Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 07, 1893, Image 4

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Have you abused the laws of nature and injured your nervous system 7
Are yon desrxmdent and melancholy with confused ideas and gloomy thoughts 7
ESPANO " will positively cure you. It contains no mineral poisons and
is remarkable for awakening organic action throughout the system and an
improvement in every tissue. It produces better muscles, bones, nerves, hair,
nails, skin, blood and gives vigorous life to the unfortunate who has exhausted
bii powers. Prepared in tablet form and packed in boxes convenient to carry
In the pocket. Each box contains 90 doses or enough to last one month and is
worth many times iU weight In gold. The price 1.00 per box or 6 boxes for
$5.00 if ordered at one time and a guarantee will be given that any case men
tioned above that it does not cure, the money will be refunded. As to our
financial standing we refer U any bank in this city. Sent charges prepaid to
any address in United States or Canada. Put tip in plain wrapper with no
mark to distinguish what it Is. Bend for circulars and testimonials. Addre,,
1 Stockton Street
a- .w. n.f onH Wbfvh
0, U4 HUVk 1 v
I. oh,i nf nhm
i;uiLauibci " "
A Long-Winded lllftgortntlou Eutl In the
Lecturer' Hatty ntret.
If old Dr. Todd, of tlio R Medical
Colki(f, whom he is ono of the most
learned and valuable lecturers, has a
pot hobby, it is "emphysema." The
doctor, says tho Chicago llorald, lias a
thoory that dirncLly conflicts with tho
beliefs of nearly all of tho other emi
nent practitioners of tho world. He
holds that all players upon wind instru
ments havo diseased luntfs 'J'hoalToo
tlon so contracted he calls "omphy
ttema." Twice a year he lecturos learn
edly on emphysema, lie has oven been
beard to remark that through this mala
dy, discovered bybimself, his name will
be handed down to the future uses. As
wo now spoak of "Itriifht's disease," so
will future generations refer to "Todd's
disease." Ono day a tall, cadaverous
looking individual entered Dr. Todd's
clinic. A glanco sulllced to show that
tho patient was in tho laststues of con
sumption. "What is your occupation?" inquired
the doctor.
"I play In a band," Ijoarsoly wheeled
tho poor sufferer.
"Aha!" cxclalmod Dr. Todd, turning
to tho class, "what have 1 bo often told
you, irontlemon? Hero we have a fine
ease ot emphysema " Then followed a
long dissertation on theeirects produced
upon the lungs by continually blowing
a wind instrument Tho class listened
with great attention. They were not
exactly convinced, but they could not
holp admitting that the doctor for once
was making a strong argument. When
the latter had finished ho turned tri
umphantly to the consumptive musician
ami asked, patronizingly:
"What wind instrument do you play,
"The bass drum," wheezed the gentle
Emotional Oratory That Came Co an 1b
noiu iiiiiiiM 10ml.
Senator Voorlioes Is an eloquent, law
yer and Is justly noted for his influence
over a jury. Sometimes, however, he
moves their sympathies and that of the
court to no purpose, as one or two
stories told In tho New York Tribune
will show.
lie was once engaged in a suit before
a justice of the peace to defend a young
lady In an action against a bank. The
case was a weak one, but -Mr. Voorliees
endeavored to work on the feelings of
the court, llo depicted the sufferings
of his client until the sympathy of the
"squire" was so aroused that tears
trickled down the eld gentleman's
cheeks. Hut tho decision was a disap
pointment. "The plaintiff," said the squire, "Is a
woman, and her counsel has for the last
hour touched the sympathy of the court
in her behalf. I am glad of it; but 1
think, under the law, I hat justice is on
tho sido of the bank. 1 therefore w ill
find In favor of tho bank, and let the
record show that Mrs. has the full
sympathy of the court."
Mr. Voorliees tells another story of
emotional eloquence which came to an
ignominious end. lie had succeeded In
delivering an appeal which had brought
tears to too eyes of several jurymen.
Then arose tho prosecuting attorney, a
stlIT old man, with piping voice and
nasal twang.
"lientlemen." said be, deliberately
helping himself to a pinch of snull, "you
might as well understand from the be
glnn ing that I am not boring for water.'
This proved so effectual a wot blanket
to the emotion excited by Mr. Voorliees
that he realized tho futility of bis own
All trm.
Those who have uaaii Dr. Kinf's Na
Diour know its vslns, sud tboM bo
have not, now but lbs opportnutlr to
try it true. Call an tha sdrrrlntd ilnm-
Hist, and fl a trial foettla, frea Scud
your uaoif aud address to U. U. Back lea
A Co.. CliiotfOi and uat a simpl bei (
Dr. king i haw Lift Tills frtt, as wsll
as s copy of OuuU to Health aud llouie
hohl iuslrnctor, frrs. All ( a Disk is
guarantied to do yon good sad seal y
nothing. For salt Ivy Hloetm-Jehuaoa
Drug Co.
Then Is Herat r irltruif ut
Among rlirumntio antTcrcrs over the new
rrmedy that is binn put up in Nrw
Yolk City. It la olainud there Uh never
beau a d where it baa tailed to cure.
Dim called Dr. Di urn moud's Lightning
It nndy fer Khruniutnmi and is sold for
$o a bottle. The remedy la certHiuly
milking for itaell a world wuterepuiatiou.
Tim aolidertul pre) aratiou baa woiked
Soma rtmarkable oureanmoijg rbeumatie
anffarera. Heat by eiprats prepaid on
TMs wonderful preparation is Purely Vegetable : compounded
from the prescription of the Official Fhysician to the Court of Spain.
' Eepano " recreates Mental and Nerve Power in Man and Woman.
An infallible remedy for Nervou9 and General Debility,
Nervous Prostration, Creeping Paralysis, Weakness caused
by Debilitating bosses, Excesses or Over-indulgences, In
cipient Softening of the Brain or Paresis, Dizziness, I,oss of
Memory, Confused Thoughts and all Brain, Nerve or Sexual
Weaknesses. It has no equal in restoring the Stomach and Brain
to its normal condition following the abuse of Alcoholio Beverages,
or indulgence in the Opium, Morphine or Chloral habit
Snnniallst can at any time be confidentially
- -
- iTB. narsonallv op by mall, at the
o -1 -
reoeipt of price Drummond Meowi.
Co., 48 .r1 M'lideu Luue, New e k
Ageiils Waiitpri. 42
BXra l.eland Hlanfiiril's I'Iiuiii In Connee
tlou w.th Tli:tt ItlHi 1 1 ii lion.
