Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 04, 1893, Image 2

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    o ' t
' '' -- ' '' II'1'-
satisfaction. Also carry comply stock of
WE LEAD in Millinery, Ladies' Furnishings and Children'8 wwr,
Oar Mock is the largest, and our prices tbe wwesi ; una we Bu.u , .
Ladies' Hose and Underwear A bpeuauy.
Dress Goods and Trimmings.
We have a laree stock to seteot from. We invite yon to inspect onr .took, price, etc.
Give your business to Heppner people
and therefore asxist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
We hold each and every eorrrapu ' ""'
sponsible lor or
good faith.
Did jou ever
Read about tbe
Man who
Hid bin
Light under
A bushel?
Yesf well
That is like
Doing business
Without advertising.
All the
Suile scbemeb
in the country
Will not accomplish
Half as much
As a good ad.
In a irood, live.
Legitimate newspaper,
One that
Is read
By the people,
Anil that owns
Its own
Soul; that
Ce its space
Like merchandise,
Worth dollar
For dollar.
Hon. Binokb Bkkmann has departed
for Washington.
n-....,. nD,.ni.ni esonned from the
Whatcom jail lst Saturday.
a -rumMi in uork and lard Tuesday
fiK flfiv nerceut. brokea tf rod many
"ooerators." The real sufforers are the
aotoal growers of swine.
, . . t..i.Bil out Dwver, of
ra,ovUo t Oosben, Ind., Tuesday.
Indiana under the present state ad
ministration is oouiing 'o tbo front lu
the matter ot pugilistic contests.
Last fall the voters of the country
went democratic. This year tbe fac
tories and hanks Bre going democratic.
-Halem Staesman. See, and you
might also have added the wool market.
Tun American Biinetallio League had
its usHou in Chicago. Gen. Warner
made the opening speech, declaring that
be wants UieSueimnu law repealed and
a return to the old mintage law proviotis
to 1873. mmm
Hoi dhhs of silver bullion have been
noliti. d that five day is Bullioienl lime
for delivery of their product to tbe U.S.
treasury. As the law is being evaded,
just as well state that it is another
step to fret ae it out entirely.
alwyerto draw np the papers for his
.jeotment, but they could not find one
and of oourse be held the fort.
Teu administration failed to buv the
amuuutof silver last mouth, 4,500,000
ounces, as direoted by law. The
authoiities have been Busy weaving
down the prioe, and have finally put it
along side tbe suspended Geary law.
It this is not dictutoiship, ai b.id as
was ever practioed by a South Ameri
can president, the Gazette does not
know vi hat you would call it. It looks
as though Cleveland proposes to out
nnllify Calhoun. The country needs a
Jackson "behind the throne" to put a
quitlus on such miserable business.
It is all right for Senator Mitchell to
say he is a bi metalliBt and is satisfied
with tbe present ratio between gold auu
silver oi 16 to 1, but the faot is the real
ratio is about 25 to 1, and is steadily on
the decline. Chronicle. Audiusi suou
men as the editor of the Clitouiole ap
pears to be is responsible for it, too.
Seoketaby CAitusLK has at laBt made
official announcement ot his intention to
eufoioe the Geary law. It is high time
suoh a step was beiug taken, and ban
this move been made more promptlv ll
wuuld bae been easier to enforce tbe
This Daily Peudieton Tribune ended
its career with the isne of Aug. 1. While
it lasted it was a bright, newsy sheet,
and we regret that it was compelled to
Postmastehs for Oregon were appoint
ed Wednesday as follows: W. H. SiUei
t.iuth, Antelope, Wasoo county, and L
O Kiilstou, at Olex. Gilliam oounty.
Bleep on, dear, now,
The last sleep and the best:
And on thy brow
And on thy quiet breast,
Violets 1 throw!
Thy little life
Was mine a little whiles
No fears were rife.
To trouble l' 1 brief smiU
Wtth stress or strife.
Lie still and be
Forevermore. a child!
