! 'A I TV I! riHl'i.w i . - ' mm mm mm mmmm , I 1 , . 3T.UVK. f -r.nl il;-it n: .,e im,urti(Mi ol clli,y Mn t ..riMiimi'.M -.nit-, muni ei iiR.,r eiiiiy In HI lnlr limn Mi-:m1k;' i-veiilng lur Titi-silii i 'k .iuUiu,ii 'J lilirwliiy iH'n,li,g r Kri.lnM till Hull. '1MK I'ATntlws I'l'lIUSHlM, Co. no run. - llio null ill UVU CClllS Ulm will tic (iiuiMitl for "funis of thanks," "ruHolutimis ol resiieot, ' lints uf wedding prwcuti and donors. nd oiltuary uotiies, (utlicrtluu those the edit- m Kiimi uuunru givu hi a uiKUDr ul hewn.l and ogtiietuliwcU uireiingitlor wlmlcvei uurpmv li. Notleen ol churtii and mx-lety and nil oilier entertainments irom wlilih revenue in in rived, ahull t- charged lor t the raw: ol live "' iuihk: ruiea win uentrlilly adher ed to ill evwry tutaiiee. Advertising mien reasonable and madekuown upon application. We hold eaih anil every eornvponuent re- poiirlblu lor his or her euiiiiiiiinlcalliiii. i-orresooiidciice Hill he published unless the writers real name is signed as au evidence ol good (mill. I 1 FlSIIKH, NKWSI'AI'KIt ADVKKTIS '"K Agent, L Meivliants r-xciiunne. bun Hancisco, i unr aiithtitUuu agent jins paper Is kept on Mo in hisoiluo. TIME TABLE. Stage for Hiirdniaii, Monument, Long Creek John Day anil canyon Uiy, leaves us lollous livery day at a p. m., except eiiwlay. A rrives every Uuy at 0 a. m exeepl .Monday. I he cheapest, quickest and hest line to or from Uio interior country. J. o. DKLEVAN, Prop. idociim-Johnston Drug Co., Agents. (Jtve your business to Meppuer people, and therefore assist to build up liepp ner. Patronize those who putrouue you. Here and There. The days are slipping swiftly And now Willi deep elation The ant doth join tlie picnic pk' Jn a summer celebration. Cash It) chard iu over ou tlie Sound. J ue Heck gut iu from Hamilton yester day. Oh. Mitcbell was up from one yester day. Hurry Jones whs iu tha city Wedues- uitv. i'ruuk liojfets is sojuuruiut; at Teul spiins. Mis Elsie Jones weut down to lone yeaierUny . 1. U. lior was dowu to liio rauoli Wedursduy. J. I1'. Upruy, of Wagaor, wus iu the Oily WeUiieaiihy. Tlie Gazetto tins a rutlliu ood water barrel lor sale ulieiip. tl. J. 1). bull and taiuily are raatioutiu BU lllti UlOUllttlltjH. Harry Wooiiti returued from l'ortlnud lust Kniluy eveiilnu. Ueo. Tu.ruiou left for Teal epriuijs Wednesday ujomu-ifc;. li. X1'. tiyutl, u( liepjiuer, is registered at llie W onU's Fair. Tom How mil ami fuuiily left for the mnuulaius yesterday. l'leuly uf bear and other guiue are re pji ted up atLeliiuau sprius. The Uum uud Falace saloons for lint .liiiuors, AloAioe iiroe,, Jfiops. sw Miko Kouuey, B. 1J. DoUorty aud T'oiu Ulibiliu were in the cny Wedues day. TUo Heppuer Canyon stage line is the luni, cLtbpebt iiiid qtncktet to the iu tenor. The twioe-a.wkek Gazette now ouly in udviinue, payable in cash ui ooou BkiuB. Joe Williams has oharge of Jerry Cohii's store during his anxouue at the spritiB. We learn that Dr. E. T. G igen will soou leave for the East ou an extended visit anionu relatives. Mm. T. J. Matlock and Mrs. C. K. Eychaid and etnldreu are visiting wnh relallves at Pilot K ick. T. J. Matlock got baok from Penille toti Wednesday . He reports t.uim muuh harder over there than here. W. C. Reininyer returned from Port laud 1 uesdiiy eveuiug nhere he bail been visiting his daughter. Doo. Hut mns and Ihuily left yeiter day nioiuing to joiu the uiountulu crowd. Lloo. will return tomorrow. Norman A. Kellev has found a cold tiunK in the mountaitis that, be nays, beats all of theui iu a medicinal way. Miss Thnuiiis, daughter of Joe Thomas, of Arlington, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo Gouser of this city. Sure, efficient, easy Hood's pills They should be in every traveler's grip and every family medicine obest. The Keeley InBliliite, at Forest Grove onres liquor, opium, morphine, oocuiue and