Mrs. I.eland Ktunford, in at' interview
in tho Man Francisco Chronicle, givi'
many facts hitherto imprinted in regar
to plans for tho new university at I'm
Alto. She says tho same attention wiJ
be given to girls as to boys, and it is hi
purposo to have an art training-schoo
like tho Cooper Institute, where gii
who havo a taste for designing may s-
cure instruction that will enable then
to earn agood living. If they then wis),
to study liighernrt they will havo means
to support themselves The chief a!.m
will be to ground the students in ele
mentary studies, and then to give them
some practical training by which tln-y
may easily support themselves. If then
they desiro higher training it will be
freely given, but tho whole spirit of the
institution will bo against merely orna
mental education. To quote Mrs. Stan
ford's words on this point:
"I think it absolutely cruel to ivo a
young man or woman who nuis. depend
upon their own exertions for a liveli
hood a classical education pure and simple-.
There la scarcely a week that Mr.
Stanford is not asked to givo employ
ment to graduates of Yale and Harvard.
He lin. six of thein as car-conductors oc
the Market street lino now. Of course
it Is no disgrace to them and they will
not remain long, but it is pitiful to wit
ness the helplessness of wrongly edu
cated young people."
When asked whether any plana had
been devised for tho association of the
soxos she said: "Y'es, indeed. Cot
tages will bo built which will accommo
date about twenty students each and
theso will bo in charge of a teachor,
whero tho personal habits, mannora and
amusements of tho students may be
under supervision. Every caro will be
takon to make theso cottages homes In
the best sense of the word, a place
whero no creed is taught, but where the
day begins and ends with prayer and
whero each individual is brought undoi
refined discipline. Tho cottages in
tended for boys will ho about a mile dis
tant from those occupied by the girls,
but the evenings may be passed together
In music or social games in the presence
of aud with the consent of the teachers."
Is It truo you intend to give paint
Ings and curios in your house to tut
university museum?"
"Quite true, and I am dotormlned
there shall bo copies of all the old
masters added to the collection of
paintings. Down in my ball-room is au
exact reproduction of 'The Lord's Sup
per,' painted by Uuphacl, which was
found during tho wars of NaHlcon, and
which hangs ill tho cathedral near
Milan. King Humbert allowed nie to
have it copied. Through Mr. Pendle
ton, our recent Sliuister to Germany.
the young Kaiser has given permission
to secure a copy of the famous 'Sistine
Madonna' in Dresden, reserving only
the right to uatiiu tho artist 1 have
Just given an oraer to have the work
It is expected that the university will
be open next fall. The colleges will
be provided with ample lecture-rooms,
and the trustees will be required U) of
fer a high salary for Instructors. Tho
higher courses will bo free to post
graduates of all colleges and universi
ties, and to such other deserving per
tons as the trustees may elect to admit
Heveuth Half-Yearly Literary Toui petit Ion
of The i'miadian Ai uultui Ht.
Iu accordance with tl eir usunl custom for
some vears tit. tlie puhliHhem ol that old ttnd
relial'W puilicrtti(oi, the Canadian Agrtcultur
lit, now presents Its 7ih Oreat Half - early l it
erary Competition to the H'Ople of the I tilted
Mttdt'R mid t'HUtt'ht 'l hiHcoiiijtelltlou close
May M, lN.'.t, ihSda.vs Iherealler In-lng allowed
for'lelters to reach us Iroui liinuut puiutH). 1 lie
fidlow ing in the prize list:
Uttiraud VrU I2..V0 lu Hold
Jnd " " l,iiut In Hold
ird " " Mk' in t.old
4th " " 'JMttniiold
:lli " " loo In tiold
MKXt Klesrtiit Stiver Tea Services, Pianos, ih hus,
Oold Watches, ic, Ac, making a total ol owr
lO.tHU) prtes.
1L w to PKv t'ni a pRiia. Take a few sheets
of paper aud make all the words you can out of
leltera contained iu the words, Cui.i Mni.vN
KxroMiiuN," and send them to us. encloslim
one dtdlar tor six moiuh's suhscrtpiion to the
Aurtcultitrlst or the ladies' Home Macalne -Us
o of the best home monthlu s lu tlie w orld.
Rl'LKH I. rorelgn words are not allow ed '2,
U'tteiscaniHd Ih used oiteovr than iheyapar
tn the two wonts, "i oluudnHii Kvpositum. S.
Names ot places and persons barred.
All lists v'onlatniuK over no correct Mords
will recete a valuable special prle. feud post
al card lor lint ot prue w luners iu tormer roin
petitions. Address,
lUb AURUTl.Tl'HlKT l't'll. CO..
rcterlairuugh, Canada.
They inorwiae apiTttte, purify the wtaolo
Ttsvu aud act ou the liver. Hile BamwSmaU.
luyltea Friendly Ovoi-turcn und Kelpondf
with n ISito.
"Y'ou had better look out for your
hand, sir. Tom is a pugilist." This ad
vice was spoken by it gatcman at the
union depot, Cleveland, and was ad
dressed to a benevolent-looking old
gentleman who had stooped down to pet
a large Maltese cat.
"Oh, he seems to like me," answered
the gentleman. "I make it a rule to be
friendly with all dumb animals, and
firmly believe that they appreciate kind
treat" Jiut at this instant the cat
suddenly rose up on his hindlegs and
Btruclc out (simultaneously with his
barbed fore paws, grasping one of the old
gentleman's ungloved fingers between
his teeth and giving it a sharp bite.
Satisfied with the result of his attack,
wily Tom scampered away across the
tracks and f roin tho other sido of the
depot watched tho old gentleman
bandage bis bleeding hand with a hand
kerchief. "That is an old trick of his," said the
gateman to a Leader reporter who wat
standing near by. "lie will meander
up to his victim in a most innocent man
ner and play about his feet. Nine out
of every ten persons will take this bait
and be bitten by Tom. I do not believe
that he uses his claws and teeth out of
ugliness, but for sport. Notwithstand
ing all this, Tom is liked by every per
son working in the depot. No matter
how well we become acquainted with
him, however, be can never be trusted.
Some time ago I flattered myself that
Tom was my friend, but one day 1
awakened to the true nature of his
friendship, when I got a badly scratched
"Who owns him?" asked thereporter.
"That is a question open to discus
sion," replied the gateman. "W. J.
Alters, the proprietor of the dming
room, claims him, as does also a lady
living on Prospect street. The cat came
to the depot several years ago, and Mr.
Alters claimed him from the first. How
ever, about a month after his coming
the Prospect street lady happened to be
at the depot one day, and when she es
pied the cat she screamed in a ladylike
manner and claimed that he belonged
to her mid had run away from home.
