Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 01, 1893, Image 4

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    I T"
M 4
ww . - I 'l
rAs early and late.
Doe Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars,
n valuable Presents to be Given Away in Return for
l ui ivr.i iy.mw-.-i
1 1 5,500 LARGE I
Old Standard Varietlea and TarUtlM of
Recent introtlaet.o.
Green peas are an important crop both
for the garden and the farm. The profit
niay not always be so larje, bttt the
product Is salable and brings money
early in the season. It is not necessary
that the soil be very rich or heavily fer
tilized for a prolific pea crop Light,
dry soil, not dVer rich, suits the pea.
do advertising on them
ICTCItKM (14x21 iiiehi-B) IN ELEVEN COLORS, for framing,
07,750 00
2S.K75 00
TO $173,250 00
The above articles will bo distributed, by eonnf iea, among parties who chew SPEAR
utwii' i i"K luoueco, uuu return lo us me 1 Aun luaen luereiroui.
We will distribute 220. of these prizes In till, county as follows:
T.i THE PARTY sending us the greatest number of SPEAK HEAD
TAGS from lliit courtly wewillgive 1
'io the FIVE PARTIES seiiiliiiir us the next greatest number of
SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each, 1 OPERA GLASS.....') OPERA GLASSES.
'i'othe TWENTY PARTIES sending us the next greatest number
of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, wo will give to cacti 1 POCKET
To the ONE llCNDHKD PARTIES sending us the next greatest
Lumber of Sl'KAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each 1
To the ONE HCNDRKD PARTIES sending us the next greatest
unrulier of Sl'KAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each 1
Tolnl Number of Prizes for thin County, 220.
f.'AUTION.-No Trigs will bo received before January 1st, WW, nor after February 1st,
HM. Eiieli piu-Uairo containing tags must bo marked plainly with Name of Sender, Town,
County. State, and Number of Tags in each package. All charges on packages must be
READ. SPEAR HEAD possesses more qualities of Intrinsic value than anv other
ping louacco prouueeo. ii is rue sweetest, me lougnest, lue richest. SI IIAH HKAU Is
absolutely, positively and distinctively different In tlavor from nny inner plug tobacco.
A trial will convince the most skeptical of this fact. It Is the largest seller of any similar
shape and style on earth, which proves that it has caught the popular tnsle anil pleases the
people. Try ii, ano pariieipate in me contest for prizes, Heo thai a TIN '.'. Is on every
10 cent piece of SPEAR HEAD you buy. Send In the lags, no matter how small the
quautlty. cry sincerely,
THE P. J. HOKO COMPANY, Miudlbtow.v, Ohio.
A list of the people obtaining these prizes in this county will be published in thU
priper Immediately after February 1st, lsjil.
lay It Out So It Can Be Cultivated With
Least Labor and Expense.
In the accompanying cut ia shown a
good form for a vegetable garden, one
that admits of horse cultivation. The
adoption of this plan gives long rows,
which are easily anil cheaply tilled by
horse and cultivator. The narrow rows
alono are to be cultivated by hand, using '
one nf tlin modern wheel hocawhen prac- j
ticablo. Where there ia no lack of land
some of our progressive farmors have ! w5re all,fiPuiled after four months. Eggs
what they call a double garden, divided , PacKea ln salt during March and April,
in half lengthwise. With this arrange
ment it is practicable to prooorvo n thor
ough system of rotation. One-half may
be renewed and rendered clean from
time to time by seeding to clover and
mowing onceor twice before it is cropped
again with vegetables, or one-half may
be planted to potatoes, corn or tomatoes
or other field crops, and the two halves
used alternately I'or garden purposes.
aouot mil mat unreinie eggs win Keep
much longer than will f ertilo ones; hence
the advice when egga are produced for
l market to separate the cocks from the
laying heus.
A few of the methods of packing eggs
dry for keeping have been tried at the
New York experiment station and re
ported upon. With these the eggs were
all wiped when fresh with a rag satu
rated with fat or oil, in which had been
mixed some antiseptic, and were packed
tightly in Bait, bran, etc. Eggs packed
during April and May in salt and which
had been wiped with cottonseed oil, to
which laid been added boracic acid, kept
from four to five months, with a loss of
nearly one-third, the quality of thoso
saved not being good. Eggs packed after
tne same preliminary handling in bran
Peas do best in the forepart of the sea
son and ought therefore to be planted
as early as the ground can bo worked,
ana again every 111 davs In succes
sion up to the 1st of June, after which
there is some danger from mildew.
week may be gained in earliness by
starting peas for seed by sowing in a
box of moist sand placed in a cellar and
planted in the garden when well sprout
ed. When grown for market, the first
aim is to get the crop ready for sale at
the earliest possible date.
Sow in drills 2 to 8 inches deep and
2 to 8J feet apart, according to vigor of
variety and strength of soil. For the
home garden some growers often sow
the early, medium and late varieties all
at one time, which plan gives a succes
sion of three weeks or more. The sow
ing is usnally done by hand, in drills
opened to the proper depth, and seed
scattered freely to insure a full stand.
