Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 11, 1893, Image 2

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, l" I I " ' .
.i. n conii'i
TO IJMD in Millinery, Ladies' Fuming and Children' wear. Our stock i
Dress Goods and Trimmings.
i. tne largest, and our prices t,e lowest ; and we guards satisfaction. . ,
Ladies' Hose and Underwear A Specialty.
We have . large stock to .elect from. We invite yon to inspect our -took, prices, et
I - - - .
ib very
l Rut ihfr
"."LfS though it mav pw
little show
in the
Ibe bouse.
of nu-
. I. nfan4 I T.IUJIIKIl I . .
Patronize those wau Vw- i - - ,. . fi,.B0(.e j8 before toe
We hold each and ever, re.pondeut re
sponsible for his or her comn '"-J , lhe
good faith.
Did yoa ever
Bead about the
Man who
Hid bia
Light under
A bushel?
Yen? well
That is like
Doing business
Without advertising.
All the
BuiJe schemes
In the conntry
Will not Hcoomplish
Dulf as much
Ab a good ud.
In a good, live,
Legitimate newspaper,
One that
Is read
By the people,
Aud that owns
ItB own
Soul; that
D-i' its apnee
Like merchandise,
Worth dollar
For dollar.
people, it is interesting to compare tue
-.. menace with the following
excerpt from his letter of acceptance of
.1.. ..M.iannv nvar
the nomiuatioo lor me yi.o..., -
a year ago: "The people are u.
....i r,l honest money, abundantly
sufficient' in volume to supply their
business needs. But wuatever -the
form of the people's currency,
national or state, gold silver or
paper, it should be so regulated and
i . i u nr.vornmental action or by
LfnHlUCU UJ '"-
... il rtna nun
wise and careful laws ma- " "
be deluded as to the certainly auu
bility of its value. uvery now.
into the bands of tbe people should be
of the same intrinsic value or purchas
ing power. With this condition ab
solutely guaranteed, both gold an.
silver can be safely utilized upon equal
terms in tueadj.istmeulotonronrrenw
How we (Jnw Old.
m, ,u. l that, hinds us to life is
, iiv .vred ere the meridian
of ltfa is reached in tbe case of P
who neglect obvious eau
railing strength. Vigor, no less the source
r h,,i.es than tne onuum
happiness, man oe "
lng me. u - - , nannds
Kkuatou Hill and
.rHn,.d bills on tne mouej
Uotb are silver men
Currency is in demand in the EsBt,
and silver very sonto).
The midwinter exposition to be held
at 'Fiisoo is under way.
gn...hu advanced 4k' cents over
the price paid Aug. 8.
Stewart have al-
ready in
Should Cleveluud veto a silver bill
it would be certain to carry the Slier
man luw repeal down with it.
Bknatob Stbwabt, of Nevada, has
pr.pa,ed a silver bill whiob he will
present at the earliest opportunity.
Tub child "uiocovered at Eugene,
supposed lo be the Miller wuif, proved
to be a case of inietakeu indeutity.
Dixon, the ebumuiou featherweight,
whined Ed. Pierce, of New York, in
three rounds, before the Coney Island
elub Aug. 7. mmmmmm
Hnao nnr, fx hi.
who have experienced or are cogmzaut
-including many puym.u ,
nence-of the effect of Hostetter s
u." . T?iii..,B. bear testimony to
i" wondrous efficacy as a creator of
strength in feeble constitutions, and
debilitated and shattered systems A
Htondy performance oi u u..j
Hon.. renew d appetite, flesh and I nigh t-
lv repose atteua me uo
thorough and stuudaid renovant. Use
no local tonic represented to be .kin to
,r resemble it in eneor; m f
i ..,1 ilio uiMiume. wnicn m
l"U,a"" - .... lA!..etnn
acknowledged remeay ior iu,n..",
malaria, nervousness. onnstipation,
liver and kidney complaints and rheumatism
orouse. aud the result is, they Bre have
been, and are likely to be out ot meal
of the feathery species.
