( i ii " ji WE LEAD in Millinery, Ladies' Furnishings and Children's wear. Our stock is the largest, and our prices the lowest ; and we guarantee satisfaction. Also carry a complete stock of Dress Goods and Trimmings.-. Ladies' Hose and Underwear A Specialty. SENJ TO US FOR BDTTERICK -:- PATTERNS. We have a large stork to select from. We invite von to inspeot our stock, prices, etc. MAT ST., OPPOSITE HENDERSON'S VIEWS. The Spokane Reri. w, in commenting on ex-Benator Henderson's views on the monetary question, says: Vot the argument" the public cares little. It oontaine nothing that ia new, and a great deal that ia falae, and will be thoroughly riddled by the friend? of iilTer when the extra aeesion benios to grind. But the "remedy" ia serious enough to attraot attention. At onoe the ailver bullion in the vaults at Washington is to be thrown on the market and saorifioed for what it will bring. At the same time half the Bland dollars are to be put in the melt ing pot and the prnduots alio sold as bullion. In other words, the United States is asked to throw sometbioe like 8360,000,000 in silver bullion on the markets, and while doing this is to go aoroas to Europe and borrow Bannnnn.000 in sold. That is, the United States is to ply the arts ot stock jobbers and turn the mad bear in an endeavor to squeeze the life out of one of its ohief industries, and at the same time beat down the value of its stook of silver to less than a moiety of its cost and intrinsio value. The tumble that would follow in ailver, the corresponding advance in gold, the sudden contraction ot the eurreooy all these would brew a financial eyolune that would make the present troubles seem as a summer zephyr. If the United States wants to commit financial and commercial suioide, here is a potion, oompounded in Ibe apothecary shop ot Cleveland, Carlysle A Co., that will do the work beyond all interference with a stomach pump. If the fijbt is to be drawn on these lines, it will be a merry one and O. Cleve land & Co. will be soundly walloped The oountry will never oonsent to any proposition so desperate. Even the bribe ot federal patronage will not be sufficient to lure oongress into support ot a policy manifestly so suicidal., An Enousuman, who recently visited this oountry, states that the idea that 65,000,000 of people cannot manage their own finances without truckling to outsiders, is preposterous. Just as well eay that we cannot discriminate as to the admission ot aliens, dare not pro teotourown industries, have no right to make laws for ourselves, as to admit that we oannot shape finances for the United States. This oountry bus twice tongbt England for liberty's sake, and we have no need of another oontest, though it may be a bloodless one. Lot us stop whining like whipped pups and stand up like men for our rights. Foor(?) India is consoled. The rupee buys as much wheat or merchandise today as it ever did, and the Indian farmer knows uo better. When it comes to the purohass of gold, that is where "the rub" comes. Aud the Amerionn farmer sells his wheat tor this gold whioh is growing dearer daily, in com petition with the Indian farmer who gets the same amount ot money for bis grain as he did twenty years ago, and which on a gold basis, in Liverpool, is sold at a figure that ia rapidly ruiuing us. The fiolioioui valne given gold by legislation never stops under the present system, beuoe we grow poorer all the time. Aud all bail to our silver representatives from Oregon who will soon sit in congress, defiant ot Buss Cleveland or any other plutocrat, true to the principles of a majority of their constituents. Tub East Oregonian talks of "inflated" silver and land values ooming down. The E. O. oortaiuly has not studied the money question. On the other hand, silver will buy just as muoh today as it ever did, except gold, which is itself inflated 100 per cent. The sohenie of 1873, followed by legislation no less disastrous, in intent no less than a rime against the American people, is forcing the legitimate valne ot land, on the gold basis, down the road while ailver is following. In other words, wheat, cotton, reBl estate, beef, pork, wool, etc, are selling at 63 oeuts on the dollar, flow long the people will con sent to have the gold men continue increasing the premium on gold, God only knows, but it oannot last long. Not a dollar of silver is used as mnoey in Amsrioa, aud wbec we speak ot silver it