We gallantly waived our claims of own
ership, but Tom, while showing signs
of recognition, would not go with the
lady, lie is very intelligent, und knows
to a minute the time of the arrival of
the trains bearing milk. He is always
given a large allowance of the milk,
and it disappears in a remarkably short
space of time. He will not eat meat
but loves bananas, and will beg for the
fruit at the lunch counter for hours at
a time. Occasionally Tom jumps into a
j baggage or mail car, and when it leaves
' the depot he remains on board and we
1 do not see him again until it returns,
j On one occasion be was left by mistake
at the depot in Cincinnati, but was there
all safe and sound two days later when
the same car was started again for this
1 At this point Tom came purring up to
the rciHn'ter and invited a caress' He
j Kcouicd so gentle that the newspaper
man stroked the fur on his back, but a
moment later regretted it. and since has
been nursing a sore linger.
Good Looks.
Gond looks are uisre than skin deep
depending upou ft healthy ootid it um ol
kll ttii Tttal organs. 1( tlie livor be iu
active, you liava a bilious look, if your
stomach b disordered, you huvt a dys
pBptio Look aud ii your kulnevs U atTeot
da you have a pu iditd look. beou
uood beallh god you will have good
looks. Kief trio briers ih the great tiler
ittivo Hbd louio and nt directly on ttitae
vital ornuua. Cures pimples, blotches,
boils, and tves ti nnod cotnplexion. Slo
at Muomu JubiiHou iruti Co., Uio per
;.D0 Will be l.iven
For iiny OMwe of rheuumttrtm wLiob chu
not be otirt d by lr. iruiumobd'a Lubt
uin Homed y. The propriftorn do not
bulo thiH oilwr, but print it iu bold type
ou till lliotr oiiuulurH, w rappera and
printed Uaf'.ter, and tbrunb the ouluuiu
uf uewapHpera evtr wbeif. It will work
woudera oiw bottle ounng nearly ever.
Omhh, If tbe ditiiHi haa not got it, ne
mill order it, or H will be sent to uu
addieee by prepH.d exprtaa ou reoeipt ol
price, $1 li uiimn'tul Medu iue Co., 4S 50
.Vlaideu Ltttie, iew V ilk, Ageuia
aauted. 4J
At Abrahamatea'i. lu addition to hia
culornnf buainrai, tit haa addwd tin
line of nudrrwear uf ail kiuda, ueghgre
duirta, tmairrjr, ew. Also but ou hand
aome aiiaut pa Heme for uitt. A.
Abrahaniaiak, May atreat, Haaaaar, Or
Dnlquo Features of a Funeral Ob-
nervance on tna Oil boa.
How Caltle Mourner " Wak. " Ui. Ded
fttin and btorT-TUlD Around
tha Corpaa-The Tblqultou
sad iU.uk Bottlo.
Tbe oustom of "waking" the dead In
Ireland, says the London Spectator,
though by no means existing in lu
ancient glory and vljor, still obtains la
a modified and shorn form in many
country districts. P.riefiy described, it
amounts to this-that the neighbors of
the deceased assemblo and spend the
night in tho room with tho corpse,
chatting and telling stor.es; in th.
meanwhile, of ccurse, taking "a blast
av the pipe," and a drop of "the cray-
thure" to sustain them during tneir
viiriL The conversation on such oc
casions naturally turns, to a large ex
tent, to the virtues of tho departed,
which are duly embellished with all the
natural eloouence of the snoakers. No
one unfamiliar with Ireland can at all
realize what a scene a "wake" presents:
and we rjroriose to give a sort of speci
men of the conversation which prevails
on such an occasion.
An ould follyer" is generally in s
seat of honor, close by the head of the
bed; she has been a nurse, perhaps, in
the family, and as she rocks her aged
body backward and forward she pours
forth with a mellmuous ooutnern
hroirue. In a sad. wailing tone, a long
piece of delightfully discursive domes
tic historv. "Ah. wisha, wishn. lave
me alone, the masther was a grand man
Thade Regan was the grand man; he
milked up to forty cows." U his implies
that he was a dairy-farmer whose stocK
amounted to that number.) "lihure it's
meself remimbers the day av his wed
dln'; Lard Edward was at home at the
time by the same token, an' us he wint
by our cabin I heerd me moth er to say
'By gar, there's th lard up!' An' shure
enough he was, for he was on !his way to
Tim Hoolahan s, who was min ling thir
ty hoes for him. 'Turn thim c ut, Iim,
says the lard, 'turn thim out,' says he.
'for I want to choose out two av thim
says he. 'To be shure, and why not,
your honor's glory, me lard?' aays Tim
and. whin he had thim out, the lard
makes chice av wan widout a tail, an' av
anodor widout an ear! An' thi.n he says
to Tim, says he: 'Have thim two bastes
kilt,' says he, 'an' give them to the
people that's comin' to Thad-3 Regan'
weddin',' says he, 'for their dinner,' says
he. Ah, wisha, deeling, but; the lari.
was mighty fond av poor Th ade; may
God be wid thim both! An' d on't I well
remimber the time that poor Thado, rest
hissowl, bought a farm near the red
bog an' how I attinded at the d inner that
same day." s
At this juncture, another speaker,
thinking he should havo an innings, of
fers the nurse a drink; and while sho is
occupied with it he observes: "Wisha,
awenoch, it was the poor manthor that
was fand av his marning drop; many's
the time he'd take me wid him into Judy
Molan's little public, an' he'd say:
'Judy,' ho'd say, 'give Niche las some
thing to warm him, and take the could
out av his stumiclt this frasthy morning.'
An' by and by he'd say: 'Nicholas, man,
won't ye havo a glass?' an' I'd tell him
I had wan; but he'd say: 'Don't tell me;
you had not;' an' av coorse I'd say: 'It
isn't for the likos av mo to oontradicta
gintloman like your honor,' an' Judy
would fill it up again." i
A driver c f a hoarse who was present
would add reflections whicli seemed to
him suitable to the occasion : "I tell ye's
all that, I have been a driving a hoarse
man an' boy these twinty years an' more.
