Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 07, 1893, Image 3

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    iWUCK TO ADVEttTlSiiKs.
i t
queut hlJ obuulil be paid. All luteud-
iu i bciuti member bt tbut timo I
-iwlllj rtUl III UpJilllUlluUrJ.
11 t.: y E. W arreu, of DaVidnou, i
Hi-mij i.m udintf irum Injun reeeiveti i
rtrt'tllil. I
Hayes hh ju YVoitutluv nuii ,
it-, o) ttj liiiea crftk busy tukmg cj f i
siie iirvy crop. ;
Liiit -Mile bo) a ami tlei pm i- '
iUt caught sunie very Hue ttuut iai ul ,
xtiiea creek. bUudu Ittat.
The dtieotora of Heppatr District
Luet Ainu day utteruuoQ, but UiU not nc
leot lcbciie8 at that dale.
Uepiner's 4(U ot July Juuoe was the
tte bold each and every corrtbouuent re- ! tfliuieLit iUrtLiutfeujeut ot tU committee.
l -ri'J.-E dcslriiiR the imurtiou of tlisjtlay aria.,
I. or ciitiutce ui puiue, uiUBiyet their copy m
,fttler itio.ii Muuoay evening i,(r i'utMia) ' f
LMiiiOti.rtr ' tm re-lay evening iur Friiia) eui
f":. i UK ,kATTfc.kiiii hl'iiUMiiMvi't.
t. ihe miiu til aveciita per hue will u
LaikcU lot "varus oi iiiauks," "rfBolutiwiiu .i .
icetynxt," jibU fl wedaui pretteutg auu auiiors,
uu uLuuitr uotitti, (utucr uiau uiubu tiie tsuu
01 bUaii liiiuiieU gim a a lualusr ui uevtbj uud
u0Uc;atlipet:itU wteUiiKit iur iialsvver imrpu&e. i
(NuUcttn omliun;4M.uu nociety anu auuiticr f
uutrutiiiiuuuu irum wium reveuue id to be ue- '
ciwa, klioil be chargea iur at Uif rtu ui uve !
ueuu a 11110. liienc rule will be tnt-ily Uiii-1
u u.t in every lukiaiiue.
Ati vertiHUiti raiea reanouabie ana made know u
upon apiiiuou.
puiifeiMv lui lint or br toui
tuiicBunueucti w ill be JjuillBlicU uuiL-BH Uie
vwitc i rctti uaiuu im aigueu tut an tmuuuctt 01
gouii 'aim.
I P. FIbHEK, MiWofAPKK AlMl-sK'Hiv
JLJ ItiK Aeul, 21 Aitrunauli tuauu,
tmu iianuieco, ib our auiiiotiitja aeut, mm
paper n kepi ou Lie iu bu oince.
7 1 AISLE.
tltage for Hardmau, Muuument, Long Creek,
Joriu uuy auu uii)ua City, lyaveu ub louowu ;
fcAei y uay ul B p. m., euupt ounuu) .
Aruvubtivery auy aio u. iu., eiuepi jionUuy.
litu clleupfbL, itultfctbl auu bcol JUiu lo or
t'roui tlits iiiiunur cuuiiiry.
J. o. JUKLEVAN, I'rop.
Kiocuni-JohiiHtou liut; Co., AteniB.
(ilte your Ouelutss Iv lit iucr ijtujnt,
and Uitftjure uasttii lu Ouiut up MJtjjp
nun Jruuviuze lUusv wlw jjuliuute
Here and There.
County court ia still grinding uwu.v.
TLTl'S ilLLS iuvioraie tUe budy
and miuU.
A. H CLatniau was io from Vinson
The Gazette Las a ruttliDg good water
tmirel lor uule ciitjup. tf.
E. Wnldman, representing Neutiiad
ter Biui., ia iu tonn.
F. 0. BuL-kuuni spent the 4th with
hu taiuilji at tleppner.
Ike Lai tie and Anaon Wright were in
town yesterday on bueiuesa.
Dr. B. F. Vaugnau tuuk in Pendleton
this netk ou a buaiuess trip.