Is nothing in itself, but represents a money enhanced nearly 100 per cent 'On this basis, debts never can be paid for it lakes all a person oan make to pay this artificial premium on gold, much leas to out down interest and principal. "Kr pegging away." That was Mr. Linooln's favorits advioe to the Union generals when they got into a tight plaoe. It is good advice to follow now. Tlx) times ars tight, but keep pegging way. Let the merchant s'iok to b'S business aud the mechanic to his trade. lour prosit may not be large, but keep giegging away. The way to get busi ness is to make business. If you have njttuni te cell, advertise it, so that PALACE HOTEL. those who want to purchase will know where to find it. "Keep pegging away." Telegram. Thibtxkn banka of Portland have agreed not to receive on deposit for the oredit of dealers, cheoks or drafts payable elsewhere than in Portland. All such items will be registered for oollection, and credit given only when prooeeils are received. This is the ontooms of the stringency in the money market. And this action of the banks while it protects them, makes money still tighter. Independence West Side. O tub nrtsent five ter oent. fund on bands by this state, Grant county gets $3,r16 15, Harney 87.2G320 and Morrow 81,390.72 These distributions are made according to area. Evbbt annrohlet in tbe United States is shooting for Governor Altgeld. But anarohist sympathy is a poor recom pense for the Iobb of the respeot of law abiding people. Beview. SroKtNEcame out solidly for silver a few nights sgo in a big mass meeting. Manv nromineut men were on tue plat form, including leading bankers of the city. England has 8100.000,000 in Bilver while Franca has 8700 000,000. And it was the latter that helped out Euglaml when in a tight place recently. A ctoloni swept through Iowa last Tuesday doing much damage and killing several people. Tins Daily Statesman, ot Salem, critioises the press work on our 1th of July edition. It is a fact that the red print worked badly, caused, principally, from the fact that it was "old poster," aud if other could have been procured, would not bavi been used at all. How ever, this reminds ua that tbe Statesman got out a legislative edition last winter, profusely illustrated. The outs were so "rotten" that they looked more like a col lection of "Black Bards" than legis lators, and had it not been for tbe names accompanying eaoh cut, uo one would have known to this day whom the Statesman was trying to represent. We have refrained heretofore from making any comments, as thefe little oountry dailies have difficulty at best in pulling through, but since it is now tashionahle to turn a stuff of critics loose on the slightest provocation, we do not hesitate in setting the public right regarding our valley friend, the Statesman. CUUKCU ANNOUNCEMENT. Reeular services at M. E. church. South, Sunday July 16. Subject at 11 a. m.."Livine for Others " Subject at 8 p.m., "Friendship" All are invited, Edwin Palmhr, Pastor. Baptist church Sunday school at 10 o'cIook. Freaobing at 11 o'clock; theme "Hope, the Anohor of the Soul." Meet ing at 4:80, led by Rev. Palmer; theme, at evening meeting. "The Necessity of Having the Spirit of Christ.' Wake up all and come out: it may be the last ohanoe. M. Bbamblrt, rustor. NEW RES TAU KANT. I have opened a first olass restaurant at tbe old Matlock building called Uolton restaurant. Mrs. G. W. Swaooart, EAGLETS. from our Long Creek paper. Mrs. Dr. Fell, of Prairie City, is ro ported quits ill. J. S. Dalevan, the stage proprietor, came in from the outside lueuday. Tbe Eagle was informed that four oeuts was offered for a lot of wool last week It is ceitaii.ly discouraging business for our sheepmen. UI.ACK BUTTE MINE CONTEST. On the 28th of June, Chief Justice Lord, of the supreme oourt of Oregon handed down a decision in the Black Butte mine contest oase which will for ever settle the question of owuerahip of that property, his decision affirming tbe deoision of tbe lower court, which was rendered by Judge Fee in favor of Brown & Allen. The title ot this mine has been in litigation for about three years, and both plititiffs aud defendants have fonght the ooutest bitterly. Since liti galion proceedings were instituted, the owners, Brown & Allen, drove a tunnel on the property to the depth ot USD feet, tapping the ledge at quite a depth below the surlace. at whioh point ore was diiclosed to be