1 have druv' rich an' poor; an' whin the
wind was an me back, the smell av them
both was just alike; an' I didn't like it
nathor. And whin 1 comes acrossaman
who has two or three hund red pounds,
an' sees all hia capers an' antics, 1 says
to meself: 'What agladiathuryearejbut
wait, me boy, until I havo ye in the
hoarse, an' then ye'll be qu iet an' aisy
enough.' Shure I wanat dru v a jedge to
the graveyard; an' I saw the yalla clay
ahoveled down on him as wehl as another
an' ho rotting wid money. God save
us!" This observation called forth
roneral exclamation: "Well, Ned, ye re
i terror." The old nurse - a cnarreu
ind wrinkled piece of womanhood'
leing now refreshed, vould ta te up her
jarable again, and offer her am iff-box, or
ather her snufl, to every one present
;t waa done in this way: holdin ? the box
,n hor right hand, she poured nut some
f its contents on the palm of her left
Whether vou used the snuff i r not, it
vas considered unlucky and uncivil to
ofuso to take a pinch of it. t
Among the lower classes "wal es" are
itill very prevalent; beggars ha i their
wn "wakes," and even little or imren
ire "waked." A wake is quite 1 1 ex
pensive ceremony to a poor, strut t1S
vorking-man or tradesman; but ht feela
;hat ho would loss caate without hold-
hig it, and ho has not tho moral cot rage
break through the custom. Ihi' ex
penses of a wake in the "strong" fi.rm-
.ne class are a verv serious Item, inu ied,
The Roman Catholic clergy nowadays
renerally or universally disoourago this
justom; but it is so deeply rooted that
ts eradication must be a question of
.line. a
root-Prints on ih Parti to Health.
Evpryon ndini? a drwtnr'a nrlv'f
bonM rfad onp of pr Foorq dim'
amphletx on "Old Fvp." "Crnnn,M
Knnnre." Th'Tnoaia." "VftHcncplr
OiaMFtflfl of BfiPTi, P'snn rf WnmpB, n"5
'wfl'!! h bent man of "lf-onre. M
Tr Pub. Co., 129 East 28th St., New
Found a Kull of UUU.
Ho stood at a bar on Broadway sliak
injrdieo with tho bartender, says the
Milwaukee Wisconsin, and, glancing at
the floor, discovered a roll of bills. The
oom was full of men, and if none of
thorn claimed the money the bartender
would, so self-interest demanded that
he should idok up the money without
bein seen. Ho planted his foot upon, 'some one must claim tho proud position of rot
;t, and tossed tho dte.e while he looked tak 1 01 uag
, 1 . , . , i portrait, eto.
.or an opportunity to grab the roll , poetical soldier in Cairo savs:
When the barU'nder had 'done him a Ihumtlly Dog you will kindly accept the in
iozen times or more the opportunity eloaed few simple lines from a so die r. 1 btu
same, and he heaved a sigh of relief aa do poet, but bave expressed myself as well as
tie shoved tho roll into his pocket He poBsible, etc,
hastened to his office on the West side ! M'. K rep led kindly to this, and has
u. wiiiu w u ThwMtwBntv. made the Cairo soldier very proud,
to examine his find . There was twenty foUowi lellcr from an old
two dollars in the - ro n-ju;t the t Jihe VocKk days:
wnaapntini run iu ioi u uri
A thought flashed axirosa his mind and
oo dived Into the other pocket. Th
oil was gone. He had boon to all that
rouble to pick up his own money.
Are Ion Nerroua,
I Arn von aII tired out. da vou have that
'ltd feeling or aiok headache? You
can be relieved of all tbeee eyiuptoin
1 by taking ilood'a 'HHraapHrilla, whu'l
titves nerve, ti ental 4nd bodily streutfth
and thoroutibl; jnui iea tbe blood. It
als-i creates ft ftoud appetite, enrea
1 indication, haartbnrn and dyapepi.
m up
Or sale
Kansas City, St. Paul,
St. Louis,
EssT, nm bud stm
Uavaa Hcprr. 10 a. m. Arrivaa
7.10 p. a.
rullmnn pr.
Colon 1 a t at)ia3f a,
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
hiwn Portland to Ran fransisct
tvary four days.
far rata aud faaaral ltormtt aall aa
Ifepet Tlekat Aaat,
J. C. I I A.11T
Hajjpaor, Orfa.
W. H. IUKUU&T, Aaat. Paoa. Aft.
3M Washing Mn ti.,
Poetlaxk, Ofcaaon.
A Granlue Reptile Farm on m Very iMTg a
A Mr. Childs is probably the only
bona fide snake charmer in America,
says a writer in the New York Sun. He
has been in town seeing about placing
his fall snake crop. It seems very odd
to hear him talk of "my crop of snakes."
K t,nmr Wr.rrl of U. for h i
luv w iUv,UUt. j - '
bas a irenuine snake larni in tne soutn- t
The farm proper consists of a pen
some twenty-five feet in diameter. In
the center of this pen is a raised plat
form, accessible in safety from the out
side, on which visitors can promenade
out of reach of the deadly fangs. In the
woods and wild swamps surrounding
the place legions of moccasins, cotton
mouths, rattlesnakes and copperheads
are found. These wilds are the seed
bins from which at times Mr. Childs
draws to replenish his farm. At one
side of the inclosure is a rabbit warren
in which live some fifty nr sixty bun
nies. Their number, however, is con
stantly changing. They nerrr iVv. of
old age. They are the food of the
lietween five hundred find si:: hundred
reptiles are in the farm ut a t r.v aly
the larger ones are used lib t!uv yield a
greater amount .of oil, sum ;::vl values
than the small ones. Mr. Childs expects
to harvest eight hundred ounces of oil a
season and has made his price two dol
lars per ounce. Aside from the oil he
will have a handsome crop of rattles
and tanned skins.
When an ounce or so of fresh oil is de
sired Mr. Childs enters the peu am;
either whistles with his Hps or uses n
flute. The snakes at once glide out of
their holes and gather round him, mak
ing a peculiar purring sound with
their rattles to denote their pleasure.
Selecting the largest and fattest, Childs
picks it up and cuts its head oii with
his pocketknife.
An Old EujcIUU AVor:L
There are certain survivals in the
English language, says the Detroit
Free Press, that are entitled to s j;n
notice, as, for example, the use of the
word "sailormau" to describe the per
son whom ordinary person;.; dewg;iate
as sailor. This word is as old the
British naval and mercantile, marine
and clings along the margins of the
wharves with a tenacity that defies all
efforts to uproot it. Ono never sees it
Ln print or hears it usi'd f;ir away from
navigable waters, but it is uuLv. n.a
where sailors gather and their doing
we reported.
t25.000 in Pre rniunia.
Offered by Licrpttt & Myert TobROcn
o., of St. Lonifl, Mo. The on (fuepsing
earpdt the number of ppnpl at. ending
hP WnrldV FBir yeta 85,X 0 00, th -c-nd
$1,000.00. etc. Ten SUr tnbncon
Hff fiititle on to n puM. Ak ynr
lealer for particulars or BeDd for rim-lar.
116 42
Cartons Rqut. On y ft Very Few v
Wh ch Were Honor -d.