The (ieui and Palace aaiuoim for tine
liquors, McAiee iiroa.. Props. w
d. K. Bishop returned from a busi
ueaa trip to Portland Tuesday lust.
It is reported that A. A. Wruu will
shortly build a residence near town.
Mr. J. B. Hperry and family relumed
Wednesday trum their hia) stack ylBlt.
Hood's Pills are easy to take, eauy in
action and sure iu effect. 25 oeuta a
Une more "glorious 4th" recorded ou
the list of celebrations forever past mid
Johnny Friend is looking after
matters down on O. A. Kben's lower
The Heppner Cauyon stage line is the
ItBt, cLtbpetil mid quickest to the lu
The TWiOE-A-WEEK Gazette now only
82.50 in advance, payable in cash or
uoou skins.
Hatt & Mathews, the barbers, City ho
tel barber stiou. They are artists. Baths
in connection.
J. D. Hamilton is out this week look
ing after his oatlle up on the old
Stewart ranoti.
Walter P. Fell arrived Monday even
ing frorc Seattle, and spent the 4 ill with
relatives and friends here.
T. J. Andrews proved up today before
Clerk ilonow, with (J. h. Butlis and
lieu. E. Wright as witnesses.
y Tue Keeley Institute, at Forest "Grove
oures liquor, opium, morphuw, oocaiue
And tobacco habit., bee ad.
The Gazette would gladly till a tow
orders for choice trees of any sort natis
faction guaranteed. Drop iu. tf.
J. W. Dawson,' of the law firm ol
Ellis, Dawsou & Lyons, lift yestealay
moiuing for Grants on business.
Every man who takes any interest in
fast stock phnuld subsonbe for The
Horseman, i.iuzette shop, agents.
W. G. sweetser is itll.et.til with
rheumatism, and is compelled to go
around ou Clutches iu consequence.
Jas. H. W ylnud, of this county, has
been choseu lor the next TJ. S. grand
jury, io meet July 10th in Portland.
It is re orted that C.C Snrgeut's team
took a 4tb Tuesday by running away.
The damage, however, was not serious.
Mr. J. A. Burdell, while working with
his team Wednesday, lell under then
feet and was badly kioked and bruised.
Mrs. E J. Boyer aud fimily are out
this Week ou their rllntou creek rauch,
-superintending the hayiug operations.
Dave Freesley's team ran an ay ou the
4tb, aud he carries Lib left arm in a
sling in ooustquenoe. The rig was noi
The only thing that marred the
pleasure of Tuesday's celebration was
the uuusual amount of dust up on the
race traok.
T. J. Andrews and Wm. Rix were
down yesterday and say that the
drougnt is affeOting crops considerably
in that vicinity.
Robert F. Hynd leaves next week for
the World's Fair. From tueuoe he will
go to Scotland (or a four mouths' visit
with bis relatives.
No service at M. E. ohuroh, South,
Sunday morning, as the pastor then
bulds aeivice at the Liberty school
house, Khea creek.
Gieeo Mathews, having pnrobased the
Palace hotel barber shop from Ciias.
Jones, asks for a continuance of trade
Baths iu connection.
Missel Henryetta Sinsbeimer aud
Elizabeth Matlock arrived from Portland
on Wednesday's train, to epeud then
aoation in Eastern Oregon.
Master Clay French is the authorized
agent for the Oregonian at this place.
Subsoribe through him, and have your
paper delivered free of charge. tf
Mrs. Jas. Tolbeit, whom we reported
ill recently, is improving, though their
baby M at present bffl cted with the
measles, requiring medical attention.
Will Faw departed this morniug for
Portland, and ill probably return to
Te lueasee soon. W hear that A ill
is likelv to take a Dride back borne
with him.
Prof A. J. Sweeney, the Arlington mu
sician, assisted our looat talent in turn
ing out a superior article of munio for
our 4th of July danoe. The Prof, re
turned home Wednesday.
For a refreshing alass of beer Bod a
nice lunch, call on Kleckner A Sheldon
at the Arcade. Also a fiae stock ol
liquors and cigars. Good old porter in
tock, excellent for family use.