Mrs. A. 14. Potter and two children
from Wasco, Sherman county, are
enjoying the benefits derived from the
use of the wnlers of these springs, so
also is Mrs. Hodson, of Lexington.
T T? 1 l-urrona mwl son. Guy, will
start for home neit Sunday. Master
Uuy's health has been greatly improved
since he oame here. It was unani
mously deoi led that J. F. M. Is tbe
luzziest mau in camp, aiiuiuKu
manages to do his owu cooking.
W V. Kirk, of Black Horse, who
came here Jme 9th. almost a helpless
invalid with rheumatism, is now able
to chase tbe frisky ohipmunk into tne
o,Wb he meets aeaiu oy whik
drowned or dashed to pieoes against
the rocks. He is equally active in
linnenaiue with the peslty wooora.,
the old timer, the bed bug.
On Tuesdav or Wednesday. Mrs.
d..o nf l eTiiwton. lost a popB6 oou-
taiuiLg"aboHt20 in silver and green
backs She. witu iwo oi ner
children, and Mr. Parker and family.
f Pendleton, visited mr. curueu
family who live about six mues ou.
from the springs, inn u".
die found her money gone, the bottom
of ber pocket being nearly torn out.
The odd part of the matter IB that a
handkerchief; a spectacle case, a bat on
hook, and some keyB remained in the
oooket. The money might have been
i' . i,n, viaii. hut there is an
uw uhnnt the matter. It
looks much like professional work.
H. A. V.
August 3, 1803.
, - - - 'i : - I.m,m.B.A I vr"a IPSI
ii B 0
..0. IS:
1 ' RX
Pilesl PiloKl Iicliius Piles.
STMi'Tosia Moisture; intense and
stinging; most at night; wowe bv
soraiehiug. If allowed to continue tu
mors form, which ofteu bleed and ulcer
ate, beoomiug very sore.. Hwaynes
Ointment stops tbe itohing and bleeding
heals ulceration, and in m ist cases re
moves the minors. At druggists, or by
m..:i fr fid nHiits. Ur. swayne a w
Grain barveeting is continued.
A few laborers were imported from
Mrs. T. 3. Carl provides for a number
of boarders this week.
Afijroe BPid powerful wind 0P9'
cedd the heat of the first part of tbe
Messrs. Chas. Cochran and A. T.
Wood were up at Heppner for a few
We had a large attendance ai oauuaiu
school yesterday. Considering the busy
times, this speaks well for lone, when
so manv schools have suspended lor
Mia anminer.
ii.. w.,mn anA oartner on byeioles
passed through here the other day.
They stopped for a night's rest with Mr
J. Cochrau's and expected to reacn
Dalles the next evening.
The heading crew of this vicinity
suspended ork Saturday on aooount
of the wind and dust storm. Our new
onmers are becoming badly impressed
with Eastern Oregon. Have patience,
the good things have uot all been seen
Key. Currant, ot Oondon, arriveu
Saturday and informed us that he would
favor us with a sermou after buiiday
school tbe nut day. He has viaited us
voluntarily and we were greu
prited. Many efforts have been made
heretofore to secure the services ot a
:.,iI,tar in awhile, but without
snooess. His disoourse was
interesting and all io attendance felt it
Bond to be there. An all-round sooiBble
ohat was enjoved after tbe service,
Kev. Currant expects to favor us again
in the near future.
Ang. 7, 1893.
. ..
HVict U thr " ' .,.,, apPtara,we?
MUM Vr '! ,ud, J. i, fM of dandruff?
i C"TifdL er'na heated rendition f If
j pom! vj ti v,-w " -
U your hair dry, harsh.
"r : ; ' iij,i .
. For sale by Slocnm-Jobnston Drug
Co. and T. W. Ayers, Jr.
0m gSW
11 LWi ; I mmSSSBtffsesiassa
; t',,:.9r,?t:r : n . ?r t . nau. it atwuuj"
! Vlfij f "Ui
...u P
P7 South Fifth Ave., new .v
8W 1 yr.