Garden peas are classed in three great
sections namely, (l)t.he round or smooth
peas, (2) the wrinkled peas, and (8) the
edible podded or sugar peas. The round
or smooth sorts are hardier than the
others and can therefore be planted
earlier. The wrinkled marrows are gen
erally considered the finest flavored peas,
and, as a rule, should be planted a little
thicker than the smooth, round sorts.
"Alpha," extra earlyj "McLean Adra-
neer," medium; "Ne Plus Ultra," late,
and "American Wonder," an extraearly
dwarf, are familiar examples of the
wrinkled peas already in high favor
with gardeners and farmers.
Numbered with the peas of recent in
troduction that are worthy of trial may
bo named the following: "Nott's Excol-
sior." a dwarf, early, wrinkled variety;
Chelsea," a wrinkled early dwarf;
"Juno," a wrinkled medium sort; "Hero
ine, a wrinkled, medium early, largo
podded pea; "Shropshire Hero." a new
English pea, and "Exonian."
fflplMl 'llllj m ill 1 1
after wiping with vaseline, to which sali
cylic acid had been added, kept four and
five months without loss. The quality
after four months was much superior to
that of ordinary limed eggs. These packed
eggs were all kept in a barn cellar, the
ordinary temperature of which varied
from (50 to 70 degrees Fahr., and each box
was turned once every two days.
Tilt) Rtory, Juan and Ysabel. reontU
appeared in part in the Unzette bit'
inroiign some inailvertenov the leraa
nor never saw the light of day. In tbif
issue we puoiisu the whole story.
At Ahralmniiick'a. In addition t bi
triiiorinif business, lis has added a fim
line of underwear of all kinds, negligei
iliirts, hosiery, etc. Also has on ham'
(orne elegant patterns for suits. A.
itirauanisiolt, May street, Heppner, Oi
VATION. If yon do not grow your own seed, or
der from the catalogues of trustworthy
seedmen. Select for main crops from
standard varieties, and if you are inex
perienced rely largely on some success
ful neighbor for advice in making your
choico. Bead carefully directions that
are printed on the paper packages con
taining the seed. The general cultural
notes to be found in tho catalogues of
the best seedmen and nurserymen lire
also worthy of notice and will be found
helpful to all beginners. When practi
cable, locate tho vegetable garden so that
it will have a south or southeast expo
sure. Stable manure is still a favorite
with gardeners, but is supplemented
with special commercial fertilizers for
many crops.
rreserving Egg.
The cold storago process takes the lead
now where large numbers of eggs are in
volved, and special arrangements can be
made for holding the eggs at a uniform
low temperature. Comparatively few
families, howewr. cau commnml tlm r.
cilitic-s for cold storage, and to this class
the liming process is tho most p.mulur
one, as it involves least expense and 'trou
ble. There) lire numerous formulas for
Inning eggs. Hero is ono that will bo
found convenient where small quantities
are to be kept over:
The following is the proportion for the
umo picklo: Stone lime, ii pounds; Balt
1 pint; water, 4 gallons, slake tl. l,m(,'
and when cold put It and the salt with
tho water into some receptacle, stir
and lot settle twice. The clear liquid is
what Is wanted. H.-tvn just enough
picklo when through packing to cover tho
eggs; then placy a cloth over them and
Dread some of fb. I,',,,,, ..u ....
Casks with wooden boons nlW) i'61" crowns tn death angel with ama.
packages for small quantities of es ! ff" , ,1 he fl?""pr blematie of life, and
To insure smv-, it h imm-rrtive t'haf , , a""'1 with wphodeh, tho flowws
the eggs be fn-,h when packed down l ?8RrT Hugo in "Les Tra-
Pl'ice the r;:s i.-ito C,e pn'.crvin- 1I10t, . ' V1""r,s,.i e 'T tie "Frith
nm-liqnid or dry-as ft ns collected K freHww ? nd ia
from the eSt m be ca,vl',:l not f! ' .'V,'.WnibI.M ' good in
crack them. The question of fertilltv ,i . OI 1,19 8Wry character whom
nonfertility, Kvs the nirrieultnral Htr , ,oe ,trw,rd 'introduces and of whom
of the New V,,rlr Wnrl.i .,i I 08 Das much w say
one in this connection. Thorn i. .... lk'moeTnt-
Kami Animals.
According to government statistics,
thero has been the past year au increase
of horses, mules and 6heep, no material
change in the number of cows, a decrease
in other cattle and a heavy reduction in
swine. Tho increase in mules is slight.
The apparent increase in sheep exceeds
3,000,000. Average values have declined
as to horses and mules, advanced as to
cattle of all kinds, a greater gain ap
pears in the value of sheep and a very
large advance is seen In swine. The
average value of horses is $01. 22; of
mules, $70.(18; of cows, $21.75; of other
cattle, $15.24; of sheep, $2.60; of swine,
Xany Burets In the Big MerrupoUa acd
Chicago Are In Luf-.;e Wltb Coxuofeece- !
leM Member of the Xedlcul Proisuu .
