.., .aaded
heart on the left shoulder. ,"""! Morrow to.
Iltiiiasker, H . Warnier. Or. -Unmet,, on left
,11 Iderieit He. "Oil left hll -
Hardi.iy. Aluwt, N. Oreson Ilorsea, A H
ro"miL on left shoulder; I 'aula on tha left
hip. crop off left ear.
lluinphrevs, J it Uardman, Or.-Hon.ee, H on
'''hiuoIJ. M Heppner. Or.-Horane. wiueglaes
onli-fl sliotildw oitltlo BHiiieon right . Inu.
Hnsttm Lather, Kmlil Mile, Ir.-Jlorse Hon
ths left shoulder and heart on the loft HtiHe Cat.
' mmH ,, 1-fl hip. Ilnnite in lilnrn.w ruiimtj.
' IvT alfml. L (-reek, Or -ytlo 1 1) on
rihihiii iin.noll leftenrandbil in nht. Horses
Bsine bi'iiad on left shoultler Itauxo n Urant
""ji'inkin, 8. M.. ll.-ppner, ()r -liorsos horse,
slioe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the eaiue.
Itnnt-e on Uiulu Mil6- ,. ,. . , ...
Johnson. Kelix Lena, Or.rHorseB. circle 1 on
li-fl aline; cattle, aanie on right hip, under half
crop in ritlit and split in left car
J.-I kins U W.,Alt. Virnon,t)r. J on horseson
left Mlioul'der; on cuttle, J ou loft hip and two
smooth crops ou both ears. ItaiiKeiu Fox and
'''Kenny, M ike. Heppner, Or. Horses branded
KNV ou left hip cattle ssjne and crop oU left
,,ftr- under -lope on (lie rlidil
Kirk J.T., Heppner, Or. Horses ttt) an left
, Ider; tialtle, IWim lert hip.
Kira. J C, Heppner. Or. Horses. 17 on either
Hunk: cattle 17 on right side.
Kirk Jesse, Heppner, Dr.; horse II on left
shoulder; cattle same ou light sale, luiilulliil ou
hiinibHrland.W.B.. Mount Vernon. Or.-I Lou
cattle on right und loft sides, swallow fork in It ft
ear and under ciop in right ear. Horses same
brand on loll snouiuer. imiiikb in tii.-nn t-ouuir.
Lofton, Btopnen, I'ox, Or. S L on left hip
mi cattle, crop and split on right ear. liorsos
same brand ou left shoalder. ltauga liraut
""LiouaUen, John W., L"' n'o Or. liorsos
bramleil half-cliclo JL connected on loft sliotll
tler. Cultlo. samt ou lefi hip. Kauge, near Lex-
liord, thsirge, Heppner, Or. Horses brnuded
double H cot.necti Soinetiaiea called a
swing H, on left ehoulder.
Slarkliain. A. M.. Heppner, Or. Cattle large
M on lefl side, both ears cropped, mid i-plit lu
bo h liurbos M on loft hip. Kuuge, Clark's
Minor, Owear, Heppnor, Or. Cnttle, M D ou
rietlithip; liorae. Mori leftshouiiier.
Moi'Kini, ti. N., Heppner, Or. Horses, M )
on Iff i ihuidv cattle hhuia ou left hin.
Mt!('umber, Jas A, Echo, Or. Jioreea. M with
bar over on rilit ahouldar.
MoiKan, 'l'hon., teipuor. Or. Horses, circle
T on left shoulder and left thih; cuttle. It on
riKht thiKh.
Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Horsei. 77 mi rial it
hip; cattio. 77 on riffbt side.
nicy laren, u. u., nrnwiiHTine, ur, norp.es,
Fimiro 5 on each shoulder, cattle. Ma on bin
Mccarty. Uuviu H,. itcho.Or. Horses bruudiHi
DM connected, On the left shonldor; cuttle sume
on hip and side.
MctiiiT. r-ratiK. ros Valley. (Jr. JVlLile shoe
witli toe-cork on cattle on ribs and under in
each ear; horses bhuib bmud on left stitie.
