Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 11, 1893, Image 3

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1 h'jSK JcnirluK the insertion ol disntav ads
,, ' '' iur rnuuyi tsli-
U iat fATrtK,M fUBu.Miy,; Cu.
no net.
1. The mm of Ave ceute wr line will b
Kluuved iur "cards u( thanks," "reaolutkma u,
resist ' lists ol ned.lm,-prMemi and doQore
"h" . w!"7 1V""' t""1" the edit:
or .nail Uiwseu- rive aa a matter ot news,) ami
uoticaa of aiMwul meeting. lot whatever purpose
2. J-otleea ol church awl aociety and in other
eutertaluuiautj from which revenue la to he d
rivad.ahallt charged lor at Se te of five
wuu a Una. 1 heae rulea wUl be strictly adher
ed to In every luiuuce. '
AdvertlaiiiK ralea reaaouable and nuuleknown
upou application. uwkugwD
. o?;11 ui every correspondent re
sponsible for til. or her communication No
correspondence will be published unleaa the
vnrner. real name is .Igntu a, au evidence o,
lug Agent, il Merchant txchaiiae
bauirancisco.is onr authorued agfnt. 'ihui
Stage for Bardmau, Monument, Lone Creek
John Hay aim canyon city, leaves as lollow, ; '
tvery day at 8 p. ,., except Sunday
A rriveii every day at 6 a. ui., except Aonday
1 he cheapen, quickest and best Hue d, or
from the interior country.
c, , . J- o- DELEVAN,
blocum-Johnston Drug L'o., Aueuta.
Owe your business to heppner people,
and Vitrei ore assist to buua ,..
nvr. tutronize tkose wlio patrouue
Here and There.
tut! miud.
Invigorate the body
itiliy Jonea got in from Vale laut Sat
Bub Hynd leaves
tomorrow for
Ben Parker dropped in on our peoole
Saturday last.
E. Y. Judd returned from outside
points last baturday.
Jake Jobuson and other Gooseberry
friends are in town.
Geo. Wright was in from Lone Kook
the latter part ot lust week.
The Gazette has a rattling good water
barrel tor sale cheap. tf.
Wm. Lord will shortly start from Port
Townseud on a trip to China.
The Gem and Palace saloons for fine
liquors, MeAiee Bros.. Props. sw
T. J. Matlock reports a big barley orop
nut on the McDonald canyon ranoh.
The Heppuer-Cauyon stage line is the
bmt, cLb.t imd quickest to the in
tei ior .
Hood's Pills may be had by wail for
25 tenia of 0. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell
The school board will meet tomorrow
to seleot teuchers and truueaot other
Cora Jones finally got away with the
one halfmile, two-year-old race at
The twice-A-week Gnzette now onlv
$2.60 in advance, payable in cash or
ooon a kins.
E. H. Claik, got in Saturday from
Pendleton lo look after wool matters in
this seotinn.
Hatt & Mathews, the barbers, Citv ho
tel barber shop. They are artiste. Baths
in conneotion.
Thos. Rhea will ship 300 head of cattle
to the Uiiion Drfased Meat Co,, about
the 25tb hist.
Mrs. J. W. Rusmns returned from
Walla Walla Friday last. Her health
ia much improved.
W. R. Chrhv exhibited a combination
oane, shotgun and ritl Saturday. It is
somewhat of a curiosity.
The Pythiau Sisters of Walla Walla
are preparinK for a dance and social, to
occur in a few days.
Milt Brown proved up Saturday before
J, W. Morrow, with Albert Matteson and
Isaac Large as witnesses.
Peter Brenner waa not present during
the recent term of county court, having
beeu detained out on John Day.
The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove
cures liquor, opium, morphine, cocait e
and tobacco habit. See ad.
The Gazette would gladly fill a few
orders for choice trees of any sort satis
faction guaranteed. Drop in. tf.
Every man who takes any interest in
fast stock should subscribe for The
Horseman. Gazette shop, agents.
Milt, and Sam Morgan and I. L. How
ard were in Saturday from outlying dis
tricts. Crops are fair with them.
Henry Blackwell, on the 1.1th
tnst., will sbip 800 head of cattle to the
Onion Dressed Meat Co., Portland.
Jas. JloEntire oslled on the office yes
terday. Jim reports a pretty fair hBy
crop out in the vicinity of Mike Kenny 'a.