M Extort Hbmty. i
Every large hotel in theciry nowadays '
physician resident m the buildlni!.
is presence in the hotel is one of the ,
proof a of the completeness of the modern '
postelry, so far as the provision and com
fort of the guest is concerned. The idea
of having a doctor within instant call is
beyond all question an excellent one, but
it seems that it has of late been subject
to grave abuse. The fact has got out
that some of the hotel phvsicians make
nse of their position to levy extortionate
charges for the treatment of guests who I
have been luckless enough to fall ill j
among strangers.
Complaint is made that far from being 1
blessing to the guest, the ease with !
which medical attendance can be secured
has in such cases become a source of
genuine dread to visitors to the big city
who have to stop at hotels. The guests
fear even a trifling illness while in the
hotel, because if they make the fact
known that they want to see a doctor
they will be charged a fee out of all pro
portion to the service rendered by the
doctor, whose chief claim to patronage
Is that he is "always near at hand.
Complaint has been made against the
doctors' charges in two of the best known
hotels in the town to a prominent con
sulting physician.
When I was taken sick at the hotel
the other night," one of the complainants
said, "I asked the head clerk to send me
Dr. S."
Dr. S.P said the clerk in seeming
astonishment. "I never heard of him.
But we have a competent physician in
the hotel whom I will send to your
The hotel doctor did go to the room in
response to the request of the clerk. He
made several visits during the night, al
though the guests didn't want and didn't
need more than one visit. A fee of $10
was charged in the bill, and the guests
had to pay it Subsequent investigation
made it clear that the reason for this
Ihigh fee was that the hotel physician
bad made an arrangement with the ho
tel proprietor by which the latter got a
third of this big fee. The guests also
learned that this sharing of the fee had
been the custom at the hotel for a very
Jong time, and that guests submitted to
it rather than have any wrangle at the
clerk s desk over charges, a thing that
self respecting persons naturally dread
and will avoid even where the charge is
manifest imposition. The abuse has
recently attracted the attention of the
professionals, who do not practice in ho
tels, and has evoked an earnest protest
and a demand for reform.
I The Medical Record, under the head
ing "Doctors and Hotels," handles the
subject in this vigorous style:
"Every person of sensitive morals, and
a good many with only every day sensi
bilities, would be shocked if the whole
story of the relations of doctors to hotels
were written. There is a fashionable
hostelry in this town where the hotel
doctor charges $7 a visit, and there is the
best reason for believing that the hust
ling landlord gets $2 of it. It is stated
on good authority that in many hotels
the official doctor is obliged to give up
from -one-fifth to one-third of his charges
to the business management. Peoplo
who are taken ill in hotels must have a
,doctor and are not disposed to question
about terms. They do not find out what
these are until they settle the bill, and
then expostulation is too late,"
It is only just to say that all the hotel
physicians are not parties to this mean
sort of swindling. Many of them are
physicians of high repute who live at the
TottGrgett.afc-tnt'ii ioe not matt
1 j Ibeia rtnli,; to; kbvm In orif
noitiuzi lutti tiof. iuwiitra
lOt vet .2 tiuUblO. aild
mart act ca I:, fairs EJver Pllla act
airectlj o' iaut ...rrui, vaufii(f a f rev
flow or Dlle. Twin,., t itbleh, too to
Sold Every where j
Office, 140 to 144 Washington St., N. I.
Indtcecttoa. Billon Headache. Con-tl-patiwa,
Dyipepila, C'hroalc Liver Trouble.
IHeelness Bad Complexion Dysentery,
Offensive Breath, and all disorder ef the
montach, Jlrer and Bowel.
Ripana Tabnlea contain nothing1 Injurious to
the moHt deLiuate conntllutlon. i'leasant to take,
safe, effectual. (Jive inirnadiatfl relief.
Sold by drumrixtR. Atrial bottle pent by mail
on receipt of lb cents. Andrew
Kansas City, St. Paul,
St. XOllis,
EfiST. nip id scum
Of oreipio, for the county of Morrow.
D. fi. Mu.kcy, plaiultit, vr Jona ?vUh, Ufud
in tLe name of the ttr.tc of Orepon You are
hetety rt'q'Uir! to appear aud uiwer cotii
1 paiit Li led bdinst you lit thy tibuve-vUtiUeJ
,' f ull on or before th 4ih day oi September, A.
i . the same being the am day of the next
regular wrui oi told court. U yon lull to au
Btver, lor u ant t Hereof theplalntiif will apply to
the said court for a decree amending the descrip
tion of the deed exocuUO and delivered by you
to plaintiff, coiiveving the KVfc of the NE and
the of the of sec. isaud the MVH of
tit Ntt'i, of 17 in l 4 9 of K 27 EM M, to
read an follows: Tha of the NE1 and the
NWifc of the tE'-i of oec. l and the tfv?4 of the
NWof Sec. 17 in 1p.4 S of U '27 EUM.and
generally lor the relit f nraved for in platntitt '
complaint, duty DM in the sai'i cauao in the
above-eiitirjed court.
This summon, is served bv publication, by
order of Hon. V. L. hradshau, judce of atud
, court. Made and dated at Chamhers at The
Dalles titv, Wasco t;o., r., the l'.Hh nay oi July,
A. P. 1Mi3. ELLIS. ()A VVhOS & LYONS,
in; ,' Attorneys for i'luimitl'.