It is unequalled for House, Barn, Fac
tory or Out isuuuings aim
the price of shingles, tin or iron.
It is ready for use and easily
applied by anyone.
Old -:- Shingle -:- Roofs
proof nt small
Something Abnnt (iiants ri
Notes personal a"u iiuifw-
vuaJ Ynuu bus 1UO.UO0 meu out
work, whue Cuiougo reports having
2U0,0u0ho are idle. Mayor Uariisch
fears a, liot.
Tun conntrv is in rutUer a demoralized
, , ,a..i,t. hut it may be
VUUUIIIUU tin t" 1
h,..t..r i,. the course ot a few mouths.
ii.i ,.,,..,a much on the kind ot
legislati'iu euncled.
County Tukahiuikk, Ueo. E. Bloomer,
of Jacksonville, hue disappeared Bhorl
aevetal thuusaud dollars. Jerry Nuuau,
i iiu ut L xinaton, is one of
his boudsmeu.
Tim Bau Fniucibuu Examiner, formerly
a gold-hug paper, oouies out equuiel)
for the dee coinage of Bilver. One bj
one the moulders of public opinion are
coming over to the popular side.
'Cm w. n Ima b en oryiug for the
demoueliz.tio.i ol both gold and Bilver
tmt now. in the tine htyle of his olass
of partiaaue, swullows the piesideul's
essiigo at one gulp and says be likes it.
Wilsk CoVLB mot a man named John
" sou in t lie leg at Walla Walla Tuesda)
utght hist. Johnson and some frieuds
were drinking und Coyle nttempted to
foroe liimsulf iu to whioh Johnson
objected. Coyle theu Bitot Jobusun.
ALTiioi'tiu the Ohio democratic state
convention is now near at hand, yet no
one has been found who will accept the
nomination for governor. No loouer is
B man name uggesieu iunn .
haste to decliue. This is a peculiar
statu of idfiiiis to exist in a state that is
oousidered among the doiibtlul, especial
ly In tlx so times when all lhe faithful
are proud of their demooracy.
Tint president's message has been
delivered to both houses of oongrf.ss.
While not as radical as many supposed
it would be, it is, nevertheless, an appeal
for the further demonetization ol silver
ud A gold standard. The message
does uot 'ay the blame ot the enactment
of the Sliermau'.law on any one political
,tv ,.,! Im in wise iu this, for if he
sb'.nld antngon'ia any coosiderahle
portion of the minority, be would not
have the leHSt show to oarry his poiut.
ClevelMnd treats the muiter in a non
partisan way, whioh is ths real position
thnt the silver question astnmes today.
The scenery is wild in the extreme.
Rimrook upon top of rinirock, studded
with stunted pine nnd juniper treea.
ri urnt the eve, seemingly plaoed
as they are for steps to suit the Btiides
of some prehistoric race of giants. One
hundred and fifty yardB away, me rosu
passes over a ridge of solid rook, fifty
yards long, from which one con looa
down from either side and see tne river
200 feet below. This ridge is bo sharp
that some difficulty might be round in
balancing a ball upon it, and many feel
uervous while passing along the road
at thai point, however, no accident has
ever ocourred there.
Out from the basa of a huge mountain,
... . 1 1 1 n.a
whose neighboring mnureu
equally large, flow the MoDuffy
springs. They are situated at the
apex of one of the horseshoe curve's so
peculiarly prevalent in the tJoun way
The waters gush forth, clear, hot and
v.timued. N,. doubt but that in the
bowels of the earth there are large storeB
of drugs, containing lime and other
heat-producing substances, and it may
be from this cause, rather than irom
ih cause of subterranean beut, that they
are hot. Else, why are they medicated?
ituro i. ll.o fountain of youth for
A. A. Allen and J. C. Gallagher came
near meeting with b Berious accident
Wednesday afternoon. While driving
a Biiirited team along Baltimore street,
a siuglo tree broke, letting the tongue
down, whioh upset the buggy, instautly
throwing ttiuj.ojctit).aut(r out, though
they forlnuto man w.'ped with nothing
worse than & lew onuses.
