Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 01, 1893, Image 3

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    T - " "
nn mast ti.- tlit'tr rcpy h
.itlfiT rveiiliu frir TuenlHV'i
Ht i'Ari KhNOJH I'tHUKHIM i u.
NO I'll E.
t. 'Hie Bum of Uvo cenli per Hue wilt be
,nflrjrt for MrnnU of thanks, "ivnoiutlniu of
iPSiMtc't," lisUot wodtthiK prwHJUtu and donor,
ud ol.lt nary notlrei, (other tlmn those the edit
or (.hell liiniifll give as a matter of news,) and
iut;cMof t)MKlttl mt-etliiK for whatever purpoM.
& llutlrea of chun-b and aoctfty and ail other
enUrfdiiiJiiftiU from which revenue 1 to be de
rive., nl.a.l be ehartted for at th rate of HVe
itiiitHft line. Flhenc rules will be strictly adher
U to in every Instance.
Advert 1h.uk rales reasonable and made known
upon applirattoii.
Ve hold eat-h and every eorrehpondent re
sponsible for his or her foiiiiiimiictttloii. No
orreHiM)iidenre will be published tin lews the
writer s real name Is blgued a an evidence of
ood faith.
tug Agent, 21 MerchantM fcxcli.ti.Ke,
dan r-lant'iHco, is our autlioruea agi'tit. 'ihla
paper is kept on tile In hUoilice.
Stage fur Hard mull, Monument, Long Creek,
Johu Day and lanyun city, leaven an fallows :
Every day at s p. in,, except etuuiliiy.
Arrived every day at ; a. ui., except Monday.
'ibe cheaper,!, iiuH-kest and beat line to or
from the interior country.
J. b. DK1.KVAN, Prop.
Blocum-Johntttou Urns Co., Audits.
, (Jive your business to Heppner people,
I and therefore wmi.it to build up lle.pp-
Jratronize (hone who patronize
When Adam In bliss,
Asked Eve fur a kiss,
bhe puckered her Hps with a cuo;
Uavc a look bo estatlc
And answered emphatic,
"1 don't care, Adam, If you do "
Here and There.
- - Tom Carl wub up over Sunday.
T. J. AHyn was up from Tune Buturday.
TUTT'd PILLS cure "constipation
and piles.
8. J. Cramer, a traveling man , was in
Inwii Friduy.
li. F. Swuiorait was in frmii the lower
country Saturday.
Tlie Gazette hits a rattling good water
barrel fur stilo cheitp. tf.
Mrs. Allou Crabtree was in from
Clark's Canyon tudny.
Milt nutl Shui Morgan were in frum
WauJ Hollow Saturday.
)ck Ambler aud Mr. Mosier were in
for freight Katnidiiy lust.
Take your oush to P. C. Thompson Co
I'uu ill lihd ii will pay. 9 bit
Ed. 0 x aud Joliu liojse were down,
from Umdiuuu yesterday.
Auuie Kuod ttbe down from Hard
muu country yesterday.
Joliu N. Jirowu, of Lone Hick, return"
ed lust tvtuiiiv liutii tue i,uat.
L)r. McSwords uiid family will shortly
leave for tue East uu a visit.
Frank N.itter aud Frank llorg return
ed from Lcliniau springs ftaiuiuny.
Pytuiaa: Heppuer piouiises tu do
ch'j xrund ! tue utxt giuud lodge.
jimly ntevensou is titiuliUK in u choice
iorop kii ooruwood between liuies.
lii.L. and Liuti VValkina were iu Satur
luy irom ai-per Willow cietk Outiutry.
Xlie teui aud Falttce 8alootta lor tine
liquors, AlcAtee bioo., l'rupo. sw
1'lie Heppiier-Caiiyou sttige liue is the
btHt, cljehpest uiid quit ktt.( to the iu
Hood's Fills may be bad by mail lor
25 oeul8 ol U. 1. liuod & Co., i jo well
AlhBS. 1 '
Fruiilt Oillinui aud W. A. Johusou
Stuve touiuiiuw lor (Jruut couuty ou
llM! iwiOE-A.WKKK Gazette now ogly
HM In utiviinue, pnyatue in cash ui
exiuti skius.
XJte Will in nm Bros., of Jordou Fork,
will liave u yield ol Kiitiu about 15 bu.
to tbts acre.