I of Oregon, for tin' coiiiity of Morrow.
1). II. MulkVy, plHintitl, vs. 'ihe unknown lieirn
of Elijah F. Mulkey, 'ceaseii.
in the name of the StMe of Oresoii : Vou are
hereby required to appear mid answer the com
pbiii.t til'.d apainut you in the above-entitled
suit on or before the ith day of ..SupU'mber, A.
D, l.M'o, the same bi;yin tlie ltrat'd iy of the next
regular term of said court; Ii you fail to an
swei", for want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to Haiti court for a decree amending the descrip
tion of the deed executed mid delivered by
Elijah F. Mulkey to plaiutiil', conveying the
E(j of the teE1 and K1-., of the Nfil4 See.
1ft, Tp. I . 'd K. 27 KU M, to rend as fol
lows: The E1..' of the SE of Sec. 10 and the
E'i of the NE1 of Sec. 15 in Tp, 4 S. of R. 27
EWM, and generally for the relief prayed for in
plaIntiU"s complaint, duly -tiled in said cause :n
the above entitled court.
This summons is served by publication by
order of Hon. W. L. hradshaw, judge of said
court, made and dated ar Chambers at The
Dulles City, Wasco Co., Or. the lltth dav of July,
i Attorneys for l'laintltV.
notice of Intention. I,
l.J July 26, isira. Nullce 1 hereliy Riven thai
the rollmvliiK-named settlor linn tiled notii-e of
his intention to nmke thml proof In support of
his claim, and that said proof wll he made be
fore J. W Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Or., on Hejit. Ii, ISillt, viz:
of Ilurrlman, II. K. No. SI17 for the NU; SK"4
and S'i NK'4 of See. 27. Tp. 4 8., U. 25, E. V. M
He names the following witncBieB to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, viz.:
K. a. Cox Samuel Cox, John Adams, 8. W..
Meadows, all oi liarUman Oresron,
John V. Lrwis, Reirlster
Leaves Heppner, 10 a. m.
7:10 p. m.
A rrivtw
A Milium frtrnds.
friend in need is a friend indeed
not less than one million namdo
have found just such a friend in Dr.
rung s New Umooverv for oonsnmntinn
coughs and colds. if you have nevet
useii uis great oougb medicine, one trial
will omiviuoe yon that it has wonderful
curative powers in id I diseases of throat,
ohest and lungs. Kadi bottle is guaran
teed to do all that is claimed or mone
will be refunded. Trial bottles free s--Sloouiu-ilohnsoti
Drug C5o. Large hot
ties mio nnl simi,
The "Exouiau" pea, depicted in the
first cut, is an extra early wrinkled mar
row pea, which was awarded a first class
certificate by the Koyal Horticultural i hotels and pay for their board and lodir-
society of England after testing it with 1 ings the same as any other guests and
many other varieties. It is not a selec-1 have a regular and legitimate schedule
tion from any existing variety, but an of charges based upon the market value
entirely new kind, "hhropshire Hero," i of tlieir professional services. In cases
illustrated in the second cut, is classed ! where there is a "divvy" between the
with second early, large wrinkled peas, I idoctor and the hotel the physician gets
It is claimed that it is a robust grower, ! bis lodgings and board at a reduced rate,
producing abundant, large and well Ho is appointed by the hotel nrom-ietor.
filled pods. This pea's excellence has and he excuses the high fee on the plea
also been recognized by the Royal Hor- that he has to charge more than his reg-
ticultnral society of England. Thanks nhu- rate in order to make good the bonus
are due to J. M. Thorbnm of New York to the proprietor. This bonus is de-
for the first cut and to SIes6rs. Johnson manded for the privilege of practicing in
& Stokes of Philadelnhia for the scciiml the hotel.
Preventing Potato Srato.
The American Agriculturist says: "If
seed potatoes are soaked for a short time
and brushed clean with a verv nrcul. .,
lntion of poisonous corrosive sublimate other Pnysicittn "but at the same time
HliIIiiiihii Sleeoera,
Colonist ti)lpe,
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
Portland to San
every four days.
For rates and general information call oti
Depot Ticket ABnt,
Heppner. Oregon.
H. mitli i
HjuiKin ftioiru
Haww. (tw... ijeiih
with quarter cim ?
.Ith .irnirtnr IlreiL Oil.
H . .. ;.. lnm, and Lt
Huitht4, tstmuw. ttwi.fr. Or- JL
con n co ted ; or. c ijLc ar .oiWer pi to n , on
on right tU- and i leri aid, iwallw tor a .
rihttarftnd slit in Uft. Knug m hitaa
Jut not, Morvw cutiDty. .FnitA
Hale, iliitou, Waguer. Or.-fiure
-O- t.-ircle with parallel t&) on left shouldbt
Cattle sam on left hip i iso large Circle on Ittfl
81 liall , Edwin, John Dsy.Or. Cattle E H on tW
hip; horsea same on nglit shoulder, hanged
Graut coanty.
