Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 08, 1893, Image 4

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One Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars,
In valuable Presents to be Given Away in Return for
"Well, Gertrude." said Mr. oouruand
hopefully, "was the end of your evening
guccessful? If it pleases you, tomorrow
I'll try something in the comic line do
a little dance, dally with the scenic or
dip into melodrama."
His wife, rousing herself, gave a re
gretful eigh.
"It was very interesting, Richard,
rery, but" looking up to him with a
shadow in the lovely eyes "I wish I had
read that letter." Anna Nettlcton in
New Orleans Times-Democrat.
UliAL All! WIPUM. j "ilKi
ha". ' V,U..'.; .V :, lft e'
Ad Imported Mutter Made PW h
Evaporation of water from the surface
of tilled soil during the warm season
Bacteria in Tobaceo. V7 takes the wateraway asrer u ao
There seems to be no end tothedis- the clouds PPmSTB
DUC- . sepeuu tin - -- - - -
ef moisture stored np m me
coveries that await us concerning b
23 ,00 HANDLE, FOUR BLADEO 23,100 00
. . c'5oo EkS wXtch caum-tauv 'telescope tooth m
IN ELEVt.M CULUitr,.i "o; 28.S75 00
115 500 LAKOK I'll. TUiir.n iii. '"")
"""""" $173,250 00
The above article, will be distributed. S&figZgi2?
HEAD Plug Tobacco, and return to us the UN AUS tuKcn l "-re""
We will distribute 220 of these prizes In tl.iN co..ny a. ollows:
To TI1F PARTY sending us the greatest number ol fl caii
Ju . ti,is ,.fifv we will give
1JIU.11IIUII ...... " --- - mlin, ,,f
To the FIVE PARTIES sending us the next, Krcutcsi num
JO l".V',.-'. i, n i A ii m-mim. we will L'ivo to each, 1 Ol'LRA O
To the TWENTY PARTIES sending us the next ureal t numb"
of Kl'F.AH HEAD TAUd, wo will give to each 1 1
To thOVE lnrXTVliEn PARTIES sending us tlin next BreatesJ
m il t if Kl'KAIl HEAD TAGS, wo will p ye to each 1
To the ON'': HUNDRED PARTIES sending us the next greatest
10 "', Vr of 'SPEAR llKAUTA'jiJ.."''' lvU 10 "" ,00 PICTURES.
Total Number of rrizes for this County, 220.
. . ,.. 17l.,-,,n,-tf tat
-No Tn-s will be received be ore "n"; ? ' J V V -nder T'i.wn
Ililllttll Ji J .,.b .i.ri.U ItlllMl. lift
All cnuigca l"0"1' "
iVi,!:i'' . ; : sub soil'..; : i! ! i,,
'!'! 'i'I'!'!',1!''!"' sub soit',"! ! ;; I! I1,1',;!1
f fTTnv .
. r', '1 Ibn,),. ,.iiitilnill- t !ll IMUKt bf.1
iv iVnlv.' Hlale. and' Number of Tugs In each package.
prel"uEAI) -SPEAR HEAD possess more qualities of Intrinsic value bn jnyth
, ; in the tags, no mutter how small the
Very sincerely,
TUB P.J. SOItQ COMPANY, Midiii.etown, Ohio.
10 cent pieco of bl'KAIt
A list, of the people obtaining these prizes In this county will be published la this
paper Immediately after February 1st, ISM.
Oo to my Bweet for me, Bowers, and repeat for
All that my heart would ery out o'er Iho waste
to her.
Pause in the valley lint; oa the hill dally not;
Winged with my luvn and my loiiBinK oh,
haste to herl
King your whlto bells for her (not any knolls
for her)
Chimes that are fragrant and rich In their
Bid her he leal to me, loyal us steel to me;
Bid her have faith In me; bid her have char
ity 1
Clinton Seollaril In Harper's Uazur.
At about 9 in tho evening a man turned
the corner of Madison avomio find Sixty-
third street, walked slowly along the
block, then pausing glanced at a row of
handsomo houses which stood in their
lameness, dark and stalely, selected the
third, mounted tho high steps and au-1
thoritatively rang the bell.
It was early spring, tho air was soft,
the night still, and tho sharp clang echoed
for a moment before tho door was opened i
by a trim wailing maid. Tho moonlight I
revealed to this maid a boyish looking f
fellow, who held carefully in both hands 1
ntaimng a most ucaiititul
tine carriage enterea aim stood suentiy
recrardinir her.
Tired, (iertruder ivir. i;ournauu
asked kindly.
"What then?'
"Bored; so bored."
"Why not have gone to the opera?"
"I havo heard 'Lohengrin' until I
hate it."
"Gertrude," tenderly, "you are not
unhappy? You love me?"
"Yes," indifferently.
"Then what troubles you?"
"Nothing. Everything is so tedious.
I am weary of people, weary of clothes,
weary of myself."
"And wearv of me?"
His wife did not answer, perhaps did
not hear.
Mr. Courtland pondered intently , look
ing at her curiously as she unwound a
long scurf from her throat. Suddenly he
crossed the room, und taking up the gray
coat put his hand into one of the pockets.
"Where is that letter?"
"What letter?" asked his wife, startled
by the sharp tone of his voice.
"Tho letter I left in tho pocket of this
The man behind the portieres started.
"I saw no letter," replied Mrs. Court-
man. wno wouiu evci uavw .
that the peculiar flavors which charac
torizB different kinds or brands of tobac
co are due to the presence of bacteria?
Yet that is the conclusion to which m
tiVarinns bv a German botanist lead.