Cbas. McDowell is workiuif for Hepp
oer Liklil lcVVuiei Cu. Uuiib ike Ju
Uls' aOseuue.
Halt & Mathews, the barbers, City ho
tel barber aliop, 'JLhey are artists, ismijt,
10 oonneotion.
The Ateley lustilute, at Forest Grove
Hurts liquor, opium, moiphiue, cocaine
.and tubauco liaOlt. hee ud.
,Mt, iVIcUouald, one of the D. P. bridge
aearpeuters, was up over Friday, muting
repairs ou the raiuoud turu-tubie.
Ted Mclutire proved up before
J. V. Morrow Saturday last, with Jake
Kuuit aud Johu Keuuy us witnesses.
Meu's aud buy's uuderweur aud top
hins at coal fur Ousb at P. C. Thompson
Jouipau)'B. 9 ol I
Every uiau who takes any interest iu
ffast stuck should subscribe fur The
Morsemuu. Guzelte shop, atjents.
W. K. Casey was dowu from eulaud's
. big riiuones above town yesterday, rie
tuw beeu busy hayiux for gome time
Painter Fain, Walter and Cbas. Van
Duyu returned )enteiduy from a brie!
tnjuuru ta the Ji.ues. They killed one
You promised to settle your aenouut
-fit 1. C. Tliourpsuu Co.'s. It you have
any regard luc uur houor, keep your
promise. U 51 t
Gieen Mathews, having purchased the
Palace hotel boiber euop liom Chas.
Juues, asks lor a continuance ot trade
JBatbslu couuecliou.
Mr. J. P. Bustiee remained over Suu
day, aud Suturday higuc leoiurad tue
'Blue Lodne" Masons, ieaviuf Jtsteiday
moruiug for the uialu hue.
y. B. MoAhster is uow located at
Jlcbtjthi warm Bpriugs, Bitter, Or.,
wbeiKJ MIB Gaze le uow reaohes him. l:Je
will remaiu tuere till lull.
E- A. CaDJbern got in Sunday frotn
,e interior, haviu made the jouruey
nut as tar as Antelope. He was tc
companied by tt Braudstetter.
Kou. H. BlaOkman, Piof. E. B. Mo
Klroy aud Hou. VV. K. Ellis were tukiuii
in the World's Fair last week. Air.
Ellis has proceeded on to Wushlugtuu.
Ur. B. F. VatiKbHuhasdeoided to leave
Hei.phtr, aud all thoso owing him aie
rtqnesleu to makeimmediateBeltleiueut.
Those uesirmg woik should upply at
once. UMt-
Suuday was, without doubt, the warm
eet d,.y of the seuoou. The tberumuivler
. etoid 1U2 detftees iu the shade, aud at
11 o'clock, p. ni.i buuif up about 87
Report oame in yesterduy that the
Fendletou Havings Bank had suspended.
Confidence is the only tbiiitj ueeded to
keep up the baukiujf institutions of
our country.
Don't uvulook J.B. Tedrowo at the
fcrtuide when thirsty. Half aud half and
fresh beer always uu tap. Also a flue
took of liquoiB aud oighra always ou
hand. Give led a oad.
The advice that aost men will give
joauirioi to dunk, but when you do
Jet the best. The Belvedere saloou
etiies au eielieu BWk ol cigars, liquors
wues aud Ueer. A hue bil.iard pallor
iu miueotiou Call on Cl.ailie aud
Pick 0P F lwa;l tieat you couri
ouly. "
L'-n ft liliitiM "luiuiKrly nrchn1
,in una oity, ' lell lbs Can inn iv
j pfople timt ln was held Up aud robbed
oy uitiiwiiymeii in Idaho recent v
bare'y recovering from the great scare,
i Possibly so, hut many would nouuer
tiiinK unit he m.-t Ins loen-n' n fr.i-baok
or pokr gam, from which it would
j tuka him florae time to recover.
I Mr. J. C. Goswell. mm nf tl.o hem
j known and moet respected oitirenB of
jjroBiiwuod, 'rtias, miffertd with
til -rrl ce t for a long time and tried many
(luferetit ri'tuedies without benefit, until
t-iiiui,unrlaiii s Colic, Cholera- aud
DmrrluJi R-medy was used: that ra
lieved him at ouce. For sale by Slocnm.
