Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 11, 1893, Image 3

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Vwlf.lt TO ADVI'HTlsKlts,
J-ll -si. d.Mirlng tliKliiM-rtiui, odliM.lay n.U
i ,U,r.J",i;'"i'Mp!i mUMl "-ir ropy ii,'
KliUou, or
.... ...... , .c.MliH ,ur mesuuyi
lax 1'ATlllKhUN fui)Ul.illl.ui:i.
" .. ", ,u'a. ' c"W per Une win be
etwrgwl lor "card, ol th.i.ki.'-rwolutluiui nl
re.pwt 'Ml.UotweUaiNK prccnt, a.irt donor,
lid uuiluiiry uutlcui, (oilier limn ihone tku edlll
... inn i i"iii Kive una nmtior ol new,,) mid
....... ..... ,.. .. .-i.,1K lur wimuiverpurpomj
i fcoll.-i ol rtinri'li and aoclely and alluthu
viitmuiiiiiuvuui Inim whicli revenue l lu be le-
ri vuu, h mil o inaiKeu iur at ilia rule o( Uvc
........ ..u.v lu.i-i ui utBiricily adher
ed to iu ever tuauiii ' o"i
AdvertMiiK miiw reasonable and made known
We hold each and every correnpoiHicnt re
apouMhle (or hi or her eoiniuniuVai,,,,, ,
buu j-iaiiurwjo, w our HUtl.uiuea aK(Jnt. 'ifiS
mage lor Hardman, Monument, Long Creek
.lllhll 1JHV Rllll I . H 1 1 V I I 1'lt.r I .... . V. v""l
.j v.. hj, tvavus un loiJOWH
tvery day at 8 p. in., except Sunday.
ArnveHuveryUuvat.'i r. n.....v. , i.,.i....
'the eheape.t, quiekeat and bent' line to or
W. A. Johnston, Agent,
Give your business to Heppner people.
um iiit icjviK uaitiM io uuita up Uepp
ner. 1'atrouize thuse who patronize
Here and There.
When a man with a little money
And a mortgage and a wife
Tukea a notion to bo funny
And adopts a nportlug life
Tukes to betting on the race.,
Takes to phiying colts for places,
Takes to backing up three uces:
Makes a dump
Of all bit hard-earned money lu a lump,
-lie's a chump.
A man may work and a man may talk
For the temperance cause all day.
But he cau't go atitmiu'
And observe prohlbillon,
RrcauiM he ain't built that way
A big $15,000 hotel is being erected at
O. W. Smith and wife wereiii the oitv
Sum mid Will hof7.it left Tuesday for
me 131 uep.
U. U. Sargent is visiting with bis
parents iu ihe Dulles.
Frank MeFarland teturned from Hood
Kiver Tuesday evening.
The Dulles T. M.: Henry Heppner.
oi ueppiier, is m tue oity.
A1. Hubarts was down from the moun
tain camp several days this week.
The Gazette has a rattling good water
barrel for sale oheap. tf.
The Gern and Palace saloons for tine
liquors. McAtee Bros.. Props. aw
J. B. Sperry is harvesting out in his
ueighborhuod, and finds considerable
grain .
The TWicp.-A.WBKK GHzette now only
82.60 in advance, payable in cash or
ooou sbius.
Mesdames T. J. Matlock and C. W.
Rjobard rt-turued from Pilot Hack last
Dr. E. B. Swinburne and son, R ilph,
left Tuesday fur the mountains to rusli
. eate a fen days,
Phill Cohn and wife and Sain Kinsman
and family left for the mountains Tues
day fur a abort vacation.
Albert Avers writes that ho is now In
flated near Weslfall, Oregon, where he
desires tue (jnzette sent him.
Those who wish to seek work else-wlii-re
had better keep as far away from
the railroads as possible.
Mrs. N. 8 D,twsou,of Mnnmouth, ac
companied by her grandchild, is visitiug
her son, J. W. Dawson, of this city.
The Heppner Canyon stage line is the
best, cheapest nud quickest to the iu
Every mau who takes any interest in
fast stork should subscribe for The
Horseman. Gazette shop, agents.