immensely rich in gold, and will assay thousands of dollars to the ton, it being visible in much of the ore to tbe naked eye. Tliev have preparations generally made and will ereot a mill on the property at an early date. LoaT. On or about May 6, '"3, either on Little Butter creek, or on road belweeu Little Butter creek and Heppner hunters' case, stem-winding aud Btem seltiuE gold atoll was lost. A sin nil nortinn of the crystal was cracked off, but still remained iu place. Fivedollars reward will be given to the person leaving tbe watoli at this office, or who returns same to me. (i Bonus French. Heppuer, Or. 14- 'he Remarkable Cure of J. White of This City. A Cripple for Two Tears, Pronounced Incurable by Physicians, aud Giyen up by His Fiieuda to Die How He Obtained Relief and Be came a Well Man- His Daughter's Marvel ous Improve ment. From the Minneapolis Journal, "Pre a ions is tbe panacea that cures when hope is gone and medical advice pronounoeB tbe death sentence 'incur able,' How terrible is it to think ot leaving this sweet life before tbe allotted years of man's time here ou earth are spent." Thus spoke J. B. White, of 1201, 3rd St., N. E., last night to a Jour nal reporter. Mr. Wbi'e baa been muoh talked about of late, and the following conversation explains why: "I am a native of bbediao, New Br una wick, and of Fienoh descent. I have been in Minneapolis for many years. I am now 0U years old. 1 tell troni a building two years ago and broke my iiigh, besides injurinc myself internally. The doctors could do uotinug for tee but let the boueB irriiw together as best they could. When I was able to walk on ciutches I came near dying from tbe complication of troubles that had set in after Ibe fall. For one year aud a hall I walked on crutches, striving in vain to find Borne rel'et Irotu the misery I felt uitjht and day. The worst part of mv ittliotions was that I could not eat any biug. if 1 oould have taken nourish ment ami kept it down I could have stood the pain better. 1 bad (our doctors and kept taking all sorts of medicines. I had to stop all of them ur 1 would have been a uead man. I have enough bottles left to start a drug store. 1 would be troubled so with headaches and my hips would pain me so Hint I often thought 1 sbould go orazy. 1 was bo emaciated that there was nothing to me but skin and buue. Lust summer 1 felt us if I was nearly dead. My kidneys then be gan to trouble me. I got so 1 oould not sleep only at iutervals. Finally I gave up iu despair. Uue day X was sitting out on the porch, it was a beautiful sunny day. The singing of birds and the oil' r of flowers et me to thinking ot my childhood (lays. l'rum tuat my tnuughts reverted to the little rreucb weekly paper Le Monit. ur Aoudien, that we got, and I thought I would like to read it and see how tbingB were at mv old home. 1 toltl my wife to give me tbe last number. She brougbt ma ihe one that came that morning. The first thing I saw was a long article about the miraculous cure of a cripple. 1 read ou aud ou, becoming more and more inter ested than ever. Tbe patient described iu tbe article said that Ur. Uill.ams Pink Pills ior pale people cured him aud they would cure others. Ihe story aroused my interest and I induced my druggist to send for tliem I did not expect relief tight away, but soon they made the headache pass away. Aite taking them some days I could eat. People laughed at me wbeu I began to take tbe pills, telliog me 1 was taking so mucb candy. But tbe day I threw away the orutohes tbev though different. 1 am now well and hearty as a young man ot To. At tins juncture bis married daughter, Mrs. N. Wblte, eame mto tlio store "There," said ho, "is another case. She has tried them too." Ibe reporter thought it would be a good idea to speak ol her case, also, since it was a woman s. Mrs. wmte married a man of tbe same name as her father, so this accounts for the same name. "Ihe doctors," she said, "told me bad uterine trouble. 1 was iu a miser able oouditiou. Nothing that I took oould alleviate tbe pains I would feel iu my limbs aud aodomeii. 1 have ofteu bad fluttering of tbe heart, and frequeu weak spells. 1 Mould eat, but it wuul do me uo good. 1 could not sleep. 