(luuusuu xsrng jo.
Dil Unrrignes returned Stindny with
See Drifikell from Teal (Lehmap)
I sprmgp. uu is not very aothuaiastio
over this summer reaort. However,
(tieOazetto force always had a whole
lot of fun at Teal springs, so we guess
Dil didu't get utl ou the right foot.
Tirtlot & Chandler Lave scoured the
lub of moving two towu buildinirs. anil
the biiildintt of a house for town hie
apparatus Gilliam A Bisbee will
furnish the lumber. The bids were $:i8
and 8171 70, respectively, and were
opened and a,warded last night.
J. P. Mays, recently from the valley,
lfi looateu in me lower part ot town,
and is troubled with heart complaint.
However, this is thought to bs only
lempoiary, and with ekill and care be
will hiiou be out again. He is under
the care ot Dr. 8iuburne.
Wes NeNub was iu from Rhea creek
Sal unlay. His Orop on the oreek is very
gnoii, lint ou the hill, nu.mt twonud one
half luili B went ot theie, Ins wheat will
not b- very heavy, though father dowu
towards Ji Man Forktbe yield will be-
nearly average.
A letter from ye editor's pafer famil
las, ho lives near iudiauapulis, lud ,
amies that wheat is only fib ceuts per
bushel there aud that times are hard
prnbnbl) as bad, it not w. irse, tl.au in
the West. This is not encouraging news.
H L. MoA ister, of Lexington, visi
ted Heppuer yesterday. He is busy at
present putuug up hay (or winter use.
His buy crop was light, but he will have
quile a lot. Wheat is a light orop
with him, though barley is fair.
Keep fire apparatus in good, working
order. We might need it at any time,
and it is so drv now that a fire would
tim e lapid headway. TwoBaboocks are
yet misniug fnm the hook aud ladder
truck. Tuey should be returned.
Jnhu Rush's infant child, six months
old, is Huli'eiiug frum an enlargement ot
ihe rifzbt shoulder joint, caused by a
wrench. Dr. (iacan is iu attendance and
reports the iutaut doing us well as Oould
be petted.
A coyote was turned loose last Sun
day by Waldou Rhea and Newt.
Jones vith 3UU yards start of thehouuds.
It was qtuie an interesting ouase,
though the dogs picked him up after a
suoit run.
Bxn F. Lelande has accented
position with J. ri. Kolmau. Mo better
saltsuiau thau Mr. Lelaudva oau be
found anywhere, aud we congratulate
Mr. lvjluiau ou securiug bis services,
Oscar Minor and family, Mis. J. D.
Uutuiliou aud other Heppuerites are re
ported to tie on their way home Irom
Lehman springs. While absent they
took iu Desolation lake.
au unknown man was Killed in a
freight car, down near The Dalles
Ibtirsdity, by lumber eliding forward
oruMug his skull oetweeu the ends of
I ne timbers aud the cur.
The success of Mrs. Annie M. Beam,
of McKeesport, Peuuye.vauia, iu the
u eat incut ot dinTLci in her children
wil undoubtedly bu of mtereBt to many
mothers. ' She says: "I spent several
weeks iu Johnstown, Pu after the great
nuod, uu KCOou.it ot my husband being
etuployeu mere. We uail several chil
dren with us, two of whom took the
dlurrlcet very badly. 1 got some of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
DturiLcea Remedy from Rtv Mr. Chap
mau. it cured buth of them, I knew
of several other cases where it wbb
tqunlly sucoessful 1 think it cannot be
cxd'-lled and cbeetftilly recommend it '
io to 50 cent bullies for sale by Slucum
johusou Drug Co.
The item thut we oopied from the
Dossil Journal, stating that Geo. Mo
Cutty's wile, heofRoslyo bank robbing
tame, was a sister or Mrs. iien Huusa
ker. His & st wiie was, but the present
one is no relation whatever.
Mr. Thomas Baite, editor of tbe
Graphic, TVxurkuua, Aikansas, has
found hat he believes to be the best
remedy iu existence for the flux. Hie
experience is well worth remembering.