Mclla ey. O. V.. ilium ton. Or.-On iiorsos. H
with half circle under on left shoulder; on Cuttl,
four bars counectetl on top on tlie riht side
liange in (Trunt County,
Meal. Andrew. Lone uock.Or. Horsos A N unn.
neoiod on left shouldar; cattle snmo on both hips.
nnrtiyaa, r.., mivorion, ur. Horses, circle on
lefl thigh: cai tie. same on left hip.
Oliver. Josenh. Cam-tin Citv. Or. A 1 on cattle
un loft hip; on horses, same ou left thih, Hauga
in Grant county
uuer, i-erry. Leiiugton. Ur. 1 O on left
Olp. Herman. Piairie titv. Dr. On eailln. O
LP connected on left hip; horses on left stille
and wartle on nose, haugo in Grant comity.
foai-SOll. Ollive. lUght I i n. Dr. Ilnmiik. ntiitr-
ter circle shield on loft shoulder und 24 on loft
hip. Cullle, fork in loit aar, right cropped. 24
on lefl hip. liange on Eight Mile.
i'arkor & Gleason. Hardman.Or. Horses Pn.
ft shoulder.
Piper, Erne t, Lexington. Or.--tlor ek brand
e E (L E coimeoietli oi. left shoulder ; cattle
s moon light hip. Itange, Morrow county.
Piper. J. H Lexington. Ur. Horses, JE con- ,
neclod oi left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip,
under bii iu each ear,
Petlys, A. C, lone, Or,; horses diamond P on
shoultler; cattle, J IU connected, on the
left hip, upper elope in left ear aud slip in tha
Powell, Jonn 'P., Dnyvillo, Or Horses, JP coil,
nee etl ou lefl shoulder. Cattle UK couiiuctoti on
left hip, two under half crops, one oil each ear,
wattle under throat. Km ge in Grant county.
liood. Andrew, Hartluiau, Or. Horses, square
cms with quarter-circle over tton loft stilie.
Heiiingor, Chris, Heppner, Or. horses, (J H on
lefl shoiiiiiei .
Itice. Han, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel
worm fence ou lefl shoulder; CB.'tle, DAN oil
nghi shoulder, liange near Hardman.
lioyse, Aaron, Heppner, Or Horses, plain V on
left Bhoulder; cattle, same brand rovorseil on
right hip and crop off right ear. Uauge in Mor
row county.
Hush Bros., Heppner, Or. Horses branded S
tin the righl shoulder; cattle, IX on tho loft hip.
crop oil loft ear aud dewlap on neck, KaDge ic
Morrow and adjoining counties.
Jiust, William, Kidge, Or.-Horses K os
lefl shoulder; cattio, It on loft hip, orop oft
right oar, underbit on left ear. Sheep, It oo
weathers, round crop off riuh ear. Haugo Uuiu
tlllaand Morrow c imities.
i.enney Andrew, Lexington, Or. Horse,
branded A It on right shoulder, vent quartel
circle over brand; catlle sums on right hip.
iie, ji,uiw county.
lioyse, Wm. 11, Dairyville, Or Hit connected
Willi quarter ciri-lo over top oil cattle on right Inp
and crop oil right ear and split iu loft. Horses
sanio brand on loft shoulder. Uauge iu Morrow
Giiini ami Gilliam cnuniieH.
hector. J. W.. Heppner, Or.-Horses, JO l.
lef l shoulder. Cattle, u oil right hip,
Spicknall. J. W., Gooseberry, Or.- Horses
branded Hon left Bhulder; laugu in Morrow
Hailing, C C Heppner, Or HorseB branded
on loll Bhoulder; caitle same ou left hip.
Hwaggari, H. ' Lexington, Or. Hones
with dash under it on lefl BtiHe. cattle U with
Hash under it on righl hip, crop off right ear aud
watldleti on right hind leg. Uauge ill Morrow,
Gilliam aud Umatilla oouuties.