tobacco habit, bee ad. Every man who takes any interest iu fast stock should subscribe for The Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. A. A. Allen, ooast representative ol the Singer Sewing Machine Co., oame up from Portland Wednesday evening. Mrs. Catherine Spiay, lust Tucsila, sold her propertv down ou Gale street to Win. Peuland. Consideration, nukuown. Bob Shaw and Frank Sloan left Wed nesduy morning for The Dulles. Hob will visit Pendleton before returniug home. Gen. Wells got back from Teal springs Wednesday evening Geoige repoits everybody having a "huge" time out there. Mnjir Magone passed through town lust week, ami while here was tbe gti-Bi of Giaurima Spiay aud Mr. and Mrs .Cbas. Charltou. Oieen MHthews, having purchased the Palace hotel barber shop from Chas. Jones, ssks for a oontiuuauoe of tt'Hde. Baths iu conueotiou. Dr. B. F. Vanghan bnsdeoided to leave Hepputr, and all those owiug him ae requested to mHkeimmediatasettlement. Those desiring work should spplv at once. 143tf. Don't ovi rlook J.B. Tedrowe at the Aroi dft when thirsty. Half and half and fresh beer always ou tap. Al-u a Sue took of liquors aud oigars always on band. Give Ted a and. The advice thnt most mn will give you ia not to drink, hut when yon do get tbe best. Tbe Belvedere saloon parries an excellent s'oek ol cigars, liquors wines and beer. A flue billiard parlor in connection. Call on Charlie and Dick who will always tteat you court eously, tf. Joi n IS l'.rown ami urir of 1.... It ok, returned iMoudsy evening fnun i, ,VT'tJ",ck '" l"H H,,d Nt" While hist li,ey visited Chicago and i.mk in tin. suiMs t ,ie orld's Fair. John and iMolna Moore, relatives of Mr. Hrown, returned with him A'l leil for Liu,e Kock Weduesday. Fircineu. as a ruin nr nr.t .!..,.., ) poii tx. According to law. oue must erv us g Uremau oue year before bniug . uu leciiuioaiiy nut one lu neppuer cu escnoe..Xtr -hhva Ihey will disband it poll-tax is oolieoted trow ibeui. We cannot -ffeMl-to. do wnuout thnr services. Johny Elder aud wife and F. 0. Back num. wile i,ud child lefc Weduesday morning for Teal springs. Frauk bad h. flionutly recovered from the rl euma tiniu hs to be able to get around with tbe asNiatHhoe of a cane, and it is to he Imped that Teal Rpriug baths may prove bmetioiul to him. Tuns Nelson, who turn for nearly a year past very suocesstnlly held dowu I he piibitiou ot loreman in this office, left Wednepday morning for the upper uoutitry in quest of a situation. 'Ibos. is a tiist-oiHos-all-aroiiuii printer and we hope soon to hear of him seouring uuuther position. Miss Eliue Jones is iu receipt of a let ter from Uer father, who is now in Mon tana, stating that be aud Irieuds have been very successful with their horBes so.fitr, burring a Utile acuideut at Butte where Cora J. was left at tbe post. They will soou tto to Anaconda: T. M.: J. B. Eddy, onaiiman of the executive committee ol the Oreuou IVesa AKfOciaiiou, has oalled the annual convention of the assooialiou to meet in Poitlatid on September 28 at 10 a. m. Airaugemeuis will be made for enter taining the editors. Auielope Herald: ludian Jim, an old time ebief, died near Gliaau's ranch, eimt of town, lust Thursday and was buried ou Wallace's rauch above town on in ay. He was blind aud very aged, and lias beeu dying ior a oouple ol yeais. Kroehtly at Lehmau springs, Chas. Sheldon, of ttepuuer, got b -yond his doptu iu tbe swimming pool and was nearly tlrowued bef .re ue oould make tbe ciowdtiudei'Mtatid that he wus nut 'joshing" that time but iu dead earnest. Iu. uday last Billy Oowius returned from Taut springs He reports our Hepp uer people hiving a good time. Frauk Whutstoue is i he blucksmitb ot the camp aud is earning good money every day shoelug horses. Gid Hutt has purchased Hiok Math ews' interest in the City Ho'ol barber shop tjtiaves, shampoos, hair-oute, an-., dished