A Hattle for Biood.
b what Hood's Sareaparilla vigorously
fights, and it is always victorious in
expelling all the foul taints and giving
the vital Huid the quality and quantity
of oerfeot health. It cures scrofula,
inlt rheum, boils and all other troubles
caused by impure blood.
Tuos N lsou, formerly of this office,
is uow nt Boise City, where he reports
mnnh liHiter i him any portion of
Oregon that he passed through, though
be has not jet seemed a eitnauou.
Ask Your Friends
Who have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla
what tbev think of it, and the replies
will bo positive iu iis favor. One has
been cured of indigestion and dyspepsia,
another tiuds it indispensable for sick
headache, others report remarkable
cures of scrofula, salt rheum and other
blood diseases, still others will tell you
ihat it overcomes "thut tired feeling,"
and so on. Trulv, the Pest uavemsiuK
i,,.,i, H,uul' Sarsanarilla receives i
the heartv endorsement ol tne army oi
friends it' has wou by its positive med
ical merit.
THeIujTiImiY K11LE8.
Eniroit Gazette:
1 see by the Heppner press, that the
Heppner oonuoil is onlled upon to
enforoe the Sunday law. The Sunday
law was created by our state legislature,
law makers had the right
. , .. 1 11...1 nnr
. : i. t ,1 T.o., QBiirrt ieil loriun iw
WlllUU IUUi: uo . . j ... m. f Hi otlltO
10 Ulnae, oim nic umwia
T j: tliul
iu vain. n luaiaus umiiu,cii-u ....
the waters of these spriugB was a panacea
for ailments. On the wings of the
wind Hew their traditions until
they reached the ears of lhe old Spanish
soldier, aud caused his fruitless search.
People with all kinds of diseases
come to lay away bad appetites, canes,
crutches, specs, etc. Many oome iu
search of gold, others might come iu
eareh of botanical and geological
cuiiosities. Tbe fioweis are few in
variety but very odd; and the rooks
are great iu variety, aud equally odd.
McDi'WY SritiNits, Ang. 2, 1803.
H'nvrrT NOTES.
Koy Glassoook departed for Heppner
last Monday.
Wm. Hughes and family, of Heppuer,
are oatnped at Hitter.
Mrs. W. B. McAliater's health is
steadily improving.
Jay Shipley is sojourning nt the
springs, aud bs a cook, he is the besa.
Sunday school at this place is pro
gressing nicely under the supervision of
O. 1) Owen.
A more sociable, accommodating
orowd thau is now ul these spriugs, cau
uot be fouud.
O, W. Parker, of Athena, who onme
here about two weeks ago, suffering
from it Uauimatory ohronio anddropiscal
rheumatism is beiup greatly relieved
As a cook, O. A. Hodson does not
amouut to much here. At home, he
prided himself on his greBt ability in
water healing, but here the water is
already lwt.
Fish are very scarce in the river at
thii place at tha preent, owing to th
fact that Uncle Sam's pets, the Indians,
have a trap aotoss the river about six
miles below here.
vv tj MnAlister. ths proprietor of
tbt-se spriugs, bad agreed to furnish the
campers who rresn mn, pnuiH"j
have a right to enforce.
The majority of our present council
were elected as auti-Suuday men by a
majority of the legal voters of tbe
towu of Heppner. It is the sworn duty
of every officer in theoouucil to enforoe
the laws ot the town. Now comes the
qneBtioo: Will the connoil with the
majority they received nt tbe eleotiou
aud against enforcing the laws of the
town, listen to the minority? I think
The remark has been made that if the
marshal whs to fuforce the law the
coudciI would discharge him at once.
I do not believe any such talk. I be
lieve the council will stay by the mar
shal whenever the time comes.
