T EIIv BRO 3- Vf ff LEAD iu Millinery, Ladies' Furuishiugs and Children's woar. Oar stock is the largest, and our prices the lowest ; and we guarantee satisfaction. A!fo curry n ((mjiPte stock of Dress Goods and Trimmings. Ladies' Hose and Underwear A Specialty. SEND TO US FOK Y ' ( ! BUTTEIIICK -: PATTERNS. Wo have large stork to select from. We invite you to inspent our itock, prices, etc. MAT ST., OPPOSITE Give your business to Heppner people and therefore assist to build up Hepp ntr. Patronize those who patronize you. Jl hold each and ery correspondent r vonslble tor bis or her eommuiiletlon. bo 2?Sipotdnc. will be published unlwi the wrtWrVrMl nme is signd as a evld.uce of good laltfc. Did jon Ter Bead about the Mao who Hid his Light under A buahelT Tea? well That is like Doing business "Without advertising. All the guide sobemtia Iu the country 'Will uot accomplish Half ai much Ai a good ad. Ia a good, live, Legitimate newspaper, One that Ia read It the people, And that owns Its own Soul; that Vies its apace kik merchandise, Worth dollar For dollar. The Tester will case at Seattle has been dismissed. A few more suspended banks have been added to the list. Wilkes Russbl. the famous paoer, was recently killed by lightning at Freeport, Ills. South Carolina has inaugurated the system of state management ot bar roooiB. A PiiAN is on foot to operate the Erie canal boats by eleotricity. The trolly system is proposed. Gbnbkal Wabnkk has given notice that the silver congress will oonvene at CbinagoAug. 1st. BoUNWiMH did not win at Hbeeps head Bay, the Sunbeam oolt carrying off the Realization stakes. Portland bids fair to soon have a direct steamship line between Honolulu and Sydney, via Vancouver. JobkfH Cornklison, of Myrtlt creek, Douglas couuty.died on Monday of Inst week. He was a pioneer of that section. As ma time nears for voting on Ireland's home rule bill, the prospeot grows brighter for the success of the measure. Silvib is picking up again in price, but mines are shutting up all over the country, as silver mining has beooms unprofitable. Kino Gkouob, of Ureece, has abdicated, and the country of ancient historical returned to a republican form of government M. Koshland, the Portland wool mau, baa been found guiliy as charged in the indictment, with a reoouimendBtion for meroy. A new trial has been applied for. Tea action of the Presbyterian General Assembly on he Dr. Briggs oaae may split the Presbyterian eburob in twain. "Bolting" ministers are nnmerona at present. Two world's records were broken on the Maple Valley Trotting Association's kite track at Kirkwood July 4tb. Sala din, owned and driyer by James Oreen, of that city, paoed a mile in 2 :Qb?i beat ing the Maaoot reoord for pacing made by (toy iu 2:0C','. Johu Hamlin, of Parkeavi'le, L. 1., drove the trollor Ayrea P., with Telephone aa a running mate, making a mile in 2:033,', breaking another world's record for a mile, held by Wiudship, 2:06. If Ms. Cleveland really wants to haye the Sherman silver purchase not repealed In a hurry, let him iustruot the treasury department to begin pay ing all salaries of congressmen, from the date congress shall assemble, in silver dollars. It would ba a good way to get rid of some of the silver stored in the treasury vaults, and it would stop the purchase of any mora in a hntry. Oregonian. If Eastern Oregon bad a few of those despised silver dollara just now they would come in very bandy. Mr. Cleveland should begin the ex periment at ouoe. Thb announcement that a special see ion of congress has been called to oon eue August 7th, has not appareutl) strengthened the oondition of affairs yet Banks are snspending daily, not only in PALACE HOTEL. the United States, bnt in Canada also. The Sherman law certainly has nothing