In curing tobacco, or preparing the
raw, green leaf for use, a fermentative
process called sweating is gone through
It has been supposed that the chemical
changes induced by this process were the
source of the peculiar qualities possessed
by the cured tobacco. But, according to
Suchsland s experiments, it, appears uu
micro-organisms may be the real cause
of the changes.
Tin has examined tobacco from all
parts of the world which had been cured
and haB found in it an abundance of micro-organisms,
and upon cultivating the
bacteria from a particular kind of tobac
co and then inoculating another kind
with this culture he has produced in it
the taste and aroma of the original.
This discovery has led to the sugges
tion that the quality of tobacco grown
in any country may be improved by sim
ply inoculating it witn uactena irom
some finer flavored leaf growing else
where. Wines have already been im
proved by a similar process. Youth's
Trouble With a Sword.
A Lewiston young man who was in
Portland Saturday night found some
antinue Turkish swords in a window
on Congress street, and having a love
for art bought one for ornamental
purposes and asked that tho clerk do it
up in paper. Before he had gone half a
block the paper came off. The young
man was waiting for the Boston boat to
itart. He carried the sword about the
streets till people began to comment
upon it. Then ho hid it under his ulster
and was standing on the corner talking
when it slipped down, striking on his toe
with the sharp point. He picked it up
again and hid it under his coat.
When he got into tne tneater, ne was
about to be seated when ho thought of
the sword under his coat. He could not
sit down until that sword came out, so
unbuttoning the coat he helt the sword
in his lap all the evening. At midnight
when he went on board the boat one of
tho officers saw the sword and said, "You
may leave your valuables with the purs
er." Bangor Commercial.
r " fc ' whin to dome o m act
. ...i.in.AinniMOinncB
Office, 140 to 14 Washington St., 5. T.
I n Viotuu (or the county of Morrow.
D. B m" IKey I'lalniW. v.. Jone. Smith, defend-
V" V. - tlw. alntf (
in me imiiit- im -- , . . ,,r iu
of tmpmi: Ymi tire
lu-reb re.l ore . " - - llb,ve.,,tm,,u
.. ... lT.rfrh. Cort"tl'
p.l.n,Dr.pep.l.,ChrloLlTer Troubles ,
i iillc. Bid Complexion, Dy.entcrj,
Oft-en.lv. Breath, sod .11 dUorder. or the
. . 1 llmr-la.
mm. Tbulc contain irotbln Mylon. to .
tho most delicate V"'',ltu,iV"vASw .
i receipt of 15 eon"- ddn
thuio . noiiri Ol H IICI II
m o. the deed executed .nil JK': nd'
to nlalntill', conveying the t', o 1 of
N VV' of the Sl-.l Ol act. if t-,, M" ,
NWofSec. 171.1 Tp. 8 of HA
read as fiillous: i ne , the
KVVl nf t he &E.'i Ol ree. - - ,
; i 4 s of it 2.
&onr,i V or me r.
...ounluiiit. duly 111
"Is'mm;: h Served by pubith;n. by
mi..r of Hon. W. 1-. llra.tsn.iM, j i.is
Danes .., -," M A- lANlSH
6 Attorneys lor 1'laintilT.
" r- . ... i ,, l.iintin
llv lor the rein prnyen .u. . e -y --
I .11 lUC BUI" vum"- --
f until
at The
itnh ilny of July,
A. H. IN
1 of
Hor,.Jonrn.'hllhwli- u.iM
Hiwhw, Humuel. Wrwin-r, Or-
on riaht hip nd Vn ,',',f,t ""ie' i
i-inht ear Hud -lit " ''" aK" 1
dintritt, Mort-w count.
Halo. Milton, Wwner. Or.-Hon
-O- ( "rele with psrallol tails on 1
Cntlle same on left hip ; also lurge on
hip; horse, samo on right .boulder.
Ui-ant coonty.
Howard, J U f..ll.T8y. .""-"""!
will, bar booth it) on nitht nhouklr
w.mo on left side. Range in Morrow
tilla counties. n.-Ho.
Illumes, 11 mi-, .."i.p""" V "
heart on tne i .i. ""' . ,
Honi.B.A H
()attleon the ieft
A U,f.,.,,fAt- .,,
azalea in tho full bloom of its pink bios- luIUJ; rising,
.... "You hav
10ms. tne maiu lnvoiiiiiuuiiy w..nm - . , ,T,-l,iai
rot? 111 liuiaiiiicn oj "
"You have stolen it!" his voice iucreas-
Undomocratlc France.
As a matter of fact Frenchmen are
about the least democratic people in the
world in their social longings and ideals.
France is politically a republic, but so
cially it keeps up most of the character
istics of an aristocracy. The difference
between her and America in this respect
is prodigious. In the United States it is
impossible to find a man with a decora
tion; in France it is difficult to find any
body without one. In spite of the revo
lution titles are still maintained, and tho
highest ambition of every bourgeois
would be satisfied if he could marry his
daughter to a nobleman. The insatiable
thirst to put on a uniform of some kind,
no matter what, has often been used as
a reproach against our Gallic friends.--London
he saw the lovely flower, and tho smilo
Birds That Lay Four Egss.
The snottcd sandpiper and killdeer
plover, and I presume most of the other
was answered by an engaging one
tho young man,
"Is Mrs. Courtland at home?"
"No, sir."
"Mr. Courtland?"
''No, sir. They are at tho theater."
An expression of disappointment cross
ed tho youth's face, and ho hesitated lis
If puzzled.
"Won't you stop in?"