What is the matter? Every grand
jury we have has some ot our church
members on it and no indictments are
ever found. Who has ehnt bis eyes
and ears to a solemu oath?
Every big gambling day, tho ohuroh
members have a sociable for the benefit
of the ohurch. Is it right for our
church members to invita the worst
element of the country right in with
our daughters, in the name ot the
church. I, for one say no.
It we iuvite a mau iu and take his
money we have no right to kick that
man out. The church people remind
me of a banta hen setting on "goose-
P. S. In Missouri, the majority rule
is supreme law. C.
Old Nick Wonld not Interrapt the Dead at
Walla Walla-Hards Uiies on an "Iniun
Hv nermission. we publish the letter
of a Heppner boy to Art Minor. It runs
as lollows: ono
Injun Ranch, August 6, 18J.1.
Dear Peck:
I am bBving a nice time. Worsen au
week.on an "Injun" ranch for my board.
Gene Noble and I are here-both broke
but our pay commenced yesterday.
.... ..u.. rl I..II" in
There is plenty ot uau uu " -
this conntry-half "Injun" and half
Frenoh. We made some good reso
lutioi.8 splitting blaok pine poles in the
hot sun for our board. Don't think we
will vpr break them either. We walked
from Wa. la Walla to Athena-27 miles
-in one night. Packed our blankets,
TWi like to mick blankets very well.
If I die I want to be buried in .Valla
Walla as I think it the lust place toe
Devil would ever look for a white mau.
w .trunk everybody for work but
didn't get it. Were willing to work for
n n.o nthar hovs come np to
harvest, tell them not to bring their
1.U..W.. an the nichts are short too
short to sleep, so we traded our blankets
for lanteru aud don t go to bed.
We washed our clothes today. Our
.I.M.... erfl ouite dirty, but washing
verv small.
Ti.a "i,ld womau" oan roll Bnd smoke
cignrettes fuster than Bill Tillard. She
has been married three or four times.
Has plenty of half breeds all girls.
People in this oountry haven't any
money. They pay in due bills; don't
know whether we can live on due bills
or not. If we get any m mey will go to
Yakima to pick hops.
It is about 2 p. m. and we haven't
bad any dinner. 0, Lord, I'm hungry.
Mike Robekts.
P !. If yon write, direot to Athena.
M. R.
hlnX it brings to their places """ens
S i1.1? ..'. ,,,i. ruhbar oaiut requires no
LUCUl. i" ft"
heatini! and no tar
It is ac-
bodj'. i easily
nnrl soda has curec
Have you a
to consumptio
That dreaded and dreadful disease!
? Thousands
re Norwegian
of lime
its first
What shall stay its ravages
em; Scott's Emulsion ol pu
cod liver oil and hypophosphitcs
I us of consumption in
,vMi,r1i nr cokl acute or
stages, nave you a -
ed tne oesi m 'r: and
Sr"oneeoatfo,;r ofany
once for particult ,v
Excelsior Faint and Hooling lo.,
ISSnnd 1R7 Duye Street. New lorn. n. .
emit'a F.inulsion euros
Colds, Consumption, rofitbj,
and all Anasmio and Waiting
riQBaqe)3. Provonts wasting in
inilH. Cst only tt'c Beniune. 1 ro-
pared by Scott & Bowne, Chemists, Now
York. Sold by all Druggists.
l." 1. 1. T- . W- " wt " " mi linn
T'.,,lrt- montiirnrni." I
Acriculture, on testate Fair Oround. near
anim.enninienciniri September 11th, 1MW, and
eontiaiiiiiB one week.
MOliK THAN ?l,r3,000 IN CA!-H
Will be paid as premiums for stock, poultry,
swine, Attncuiiunu itruuutw, ni..vD, ........
woods, minerals, works oi an aim miir)
aud (or trials of speed.
patents. Too much care cannot be exercisea m empioyiuK 'X,,;t!v if not
able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, it not
entirelv. unor the care aud skill of the attorney. .4,.