Howard. J L, alloway, Or.-Honsea,!1 (crc
with bar above it) on rifht shoulaer; elt ft
SHIU0OII leftside. Hange in Morrow and lima
tiiia couiitiea. , ,
Hughes. jUat, Heppner, Or. Horses, shwiatl
heart on the left shoulder. Kanea Morrow Co.
Kunsaker, H , Wafnor. Or.ilorsH,.H on iff
shouldor: oa1 tl. fl on lrft hip.
Hurdisry, AilMrt, Nye, Oregon Hon-es.A . ,
oounectdd, on left shoulder; t attle ou the leu
hip, crop off left war, . ;
Jinniphreya. M. JJardman, Or. WirrflAs, H tutor-
Hayes, J. M., Heppner. Or, Horses, win eg tan
on loft shoulder cattle, same ou right lop.
Htwtoo, Luther, Eight .Mile, Or. liurne- H b
the left. Hhoulderand harton the le-fi stillt'at
tJp same mi Inft hip. Kanue in Morrow oounty
Ivy, Alfred, Long Crook, Or t'attle I- Don
riuht lop, crop oil left ear and bit in right. Horses
same brand on left shoulder liange u Crrunl
Jnnkin, 8. M., Heppner, Or Horses, horse,
shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, tho sani.
Itange on Eiwht Mile.
Johnson. Eelix, Lena, Or. Horses, oirclfcT o.-i
loft suite; cattle, same on right hip, under half
crop in right and unlit in ieft ear
Jenkins, D W.,Alt. Vennm,Or, J on lHreoii
left shoulder; ou cattle, J on left hip and two
smooth crops on both ears, llangein Eos and
liear vallej'H
Koimy, Mite, Heppner, Or. Horses bnind-d
KNV on left hip cattle same and crop on left
rr: under alrtpn on the right
Kirk, J. T., Heppner, Or. Horses fly n if,
shoulder; oat t ie, hu on left hip.
Kirk. J C, Heppner, Or. Horses. 17 oa either
flank; cattle 1? on right side.
Kirk, J088P, Heppner, Or,; horw' 11 on left
sbouider; cattle same on right side, uuderbit on
right ear.
Kuinborlsnd.W. G.. Mount Vernon. Or. 1 Lou
cattle ou right and left sides, swallow fork in It f t
ear and under ciop in right ear. HorseHsame
brand 011 ifft shoulder, liangein Orant ouintv.
Lofteu. tlteuiien. fox. Or. S h m (in
I, on cattle, crop and split on right ear, Jlorses
Iwome brand on left shoulder. 1 tan go Grant
Lieuallen, John W., Lxi frtoi Or.-Horset
branded half-oiicle JL connected on leftshoid
der. Cattls, same ou left hip. itauge, near Lex"
Lord. George, Hoppnor. Or.- HorBos branded
double U coi.necu Souietiines called u
swing H, on loft shoulder.
Markliam, A- U., Heppner, Or.-Cattle large
H on left side, Iwth ears cropped, antl uplit To
bo'h. Horw M on left hip. Itauge, Clark's
Minor, Oscar, Heppnor, Or. Cattle, JH D on
right hip; horse. Mon left shoulder.
Morgan, ti. N Heppner, Or. Horsey, jl
on left shonldei cattle same on loft hip.
MeCamber. Jas A, Echo, Or. Horses. M with
bar over on right shoulder. m
isaorgfln, ihos., Heppner, Or. Horses, nlrnt.
1 on loft shoulder and left thigh; cattle. Z on ;
itohell, Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 on riirht
Guaranteed to cure Iiilioas attacks,
Sick Heads t;ho and" Constipation. 40 in
each Kttile. Trice ii5c. For sale by
Picture 17, TO'' and sample dose frpe,
J. F. SWiTI! & CO., Fiopficlors. NEW YORK.
W. H.
M Wsshington .M.
University -:- of -:-
Monday, September 8th,
Prevent and cure Conslipation and Sica
Heuduune, mul( llile IJeaus.
"This abuse is worse in Chicago than
it ia in New York," a prominent phy
sician Baid.
"The bonus system is certainly an out
rage on the traveling puDlic," said an-
the resulting crop of tubers will be much the.hotel doctor should not shoulder the
freer from scab. To be free from scab, ii. i ne responsibility
potatoes without scab germs should be re8ts witn the tot31 ProPrietor who is
planted in soil which is not infested with n enotlgh to look for gain from the
the germs of the parasitic fungus. Con- 6101111688 one of his patrons. It is not
centrated mineral fertilizers seem to so ,lsin8; ery stron8 language to call this
Invigorate the plant that the potatoes barbari!m. Hotel proprietors who favor
iigui on tub scan, tjiean seert and clean -w.uS iD h, m meiresiaDiisn-
soil yield clean tubers."
llhind.rs of Well Known Writers.
