V' ' HElTNElTlAZEffl OFFICIAL s-ioMWJ,ifjv. PAPElt. HEPPNEK GAZETTE. i .1 DON'T EXPECTmmm. An savenisement, mts JMnter.' Ink, IO ELEVENTH iu one nignt you can't eat enough in week to last you a yew, and you can't sdvertlM on that plan either. Thoae who advertise once In three month, forget that most folica cannot remember any. thing longer than seven day.. EMI.VEEKLY GAZETTE I uesdays and Fridays BY ME PATTERSON I'CBLISIIIXG COMI'AM AI.VAH W. PATTERSON Bui. Manager. OTIH 1'ATI'KltSON Editor Ai S.5i per yoar, (1.23 tor six montha, 75 ctB. lor three moiiuis. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. HEPPNEK, MOllRQW COUNTY,' OREGON. TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1893. i VALUABLE PRESENT A Year's Subscription to a Pop ular Agricultural Paper GIVEN FREE TO OUKRKADERS. ihe t"EAOLB," of Long Creek, Orant County, uregon, la published by the same com pany every Friday morning. Hiibwtrlption L'i-til -I- Eoradvertisingrates, address CEiasr Xj. PATTEESOiT, Uditor and Manager, Long Creek, Oregon, or "Gazette." Heppiier, Oregon. 'IUIS 1'ArEll is koot on tilo t Mr. Iil' 1 Advertising- Agency, HI and 85 Merchants r.ichangs, Ban h raiicisuo. California, where cu. raeui tut- auveri.iBiug can be made for it. THK GAZETTE'S AG SNTS. isy a Bpeoinl arrangement with the publishers we are prepared to furnish FREE to euch of our readers a yenr's subscription to the popular inouthly agricultural journal, the American Farmek, published at Springfield and UlevelHnd, Ohio. This offer is made to any of our sub scribers who' will pay up all arrearages on subscription and one year in advanoe, aud to any new subscribers who will pay ruie year in advance. The American Fakmkh eujoys a large national circula tion, and ranks among the leading agricultural papers. By this arranim ftT'err,'.;; B. A nime, meut it COSTS YOU NOTHING tore- , IJ1I1 llCpjMIUl yjng LreeK T)le t.Hglc ",l' ;; i'oHtmast r Camas Prairie, Oscar De Vaul Nye, ur., ii. c. tt right jianliniiu, or., p, ,. ier Hamilton, Urallt Co., Or., Postimibter r"7'r-;, 1- J. Carl Prairie City, Or K. K. McHaluy Y"; "" ".j a. Li. rarrisn ruoi KOCH, u. 1'. skeltol UiijvUle, Or., J. k. snoiv jonn nay, Or jr. I. McCallnm Athena, or John Ellington Pendleton, Or PosiniBBler Jiuum vernon, urantuo.,Or Postmaster urlvo iuc amiituMN r AltMER lor one year, It will be to your advantage to oail promptly. Sample copies oan be seen at our oifice. The Original shelbv. Or.. Kox, Orant Co., Or.,... Eight Mile, or., Upper Khea Creek, Douglas, Or. Lone kock, Or tiouseberry Condon, Oregon Lexington AK AUKKT WANTED .Miss Stella Klett J. r. Allen I Mrs. Andrew Ashbaugh a. r . lievianu PoBlniaster K. M. Johnson J. K. E teb Herbert llalstead Jas. Leach IN KVKKY fKKCiNCT. Webster's Unabridged DICTIONARY . iAoA Pacfic Railway-Local card. No, 10, mixed loaves Heppner 10:00 a. m. 10. " ar. at Arlington 1-lfxi.ni. 9, leaves " Sm u. m. U. ar. at Heppner 6 :2U p. m. daily East bonnd, main line ar. at Arlington 1 :28 a. m. "est ' ' " leaves " 1:B a. m. Day trains have been discon- inned. United States Officials. lii-SKlent Grover Cleveland Vlcn-1'rehldent Ad ai bieveusou Beo-etary of Wale , Walter Q Urashom oiiuiwiftrj oi I rcusury Joan U. Carlwl,. BH:intary of Interior Hoke thmili Secretary of War Daniel 8. Lauiont oeiiretury or navy Hilary A. Herbert I'ostinuster-Genurnl Wilnou H. iiissell miomey-iteuerai llichanl B. Omey o''ow ji naricuiLure j. sterling jiorli Btate of Oregon. Governor 8. Pennoyer Secretary of Htate G. W. Mobiiue i reasui or. run. lleleclian eupi. ruouo instruction a. H, Mcklroi Hoiim ors 1 J .. H . M i.lchell i Uiiitfur ilermaiiti I W. H. Ellis .rrank C llaker 1 f . A. Dioon- Hupreme Judges i W. 1'. uord ( U. a. liean Seventli Judicial Uistrict. Circuit Judge W. L. Brnrinhaw J'roHicuiiig Attorney W. H. Wile n Can be proou,eu at the drugjstore of I. If. Ayers, Jr. WEEKLY WO.'M3.( SEMI-WEEKLY HO. 168.) Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report wme nereaitary oias in their Drain, in t&eir tery blood, which fits them for theeaav ao U"iitlon of a soldier', duties. And yet many of these races who thus miinw. iuire i an excellence in drill, etc, can not be I u6ui,y uiecnunicai nandloraft; indeed many can never even learn to draw a itraight line. " ; The African in our West India regiments mt always disolavnd thf.hiM-i;. for and implicit reliance upon the officers . , t' uu vroaiea nun well, which is so marked a . with jut breaking th tr..7 " . lQ(!ia ln sucn a way THE JLITTLE THINGS THE HOST VALUABLE. Comparatively few people regard themselves as Inventors, but almost every body hat been struck, atone time or another, with ideas that eem calculated to reduce some of the little frictions of life. Usually such ideas are dis missed wlthoutfurther thought. . "Why dou't the railroad company make Its car windows so that they can be slid up and down ABSOUif EOf PURE Next door to City Hotel, HEPPNER, j : OREGON. Equal tolitne Bnd sulphur, nnd much better for the wool, ns it promotes the growth rather than damages it. Congressmen j j I'rinter. Jliirrow County Officials, join, Henator... - Henry Blackmail liepresHutative. J. ft V1 Hi WW1? -vu Y SPECIAL AKKANGKMKNT with tuh JJ publishers, e are able to obtain a number ol th above book, and propose to furnish a cony to each of our subscribers. The dictionary is a necessity in every home school and biisii.e-is hmm ft. hiid Qna..n..' and furnishes knowledge which no one hun- .ireo otner volumes of the choicest books could supply. Young and old, educated aud ignorant. ricn ana poor, Blionld have it within reach, and reler to its contents every day ln the year As some have asked if this Is really the Orig inal Webster's liimbrirtu-ed liitio. , able to state we have learned direct from the publishers the fact, that this In tho vur ooimilete on which about forty of the best years ol the author's life wore so well employed in writing, it contains the entire vn.uf,lo.... f about 100,000 words, including the correct spelJ- 1 II 17. lluriviltlr.n unl .l..,i..i.l ..c - . --o, ucmuuwu ui saute, ana is the regular standard size, containing about bound in cloth half morocco and sheen. ' Until turtner notice we will furnish this valuable Dictionary nrst lo any new subscriber. Second To any renewal subscriber. Third To any subscriber now in arrears who pays up and one year in advance, at ne Touowing prices, viz: hull Uotri bound, gilt side and bad stamps marbled edges $i.oo. nait mo occo, bound, gilt side and back stamps, marpled edges, $1.50. Full Sheep bound, leather label, marhlnd edges, $s.oo Fifty cents added in all cases for exDress age to Heppner. fay As the publishers limit tha iinu .. number of books they will furnish at the low prices, we advise all who rips! r tn uuull tKo.,i solves of thia great opportunity to attend to it I KEEP COOL inside, outside, and all the way through, HIDRC'Root This great Temperance drink: LvVl is us healtluul, as it is pleasant. Try it. QtTIOK TI1VI13 ! TO San Francisco Xnd all point in California, via the Mt. Bhaata route of the Southern faeifie Co. 1 ne great nignway through California to all points nast and South. Grand Hoenio Route of the Pacific Coast. Pullman Buff etr - r Sleepers, Second-ciasa Sleepers Attaohed. to express trains, attording euDerior accommoaations for second-class passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping oar reservations, ito. . call npon or address ' K KOEHLEK, Manager, E. P. ROGERS, Asst. 'ien. r . r. Agt., Portland, Oregon. or r. Hriiwii untyJudge Julius Kelt hi j Commissioners Peter Biennei 1 11. llaker. CI rk J. W.Morrow Hhmif Geo. Noble. Ireasuror W. J. L ezei " Assessor R. L. huw Surveyor...... ..lsaHrown SlLiVJSjH'S (JH M PfOKT I.. Kh 11, u ' WH, PENLAND, ED. President. B BISHOP, Cashier. TRANSACTS A GEN'EIIAL BANKING B0S1NES: CllOOl tilip't., Coroner .. ..W. L. dating .1. w. Ayern, Ji HEPPNEB TOWN OFFICERS. .11uoi ....J. R.Simons Couni'ilineii O. K FariiBwortli. 