to do witli Canada or other foreign couo . tries. The trouble of the whole matter is, the entire world is Buffering from the attempt to force Bilver out as money, aud gold to a sreater premium. It will con tinue to groan beneath the burdens in flicted until a panio aud financial revolu tion ensues, and finances are reorganized upon the old plan of bi-metallism. These United States, however, are carrying man; burdens now, and last but not leist, the promised free trade policy of the present administration is doing as much, or more, in faot, than anything else to demoralize business and disrupt home enterprises. EDITORIAL NOTES. John Sontao died at Fresno on the 3rd inst. from wounds received recently while resisting officers. Thb would be hero, Kichardeoa, was reoently sent up eight years for bis fun on the Southern Paoiflo some time ago. Blondib, the Oregon trotter, lowered the world's two-mile reoord at Salem on the 4th. The record is 4:48, but Blon- die knocked off a bait seoond, leaving it it 4:48. CHUUCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. At M. E. church next Sabbnth, Sun day school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11. Text, "He that is without him among you Id him oast a atone at her." All invited. Ilo services iu the even inn hut we will join in the union serviced at M. E. obuich, South. Announce ment of which will be seen elsewhere J. M. Shulse, Pastor. We, the pastors of the oity of Ilepp ner, have deiided to bold a union service at the M. E. church, South Sunday at 8 p. m.. July t)ih. The text lor the evenir g will be: "And you hmb he quickened who were dead in tres pHsses and iu sins." Discussed by all t tie pastors, led by Brother Shulse This will be an introductory services to he held in the future. All are cordially invited to attend. M. Bhamblet, J. M HhUT.HU. Edwin 1'ai.ukr, Catiirrb Cannot he Cured With local applications, ns they cannot reach the seat of the (I i sense. Catarrh is a blood or ooiistitutinnal disease, and in order to cure it yon must take internal remedies. Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken internally aud ads directly on the blood and mucous am faces. Hull's Catarrh Cure is not U quack medniue. It Mm pre scribed by one of the best plijsic'iiihH in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is aomposed ot I lie beat tonics known, combined with tli best blood purifiers, aoting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect com bination of the two inaredients is what prod noes such wonderful results in cur ing catarrh. Send for testimonials free F. J. CUENET . CO,, Props., Toledo, Oh.o. Hold by druggists, price ioo. M LOST. Ou or about May 6, '1KI, either on Little Butter oreek, or on road betweeu Little Butter creek aud Heppuer, a hunters' case, stem-wiudinit and stem setting gold natoh was lost. A sum I portion of the crystal was oracked off, but still remained iu place. Five dollars reward will be given to the person leaviug the watch at this oflioe, or who returns same to me. (Jkoruk Fkencii Hepuuer, Or. 142-4 Tiiouble With the Natives. A short time ago Jus. Willis bought a oi.yuse from a Columbia si wash, but the animal strayed back to the village of "wickiups." Monday the horse was found in ileppuer ui possession of au Indian, but he would uot return it, so "Jeeina" invoked the aid of the strouif-amied law, represented in an official capacity by Sheriff Noble. The ludiau would uot get oil' the horse till forced to do so, paying no attention whatever to the sheriff's formidable pistol, which shoots a bullet as big as a walnut. Other Indiana attempted to interfere, but Hun Iloruor and J. L. Vau Wiukle preveutod it. The home was turned over to Mr. Willis, hut the ludiau claims he is mistaken iu the