Not grudginsly,
Whom life has not defiled.
I render thee! -,
Blumbor so deep
I would not rashly waka.
I hardly weep; -
Fain only ror thy sane
To share ihy sleep.
Teal to be dead
Dead here with thee today.
When all Usaid,
Twere good by thee to lay
My weary head.
That Is the best:
Ah, child, so tired of play,
I stand con'est;
I, too. would come thy way
And somowhere rest.
Ernest Dowaon In AtAlanta.
Tub First N..tioual Bank, of The
Dalles, olostd its doors last Mond ij
morning, a few minrtee atteropeniug np,
with notice to the effect that same was
temporarily closed until collections
i.i i iniuk nreferrine to do this
WUMIU i' ,
rather thau enfoioe pajmeut of over
doe paper.
Senatob Nnrciitii.ii has declared him
elf iu favor of the free ooiuage of silver
aud gold wilh a ratio of 10 to 1. He
thinks that the Sherman law is having
nothing to do wilh the present tluauoial
stringency, but that the whole trouble
Cornell from the fear of wholesale
obtttiges iu the tariff. The leuator will
not vole for Ihe repeal of the Sherman
law unless something more favorable to
silver is substituted.
Tub report iu Tuesday's Gazette, to
the effect that the Peudieton Haviugs
Bunk had siisueuded, was oorreot. How
ever, the suspension is only temporary,
as it will resume iu a few weeks. The
management thought it best to suspend
rather than push collections and force
the people who were owing them to
make undue sacrifices. This action is
indeed commendable.
Bankkhs back Fast are nugcstinB
an increase iu circulation by furlher
deposits of hoods. The rial trouble,
however, the curtailed ue of silver,
seems by them to have been entirely
overlooked. Nothing short of actual
and complete bimetallism will cure the
trouble for all times to come, but any
thing looking to the increase of the
circulating medium is better than
Soufi) 'DY sajslhat there is said to
be one editor in heaven. How be got
there is not positively known, but it is
conjectured that he passed himself off
as a minister and s'epped in nnsuspeot
ed. When the dodge was discovered
tbey searched the realms of felicity in
11 tbeir length and brealtufpr a
Deafness Caaaot be Cared
by local applications as they cannot
reacli tLie diae sed portion of the ear.
itieie IB only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by co stitutioual remedies.
Deafness is oansed by an inflamed con
dition of the muoous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets
mil uned you have a rumbling sound oi
imuerfrot hearing, and when it is
entirely closed, deafness is the result,
and unless the iiifluumation oau belakeu
out and this restored to ita normal con
dition, bearing will be destroyed for
ever; nine ouhub out of ten are caused
by catarrh, winch is nothing but no
iulliuied condition ot the timeout
We will give on hundred dollars fot
any case of deafness (caused by catarrh)
that oaunot lie cured Dy Han s uatarru
Cure. Send for oioulars, free.
P. J. CHENEY a CO , Toledo, O.
1ST Sold by Druggists, 76c.
Tub gold reserve is again intact.
However, all the gold reserves In the
world won't save this country.
Summer Weakness
And that tired feeling, hiss of appetite
sod nervous proetraiion are drive
away by Hood's snrsapanlla, like mis'
beioie ihe morning sun. to realize the
bi-ii. tit of this great medicine, give it a
trial and you will join the great arm)
of enthtiHiastio admirers of liood s Bar
an pari I U.
African Fruit Ruined by Insects.
