Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 08, 1893, Image 3

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    i ,
1'T ihau MoiKlby eve. if,,, "re'.f, l;L'."
if BvenluK fur FridHvn Jii!
S' """""B lor FrUlHjH til-
l'l,e KU1H llf flva Mnti ..... - ... .
Uarged fur .rt SnTnT' "iT..,W
or it null iiiitiuni r ..i. ,... . " t,J
Miiir;.7.r:r."rB?,"lullr 01 new.) ami
lit ! UI II liirniutnni. .
Wtjurjr notice., A.V !K"tLtS?i&
snUTtHininenu. lr.., :.. T. m 'iUier
po,?iw'i(1fnr'Uhl.,1.':i1 ,Very c""Pn,lent ro-
paper L kept on tile lu WhT "
Brf0f';";!,U:.'er Fren0b aud '"""'y '"'urn
th 1U rpl-v to u """"nation,
the veteran railroader informed our re
porter ,b it was true that be will
aKmtU.ttt' M et''.t" ad'oot teBrJed1 '
K7B,".m or dissolved Hllrelaiiorii
tourl. uomPD- 'o outing
tour he reports a complete success.
hJTuX VVarru ui Ike Euuis hu leli
--- -cnuHjr last uii bioviea lor Port-
ttr ""i,toHd "i St cuss
hi PorMmii "0 1 bey ev.der.tly got through
11.- r 11 reported that
Lh.-.-,y of.U,?.rWB ""I orn off
t ,7.t .1 -wueu ine Dal les, so tliey
took the train at Wmt ,.i.,t . V
Kettoask them aboF w,,eu .beV
iwlf IS YOUR
Inhfff, f0r 'J"'11"""'. Monument, Lonir Creek
--.w, j mo p. in.
ArrivcB every day at
follow H
cAct'pt csuiiUHy.
"dMW. iiMlcktTt aud bt lliu? .
from the Interior country.
W. A. Johnston, Agent."'
(Jive your bminem to Heppner people,
and therejore assist to build up Uimt-
U..4 ., . r .iir
tuuonize mose who patronize
Here and There.
"'reetcar had pu.seu, but to catch It he
iiKn a nccr, and .hunted and beckoned
uii ne planted his heel
On a imootb bit of peel
Then he saw half a million tt.n iu ecoud.
Rd Itood waa in the city Saturday.
Jerry Broauan waa iu town to-day.
diet011 "S P1L1j3 require no change of
Ohas. Frey waa down from Hardmsn
r rid ay.
Fred dhermau was iu from Vinson
Harry Woods weut, below yesterday
moruiug. 1
Mra. Job Luckmau is now but at Leh
mau springs.
Punis Sweek was in the city yesterday
from Hamilton. '
Joe Woolery was in from lone Friday
twTvl? "tt 100 8 tU9 "easou of
is miinh iu. 1 1 UB BOroe, nowever,
ri, '"WrtUiajear than ever before
Wl Bhin n, JrdaU vTk 00ay
tionneaPrTonr:.erU1Utl,aQaUy otb" .
Mr. and Mm. an i r...n .1
frnm h fe" returned
eiKliteen-day outinif. Ti.-
K and time uparouud old Mount Hood
be snow capped Mount Adams wit" her
ce caves and scenery. They say tba
tbe trip la ever leas ernnu,t ,L. "
outing in our far-famed JJlues"
Harry Phillips showed our reporter
,L,eu iai1doUB tun'auy other '?
.u.uo,B0la. uscar Minor has vat
only aucceeaed in raising one"
Uid Halt has purchased Hick Math
ews' luierest iu the 11,1. rr i i.
hop. Sbaves. shai "7 , ,
' , U1d Up ,iu ttlu bet of style.'
Wheut advanced four nnil ni.u.t,.i.nu
it cau Btaud a few more
Mr. Edward Prather
Complication of . Diseases
"I waa troubled with sick headaches and
pains In my back and sides. I became partially
near, and my nervous system was all run down.
ruiauy, i was seized with heart disease and
uioughtmydays were numbered. I used
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and I am better In every way. I have alned la
tuJ" Y t0'm" K00i aP"etlt "as re
turned." Edwakd Pbatheb, Grafton. CaL
Hood s Sarsaparilla Is sold by all dnurglsts.