animal. Fakkwei.l Pahty Ou last Tuesday, a farewell party was tendered Miss M. A. Bedggood by Mrs. L. W. Briggs and Mary Nelson, at the home of Thus Nel son. Quite a number of her friemlH were present who spent a pleasant even ing. Miss Bt'dggood will leave iu about two weeks for hei bom in Canada, via Chicago, where she will visit the World's Pair. Duriug her sojourn iu our midst she has made many warm friends who regri t that she must soou leave tliein. rtTiiiAN Sistkus Election. On lust Friday night lujriau Temple No. 0, I'ythiau Sisters, elected the following otlioers: Mrs. S. 8. Iloruor, M K. C; Mrs. H. C. French, M. K. S ; Mrs. A. A. Huberts, M. K .1 ; Mrs. V. W. Smead, M. of T ; Miss IntzYoruz, M.of U AO ; Mrs. P. O. Borg, Protector; .Mrs. Henry llliickuiau, 0. O. T.; Mrs. U. C. French, Trustee. The installation will occur shortly. Heppner Celebrates in the Old- Fashioned Manner. ASSISTED By EIGHT MILE 1XD OTHERS- An Exteoslve Program of Exercises and Game l-j'oaie HucIiik at tlie Piuk-A Grand Ball iu the Evening. Heppner's gala day, the 4th of July, opened up bright and ol nr, but later on a strong bretzi kept the dust mov ing, which somewhat interfered with the celebration. However, it did not hinder the spectators from remaining and enjoying the well prepared program. At an early hour, saluteB were fired, and the armsof Morphsus released manv a patriotic Hoppnerite who were soon on the qui vice for the day's enjoyment. The procession whs formed on Main street at 9:30, a. m., undercharge of Marshal E. L. Mullock, assisted by aides Drs. J.J. Bill and J. W. Rasmus. It waa headed by the Heppner Cornet Band in full uniform. Then in the following order: Blue Mountain Divis ion No. 12. U. II , K. of P.; Liberty car with Miss Lin-ele Oodlpy, Oodduss, and 44 little mils representing eaob state in the Union; Heppner's Hose Companies, Noa. 1 mid 2, aud Hepp ner Hook and Ladder Co.; then citizens in carriages and on horseback. The route taken was through the principal streets of one town, thence direct to the grove. Presi lent of the day, Hon. H. Bluck man, Boon called the gathered olaus to order. Then the followiug program was rendered: Musio by the band; prayer, Rev. Edwin Palmer; musio by the band; reading the Declaration, Mr. J. W. Dawson; music; oration, Mr. A W. I'attersnu; music; dinner, and many a well-filled busket Buffered. The absence of singing was caused by the neglect of the committee in providing au organ, The afternoon was given entirely to HporlH. The hall gamehetweeu Eight Mile and Heppuer was qnito iiitercstinL'. It "peued with Heppuer at bat, aud the made two runs. Eight mile then took the but and made three runs. From this on, five innings, Ileppuer had decidedly the bet-t of it. The Eight Mile men were all fair players, but had had little oppoitunity fur pi actice. The result of the KHme was as follows; Heppuer, 2 3 ri 13 1-25 Eight Mile, 3 0 0 1 0 -4 One-fourth mile nice, entries, Coon D ig, Tun, Ii jun, Inlo Thompson, Gray. Coon D ig 1st ; Tiu2 id. Five-eighths dash, entries, Big Enough, Pule Thompson, Chief; Big Euotigh lal ; Pole Thompsou 2nd Bioyole race, 800 yards, Harry Warren lal; Ike Euuis 2nd; J. I). Hamilton 3rd. Tug of war, Eight Mile faimcrs vs. Heppner farmers, the foimer winning Oryal Junes won the 50 yard race foi boys unoer 12 years. Htnry Cannon won the 50 yard Back race; Frank Jones 2nd. Johnny You Cadow won the 50 yard foot race for boys between 12 and 15 years. Ham nud Richardson, Natter and Hayes, lie in three legged race; Jones and liea 2nd. Hurdle race, W. 8. Chandler, 1st ; Albert Rea, 2nd. Boys' bicycle race, Chas. Van Duyn, 1st; Lenwood McAtee, 2ud. Oue hundred yard foot race, Mosier, 1st; Ren, '2nd. The goat aud dog race was declared a tie, and created much merrimeut. Tng of war, Heppner v. Farmers former wiuuiug. Hose race between Nos. 1 aud 2, Hepp ner, was exciting. The hose teams each ran 100 yards and threw water through 300 feet of hose. Time, No. 1,0:43; No. 2. 