The advice that most men will give
yon is not to drink, but when yon do
oat h ht.(. Ths Belvedere saloon
carries an excellent g'ockol cigars, hqimro i
wines and beer. A fine billiard parlor j
in connection. Call on Charlie and
John who will always treat yon court
Pnfns Tmrnlla CnlllD. No. 6
will meet in the ball of the KniKht of j
Pytbias, Monday evening, July Lib.
Tbe last quarter's does aro now delln-
Kdith aapp, having closed her school
iu Hist. - ISo. 4b, this coualy. Is nuw
lucated at College Plaoe near Walla.
Clay Luce aud 8am Elliott got iuironi
John Day on too 4.U wnu A. Haoheney's
wool, leaving home Wednesday with
John Turley, who is 'tending osmp
fur i ne Hayes Bros., Boenl ths 4th in
town. He will remain till fall lu the
vicijity ol Austiu station.
Jim Young's horses became frightened
ou uie 4'U, uowu near W, ii. Potter's,
and dra. ged him some distance by the
lines. iny were not hiioueu to the
Woguu at tue time.
A E. Wright was in from Hurdman
yesterday. A imlllbtr of tiaiduiau
peupiu went up lu Parker's mill lu
attend the 4tu ol July picnic aud ball.
A K' od lime is reported.
The other day Geo. Conner received a
check drawn by Jonu G. Meahu iu favor
ot 1'. C. bei, dated along lu lHUt),
VN here It has been lingering all this
time, is hard to conject.
Yesterday the place of Osmers &
Hughes was attached fur debts oweu
Uy iur. O.-iners. bo far, the following
suits have beeu inaugurated: C. Buhl,
10; Wm. Hughes, $160; Hughes &
Kennedy, $4U0. We regret much to
Uear uf this tioubie.
Uu Monday lust, iu moving J. N.
Biowu'a sale to his new quartets in the
upper story of his Main street building,
l lie rope broke wheu near the top uf the
stall way, letting u fall to the sidewalk
A lew uioueu boards constituted all the
injury done, and ou the next atlempi
the sate was landed without further
Jas. Tolbert brought iu two samples
of wheat yesterday, one from his rauch
ou tlx dollar, the other from J. B.
Sherry's ranch ou the lull above Henp
uer. The samples were about an aver
age of the crops, and will yield con-
sideraule grain. Air. Tolbert thinks
that he will have 20 bushels to the acre.
It was sowu early last fall aud got a
good star t befoie winter began.
JU. A. ST. Allen
Ferry, Wash.
20 Miles from a Doctor
But Hood's Sarsaparilla was
Equal to the Emergency
Pleurisy, Chill and Fever ifllfc
Leg Perfect Cure.
"After my baby was horn I got Into very seri
ous condition, having pleurisy, chills and fever,
gradually developing into milk leg. We live 20
miles from a physician and did not know what
to do. Finally after n crat deal of snffer
lM I began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla and
when I was using the third bottle I could seo
It Was Doing K!e Cood.
I continued with another bottle, and recovered
so rapidly that now 1 am ia good health I
Hood's a Cures
cordially recommend it as a good medicine."
Mrs. A. M. Allex, Ferry, Washington.
I Anything new of real merit, you can j
generally find for sain by
P. 6. 0.WPSO1 m
W bo are noted for br'ing The Lntulers.
We don't ran a third-clan junk nhnp w here ynn can buy thodd) goods at twicx
their Value, bnt we keep tirst-clnsi goods at honest prices, with
no baits or trr. We keep
ki Fiirniii Goods, Hardware, Tinware,
Wood and Willoware, Guns, Ammunition,
Ask our old customers how we treat them. : : : :
Corner Mam and Willow Streets, HEPPNER, OREGON.
Gilliam & Bisbee,
HErrwEn. on,
Hood's Pills euro all Liver Ills, Bilious
ness, Jaundice, Indigestion, Sick Headache.
Council Muetinu. Ou last Monday
evening, Ueppuer's oouncil met lu
regular sesaiuu, Mayor Simons pre
siding uud all couucilmeu present
Minuies of last meeting read and
approved Bills allowed: Hepp-
uer Light & Water Co., 8100; J. H.