Half measures are of no avail in deal
ing with the parasitic fly ceratitis that
scourge of the fruit farmers in South
Africa. Mr. William Tuck of Grahams
town, who expresses this opinion, is a
hit,!, authority on fruit farming. He
tells ns that in the eastern province
thev can never depend on any fruit ex
cept grapes coining to ripeness without
damage from fly larvte, though where,
owing to high altitude 3,000 feet to
1,000 and over there are sharp frosts
every winter such fruits as can stand
the cold are fairly free from the plague,
because the larva cannot tule over tfte
It sometimes happens that scarcely a
peach ripens in the whole province with
out a worm inside. Mr. Tuck is for he
roic remedies. He is decidedly of opin
ion that if a general and perfect destruc
tion of all tho fruit grown in any one
year could be brought about by the com
mon consent of the whole body of fruit
growers the fly might be stamped out,
but he mournfully confesses inai me
universal system of "go as you please,
added to the isolated life of cap farms,
rendersany such united action of a year's
self denial for the common good quite
impracticable. London News.
Human Curiosity.
The inventors of the penny in the slot
machines make their profit out of hu
man curiosity, and their experience lias
shown thut a very comfortable revenue
can be derived from that source. V rof
ably few people have any idea of the
number of men. women and children
who daily buy chewing giim or other
trifles from machines, or learn their
weight by stepping upon a little plat
form and putting a cent where it will do
the most good. In a down town store
much frequented by those waiting for
cars is otie of the weighing machines,
which has a record of earning $56 in a
month. That means that in that time
6,600 persons paid a penny apiece to see
the hand on the dial go rouno, iew
York Times.
revival or an old custom. W e are told
that in France when the great joints
grew distasteful and small dishes took
their place decorations of the table
changed too. Permanent pieces called
"dormants," or "snrtouts," made of crys
tal and mounted In silver were placed in
the middle of the table, and from them
branched candelabra of gilt and silver,
rases filled with flowers, tiny trays cov
ered with sweetmeats, or here and there
Finally the surtout grew so large that
it almost covered the table. People at
laBt grew tired of the monotony of this
ornament, no matter how artistic it
might be, and instead the center of the
table was often covered with a layer of
potters clay, in which a florist would
set cut flowers in any design that pleased
him. Artists were often employed to
decorate the table, the center of which
would be covered with temples, bridges,
amphitheaters or emblematic groups of
figures, all made of paste.
SomeMmes the artist would represent
landscape covered with snow. M.
Carada invented an artificial hoarfrost,
which was melted by the heat of the
room, during which process the guests
saw the thawing of the river and the
budding of the trees and flowers as spring
succeeded winter. There were also the
"sablenrs," who, by means of beautiful
ly colored sands, powdered marbles,
ground glass, beads and bread crumbs,
made very ingenious figures upon the ta
ble cloths. Harper s tfazar.
feoff H E! V 1
Zimiibiimam, the bioyolist, was defeated
in a one-mile raoe at Ddtroit, Wedues
day, by a Western man named Sanger,
1'IU'n! I'llesl Itcutug Piles.
SvMi'Toin-Moiuture; intense and
stinniugi most at night; worse b
eeraicliiug. If allowed to continue tu
mine form, which often bleed ami ulcer
ate. tieooiuiug very sore. bWATNB
OiNTMKNT stops tbe ilohiug Bud bleedui).
Iieals ulceration, and in moat cases re
moves the tumors. At druggists, orb,
mail, for 50 oeuts. Dr. Sway no A bm
Philadelphia. aw 1 yr,
Biiia Gen. Oomi'son, of the O.N. G
was over iu Gilliam oounty last wee
tu'peotiug Co. K , of Fossil, and Co. H
nf Coudon.
Itow we Urow Old.
The thread that binds ua to life is
most frequently severed ere themendiai
of life is reached iu the case of person
who ueulect obvious means to reue
failing strength. Vigor, uo less the sourd
ot happiness than tue condition
long Ine, can be created and perpetuated
where it does not exist, lliousaud
who have experienced or are oogmznu
including many physicians of euu
nence of Ihe effect of tiostetter
Sion sob Bitlers, hear testimony
its wondrous efficacy as a creator
sireuglu in feeble constitutions, auil
debilitated and shattered systems.
slo.aly performance of the 'lodily func
ileus, renew d appetite, Hesh and ntgti
ly repose atteud the use ot Ihi
thorou.h and standard renovant. Usi
uo local tonio represented to be akin t
or resemble It In etfeot; in Its place
Deninui! tne geniliue, which is
acknowledged remedy for indignation
malaria, nervousness, oouatipatioi
liver and kidney complaints and rheum
Washington Society.