After an instant's puuso tho man did
bo, threw a comprehensive glance about
him and said, "I promised to deliver
this plant to Mrs. Courthind herself,
but it's a long way up, and I believe I'll
leave it."
Ho had ono of thoso pathetic voices in
which thero is an unconscious appeal,
and this, together with his frank blue
eye and pleasant manner, created sym
pathy for his disappointment in tho
maid's heart. So she received tho plant
carefully from him and was about to
placo it on a hall chair when tho 1111111
gently interposed, "Kxcuso me; I'd rath
er you'd put it in a safer place."
"Surely," and as the plant was heavy
the maid went slowly down tho long
hall, turning her back completely. The
man dropped a card on the chair, pushed
the door to with a loud slam, and with
astonishing agility and lightness sprang
tip tho staircase, disappearing before her
"Well, he might ha' waited," she mut
tered, throwing tho card into tho silver
alver, and tho man, who paused in the
hall above, heard her descend into the
Ho smiled, listened, stepped into the
dimly lighted library, passed through
two dressing rooms into tho bedroom
beyond, turned up tho gas slightly, and
with a lightning glance took in the apart
ment and its appointment. As ho hud
calculated, tho room was prepared for
tho night, so ho ran little chance of
being disturbed.
He touched nothing until ho caught
light of a gray coat thrown carelessly
over a chair. This ho seized, thrust his
band into tho insido pocket and drew
forth with evident satisfaetion a letter,
which, hastily examining, bo kept. Ho
then replaced tho coat with precision,
lowered tho light, listened intently and
prepared to descend, when the click of a
night key was heard ill the lock.
The owners of tho house had returned.
A pause. Footsteps on tho stairs.
Double portieres draped tho doors. Ho
llipped between them.
Mrs. Courtland entered, turned up the
conrtesv ho handod her the scarf she let , Enir,e and plover, lay four eggs at a clutch.
"oi" : .. - - ti t
The eggs are arrangeu 111 wio ue w u
tho bare ground with their small ends
together, and as they are pyriform in
HiH brow nhmift thev ioin in to perfection. The
Stolen it, I sayf'
Ho was a powerful man.
With a good depth of reservoir on soili
with porous subsoil, and consequently
with a free movement of the soil water,
down in winter and up in summer, and
the economical use of soil moisture by
the prevention of excessive evaporation,
a continuous sutmiy ol moisture can be
secured to the roots even in a dry season.
The upward movement of the soil water
by capillary actioi to oe tree requu
compact but porous soil. In freshly stir
red soil the interstices are too large for
such action, and here the upward move
ment comes to a stop In explanation of
the foregoing is here reproduced a com
munication from T. Greiner to Country
Gentleman, in which he says:
1 had a piece of tough sod, clay loam,
which was to be planted to onions and
potatoes. My man plowed it in lap style,
as shown in Fig. 1. Owing tocontinuoiis
spring rains all our soils worked badly
during the early part of the season, and
it was impossible to break up and fine
them. After much work with disk and
smoothing harrow tho man got the sur
face of the piece in pretty good shape, but
the tough sods were not broken, and
hollow spaces were left between subsoil
and top soil, as shown in v lg. a.
1 have seldom seen a piece of apparent
ly well tilled soil that was so quickly
affected by dry weather as this. All
during the season it became completely
dried out in a few days of dry weather
after every rain. The explanation i
simple enough. Capillary action was
largely interrupted at the surface of the
subsoil, as may be seen in Fig. 2, and the
onrfncB soil received but little assistance
from the soil water beneath. When the
shown in Fig. 8, and
the soil compacted bo that the surface i
soil rests closely and firmly upon the sub
soil, the soil water movement is not inter
rupted. The moisture comes up into the
surface soil, as shown in Fig. 4, and pro
vides a continuous supply for the roots
of our crops.
Evaporation at the surface, however,
would pump up this moisture from be
low pretty fast, and during a prolonged
drought perhaps exhaust the supply in
the reservoir if capillary action is not
interrupted a few inches below the sur
face by thorough pulverization of the up
per crust. The fine loose soil over the
compacted layer acts as a mulch. The
water from below can pass turongn una
soil mulch to the surface only in the
form of vapor, and evaporation under
cover in the cool and moist surroundings
as found on the line between the com
pacted layer and the pulverized soil must
be very slow
. 1...1 mhti'n Mnrrow
iri'unn. mi tiiui "miim. . ,
1) I! Mulkev, phlinllll. vs. '1 he l.nk.ion i.eirs
of Elijah K. Mulkev, deceased,
u !he "a.ne o( thereto of Oregon: V. . ;
hereby required to appear and " ' 1 ,
riliitnt : til-d HK.i list you in the a ime-i'iiimtn
on or hcloVc the 4th day of Sep en l'r, A
1). iw:l, the same l.eli.l! the hrst day of the licit
rcc'.lar term of said court. II you fa to a i
swi for want thereof the plal'.nn
mid court lor a oecii-e "i- ."
of the ileeu exec.iu-u ....u .,.,.....
Kansas City, St. Paul,
I eaves Heppner, 10 a. m.
7:10 p. m.
PiilUiimi Sleeoer.
Color. lent SH epern,
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
tt) HI
.mi- i- i.- i..n-..it ti-i tiUiinti
W r..",'., "'v, of the N'JSi, See.
li '. a a of It. 7 EWM, to read
low.:' TheE',01 Uie B1 J
..? "r., , !,.(,, ved for in
io and the
f k.. is In To. 4 s. oi it
p.il v tor the renei inuiiu
p'laiiitltl 's eoinplal.it. duly liled in said came m
Ar-SmSW-rt , by publication by
IrmiK .tuTrSSiiiS'' t The
aiiui i.t-j n iw ...