The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove
cures liquor, opnim, morphine, oooaine
and tobacco habit. See ad,
Bishop 0. P. Fitzgerald will bold the
annual conference of the M. E churob.
So nib, at Pendleton, Aug. 30 to Sept. 4th.
The water for sprinkling purposes is
getliug quite low, and uuless we have
rain socn it will not hold out mnoh long
r. Hood's Pills cure nil liver ills. 25c.
Sent by mail on receipt of price by 0. I.
Hood & Co, Apothecaries, Lowell,
Bev. Dennis dime in from Hardman
on yesterday morning's stage, leaving
for his home in the valley on the dowu
Long Creek is the seat of excitement
now. Kubbery and rape at one dash
seems to be a whole lot for one little sec
tion. Trof. Wier and wife left Monday for
a visit with relatives at Hillsbmo
They will visit the beach before return
ing. The next meeting of Rawlins Post G.
A. B will be held in Ht-ppner.Saturday,
Aug., 26 'h. All comrades should bear this
,in mind.
Green Mathews, having purchased the
Palace hotel barber shop from Chas,
Jones, neks for a continuance of trade.
Baths in connection.
Andrew Neel and wife were over from
Lone Book yesterday, departing for
home this morning, aocompuiued by
Mrs. Sallie Hayes,
Cash Bvolmrd returned Wednesday
fiom a trip to Gray's Harbir where he
had been to visit bis brother. He says
that part of the country is very dull.
Gilliam and Johnston say tbnt W. A
Fisher, of Haystack, lM no end of
grapes, the iim.iiini reaching up into the
tons. His fruit crop, geuerally is im
mense. Th' forgery case, which was given a
hei ring in the justice's onnrt at Hard
mi n, Tuesday, wbb diFmissdd, aud the
suit for the reoovery of money, which
was to Come up later on, was compro
mised. At orneys Dawson and Brown
fetnrned Tuesday afternoon.
g 13TTM"PANf
I . , .... " "" '-" "'! 1 ""! ' nn'ii ...B.1 ii !! l'r. n
i nun H. ISriion .. . '
" "iruiau ou tne LI. tf WHS
I'p from 1 he Dalles. Wedneaday. relative
u. making dual proof on hi. homeatead
ne..r L-XiuWou. Mr. Brown haa been
rai r.Mdiag for more than tLree years,
and can relate many interesting incidents
that have happened during that time.
Frank Gilliam and W. A. Johnston
relumed late Wednesday from their
jraut county trip. Tliey visited the
ox mines during their sojourn, aud
" Kreatest aud richest
; eposit of free milling ore tbeyeversaw.
i.'y-irouKUt Back with them s H.,
nprunueu ot gold and quartz from the
The advice that most men will viv
you is not to drink, but when you do
get the best. The Belvede
curries an excellent stock of cigars, liquors
wines aud beer. A tine billiard parlor
.. connection. Call on Charlie and
Dick who will alwava tretl
YounB Jnckson. who haA him K
keu by a pistol shot some time ago. had
to have the limb re-broken last Tuesday
in order to straighten it. He went
through the painful operation with much
fortitude. Drs. MoSwords and Fox
performed the operation.
Union services next NuMmth n. i.
lows: Kev. M. Bramblet will preach at
the M. E. church at 11 a. Ill unit Rao
I. M. riunlse at the Baptist ohurch at
a p. m. Every body iuvitel.
Don't ovi rlook J.B.Tedrnwe at lh
Ard'de when thirstv. Half nni hull atii
fresh beer always on tan. Also a fii
stock of liquors aud cigars always on
nunu. uive led a cull.
Will Sueuoer aud wife. Minora w.n.r
Khea and Annie Lewis, and Waldon
Khea de arted Wednesday to i
Jolly camping orowd for a few week's
outing iu the Blues.
Gid Halt has pnrohased Hick Math
ews interest in the City Hotel barber
shop Shaves, shampoos, hair-outs,
etc., fihed up in the best of stile.
Baths for the millions.
Or. B. F. Vauuhan hfts decided tn Iahva
Heppner, and all those owinij him are
requested to make immediate settlement.
I'liuse desiring work should Bpplv at
once. i'43tf-
"How to Cin e All akin Diseases.'
Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment."