1U-. Lichlenthal, Otis PatterBon, Julius Keithly. W. A. Johubtou, J. L. Yeitger. Itecoruei A. A. Roberts. Treasurer E. G. Slocum ilarahal J. W. Rasmus. Precinct Offleerp, J astiee of the Peace F. J. Hallock Couetable C, W.Rjehard United States hand Om'cers. THE DALLES, OB. J. W. Lewis Rf gisinr 1. o.Jjttng Receiv. LA QBANDE, OB. B. F, Wi'son Register Receiver ;the f tocky---Moantain -:- News THE DA1LY-BY MAIL. Subscription price reduced as follows: COLLECTIONS Made on Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD HEPPNER. tf OREGON Free Medicine ! J. H. Kobbins SECEET SOCIETIES. JJonc Lodge No. 20 K. of P. meots ev ery Tuesday evening at 7.80 o'clock in tneir castle Hall, national Hank build. lng. sojourning brothers oonhatlv 111 viteo in attend, w. L. salino, C. ( W.B Pottes. K. of 11. AS. tf RAWLINS POST, NO. 81. G. A. R. M'ta at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of act. month. All veterans are invited to join. ( '. C. Boon, Geo. W. Smith. Adjutant, tf Commander, FBOFESSIOlTAIi. A A. ROBERTS, Real Estate, Insur Bnce and Collections. Office in Donncil Chambers, Heppner. Or. swtf, S. P. FLORENCE, STOCKRAISER ! HEPPNEK. OREGON. Catt le branded and ar marked as shown above. Horses F on right shoulder. Mv cattle range In Morniw and Umatilla conn tin. 1 will pay $103.00 for the arrest and con. fiction of any person stealing my stock. One Year by nail) Six Months " Thn-e Months " One Month " $6 00 3 00 1 50 50 THE WEEKIY-BY MAIL. One Year in Advance) : fl 00 The News Is the only consistent oarrpion of silver in the West, and should be in every home in the WtBt, and in the hands of every miner uud business man in Colorado. Send ln your subscriptions at once. AddresB, THE Denver, Colo. LUMBER! WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF UN v dressed Lumber, 16 miles of Heppner, at what is known as the SCOTT BAWMIIjIj. A Oolden Opportunity for Suffering Humanity. Physicians Give their Remedies to the People V ei FITOD 9 Writcusatonca.exnimn .,, , UV' :H, l"g your trouble, and we will send you FREE OF CHAKGE a full course of specially prepared remedies best suited to your case. We want your recommendation. VVe can cure the most aggravated diseases or u.mii 1 our treatment lor all diseases and deformities are modern and scientific, acquired by-many year's experience, which enables us to uuaruiuee a cure. 00 not despair. N. B. We have the only positive cure for Ep iii-iy 1 nisi aim catarrn. KeterenceK given. .v,.ai,c.i iwctticu. uiu csiHuiisnea. UR. W.LMAMS MEDICAL ADD SUBIilitAI. INSTI' i umihei oircct, nan rranclBco, Cal. MISSING SKELETON. It Laid tha Foundation for a Love Story Before Tt Turned Up, The first night in the new houses-how ln effubly dreary it was I May day had dawned with blue sky and winds full of treacherous halminess, but lonff before noon it had clouded over, and with the dusk a fine, needle pricking sort of rain had set in, which, without making much outward show, had yet contrived to drench us girls through and through as we made our way along the streets with the parrot's cage, the musio box uud the b-st duplex lamp with tho juweled glass shade, the three household treasures which for the life of us we dared not trust to tim t.iw mercies of the truckman, in spite of his manifold vows and declarations that he had j moved the very best families in New York. I and some of 'em every May day for ten years. W e eked out our painfully insufficient in come, Beulah and I, by lotting lodgings, and we did not always have luck in the busi- ness. To speak paradoxically, the new house was an 010 nouse, and not in the test of re pair. 1 ne yard gate was off its hinges ; ono window blind banged distractiugly against the north side whenever the wind took a mien 111 mat, airecuon, and 11s Beulah en. deavored to warm a can of cold tea above mo iiicaenng gas Jet we could distino:ly hear the rain leaking through on the floor nbovo our heads with a "drop-drop'' like the ticking of a clock. As lor me, I had cut my fingers trying to T" uu " saruines, and was dolorously endeavoring to stanch the blood wilh a far from immaculate pocket-handkerchief when the last load came. The truckman and his assistant were tired and cross, and a little the worse for beer; the old horse was played out; the rain drove harder and harder, and the wind blew out the shadeless gas in the hall just as the little old assistant dropped the basket that contained the best crockery with a srash. And we were glad enough when at .ength the last bundle of Disorganized stove pipes was flung into the basement UcW, and the truckman vanished like an ugly dream into the mist and darkness. It was not until the next dav that oovercd the trunk. , 1 . There it stood up against the' wnii 4,,. exactly as if it belonged there-a snug square box. neatly covered with .,: andbearing innumerable hotel labels, for eign and domestic, pasted on it, while