Kanito Moi-rov Co.
Ilunsuker, H A. Wagner. Or
.boulder; oai tie. h on ion. ino.
Hardisty. Albert, Nye, Oregon-
o.mnecteif. on left .boulder;
'''fiumphrwirJ M. Hardman, Or.-Hor,... H on
J. M.. Heppner. Or.-Honje., wineglas.
oo left shoulder oaltlo. same on right hip.
Huslou, Luther. Eight "7"'?
the left
In uulllH 1 1
lfy, Aiirwi,
coin tv
jT.,.on . Ko i C Or.-Hor.es. circle! 'en
left ! snlle; cattle, eame on right hip, under half
cioo in right and eolit ... left ear
VenkiiV. 1) W.,lrll. Veriiou,t)r.-J on horseson
left ih abler; o cattle, J on left hip and two
,"o. l. crop, on both earn, ltange.n Fox and
X,m"Mil. Heppner, Or.-Horses branded
s5 on left hip, entile same and crop off left
er- under .lope on the right
Kirk J T.. Heppn.r, Or.-Hor 119 mi left
.honlder; cattle. IW on left hip.
RirH. o o, n.ppni. "
nli:ti ' ,,.,. ,, .
.honlder; cattle a.o. on right uulo,
shoulder and heart on .the left .title Cat.
on left hip. Haiim m orrow eonnty.
Alfred Long Creek, Or-('uttln 1 II on
,, , "rob""1 left ear and bit in right, 1 ,.r.
.mud im left shoulder llango n brant
"l.'mktn S M Heppner, Or Horse., horse,
hoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, tn. Mn.
-Horse. 17 on eithar
St i atners
Portland to San
every four days.
notice of Intention.
I a Julv2i :stw. Notice is hereby given that
the follinviiie-iinmc.l settler has tiled notice of
' mention to make tlnal proof n support of
his claim, and that said pro., will be be
fore J. W. Morrow. County Clerk, at Heppner,
Or., on Sept. 2, isni, viz:
of Hardinan, II. E. No. :H17 lor the N). HE
andSiSNK';ofSec.27.Tp.4S., K. b. AY.
He names the following witnesses to prove bis
continuous resilience upon und cultivation ol,
said land, viz. : T , . , a ...
E S Cox, Samuel Cox, John Adams, 8.
Mendows, all of Hardman Oregon.
14,s-i,- John w. Lewis, Register
(regular price irM) yolir ad-
i:i ,.p.. i.' i-filvp. w Inn ,w
svA iStl'll days will lie for 1 year boldly
l,U print
rates sud general information call on
l.epot Ticket. Agent,
Heppner, Oregon.
Mt'MW! ni.sU'U thereon. KXTIIA! We .will
r -Wi VO, iiNoiii-Int ami prepay postage on .
HURLBURT, Asst (ienl. Fnss. Agt,
!M Washington 8t,,
imsteil thereon.
kn m-llll HM.I Ol't
J .,).... .xdlroKSli'M t.) VUU
iii..t mi vniir envelopes, books, etc., to
prevent their being lest. J. A.
of Iteiilsvllle, N. C., writes : ' 1 rom
my 2.i cent address in your Lightning
Dlrei'torv I've received my HU address
labels and over 3000 Pr-l of
Illnll. Mv addres.se. you scattered
among publishers and manufacturers,
are arriving dally, on valuable ..arcel;
of mail from all parts of the World.
Tiif-M in U tl.ll 's HA lit lillu-A.niiM
M.XOF l'l. .... , , li-..
i .t I . niru u
Avenues, l'lilladclpbia, I'a.
University : of :
Monday, SeDtember 8th
grow heavy, his dark eyes glowed, his eggs of the snipe and plover groups are
hands trembled, ho looked brutal, anil as proportionately exceeding large for the
ho strode up to his wife the woman
"Richard, what is it? Why are you so
The man concealed became intonsely
Mr. CourTian"d,Beiziug his wif e's arm.
forced her down before him.
"(tivo it up," ho spoko thickly.
"Richard, 1 Bwear I do not understand
"( Jive it up," ho reiterated.
"Heaven help met He will kill me"
for her husband suddenly mado a men
acing movement, as though to seizo her
"Stop!" And with excitement the man
burst out from behind tho portieres.
Tho three attitudinized in amazed si
lence. "Who aro you?" asked Mr. Courtland.
Tho tiiiin hesitated, then answered sim
ply, "Jonas Crane."
"Oh!" cried Mrs. Courtland, "takecare. I
Ho may bo armed."
Tho young man smiles. "I should
think, ma'am," he said quietly, "you'll
be mora afraid of him than me. If I
hadn't 'a' thought he'd hurt you, I'd never
given myself away."
Mrs? Courtland looked bewildered. In
her surpriso she had forgotten her hus
band's anger.
"What aro you doing here?" she asked.
"Well," ho replied respectfully, "I'd
as lief not say."
"Yes, but you must say. You aro not
a thief?"
"Well, then, what?" asked Mr. Court
land. "Well, sir," said the youth cheerfully,
"I work for Boy ton" naming a swell
tailor "and bef'oro ho sent your suit
home bo wore it conrtin his lady friend
and left a letter in it. It was not the
kind of a letter," looking down modestly,
"for others to see, and 1 undertook to
get it without lettiti you know he'd wore
your clothes, but I got rattled when you
seemed so mud. The letter wasn't any
ubo to you, was it?"
"Yes, Richard, what mado yon so
"Oertrnde," answered her husband.