up in the best of style, baths lor toe milllous. Grunt Joumou aud wife, Jerrv Cohu and wile aud Heppy iilackuiau, left Wednesday in uuiiig tor ashore vacation at Teal Springs. They were piloted over by Al Biuus. Mrs. M. A. Hornor and daughter, Etta departed for their home lu Iowa i'tiejday morning alter u two week's v.sit wnh Dun uud Sherman Horuor of this cny. Chris Niebuhr aud A. Abrahamsick bad a little set-to Tuesday evening, the result of a misuiidemtaudiug over the payment of a bid. No serious dumage i as doue. Ait. Minor oaptured 101 trout iu one day up lu Warm spuug oreek, Dear Lehman spriuxs. This eclipsed the recoid up mere for this season. Uev. W E r'otwiue, of Peudleton, is tuking a viiOcitioii wnh a hunting party lu Biulook niouutaiuj neur the bead waters of tlie Walla Walla. Frauk K .gers little gill, Etta, fell in to the Leniuuu spiiug stvimming pond reoeullt , uud had it not beeu tor bystand ers would have drowned. A. A. Roberts aud wife, T. W. Ayers and wife, Mitiuie aud Bs-tha Matiook, and LiUiue G idley departed for the mouutuius Wednesday. We uegleoled to mention, in Tues day's issue, Painter Beuuett among those who i .-iui ned from the mountains Monday evening. Sirs. St. F. Bone "I Was a Wreck With catarrh, lun; trouble and generally broken town. lo.'ora I bad talien haU a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla I felt better. Now I am In Hood's5 good health, tor all of which my (lianki ars due W Hoftd'a Sarsaparilla." Mas. M. F. BoNB, Clover, Iron Co., I.lo. Get Hood's Hooct'8 PIII3 euro Constipation by restor ing the perls Lai tic action of tlie alimentary caoaL a x is-."- e s am "J Qoitb A Ji.shkk Mr. Poorman, of I he Woodburu bank, appears to be somewhat of a joker. S ime two months ego he was strolling along iu tbe World's Fair wnmuii's buildirg, in Chicago, when a ludy approHOned, accompanied by a Columbian guard. When she reached where he was at the foot of a stairway, on the steps of which some women aud children were sitting, she gave an ord-r to the guard and passed on. The guard turned to tbe women aud told tbein they would have to get up and move on as the steps must be kept clear. "Ladies, you can sit still just where are," said Poorman. The guard looked at bim in amazement and said: "Perhaps yondont know whothat lady was who gave the order?" "I do not," said Poormsn, "who was she?" ' That was Mra. Potter Palmer, president of the woman's fair committee," said the guaid. "Perhaps von dou't know wbo I am," said Poorman. "I do not," said the nuard, "who are you?" "I am Governor i eunoyer, of Oregon," said Poorman. The guard looked umazsd and pus-ied ou, while tbe women looked grateful aud Bat still Salem Statesman. Death cf Johs M. Harper. A fatal accident occurred at Union Flat, seven mihs southwest of Colfxx, at 9 a. m. Thursday, tbe viotim being John M. Harper, a widely-known pioneer of that seolion. Mr. Harper was engaged in hauling hay near his farm. A breaking ofoneotthe breast straps on used the tongue of the wagon to drop down between his team of horses, which be onin! frightened aud broke away, He held to tbe reins aud the animals drew bim from the seat and pulled bim over the front of tbe wagon. He struck on bis head, breaking his neck. He was found dead by bis son some time afterward. Mr. Harper w as 55 years of se snd bad lived in Palonse 22 years, and whs a man of family and means. He was an uncle of Mrs. W. F. Mat lock ol Prfiidteio i. Eist Oregonian. Mr. Harper was also an uucle to the Swaggart Bros., of this county. COPPER IVITED 2 p OTTOM r ANTs 0vTPA &kVtylf GUARANTEED. ADDRESS: SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. vy Diabetes, Bright's Disease, Inflammation of the Blad der, Yellow Water, Brick Dust Sediment in Urine, Burning Sensation, Pain in the Back, and all Dis eases of the Kidneys. ANT'S CURES FRKPARED BY