No iuternal nieilioiue required. Cures
tetter, eczema, itch, all emotions ou the
face, bands, nose, &c, leaving the skin
clear, white and healtblv. Its creat
bealiug and onratiye powers are possess
ed by no other remedy. Ask your drug
gist for Swaj ne's Ointment, sw 1 yr.
Thk Fox Robbery. No late news
has been received at this offioe regard
ing the Fox robbery, but it is clear that
four men were implicated in the affair,
viz: John Hosier, alias Texas Jack,
Ralph Rider, Jae. Short and Johnny
Chnsman. Tbey got $1,000, and J. F.
Allen, of Fox, was the sufferer. They
oalled at bis store late at Dight for
tobacco. Getting up he was confronted
by a man with a gun who said, "Throw
up your bands," Allen thought he was
joshing and retorted that he couldn't
oome that, for he knew him. A slight
souffle ensued', and then nnother armed
man stepped in and throwing bis gun
up to his head said, "Throw up your
hauds or I'll blow a hole through you."
Jim then saw that the fellows were
in earnest and that there were two
others, four in all, and that they wore
masks made of black material. Tbey
forced him to open the safe, then gagged
him by tying a knotted handkerchief
in his mouth, and tied, him hand and
foot with strips of over hall stuff. The
robbers found the money and departed.
Tn a short tune, Mr. Allen succeeded in
freeing himself, and going over to Frank
MoGi'i-'s, gnve the alarm. One of tbe
men wore ulioes with a peonliar half
sole on it, and this was trnoed to Long
Creek, and vory early Sunday morning,
following the robbery Saturday night,
the shoes were located and Jack Hosier
aud Bulph Rider placed uuder arrest.
One of them gave the snap away and
this led to tho apprehension of Chris
man. At last aooouuts, Snort bad not
been oaught. The men were given an
examination and bound over. In de
limit of bonds, we are informed that they
were taken to Cauyon Ci'y for safe
keeping. One of the Short family had
about 8150, aud this is the only part of
the stolen money that has been recover
ed. The masks were made from Mrs.
Snort's riding habit, which she admits
having given them, but denies knowing
what it is for. Miss Lue Ivy, of Long
Creek, tried to swear Rider out, but her
efforts were fruitless, besides it has
plaoed her in an unenviable lie bt.
Johnny Cbrisman is well known in
both Grant and Morrow counties, and
it is a surprise to all that be would con
sent to mix up with such a scrape.
While it is thought that be would have
no hesitancy in "holding out" a band at
poker, no one would have put him op
for a robber.
Rape Case. Among other matters,
the Long Creek kection is now being
treated to a rape oaee,- say those who
have just returned from that vicinity.
Ou last Monday evening, a young man
named Mel Dustin.and very well known in
this country, overtook Miss Lizzie Green
just this side of Monument. Both were
on horseback and being well acquainted,
chatted along till Miss Green reached
the lane leading to the residence on tbe
ranch formely owned by Jack Hintnn.
When Miss Green started to go up the
Une, DiiHlin oalled to ber to atop, saying
he wanted to spfiak to her. Jumping
off his horse, he ran up to Miss Green
and dragged ber off the horse, assaulting
her, accomplishing bis base designs.
The young lady then dragged herself
within hailing distance of tbe house,
when a young man came out and helped
ber in. It is said that Dustiu bas been
Mr. 8. y. nyde
Do You Ever Have Boils?
' For several years prior to 1002, there was
oaruiy a cay tn.it I was tree from bollj and
other eruptions of the sldn mislnj from Impur-
Itles of tho blood. I began to tako Hood's Sar
saparllla, and lieforo I had flnljlicd tho third
bottle I found myself entirely cured." 8. N.
Hyde, of Va:i Valer d Jlydo, Keal Estate, IM
Long tulldlng, Fresno, California,
noon s v 1 13 act easily, vot di
iromptly and
Ulcieutly, on tho liver and bowels.
Briohfi Disease.
Inflammation of the Blad
der, Yellow Water, Brick
Oust Sediment In Urine,
Burning Sensation, Pain
In the Back, and all Dis
eases of the Kidneys.