1 was misery and despair. My father took Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and hi improvement was so rapid that I though I would take them too. At first I felt worse, and (lien I began to mend rapidly that 1 waa astonished. I have taken seven boxes and am now nearly well. 1 oan do my own work aud cau sleep aud eat well. In the mornings (eel refreshed after a uigbt'i rest " August llrotefend, who keeps the Ger mania drug store, at 1011 Main St., N E. corroborated what Mr. White had said abme in regard to his condition saying, "1 have sold a great many since these cures. Some ol the lumbermen going to the woods have taken half dozen bos lolB of these pills with them They certainly have done a wonderful lot of good and should have the eutire credit ot the cures. Ou inquiry The Journal reporter found that these pills are now ou sal at the various holesale drug houses of Minneapolis aud Ht. Paul and are meet ing with a itood sale, out not as fast they will sell B soon as their merit tolly known. He also found that tbev were manufactured by Dr. Williams' Medioiue Company, Schenectady, N. Y. and llrookvtlle, (.nit., and me puis are sold in boxes (never iu bulk by the hundred) at 50 oeuts a bo:, or sir boxes for JU.dO. Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills are a perfect blood builder and nerve restorer, curing such diseases as rlietiinatiMii, neuralgia, partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, iSt Vitus' dance, uervous headache, nervous piostration and the tired feeling there from, the alter i ffecls of la grippe, in tlueuza and severe Colds, diseases d pending on humors iu the blood, sue as scrofula, chrome erysipelas, etc. Piuk Pills gives a healthy glow to pale and sallow complexions and are a specifio for the troubles peonliar to the female system; in men they effect a radical cure iu all oases arising from mental worry, overwork or excesses of anv nature. Catarrh Canaot be Cared With local applications, as they caunot reach tbe seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken nternally and aots directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was pre scribed by one of tbe best physicians in this conntry for years, aud is a regular prescription. It is composed of tbe best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, aoting direotly on the muoous surfaces. The perfeot com bination ot tbe two ingredients is what produoes such wonderful reBults in cur- ng catarrh, nend for testimonials free. J. uHENiiX & JU frops., Toledo, Ohto. Sold by druggists, price 75c. 13 ADDITIONAL LOCALS. The Studebaker wagon beads them all. For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a Hardware" did you sayf Why, yes at P. O. Thompson & Co.'s stand, and the place for bargains. a Tbe Palaoe is the leading hotel in tbe city. Well furnished rooms with plenty of light are provided for everyone, a If you want to buy groceries, and bread stuff cheap, go to the Enterprise Grocery. Kirk & litihl, proprietors, a Borg, tbe jeweler, is the man to fix up your watch or clock. L,e keeps a full stock of everything pertaiuing to his business' a M, Lichtentbal & Co.'s new stock of splendid, summer botton and tie special ties in tbe shoe line are attracting mark ed attention. ti The M. L. & T. Co., Binoe tbey have roofed all their platforms, have an im mense storage capacity. This company now deals iu grain, lumber and wood, a Thompson & BinuB own the buss which goes to and from the Palace hotel, but will call for parties desiring to go to train in any part of the city. Leave orders at City hotel. a Gilliam Biebee are still doing busi ness at tlu old stand, reports to the contrary nPjthstand7"Siyjy invite iu speetiofr.oi viiCTr mau wfi. olJSS of hard ware, wagons, impiiments, etc. a Give . the matter a .little thouuht. Kaferenoe is made to tbe neat bard ware, tinware, plumbing, etc , Block o Billy Putter, Odd Fellows' ball. He de sires to please iu both quality and prioe a Minor & Co., the new firm, have not lost any of their popularity by the ohange. Tbey continue io do business the old way the greatest amount quality considered, for the least money a Tbe general merchandise establish ment formerly owned hy Collin & McFar land, has lately changed hands, now be ing under the oontrol and management of The Motarlund Mercantile Companv wbioh continues business at tbe old stand with a larger stook than ever. a Decidedly Shaky. A trembling band, an uncertain step fidgetiness, indicated by restless shift ing from uue ilace or posture to another, usually mental annoyuuoe at unexpected uoisea are among tbe indications of ex treme nervousness. These seem