The capital of the nation is infested
with a human insect that devotes its en
ergies to boring into places where it is
not wanted. fowuMy us mncired exists
elsewhere, but there has been so much
freedom of access to the houses of mou
whose careers depend npon popularity
and so much dread among those in hi
places of unwittingly trampling upon
innuenuai ioeunga, wia.ii ui uievu in ca-
neciallv encouraged there. Then, again
there are two notable features which
mark the society of the capital the pres.
enceof officials and statesmen who an
known far and wide, and the absence of
men who are distinguished in the sci
ences and the arts. H. L. Nelson in
St. Dunstan and the Devil.
One of the most famous smiths of the
W'eald was St. Dunstnu, archbishop of
Canterbury. Maytield in bussex is the
site of an ancient archlepiscopal pal
ace, and hero, according to some, took
place the terrific encounter between bt
Dunstan and the devil. At any rate, the
anvil, hammer and tongs whioh are al
leged to have belonged to the saint are
still preserved at Mayfield palace. lien
tlonian's Magazine.
No Need of Praise.
"You never sit and talk to me as you
did before we wore married," sighed tin
young wifo.
"No," replied the husband, who was
draper's assistant. "The guv'nor fol
ate to stop praising tho goods as soon as
the bargain was struck. London Tit-
Not Misunderstood.
Oucst t wearing largo dininoudl I trust
you understand my bringing a detecttv
with me to your rweptiouf
Hostess Oh. perfectly. You could
easily be acquitted if we missed any
thing. Vogue.
("Ill ItCIl A N i O l : N f KM K N 1'.
Quarterly meeting at M. E. church
Smith, Sundy Aug. 6th. Pmnohing h
11 a. in and 8 pm. by the Elder M. V
Howard. Tins being the last quarter o
ihe onrrent year we desire a full attend
aiiee of the ollinial members, and oor
(bully invite all our friends, aud tin
public generally, to be present.
E. Palmer, Pastor.
A curious book, in which the text is
neither written nor printed, but woven,
has been published in Lyons. It was
made of silk and was published in 5
parts, each part consisting of but two
Table Decoration.
The fashion of beautifying the table,
which in these days is carried to such an
extent, is by no means so originid as
manv claim it to be. It is simnlv the
& t',-K. '
m i-1 wM&'h
Si S
For sale by 81ocum jobnston Drag
Co. and T. W. Ayers, Jr.
-Hint U M mndUxan r " ,.,
towierf or bruthear J -
r- it dfvorintthcateti condition j i
locs it
fait oiii '
,ml be uarnei in time or you ,M tooom.
?"a-- x, t
) ,i' mni , . ' s r ;r' tpep tin? acntpt
. -; - t.r . -iLum Skin 2oaiK
must. wxn&
; (i lor iJ.
It deetfuyii parasitic meets,
Alrat-t tn IIS. UU'. V-0 Wll
our druKfffot canno? inppiJ holt. o foi p.w.
t'lUL t'l H'Bv. '
To Conumptivo.
The unrterHigned having been restored to
health byaimple means, after Buttering for sev
eral years with a severe lung affection, and that
dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make
known to his fellow auftererB the mean r of cure.
To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send
(free of charge) a copy of the prescription used,
which they will And a sure cure for Consump
tion, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat
and lung maladies. He hopes all sufferers will
try his remedy, as it is Invaluable. Those desir
ing the prescription, which w'll cost them noth
ing, and may prove a blessing, will please ad
dress. Kkv. Edward A. wilhom,
1-t a w Brooklyn, Mew York.
7 South Fifth Ave., Nevy York. N.
Horses In Spectacles.