1 SIX for S5. Prenarnrt nnl k., r. t t
CO.. Apothecaries, Lowell, Maas.
aouar Urgao to be given away December 24th 1893
Has Opened Up at Heppner.
Offers a matrnifinant n 7. '
first-class goods. High eradesin 5 " "W.Mt It t7
article. Honest oua.i.y An immense asso tmet-notVng ta.6V
wg. Ihe quality will tell it : the price will sell it That is
the "asoo you should come early'and secure your Bar'
UA1JN8 from our splendid lines of
P. & Whqpsoi go,
javrng-'-put their business upon a tern-
th Jr Ssh basis' CaI1 Attention , to
the fact that Money has now a Great P..
CHASING" 'POWER tlnn rr- UC i
H v-v-1 uciuic Known iu
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable. 25c
about 35 cents.
raiaes like that
Hood's Pilla
heut by mail on reoeiot of urine hv n r
Co., Apothecarifia. T'oii'
wife arrived from
The Dalles, is
Mat Mosgrovewas in town over Sun
day on business.
t,matHS Muir and
Illinois Friday last.
V Mrs. J. D. Harris, of
visiting in the oity.
The Giizette has a rattling good water
. uuiruj iur saie oueap. f
Hon. W. R. Ellis is reported as having
arrived m Washington.
The Gem and Palace saloons for fine
liquors, McAtee Bros.. Props. sw
Jim Hayes succeeded in killing a lynx
and deer no near Black Butte reoently .
Joe Hayes and wife visited Jas. Haves
uu iiiuiuy, or. ituea oreelj, over Suuday.
Miss Etta Tirtlot, sister of Mr. Tirtlot
lie contractor, arrived Friday last from
r risoo.
akYpVPTiaed t0 Beltle yo,,r aeount
at f . C. Ihompson (Ju.'s. If you have
gard for your honor, keeur
.1,1 .en'!andb."''a underwear and top
shirts at oust f,,r noi, .m i v
Company's. --xoompson
Y,eVUri 0,1611 t0 P' - Thompson Co
iou will hud it will pay. Q.5it
instantly killed last Sunday evening, by
"isonarge or a gun, the load
passed through the body just holm, n,o
tbe heart. The facta pi,m,n.. .u.
sad affair, as near as could be ascer
tained, are as follows: He and anoth
er boy were loading a gun to shoot a
o.ra ana in their excitement and hurry
tbe guu waa discharged with ir, .-..u
BS before manhnn rrtu.- - .
-,u,,UUCUa iiiiM in mil n
.epeniion ot an old story: Two boys,
a gun and a fnueral-Long Creek Eagle.'
"How to Care All Hkln n,aou
Nrfln'n ."PP'Vayne's Oinimeut."
Noiuternal medicine required. Cures
tetter, eczpmu t.,h .,n . .. "
f ho X ."":,'.c'""un8.on me
Blankets, Quilts, Trunks, Hats.
1TTP -1 ti ii . . m
ft! HHS!S
.j . . tuau any money you spend. Our coorit
and prices, now waiting fnr in.n : .. ' t"'"1- uur KOD
established fact that iTBJJ
w mi m ......
nu.. n..j. nil
urv irnnns n n m
Heppner, Oregon.
And Bound to Stay.
Our Prioes in all lines of-
Hats. Cans
BEN LELAND, Sttteshian.
The Heppner Canyon stage line is the
beat, chtapest and quickest to tbe iu
The twiue-a.wekk Gazette now only
82.50 in advance, payable in cash or
ooou skins.
Meadames W. B. Potter, Arthur Minor
and J. U. Hamilton returned from Teal
priugs rjuuday.