trifling, but tbe bealtb of men and women iu this condition is "decidedly shaky liable to be overthrown disastrously by oauBPi which the vigorous migbt defy. To fortify the nervous system, general vigor must, through tbe medium of reio f iroed digestion, and a renewal of an impaired power of stepping at night, be raised to a healthful standard. A guar antee ot this is Hostetter's Stomach bit ters, whioh re-establirbes digestion, bile seoretion and tbe habit of body on a permanent regular basis, thus renewing that bodily equilibrium, wbioh is fol lowed by a gain ot strength and nerve tranquility. For kidney oomplaint, rheumatism, neuralgia, and as a pre ventative of t he first attack or subseqnent return of malarial disorders, this medi oine is without a peer. Thrice daily tuke a wineglasbful. AGUICILTURAL COLLEGE NOTES. During the past year a community of interest have tended to promote the growth of onr institution of learning. The devotion of thecitizeueof Corvallie to the OreoD Agricultural College is snoh that any omen of prosperity is hailed with joy.. It is but natural that a people who have with their sympathy and their money done so much to ad vance ti e interests ot an institution of learning, should be pleased to know that their saorifice was not in vain. Sinoe the reorganization of this school in 18X8, the attendance bas gradually increased, aud the infiuenoe of tbe college bas steadily grown. During the year 1SS8 9 the enrollment of students was 99. io 1S89-0 it was 251, in 18'JO-I it was 2i)l, in 1891 2 it was 208, in Wi-3 it was 282. Should the in crease in attendance next year be as great as during the past year, we can boast ot an attendance of 35C students. At a meeting ot tbe board ot regents of the college, June 29tu, all were pres ent exoept Messrs. Shipley 4 McBride, who were absent on account ot illoess We were unable to give a full account ot tbe proceedings. The accounts of the past, as examined by tbe committee, ere passed and, approved, and afterafu'l discussion it was decided to proceed with proposed improvements to the extent allowed by balances in lbs state treasury. The oolleg and station work is to be carried on during the coming year on the eame basis as during the year now olosing. The entire faoulty was re-elected. After some disousBion concerning the pieparatory department the board con cluded to continue it, but no new students are to be admitted to this de partment from incorporated oitiea of more than 2 000 population. Application will be made to the secretary of agriculture for the establish ment of a full signal service at tbe oollege. The faculty have during the past year labored very earnestly and har moniously. Tbey have taken the best ot care of tbe Btudeuts, and there has been a growing tendenoy to keep super vision of students during all study hours; and to assist them with their studies at all other times as well as in the reoitations. During the past year the classes in the mathematical department under tbe management of Prof. Letoher have progressed very satisfaotorly, evidencing mnob pains-taking labor and intelligent enthusiasm during the entire session ou tbe part of both students Biid instructor. Tbe class of surveying prepared for the president a map ot a portion of the grounds, sbowing contour lines, area, demensions, etc, from whioh the propir position for tile drain will be ecientif foully determined. The students in photography have learned how to "preserve the shadow ere the substance fails." All bulletins and oollege catalogues are illustrated with photo engravings from their de partment. Prof. Coote teaches gardening, prun ing, and a hundred nther subjects, useful to girls as well as boys. '.' Contributor. Corvallis, July 7, 1893. Litearry Nute. The midsummer Cosmopolitan, ti e first at tbe new prioe of Vl cents pv r If you have an invention on hnnd 9end a sketch or photograph thereof, to oopy, though unchanged iu size, exools '( gether with a brief description of 'he important features, and you will be at once any other issub or tout magazine 'in the number of its distinguished contributor iu the interest of its coutents and in oveitiowing illustrations by famous astiets, Francois Uo pee, William Dean rlowells, Camilla Flammarion, Andrew Lang, Frank Dempster Sherman, U. H. lioyeaen, Charles DeKay, Thomas A. Janvier, Colonel Tillmaii, Agnes Kepplier aud Gilbert Parker are a few of the names whioh are on