O.W.R. Manufacturing Co.,
For sale hy Sloonm-Johneton Drug Co
and T. W. Ayers, Jr.
arrested and that there is much
oitement over tbe affair.
Counterfeiters. C ash Byobard
brought up word that two counterfeiters,
Edward Marshall and George Norton,
were arrested on ihe U. P. train near
Mosier last Tuesday night. They were
engaged in the manufacture of spurious
dollars so nearly like good money that
none but an expert oould tell the good
from the bad. TbeyTiave the appearanoe
and ring of the genuine, "fifty-five cent"
dollar, but are short in weight. They
have bad their head quarters on an is
land iu the Columbia near Columbia
beach for some time past. Others of
the gang boated in Portland have es
caped, as usual, some one who oould not
keep quiet giving fbem an unintentional
trip some days ago.
House Burned. Near Monument
last Tuesday night, the residence of
-I. O, Leslie was l&ned to the ground
a complete loss asTiothing was Baved.
Some gold and eighteen hundred dollars
in. promissory notes went up with the
flames, though the 'coin . in a badly
melted state was founil and sent iu b)
W. Ar Johnston for return to the inipt.
How the bouse got on fire is not known,
but probably started from a defective
flue. Mr. and .Mrs. Leslie are tbr
parents of Mrs 4 Pry Wilson, and art
well advanced a years. Mr. Leslie ba
no reoord of the notes destroyed, and
as he oannot remember tbe amount
there will be some difficulty in making
Taken to La Grande. One of our
prominent citizens, Dan Hornor, was
arrestei Wednesday morning by Deputv
Sheriff Cat Ardrey, of La Grande, at the
instigation of S. R. Beeves, charging
him with an "attempt to extort money
with threats." Mr. Hornor left for La
Grande Wednesday morning. Tin-
trouble originated through a note
owing Mr. Hornor by Mr. Beeves, but at
to tbe facta in the case, wa know nothing,
but hope sincerely that all will be
settled satisfactorily.
Rip's Wood Yard. The Heppner
wood yard, under the management ol
Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to delivi r
wood at your residenoe, sawed or un-
sawed. Wood sawed and delivered ai
.00 per cord. Wood suwed twioe in
two, 75 cti. per oord; three times, 00
Yard near the depot. Leave orders al
Sloan & Howard's. 4 tf.
Teacher's Examination. TeaoberV
examination began Wednesday and it
now in progress at tbe oourt house nu
del the supervision of Supt. W. L. Bal
ing and F. J. Hallook. Tbe following
are the applicants: Misses Martha
Neville, Ada Gentry, Anna Balsiger,
Eva Brians, Edith Young and Mrs. N.
P. Donegan.
Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak
er and repairer of many years' expert
euce, has just looated in tbe Abraham-
si ok cuilding, on May street, where hi
is prepared to do eveiy thing in big line.
Ui Birbeck is strictly a first-clnss work
man and warrants all work. Give him 1,
oall 14wtf
Sheep. I want to buy for cash, about
2,000 bead of yearling ewes, good stool
to be delivered at Heppner depot for
shipment. State full particulars,
quality of sheep, price, number, etc.,
aud address, Wesley B. George, Belle
vue, Logan County, Idaho, at once.
Photographs. Danner, the pho
tographer, is going to leave Heppner
about the 10th of Sept. All who wish
their photos taken must get tbere
mmediately. 119 2.
Land For Sale. 480 aores over in
Wilson prairie. A good stock ranch anil
w ill be sold oheap. Call at Gszettt
office for particulars and terms. tf.
I have opened a first olass restaurant
at the old Matlnck building called
Uolton restaurant.
43-tf. Mrs. G. W. Swaooart.
over 400. the lamest In its history. New members
supplied and the course of study revised and
Kooa positions. , ' i he diploma entities the holder
uiruier tixtininiaiKin.
Normal $6.25 per term of 10 weeks.
Sub Normal $5 per term of 10 weeks.
Room 50 oents per week, uufnmished.
Koom from SI to 31.25. furnished.
Tuition, board, lodgiug and books, less
than iff lou per year.
Tuition. $10 per term of 20 lessons.