Time would fail to toll of the tlmn.
sands of anachronisms made bv mith.-in
of every station and everv gradu of rei
ntability. The Chambers' Encyclopav
uia says tiiat t lie fame of Beamuarchois
rests on his two operas, "Le Uarbier do
Seville" and "Le Manage do Figaro,"
when everybody knows that "Faro"
was composed by Mozart to the libretto
written by Oivsti, and that the "Senile
Barber" came from the fertile pen of
Rossini. In "Nicholas Nickleby" Dick
ens makes Squeers send the boys out in
midwinter to hoe turnips, while in the
"Tale of Two Cities" he confounds the
names of Sanson, the French executioner
with Samson, the Jewish judge. '
Longfellow calls Erigena a Scotchman,
whereas the meaning of the word signi
fies an Irishman, and in "The Two Ka-
ments ought to be tabooed by every hon
orable and self respecting man and wo
man. If guests were to stav awav from
such hotels, the bonus system would be
On the Country Kouil.
In no case in extieriments conducted
by Professor Ooff has the removal of the quickly suppressed." New York Sim
seed end of potatoes shown advantage in 1 n. ,J"
yield. "hi in Opposed to the KuglUh Language.
ti' ,, Tne general spread of the English Ian-
1 here are now well equipped canning 1 gnage over the world has been resist
ractories in almost every state in the most stubbornlv On Ttritiah soil ct kA
j , ... " 0 uuuiO,
ine legislative assembly of .Tm
perons year in its history. Wide
range of studies Thorough in
trnctiou. Bnnities course added. Tu
ton free. Entrance fee, $10. Board
nd lodging at ressnnnlile rates in tlu
legnnt new dormitory and boardinu hsll
n the campus, where stiidenls will re
wive personal supervision.
John W. Johnson,
4'l President.
Union whose products of laud and sea
are preserved in airtight cans.
Sheep will pay in installments two or
three times a year for their keeping.
Eastern farmers each year increase
their supply of chemical fertilizers. Some
of them claim that "grass sod andchem.
jected, by a vote of 87 to 6, a bill to per.
nut the use of English in the assembly
at the option of a momber. This action
of course affirms the principle that
French is the official languatre. The
country parishes are resolutely opposed
icals mako a bettor and cheaper dressing to the introduction of English, although
.vu,, .uniio Krent progress in the towns
of late years, and it is said many of the
deputies are now unable to express
themselves correctly in French.
Mr. Gladstone's government has been
asked by several Welsh members of par
liament at the instance of a large body
of Welshmen to make the teaching of
Welsh in the public schools of Wales ob
ligatory. It has always been taught in
tho nonconformist Sunday schools. The
number of Irish people who do not speak
English at b11 is still considerable and
in Scotland it is not small. London
-St. Louis (ilobe-
for tb eir lauds than stable manure.
At the Vermont station, where the hot
water treatment has been tested for smnt
in oats, is claimed a second and impor
tant consideration in the possible imin
aside from the destruction of smut of i
decided increase in yield from treated
J. S. Woodword. the western Vr
York sheep grower, is an earnest sdvo.
eate of sheep in the orchard.
The Stouiaeh anil the Tonirue.
A bud stomach is a bad thinsr to
It is tho source of all the badness in the
world, an able member of the Social
Purity society declares. lrug shops are
full of stuffs. For good digestion many
of them are best let alone. Fruit salt's
and old fashioned salts are mi harmful.
lhon there are 6gs always wofih their : fechristened. She had been purchased
weight in gold and tamarinds from In- i the government of Havti, and she
tiia are tine. They come in tinfoil, like I tniled for u Prince. She had two
many of the oriental fruits, and are sold . Hvtian seuators on board, the wife of a
vi uuiiuras at ouor on cents a pound, commanding otticer and a crew of over
.No matter what you do, look at your ' young men recruited in Philadelnhia
""s " aeep n rou, even ir yon can t - """""l! ever own Heard of the v
A Belief That Proves Troublesome.
A recently returned eastern missionary
Bays that a small, but persistent, vexa
tion in household -affairs is the firm be
lief in the transmigration of souls among
one's Buddhist servants and its often
ludicrous consequences. For instance,
once on shipboard the sailors were di
rected to kill the cockroaches with which
the vessel was infested. This they dared
not do, fearing that some ancestor's spirit
might be imprisoned in that most un
likely form. They approached the ver
min gently, lifted them np on sheets of
paper and dropped them overboard in a
manner almost tender and auite defer-
One young convert cluna to her newW
made friend during her last illness with
the constant cry that she feared, when
the end should come, that the old belief
would be too strong for her, it pressed
so hard upon her that the soul was des
tined for further earthlv life. It was a
cause for great rejoicing at the mission
station that dissolution came in Bleep
and unattended by this horror. New
xors nmes.
Whilo yon keep your subscription paid up rcu
can keep your brand in free of chsrge,
Allyn. T. J lone. Or Ftorses Ufi on left
-honlder; onttle to: on left hip, under bit on
nglit oar, ami upper bit on the left; raneo Mor
row comity.
Armstrong, J . O.. Alpine, Or-. T with bar nn
lo'fl Mp "hunidsr P' 1"rBes: cuttle same
rn'!!n0i'!ffiD-'KW,lile- 0r--CaM brand,
OU n left hip anil horBBs same brand on riiht
shoulder. Kanne. EiKht Wile. M
Adkins, J J , Heppner, Or.-Horses, JA oon
'..etftrt on lelt Hank: cattle, same on eft hip.