I expected to find no letter. 1 was giv
size of the bird, and the saving of space
by this arrangement undoubtedly an
swers a nurpose. Dr. Morris Gibbs in
perous year in its history, wioe
range of studies Thorough in-
otriiotino. Bnsiues oonrse added. lu-
it. on froe. F.ntrnnoe fee, $10. Board
nnrl lorljins nt reasonable rates in the
elegant new dormitory ami boarding hall
on the campus, where stutienis win re
ceive personal supervision.
John W. Johnson,
147-81 President.
lleea and Fruit.
At the recent meeting of California
beekeepers the much vexed question of
bees and fruit came up for discussion.
The ground was taken that bees will not
puncture fruit, but will clean it up thor
oughly when it is previously punctured
by birds or wasps. Tho question of hives
was also considered, and preference was
for a large hive for extracted honey,
while a hive with a small brood chamber
was desired for comb honey.
lb-serving Praise.
We desire to sny to our citizens, Unit
(or years we have been gelling Dr. King's
new discovery for consumption, Dr.
king's new life pills, Bucklen's aroiea
naive and eleetrie bitters, and have nev
er handled remedied that sell as well, or
that have given such universal satisfnc-
lion. We do not hesitate to guarantee
them every time, and we stand ready to
refund the oiirehnse price, if satisfactory
results do not follow tlieir use. These
remedies have won their great populari
ty purely on their merits. Sloeum
Johnson Drug Co.
BtV "t,TtE5 '
9 Small
, VTiJki " labels. Only Directory
- ' jS&C guaranteeing 15.000
i J.T T ciistumers ; from pub-
i-Cvfl IfJS'il! I. Ushers anil manufac---
ZfcrtM I -TTlK turera you'll receive,
V-Sf'H: 8 I RM probably, thousands ol
(tfttl) i lU0'Jl) uluable books, papers,
PS 4W.'j4JSr- samples.maKay.ines.i-lc.
t&iuf4 TTOHL . and cacti parcel
and Franklin
Prevent and cure Constiputlon and Sick-
Headache, Small Uilc lleuus.
light and with negligent grace threw oft ing o lesson In realism. It Yvas a pre-
long opera wrap, revealing that sue tense a liltlo bit of acting to cure my
was a beautiful woman in full evening : wife's ennui."
dress, tall, slight, blond. For a full "Then vou was aetin. sir," said Jonas
jninute she gazed at herself rellivted in ; doubtfully. "I'm thinkin it'll be for our
tbe cheval glass, then discontentedly sat ' mutual advantage to say nothiu of all
down before it and commenced unclasp- j this. Clood evening, ma'am," and with
lug the ornaments from dress and hair i A polito little bow Jonas Crano walked
and arms. I down stairs, and they heard him shut
A well built plan with a plain face and tha front door softlv behind him.
General Criiul's YVcll Meant rollteness.
The story is told of General Grant
that while engaged in an animated ar
gument wilh Mrs. John A. Logan on one
occasion he opened his cigar case and
offered her a cigar and took one himself.
He lit his owu and proceeded with the
discussion. Mrs. Logan quietly accepted
one, too, but secreted it without attract
ing attention. She now preserves that
cigar as a souvenir. Springfield Repub
Looking For Information.
A good brother who recently offered
prayer at a prayer meeting started to
make a reference to Noah, but got a
little flustered and forgot the name of
the patriarch. After hemming and haw
ing for a few moments ho turned to a
neighbor and asked in a loud whisper,
"Who was it built the ark?" Washing
ton News.
Guaranteed to cure Bilious attacks,
Sick Headache and Constipation. 40 in
each lottle. Trice 26c. For salo by
Picture "7, 17, 70" and sample dose free.
J. F. SMITH & CO., Proprietors, NEW YORK.
But little evaporation takes place from
the pulverized soil for the simple reason
that the capillary action is interrupted
and the soil water does not reach beyond
the compacted part below the two or
three inches of mellow soil on top. 'ihus
the supply in the soil reservoirs is drawn
on more moderately and will last much
longer. All this is mado plain in Fig. 5,
which represents a potato plant under
good cultivation. The pulverized top
soil is the mulch that prevents the ex
cessive loss of soil moisture by evapo
ration. The little that does escape is
quickly replaced from the reserves from
A Million Friends.
A friend in need is a friend indeed
and not less than one million neople
have found just such a frieud in Dr.
King's New Discoverv for consumption,
coughs and colds. If you have nevtr
used this great oouuh medicine, one trial
will convince you that it hss wonderful
curative powers in nil diseases of throat,
chest und lungs, Each buttle is guaran
teed to do all that ia claimed or money
will be refunded. Trial bottles free at
Slociim-Johnson Drug Co. Large bot
tles 50c and 81.00
At Abrahamsick's. In addition to his
tailoring business, he baa added a fine
line of underwear of all kinds, negligee
shirts, hosiery, etc. Also has on hand
some elegant patterns for suits. A.
Abrahamsiok, May street, Heppner, Or
While you keep your subscription psid up yeu
can keep your brand in frou of, charge.
Allyn, T. J., lone, Or. Horses (4(4 on left
shoulder; cattle same on left hip, under bit on
right ear, and upper nit on tne leu; range, mor
row comity. .
Armstrong, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar un
der tt on left shoulder of horses; cattle same
on left hip. ... ...
Allison, U. O., fiignt isnie. ur. v;art,ie ornno,
O D on loft hip and horses same brand on right
shoulder, lluuge, Eight Mile.