The report of an attempted suicide lust
ouuuay evening, uowu iu Whitechapel
is going the rounds. '
Mam Jilerick, who moved from
to Burtou, Kausus, is reported as
lug died some muuths ago.
Rev. E. Ourren, of Condon, passed
through the city last Friday on his way
iu me muamette valley.
H. Trask arrived Friday from Monn
meut with a oar load of horses which he
shipped to North Dakota.
. The Union Paoitio has taken off two
trains daily, one eaoli way. Now mail to
Heppner will be one day late.
Chas. McFarland came upfromArling
ton ou Saturduy evening's train, leaving
Vffal.MrHair mnnin I... ,. j &
""j i.v.uiuu hji mie springs.
The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove
cures liquor, opium, morphine, oooaine
buu tooucco numc. See ad.
Every man who takes any interest in
fast stock Bhould subscribe for The
Horseman. Gazette shop, agents.
Frank Sloan returned from The Dalles
Thursday, while his pariner, Bob Shaw,
ot back from Pendleton Friday eve.
Arlington Record : Mr. T. R. Lyons,
a prominent attorney of Condon, spent
two or three duys in our town thi.
To Dakota With Hobsks.-C. 8
Dustin, formerly a legislator from
Harney and Grant oounties, came in
frota Long Creek Wednesday, accom
panied by 0. E. Dustin. with twenty,
head of horses. On M, T.,iin.
road, about one and one half miles
southwest of Pendleton, barbewire
fences were encountered, and ten of the
borses Buffered more or lean l,m..
Three were so bailly mutilated that
tbey had to be left behind. The others
were aoctored un whon tl, ...,.. j
mis city, and this morning the ship.
.U.-Ui o.a, teu over the Northern Paoifio
It POPH tfl llulr.il. r T.l 1 .
.. v. iu. jjusnn is an
old-time devotee of the art preservative,
uu uiaue a pleasant oail at this office
He says that in the Long Creek country
uiigut oe oalled a total failure,
ouu Litu iii-iii, n n-tii.i.f iiu.. .
uaia iu rely on
Umatilla county for bread. There will
nut oe nay enough to winter the stock,
East Oregonian.
tri hi" ,,l0,",ve Powers'are possess-
gist for Hwayne's Ointme. ' swlTr'
Rip's Wnn v . r,,.
., inu. me neppner
wooa yard, under the management of
Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver
wood at your residence, Bawed or un
sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at
87.00 per cord. Wood sawed twioe in
two, 75 cts. per oord; three times, $1.00
lard near Ihe rlennt T,-u,. .1 1
e . ""'C UiUHIH at
Sloan & Howard's.
To et -Even on Your Life. .
oots, Shoes
-, - .13. iNut nnc kt
Are the lowest. Come and nnint t i . '
-ent you wmbepl
An early call will beppr
Death of
a Pioneer. Jim w ti
puy, uu old settler, died this morning at
3:30 aged 63 years and 18 days. Mr
Depuy has been suffering much for some
time past with stomach trouble which
was the cause of his death. F,,r .m
days Le has been confined tn h,
bed, but not till yesterday was it con
sidered that his case was a hopeless one
ana that death was near. Mr. Depuy
wus born in Auburn, New York. July
, . ue came to the ooast
and has resided here ever ,, Th
old gentleman was good-hearted and
loyat to uis friends. He formerly kept
botel in Heppner, and no one was ever
turned away hungry whether they had
money or not. He was a member of
the Baptist ohurch of this oity, where i
uis muerai will ocour today at 3 o'olook
p. m. '
SHOEMAKER.-Ed. Birbeok. a shoemak
er and repairer of many years' experi
ence, has just looated in the Ahrahnm.
sick building, on May street, where he
is prepared to do everything in his line.