Edward Mars ton in his article in
Scribner's gives the followinsolcctions
from Mr. Stanley's mail: An onthiuia.it
hailinp from Amorica asks or Mr. burn
ley's old cap: .
Kipht glad am I that you arc once rao-e in n
civilized country. 1 havo carcl.ilLy wa'.ch.'il
your proeeediugi from the time you d;sjov r.-d
Living's. one. You ar.t a brick! N.w, i.' ji u
Inclined to sell tho cup you wort' tlirmrTli Af . i.ii
I am prepared to pivo you u fancy price (or p.
to adJ to my collection of curiosities; it ; h;:ll
be preserved in a gta.ss ease witli your name ou
A firm of tobacconists makes tho fol
lowing cool request:
Will you kindly accord us your gracious per
mission to append your nobia mime. anJ y.-i:
photograph (might we ask for your aut vmi:
to a first-class quality of ciir a-;d riirLlk
made by ourselves from the best aud tiiieat to
bacco, etc. t
A photographer writes:
Sir: Pray excuse the liborty taken by a
stranger In approaching you at a tine when
your hands and mind must be s iau, out sin
. to satisfy the demands of aa admiring public,
dear Sir: Please excuse me for the liberty
I have taken in writing to you. but in knowing
you. an' taking a very (Treat enterest iu your
treavels, I cougreluue you ou your safe rctir o,
hoping you may tonj live to Inj y youreaith
aud hupness for your labours. 1 have atTuys
taken great entrest lu your irae.cv-T since
we meet at Zanzibar. 1 hum the man
thai don your boat when the Poooc c Brothers
was with you aud 1 should like a few lines nvm
you, as I should like them put in our yapcrs
here, eta
'l'o aid Di greet Ion take one Small Bile Boaa
aftr eatiug. i&c. per butuv.
Ripewa Tabule ; for torpid brer.
ii iv-ny to
a. And Cattle-Wash
safest dip at all uxes.
Improvti the ool. ai;d Iiicimjm th
One gallon rnliiil with cold wrr makes
luO gallons df siumg wash.
Portland, Oregon.
For sale by T. W. ATKI'.ri, Jr., Ileppner, Or,
AKNhSS-SHoP, ntM'k hihI Hxturt'B. Good
buMiitfut; esiabhrthfil in the maist oi a
entnl iHriniiiL" ami htiirk-rnif4iiir (;oiintry.
Also (or kmIl ti hiiiiw Hint lu n 1ms with or
without the hnnim-M pntnTty. Fur further in
formation aiMresK iiiptli!, Ht'ner. or 4hS tf
notice of intention,
j June W. Notice in lit'tvhy given that
tlie follow inn i'HTiie'1 sctiliT Iiiih hied notice of
hia intention to niHkt iiral proof in mipport of
his elaim, and that Hitid proot w 'II he made be
fore.1. W Morrow. County Clerk, at Jleppner,
Or., on July 2e, 1- k;. vi:
l iloMAS Kll EA,
Of Heppner, Or ; lloinc&kMd Application No.
tor the El2 Wl4, ami ?2 &K).4 of feoc. 11,
Tp. -ifS., k. '-M K W. M.
He names the following w it nepses tn prove Ma
continuous residence upon aud cultivation oi,
Baid laud, viz. :
J. B. sperrv.J. J. AdkiiiR, S. V. Spencer, G.
V. Smith, all oi Jieppner. on gun.
i;;u-Uti John V. Lkwip, Itetfister.
Notice of intention.
June 13. is'13 Nolice In hereby niven
that the ftdlow iiiy-iiaiiieil settler hax tiled notice
ol hits inteiitiun to make, liuai proof in support
of his claim, and that suid proof w ill be made
before the Countv Clerk of Morrow ouuty, Or.
at lieppner, Or. "on Jnlv 'J'.'. 1M3, viz :
'1 ED Mf IN'1 IKE.
Hd. No. SSM. for Mie wla a E!4 N K'-i Sec. 23
Tp. y 8 K. 'J !-. U . M.
Ht namei the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
Baid land, viz:
James Mrlnlirr Jak flunk, Holland Thomp
aon John Kcei.ey, all ot Heppi.er irron.
1ST-147 A C. iiVSk, Kef i'tai
notice of intention.
I j June l;i, l.v.uL Notice ii hereby givrii that
the follow-iuif named M'ltler ban lik-d notice of
bin intention to make liual proof in aupport of
'' ' iVm lmu I1101' 11 ,K 1 "r uc"
ifureJ. h. Morrow, county ciert at t.eupner,
ur., on juiy a, iww. xv.-.
JAMI- I'. I'll FA.
I Of lleppner. Or; Moment end Applieaiion No,
'l'Sj?, for the Nw of ec. 11, Tp. 2 ti,, ii 24 K
I W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove hii
continuous residence upon auu cuimauon ui,
Hid land, viz :
James B. .-perry. J. J Adkins. S. W. Kpencer,
G. W. Smith, all of lleppner, -rt'g'on.
136-140 John W. Liwts, Resist ar.
Notice of Guardian's Sale,
virtue of hu order of the Hon. Countv
Court of the stale ot ineon. for the County of
Morrow, made ou the 2ih ilsy oi June. A. I).
1!t;j, the undersigned guardian of the estate ef
Emma A. reriruton.a minor, will on i-tluiday.
the 5th dy of Ausi it. at the hour of 11
o'clock a. in., at the door of tiie court house in
Heppner, said county and s'ate. for cash to the
hik'li st bidder, tvll ml the hglit. title and inter
est of said Emma A. Ferguson iu and to tlie
following described rral enate. tow it : Being
the timiivifted one-sixih intertsr in the E4 of
tlie NW!, aud the N V of tlie K W of ec J7.
and the Mi! of tlie NK of Sec. 2s. 'In. 'J H , lit
26 EW M, coidfiinii j Jtii) m'res. situated in ssid
county und state. UKLVINA cl.AKK,
140-6-41 Uuardian oi said Minor.
Prevent 1
md eur romtitiea aa4 I
While you keep your Btihseriptiwri pid p yen
can keep your brand in free of charge.
Alljn. T. J., lone. Or. Horws G(i on lafi
nhoulder; cuttle Mtme nn left hip, under bit o
right enr, and upper bit on tlie left; raiitfB, Mor
row county.
Artnntrom.. J. t'.. Aluine, Or. T with bar un-
Her ii on left shouider ot tiorsee; cattl bbujb
t)ii pfi hip.
Allison, O. D., Eitiht Mile. Or. Cattle brnnd,
O 1) m left hip Hud hornet) Mime brand on right
shoulder. Hun fie Kifiht Mile.