the me initial "C" faced us at either i iui;k puiuu "Gracious mel" said Rmilnh uwi,.ii this!'' sister got, un a 01 caning ana 1 cuuiu uc, her go out and close the door behind her. How I worked at that stupendously ob stinate key I how 1 got a feather and itibri cated it with machine oil ! how 1 pushed and pulled and turned and twisted and resolved over and over again never more to meddle with what was 110 business of mine until, i.1 of a sudden, without the tiitrhtest notice tiiH k,.J iTilim b - . . .C 7 , ""i"" apasuioo.10 uuitci i the lock and I ho lid flew up. Over I fell, with a shriek like thoBO of Bluebeard's wife. At the same moment the dnnr hehina opened an 1 111 walked my sister Buulah, old Mrs. Dawson, and a tall, line-looking young man, with a silky brown mustache and dark eyes, that, in the one glance I got of uiuiioi suppressed laughtei Gracious me. Lotty I what's the matter?; cried Beulah. "And how came that trunk una is me very trunk," said the tall .young man. 'initialed 'C for Ca you know." "And I hope no one'll never accuse me of sealing nutnan bones no more," said Mrs Dawson, unfolding a prodigious white pocket-handkerchief, as if prepared to burst into wjm a uti 1110 .snortest notioe. "It's it's full of-bones !" I gasped "Certainly," assented tho young man. It wouid be decidedly awkward to carry ny office sk-lel on through the streets on he t ,p of a load of furniture, so I disarticu-ateditandpai-lfilltintothis trunk. But tow it came t U delivered hero I can not nagme. ti;il.is. it was through the stupidity 1 tho true . men." Then 1 begun to giggle anew. "What would Mrs. Dorchester have saiii Beulah," I whispered, "if she had know that there was a skeleton over her head fo all this week! Or old Mrs. Dussuudol" The young doctor exchanged amuset: glances with me; he hushed low. Bu Mrs. Dawson stared steadily into her 1 ock et-handkerchief and Beulah looked as grav as a tombstone. I knew I was behaviui very badly, but what could I do! "I'm sorry I opened tho trunk," said I "but I was so dreadfully, awfully curiom to know what was in it." "Believe me, Miss Barry," said theyoung doctor, "I shall not prosecute you." "It was very wrong of Lettie," said solemn Bcvlah. "I'm always doing something wrong," said uawuouillioiy. orders, esnecmllvwhan . jientry, was remarkable. Manv amu,n rtones on this point were current at Gov ernment House when I was at Cape Coa-t astle. A previous Governor, finding that lis native servants were given to robbing lim hv riniltr fa:Hn . .. e. . . - v'i"g oway ounaies of Jungs from his kitchen, had orders given the sentry before his door that no one was to bj allowed out canying any parcel A'lth him. Very shortly afterward the Gov ernor, in a hurry to consult his Chief Jus Joe, put some papers into a dispatch-box to ake with him to tho judge's house. He .aoucu witnout nis nost, however, for the entry, standing in front of him with bayo letatthe charge, would not allow him to ass with tho offending dispatch-box. The Joveruor remonstrated, and urged that it A-as he himself who had given the order, ut all to no purpose, for in the quaint and imusing gibberish which those men speak .nd emphasizing his words in a van, nmed I fashion with his bayonet, the sentry aid that his "copral" had told him not to low any one with a bundle to pass, and a "coprul s" order was his law. 'What was the man who made the ..i,.... thinking of?" grumbles the cook. "He never nad to work over a stove, or he would have itnown how it ought to have been fixed." "Hang such a collar button!" growls tmu who is late for breakfast. "If 1 were in the business I'd make buttons that wouldn't slip out, or break off, or gouge out the back of my neck And the various sufferers forgot about their grievances and began to think of something - else. If they would set down the next con venient opportunity, put their ideas about car windows, saucepans and collar buttons into practical shape, and then anply for paients they might find themselves as Independently wealthy as the man who invented the iron -'woreua ring, or the one who tne fifteen puzzle. patented A TEMPTING OFFER, Anotl.. r CiviliitH.! Ailment. A curious nffaciion is paradoxical deaf ness Dr. Bouoberon, in a note to the Paris Academy of Ucionccs, lately stated that the