Mr Birbeck is stnctlv a firt.io
man and warrants all work. Give him a
PH0T0QBAPHS.-Danner, the pho
tographer, is going to leave Heppner
about the 10th of .Sept. All who wish
their photos taken must ant thara
Wood nd Willowware. BlacfesmiHi' a,.nnlio t o,.., , . .
yi vmnug quicKiy ana neatly do
Hardware, btoves and Tinware,
Pumps and
Change of Ownership
which we propose to Tu. 1 TY MEAT MARKET.
on hands at all time, the ohoioest ' satisfactory manner. Will keep
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc.. Etn.
shaw & Mccarty,
Frank Sloan
went to Hardtnsn this
Mr Thomas Batte,, editor of the
Graphic Texarkana, Arkansas, has
found what he believes to be tbe best
remedy in existence for the fW n;
mimico is wen worth rememhoi-ln
"Last summer T hoH
attack of flur T i .
everv known rpmftflv nna .
Chamberlain's Cn i . , nZ'
Diarrha-a Remedy wus recommended to
almost immediate relief. I continued to
use the medicine and was entirely cured.
Pleasure in renmmonri;n n.:-
remedy to anv nerHnn i,v,inn :iu
such a disease, as in my opinion it is the
u, cuiB in existence.'' 25 and 50
Mun.en lorsaie oy aiooum & John
son Drug Co.
You will save money by
getting our prioes before purchasing
elsewhere. -:- -;. .-. ... ...
1 Veterinary
Graduate M. E. C. V. S.. London v.i '
Odd Fellows' building, Main St.,
He says:
Chronic Diseases a Snemit,r
will treat all animal in the?
1 am nrGDarpd tn a u i.tj . .
call nn q7..." '." u w your intere.t t.
call on me at Stewart's stables.
mm a nnn mnn i rPPNER
- -T- run wiuu ; v zz . -. m
1 I Kl mm ..... I
-- 'uii MiBim in jr. -l r Mill TTrtv.
Mercantile Co.
H eppner, Oregon.
Now is the time to make your money oount
.uk, jjuuib, anoes, uats, t'ancy Goodi
the Cure
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It Is located at Foreit Grove, Or.,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coatt.
Call at tha n..nnm . . .
I have opened a first class restaurant
me oio matlock building called
ax,iuu restaurani,
3 tf. Mrs. G,
Our whole stook of Dry Goods, Cloth-
..uw.uaufo pnuea iur casn.
Scott Stone and Sam Pendergrart call
ed on us Saturday. Mr. Pendergraft is
reoently out from Illinois and may lo
oate here.
Rev. Howard held nervioes at tbe M. E
ohuroh, South, Sunday morning, evening
and last evening, returning to Pendleton
this morning,
F. J. League was up from Douglas
jBBtFtiday. Mr. League informed us
uai ne is now very busy heading wheat.
He will harvest about 400 acres.
Green'Mathewa, having purchased the
Palace hotel baiber shop from Chas.
Jones, asks for a oontiuuanoe of trade!
Baths iu conceotion.
Dr. B. F. Vaughau hasdeoided to leave
Heppner, and all those owing him are
requested to makeimmedinte settlement.
Those deBinug work should apply at
once. 143tf.
Dou't overlook J. B. Tedrowe at the
Arcade when thirsty. Half and half Bnd
fresh beer always on tap. AIbo a fine
took of liquors and oigars always on
hand. Give Ted a oall,
F. M. Courter thinks that Eight Mile
will have a vast amount more wheat than
was anticipated. If the price of wheat
was better, Morrow oounty farmers
would be fairly prosperous.
Salem Statesman: Wm. Ayera, of
ueppner, arrived in Salem yesterday,
and will remain until Saturday. He
reports the condition of crops as fair
and all stuck doing well, but no prioe
offered for wool.
Rev. J. M. Shulse returned from bis
trip down iu the valley ist Friday even
ing. While in Salem be visited tbe
asylum where be saw G. D. Dasey, form
erly ol this city, whom be reports in
worse condition than when first com
Dr. A. L. Fox returned Friday from
bis visit I'Jaat. Dc also took in the
World's Fair while there of whioh he
speaks very highly. Mrs. Fox and
Ralph remained with relatives at Bloom
ington Ills., where Ridpti will enter the
Wealeyan University this fall.