Adkins, J. J,, Heppuer, Or. Hornes, JA con
vticied ih If't tlfiiik: rattle, wmieon Inft hip.
Hiirtliolnmrw. A (t , Alpine, i r. Hoi set
branded T E uii either Hl.oulder. Kuuge iu Mo -rw
HltHkiiiau. Geo., Jlaniman, Or. Horses, b flat!
oideft wluiulder: cattle sime ou riicht shoulder.
bannister, ,1. W Huri'man, Or. Cattle brnnd.
ed H on left hip and tliiirh: split in each ear,
Brenner, Pt'tor, tun he berry Oregon Horses i
branded PH on left shoulder. Caltle stnn un i
right siue
llurke. M 8t C, Long t reek, Or On cattl,
MA V connected on left hip, ciopofl left ear, un
der half crop otf riylit. Horwes. same brand on
letft shoulder, liange iu Grant and Morrow
Hroeman, Jerry. Lena, Or.- Horses branded 7
un rigln should--r: eaitle li tin the left side.
Left ear half ero a i riyln ear uper slope.
Barton, Wui., 1 e pner, Or. -Horses, j B on
right thi.t catli t-aiiie on n&hl tup; split in
tiach ear.
Brown, Isn, Lexington, Or, Horneh IB on the
rinht Ptitle; cat tie same on rihiiiip; range, Mor
row county.
Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, circle
C v. oh 'lot in ii.- ter on left hip; eat tie, kh'uh.
Brow n, W. J., IvCini, tu'egon. Horses W bar
over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same ou left
Boyer, W. (,, Heppner, Or. Horses, box
brand o r 1) hip eaitle. eame. With split in
each ear.
Borg. P.O., Heppner. Or. Horses, P B on left
shoulder; em I le. same on lel'i bin, .
Broftulee, V. J., Kox.t )r-( 'attlo. .IB con uncled
on left side: crop on left ear and two splitsaml
middle piece cut out on riht ear: on horses same
brand on the left thifch; Kane in Fox valley,
(ixant county,
CaiHier V nrren. W'ngt er. (r - Horsed brard
eti O on liKtil stifle; caltle : (three bars) oil
tight. ribs, ertip and split in uueU ear. Kui,ge ii
Grant and Morrow comities.
Cain.K., ( aiet).l ir.- i 1 on hor?eM on left ititie
U With quarter circle over it, on left chouider
aud on left slitle on all coJtn under -f) yearn; oi
left shoulder oulj on all hornet, over 5 yi ars. Ail
range in Uraut countv.
tiark, Win. II. Le a. Or. Horse. WHC con
nected, on lelt shouluer: cattle none tut riylit
hip. Ha e .Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Catu, Chut. H.. Viiiaon or Lena Or. Horse.
H C on riKht shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
Hanue Morrow and Uinailila countief.
Cecil, W in,, iloutlliin Or; le-rnew JC on lef
shoulder; ca tie same on lelt lup, waddles in.
each jaw and two b.hs in the rtfdit ear.
Curl, 1. Ii., John Du. ( ir Iiouhie cross oi
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under hi
in right ear. split in lefi enr. llane in Gram
county. On siuep, ir verted A l'd spear poim
ou shoulder. Kar niarko.i ewen, crop oti left ear,
punched upper bit iu right. Wethers, crop iii
right and under half crop in hjfi ear. All raiig t
iu Grant countv.
Cotik, A. J.,Lena.Or. Horses, 90 on ritf'it shoul
der t attle, sameon r glit hip: ear mark square
uiop on if 1 1 nn ti mud in r:i:nr.
Curnn. B. 1., Cumnsvihu, Or. -llorees, oc on
left stiCe.
Cm Fd. I., Hanlmaa, Or. CuU9, C wi
in center; lioie. ( K on left Sip.
C)ehraii, ti. L Moiinnieut. Grant Co, Or.
Horseu bfainletl circle with bai Iteiieath, oil lefi
hhoulder; cattle t-aine braud ou bttii hips, mart
under slope both ear and dew lap.
Chapiii. H., hardiiiau, Or, Horses brandeu
"on riht hip. atile brauded the Mime.
Lick ns, Lbh ioihe biai dt-d with three
tineu iort tultftnitn- ( attie sane on left side.
Uuutr tatas, W. .M , tiiUiowaj , ur. i auif, ii fxm
riKhi SDle.sma low-iorK m each ear; horsan. ii if
un left hii.
DoUKiwt. O. T., Douplas. Or Horte TD
the tinut utitle; cattle Niuie ou rinht tup.
Kly, J. B. A fcoiif. Uotiailas. tr. liornt brand.
m t.i.i ou leu sinmiaer,
cattle Aitint oa left
hip. hole ir right ear,
r.llioti. wash.,
ritfht shoulder.
lieppnir, Or. Diamni a
tmet y. t . b., Hnrdnmn, Or. HorsM brandtd
1 J lrevcrst'0 t wittiUuiJoti lett shouder; eau
, t ei-aine uu i i(t hi tup. t.aiine m Morrow ctiuuty.
r leek. JacKtou, HeppiiPf, Ot. Horn, if
euuuecieti oi rujm shouidfr: cattle earn
riKt't hip Lurmaik. hole in right and crep
j UU 111-
J t lorence, L. A., Heppner. Or. Cattle, Lf
I right htp, heistf. witu bar under ttm hglit
I rloreuce. 8. P. Heppner. Or Horeee, t c
i ritiht ft'Oi ide : ceMie. r on nnt hiti r thish.
h tench. (ietPt'KJ. H. ( pi r, Or.-t au branded t
; W'Y. wall bur over it. in. lXt side; crup ff lelt 1
i ear. Hor t, , .me bui.d o'l it-rt hip
I day, Henr) , imppi.wr. Or. o aI ea left 1
, ehoiiider. j
tnimau-Frenck. I.siid anil L:vttM-k C.. Fo- ,
sii. llr. Horsei. anchor b on lefi stiouluer: vvnt.
ame on left suuv. 1 atile. eaiii su bote hip-
ear mark, crop utt rigut ear ai-d uuoerbit in left,
Kange ia tiiiliaia. brant, Craok and atorrvw
Gentry, Elme. Eoho, Of -rturt t-riiiuieJ )
9. with a quHrtar circle ntt-r it. u i-tt mUi.
tii.kre in Morrow anil Umitiilftcounties.
Hj. Geo., LDa, Or, Hrnd Jti cormwted,
with quarter circl o-r it. on teft nhnuUtor.
Himt A. B., HuU '. -t .mie, round-top V
with qntvner eircie unoer it oi. th rtht l p.
ItftntEf in Mrrrow nd I mulla cot;ntien.