The total rainfall Sunday and yeBter
day, as given by Observer Smith, was
0.29 inches, a little over one-fourth of an
Green Mathews, having purchased the
Palace hotel barber shop from Cbas.
Jones, sska for a continuance of trade.
Batba in connection.
From the Wasco San we learn that
railroad talk ia rife in the western part
of Morrow county. We shall publish
the report in our next issue.
Hons. J. N. Brown, W. R. Ellis and
Henry Blackman, Dorio Lodge's com
mittee on transportation for next Grand
Lodge, left yesterday to visit the rail
road people at Portland.
Master Clay French is the authorized
agent for the Uregonian at this place.
Subsoribe through him, and have your
paper delivered free of charge. tf
"-Married At Pendleton, on tho 6th
mst, Mr. Jas. Domrherty 'o iHisa Kite
Dnheriy, Father DRoi officiating. The
Gazette extends congratulations.
For a refreshing trlass of beer and a
nioe lunch, call on Kleckner & Sheldon
at the Aroade. Also a fine stook ol
liquors aid cigars. Good old porter in
took, exoellent for fsmily use.
Albert Ayers got back Thursday from
Malbenr. Albert and Aided Ayers have
purchased hay over there and will run
their sheep in that section' hereafter.
Married-At the court house Friday
last, Mr. Andrew Anderson and Mi?s
Carlton, both of this county. Judge
Keitbley officiating. Suocess to them.
W. B. Lacy returned from the 8tate
Agricultural College a week ago last
8atorday. He will return in time to
begin work with the fall term, commenc
ing Sept 21.
Or. B. F. Vughn bnsdeoided to leave
Heppner, and all thosa owing him a'e
requested to makeimmediate settlement.
Those desiring work should apply at
one. '43tf-
Dick Howard reports an excellent crop
oat on J. W. Morrow's Sand Hollow
ranch. He will have fully 65 looaof fine
bay, and estimates that their grain crop
will yield 3,000 bushels.
C. E. Holland, who lives near lone,
he will have oooeiderBO'e grain
of drv weather. The I
ont'look is not nearly aa bad as it waa
fonr weeks so. .
Mr. aud Mrs. Max Shillock srnved on
Friday's train to visit Mrs. Sbdlock a
parent-. Mr and Mr. H. D. Gey,
ind her Bister, Mies Luoele Godley.
They will remain a week.
waa very bad off for
uinuibi with diarrlioaa. We used
vinous medicines, also culled in two
ductora. but nothing done bim aoy good
until we U.J Cumberiain'Colio, Cliol
eiaaud lJittrrhne Remedy, which gave
lminediMie relief and aoou oured bun.
I consider it the best mdiomo made
and uan conscientiously r,coimneud it to
ail woo need a diarrhoea or colic medi
ciui-. J. K Hare, Treutoo, Tex 25 and (
ou cent uottles for sale by Slouuin Johns
ton Drug Co.
ur.ii.t. Shipley was out on Eight
Mne liiHt week, and was surprised at
tue crop prospeot. Eugleman Bios,
have a large nelu of grain, with well.
nlltd heads. He thioks tbat the averHge
i inii aowa grain out mere will beabout
10 bushels per acre, while eprire urain
is not hurt muoli, and being late, with
iew suowers such as are promised by
the weather olerk, will make a fair crop.
Elder S. S. Baavar. nt M xAlllain.wiu.
Juuiatta Co, Pa., eaya hn wife ia aub
ject to oramp in the stomach. Last
summer aba tried Chamberlain'a Cholio,
Cholera and Diarrhoja Remedy for it, and
was muon pie .sed with the speedy re.
lief it tfforiled. She bus since used it
whenever necessary and found that it
never tails, for sale bv Hloinm.I,,l,n-
ston Drug Co.
Billy Barrett, of Sand Hollow, found
three young rabbits a few days agj and
brought them ill lo the old bouse oat,
thinking, of oouiae, tbat she would make
a meal of them iu short order. She
nns a tamuy of her own, three kitteuj
about six weeks old, and to these she
has added the rabbits and is raising
them wirh all the care that a mother
cat can bestow.
A prospei tmg party onmposed of H.
Vanderpool, Geo. Vinson, H. Colwell.
O. E Jouea, (iill Jones and J. T. Cant
well got back from a prospecting tom
of Graut county. They struok some
good plaoer ground on the John Day
above the old Oiiental mines, and have
located same.