Tbe advice that most men will give
you is not to drink, bnt when you do
get the best. The Belvedere saloon
carries an excellent stock of cigars, liquors
wines and beer. A fine billiard parlor
in connection. Call on Charlie and
Diok who will always treat yon court
eously, tf.
Huwtino. For A HoMB.-Some Strang-
eis sioppea over in Senator Blackmau's
yard a few days ago, evidently seeking
a new looation. It was a big swarm of
uees, ana they were provided with a
uome Dut apparently were not satisfied
and soon left, ooming over in Johnny
Haeer's yard ma tree. They were again
"hived" and at last aocounti seemed
contented. Where the visitors came
from, is a mystery, as there are no stands
of bees in tbe neighborhood that the
Gazette knows anything about. Perhaps
.c irum a -wiia" swarm up in
Mrs. Marv .Tnr-knnn nj,ll iu-
regular meeting of tbe W. O. T. D
veanesaay eye. All members are re
quested to bring their bibles as tbe
meeting will consist chiefly of devotinal
o.tiuo ana me superintendent of
v7auGllsuu WOrK.
W. V. C.
Haying Quit the Credit System,
Wa ..... ; 1 . ... J '
. v,ji0.1UK koous lower tban ever before known in Oregon
On a few linen. Dm. munT u a-... iu yregon
send in orders by mail or call in person
Our WHOT.E STnnii' r. " T - XU18 18 BAIT
son needing supplies for caTh caVhT th" P"M
sand in nr.lar. h :i ,, . . ""rw . il J"u wmn to save Tour mnnav
- uiduuiiuih UU
,, j , , . per oent. off.
Dry Goods, Clothing, etc 25 to 33M
Men's Bnd Boys' Hats. 3o
Women's and Children's Sboes',25 to 30
Men's Shoes 20 to 30
Ootton Ginghams, Sheetings
and Domestios 20
llie Mwise Bakery wi Grarar?
mi - - i rw u j m i m
rj t, "
Hardman Justice Coort The mill
of justice is grinding pretty rapidly out
o naraman jUst at present. J. F.
Spray brings suit against Joe Bannister
for the reoovery of money given the
.atterior tbe use of purchasing cattle
iur iwr. nnra,. n.i..Au l- i .
nenner used nor returned to him. Joe
cannister in return brought suit against
J. V. Spray for frogery, claiming that
tbe contraot between Mr. Spray and
himself was altered by Mr. Spray. This
case will be given a bearing in ih
justioe court at Hardman today with
J. W. DAWnun a. nn. . . .
... 7 ior me plain
tiff and J. N. Brown for the defendent
The former case will be tried later on.
Bullet Removed. Last Sunday Drs.
Swinburne and Gauen n.rfr,
operation on a member of Heppner'
demi-monde, called "Daisy." About a
year ago she was shot by her husband,
a 32 oal. pistol ball striking her jnst
below tbe left nipple, glanoing around
the rib, lodging about six inches from
point of entrance in the latiesimus dorui
muscle ubout two inobes below the
sKin. it bas been giving her
trouble since. The bullet
brnised from striking a oorset
presented a rather usly
"High" Game.
Dr. Wynter Blyth, the medical officer
of health for Marylebone, is the sworn
enemy of high game, on the perfectly
consistent ground that no valid distinc
tion can be drawn between decomposi
tion in the rabbit and the same process
in the hare. If one be iniurious. hn nh.
served, so must be the other, and though
he does not venture to suggest the prose
cution of venders of game under the san
itary laws, he does not hesitato tn A.
scnoe tms culinary eccentricity as a
"filthy and disgusting habit." His argu
ments, however, are double edired. Ad.
mitting that decomposing rabbit is fully
on lni.n... 1 1 1 n . -
"juiwua ua lugmy navorea pheasant,
we are at liberty to argue that, as the
consumption of high game is seldom fol
lowed by toxic symptoms, the prohibi
tion in respect of decomposing meat gen
erally is unnecessary.