patient is deaf for speech in the silence of a retired room, yet hoars the sarao in the midst of noise, us in a moving carriage or railway train, or in the street. Tho dis order, which i3 grave. DrosrresKivn anri sometimes hereditary, is caused by com pression of the labyriuth of tho eai. Bneklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in tha n,.M r. 4. bruises, sores, nloers, salt rbenm, fever sores, tetter, ('banned h oornsRnd nil skin eruptions, and posi- "fiy ouree pnes, nr no pay required. It n guaranteed to five nerfent aa'tiofw;,,.. or money refunded. Prioe 25 oents per box. For Bale by Slooum-Jobnson Drug THE WESTERN PEDAGOGUE. We are in receipt of the May nnmher of our state school paper. It exceed any of the former numbers in value. The paper thia memtb contains many new and valuable features. Tbe illus trated series on the schools of the stBte is introduced by a paper on tbe Friends roiyteohmc Institute at Salem, Oregon These papers cannot fail to hB nf flD..t 1 . J I l- 1 ' ij u j so'very tno'ightful of you, ! a Dotu to the sehoole and to th said the doctor to Beulah, "to remeinbei "pubiio. - A - . t , " that, thia tminlr vw.tn.U. i i i I r - ..., "Perhaps it belongs to one of the lodg :s," said I. . 8 names truckman's ad- PEK 1,000 FEET, ROUGH, " CLEAR, - 110 00 - 17 60 V DELIVERED IN HEPPNER, WILL ADD .w per i,wu leei, aeuiuoiiai. O. A, L. HAMILTON. Prop. Iltimllturi, ivi an'ttr WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES ( Northern Pacific R. R. Co., Lessee ) LATEST TIME CARD Two Through Trains Daily. 12.45pm fi ,.'SpniLv.MinneapolisAr8.lams.4.'ipm l.-i"ipinl7.1.jiml.v...Ht. Paul. ..Arls.Oi sm 5.00pm t0.30m I l),"))inI.v. . . Dtilnth . . .Arl I ID" 7.:pm l.tapm i.iMpin J.v . Ashland . . A rw.onuni MOpra 7.15ain 1(1. aamlAr. ..Chicago. .Lv5.(Xlp "11,40" I I I Cure for Colds, Fevers and General De MJity, Small SUe Beans. 26c. per bottle. Tickets sold and biiL'csire checked throtnrh tn all mints in (lie United .states aud Canada. Close connection made ill Chicairo with all trains lining East and South. For full Information annlv to vour nearest Send a dime and get the souvenir nuzzle ueaei agent or ja.i. c. ror.ii, Gen. Pass, and Tkt. Agt. Chicago, 111. ARE YOU ANY GOOD AT PUZZLES ? iuoicciuus wiiu iiiveuteu tne "rnteen" duz zle, "Pigs in Clover"," and many others, has In vented a brand new one, which Is going to be tne greatest on record. There is fdn, Instruc tion and entertainment In it. The old and learned will find as much mystery ln it as the young and unsophiiticated. Thisgreat puzzle s the property of the New York Press Club, for whom' it was Invented by Samuel Loyd, the great puzzlelst, to be sold for the benefit of the movement to erect a great home for newspaper workers in New York. Generous friends have given $25,OOoln prizes for the successful puzzle soiverB. tkn. CENI b sent to the "Press Club Building and Chrrlty Fund," Temple Court, new rora city, win get you the mystery by return man. Every Iloacldr OF this journal Is invited to aid in the erection of a great home lor newspaper work ers ny sending one dime to "Press Club Building and Charity Fund," Temple Court. New York. You will aid a great work and re ceive by return mail a wonderful puzzle-game which amuses the young and old, bailies the mathematicians and Interests everybody. Public spirited merchants have contributed I'ij.ooo worth of premiums for such as can solve the mystery. Everything from a "Knox" hat to a "Steinway" piano. DID YOU THY "FIGS IN CLOVER" or the "FIFTFEN PUZZLE" Well, the man who invented them has just completed another little playful mystery for jjroung and old, which Is selling for TEN CENTS lor the benefit of the fund to erect a home for newspaper workers ln New York. This puzzle is the property of the New York Press Club and generous friends of the club have donated over ij,ooo to provide prizes for lucky people, young or old, who solve the mystery. There Is a lot of entertainment and Instruction In it. by return mail. Address "Preas Club Souvenir," Ttmple Court, New York City. ers. "They don't any of 'em beein with 'p reasoneu ueuian. "1 mean their don't." it s a mistaite, then." said I. "Some one 111 oe sending ior 11 directly." But day after day overlanned im.iu. nd no one sent for the