0:48. The day's entertainment closed with a ball given by the 4'h of July committee. Q lite a unuiher of tickets were sold and the occasion was an enjoyable oue. KUH.M l.t-XlMilON. Eiutob Gazette: We must tell you something of the time ws had here the 4th of July. Therj were a mimher more of happy faces present than we autici pateit and wo feel confident they were uot sorry they came. About 8 o'clock in the morning people could be seen Iu all directions aud in t-veiy possible manner of oouveance, Hocking to the beautiful grove b-low towu. At 10:15 the exercises begau with the tflloieut ollioer ot the day, Mr. J. F. Willis in the chair and in bis usual "witty" strain. The opeuiiig prayer by lwv. Young, wa.i delivered in a most touching uinuticr. We wish toexteud our sincere thanks to the orator of the day, Rev. Rramblet, of Heppner. His address was delivered in au excellant, patriotio manner, such as none bnt -tffrefiLed, educated gentle man conld compose. He has won the ' highest opinion ot the young people of our town, and they are ever ready and willing to please bim. The reading of the Declaration of Independence by Edward Tibhets, was commendable. Mr. Matier and his aiuiable wife led the musio in their usual practical way, and are always appreciated by their attentive audiences. The people then repaired to their lunch baskets where they satisfied the "inner man" by partaking of the edibles prepared by the fine cooks of our oouuty. Ollie Kincaid, Tom Boothby and Dave Dixon deolared that they bad been yearning for one hour's solid "feeding" and on this ocoasion were satisfied. One would not think tbat we could be suffering from the expected drouth tbat is threatening us, from the looks of the "grub" that was spread before us. The afternoon exeroises began at 2 o'clock, by eingiug and appropriate remarks from our prominent oitizens J. S. Booth byT. Rev. KiDg and Rev. Young. Then the people assembled at the buse ball gronuds where they witnessed au interesting game of ball, between Jurdon Fork Nine vs. Lexing ton Star Nine, the Jorden Forkers gainiDg the prize, a purse of $10. The usual sports then followed each rc oompanied by prizes. A ball ia the evening which the writer declares a success, conoluded the programme. L. B. Lexington, Or. July 5th 1893. AUDITION AL LOCALS. The Stndebaker wann heads them all. For sale at Gilliam k limbec's. a "Hardware" did you say? Why, yes at P. C. Thompsou & Co.'s stand, and the plaoe for bargains. a The Palace is the leading hotel iu the oity. Well furnished rooms with plenty of light are proV'iued for everyone, a It yon want to buy groceries, and bread stuff cheap, go to the Enterprise Grocery. Kirk & Ruhl, proprietors, a Borg, the jeweler, is the u,an to fix up your watch or clook. Se keepH a full stock of everything pertaining to his business' a M. Lichtenthal & Co.'s new stock of splendid, summer botlou and tie special ties in the shoe line are attracting mark ed attention. a The M. L. & T. Co., sinoe they have roofed all their platforms, have an im mense storage capacity. This company now deals in graiu, lumber and wood, a Thompson & Binusown the buss which goes to and from the Palace hotel, but will call for parties desiring to go to train in any part ot the city. Leave orders at City hotel. a Gilliam & Bisbee are still doing busi ness at the old stand, reports to the Contrary notwithstanding. Ttiey invite in spectinnoi their man moth stock of hard ware, wagons, impliments, etc. a Give the matter a little thought. Reference is made to the nent bard ware, tinware, plumbing, etc , Btook