Bartliolsmew, A. G., Alpine. Or. Horses
branded 7 boil either shoulder. Han bo in MiV
row county. "
Hl(kman Geo., Hardmiui, Or.-florses, s rlnK
.1 left Bhiralder: oattio same on right shoulder
l-ormirter, J. W., Hnrdman, Or.-Cattle rand
d B on left hip and tbih: split i each ear?
ricllt siuu; " """ KMlM ""
Um-ke, M Ht C, Lour Creek, Or-On eattlo
MAY connected on ieft hit), ciooofi hfL? '
i in " i "'VP ,r,1K,,t- Horses, Bnme brand on
ronntj-. ' Urant fl"d
Hrosman, Jerry, Lena, Or.-Horsee branded 7
on right shoulder: cattle B ,n0 ",,ft " ,he
lh ear half ci-or, a ,d right ear upper a ope
r'iht t'l!i' ,Wm'lt"',"M'' Or. -Horses T"B
.-kch ear. ' '"Hin0 "U "shi "K Plit
iVl'S'si' I,'? il&a. Or- HoraesIB on the
row county. """"" r,tl" " !
Brown j. C. Heppner, Or.-Horsee, circle
K' !' n,,,"?a or"' '"fthipi cattle, siZ.
u.w".,, , j., i,ena. irregon. HorseH W hni
oyer it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
Boyer, W,
orand or
iaoh ear,
hip; Cattle. 77 on via ht. Hidn.
MoOlaren, D. U Brownsville, Or.-Horeen,
riKure Sou each shoulder; cattle, M2 on hm
Mctlarty, David H., Keho, Or. Horses braudeil
UJ1 counected, on the left sliuuldor: cattle same
on hip and Bide.
McOirr, Frank, Foi Valley, Or.-Mule shoe
with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and under in
each ear: horses same brand on left sf iH
Mclinley, U. V., Hamillon, Or.-On Horses, S
Willi half circle under en left shoulder; on Cattle
four bars connected oa top on tho right side
Itauge in (iraut County.
Neai.Androw. We Itock.Or.-Horeos A N on
uected on left shoulder: cattle same on both hies,
i ir.'M' K' P''ton. Or.-HorwM, circle 7 ou
III : C!" "" mme 1,11 luf ' h'P
, "vf,JPh, ( auyou City, l.lr.-A Sou cattle
on left hip; on horses, same ou loft tliish. KanK
in (ii-ant county.
shoudei Pe,Ti' Lli','101'' Or.-l' O on left
Olp, Herman, I'rairie City, Or.-On cattle, ()
J'nrl wi'Sf"1 lef' h'li; horses on left stiUe
and wartle on nose jtange in Urant county.
Pearson, Olaye, Klght Mile, Or.-Horsos ijuar-
or, left hip. Hu,,e ' u f. ",u"n,M-
b-Koiilder.10""0'1, lanlmi".O''.LlJr80 IP on
. WiV '' Lej,i,'fton Or.-Hor es bratl
e li (L t conncciert) oi. left shoulder; came-,
moon right l,,p. itauge, Morrow coumV. t
guilder oil in each ear. uu,i..
1 i eujs, a. j... lone, Or,; horses diamond P on.
Uf.1T-"l,uw'"-i 'Ue. J HJconnectert, on Ihe
Jft tup, upper slope in left ear and slip in tlie
nt'Zfn j"?!"1.'1'.. 'vilJ, Or-Hores, J V con.
iec:edon ln shoulder. Cattle OK counected ou
let hip, two under half crops, olio on each er r
wa tie under throar,. lt, go hi H rant county. "
J. tn "dr"' Jliln'u"". Or.-ilorses, squsre
or lw with Quarter-cii-clo over it, on left slide
n ,t shoulder. Hanije near HarUmau.
Uoyse, Anion, Heppner, Or-Horsos, plain V on
ril ,, t"nMep mlUZ ?!mo brd Aiversed t, I
?oSw'oounty.,,10r0l'UHn"1,tW,r' Hm ia I
Morrow and adjoining countios. B
ltU8t. VVl wm Oi.i....
nange Morrow county. i
H rant and Uilliam Mnmi,
Spicknall. J. W.. tJooM.he,,,, .
tango m Morro
G.. Hennner. Or n-on ,
ni-h; hip cattle, same, with split in
Gladioluses come true when propa
gated from the small bulblets.
foot-Prints on the Path to Health.
Everyone needing a doctor's advioe
should read one nf Pr. Foote's dime
nsmphlets on "Old Eves," "Crnnp "
. Rupture," "Phimois," "Varicocele "
Disease of men, Disease of Women. Rnd
learn the best mean, nf ni,-... .
ir;n d..i. .rT m
"I L 111.. KM., IZ'J liMth St,
An Ocean Mystery.
One of the saddest of ocean mvsteries
Was the fate of the 120 souls who sailed
from Philadelphia on Deo. 1, 1SS9, in the
Ironclad Atlanta, or Triumfo, as she whs
keep it still. Lewiaton Journal.
Kipans Tabuloj cure icrofula.
! lei from that day. New York World.