The adwee that most men will give
you is not to drink, but when yon do
get the best. The Belvedere saloon
carries an excellent stock ol cigars, liquors
wines aud beer. A fine billiard parlor
iu connection. Call on Charlie and
John who will always tieat you court
eously, tf,
Tom Smith, of Susanville, Grant Co.,
onme in yesterday with two loads ol
wool. Hib teams started out late last eve
ning, but Tom will likely remain for a
few days He will hold the remainder ol
his clip at Susanville, not being able to
sell what is already Btored in the ware
bouse at this place.
Jas. Me-Oill, of Pendleton now, but of
every plsoe in general, baa recently,
through Minister EBgan, beard from his
family in Chili. His father has been
dead some five years. MoGill has nol
made auy great number ol fiiends here
for the reason that he is a bilk.
The Sanger & Lent show oleiined up
Weston to a finish. They didn't try then
schemes here, and it is well they pursuer!
tlmt COIII8B. Our nflicers were laying
for the combination, and the first crook
ed move would have resulted disastrous-
Pendleton has in their warehouse,
about 1,&00,000 pnuods of wool. Only
2O0.000 pounds have been sold, and the
remainder ib being consigued, securing
advances from four to seven cents. Tbis
is about the condition of the wool market
all over the Northwest.
Clias. Royse rpturnei? from the valley
Friday last. Ho speut the 4th iu
Eugene, aud bad a big time. He re
ports bis brother, Arthur, as prospering
with the Baptist charge at Monmouth.
Bob SIibw returned last week from
Denver aud adjacent points. He reports
times as hard there aa in Oregon. He
intended selling some sheep but could
find no buyers.
Billy Douglass wss in from Butter
creek Friday last, and reports his orop
better this year than usual. Mnoh of it
is being grown without irrigation,
Geo. Mnir starts this week (or the up
per country with bis threshing outfit.
It looks now, however, that there might"
be plenty to do in Morrow oounty.
DiedOn Rhea oreek, June 22, 1893,
Mrs. Alfred Flory, aged 23 yeare. The
remains were interred Saturdav. June
23, on Rhea creek.
Conductor Wm. Mnhr is on the branoh
r Conductor Freuoh who in below
looking after transportation matters for
tue fiuignts 01 rytbias.
Frank Lee returned last eve from the
Mormon ouintry. He rBnorts wool mat
ters as dull there as in this vicinity.
J. T. Cantwell and H. Vanderpool
leave today for the John -Day where
they will work out a few placers.
S. C. Smith, his bro'her. Grover. and
our foreman, Tbos. Nelson, are recreat
ing in the Blues this week.
FrBnk Sloan aDd Bob Shaw shinned
100 head of cattle yesterday to Puget
Born Oo June 30th. on Rhea creek.
to the wife ot C. W. Fuller, a girl.
W. P. Hayden. representing Lane
& Co., of Portland, is in tawn.
Attorney J. W. Dawson returned from
Grants Saturday.
Bboken Leg. Yesterday morning.
John Gehrig brought in word that Ed.
Hayes had had his leg broken up at Mat-
look's Hintnn oreek ranoh. Ed. waslead-
ing a horse whioh one of the Gehrig broth
ers was trying to ride barebaok. The
horse lunged forward and struck Hayea
with one of his fore feet, just above the
ankle, breaking one bone. The fraoture
was reduced by Dr. McSwords. and the
patient is doing quite well.
To Teal Springs. On Sunday morn
ing, Ben Lelande, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Minor and baby, Gov. end Mias Maggie
Rea, Mrs. Frank Rogers, Mrs. W. B
Potter, Mrs. J. D. Hamilton, and 'Gene
Jones departed for Teal spriogs.to ramain
a few weeks. 1 be party are well provid
ed for camping and will have an enjoya
ble time. Other Heppneritesareexpeot-
ed to leave soon for that place
Capt. Hcmphret Loses a Foot.
Capt. Humphrey's condition ia still very
enconruging, says the E. O. He baara
pain like a martyr, and bia old-time
obeerful hurnnr has not departed, aa ia
evidenoed by frequent sallies of wit.
In due time, it is hoped, "Cap will be
prancing along the street, happy in the
acquisition of a new cork foot. On the
4tb of July, while attempting to board
the train at Vleacham atation after de
livering the oration, be fell under the
oars, his left foot being mashed into a
jelly. It was amputated at the ankle,
and Cap. bids fair to be well again in a
short time.