AdkinB, J. J., Heppner, or. Horses, ja con-
ueeteo on leit nana; ouiue, sameon leu nip.
Bartholamew, A. (., Alpine, Or. Horses
branded 7 E on either shoulder, llango in Mor
row county.
Hleakutan. f4eo.. Hardman, Or. Horses, a flag
on left shoulder: cattle sameon right shoulder.
Pannister, J. W., Harilman, Or. Cattle brand
ed H on left hip and thigh: split in each ear.
Hrenner, Peter, Oonseberry Oregon Horses
branded P 11 on left shoulder. Cuttle same on
right side.
linrke, M Ht C, Long Creek, Or On cottlo,
MAY connected on left hip, ciop off left ear. un
der half crop off right. Horses, same brand on
letft shoulder. Ilaugo in Grant and Morrow
Hrosman, Jem-, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7
on right shoulder: cattle H on the left side
Left, ear half crop -id right ear upper slope.
llarton, Wm heppner. Or, -Horses, J B on
right thieU; cattle, sume on right hip; split in
each our.
Brown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right stitle; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor
Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. IIprBeB, circle
0 with dot in cei tor on left hip; caliie, same.
Brown, W. J,, Ijens, Oregon. Horses W. bar
over it, on the left shoulder, Cattle Btuue on leit
lioyer, w. li,, rteppner, or. Horses, box
brand oi- rn lit hip cattle, same, With split
each ear.
iiorg, P. 0 Heppner. Or. Hones. P B on left
Bhouldcr; cattle, sanio on left hio.
ill-own tee, W. J.. tox.Or Cattle. JH connected
on left Bide: crop wn left ear and two snlits and
middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses same
Dranu on ti.e leit thigh; llange in Fox valley,
Grant county,
Ca. sner Warren, Wagner. Or. Horses brand.
ed O on rigid stilio ; cattle Ihree bars) on
right ribs, crop and split, in each eur. Kange in
uriint ana morrow counties.
Ci.in.E., ( 'sleb.Or. y 0 on hor.es on left stifle
uuderbit on
'TunT.rl.nd.TT. H.. Mount T.rnon. Or.-I L on
cattle ou right and left sides, swallow fork in It ft
ear and under ciop in right ear. Horses same
brnml on left shoulder, liango n. Grunt county.
Lofton, Stephen, Box, Or.-S L ou left hip
on cattle, crop and split or, right ear. Horse,
same brand on left shoulder, llange liraut
""Lienallen, John W., Lul lC-oi Or. -Horse,
branded half-circle J L connected on left shoul
der. Cattle, same ou left hip. Kungo, near Ux-
'"Lord George, Heppner. Or. Horses branded
.loi.ble II ooi.necll . Sometime, culled a
.wing H. on left shoulder.
flllirkhani. A. m.. riepiiiie., ".. mite,
M on left side, both ear. cropped, nnu split in
both. Horses lu ou ion nip. .wusn, vw.
LMiuo'r, Oscnr, Heppner, Or. Cattle, M D on
right hip; horse. 81 on left shoulder.
Morgan, B. N Heppner, Or.-Horses. M )
on left should", cuttle same on loft tup.
McCnmbor, Jus A, Echo, Or. Hor.ee, M with
bar over on right shoulder.
Morgan, Tho.., Heppner, Or.-Hor.es, circle
T on left .honlder and left thigh; cattle. Z on
"iMHcboib Oscar, lone, Or. Horses. 77 on right
hip; cuttle. 77 on right side.
IlleClnren, 1). G., HrownsTille. Or, Horses,
Figure n on each .honlder; cattle. Ma on hi o
McCurly, David 11., iietio, Or. Horse, branded
DM connected, on the left shoulder; cattle same
on hip and sidu.
Mcllirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or.-Mule shoo
with toe-cork on cattle on ribn and under in
each ear: horses sumo brand on left stihe.
Ivlclluley, u. v., liamillou, or.-vol nurses, n
with half circle under on left shoulder; on Cattle,
four bars connected ou top on the right side
liango in (4rant County.
Neul. Andrew. Lone Hock, Or. Horse. A N con
nected on left shoulder: cuttle same on both hip",
Norclyko, K Silyertou. Or. Horses, circle 7 on
left thigh: cattle, same on left hip.
Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A S on cattle
on left hip: on horses, same ou loft thigh. Hang,
in Grant county.
Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or.-P O on left
Olp, Herman, Piairie City, Or. Ou cattle, O
LP connected on left hip; horse, on left still,
and wartle on noso. llange in (irunt county,
Pearson, Olnvo, Eight Mile. Or. Horses, ijuur
ter circle shield en left shoulder and "it on left
hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right cropped. 24
on left tiip. Hange on Eight Mile.
Parker A Gleason, llardiuau.Or, Horses IP on
left shoulder.
Pippr, Erne-t, Lexington Or. Horses brand-
Us (.ij b. cotineoletij ol ion enouiuer ; caul
mo on right iiip. Kungo, Morrow coonljr.
Piper, J. H., Lexington. -Or. -Horse., JE con
soled oi left shoulder; cattle, .aine on left hip.
under bit in each ear.
Pettys, A. C, lone, Or.; horse, diamond P on
shoulder; cattle. J U J connected, on the
left, hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in the
Powell. John T.. Dayville. Or Horses. J P con-
neced ou left shoulder. Cattle OK couuected on
left hip, two under half crops, oue ou each ear,
wattle under throat. Km. gem Grantconnty.
Hood. Andrew, uardman, Or. Horses, sqaar.