Monmouth is easily accessible from all parts of the state, twelve miles from the state capital,
sixty miles south of Portland. Catalogue cheerfully sent on application. AddresB
r. u i;ami-bc,ll, rresmeut. Vi
Yes, there are many of them.
Some very good, some bad.
Bd dru s are poisonous,
Also of no value whatever.
Pure drugs are great helps,
And these alone should be
Used in compounding.
We claim to keep in Block
The purest, drugs made.
To compound them skillfully,
To prepare prescriptions qniokly.
To charge for them reasonably.
Who can do better than this?
PHIL. COHN, Proprietor.
West Side of
H. A. Thompson
Tie Heppner Livery, Feed and Sale Stalk
Below Coffin & McFarland's, Main Street
Good Conveyance for Tiaveling Men.
Teams to hay per day, 75 ots. Hay and grain per day. 81.25. Meals 25 cts.
at C. C. Sargeant's, next door to Feed Stable. Urain Bnd
baled hay always on hand.
;b luql; jo Auay
Portland, Oregon. A.
Open all the year. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue free.
The Stndehaker wagon heads them all.
For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a
Gilliam & Bisbee are still doing busi
ness at the old stand, reports to (he
contrary notwithstanding. They invite in
spection 01 their mammoth stock of hard
ware, wagons, impliments, etc. a
Give the matter a little thought.
Reference is made to tbe neat hard
ware, tinware, plumbing, etc., stock o
Billy Potter, Odd Fellows' ball. He de
dres to please iu both quality and prioe.
Minor & Co., the new firm, have not
lost any of their popularity by the
obange. Tbey continue to do business
in the old way tbe greatest amount
quality considered, for the least money
The general merchandise establish
ment formerly owned by Coffin Sc Me Far
land, has lately changed hands, now be
ing under the control and management
if The MoFarland Mercantile Companv,
biou continues business at the old stand
ith a larger stock than ever. a
We hold services at Liberty, Rhea
oreek, next Sunday at 11 a. in. In tbe
sveuiug we will join the union meeting
at the Baptist chnrcb.
Edwin Palmkk, Pabtob.
Gilliam & I3isbees
iiEPPHTEn. on.
The Lcadics Normal School of (lie Northwest
Strong PrfifesBiono) anrt Arademlccouraeg.and
well organized model school lor practical train
intr ol" Teachers. Normal, Advanced Normal,
BuBiiiCBn, Music and Art Departments. Beauti
ful and healthful location. Liyht expense. No
'ihe Normal has enjoyed a steady growth
during the past ytar, reaching an enrollment of
have been added to the faculty, new anarattii
strengthened. The graduates are in demand to fill
tj teach in any county in the state w ithout
Business $6 25 per term.
Board at Normal dining hall, $1.75 per
Board and Lodging in private families,
83 50 to $4.00 per w eek.
courses ottered ill vocal and Imtnimenta! muili
- 'ji a. SUEUD, Secretary of Faculty.
Main sfteet,
A. K. Blnni
P. Armstrong, Principal.
Mrs. Mary Jackson will lead the
regular meeting of the W. 0. T. U.
Wednesday eve. All members are re
quested to bring their bibles aa the
meeting will consist chiefly of devotinal
service and tbe superintendent of
evuugolistio work.
W. V. c.
W AN I'M).
Salesmen, to sell our choice and hardy
nursery stock. Many special varieties
to oirar both in fruits aud ornamentals,
and on itrolled only by ns. We pa)
commission or salary, give exolnsive
territory and pny weekly. Write us at
once and secure choice of territory.
Mat Brothers, Nurserymen,
142-tiO Hochaster, N. Y.
M. Lichtenthal & Co.'a new stock of
Hplfiidid, summer botlon and tie special
ties in ihe oboe line are attracting rnnrk--d
at'etition, a
Jr-Bft- miv J Tiff, 11
Best Couitb tiyrup. Tiuites Good. Use I
I.IIHK-, Nnlnr fill M k II V
in tima. noia dt aniKRIsu.
1 wri tMIBII Itfcn,
m j
And Bound to Stay.
rOur Prioes
Dry It Clc Wes, Hi Caps
Boots, Shoes, Provisions, Notions, Etc.
Ar6 nSnfi w " C0!?ie Dd ,PiDt, Lut the 8od8 you wi8h, and we are
confident you will be pleased, because our prices are all right.