Salesmen, to sell our choice and hardy
nursery stnek. Many special varieties
to nflVr both in fruits and ornamentals,
and co it rolled only by us. We pa
coin mission or salary, give exclusive
territory and psy weekly. Write us at
once and secure ohoice of territory.
Mat Bbothkbs. Nurserymen,
142-GO Rochester, N. T.
"My iiitla boy
O! the Agony
Of Those who Suffer from
Hood's Sana partita Purijlet,
Soothee, Ui-cls, CTTRES.
Mr, T. F. Johtwon
San Jose, Cat.
"I have for many years been a great sufferer
trom SCROFULA breaking out on my amis
and legs ; they were covered with eruption and
sores, aiarbarging all the lima. I tried very
many medicines and consulted physicians far
and near, but constantly (raw warn. I
have taken but three bottles ot Hood's Sarsapa-
Hood's s: Cures
mia for rheumatism, and has derived so much
benefit from It that she declares there Is no
other medicine on earth. We would not ba
without it In the house If It costs $20 a bottle."
T. Varley Johnson, San Jose, Cal.
N. E. Be aurc to Ret Hood's Sarsaparllla.
Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly and
efficiently, on the liver and bowels. 25c,
Wednesday, July 5th, lieu.
Billa allowed: W. J. Leezer, $83.33:
W. R. Ellis, 840.
I. M. Leforgey allowed 812.50 for
moving oourt bouse feuce.
Jas. Tolbert supervisor of Diet. No.
26, removed, and Wm. Gil'iam appoint
Offioial list of The Patterson Pob. Co.
J. H. Kolman, bill of 84.40 against
Joseph Johnson, deceased, disallowed.
Thursday, July 6th, 18UH.
Road application No. 130, O J. Wilson
et si., accepted, and W. A. Biddle,
Robert Savers aud ,T. M. Huinblet ap
pointed viewer, Isa Brown surveyor, to
meet Aug. 17, 1893, at 10 o'clock a. m.
Road application No. 128, N. B.
Williams et al., acoepteil, viewers and
surveyors, to meet Aug. 16, at 11 o'olock
a. m.
Road application No. 129, N. B.
Williams et al., same viewers and sur
veyor as above, to meet Aug. 16, 1893.
Issue of script to F. J. Hallock, case
State vs. Brosnan, confirmed.
Bills allowed: N. B. McBee, $100:
Miss Eva Wier $9; W. L. rjaliug $118.50;
A. W.Vier89: H. A. Thompson 82.
State vs. Jerry Brosnan, bills allowed:
Theo. Danner 83.20; John Molally 83.20.
In tho case, State vs. Frank Molntire.
balls Bllowed, total, $2360.
Claim and report of W. a, Scott, aa
direotorof Dist. No. 23, continued for
In the matter of road application No.
127, report accepted, and damages
olaimed by L. P. Jones, amounting to
8100, referred to a new lot of viewers,
Sam Walker, Luther Huston aud Frank
Vaughn to assess same. Bills allowed
in conneotion with this matter, total,
852 20.
Petition of J. M. Kees et al., for a
bridge across Rhea oreek, oontinued
for term.
D. A. Hamilton, supervisor of Dist-
No. 23, allowed $126, appropriation.
Petition for appropiation to repair
grade around "Dead Man'a Hill," ac
cepted, and court ordered to contract
for auch repairs, issue of scrip to be
confirmed at next term of court.
Friday, July 7, 1893.
Bills allowed case of insanity of Joe
Meek, total S14.C6.
Certificate of Judge Hallock, case
State vs. Mclntire, confirmed.
Books of oounty court examined and
found to be in good oonditiou.
Billa allowed: J. M. Baker 813;
Julius Keithley 8141.66; Geo. Noble
Rebate on taxea of 1892 allowed.
Of Expenditures of Morrow County, Names
or Claimants, Services Rendered, Etc.