Common experience seems to show
that the products of ordinary decompo
sition, at any rate in its earlier staa-B
are destroyed or rendered inert by cook
ing; otherwise the mortality among the
disciples of Lucullusin the upper classes
would be phenomenal. The danger lies
presumamy in the fact that decompos
ing animal tissues afford a Buitahlo mn-
dium for the autocultivation of bac
teria other than thoBe of decomnositinn
the toxic products whereof may resist
the influence of a high temncrature. W
are loath to believe ill of a practice
Which, if aesthetically obiecHonahlfi i
hallowed by centuries of apparent im
punity. London Medical Press.
rr per cent. off.
V .... Q1
Men's Overshirts and Furnish
ing Goods 3o
Hardware . . . . . '. '.'.'20 to 25
Saddle, Harness, Stoves and
Tinware on t on
All Kroceries BE lOWPflf nhn ... . u. Ai .....
orders. Shipments of wool . yj"umry oruerB olwited, cash with
Very Respectfully,
uiua, olreei, opposite Palaoe Hotel. Thevwill lrn t,j "... .
nrn a -ik-r- . . f -BuuBiuii iineor
nes and Frovisiofis.
A fall line of Mini p,aa r.,u
ii i . . "i vouch hum nrAan in n
suy Kept in a Urst-class bakerv stnr Thrnr 7pw that is
try them,
They will sell obeap foi caBh.
Call anp
4'4UUW 8J00 BOAT a..nn . ".. " .""1 fuv ainna 'ailojlsnno 'lonjnr o , . . ' .
woo -WM Po0 immmc wna-.Z 'lfi3!
WAII new subscrZ!."."? ? oob-iih S.axooa .hQ
presensed with a free copy of this as a nreminrn aa"DB the month of AP'" iU b.
""t i F A-fj (j j
I V BHT1TI". 'Ollln,,:.
Reserved for the leader of Cash Trade.
Heppner, Oregon.
Out for
It is probable that
was badly
steel and
appear an oe.
the steel saved her
The Old Story. Clyde Cameron, of
Canyon City, who, will be renumbered,
was tun over by a log wagon last fall
at A. C. Dore's sawmill, was shot and
On the Track of the Microbe.
Science is pressing relentlessly on the
heels of the microbe. The latest method
of coping with this minute but potent
aource of disease is toliterallv cast it rmt
of the abiding place in which it has in
stalled itself. Micro-organisms contain
substances for the most part heavier
than water, and this fact has led to the
introduction of a method of separating
them from water, milk and other liquids
by centrifugal force. A HTWll t9 Du,nl
4,000 revolutions a minute serves to clear
a large number of microbes from the
liquid and render it limpid. Exchange.
J ewelry,
Cash Talks.
V E R W A R E,
his as a premium.
SCTlrTO.) i
axo ni)
OOl'Ifc )
3H axv)
'tt.'V, .' iu. I '',1 .'IIKIM 1 1 1 r I Allln.T.W
'M,!iwJ Win i .jtl -,;, .SJUi) ili,,, , P L?l
Ji II -J
oufoH urau J.a(I UI , Ml
Apns.Kis unjSi! IT;1M :lu ,.' lib! AUOu
yllWM .uu ,,,n,.rj or, ojMon-UM,,m,,ooif
.'iiiu.illni n
.v'.l.llllll (I) ,,(,, ;:.
Etc., Etc.
Trust Busts
Oil .1311 11)111 MI T I
"I M(II-4U,U1I,I ), y,,
:i '"I "'l A') )UI1MI jJ(,
"'i. ( iMii; ;-.i:ii,,,v (',V
Dawson rayons
an ousiness attended to
111 A Tirnmnr n1 i? .
manner. Notaries Pi.k. .rTo",'".8"""810'?
-"-"u juiieciorg.
" amoa line Dean every nnrht form
week arouM Torpia Live. per buutal
f x ' tfS Tr I X
Portland, OREooa. A. P. Armstruno, Princi
Open all the year. Students mav entrr at anv ttm
Catalogue free.
!iiJlAN5A!!lIRi: Insurance Co.
i w.