He says: ''Last summer I bad a very
severe attack of flux. I tried almost
every known remedy, uoue giving relief
Cliamliei lulu's Colic, Cholera and
Diarri (c Remedy was recommended to
me. 1 pin ob ised a bottle aud received
almost ituue liale relief, I continued to
use the meuicme and was entirely cured.
1 take pleasure in reoommeuding this
remedy to any person suffering with
such a disease, as iu my opiuion it is tbe
beet medicine in existence." 25 and 50
ceul bottles for saie by Sloouru & John
son Drug Co.
t rom our Long Oreek 1'aper.
Nclee Maguiisnn, of Heppner, waa iu
Long Creek last week.
Arthur Minor and wife accompanied
by other Heppner parties, are at Deso
lation lake.
E. Waltlrann, traveling for Neustadter
Bros., tit Portland, was iu Long Creek
Fi iduy of last week.
The family of Wm. Rudio are sojourn
ing in the hucklnberry regions near the
Black Butte mines.
Congressmen W. R Ellis, of Heppner,
left Monday fur Wui-hingtuu City, to be
ou hau l at the convening of oungresa ou
Augu.-t 7tb.
Anttby Alleo, of Monument, who was
stricken with paralysis ouly a few weeks
ago, died lust Saturday. The funeral
look place sjuuday.
Long Creek people are making ar
rangements to have fall raoes, to oome
off about the middle ot September.
Programmes will likely be issued next
W. F. Loder closed a sucoeasfnl term
of school in the Shaw district last Fri
day, Mr. L ider anticipates returning
East some time next mouth to enter a
medical college.
John Carey brought over Allen &
Brown's six ton boiler ai d engine from
Heppner this week. This piece of
machinery is to be used in their Black
Butte quartz mill.
Bob Liudsey, who formerly manipu
lated the ribbons of the Lung Cteek aud
Heppner Mage liue, is now in tbe em
ploy of Dtve Horn, proprietor of tbe
Hotel Peudletou, of Pendleton.
"Miss Dudley," one of the race horses
run by 'ioui Keeney up iu Montana, won
the seCoud un'Uey at Butte, on the 21st
lost,, in a seven and one-half furlong
C. H. L"f, T"m Williams and Wm.
Bud in returned from a trip to Desola
tiou last S itutday evening. There waa
a large crowd suj turning at the lake,
representing all adjoining oonntieg.
IF. 11. Hartley
"I Suffered Several Years
With rhcumathm. I took Hood's Sarsaparllla
and eel better than I have for years. My wlfs
had a bad case of catarrh and was con
sidered lucurable. 8he took confidents from
tlie benefit I had received from tbe use ol
Hood'6 Sarsaparllla
and aftar taking four bottles of tlie medicine
she Is entirely well." W. H. Hanley, Pull
man, 'WhsIi. Be sure to get Hood's.
Hood's Pills one liver Ills, sick headache,
Jaundice, Indigestion. Try a box. 25c.
Adventlbes of a Heppkeh Boy. In
Fred Hart's letter borne, be reoounts
how thut be, lunch basket and gii
parted at Cbeyenue. At Omaha, he
telegraphed for it but as usual it didn't
oome, and arriving at Chicago be was in
tbe sad dilemma of a proud-spirited,
American citizen without a olean shirt
However, these difficulties were soon
overcome, and with B W. Carrington,
prooeeded to take iu tbe fair and city.
He says it is all immense ; too big to
attempt to describe in a short letter.
However, Fred gave a brief account ol
tbe wonders, and left Chicago foi
Waltham just as tbe fire broke out in
tbe cold storage building. Arriving
safely at Wulthum he at ouce installed
himself in comfortable quarters aud
reported at fohonl where he is doing
nioely. Tbe Gtzetta expects a letter
from Fred for publioution in the ueur
A Jolly Odtino Party A jolly out
ing party of Gilliam county, consisting
of Ed. Copner and family and W. C
Brown and family, of Lone Rock, Rev
Rawlins and family of Fossil, J. P.