Horses, it appears, are taking kindly
to spectacles. The Optician, wnicn nas
made special investigations into the sub
ject, gives the case of a short signtea
horse whose owner oraerea ror mm a
pair of spectacles. They were made to
fasten firmlv into the head stall so that
they could not be shaken out of place."
. . - .1 -A V...
At first the ammal appeareu suirueu uy
this addition to hiB harneBS, but ne soon
got used to his glasses and liked them
so much that when he was turned out
to pasture he felt uneasy and nncoraiori
able without his goggles and one Sunday
hung around the bam and whinnied so
plaintively that tbo owner put the head
stall and goggles on him, and the horse
was so glad that he rubbed the man's
shoulder with his nose as tneoniy mei ti
ed of returning thanks.
Dogs who suffer from short sighted
ness have also been provided with spec
tacles and have been able thereby to
recognize their canine acquaintances
much further off than before. If the
eystem is not carried further no great
barm will be done, but suppose "uppish"
horBes and dogs insist upon discarding
goggles for the pincenez or even the
monocle? Puppies in eyeglasses would
be intolerable. London Melegrapn.
When Tennyson Was Made a Peer.
I snent with Lord Tennyson a long
evening till nearly midnight the day be
fore he took his oaths ana ms seat as a
peer. He was occupied a good deal in
ivritincr and briniring to perfection a
poem of four lines, which he told me
had given him as mucn trouoie as many
a substantive poeni or some lengin. n
was interesting to hear of his tentative
efforts and his rejection of them, till his
ear and his mind were perfectly satisfied.
Next day I met him in the house ot lords
aud saw him write his name on the roll
of peers.
The attendance in tho house was ex
ceedingly scanty on that historic occa
sion. I do not think that a dozen per
sons were present. The poet was not in
the smallest degree elated. His true
eminence towered supremely above the
adventitious honor, yet he could not but
feel the gratification which had arisen,
not from the fulfillment of a kind of am
bition which be had never felt, bnt from
the sense of the secure fame involved in
the recognition by his country of the
priceless services which he had rendered
to her literature. London Sunday Magazine.
A Long Bona Car Line.
"A street car line 50 miles long is pret
ty good for length," said H. G. Fonse at
the Southern. "There is such a line in
the Argentine Republic, but it isn t the
longest in the world. The street car line
between Vera Cruz and Jalapa is 63
miles in length. I have ridden on it, and
the trip isn't much worse than it used to
be to go to Lowell a few years ago on
what was the old Fifth street line in this
city. Horses are changed about every 10
miles. When the grade is steep, they are
changed at shorter intervals.
"The distance is covered in about eight
hours, and the fare is 10 cents a mile.
The superintendent of the Hue is a man
named Thrailkill, who was one of Quan
trell's lieutenants during the war. These
Notice of Teachers Examination.
the purpose ot examining all who may oiler
themselves us candidates lor County or State
cei-titKiates, state Diplomas or State Life Di
plomas, the superintendent of Morrow county
will hold a public examination in the court
house in Heppner Orcnoik tjeijiniiinj Wednes
day Aur. ittli 18! at 1 o'clock p. in.
iiatcd this ja day of July A. D. 1H93.
W. L. Salino,
147-1'1 Huperiutemlent of Schools.
Land For Sale. 480 aores over in
Wilson prairie. A good stock ranoh and
will be pold cheap. Call at, Gazette
oflir'p for prvticnlars and terms. tf.
One reason
-vvernari Cod Liv
and Soda h;i hat
"Almost as p.uo.t:
why Scolt's Emulsion ol nire nor
r Oil and Ilypophosphites of Lime
nth a large sale is because u is
as milk;" but the best reason is
that its curat!'.
flip mncrh snnnlie V.V.
flesh and builds up the entire
nrooorties are unequalled. It cures
1 , i
i he vvasie oi tissues, produces
Scott's Emulsion euros Coughs,
Colcis, Consumpt.on, sioroi'ula,
and all Anaomio and Wa3tlng
Diseases. Prevents wasting in
Children. Almot as jia.aiaWe as
milk. Get only the genulr.o. Pre
pared by Scott & Bowno, Chemists, Now
Jerk. Sold by all Druggists.