o Billy Potter, Odd Fellows' hall. He de sires to please iu both quality and prioe. a Minor & Co., the new firm, have not last any of their popularity by the change. They ooutinue 10 do busiuees iu the old way the greatest amount quality considered, for the least money a The general merchandise establish ment formerly owned hy Coffin & M( Far laud, has lately changed hands, now be ins under the oontrol and management of The MoFarland Mercantile Companv, whiob continues busiuess at the old stand with a larger atook than ever. a Drcidrdiy Blink y. A t-embliug baud, an uncertain step, ddgetiuess, indicated by restless shift ing from oue i lace or posture toauother, usually mental annoyauoe at unexpected uoises are among the indications of ex treme nervousness. These seem trifling, Out the health of men and women in this condition is "deoidedly shaky," liable to he overthrown disastrously by onuses which the vigorous might defy. To (ortify the nervous system, general vigor must, through the medium of reiu f need digestion, and a renewal of au unpaired power of sleeping at Dight.be raised to a healthful standard. A guar antee ot this is Hosteller's Stomach Bit ters, which re-establishes digestion, bile secretion and the bahit of body on a permanent regular basis, thus renewing that bodily equilibrium, wbioh is fal lowed hy a gam of strength and nerve tranquility. For kidney oomplaint. rheumatism, neuralgia, sud as a pre ventative nt the first attack or subsequent return of malarial disorders, this medt oi ne is without a peer. Thrice daily take a wiaeglasbful. NAMED. Salesmen, to sell our choice snd hardy nursery etoek. Many special varieties to ctTer both in fruits nud ornamentals, and oo drolled only by us. We pay commission or salary, give exclusive territory and pay weekly. Write ns at once and secure ohoice of territory. Mat Bbotheks, Nurserymen, 142-00 Rochester, N. Y. Care Fob Dead. John VV. Kerns has made arrangements to look after and Oare for the graves of the Heppner Oemetery, SLd will also dig graves and attend to burying the dead at reasonable rates. Parties desiring his servicts should leave orders with either of the undertakers in this city. 142-4 t ft T. D. dliilN. TUB rijEDGK. I hereby solemnly promise, Gad oelping me, to abstain from all distilled fer mented and malt liquors, including wine, beer, and cider, aud to einploi all pioper means to discourage the use of, aud traffic in, the same. MRS. C. M. CHARLTON, Editress AN OPEN LETTER. The W. C. T. U., of Heppner, are find ing plenty to do. Some of the darkest piotures ot this little town have been brought to our notice, and not least among these rises the form of a saloon keeper attempting to entice little girls Into bis saloon to driuk. For shame I for shame! tbat the in nocent little girls, our sunshine, our little home angels, should even be spoken to by snoh a man. Mothers, guard your daughters, for you know not when tbey leave your presenoe, what agent of the evil one is waiting for them. This thing has been done, and let that man, and any others, who have dene ir contemplate doing suoh a thing again take warniLg. Let it never be repented for if it is, and it comes to the knowl edge ot the W. C. T. U., it will prose cuted to tho full extent of the law. By order of W. C. T. U. July o, 1803. The true Christian oonseerates all time to God. Every day is to him a Lord's day. But in the ssme spirit that he sets apart one dollar in every ten especially the Lords, he also sets apan on day in every seven as specially th Lords day. In the outward act of Sabbath day observance, the Christian world sjml izes on ideal truth; in the ceremonial consecration of one day in seven. typifies the consecration of all dajr-; in remembering the Sabbath day to keep it