Lucas and Dr. Nioklin and family, o"
Condon, and Misses Anna Clark and May
Wineland Ihe whole representing
almost every profession and busiuess of
Gilliam county paBeed through Long
Creek last week cn routs to Dixie Butte,
Ruby oreek, Upper John Dny aud finally
Desolation lake, it being their intention
of passing four or five weeks at the
above mentioned resorts. Long Creek
Blaokweli, Missing H. Y. Blackwell
has not yet teturued from below. While
tbe Eagle believes that be will yet turn
up all right, still it is possible that he
nas oeen foully dealt with. Portland
nas innumerable out-throats lurking ou
her streets, and are none too good to
deal a death blow to -ky man for the
sake of a few ddlla I Long Creek
Eagle. Henry oame tin Itram Portland
last Wednesday evening, leaving for
Long Creek Thursday morning, so
judge, ere this time, he has settled all
fears over in that seotiou,
A PaAmiB Flit if. Hep ner had
little taste of a prairie tire Sunday. It
started south of towu within the oorpo
ration in I. W. Ayers pasture, and it
was by dint ot hard work that it was
prevented from ruining the cemetery and
fencing. After it had burned over a
good-sized patob, it was gotten undei
control. The wind was blowing from
the north, beuca damage to buildings iu
the south part of town wag prevented.
It is said to have been started bv some
boys who built up a fire to cook some
thing, aud this should be a lesson to
tbe youngsters to ba more careful.
Mobk Wabninos. Yesterday Hepp
ner was visited by two incipient fires,
but both were discovered before any
damage was dune. Wult. Thompeon'8
kitchen, residence in the rear of the
National bank of Heppner, took fire
from the cook-stove, but being noticed
early in its career, did not last long.
We ate also infoimed that a blaze was
started in tbe M. C. L. & T. Co. ware
house, but it, too, wbb put out before
any damage was done. Our people
oannot be too careful dttriug the dry
An Unwelcome Visitor. Newt.
Jones killed a rattlesnake in his bed
room, out on tbe Newton ranch, Sunday
last, measuring 41 inches long and 5
inches io oiroumferenoa. It is needless
to say that uob visitors are unwelcome
at any time of tbe year. This reptile
must have been nearly, if not quite, as
large as the one brought in alive by
Henry Gay last summer, and which is
now in the Gazette office preserved in
Rip's Wood Yabd. The Heppner
wood yard, under the management of
Rip Van Wiokle, is prepared to deliver
wood at your residence, sawed or un
sawed. Wood Bawed and delivered at
S7.00 per cord. Wood sawed twice in
two, 75 cts. per enrd; three times, $1 00.
Yard near the depot. Leave orders at
Sloan & Howard's. 4 tf.
8hokmakbb. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak
er and repairer of many years' experi
ence, hag just looated in tbe Abraham
sicl' building, on May street, where he
is prepared to do eveiytbing in bit line.
Mr Birbeck is strictly a first-class work
man and warrants ail work. Give him a
call Uwtt
Salesmen, to sell our choice and hardy
nursery stock. Maoy special varieties
to offer both in fruits and ornamentals,
and oo drolled only by us. We pBy
commission or salary, give exclusive
territory and pay weekly. Write us at
once and secure oboice of territory.
Max Bbotueas, Nurserymen,
H2-60 ... . Rochester, N. Y.
To Oiinl'nOf life'.
Every person who purchases ONE DOLLAR'S worth of oods will re- '
ceive a ticket on Grand Weaver Organ one hundred aud twenty five
dollar Organ to be given away December 21th 1893,
Has Opened Up at Hoppner.
Offers a irjagoifioent new Btock at prices tbe lowest yet named for strictly
first-oUss goods. Higb grades in all departments. True merit in every
article. Honest quality. An immense assortment nothing miss
ing. The quality will tell it : the price will sell it. Thnt in
the reason ynu should oome early and freenre vour BAR
GAINS from our splendid lines ot
Blankets, Ouilts, Trunks, Hats.
show all the latest novelties in great profusion. We keep the finest selec
tions in all standard styles. We
stock the bast of its kiod. Tbe dollar yon spend with us goes farther, lasts
. iuukci, iciaiuumniic, Knn uiwid 14 iiiiii i it v, iiiwi u tjuniiiy, alio UUCS
.. I . more good in service, worth aud wear than any money you spend. Our gouds
and prioeB, now waiting for your inspection, will prove this. Remember it is an
established fact that it pays io trade, providing yon want to save money, at the
-B0ST01 6Sr? STOP,-
-To Gret .Even on Your Ijile.