Huitii A Jenk. HainilhHi.Ur ait If, two hie
on either hip; crop iu riii'it u- ai d plit iti
Hureetj, J on rmht thigh. iaAiifiij it r.uit couni .
Htifrhee, Hamael, Wagner, Or J- iV K L
COiinectedjon riiriit shouideron horb..(t; ':, i-ttU,
on nht hip and on left side. awiiow f-rkt id
riKld ear and slit in left. Kaue in Hayuifcclc
district, Mort-w coanfy.
HaJ, Milton, Waynet Or. Hor nrrnaYd
-O- (eircle with parallel taita) on left ehfuluer.
(Vttltj aaine on left hip ; alio large circle on kit
Hall. Kd win. John Day.Or. Cattle E H on rk'ht
hip; horeee same wit right ahoulder. haugeiu
Grant county.
Hownrd. J L. allewaT. Or. Horfcon.X fcri,
with bur above it) on rigid shoulder; cHttie
i-Hiiieoii lei t Bide, iiaxige in Morrow tui U ma
til I h eoontiPB.
Hughes, Mat, Heppner. Or.Horee, snndod
heart on the left slmulder. KauffH Morrow t'o.
liu Hunker, B A. Wagner, Or. -Uur, y on loft
ihtddr. m iu. e a foft hu .
Hardisty, Albwrt, Orron Hor8M, A H
corniHCied. on left ahoulder; Cattle on the Wit
nip. enn off left ear.
Humphreva. f II. Ward man, Or. Horeee. H on
let ttaiik
HAm, J. M., Rcppner. Or. Horeee, winegli.Be
on lnfi thouldei cattle, earn on right hip.
HuBtou, Luther, tight Uile, Or. Hurra Hon
the left ehoulderand heart on the left stitie Cut
tie HHine en left hip. KangH in Morrow eonnty.
Ivy. Alfred. Long (!reek. Or -battle t Don
right hip, crop off left ear and bd m right. H trues
same brand o left ahoulder iiange n (rrant
Junk in. 8. M., Heppner, Or Horeee, horwe
shoe J on left shoulder, tattle, the earns.
Range on Eight Hile.
Johnson. Felix. Lena, Or. Horeea, cireieT on
left ititie; cattle, same on right hip, uador half
crop in rmht and enlit in left war
Jenkins, I) W.,Mu Vernou.or. J onhoreoeou
left shoulder; on cattle, J on left hip and two
smooth crops on both ears. Range m Fox aud
Bear Talldj'S
henuy, Mike. Heppner, Or. Homes branded
KNV on left hip cattle same and crop off left
pr; under sloi on the riuht
Kirk. J. T-, Heppner. Or. Horsee 60 en le't
shoulder; cattle, W on left hip.
Kirk. J 0, Heppnw. Or. Horeee. 17 on either
Han k : outtle 1? on right side.
Kirk. Jesee, Heppnor, Or,; tiorse. U on left
sboulder; cattle same on light side, anderbit on
rigrn ear.
humberland. W.G.. Mount Ternon. Or. I I. n
cattle on right and left sides, ewailow fork in k ft
ear and under ciop in right ear. Horueeeauie
brand on len saouiuer. itarige in Uraut countv.
Loft en. SteDfien. Foi. Or. H r mi lfr hin
on cattle, crop and split on right ear, llorttdd
same brand oa left shoulder. Itanga Grant
Lieuallen, John W., L.-'v;':r."i Or. Horses
branded haif-cncle JL connected on left ehoul
der. CatUa. aanie on left hip. Uauge, near Iajx
ington. fjord, George, Heppner, Or. Horsea branded
double H coi.necu Soinetiuies cailod a
swing H, on left ahoulder.
M&rkharo. A. M.. Heppner, Or. Cattle large
M Ou left vide both ears cropped, and rplit, iu
ho h Uorttne U left hip. liauge, tiark
liaor, Oscar, Heppner ( tr. ('uttie, M I oa
rigid hip; horwe. M on left shoulder.
Morgan, a. M., Heppner. Or. Horeee, M )
ou lt?fi Bhonlde' caltle sauie on loft hip.
MoCnitiber, Jas A, Kcho, Or. HoreoB. tl with
tmr over on rigiit shoulder.
Morgwn, Time., lloppner, Or. Hones, circle
1 ou Ittfl slioiudftr and left Lhigh; cuttle. L on
right thigh.
Mitchell. Osoar, Ion. Or. Morses. 77 i
hip; cattl. 77 on rigiit side.
McCIaren, 1j. 0 BrownsTillw Or, Horse,
I mure h ou each shoulder, cattle, foli on hm
Mc.Cany, hand H., Kcho, Or. Homes branded
Lvl connecld, on the luf t shoulder; catLle riaui.i
n hip and side.
BieOirr, frank, Kox Valley, Or.-.Mnle hw
with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and under i;i
uaeh ear: hoiien wania brand on left stifle.
Mcllaley, ii. V., haudllou, Or On Horses, d
with half circle under luft shoulder; on (Vtte.
four kn connctd va top on the ru-ht sido
Km, kg in drum Cwunty.
NraLAiidrcw. Lwu Jiuk Or UroM u N
iiftoted oa Ivfl shoulder; turtle sftiua on bolhliips,
i-iordjke, 1;., :iWerton. Or. Horses, circle '1 iu
len iniKi:: eaitle, same on left hip.
Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or, A Son cattle
on left hip; on horses, saina ouleftthitfh, Uaiue
ill (irant county
Oiler, tarry, Lexington, Or.-P O ou lefi
Olp. Herman, Piairia City, Or. On cattle, O
L1J connected ou left hip; horse on left stifle
and wartie on no, hange in Grant county.
Wnrtoii, Olnv, Klght Mile. Or, Homes, quar
ter circl ahielu u left shoulder sud 4 ou lft
nip, ( atti. fork in lef; ar, riid cropped,
cm left hip. HaiiK an Eijrlu Mile.
raikerd (.ieaaou. Hardman,Or, Horses II oa
! fi slioulder.
P. er, Ln.e t, Lexington, Or,- Hor es brund-
K (L E connected) left shouider ; :uiiJ
a-. ou nght hia. Kange, tlunvw cuudi,
1 U'Sr, J. ii., Lexiiigion, k)t. Uoit.eo, J fc. con
nect an o. left shoulder; caLtla, aamu on loft hip,
under bi iu eacli ear.
lVttys, A. C, luti, Or,; horses diamond P on
shoulder; cattl, J ll J connected, ou the
lt hip, .upper slop ia luft uuraua slip iiJ,
liaht. T
rowell, JohnT., Dayfill. Or-Horsea, JP con
nee d o left shouhiwr. Cattle OK. couuecteii oil
left hip, two under half crops, ou ou each ear,
waitle under throat. Kai gein Orant couuty.