its title page. Three frootispieces, all by famous artists, furnish an unusual feature, and amom; the artists who contribute to tbe 110 illustrations adorning its pages, are Laurens, Reinhart, Fenn, Toussaint, Stevens, Saunter, Fitler, Meaulle and Frauzen. The midsummer number is intended to set the pace for the maga ziue at its new price of 12 cents u copy, or $2.50 a ytar. The magazine remains unchanged in size and each issue will be an advance upon us prede cessors. Literally, every known eountr is being ransacked for material in tbe hope to bring Tbe Cosmopolitan forward as tbe leading magazine of the world. NOTICE. Owing to tha stringency in money mat ters, I am forced to notify my patrons that I am compelled to do a strictly cash business, and by so doing will be able to meet my demands. Thankful for tbe kind patronage be stowed npon me in the past, and hoping to receive a share of your trade in the future, I am Tours Respectfully, 39tf C. S. VanDuyn. Don't yon Know That to have perfect health you must have pure blood, and tbe best way to have pnre blood is to take Hood's Sarsaparill , the best blood purifier aud sirengtl builder. It expels all taint ot scrofula, salt rbeum and all other humors, and ' the same time tunlds up the whole system and gives nerve strength. Care Fob Dead. John W. Kerns has made arrangements to look after and care for the Braves of tba Hejpner cemetery, aud will also dig graves snd attend to burying the dead at reasonable rates. Parties desiring his services should leave orders with either of the undertakers in this city. 112-4 Rip's Wood Yard. The Heppner wood yard, under tha management of Rip Van Winkls, is prepared to deliv. r wood at your residense, sawed or nn- sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at $7.00 per cord. Wood sawed twice ii two, 75 cts. per oord; thres times, $1 00 Yard near tbe depot. Lsave orders at Sloan t Howard's. 4-tf. Shoemaker, Kd. Birbeols, a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi ence, has just iooated in the Abraham. sio ruilding, on May street, where be is preoared to do everything iu his line. i , Birbeok is strictly a first-class work man and wurrunts all work. Qive him a call. Uwtf Firkt Ci.i&s Tailoriso Fred Miller niw h eated on May street in tha old bakerv bui'ding, where he is prepared to do first class work. A perfect til guaranteed. Give him trial. tf. To aid Digest Ion take one Small Bile Bean IfUT Miu. Ste. par bonis. Arc you all run clown ? Scott's Emul sion of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda will build you up and put flesh on you and give you a good appetite. Scott's Emulsion cures Coughs, Colds. Consumption, Scrofula and . all Anaemic and Wasting Diseases. Prevents wasting in chAiiea. Al most as imtaiiiliie as milk, tlctonly the genuine. Prepared by Scott & Bowne, Chemists, New York. Sold by ell Druggists. FOR INVENTIONS. Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government is that of INVENTORS, w ho often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careles9 attorneys, and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, vve have re tained couuscl expert iu patent practice, aud therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trademarks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and i i ..: c..ia nt. 6 ladvisea as to tire hest course tot pursue. Models, are seldom necessary, n Jothers are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPRttY, 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST P. O. BOX 463. JSCS" Cut this out and send The Lancashire Insurance Co. OF MANCHKSTEKi EXGIvANU I'ATTEliSUN, AGENT one of tlie Best In tlie World i W Notice of Dissolution, NOTICE J TIERKHY GIVEN THAT THE partnership litretolore (dieting between J. A. KleckiitT tuiti t liarli'B C. f-hehion, under the firm mime of Kleckner it Mr-Moii. doing burliness in the town ol Heppner, or., 1ms this dtiy been disdved hy mutual consent, Charles (J. Sheldon having withdruwu fiom the business. However, J. A. Kleekmr will continue busiiierts at the same plaee. He will also collect nil ac counts due ami pay all liabilities of the old lirm. J. A, KLlifKNEK, Cllvfe. U SlJELDuN. Bated July ii,isw. BIDS WANTED. S 'BALED BIDS FOK TWENTY ("JO") CORDS OF wood, ior the use of Morrow county, will h opened at the eourr hoiiM. in Heppner, Or., on Monday, August 7th, JMJ.J. Julius Keithly, County Judge. 