trunk. ' I he truckman ousht tn 1,, .u n...i.v. " " ucuau. We haven't got the ress," said 1. "No, to be sure," sighed Beulah. "I wonder what is in it. mvn, n ..m r Doyou know, Beulah! I almost, thinu- n,l one of that bunch of rusty keys wo found in the basement pantry would fit it." weoughtn ttothmk of such h,ih said Beulah, severely. wny not!" said I. "Summse t.h tents are perishable!" "It would be equal to hiehwav rohhei-v remonstrated Beulah. "No, it wouldn't." said T. n, i.i thing is so dreadfully in one's way. If we could only get it up into the atnro-nvim h fore the new lod gers come." "Let's try," said Beulah. Bo between uwe hoisted the trunk up two flights of stairs and put it away in the angle of a chimney. "It's awfully heavy," said Beulah, "ana tnere's something rattles inside of it." "I've heard of dead bodies being cut up and packed in trunks sometimes," said I in a whisper. ' "Lctty, don't talk nonsense," said Boulah with a shudder. We had had the trunk about a week In our possession when I went. hn,.u i ti. o.d house that we had left to get a little bed key which had somehow been over looked on the top shell of a corner cup- that this trunk might Dossihlv helnno- i, me. It sets all the little complications ai ichi ui once. ' "And you won't give ud Mrs. Dawson rooms now?" said Beulah- kind Beulah. wno was always thinking of other people. "Most assured: v not." said Dr.-rin- But after they had gone away I went ur. to my room aud cried. The idea of being caught I, a grown-ur '"""8 """ oi'eiiing irunas with bunch of false kevs on the slvl And I could not be comforted until n- Carson laughed ine out of my scruples ami U1UI tlllCULIUU. He came often to the house to call after ward. He said he owed so much to Beulah Ana one nny. when I was feeling vr. uiusa uuu miseraoie, Beulah came to me. L,euy," said she, "guess what Dr. r.nr son asked me to-dav." It would require no fortune-teller tc guess," said L "He asked you to marry uiuji "e uus mauu a wise, wi ie choice 1" Ana l nugged and kissed her tenderly. "What nonsensol" said neninhin i five years older than he at the very least No, dear little Letty, ho asked mo if 1 thought you would bo willing lo ondin-n t.h trials and privations of a young doctor's wife." "And did yousav vos!" I cried, nnlm-ino in uae n rose. No," said Beulah. "I left that for von aaJ juui auii. - ouiuruav iSnrl.t. ihere are also several Ann .ni by our best writers snd the departments "CurreDt Events,""Satnrday Thoughts," "Educational News" "The Oracle Answers, Correspondents." etn ,!, ooutHin much vl tialllA raadmn ,. teachers or patents. The mmmin. liHs nbout 50 pages of mailer, well printed and arranged. We pronounce me western Pedagogue the best educa tional monthly on the oonsl. Everyone of our renders should hav the paper if they are at all interested in education. No teaoher school rWn. lor or student can get alone well with out it. We will receive subscriptions at this office. Price only $1.00 a year. When desired we will send the Western Pedagogue and Unzette one year to one address for 83.00. Call and eTnmino ample oopies. Teaohers, directors and parents, now is the time to mbscribe. tf To Induce the people to keen track of their bright ideas and see what there in them, the Press Claims Company has resolved to offer a I nze . To I lie person who submit! lo it he simplest and nm.l prouiisliia inyei.tio.1. ,, a coniB,erclj; ' point ol view, the company will give twenty-five hnnrfrsd hi. . tn cah, in addition 10 relundinr the fees for securing a patent. will also advertise the Inven Hon free of charge. , This offer is subject to the following eondi tlous: Every competitor (must obtain a patent for his invention through the company." He must flrstapply for a preliminary search, the cost of which will be five dollars. Should this seachshow his invention to be unpatentable, he can withdraw without further expense. Otherwise he will be expected to complete his application and take out a patent in the regu lar way. The total expense, including the Oovornment and Bureau fee. win i, ....... dollars. For this, whether he secures a prize or not, the Inventor will have a patent that ought to be a valuable property to him. The prize will be awarded by . Jnry consl.ting of three reputable patent attorney, of Washihg ten. Intended competitors should fill out the following blank, and forward it with their application: , 1893. board. Mrs. Dawson, the old lady who had moved , was uisconsoiate. "I've lost my boarder." said aha ready." ' Dear me 1" said I, "that's a pity." "As nice a young doctor as ever vou set eyeson," said she. "as wanted tt, fr. room for an office and the back narior f. bed room." ' ' That would have been very nice," said I. "And all because he couldn't And hi. bones," said Mrs. Dawson. "Cculdn t find his bones!" echoed I. 