17 - ,JU9
The Hliidebaker wapon bends them nl
For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a
"Hardware" did yoo say? Why, yea
at P. C. Thompson A Cn.'s stand, and the
plaoe for bargains. a
Tbe Palaoe is the leading hotel in the
city. Well furnished rooms with plent)
of light are provided for everyone, a
If you want to buy groceries, aud
bread stuff cheap, go to the Enterprise
Grocery. Kirk & Kuhl, proprietors, a
Borg, the jeweler, is the n,an to fix np
your watch or clock. Ue keeps a full
stock of everything pertaining to his
business' a
M. Lichtenthal & Co.'s new stock of
ipleudid, summer botton and tie special
ties in tbe shoe line are attracting mark
ad attention. a
Thompson & Binnsowu tbe buss which
ioes to and from tUe Palaco hotel, but
will oall for parties desiring to go to tram j
in any part of the oity. Leave orders
at City hotel. a
Oilliam & Bisbee are still doing busi
uess at tbe old stand, reports to the
contrary notwithstanding. They invite in
spection oi their man moth stock ofhard
tvare, wagons, impliments, etc. a
Give the matter a little thought.
Referenoe is made to tbe neat hard
ware, tinware, plumbing, etc., stook o;
Hilly 1'ntter, Odd Fellows' ball. He de
sires to please iu both quality and price.
Minor & Co., the new firm, have not
lost any of their popularity by the
change. They continue to do business
in the old way tho greatest amount
quality considered, for the least money
The general merchandise establish
ment formerly owned by Coffin & Mc Far
land, has lately cbnuged hands, now be
ing under the control aud management
of The MoFarland Mercantile Cotupanv,
whioh continues business at the old stand
with a larger stook than ever. a
I have opened a first class rentauraut
at the old Matlock building called
Holton restaurant.
43-tf. Mbs. G. V. Swauuart.
Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government is
that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because
of the incompeteucv or iuattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their
patents. Too much'care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli
able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not
entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney.
With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys,
and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we; have re
tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to
Qbtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In
terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases,
Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and
uetend infringement suns, tic., cic.
If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to
gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once
advised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If
others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by
others, submit, the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the
p. o. box 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney.
A3- Cut this out and send It with your Inquiry. Jw
IV. 0. T. II.
Saved by a- Thoughtful Dog;.
One evening Mr. W. J. Wilson of King
was leaving Tottenham by the road lead
ing to the west. He must needs, there
fore, cross the railroad. In doing so the
horse shied, and Mr. Wilson was thrown
across the track so violently that he was
Old Rover, owned by Mr. John Wil
son, bailiff, was making one of his noc
turnal perambulations through the town
about 1 o'clock no doubt doing duty as
THE r Hi 33 13013.
I hereby solemnly promise, God helping
me, to abstain from nil distilled fer
mented and malt l-qnors, including
wine, beer, and eider, and to eniphij
all proper means to discourage the
use of, and tn.tlio m, the same.
his life, neither is he a elaVH to appetite
m any other way. Bi-ing an early
pioneer, his book will b- of great interest
'o many people. Long miy you live, old
friend, to teach the riainu veneration by
your example that temperauce ifl health
and happinesH.
drawn by
horses." St. Louis Globe-
unusually long horse car lines that one , oticed nnfortunate individual and
finds in South America are relwa of the 1 1.,,;.,, .. . 4 .
first attempts at railroad building the , NoU wh(J jn h(mee
primitive road of this kind having been ! to the Here he barked and whjned
devised somewhere m Massachusetts, the nnfi, v . . , ..
away, but he only returned to continue
his bowlings. Mr. Nolan then conceived
the idea that something might probably
be wrong about the mill, as Kover often
Tisited them there during the day and
was well acquainted with the premises.