143-14 t2 Attempt at Suicide. It Might Have Been Prevented. From the Boston Tost. While the walks in the Public Garden Were crowded yesterday afternoon about I 4.30 o'clock, people near the entrance gates at the corner of Heacon and Charles streets were liorritied to see a man suddenly plunge a knife repeatedly into his throat aud fall to tne grounu. hile waiting for a conveyance an officer questioned the would-be suicide, who was about 60 years of age, as to lus name, address, and reason for wishing to end his life, but the man steadfastly relused t" give any infor mation regarding himself. He was taken to the Maasachuseiis Ueneral Hospital and surgical attendance given him. Although weak from loss of bl. od it is probable he will recover. About 9 o'clock last night a hospital attendant got a little information from him. lie said his name wasiSamuel D , and that be came some weeks sgo from New Brunswick. The last few days kit head has jtlt Queer, and lie has been wan dering about ibe city, not knowing which way to turn. What impelled him to commit hii rash act he was tin.ible to say. Tlie above is the familiar but terrible story of the results of mental derangement caused by overstrain of the nervous system. People who have disaVsn, htailailieor back ache, or who are troubled w it h mrlntwhnlu nr . , f. , despamtrnt feelings, are already well on the road which loads to inmnitu and strnVt "Dr. .Miles Medical Co.: I cannot find language in which to express my apprecia tion of the great benefit 1 have derived fVim the use of your Restorative Nervine. When life bec;ime a burden I wnuld nu !, Jervine to soothe my weakened nerves, and to calm my exhausted and irritable brain." Mrs. H. Rrowv, Rochester, N. Y. IV Miles' 71V..irnlnr Tin has no equal in CTMNU Nervous Diseases. H contains no opiates or dangerous drucs. !old on a positive guarantee ly all druggists and v r. .mies .Medical Co., tlkhart, lnd. For sale by T W. Ayers jr., Kipans Tabules : a family reml3y. HEPPKER, OREGON. ' ' HWEST, WASHINGTON, D.C. JOHN WEDDER3URN, Mjjjfeging Attorney. It with your Inquiry.- Last fall I was takeD with a kiud of summer oomplaint, accompanied with a woderful diori been. Huon after my wile's sister, who lives with ?, was takeu in the same way. We used al most, every fhinp witbout benefit. Then I said, let us try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which we did, and that cured ns right away. I tlnuk muoh of it, as it did for me what it was reocommended to do. John Hezt ler. Bbetel, Berks Co., l'a. 25 and 50 oent bottles for sale by Blooum-Johunton Drug Co. Land Fob Salz. 480 sores over in Wilson prairie. A good stock ranob aud will be sold cheap. Call at Gazette office for particulars and terms. tf. EAGLE BRAND THE BEST ROOFING ! It is unequalled for House, Barn, Facf- tory or uur, Buildings and costs half the price of shinnies, tin or iron. It is ready for use aud eusily applied by anyone. Old -:- Shingle -:- Roofs Emily maile water tight and fire proof at small expense. With dark red rubber paint on decayed shinnies. It fill the pores ana sivef h substan tial rH! that lasts for years. Curled or warped ilnirles. it briiifts to their places and keeps inein. I hp genuine rubber paiut requires uo heating and no tar ON TIN OR TROV ROOFS! It it ac . .. , mm m knowledfr- ed the best paint, has heavy bodv. Is easily applied, expands by the contracts of cold, and never cracks. One coat equals four of any other Buildings covered with felt can be made water ticht at small expense. Write at once for particulars. Excelsior Paint and Roofiog Co., li'p and 1"7 Duane Street. New York, N. Y . To Couaumptives. The undersigned having been restored to -- ... .....u.. nitrous, oucf Biiuerujg lur ley- orHl S'0" wlth severe lung affection, aud that urenu disease consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow tutlerers the means of cure. Io those who desire It, he will cheerfully tend (free of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a tore cure for Coniump lion, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchllit aud all throat and lung maladiet. He hopes all tulterert wilt try his remedy, at it It Invaluable. Thoseaesir ing the prescription, which will cost them noth ing, and may prove a blettine. will nleate ad- dress. Rsv. EhWAKD A. Wilson. U00 l-. . ,.' 1-t a w Brooklyn, New York. ami Umgb Syrup, TieW GtxxL Cre J vynis) nnttlt ALL ti.it tXliS. &i&s Tibules : see advertisement. c2 ATlK