'Surgical things and an atom ion know," explained Mrs I) good as intimated as I'd stole 'em. Now, what sort of use could 1 make of a lot of bones all wired together! Is it !iui tm teal 'em?" Mrs. Dawson was so solemn mul ive and the idea was so supremely ridicu lous that I went off into a SDasmodin t. nt giggling. I could not helD It. standing thorn . chair, with half my head and shoulders la uiouiusuu i nope she didn't hear me I However, I found my bed-kev and H- parted, and when I got home I told the story of tho young doctor and the bones to Beulnh and even grave Beulah laughed. "Hut I'm sorrv that the n.,,,r ni.i i.i i... lost her boarder," said Beulah, gently. 'Hoamll" I cried, overwhelmed by a -uuen remorse;" and I wouldn't han laughed if I could have helrjed It. Rhihi. out i couiun t help itl DOGS THAT WENT FISHING. A Newfoundland That H'ns Fond of Catch. inc Crabs. I once knew two dogs that, took great delight in catching crabs, says a writer in Forest and Stream, nut soft crabs, but lusty, hard ones, capable of making a good fif,'ht. When about twelve years of age I used to spend my vacations at a large farm on a tributary of the Chesa peake bay. Uesidcs myself there was another boy and two dogs at this house. One of the dogs was a large Newfound land, and the, other .was one of those medium-sized, puzzling ('011111111:111(1118 oi short hair and no partieuhir color probably an nll-nrotind dog, us con cerned his breeding. One dav I noticed the Inrrre iln? vend ing about in the shallow water nt the foot of the yard and evidently,,,.,, rolling for something. I found that he was looking for oralis. When a cntli vena discovered he would prance around it, and, after making several attempts, sKie 11, 111 ins inoiun and bring it up on the beach, and then play with it, much as a cat does with a mouse, until the poor crab was either dead or helplessly exhausted. He seemed to do this for the mere sport of the thing, liarkiny all the time in a tone that denoted excite ment rather than anger. lie never ate the crabs after killing them. The crabs fought back to the best of their ability, ami it was often difficult to say which had the tightest grip, dog or crub, for the crab would fasten on to some por tion of the dog's mouth with both of his powerful pinchers, and it would require much shaking before he would drop off. NEGROES AS SOLDIERS. Oenaral Lord Wolseley Pays the Africans a High Compliment. T do nnf II, 1?rA-.,...... 1 j,. Half an hour afterward I heard Re.ilal. ntilcklv . n, nn, V.i, 7. , ' wiling me. But I did not answer, for the tonishine to sec the zeal, the ,in,l,.m.H ery good reason that at that earjeeial interest and moment I was a martyr to curiosity. to bear unon all miinurv i(... ... . To Speak truth. I was on mv lnoo. u,f Ihem n,r,t,., l.i tho mysterious trunk, trying to fit one of nightly Kevicw. They take the utmost pride tne equally mysterious bunch of keys to it, m being Boldiers and m acquiring any art, or and I had just reached that most aggravat- irill or exercise connected with the man lng stage when a kev had been mi. in unrf airemmit. nn,l i,nnHi,n,,i. absolutely decliued either to turn the lock ment of armed bodies. There'soems to be or to come out again. omethinir in tho d,..in .i - - 1 Bo 1 gent very quiet and presently my the common stock from which they come. PRIZES ON PATENTS. How to Get Twenty-five Hundred Dollars for Nothing. The Winner has a clear Gift of a Small Fortune, and the Losers Have Patents that may Bring them in Still More. Would you like to make twenty-live hundred dollars-; If you would, read carefully what follows and you may see a way to do it. The Press Claims Company devotes much attention to patents. It has handled thousands 01 