Kolniau, $2; J. W. Rasmus, 874. 5C;
A. A. Roberts, $16.66. Continued till
next meet'ng: Heppuer Light & Water
Co., 8200, iuteiesl paid by them ou
account ol delay iu sale of bonds; Dr.
J. J. bills, 81 50. Witness fees: H. V.
Gates, $14 HO, expense in making sale
ot bonds Mutter ofLoog & Scott's,
laid over till next regular meeting
Council instructed the committee on
fire and water to secure from school
district, if possible, use of'buildiug ou
old property for use of fire apparatus.
...... .Tlje matter of patting iu a water
ing trough was deferred for the present.
...... J. D. Hamilton instructed to
ool,eut 200, balance due n bond sale'
from F. W. Paxton, Portland
Petition to close business bouses on
Sunday, Inidou the table Marshal's
salary discontinued for the present on
acoouut of shortage of funds, aud for
the time being, put on a fee basis.
Mr. Rasmus still continues to discharge
the duties of marbhal Report 'of
treasurer called for and posponed till
next regulur meeting Adjourned.
Bright'8 Disease,
Inflammation of the Blad
der, Yellow Water, Brick
Dust Sediment in Urine,
Burning Sensation, Pain
In the Back, and all Dis
eases of the Kidneys.
O.V.R. Manufacturing Ca,,
Fur sale by 8looum-.Tobnt"tnn Drug Co
and 1. W. Ayers, Jr.
throwing Mrs. Borg, out and badly
twisting the buggy nxles and somewhat
damaging the top. fortunately no
serious injuries resulted to either roan
beast or buggy.
rsoTioB op Dissolution. .Notion is
hereby given that the partnership here
to fore existing between II. N. Powell
L- M. Powell and A. E. Powell, under
the firm name of Powell Bros., has this
day been dissolved by mutual consent,
H. N. Powell withdrawing from the film.
However, L. M. Powell and A.E.Powell
will continue business under the old firm
of Powell Bros. L. M. Powell will ool
lect all ocoounts due and pay all liabil
ities of the old firm.
Dated June 7. 1893.
H. N. Powell,
L. M. Powell,
34-42 A. E. 1'owkll.
This piece of advertising space belougs
locum-Johnston Dril C-
PilILL COI1N, PRontiEToit.
There is not a w inged insect hovering
around Phillip.
iHeppiier, Oregon.
And Bound to Stay.
Our Prioes in all lines of
Dry hi Cling, Us, lais, hi
H. A. Thompson
a. a. rtimn
The Heppner livery, Food and Sale
Below Colli n it McFiulaml'l, Main Street.
Good Conveyance for Traveling Men.
Toains to hay per day, 75 ots. Hay aud grain per day. 91-25. Menls 25 its.
at C. C. Burgeaut's, next door to Feed Stable. (Jruin aud
baled hnv always on hand.
Boots, Shoes, Provisions, Notions, Etc.
Are thn lowest. Come and point out the goods you wish, aud we are
confident yon will be pleased, because our prices aro all right.
Ad early call will be appreciated.
Tuesday's Divekhions. Frank Mclu
tire became intoxicated oil the 4tb, and
used bad language on the street in the
preseuoe ot ladies. Charley Charlton
remoustrated with him aud Molutiie
called him a "red shirted ." He
Kept up bis fighting lick, and soon oame
to griel iu front of Hatt & Matthews'
barber shop. Chariton ga e him two or
ihiee pretty hard raps iu the faoe, aud
iVlaishal Rasmus then took him in.
Later uu P. W. Housman, a young man
tthubad beeu woikiug for Ed. Day, was
put iu, considerably intoxicated. Ou
Wednesday morning, Housman was
lound badly disfigured with two front
teeth missing, all of which be laid to
Molulire. Both were fined the regula
tion, and tbeu Mclutire was re-arrested
and taaeu before Judge Hallook, who
tiued him 815 aud Costs on a charge o'
assault ana battery. Iu default of pay
meut, he is seiviug time in the eounty
ail. Housman feels muob aggrieved
over the loss of his teeth, aud threatens
to bus the town.