holy, we invoke the promised blessing upon our labor of the six days. The observance of a "Lord's Day" does not merely Bignify obedience to au arbitrary law enaoted by a despotic ruler. None ofGod's 'aws are arbitrary. There is a diviue philotopby uuderlyiuk all our Father's commands. Blessed are they who acoord unquestioning obedi ence! But if the why aud the wherefore is sought, as it often is, it may be found God will show us wondrous things out of His law if we only seek for thorn, But before we can approach to a right understand of God and His dealing! with the world, we must first understand man. Before he can sound the height! and depths i divine wisdom as Bet forth in the "shalt" and "shalt not" of Sinai, we must realize something nf the heights and depths of human nature. All the tedious details in the ordering of the Hebrew economy, all the minute par- HATTEES O.W.R. MF'G. C2 PORTLAND. ORE. For sale by Slocnm-Johnston Drug Co and T. W. Ayers, Jr. Nerve Tonic f A 0i'4. 'fi-VS for SOe, per box. ' M-nencctady, N.Y. 0 fur Si..,0. ""'I'l.O::!. Notice of Dissolution. NOTICE IS TIEREHY OIVEN THAT THE partnership heretofore existing between J. A. Kk-ckiier and Charles C. MieMon, mnier the tirm name oi Klevkaer & Slicltioa. doinir business in the town of Ht-nimer, ur., has thiB day been dissolved by mutual consent. Charles C heldon liAvinfr withdraw n from the business. However.J. A. kievkner w iii continue business at tiie same place. He will also collect ail ac counts due aud pay all liabilities oi the old tirm. J. A. KLfcCKSKR, I'll AS. t. Ml HUMS. Dated Julv G, 1SK!. u i-, USf Of LETTERS DVERTISKD AT HEl'l'NER rofT OFFICE il July.'!. iMf. ArlHIvUle. I' It Int. alter H Ojulim. N-plia Uilbvrt, Ja.n-s 2 llKUllitiUll. 1 K lVune, elm Mniunh, irns s-iii-l'tu-rU, li i Tlioumnen. Mr Tap, Hiurioh Mi-tlraverv. Kraiik kt'Jiile. rVaae ur "AdTrllieJ" wbn.-allliiv fnr th lr. A. Malloky. V. H. jfe Blood t-rAC-yjv, ..... r v A "vT ay 1315 S-ii 81 1KB UN Hit Kl Si 1 3 tf '" mm My a i HMHHH BLJ Are you all rundown? Scot? s Emul sion of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda will build you up and put flesh on you and o-ive von a yood appetite. Scott's Emulsion curca Coughs, Colds, Consunsjt'or., Scrofula aud all Anaemic and W..5t;aj Eiscasca. Prevents wasting ia cluiiren. Al most as inlatnf!c a-, iiciik. Cictouly the ffennlii. Prepared by Scott it Bowne, Chemists, New York. Sold by all Druggists. Tniat is tlie condition of yours? Is your hair dry, harsh, brittle? Docs it split at the ends? Bas it a lifeless appearance9 Does it fall out when tombed or brushed? Is it full of dandruff? Docs your scalp itch ? Is it dry or in a heated condition ? If these are some of your symptoms be manned in time or you will becoms bahl. (mm mm mm fetCQQKUSfl in vaf von nn"rt. Its production Is not an accident, but tlie rnnult of Bcieutlflc re Et'civii. KnowliMiire of the clifieuKrs of the Iialr aud sculp h-d to thu discovery of how to Tiv.it tirm, "Skookum "contains neither minerals nor oils. It 19 not a Dye, but n '"!! '.-titl'iilly foolinff and rcfreBhltift Tonic. By atimulatiug the follicles, ii stupa jaiiir.a l-cir, cures dandruff and growshair on (aH heads. ( t Kei'p The sciiip clean, healthy and free from irritating emotions, by thfinsft of : h-rn'.-um skin soap. It destroys parasitic insects, which feed un and destrvy ike hair. li vouf dnirrfr!st cannot annoly Ton, send direct to ns, and we will forward PTVpaM, on receipt of p-ice. Grower, i,oo per bottle; 6 for .IW. Soap, 5Uc. per jar ; o ur SK00KUM ROOT HAIR GROWER CO., 57 South Fifth Ave., New York, N. V. ., TRADE MARK Registered THE FOR INVENTIONS. Equal with tlie interest of those having claims against the government is that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a tiateut depends greatly, if uot entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If others are infringing on your rights, or if vou are charged with infringement by others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, D.C. p.o.Box63. JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. 