W. L. Mallory, road and bridge
Boot 8100 52
W. L. Mallory, road and bridge
aoct 26 08
Vawter Crawford, atationery acct., 25 30
Wm. Penland, pauper aocount,. . . 43 81
Joe Lieuallen, pauper aocount,.. 23 00
Patterson Pub. Co., stationery
account 11 50
W. R Ellis, attorney fee state vs.
Gerking, 40 00
G. G. Wickaon & Co., atationery
aocount 7 65
G T. Akers, panper aooonnt, .... 11 00
Heppner Light & Water Co., oourt
house and jail account, 5 00
Glasa & Prudhomme, county rec
ord account, 60 50
J. H. Kolman, pauper acoount,
d aallowed, 4 40
Phill Cohn. pauper accnuut, 8 85
Gilliam & Biabee, oourt house and
jail account 36 40
H. A. Thompson, witness fees,
82 20, allowed 2 00
Henry Padberg, pauper accoiint
disallowed 15 50
Henrv Padberg, pauper account
disallowed 7 50
D. A. Hamilton, road appropriation
125 00
Minor k Co., court bouse and jail
account 3 00
C. L. Raed. pauper account, 45 00 :
Coumtt or Mobbow.'j a j
I, J. W. Morrow, Clerk of Morrow 1
County, hereby certify to the foregoing list j
of expenditures of the county, with the
names of respective claimants, the nrti- 1
cles or services for whioh payment is ,
made, together with those 0 intinned,
rejected orin part pair), ismieao I norreot !
as shown by the records of said county.
Witness my hand and seal of the said
"ountv Court, this 9tb dav of July, A.
faTi w- Mobrow, County Clerk,
5$S By O. W. Wells, Deputy.
To Obtain AnOroaii Free.
Every peraon wbo purchases ONE DOLLAR'S worth of gnmiM w ill re
ceive a ticket on a Grand Weaver Organ one hundred and twenty five
dollar Organ to be given away December 24th 1893,
Has Opened Up at Heppner.
Offera a magnifioient new atook at prices the lowest yet named for atriotly
flrat-olass gooda. High grades in all departments. True merit In every
article. Honest quality. An immense assortment nothing miss,
ing. The quality will tell it : the price will sell it. That ia
the reason you should oorna early and secure your BAR
GAINS from our eplendid lines of
Blankets, Quilts,
show all the latest novelties in
tious in all standard styles. y'rt
stock the best of its kind. Toe dollar you apeud with ns goes farther, lasts
longer, gets more style, gets more quautitv, gets more quality, and does
more good iu service, worth mid wear than any money vou spend. Our goods
and prices, now waiting for your inspection, will Drove this. Remember it, ia an
established fact thrt in pays io trade, providing you want to save money, at the
Thiukingof a new Spring Stylo
Attire ? Wondering what ma
terial what color you should
purchase ? Puzzling youi'
mind about the correct thing
in trimmings ? Consulting
with vour dressmaker as to
which of the many styles will
be most becoming ?
11 SO .
Come and talk it over with us.
We're prepared to throw a flood
of light upon every element of
A Big Line of Silks,
All the latest styles iu Figured India
Hillts. Samples will he mailed FREE on
application. Yours Rejp'y. """""
Out for
Cash Bargains
Cash Talks.
si To Gret JEven
: IlAIlDWARK : (TilllE !
just ope:n"ed.
Wood and Willowware, Blacksmiths' Supplies, Iron, Pleel and Coal, Pumps aud
Pipe, Tanks, Bathtnhs and Sinks, Pltinihiug Materials, Agricultural Imple
ments. All Kinds ot Kepniring quickly and neatly done.
-:- -:- You will nave money hy
getting our prices before pnichasing
elsewhere. -:- -: : -: -: -:-
Odd Fellowa' building, Main St., Mt-tf HEPPNER, OREGON.