M. U
& CI
Vet Side of Mala Street,
Owing to the striugenoy in money mat
ters, I am forced to notify my patrons
that I am compelled to do a strictly cash
business, and by so doing will be nhle
to meet my demands.
Thankful for the kind patronage he
towed upon m in tbe past, aud hoping
to receive a share of yonr trade in the
future, I am
Yours Respectfully, 39 tf
C. S. VanDuyn.
Good News. Dr. B. F. Vanghsn,
having computed his dental education,
is prepared to do all kinds of work in
his line. Teeth mad without plates,
bridge work, clasp plates, full upper
and lowsr gold plates, full aluminium
plates, porcelain and gold crown, etc
Ulcerated teeth permanently cured.
Special attnntion given to children's
eetb. ' 'Come early and avoid the rush.'
Spokane Racks. 1 be Spokane races
opened ou the 4th with a large attend
ance. '1 he five-eighths race was won by
Little Joe, Later Ou second aud Guam
pague thud. The trio were followed bv a
big field, 'the time lor the distance was
1:04. Ou V eduesday Cora Junes, the
Heppner two-year-old, won the balt
inile dash, but the judges declared that
the stcuud horse, Vaugevan, had betn
pulled aud deolared it no raoe. Cham
pagne was iu the five eighths raoe which
was on i he program yesterday, but it is
not ) et kuowu whether he won or not.
Slight Accident. On returning from
the celebration grounds the 4ib, just
ttiis side of the Balm Fork bridge on
uiilnw creek. Bob Dexter collided with
P. O. Borg, overturning Peter's veliiole
Rip's Wood Yard. The Heppner
wood yard, under the manauement of
Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver
wood at yonr residenoe, sawed or nn
sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at
87.00 per cord. Wood sawed twice in
two. 75 cts. per cord; three times, $1.00
Yard near the depot. Leave orders at
Sloan 4 Honard's. 4-tf,
Shoemaker, Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak
er and repairer of many years' expen
ence. has lust looatod in the Abraham
sic building, on May street, where he
is prepared to do eveiythmg in his line
i. Birbeck is strictly a first-class work
man and warrants all work. Give him a
anil 14wtf
First Class Tailobino Fred Miller
oiw located on May street in the old
bakery buiMing, where be is prepared to
do first class work. A perfect fit
guaranteed. Give him a trial. If.
Near the Depot
Change of Ownership
... k,j..u.i. ,,, .u wmi nuuDinuiui y manner. VI 111 Ktiop
Only Fiist-CUea Lotel in llcppnei .
Iinilding Wiled for Eleolric Light
Best Dcm-mniiidntions tor the traveling
Courteous treatment assured the coun
try people.
MRS. M. VON CA1JOW. Proprietress.
on hands at nil times the choicest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
85-tl Pronriotot
Graduate M. E. C. V. S. , London, England.
The Hotel Guande.
J. W. REDFORD, Proprietor.
EVERYTHING NEW. Trill home iiM been illtte'l and Ii the flrjt-elim hotiil ot Arlington.
It 1b centrally located, and li therefore the mmt convenient place for com inercial travelers.
RtaRet leave this house every morning for Condon and Kosnll, Oregon; fllBO for Cleveland
Blckleton mid Uoldendale, Washington. JVIiixx t nil trllll .
Veterinary Surgeon
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
preliarpri to rt all kinds of Vpterinarv HurKerv. Krutiinulntliiff lloru... a o i
ally. (This is the only true method of operatfiin on hnre.) H,ryliir of I'attlvnnd 11,, ui
on short notlee. 1 will treat all animals In tint most approved nroeediirt, nt vm..
ni; m.wj, 11 ;uii i. c bij; kivi i.iiiinil 11 will llttlOVOIir lllterMMo
Land Fob Sale. 480 sores over in
Wilson prairie. A good stock ranch and
will be sold cheap. Call nt Gazette
office for particulars and terms. tf.