::ros with quarter-circle over it ou left stitle.
nemiiger, Chris, lioppnor, ur. llorsos, c n ou
left shoulder.
llice. ban, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel
worm fence on left shoulder; cattle, DAN on
ight shoulder. Hange near Hardman,
Itos-HO. Aaron, Heppner. Or Horses, plaiu V on
left shoulder; cuttle, same brand reversed o
-ight hip and crop oil right eur. Kauge in Mor
row county.
Kush IJros., tleppnor, or. Horses Dranoeu i,
on the right shoulder; oattlo, IX on tho left, tup
roo otl leit ear and dowlau on neck. Uungo ir.
Mon-ow and ndjoining counties.
Host, Willium, Ridge, Or. Horse. It o.
left sbouldor; cattle, It on left hip, orop otl
right ear, underhit on left ear, tthoep, It on
weathers, round crop olf righ eur. Mange Ulna
til la and Aloi-i . w c lun ties.
lieunev. Andrew. Lexington. Or. Horsol
branded A H on right shoulder, vent quarter
circle over brand; cattle same on right hip.
Ullage Morrow county.
lioyso, YVm. H, llsiryvil le, t ir Hltcounectefl
A Monster Ox.
The McMillan musee of Omaha owns
the largest specimen of the bovine race
now in existence. This gigantic ox was
bred by C. W. Curtis of Cass county,
la. At last accounts lie weighed 3,7-10
pounds, stood tt feet 4 inches in height
and measured 10 feet 11 inches in girth.
St. Louis Republic.
Foot-l'i liits on the Path to Health.
Everyone needing a doctor's advibe
should read one of Dr. Foote's dime
pamphlets on "Old Eyes." "Croup,"
,'Kupture," "Phimosis," "Varicocele,"
Disease of men. Disease of Women, and
; learn th.i best means of self-cure. M
1 Hill Pub. Co., 129 East 28th St., New
! York.
V With quarter circle over it. on left shoulder
n left, stitle on all colts under R years: on
A Negro "Woman's YVondjerful Hair,
Hearing the statement made in Holly
Springs that a remarkable negro woman
freak lived only a few miles from this
town, your correspondent determined to
obtain the facts in the case.
A middle aged negress greeted the visit
or. The woman is quite dark, of a pro
nounced African type of physiognomy
5 feet 8 inches tall, and in fair health, but
has never had any children. She wore a
white cotton turban tied about her head
and tucked in at the back to support the
immense weight of her hair. This she re
moved and laid upon the table and un
wound the braids of her wonderful hair,
which went many times around her head
and dropped upon the floor.
It was indeed an amazing sight. Three
braids almost as thick as a man's arm
close to the head, but tapering to the
thickness of a finger at the ends, closely
plaited and measuring 8 feet 0 inches,
braided as it is, in length. It looks a
good deal like Spanish moss, but is dark
er, crinkled and grizzled, coarse and al
most repulsive to the touch, suggesting
ghastly stories of the abnormal growth
of hair after death. Mississippi Cor.
New Orleans Times-Democrat.
wil h quarter circle over top on cattle on right hip
and crop off right ear and split in left. Horses
llange in Morrow
JO o
tPlso'i Remedy for Catarrh U th. H
Rest, Kindest to Use, and Cheapest. 11
Sold by DrntgliU or sent by null. 1 1
loc K. T. BuclUnt, Wirees. t. U
Hard on Johnny.
Mamma No, Johnny; one piece of
pie is quite enough for you.
Johnny It's funny. You say yon are
anxious that I should learn to eat prop
erly, and yet you won't give me a chance
to practice. Texas Siftings,-
Gladioluses come true when
gated from the small bulblets.
and on
left Bhoulder only on ail horses over 5 years,
range in orani county.
I uirK. vvm. n.. ijei.a. Or. Horses Wl eon.
nected, on left shoulder: cnltle eume on righi
nip. xun-ge morrow ana umutnia counties
I ate, ( has. li,, Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
ii i on right Biioniner; cattle same on right hit
iioiigH morrow aiiu uiniuiua counties.
Cecil. Wm., Douglas. Or.: horses .IP n lof.
shoulder; cuitle same on left hip, waddles on
oacn jaw ami iwo Due in tne right ear.
i un, i. ii., jonn IJuy, or,-Uouble cross on
each hip on cattle, bwiiIIow fork und under bit
in right ear, split in left ear. liuiige in Grant
county. On sheep, inverted A and spear point
ou shoulder. Ear marked ewes, crop on loft ear
pnucheil upper bit in right. Wethors, crop in
right and under half crop in left eur. All rungs
in Grant county.
Cook, A. J. .Lens.Or. Horses, OOon rightshonl
der. t attle, Biimeon right hip: ear mark square
crop oft left and split in right.
Cnrriu. 11. li., Curriusvilio, Or. -Horses, 03 on
left stitle.
Cox Ed. H., Hardman, Or.-Ctie, C wllh
t in center; horses. CE on left Mp.
Cochran. Ii. E.. Mimnmnnl IJrnnt n i
HorseB branded circle with bur beneath, on left
shoulder; cattle same brand on both hip., mark
under slope both ears and dew lap.
Chapin, H., Hardman. Or.-Horses branded
- on right hip. Cattle brnuded the same.
.Dickens, Ebb-Horses braided with three
tmeu fork on left stitle. ('utile same on left side.
Douglass. W. M .Gallowsv lip i .,,ia wi,..
right side, swailow-fork in each ear; horses, K U
on left hip,
Dougiue, 0. T., Douglas, Oi Horse. TI) on
tne right stitle; cuttle same on right hip.