O.W.R. MaMactiiriRi Co.. PORTLAND, OREGON. For buIo hy Slooum Johnston Drug C.i and T. W. Ayers, Jr. A Nbuvi Banker. President Loew enberg, of the Merohaut's National, is i. nervy man. He is the kind of stuff thai bank presidents should be made of. There was no faltering hen he oami face to faoe with a crisis. He met it with a oool head and steady nerve, am with an unselhshness unusual on sucL occasions threw his vast private fortuut into the breach and saved the bank. Praises ol Mr. Loeweuberg are iu tbi mouth of all our citizens. Portland ) proud to have such a oapitaliat. Port land Telegram. Bids Opened iue iieppner sohool board met Tuesday for tbe purpose ol openio g tbe bids on wood and to trausaci any other business that might coun before it. The following were the bids: J. F. Willis, 81.80; Gilliam & Bisbee, 84 85;Shmu & Howard $4 70; Seoti Stone, $1 90; Frank Keauey, $4 85; Tom Keaney, 8487. Sloan & Howard's bio of 84.70 being the lowest they wen awaided the contract. Oranob Biossoms. Mr. S. I. Strattou and Miss Sylvia Veaeh were married a Lone Rook, Sunday evening, July 30, J asi ice Crawford officiating. Mr. Strut ton was formerly a resident of Heppuer, and is favorably known here, aud ii diffdreut parts of this oounty where he has taught school. Mr. aud Mrs. Strat ton oame oyer from Lone Kock luesday evening, leaving yesterday morniug foi the valley. Should Cbase. Id is ourrently re ported that quite a number of our youth ful denizens are of the habit of congre gating in bams and giving a speoies ol entertainment which they denominate "showing." This consists principally of making indecent exhibitions of them selves for the benefit of little girls. This should be stopped immediately. "How to Cure All Bklu Disease.' 8imply apply "Swayne's Ointment." No internal medioine required. Cnrei. tetter, eczema, itnb. all emotions ou the faoe, hands, nose, &o., lenving the skin clear, while and healthly. Its greal healiug aud onratiye powers are possess ed by no other remedy. Ask your drug gist for Swayne's Ointment, bw 1 yr. Bip's Wood Yard. The Heppner wood yard, under the management of Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to delivtr wood at your residence, sawed or nn sawed. Wood suwed and delivered at 87.00 per oord. Wood sawed twice in two, 75 cts. per oord; three times, 81 00. Yard near the depot. Leave orders at Sloan & Howard's. 4 tf. Shoemak.hr. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi ence, has just looated in tbe Abrabam sior building, on May street, where be is prepared to do eveiy thing in his line, tit Birbeck is strictly a first-olass work man and warrants all work. Give him a call. Mwtf Photographs. Danner, the pho tographer, is goiug to leave Heppuer about tbe 10th of Sept All who wish their photos taken mast get there mmediately. 149-2. WAN I ED. Salesmen, to sell our choice and hardy nursery stock. Many special varieties to offer both in fruits and ornamentals, and oo drolled only by ns. We pay commission or salary, give exclusive territory and pay weekly. Wrile us at once aud secure choice of territory. Mat Brotubrs, Nurserymen, 142-60 Kochester, N. Y. COMMUNICATION Editor Gazette: Since some of tbe older beads bave talked to freely regarding the collection ot poll-tax from the firemen of Heppner, I would like to say a word in this con nection. Tbey claim that it is our duty to join tbe hose companies, baud ourselves together, keep thoroughly drilled, regardless of the beat of tbe weather, that we may be proSoient in handling FOB S"ST Gilliam & 33isbee, HErpuErt, on. OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. MONMOUTH, OREGON. Tlie Leading Normal School of (lie Northwest Strong Professional and Academic couriei, and well organized nuidel school lur practical train ing ol" Teachers. Normal, Advanced Normal, BuaincsH, Music and Art Departments. Beauti