-t-" -Hardware -j- Store i
11 u
Wood and Willowware, Blacksmiths' Supplies, Iron, Steel and Coal, Pumps and
ripe, Tanks, Uathtntis ana KinKs, numbing Materials, Agricultural Imple
ments. All Kinds of Repaiiing quickly and neatly done.
-:- You will
getting our prices
elsewhere. -: -:-
W. '33...
Odd Fellows' building, Main St.,
. 1 r ' i ri .A.T i m
McFarland Mercantile Co.
Heppner. Oregon.
Now is the time to make vour money ounnt.. Our whole stock of Drv Groda, Cloth
ing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Fancy Omuls, Gloves, etc., etc., will be sold at
wholesale prices for cash.
Having Quit the Credit System,
We are offering goods lower than ever before known in Oregon. This is NO BAIT
on a few lines. Our WHOLE STOCK goes at such reduced figures that the per
son needing supplies for o ish can be made happy. If yon wish to save vour money
send in orders by mail or call in person.
per Ceut. off.
Dry Goods, Clothing, etc. . . . . .25 to 33?
Men's and Boys' Hats 80
Women's and Children's Shoes,25 to 30
Men's Shoes 20 to 30
Cotton Ginghams, Sheetings
and Domestics 20
All grooeries at lowest wholesale rates. Country orders solicited, oash with
orders. Shipments of wool reoeived as cash.
Very Respectfully,
McFarland mercantile co.
Reserved for the leader ot Cash Trade.
Heppner, Oregon,
Out for
Cash Bargains
Cash Talks.
PhotoobaI'Hs. DuiiDer, the pho
tographer, is going to leave Heppner
about tbe 10th of Sept All who wish
l their photos taken must get there
i immediately. 140-2.
make it a point to have every artiole in
Stoves and Tinware,
save money by
before purchasing
-:- : : -:-
We are giving discounts on
per cent off.
Hosierv 30
Men's Overehirts and Furnish-
iug Goods 30
Hardware 20 to 25
Saddle, Harness, Stoves and
Tinware 20 to 30
S I I. V E R W A R E,
Etc., Etc.
Trust Busts
Pfenty of them at the
Gazette Office
John Edwuids feasts Ihe buys on
buttermilk Saturdays, and the nnraber
of good colid, constimeis that linger
around in Ibj vicinity of his oapaoions
milk can are something wonderful.
p. wpiieo,
Llaving put their business upon a tem
porray cash basis, Call Attention to
the' fact that Money has now a Greater Pur
chasing Power than ever before known iu
We must get our stook tuto money, and prnths are no ohj-ot when tbe money
comes in Bight. Shake your cash at us and Bee us tumble.
1 1 a w
And Hound to Stay.
-Our Prioes
Dry hi Cling, Groceries, Hats, Caps
Boots, Shoes, Provisions, Notions, Etc.
Are thn lowest. Come and point out the gooda you wish, and we are
coufadent you will be pleased, because our prices are all right.
An early call will be appreciated.
Change of
" which we propose to oonduct in
, , ....
on hands at all times the cboioest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
shaw & Mccarty,
85"tt ProDrietors.
Graduate M. E. C. V. S., London, England.
Veterinary Sgeon
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
I am prepared tn d
nlty. (This la
on snort i
call ou rue at
k ttj Institute
i all kindB of Veterinary Siuirery, Emsictilatini; Honici nnd Reirllnm
the only true method nf oueratlnsr on hore.) Wvln V.V r JlrrJl.3, ,
llOtiee. I W 11 trpllt Hit fllllmolo In V,o ,..., , S . . 1
Surgery. If you have any sick at.lirmlB it will' ba to your interest to
Tie Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store.
On May Street, opposite Palaoe Hotel. They will keep on band a full line of
Groceries and Provisions.
A full line nf choice Pies, CnkfS and Biead ; in fact everything that is
usually kept in a first-class bakerv store. Thev will sell nlwan f... ...h nuii r.
try' hem.
y ts the title or a very valuable hook that gives a great amoont of Information of the Utmost
importance to Everybody, concerning their daily habits of Bating, Drinking, Dressing, etc,
What to Eat,
llow to Eat it.
Things to Do,
Tblnirs to Avoid,
PerllB of Summer,
Influence of Plants,
Occupation for Invalids.
Alcohol as a Food aud a
Superfluous rinlr,
Komovlnir Same,
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