Ely. J. H. 4 Sons. Douglas, Or. -Horse, brand
ed ELI on left shoulder, cattle sain, on left
hip. hole ir right ear.
Elliott, Wash., Heppner, Or. Diamond on
right shoulder.
Emery, C. S., Ilnrdman, Or.-Horses branded
reversed C with tail) on left shoulder ; caU
tlesume on tight hip. llange in Morrow county
Fleek, JackBon, Heppner, Or.-llore.., 7F
connected on right shoulder: cattle, same sn
right hip. Ear mark., hole in right and erD
otl left. "
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or.-C.ttIe, hi on
right hip; horses F with bar under on right
Florence. 8. P. Heppner. Or -Hore, V oa
right ehoeldoi ; cattle, h on right hip or thigh
hrench, George, Heppner Or. -Cattle branded
YY D, with bar over it. on left side; crop off left
ear. Horses, some brand on left hip.
Gny, Henry, Heppner, Or.-GAK on left
: shoulder,
'; . G man-French, Land and Live Stock Co., Fos
sil; Or.-Hories,anchor S on left .boulder; T.nt,
wine on left stifle. Cattle, .am. on both hip?
ear marks, crop off right ear and nnderbit in left
nange in uiuiam, Grant, Crook and Morrow
hullie brand on left shoulder.
Grant and Gilliam counties.
Hector. J. W.. Heppner. Or. Horse..
let! shoulder. Cnltle, O on right hip.
Sldcknall. J. W.. "looseberrv. Or. Horses
branded ol on left shoulder; iang. in Morrow
Sailing, (, C Heppner, Or Horses branded
on left shoulder; cattle same ou left hip. '
Dwuggiirt, n. i'., ijexington, or. norses
with dash under it on left stitle: cattle H with
dash under it on right hip, crop off right ear and
waddled on right hind leg. flange in Morrow,
Gilliam and Umatillu counties.
Swiiggurt, A. L., Athena. Or. UorBes brandeo 3
on left shoulder; celtl. sum. ou left hip. Crop
on ear, wattle on left hind leg.
Straight V. E., ileppuer, Or. H orsol shaded
J S ou loft stifle; cuttle J S on left hip, swallow
fork in right ear, uuderbit iu left.
bupp, Thos., ileppuer, Or. Horaos, H A P ou
left hip; cuttie sameon left hip.
Shrier.John, Fox, Or. NO connected on
horses on right hip; oattie, .aine on right hip,
crop oft right ear and under bit iu left ear. liaugi)
in (irunt county.
Smith Bros., Snssnville, Or, Horses, branded
H . ii. on shoulder; cuttle, ..aine on left shoulder.
Squires, James, Arlington, Or,; hortee branded
JH on left shoulder; cattle tho same, also nose
waddle. Hange in Morrow and Gilliam cocntioe.
btepketis, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses 8 Sou
right .title; cattle horizontal L on the right side
Stevenson, Mrs A. J., iieppnor, (Jr. Cattle, 8
on right hii ; Bwaliow-fork in left ear.
Hwuggurt, fi. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on
left sttouidei ; cattle, 44 on left hip.
Snerr.v. E. G.. Hammer. II, -r.n!. W r. ,.n
loft hip, crop off right and underbit in left year,
dewlup; horses W (J on left Bhoulder.
Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or.-Horses, ( ou
left shoulder; cattle, 2 on left shoulder.
iip)OU,8.T.,Enlerpri6e,Or. Hor.es. C-ou leit
shou idor.
Turner K. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital T
leit shoulder, horses; cattle same on left hip
with split in botli ears.
Iboruton, U. M lone, Or. Horses branded
11 1 connected ou left stitle; sheep samo brund.
Y'anderpool, H. T., Lena, Or; Horsoa H V con.
nected on right slioulder;cttl, enm oa right
Walbridge Wm., Heppner, Or. Horses, U. U
on the left Bhoulder; cattle same on right hip.
orop off left ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson, John Q Salem or Heppner, Or.
Horses branded J? on the left .hoalder. Uuoge
iuorrow comity.
Warren, W B, Caleb, Or-Oattle, W with quartor
circle over it, ou left .ide, split iu right ear.
Horses same braud on left shoulder. Bang. i
Wright. Hilus A HtnnnaF r. r., anAA
8 W on the right-hip. square orop off right ear
W ude, Henry, Hpner, Or. Horse, branded
see of spades on ieft shoulder and left bip
Cattlo branded same on left side and left hip.
Wells, A. 8., Heppner, Or.-Horses, on lift
shoulder: cattie same.
"lunger, jonn, John Day City, Or On horses
three parallel bars on left shnnhler; 1 on sneer).
both ears. Bang, in (4 rant and Malhuei
Hange in Grant and Maihaer
Or.-Horse., OP
Woodward. John
connected on
Watkin., Lishe, Heppner, Or.-Horee. branded
Uil connecteo on left stifle.
Wallace, Charles, Portland, Or. Cattle, YT on
nghtthigh, hole in left ear; homes, W on right
heuluer, serai eame'on left .koulder.
Whittier Bros., Huntington, Baker Co., Or.
Horses branded W B. conneotd on left shoulder
William., Vasco, Hamilton, Or. Quarter cir
cle over throe bars on left hip, both oattie and
horses. Bw.ge Grunt county.
W llliains. J 0. Long Creek. Or Horses, quaf
"" circle over three bar. n left hip; cattle same
and slit in each ear. Hange in Grant oounty.
Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses running A A
uu ououuier; oattie, tame on right nip.
I S or, th
g. J. B., Gooes berry. Or. Horsee brnuded
t he right .boulder.