He immediately dressed, went outside
and found the dog ready to lead toward
the mill. Their way led across the track,
bnt when they got that far Rover's
course wa directed np the track to
Silk From Wood Pulp.
We are accustomed to the use of paper
tnado from sawdust. An attempt has
been made to produce artificial silk from
a similiar source, the pulp of wood. Rib
bons of many hues have been exhibited,
and the cost is said to be less than half
that of real silk ribbons, the fabric being
almost as good in appearance. But at i where the unconscious man lay. When
Beaancon it seems that the production of
silk from wood pulp has been long car
ried on, and large works have been built
for the trade. It has never come into
common use, one reason being the ex
treme inflammability of the material, as
well as its want of durability. London
Leisure Hour.
Mr. Nolan arrived ou the scene, he saw
the cause of the iog's trouble and took
tbeunfortunate man to his house, where,
with good care and proper attention, he
revived. In half an hour a freight train
went thundering by. Cor. Toronto Mail.
pu up in nut witch-har-f!bottls,mirai
toatod, Smait Bile Bean, Mo. per Uitllt-.
Tli next metina of the Union will
be a business meeting, and all members
are expected to be present to assist
with their counsel and votes about
matters of importance.
Our beloved National President,
Franoes Willard, is lyinij dangerously
ill iu Switzerland May the prayers
ol the white ribbons, everywhere aeoend
for her restoration to health.
Tbe butchers and bikers of Indian
spoils have decided to give themselves
a day of rest rather than accommodate
uulhrifty etistouiHrs, Hnd will hereafter
close their shops ou Sunday,
There has heeu much agitation nf late
in Belgium over Sunday labor. One
ourious result is the issue of a stamp, at
otie end nf whioh is a little fl tp on which
is printed, "not to be delivered on Sim
day." When some one remonstrated with nn
old saloon-keeper for euticing in the boys,
he replied, "Oli, it. is baezuesi, beezness
the old drinkers will soon be dxad
and where will my beezneas be if I don't
get the boys."
On Friday of last week, our old friend,
Major Magone, of Grant oounty, paid lis
a short vi-it. He was on bis way to
visit his children in the Willamette
valley, and toarrange for the publication
of his book that be has jnat written.
Theold gentleman isaliviug. temperance
lecture to any one, being between 70
and 80 years old. He perform 'd tbe
wonderful pedestrian feat we nave all
read about, and today says that he feels
better Bble to start on a similar journey
Aged man that he is, be has never tasted
liqnor, nor smoked a pipe of tobaoco in
It is unequalled for House, Barn, Fac
tory or Out Buildings and ousts half
Ihe price of shingles, tin or iron.
It is ready for use and easily
applied by anyone.
Old -:- Shingle -:- Roofs
Easily mofle water tiprht and Are proof at imall
expenw. With dark reel rubber pauitou decayed
hlnitles.lt fills the poret aim kIvis a substan
tial roof that lasts for years. Curled or warped
shingles, It brliiRS to their places and keeps
them. The genuine rubber paint requires no
heating and no tar
It Is ac-
has heavy bodv. is easily
xiiands by the contracts of cold, and
cks. One coat eouals four nf in
en tue best
never cracks. One coat equals four of any
ouier Biiiicnngs covered with telt can bo
made water tight at small expense. Write at
once for particulars.
Excelsior Paint and Roofing Co.,
IS5 and 157 Duane Street. New York, N. Y .
Notice to tax Payers.
i Board of Equalization for Hforrow pountv,
Oregon, will meet in the coilntv clerk's olTee
in Heppner, on August 2Sth' istt. for the
purpose of equalising the assessment of the
present yenr. and will continue in session one
week, or until the work of the board'is completed
All parties dissatisfied with their' assessments
arc requested to appear before the board and
make their grievances known.
R. L Shaw, Assessor.
Heppner, Or . Aug. 1, ictt, 1MMM