ia the title of a yery valuable book that (rives a great amount of Information of the Utrnwl
Importanoe to Everybody, concerning tbalr dally habits of Eating, lJiinklnf, Drawing, .to.,
What to Bat, Influenr of Plants, Parasltea of th Skin, Care of TVeth,
UowtoKatlt, Occupation for Invalids, lluthlng-Best Way, After-Mlnner .Vans,
Thlniri to Do, Alcohol as a Koott ami a l.urrirs and Lung Iilncasot, KITccta of Tobacco,
Tblnm to Avoid, Hiwllclne, How hi Avoid 1 hem, l ure for Intemperance,
Perils of Hummer, SupertluouH I7a!r, t.'lottilnc What to Wear, Hctulafihc, C'aufit) A Cure,
How to Breathe, Removing Bame, How Much to Wear, To (Jet Kid of Lice,
Dana-era of Klaalnr, Keetorlnit the Drowned, Contagious liliem,., Malarial Ah.xalona,
Overheating Uuuaes, Preventing Near-Bightcd- Tlow to Av-oid Them, C'roup-to 1'reveaL
Ventilation, ne. Extreme,
IT TELLS HOW TO fliBK Black Eyes, Bolls, Bums, ttilllblalna, Cold Feet, Corns,
Ooogha, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dyientery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, F.tld
Teat, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, iioaraeneas, Itching, Inflamed Broasti, Ivy Polaonlng,
Moles, Pimple., Pllel, Hbeumatlain, King-worm, Bnoriug, .Stammering, Hore Eyoa, Boro Mouth,
or. Nipple., 8or Throat, Bunatroae, Stings and Insect Bites, Sweating Keet, Toothache, Uloera,
Warla, Whooping Cough, Worms In Children. IT WILL .1IU JOOTOUM HILLS.
fyAU new snnscribera ami prompt renewals during the month of April will tie
preaenaed with a free oopyof this as n premium.
I 170 A I
)! V'V Plenty of them at the
I n It 1 I
J DLiiMU). Gay tie Office
I. L Bill
Off.oe in National
n no fin
1 mm wmm
Trunks, Hats.
great profusion. We keen the finest selen.
nuke it a uoint to bava everv article in
Etc., Etc
m I. rust .U usts
on Your Life.---
- - -.
Stoves and Tinware,
Bain Wasoos, ilacks aE Buckboards.
Comraiaaiom-r of the U. S. Circuit Court. All land
matters attended to promptly and accurately.
'-JfAaatai jaaaaaaaaaai.r ,m
Anything new of real merit, you
Renerally find for sale
P. 6. TMPSOi) go.
Who are noted for bring The Leaders.
We don't run a tbird-elaaa junk abop where you can boy shoddy gooda at twie
their Taloe, but wa keep firsl-clasa gooda at boneat prioea, with
no baita or trap.. We keep
Gents' FumisMng Goods, Hardware, Tinware,
Wood and Willoware, Guns, Ammunition,
Ask our old customers how we treat them.
Corner Main Bnd
HoiJijiaoi. Orecon,
And Bound to Stay.
-Onr Prioes
Dry hp UrocerieSp Hals, Caps
Boots, Shoes, Provisions, Notions, Etc.
Are thft lowest. Come and point out the goods you wish and we are
couhdent you will be pleased, because our prices are 'all right,
Au early call will be appreciated.
Change of Ownership
" wnio11 w propoae to oonduot in the most satisfactory manner. Will kou
on hands at all timea the choicest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
85-tt ProDrietors.
DR. JOSEPH J. bill.
Graduate M. E. 0. V. 8. , London, England.
Veterinary Surgeon
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
I am preMriNt to do all klndi 0! Vaterlnary Surar rv, Emaiciilatlnir Honn and Ratlin
alfy. (Th ! it the only true method ot operating 011 hones.) Hpevlnr ol c.iti", art Hom
on inert notice. I will treat all animal li, the most approved profarture of vitcr-
mai; ouiscry. 11 you nave any sick
HEPPNER, . -''on,neatew,ir,',.,.i,ies.
h Keeley Institute
Enterprise Bakery and Grocer) Store.
On May Street, oppoaite Palaoe Hotel. They will keep on hand a full line of
Groceries and Provisions.
A full line of choice Piea, Cnkea and Bread ; in fact everything that ia
uaually kept in a flraUclaaa bakery etore. Thy will aell cheap foi canh. Call anp
try them. tw
Reserved for the leader of Cash Trade.
Heppner, Oregon.
Of )Tli ynnr lnw To i'ium..,.- i its iiii iimrto nmrrv (ITTWo
COUluSEJTIin iiiiinii'd liow to In.' Ii i; pv in liianiiio; ' ( DAYS
YOU )Tlie fmiil pan nt-how to liuvn pri.ii Imliics; ONE
WANT )Tho iiiothiT how t Imve llicm without pain; (AGENT
TO )Tlie childless how to Im l'ruitf ill and niultiplv; ( SOLD
niNUW ) i no ourioua now tney
""oi iiuo irauuii nun iaj cnjuy hid nun Keep wtm ;
EVERY )Tho invalid how to get well apiin speedily;
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