ful and heaUhlul location, Liyht expense. Ho saloons. '1 lie Normal Iihb enjoyed a Bteady growth during the past year, reaching an enrollment ol iveMOO.the largest In its history. New members have been ad led to the faculty, new aparatub -upplied and the course of study revised and strengthened. T.ie graduates are in demand to till nod posit ion r. The diploma entitles the holder to teach in any county in the state without iurther examination. TUITION: Vormil $6.25 per term of 10 weeks. tab Normal $5 per term of 10 weeks. Room 50 oen's per week, unfurnished, loom from 81 to $ 1.25, furnished. Tuition, hianl, lodging and books, less than $150 per year. CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Thorough courses tillered in vocal and instrumental music. Tuition. $10 per term of 20 lessons Monmouth is easily accessible from nil parts of the state, twelve miles from the state capital, sixty miles south of Portland. Catalogue cheerfully sent on application. Address P. L. CAMPBELL, President. . 40-5Jv 8. S1IEU1), Secretary of Faculty. Boiiness $G 25 per term. Board at Normal dining hall, $1.75 per week. Board and Lodging in private families, S3 50 to $4.00 per week. "A DRUG IN THE MARKET." Yes, there are many of them Some very good, some bad. Bad dru.s are poisonous, Also of no value whatever. Pure drugs are great helps, And these alone should be Used in compounding. We claim to keep in stock The purest drugs made. To compound them skillfully, To prepare prescriptions quiokly. To charge for them reasonably. : W ho oan do better than this? T. PHIL. COHS, Proprietor. ONLY EXCJLU SI VIC- BOOT AND SHOE STORE FOOTWEAR M. LICHTENTUAL & CO. IS IN IIEPPNEK. NO SHODDY GOODS. FOOTWEAR. HEPPNER, West Side of Mnin Street, OREGON. The Hotel Grande. l FORMERLY THE 8ANFOH1) HOUSE.) J. W. REDFORD, Proprietor. EVERYTHING NEW. This house has been refitted and is tlie first-class hotel ot Arlington. It is centrally located, aud is therefore the most convenient place for commercial travelers. Stages leave this house every morning for Condon and Fossil, Oregon; also for Cleveland Bickleton and Uoldtndole, Washington. Mn at 11 trains. ARLINGTON, OUIiGIIX. A. Thompson ' a. E. Binru THOMPSON & BINNS, PKOPJ.il ETC US TL.J ... n 1 IM m uvcrv. ran ill The Hcdd 1 1 l Below Coffin 4 McFarland's, Main Street. Good Conveyance for Tiaveling Men. Teams to hay per day, 75 ots. Hay and grain per day. $1.25. Meals 25 cts. at O. 0. Sargeant'a, next door to Feed Stable. Grain and baled hay always on hand. FREE CAMP HOUSE FOR TEAMSTERS. LEGAL 1 A V I 1 r ' Al BUN Plenty of them at the Gazette Office Portland, Oregon. A. P. Armstrong, Principal. Open all the year. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue free. A BUSINESS FHUCATION PAYS. the hose and ready to fight any fire. Now we quite agree with the above. Not oue person has associated himself with either company but from a sense of duty that every active Bnd able bodied man owes to the city. But should not tbe oity ef Beppner show ns some appreciation, of our services? Hliould there not also be a feeling of duty on the other side? No fair-minded person cau deny this. Technically speaking, none of ns are exempt from the above tax, though it is and old an well established custom in every city to exempt all firemen, rs- gardless of time of service. Hnch being tbe caBe, we feel that Heppner ib over stepping the bounds in asking this lax from ns. It is not tbe amount but the principle that we are ooutending for. Should the final decision be that we must pay this tix, it will be paid hy every fireman without a sii gle demur. But we shall hIho feel that ourobligation has oeiied, our duty at an end, and shall immediately turn the propert) over to those whose perception of duty is more blunt. Kespectfully submitted, A FlRKUAN. 'ft PALI HOT 1 Only First-Class hotel in Heppuer . 