Kwaggart, A. L.,Alhoua. Or. Horses branded 2
un loll shoulder; eel lie same oo left hip. Oron
on ear, wattle on left hind leg.
Btruight W. IS., Heppner, Or.-Horsea shaded
J D t.u lol . stltle.; catlle J b on left, hip, swallow
fork iu righ ear, underbit in left.
happ, Thos., Heppner, Or.-llorses, 8 A P on
left hip; cat Ui same on left hip.
Shrier.Johu fox, Or.-NC connected on
horst-B on right hip; came, same ou righl hip,
crop ti right ear and under bit iu lefl ear. liauao
in Grant county.
Smith 13ros., Sussnville, Or. Horses, branded
II. L. ou shoulder; caltio, ame on lef t shouIoV-r.
bquires, James, Arlington, Or,; horsos branded -JBoii
leli shouliler; calile the same, also nose
waddle, itange in Morrow and Gilliam co. uties.
Stephens, V. A., Hardman, Ur-; horses SSon
right sutle; catUeh..nzoutal L ou Hie light side
btevoiisou, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Ur. Cauie ri
on nghi hi, ; swallow-fork in lefl ear
bwaggart fi. W Heppner, Or.-Uorsee, 41 on
left snouidi- ; cattle, 4 ou left hip.
Sperry, E. G.. Heppner, Or. -tattle W C ou
left up, crop off right and underbit iu left year,
ilewiap; horses Vv C on lefl shoultler. '
xnuuipmu, j. A., Heppner, Or. Hoi-sea. I oo
left Bhouio. r; cattle, 2 ou left shoulder.
shoulder l'r'",,' '"" r"- lJuu le"
Turner It W., Heppner, Or.-Smah capita) T
loll ahuuluei, horses; cattle same on left hip
with split in both ears.
iuiTuUiu, H. M lone, Or.-Horses branded
H 1 connected ou left elide; sheep same brand.
Vanderpool, 11. T.. Lena, Or;-Horsee HV con.
ueoled on righl shonliler;cultle, same on right
,wl'ib,,'i;!'ie! Wm." H"fl. Or. Horses. V. L.
on the led shouider; cattle same on lighl hip.
crop oil left ear mid right ear lopped.
Viilsuu, John u Bluem or Heppner, Or.
Morr"ro"wbcrou. J4 n '8(t itau'g.
! ""-e. same braad on left ih 1 1'" Tei
i Itrauf nnnt
I .. yyight, Silas A. He.r n, k.
i Lnd sob't m l' oroD
I W ado, Henry He,, o.
. oi spaties on led shoulder and left hio
VllLU'Srmou ''t side and leftLp.
ho.o it ' 8m HeW, Or.-Horses, on left
snonltler; can e same.
U,re"!ii'i' f0' Juh? Ua t!i'I,Or-On honm.
h t m Hh lel tar"o" Wl hooltler; 7 on elteep,
' ttu" Unu" and Malhuer
Wowlward, John, Heppner, Or.-Horses. CP
"""necu-d on leftiuiouldir.
w !,, .LlBhe' ,H.8PPn- Or.-Horees branded
Vt counecteoon left stifle.
n h? ,x i' Vhsrl', Portland. Or.-Oattle, W on
iiio ii , 'hu'' ,nlef, n"- ' o"
.houlaer, son,, same on left shoulder.
hntier Bros., Huntii .ton. baker Co.. Or. -
..res oraiideil w B. eoi,ne,,ti ,.ft i!,nlder
i . " "llama. Vaeco. Hamilton. Or.-iJnrt.r nir.
i ,? """'u tun, , " hip. both calUe and
it i i "Wi" tirant cuuniy.
tJ 1 ? nut'roek.Or-Horses. quar
r',""'1'? "'or three bars on lef t hip; cattle same
and sin in each ear. Kange in Grant county.
n'h' n Am ' P"""- Or.-Horeee running A A
.v. , , ..me, Mima ou ngnt nip.
Tattn.l' 1HC Gooeben7, Or.-Hons biwW
- - -- rinni Miwiiner.