With the view of protecting inventors from worthiest, i or careless ong.
.1 l.ni nt nne arp wp timTMreQ DV Vftllu uawuw,
pavilion open tour evenings miring me "'r",' .vt : patent cractice. aud therefore are preparea to
Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In
terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases,
Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
If you have an invention on hand send a sltetch or photograph thereof, Jo
wither with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once
Has been revised and improved to ths benefit of Jdvised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom De.c"r'
others are infringing on your rignts, or y" - SSI,"."? ' So n the
i reuaoie vriniwii - o
week, with good music iu atteudaee,
THE NEW OKANI) STAND and the new regu
lation track are conceded to be anions the most
comfortable aud tne best on the 1'acilic coast.
SPLENDID CONTESTS of speed each day.
There is entered for these contests the best held
of horses this year that has been on the grounds
for many seasons.
Valuable aud handsome improvements have
been made on the grounds aud building.
Entries for premiums close at 3 p. in,
day of the lair, and exhibits must be
by IU p. m. ot saia aay.
Men's Season Tickets ('-'.SO
Women's season Tickets l.W
Men's Day Tickets 511
Women's Day Tickets -5
Kace Track neiteis, uHiiy
Women to tne liace uourse. free.
Children under 12 years, Free for all.
Send to the secretary at Portland for a premi
um list.
J. ArrtKSUi-s, rresiaeut.
J. T. GREGG, Secretary. W-iiu-sw
the first
iu place
others, submit the matter to us lor i
Deafness Cannotbe Cared
by local applications as they oannot
reach the disei sea portion oi tne ear.
ThuiP i onlv one wav to cure deafness.
nnA that ia hv co stitutiooal remedies.
IVafuesa is oaused by an intiHmed oon
ititimi of the muoous lining of tbe
Eustachian Tube. When this tube Rets
mtUmed you have a rurnblintf sonnd or
imperfect bearing, ana when it 16
entirely closed, deafness is the result,
and nulessthe inflammation oan betaken
out and this restored to its normal con
dition, bearing will be destroyed lor
ever; nine oases out of ten are caused
by ontarrh, which is nothing but an
inflamed condition of tbe nmoons
We will give one hundred dollars for
auy case of deafness (caused by oatarrh)
that cannot he cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for oioulars, free.
P. ,T. CHtiNEY .v CO , Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 75o.
p. o. box 433 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
3- Cut this out and send It with sour Inquiry. -Of
Thompson & Uiuuhowu the buss which
goes to and from Ue Palace hotel, but
will call for parties desiring logo to train
in any part of the city. Laave orders
at City hotel. a
The Confederate Wai Journal for
July contains a graphic description of
the Battls of Manasaa, or Ball Run, bv
General Joseph E. Johnston also a
Biography of General Johnston; The
Confederate Forces at Manassa ; The
Regiment and Brigades, and their Com
manders, oomposmg tbe Confederate
Armies ot the i otnmio and ot tbe
Shenandoah; General Beauregurd's Plan
ot Attack; Ab-itrsot from Fiild Return
First Corps, Army of the Potomao
(Coufelerate); Abstract from the Field
Return of the Troops (of First Cor e,
Confederate) engaged at the Battle ot
iMaoasaas; Proclamation of Governor
Letcher of Viiginia; Strength of the
Uuion Army at Manassas, reported by
Confederate Authority; Rister ot the
Offioers (with Portraits) of the Con
federate States Army and Navy, and
their commands; History of the Civil
War, Chronologically Arranged; The
Ordinances ot Secession of Georgia and
Louisiana; Confederate Poems; the
Martial Melodies Dear to Southern
Hearts; Humors ot the Camp Fire, etc
Illustrated with large portraits of
Governor John Letcher of Virginia,
1861; Goueral Joseph E. Johnston, nnd
G.merals Beauregard, Braxton, Brngg,
E. Kirb.v Smith and John B. Hood.
Also a large battle saene, size 9 x 13
inches, representing the Battle of Manas
sas; Map of the Battlefield of Manassas;
View of Richmond, Va., and tbe oapitol
ol the confederacy at Richmond, Va.,
etc The subscription price is only
8100 a year. Published by The War
Journal Publishing Company, Lexing
ton, Ky., and 110 Firth Avenue, New
York City.