applications for inventions, but it would like to handle thousands more. There is plenty ....ciiuve laiicni at large ln this coumry iiecuingnoining but encouragement to produce practical results. Thateneouragemeiitthe Press claims company propose to give. NOT Mr IIAlll) AS ITSKEITIN. A patent strikes most people as an appalling ly formidable thing. The idea is that an In ventor mint be a namral genius, like Edison or Bell; that he must devote years to delvlnr in complicated mechanical problems and that he must spend a fortune on delicate experiments before he can get a new device to a nai,.mi,i degree of perfectlbn. This delusion the com pany desires to dispel. It desires to get Inlo the head of the public a Clear cm,,r.h.in. of the fact that It Is not thegreat, complex, and expensive Inventions that bring the best returns miner u It inri hot ih,, ii,,i- - . cheap oes-tl,e thing, that seem so absuril'iv (nviai mai uio average cllizcn would feel somewhat ashamed of bringing them to the attention of the Patent Office. K " Edison says that the profits he has received from the paients 011 all his marvelous Inven tions have lint been sufficient tn pay the cost ,"elv"l.,iX"f;""t'",'s; "ut lh: nisi, who m,,: eel vert the Idea of fastening a bit of rubber cord to a child's ball, , C?st it would come back to the hand when thrown, made a fortune out of his scheme. The modem sewing c i ne I. a miracle of Ingcnullj-tbe p la result rests upon ihe simple device f putting the eye of the needle at the injiut 1 1 stead of at the other end. 'e point lu- I submit the within described invention in competition for the Twenly-five hundred Dollar Prize offered by the Press Claims Company." SO BLANKS IN THIS COIUPETION. "t.8," comI,etitlon "ther an unusal na- ?; II C?m"""i ,0 0fter "e best ry, orpretuTe, or architectural plan, ail the competitors r,sklg ,, Ioss of their labor and the successful one merely selling hi. for the Company., offer 1. .omethlug entirely differ mt. Each person is asked mki.,..i. self and the one who help, him self to the" "advantage is to be rewarded by doing it The Prize I. only a stlmmus ,0 do som thing The architect whose competitive plan for rriTtfr-"' '-otoccept. it.t. . "" something of very i tie use to him. But the person who patent a imple and useful device , tl,e Pre6P, cZm, Company.,, conJpelUo ueed w result to show for his work-one that wil command it. value In the market at any time. The man who uses any article in his dally work ought to know better hnw tn t. ,. than the mechanical expert who studies it only from the theoretical point of view. Get rid of the idea that an lmnrnvem,,t ., i. ... simple to be worth patenting. The simpler the , person wno best succeeds in combining simplicity and popularity, will get the Press Claims Company', tweuty-flve hun dreil dollars. The responsibility of thi, company may be Judged from the fact that Its stock is held by S TSS'SSaiS! onhe leail"s n-8"p Address the Press Claims Companv John G. A. It. NOTICE. We take this opportunity of informing our subscribers that the new oommis. eiouer of pensions has been sppointed He is an old soldier, and we believe that soldiers and their heirs will re oeive justice at his hands. We do Dot suticipate that there will be any radical changes in tbe administration of pension affairs under the new regime. We would advise, however, that U. S. soldiers, sailors and their heirs, take Hteps to make application at once, if they have not already done so, in order to secure the benefit of the early filing of their claims in case there should be any future pension legislation. Snob, legislation is seldom retroaotive. Thr fore it is of great importance tbat ap plioatious be filed in tbe department at the earliest possible date. If the V. 8. soldiers, sailors, or their widows, children or parents desire in formation in regard to pension matters, they should write to the Press Claims Company, at Washington, D. C. and they will prepare aud send the necessary application, if they find them entitled undet the nnmerons laws enacted for their benefit. Address PKESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Weodebbubn. Mn.i,, 11.. ney, Washington, D. C, P. O. Box 885 tf. DBPRIC ma Used m Millions of Homes-.o vM - 1 -40 Years the Standard. ' '1 1 f