2. Brjildirji? Wired for Electric Ligbta throughout. 8. Uest scccmmodntioDfl for tbe traveling public. 4- Courteons treatmeosfiijred fh'e-coun-r try people. .. MRS! M. VoiTcADOW. Proprietress. M Heppner, Oregon. RIGHT -f IN . THE LEAD And Bound to Stay. -Our Prices in all lines of- Dry Ms, Clc Gross, Eals, Caps Boots, Shoes, Provisions, Notions, Etc. confident you will be pleased, because our prices are all right. An early call will be appreciated. Change of Ownership WE HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OF THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET k a . n 79 Pr0PL8e t0 0ndnot in the mo8t sa'isfaotory manner. Will keep' on bands at all times tbe ohotoest "eep Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. shaw & Mccarty, Jr'roDrietors. 85-tt. T11. JOSEPH J. BILL, Graduate M. E. 0. V. S., London, England. Veterinary m- Surgeon Chronic Diseases a Specialty - terse,1 H'youTave SW.5S4S2F HEPPNER ca" on me at Stewart's stables. ro ' ' 638 sw . . OREGON I Ths Keeley Institute OF For the Cure Ox Liquor, Opium aod Tobacco Habits It Is located at Forest Grove, Or., The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call at the Gazetts office for particulars cure eonfldentlal- 1'rcnent priv&and mr KIRK & RUHL, WIA 1A1 rU A II I i lira mm m urocerv On May Street, opposite Palace Hotel. They will keepon band a full Hoe of STAPLE AISTD FANCY Groceries and Provisions. A full line nf nhnien Pio r,.l, it j. . nsnalept in a nrst-elasi oary e. -5" SST'oiT aw DH. roOTE S II AND-nooK OP HEALTH HINTS IKn M a nv nnn. 1. the title of a very valuable book that gives a f real amount of lnf. K 1 imporuace to Everybody, eoni, their Wffirf. DSnH., Influence of Plants, Parasites of the Skirt. Care of Teeth What, to Eat, Ilnw in Ui tt Thlnpi to Do,' i ulnars to Avom, Perils of Summer, Ilnw tr, RruatLa Dangers of Kissing, jueuu n. iirtw tn a tri-iiii rfu ".w. rV.AfHr.Iri. Superfluous Hair. Clothing What to Wear. fflSi"''". removing Bame. How Much to Wear. To li k Vnf l . ' . -v.wyiuiwinK, jvroiuriUK llie IJrownea, ('Ontagious DiseAKmi w.i;..i Vr., ' vSuSgsf Huu8e' Prner.ntUi n"-''"i- go- a tKS ? sssssss iHACIUIIHJ, IT TlVIIfi UAV ft rtTDn m..i. t. .. - Feet. Freckles. nnariiwhA n Mole.. Plmnl., PH.. nu,: ' "v mK- """"ned Breasts, Ivy Poisoning. Sore Nippies, Sore Throat ' Sue St'lngTand InZt &taS &, T Warts. WhooDina- Court. Worm, in rhiirf, i v w . . . .' . . Toothache, Ulcers, - uimruus' mi.i.K. IP'AII new HIiriMfpihora anit tm,mn 1 n .1 li.- . .... -. ..v. ., teucnnin uurlUK tue IUUOIU Ot AUlllWUl O presensed with a tree oopyof this as a premium. OF COUIiSl' YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT EVERY BODY OUGHT TO KNOW. READ P. 11. T. )Tln! younghow io rlio.. .- Km ihi oim iTiT'iiiaVi-y DTIlO HUH t'ldl! llllVV t.O 111- llill.nv ill miit-i-iniy., . )Tlio fond parent how to liave prize buhiesj )Tho mother how f hiivo them without pain; )Tho childless how to be fruitful and multiply; )Tho curious how they "growed" and came to be )Tho healthy how to enjoy life and keep well ; )The invalid how to get well again speedily ; )The imprudent; how to regain wasted energy. )A11 who want knowledge that is of most worth )Find it in Dr. Foote's "Plain Home Talk," ) 1,000 pages, 200 cute, 24 col. plates; 200 recipes; JRcdm-ed from $3.25 to Al .50; cireiilnrs free. )Murray Hill Bool: (V. i:.l!f R. st.h St., New York ul.s"! V ( ! DAYS ( ONE (AGENT ( SOLD ;( 42 (AND HE ( SAVED ( $1,100 (IN ONE ( YEAR, (500,000 ! COPIES (' SOLD. JlH4, Dawson Sis Ivyoiis, ATTOIiNKYS AT LAW. All biiiiness attended to in a prompt and satisfaetory maDner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. BEPPNER, OREGON. atterson NOTARY PUBLIC -CONVEYANCER AT OPFICS The Lancashire Insurance Co. Ol' MANCHUHTHU. ir IV; o I ........ i W. WTTEESON. AGENT Beat tn tlie Woti Cure for MJitr, Small u 4 X