S. of V..
3 ottom'TAntS
Is the title of a very valuable book that gives a great amount of Information of the Utmost
Importance to Everybody, concerning their dally habits of Katlng, Drinking, Dressing, etc.,
What to Kat, Inflnonoo of Plants, Parasites of the Skin, Cum of Teeth,
How to Eat It, Occupation for Invalids, Bathing Best Way, . Aftor-Dlnner Naps,
Thlrurs to Do. Aicorioi att a Food uri'l a LuiiKHand l.unir lliaeases. ttffectn of Tobacco.
ThtnKB to Avoid, ftiedietne, How to Avoid Them, i 'lire for Intemperance,
Peril of Summer, FnperfitiouK Itair, t.'ioiliintf, What to Wear, Headache, I'ainio & Cure,
How to hreathe, Itemoclnjr. Same, How Much to Wear, To (jet Irld of l.lco,
Dangers of Kissing, Hectoring the Drowned, I 'ontaid'iua Dlf'-HKeH, Malarial Affections,
Overheating Uoumis, Preventing Near-Nighid- How to Avoid Them, Croup-to Prevent.
Ventilation, ness, Exerelm;,
IT TELLS HOW TO ( IBB Mlack Eyes, Hulls, Brims, fhlllblalru, Cold 7eet, Corru,
Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhrea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felona, Fstld
Feet, Freckles, Ueadache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarsencbs, Itching, Inflamed breasts, Ivy Poisoning,
Moles, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, ltlngwnnu, Huorlnc, Htammerlng, Sore Byes, Bore Mouth,
ore Nipples, Sore Throat, Bunatroke, Httriga aud Insect llltes, Sweating Fnet, Toothache, Ulosra,
Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms in Children. IT WILL &AVI2 JOCTOIiV BILLS
tyAII new auhHcnbers and prompt renewals iliirmg the umiitli ot Apiil will be
presented with a Iree oopyot this es a premium.
For the Gnv o,
xjnor, Opium anil Tobacco Haliiis
II Is located at Forest drove, Or ,
77ie iVosf Heantiul Town on the (.'orwl.
( all at. the tUlttllt nfllee for paiiienlHi..
htrletlyeonliilentlal. 'Irealawiit urirsuiamt sine
The -Enterprise Baton
II IT 1:1 L,
1 UU:
Plenty of them at the
Gazdte Office. . . .
I. R. Ml,
Cnmmisinner r.f the U. H. Circuit Omrt. All land
mall'TH aliorn'c 1 in promptly and ficcurat i .
Office in National P, i.k building.
Otis Patterson
On May Street, opposite Palace Hold. They will keepon band a full llnoof
km a&Ei
A full line of choice Pies, ('skis md Husd; in fact eventhii i that i
usually kept in a firit.clasi bakery floin. 'Ihsy will sell cheap foi rush. Call ami
try them.
Ot1 jl'lnj yotilitf limv Io el
bUU 1CM'; 1 11(1 in.'tinoil how to lie in iiiiiitiiii;" ;
Y(JU )Th fond pfiffiit )i(av Io l.uvc prize Imliies;
WANT )'I'he mot her how t Imve tliem wiiJumt, pnin;
TO )Tho oliilillcRfi how U Iid liviitttil ami multiply
!Thk Lancashire Insukack Co.
KNOW )The ouriou
WHAT )The healthy how to enjoy life and keep well
EVEItY )The invalid how to (ret well iijjiiin npeedilv;
BODY )The impiudent how to ivtrnin wn.-.ti d eii"i;ry.
OUGHT )A11 who want knoy.lefk'o that ii uf iiiom worth
. one to marrv :t I ST"'!' V(
( oNi:
P. H. T. (Mtirruv Hill I
)f lint it in j;r. J-ooie.-;
) 1.0(10 pu(ri U00 cuts.
(Kednet'd from $',;.'.'
how thev "trowed" and etiiue to b;( .0
( $1,100
Talk." ( YEAK.
L'(M! recipe; ! 5(10,000
ruf.'e.-. ' ( i.H'iES
r.. Niv.v York.i i'LD.
I I'll II ! loitie
I I'ul. pli.tcs;
1 Ml: 'uvula
:.::i r., ::mi, s