Hood. Andrew, Harduiau, Or. Horses, B iuaia
cro. with quarter-circle o?er it on left stitie.
Heniuger, t hns, Heppner, Or. Horses, C It on
iwfl sheuiuei .
hice, Lan, Hardman, Or.; horses, three pauM
worm fence on left shoulder; cattle, D A K oy
riuht shoulder, itauge near Hardman.
lioyse, Aaron, Heppner, Or Horses, plain V on
ie.fi shoulder; cattlu, nine brand reversed ou
rigiit hip and crop off right ear. iiange in lor
row county,
liuh br., Heppaer, Or. Horses branded X
on the right ehoulJor; eattle, IX on the left nip.
crop off lyft ear and dewlap on neck. Itango ic
ia.,,11 w w WIU VljUllllIIU COUIIUS.
Hust, William, Itidge, Or.-llorses K on
left shoulder; cattle, ti on lft hip, crop oil
rigid oar, underuit on left ear. Sheep, U un
weathers, rouud crop off ngh ear. Kance Uma
Lillaaiitl Morrow c untie.
lieuney. Audruw. lTitutim (lr Hi,c.,i
branded A H on right shoulder, Teat quiii'bn
circi over brand; cuttle saiau on ruilit hiu.
uaitge Morrow county.
lioyse, Wm. H, Uairyviile, Or Hit connecter!
with uuarier cindu ovwr Nn, mi i,ttiu.,i n.ri.r r.,.,
and crop off right ear and split in lett. Hoie.-i
aame brand on left shouidbr. Hauge iu Mono-
uranl and Oillmua counties.
hector. J. W., Huppuer, On-ltorses. JC iu
lelt ahoulder, Caitlw, o ou right hip,
rpicknall. J. W., Oooseberry, Or. Horse
brunded si on left shoulder; lange in JlomnY
ttaiiiug, C 0 Heppner, Or Horses branded
on lelt shoulder; cattl earn ou left hip.
bwagKuri, h, b Lexington, Or.-Horses
wiih dash under it ou lefi stitle cattle H with
ohciiuiidor it on right hip, crop wll rignt ear an.i
waodied on right hind leg. itauge m Alorrovs,
bniiamand umutuia counties.
bwiiKHart, A. L.,Alheua. Or. Horses brand r 'j
un lell oliouider; ceitls same ou left hip. y.utu
on ear, wattle ou left hind leg.
btraight W. K., Heppner, Or. Horseu eh.idod
J b u lei stiUe; cattle J H on lett hip, swfdiow
toik ui ngh- ear, unuerbit in left.
bapp, Ihos., Heppuer, Or. Horses, 8 A P uu
luft tup; caiU. aume wu left hip.
bhrier.John, 'o, Or.-NC connected ou
horsee on right hip; cattle, same ou rihi lap
crop tt rutht ear and uuder bit in left uar. Haute
ui tirant county,
biuith bios., buuTillf, Or. Horses, brajidl
II. L. onsnoulder; catt.e, ame ou left abuuuir.
bquires, James. ArliuKtoii, Or.; horsee branded
Jb on lett suouioer; catiie the same, also uoe
a addle. Hange m Alormw and Uiluam uo utitw.
bleplieiis, V. A., iiAiduiau, Or-; norsns ba on
right stihe; cattle lK,rizuijUl L ou the i.ght side
bleveusou, iUrs A. J., Heppnt-r. Or. I atlle Pi
on right in.; swallow -fork iu lelt ear.
bwaggart. ti. W., Heppuer, Or. Horses, 44 on
leti snouidt ; cattle, 44 on left hip
bperry, ti. U.. Heppner, Or. - t attle W C ou
tell nip, crop off rignt and underbii iu luft year,
Uwiap; iiorses W t on left shoulder.
Ihouipsou, J. A., Heppuer, Or. Horses, I on
lelt enouiu. r; cattle, t ou left shoulder.
lippeUs.b.I.,fc.nierprise,Or. iiwrsee. C-on left
Turner It. VT.. Heppuer, Or.-Smal! capital T
lelt shouldei, homes; cattle sums on left bio
with split in but h ears.
Ihonituu, U. M.. luue, Or.-Horsea branded
H I couuected on left sutie; sheup same brand.
Vanderpuol, H.T.. Lena, Or; Horsee HV een
neciea mn rigkt eb aider, MM SB ritfHt
Walbridge, Wa.. Heppner, Or. Horsee, U. L.
on the lett shoulder; caltle same uu light hip.
ctop oil left ear aud right tar lopped.
Wilson, John L baJem or Hennnniv Or
Horsiei branded Jy ou the left shoulder. Uauge
Jioiruw couuty.i
ft arren, W B. ( 'aleb, Or Cattle. W with quarter
circle over it, ou .eft side, split iu tikui war
iiotvet. (uiiiih bra d uQ left Bhumder. luuguia
brant couuty.
right, bilaa A. Heppner, Or. Cattle brauded
W ou the right hip. square crop oU right ear
and split iu lelt,
ft ade. Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
ace of spauw wn leu ahoulder aud left hip
Cattle braided eame oa left sid and left hip.
Vfelie, A. H, Heppner, Or. Horse. on iHft
shoulder: catt e earn.
ft i an ger, John, J oho Day City, Or On hums
three parallel bare en left shoulder; 7 on eneep
bit in both ear. Hang ia (jrani and Maihuer
ftiKMlward. Jehi, Heppner, Or. Horn, tJP
ft ataiu. Liaha. iluODsr tlr U- i 1. j
UI. uvuuectec ea left stib.
ft aiiace, Lhariee. Portland, Or.-CatUe, W un
nghulugU, k inleft ear; aurse. ft on nut
heuloer. .-m. eaa.eon left eaouider.
ftaimer srui huuiegton, ftakerCo.. Or.
Horse, hrmndd b. cmu u;,, l(L ,uYJ;r
ftllliaias. aaNi. I kumi.,. , . u '
tel. ufr UrwuarauZT-f"
horee. Hang tiraul cuiuitf.
ft dliams. J O, lxag l rvk. Or Horsee, guar
ter circle eW thine bar. ou left hip; cattle SluT;
and tilt id each -r hw, , t., (.J,I.NUl1
f tV1, , Or. Hwret ruiiuii.g A A
j un Ool"der; t attie, same un rigut Uw.
Ifootf, J. 8., 0oebmr, r. Hareae hr..ui
I T i eiitk rtcat aml4e. arai4el