Heppner should be on the lookout for
nres ot this season of the year. Every
thing is as dry as powder, and a oorfl-..
Brrstion once started would he hard to
liorg, P. O., Heppner, Or.-Horsos, P B on left
-houlder; caltlo. same on left hip.
Brownlee, W. J., Fox,Or-( 'attie. JB conneoled
.n eft side; crop on left ear and two rolltianS
county" l6ft thl8hi Ea,,g9 in
laisnei- Warren. Wagner Or-
T.ht ih. t : .:. '.,?!". ( on
Ur..,. V, -"'"t-.. tu eaeu ear.
Deserving Praise.
We desire to say to our oitizenr. that
for years we have been selling Dr. Kit,,,',
new disoovery for oonsnmption. i"r
Kinesiiew life pills, Buckleu's arnica
air. and electric bitters, and have nev
er handled remedies that sell as wellor
hat have given suoh universal satisfac
lou. We do not hesitate to guarantee
results do not follow their use. These
remedies have won their great popular'!
y mrely ou h, merit,.
Johnson lne m
-WJiJttlt AU ILSf fins.
HorBes brand
hree bars) on
Urantan. HoVrV,. ",uu r- "ieiu
n ?."' " '''b.Or.-y 11 on horses on left, stifle
U wit,, quarter circle over it, on leTt sliouhler
eft T 'if ""I10 on oolti under Ii yen on
Cate "llSa t'T "nd n't'a,ties. U''
iek"X i" t:"'"""'he, Or. -Uorsos.Kon
Coi Ed. B.. Hardnmu, Or.-(Vtle r
in cenwr: horses. Cio on ief, hi,, "' 1
Cochran, 11. li Monnment. lirant Co Or
Horses branded circle with l I beneath on ffl
?lUid'irLitlr'' brand on boVhi; -?JsS
'"pe ""i n ears and dewlap.
i'eif"t'tp8w'Uow-fork 'rvsi
llouglas, O. T Dourrlaa, Or-Ilorse. Tn
righl'shoufi1'"' ile"PMr' 0r' M
branded ai on left Rh..niHu
baiiinsr. C O Hnnnnoi- n- .
on left shoulder; cuttle Lone w , in hip
Swaggart, b. i:, Lenuirtnn ni u
wn h dash under it e "riTiil,
UBllamnndbCtiliacounies B ,n Mmv'
un''en left lud lag." bxp- C'v
fork in right ear. u,Xbit h,left " '"P' "R"'W
bapp. Ihos., Heppner, Or.-Horsos mid
l9""iHi.v same on left hiP ' " APoD
bhnar.John, i'oi, , Or.-N(l ra-,, i
J oil left l.oulder"catlle thi ,,lZ8Wbra"dt'd
waddle. KaiigeinM,OT,.(;'S0. Bio "pso
blepheus, V? A., tlardmT,. ,. 1,1lm cu 'nu-
eft ahnnLlL.
Or. Horses. ( on
TPS?-"- H-Wner, Or - ('Sm. w n
.oil uip, uroo on-ntrhr smi j. 7V". . v'
i., .i , ?' J-Hoponor. Or r
Tinne.. M '.i' shoulder.
ihoulderT" ',!'u,"rpr'8e'0r--H... C-on lett
with .plituiCST Wm 00
OQ 1
be left snonider; ca'S'same iL"
Z, "a" sac "KM ar lopped"
nuaon, John U.. Nulom . l,
right hie. Ea? mri h..l. V -"li'f .?"!ne "
. ,i(ul Bna crop
Horses branded Jq ov it" Z of. .i"ei";ner. Olv
Wurrow couutjr. "l huuUor. Haugo
Warren. WR r..iu .
ojreie over it." on i.f - VTi le.' miarUir
tiorBBS same hr.l A i'A" ' ' Pt . iu right ear.
Orantoouutr. BUO'der. liuugeid
8 Wrfeferi0!' landed
nti split in left, lul un rWt
?ce of spade? 'on TFll 2.';Ta""? . branded
oa tie branded sen,. iZ.??F aHa. ' hin
Wells, A. B.. Heimner Or u ana BlP.
houlder: oatt , TsanT'' Qr--lloM. on I
utt left.
shoulder. " " uu'mr ou riglu
f urenee M V rta. r.
ritiht BhoiJilei; cat lie. Ii ., k. kit on ! n?Waer
,,.1'reneh, lieorire, Heppner Or - Vf.u k g; ,
WF. wh barove't jt.'JJ iJf.'sule crop off'w
ear. horse., sarue brand on lelt hip "
sl,o ,i. ... " "W"". or.-UAj: on left henes,
SSaSSiT1 6ar8" " W an'dSlala
''ote"' r-H '
V ctli',,' O'-" "randea
.,",".'7'. ""m. sameon left .a,,,, i.i. "
ker Co..
I cle
Williams, w,. i'"',,,',,." shihW
three bars on left Ti' , hTT.S V. tr
ter cik-Ib over thre ta on . i riort' -K1"
an. .lit ink . jo.
T 8 oe'rt "-V" bm.dS
. , f iT III
I Ml 43 I I
I :