9" Cut this out and send It with your Inquiry. ticulars eonef ruinir the civil and relig ious life ot the tnelve tribes given in the books of tlie law, we Cud to be pBrt of a most wonderfui pvsteni for au all aronn a tdncHtir n of n.M'kind a system wniou could ouly uuye oinmund with One who tbiironulily nndeislood iniiu's complex ninke-up Iu Hie Mosaic- law, wilb its liuiuioniou.s blendiujj of the tbreefulil nature nf m in, we ilisopra the work of tbe Supremo mind- -the Creator of mun. The spiritual and material, the mental and the pbyieul organism il. -mauds a rest day. N"t of "idle rrst" by any means, but thn rt-st wbioh chu only come ' brouyh h tnruit'k' ot the whole beini; toward (I'd. l'i ntu--inb3r that "God s iii Ht'iivon. All s riidit u iih the world" tbe very tuuunut i rt-stmi to soul and body. It buns strciiK'h and peace. Tins is what we wr.uUl tj,H-k to fctnin in ket pinu Imld ot the S.ibbath day, and if tlie people eenernlly nro not nnhfcn to the iiuporiiuiee of oh-y m the Fourth (J iminiudiueut. the ft-w wl.io a'eaVike mut-t i n.li-HVnr to st-cure Salih-tth obrrv ance by the enforcement of ,'ivil statute. The Mo-aic Imv, witli it detailed in structions cone.Tiiir.a d'lties toward God ami unties ti'urd our neighbor, concentrated in the Ten Coninvindmeuts, is a ilivii.ely npp"intnl Koliooluiater. Wbeu all men slia 1 have gron-n up into Christ, the decal-'Hi'.H will no longer be need d. But s-j lona ;.s mra hud nations are in tln',-r oi '-!orL,otri,ir. Ood," H8 ihe t, biews w-re po r-rone to do, surroun led ns toey werel v h-'iithen nations-it is e'ea' th it th. l.-tter of the law must still Iv. ol.serv-d. Th- world todiiy Ktiil n-ed8 the rch"o!niitser. Ame-ica tod .v ln,s not risen to such spiritual l.eitfh's Hi t i have uiitrown tbe Teu CotiiiU'Oi-lnv-n's. There lias liei-u one new nunie u.ide.l to the list tf h.'Uor'.ry Ilo mil- r a tool. we are i-l. a-ed to in -k- n. , n of ; .,nt of C. M. t ir!'-)il. hoiv,,.,l of Iii, Iressor U.is oolotuo . We i.e-d noiLy nioie and will to Ud to record them ' Mrs. liofi has at'Lu-nteil Minn Ah, Glasscock assistant treasurer. A good election. BEFPNER. OREGON. T BOOT HAIR QR0WEBl EAGLE BRAND THE BEST ROOFING! It is unequalled for House, Barn, fac tory or Out Buildiuiis and oosts half the price of shinnies, tin or iron. It is ready for use aud easily applied by anyone. Old-:-Shingle-:- Roofs Knsily maiie water tleht nnd fire proof nt imall tl S ?;i h '."? re aim Kiver- a suhstan lh J?u . n tKlH-8,8,or yi'?n- t'ar'edor warped s iiiiKlee , it bruiKS to the r i.laei-s and keens h,'.al'i;,,1,,'of ":""e mhh" lal"t require ,o ON" TIN OR IRCW ROOFg It Is ae- n Si " ; 1 b'' tl,e c"-'t. of cold, and lol - ?ul '.""K" covered it, leit rnn be ."i6," ",,'r.";h,t at expense. Write at ti,i (mi iivuian. Excelsior Paint and Roofing Co., 135 and 15T Duane Street. New York, N. Y . To Conaumptivei hV,h i, .i f nroii! Deen restored to I b 'biiple means, after siinerinsr for set- aZU u. r. ere uiniraneotioii. and thai lo ihnu-i, I "uuerers me means ot cure. rirJ7.( t ""ire ii, ne win cneerlullv send . hi?.h r8e , V"'' of the Presr-rtptlori used, ,m V.P '"'"Innasnre cure for Consu.i.p a , I l.o J i S"arrh.' Brom-hlri, and ail throat ?rv hi. 2, 8 ,dle; ,""" Hllsulferem will ,? t nr'T' o " 11 ,J'VUiL,le. 'I hoe uesir iptl"'B hl,'h 'benstthe.li noth K.atirlmayprovea t.les.l. win ,,lease ad l . ; - Kliv' AH1' A- ilsox. Brounlyu, .New York. ii umft fAng rT dnufp 1 I M Tabules : see advertisement