Varieties of Sheep UIITer as Widely as
Uar.es of Men
Here are two pictures of breeds of
3heep which are strikingly different.
The first illustration shows a Shrop
shire ram that took first prize at the
Royal society exhibition of 1891. The
Shropshire finds much favor in the west-
is or cnoice navor, ana tney can raitc
care of themselves almost equal to ft
Texas steor. The fleece, while very
loiig, ia light in weight and rather coarsa
in texture.
ern sheep districts at present because of
its hardiness. In Canada it is also pop
ular. The Shropshire's best point is
probably that it yields a large quantity of
good mutton. But its woolly merits are
worth counting on as well. The aver
age weight of a fleece of the improved
Shropshire is seven pounds of long, not
overfine wool, which pays very well.
In the second picture is a unique ani
mal or tne sheep taimly.
She Can Farm.
Connecticut farmers, who continually
bemoan that the old state is used np for
farming, may learn something to their
advantage by consulting pretty Miss
Bertha E. Weed, who makes money till
ing a tough little farm in the town of
North Canton. Miss Weed superin
tends all the operations on her place, is
up with the sun every day, raises stock,
sells milk and butter and has a big yard
full of some of the best fowls in tha
state. What is still more wonderful,
she has learned how to make money in
the risky business of raising spring
chickens for market. She makes
small fortune yearly selling eggs. Some
of tl-sm are extraordinarily large. She
presented a couple of them to the editor
of the Hartford Courant this week.
They weighed half a pound apiece, and
are the biggest hens' eggs reported in
the state this season. New York sun.
To OowLti--"- i.
....vj. ....., j . ,ne nnnerBiKnea nnvuiK ueeu -
It is an illustration of a black faced health hysiinnle means, after Bullering for ser-
mountain ram of a breed akin to thn
black faced Scotch sheep, the oldest
breed in Scotland. The Scotch sheep
"Hardware did yon say? Why. ves
at P. C. Thoinpsou & Oo.'s stand, and the
plnoe for bargains. a
The Palace is the leading hotel in the
oily. Well furnished rooms with plenty
of light are provided for everyone, a
If yon want to buy groceries, and
bread stuff cheap, go to the Enterprise
Grocery. Kitk 4 Kuhl, proprietors, a
Borg, the jeveler, is the ;i,an to fix np
your watch or clock, be keeps a full
stock of everything pertaining to his
DiiBine9' a
Be careful not to ask T. J. Matlook
how bis bees are makiug it.
RK..B AT.., ,11 1... iY
oral years with a severe lung affection, ana
dread disease Consumption, Is anxious lo '
Known to his lellow sutlerers ineme;
T o those who desire it, he will cheerfully seno
(free of charge! a copy of the prescription usea,
which they will find a sure cure for Consiimp
lion, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all thro"
and lung maladies. He hopes all suflereri ii i"
try his remedy, as It l Invaluable. Those aesir
ing the prescription, which wUl cost them notn
ing, and may prove a blessing, will please
1-t a w
u.... v....on Wilson,
Brooglyn, New York.
are the hardiest domestic breed in the
world, also the most intelligent and cun
ning. The phrase, "as silly as a sheep,"
does not apply to them. Their mutton
Notice to tax Payers.
1I Board of Equalization for Morrow county,
Oregon, will meet In the county clerk
iu Heppner. on August listh WM. 'J. !?!
purpose of equalizing the assessment
present year, und will continue in sess onoj"
until tne wora oi ine uum" " ";-1.t
week, or ii
All parties dlisatlstied with their "'!''r,;",'i
are requested to appear before the boaru
make their grievances known. . ...
Heppner, Or., Atif . 1, 1M3.