An early call will be appreciated.
Change of
whioh we Dronosfi to conduct in
. - "
on hands at all times the oboioest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
shaw & Mccarty,
rK. Joseph j. bill7
Graduate M. E. C. V. S . , London, England.
Veterinary -mm- Surgeon
Chronic Diseases a SDeeialtv
on ihort notlcoT I wUl ueailTiZX
o. ttuuiittiB in me most approved procedure nt Vet.
luary Surgery. If you have any sick ai.imali it wilfb. to you? tatorSt to
call on me &t HtKwart'D BtaKiAa ' "wcai. u
The lit Institute
The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store.
On May Street, opposite Palace Hotel. Tbey will keep on band a full line of
Groceries anil Provisions.
A fnll linA of ntiiinA Tita nr a r ji . ... ... ....
- ---- -- um.
usually Kent, in a flrot-claod hukorv
try tbern
U 1. the title of a very valuable book that gtve. a great amount of infoUon of thV tj"o!i
Importance to Everybody, concerning their daily habiU of Bating, DrinkingTDreXt etc
a inbLS AUUliT
What to Eat,
How to Eat it,
Things to Do,
Things to Avoid,
Perils of Summer,
Influence of Plants,
ViTHBng. ffinTrownrt. SSTuSSS. K SalarfafiVec
?stes Uouses- vzTiug E,xewrtvoll: sssjssss-
IT Xlfl.I haw T rimn niont w. o.n. n
now to Breathe,
Coughs, Cho.era, Diarrhea, Dtphthriaiente nET C
Feet. Freckles. HeariRB nmh nJJ... , " 1 "'PPs'a.. f "ache, Feloiu, Ftlt
Mo.es, Ptmple., Pta, Kheumatism; R.ngworm Snoring sZCing V2l!
Sore Nipple., Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings and Inaect Bites, Sweating FeT Khach?
Warta, Whooping Cough, Worms In Children. IT WILI, SAVE DOOTOH BILLfc
IW All new Borjncribers and prompt renewals during tbe month of Aug. will be
preeensed with a free oopy of this aa a premium.
coi !;.-,
P. II. T.
! i I,- yi,i,M- 1 10 iv tii '11,. (,no (i marry
:ini!fifi iiov.' !'. in- i..,,-.",.- iu imiri-iito;
font piii'i'iif hiw In fi:( bubics;
)'l in: iiioi!i:r how I him: tliciti witliout pain;
)Tlm cliildlcss liovv to bo fruitful and multiply
n'ho ourions Low they "gtowed" and came to be
)Tht) hetiltliy how to enjoy life and keep well;
)Tlm invalid how to get well again speedily;
)Tho imprudent how to regain wasted energy.
)AU who want knowledge that is of most worth
)Find it in Dr. Footo's "Plain Home Talk,"
)1,()(K) piiovs, 200 cms, 24 col. plates; 200 recipes;
iHediii'i-fl from (f.1.25 tf -1 .50; e.irctilnrs free.
(Mitrray Hill P.1 CV. K. 2Hth .St.. New York
UMlis., Dawson & Iyons,
All bnsineas attended to in a prompt and satinfaotory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
Otis Patterson
Yue Lancashire Insurance Co.
- Onjj Firfit-Clfc botel lu Heppner.
2. (Building Wired for Eleotric Lights
.. iproagnour.
tteat accommodations for the traveling
Courteous treatment ensured the ooun
try people.
MRS. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress.
Heppner, Oregon.
in all lines of-
tha ,,t :..! . '
oouoiouiory manner, will keep
rV, .uDvmumuk nuineR ma KcaTllnGTfl ft Hnfl
638 BW
For the Cure oi
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It It located at Forest Grove, Or.,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast.
o.0,"1.1, at 'l!e, Gai,,tti offlce for partlcuUrt.
cure ' Treatment private and un
uuu mrnu in met every! ling mat il
ti,.. ,:u '11 .1 ' , "V. .. '
- ""j iu rai uueup 101 caso. uan anp
Parasites of the Skin rrn nf Taoii,
(i;-: fvVt
(AGW" "
( $1,100