NOl'ICK TO ADVtKTlaKliS. I'HiWE deairiug tue uuertloii of display ads., or ciwuge oi same, must get they copy iu hut biter Uiau Sunday evening lur Tuesday ediuuu,ur Ahumiay eveumg lur Fridays edi tion. 1UM i'ArffcKM r'UBUfHlWb (JO. No net. 1. Tu Bum ut live ceiiU per line will be charged lur "cards ui thanks," "resolution ui rect,'' lists ui wedding rettenta and donors, sua uuiluary uuiK-es, (oincr uiau thuse Uie edit or suali iuuiseii give as a mailer ul newsj and uoUutMumpeciai meetings lor whatever purpose. i, Notice ui church anu society auu aiioiiiei ulariiuiueuu iruui which rev en us is lu be u rived, ahU be charged lur at the raie ul nve tents a Una. 'ihuse rules wiil be strictly ad her el u 111 every instance. Advertising raw reasonable and made known upuu aupiicaiiou. We bold each and every correspondent re sponsible lor uia or her communication, fsu correspondence Mill be puoliehed unless ine wntei a real name la big aed a an evidence ui good laiiii. I P. FioHEK, JiEWtiPAFEK ADVEKUo I Jm lug Agent, 21 Merchants JLJicnaiige, oa.u naneiseo, ut uttr uuiboiueu aKeiii. inm paper is kepi uu ide in hi uwce. TIME TABLE. Stage for Hardnmii, Monument, Long Creek, John Day ana lauyuu cny, leaves an loxlovv a : fcvery uay al b p. iu., except ouuuay. Arrives every nay alo a. ui., except Monday. 'llle eUeupebl, ulekeat auu peat line to or from the interior country. J. o. UELEVAS, Prop. Slocum-Johiiaton llrug Co., Aaeula. trine your business to Heppner peopce, and llunrtjurt assist to butui up Hepp ner.' Patronize those wlio palrouue you. Here and There. When you read thll little stanza In your house, or in your store; Remember it li being read By several thousand more. Now U you owued this little Bpace, And would till it with an ad; It would briug you many dollars lhat younououbt wish you had. Heppner Celebrates. Puiely vegetable Hood's Fills 25c. Briug in -your baskets well tilled ou the 4 ib. Orval Rasmus returned from Blalock Wednesday. John Bluckwell was in from Long Creek this week. Joe Woolery and wife were up from lone Wednesday. The net reoeiptB o( the Sunday ex cursion were $315. The Gazette baa a rattling good water barrel (ur Bale cheap. tf. MrB Harriet K Hallock in visiting her relatives m Portland. The sports and races, July 4tb, will bring iu u huge crowd. Hi d. W. F. Matlock has returned (rum the World's Fair. Johnny Cbristnan got in Tuesday from Long Creek for freight. A grand bull at the opera bouse, July 4th, will be largely utteuded. J, Ividerick Grant, representing the 0. W. K Mauf. Co., is iu town. The Gem aud Palace saloons for fine liquors, iMeAlee Bros., Props. sw Arch Vasey, representing C. H. Dodd & Co., was iu town Wednesday. Pbill Cobn and wife returned from tbeir Portlaud visit Wednesday. Frank Lee returned yesterday from a trip to Pendleton and The Dalles. Mrs. Ben Cuee was up from lone Wednesday to take in the eirctte. W. A. Johnston aud family are now located iu the property of F. J. Halloo k. Misses Laura Muir and Josie Dancer are visiting Mrs. Geo. Miller tbis week. 'Bqtiire Scrivner and Sam Adams were down from Haidmuu Wednesday. All aooounts due tsbaw & MoCartj must be paid ou July 1st, without fail. 37 j 1. B G. Bobinson and sons came iu Monday evening, returning borne yester , day. The HeppnerCanyon stage line is the btai, cheapest and quickest to the in tenor. Homer McFarlaod returned on Mon day Irom a business trip over iu Grant couuty. The twice-A-V.EEK Gazette now only 82.60 in advance, payable in cash ui coon skius. The parade at Heppner on July 4tb, will be one oi the gianJ events ut the celebration. Halt & Mathews, the barbers, City ho tel barber shop. They are artists. Baths in connection. The ciicus took out many a hard earned dollar Wednesday that will be in demand before fall. Mr. and MrB. J. B Sperrv are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Milt Hale, who resides in Haystack. The Firemen's race between Hose Co. No. 1 and Hose Co. No. 2, on July 4tb, will be a drawing curd. Monday laBt, Airs. Miffitt, mother of Mrs. Ed. Reece. oame up from Portland on a visit lo her daughter. H. H. Glassford oume up Wednesday from Salem for a week's stay among his possessions up at Hard nan. The Kteley institute, at Forest Grove oores liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine and tobacco habit, bee ad. The Gazette would gladly fill a few orders for choice trees of any sort satis faction guaranteed. Drop in. tf. F.verv man who takes any interest in faet stock should subscribe for The Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. Geo. Wells went out to Harrison Webb's today to take bis final proof, Mr. Webb being confined to bis bed. Henry Clem wi s in to call on us Wednesday last. He reports a good fain in the mountains Moudav evening. Green Mathews, having purohased the Palace hotel bHiber shop from Chas. Jones, Bsks for a contiuuanoe of trade Baths iu connection. Will Faw made a Bhort business trip to Arlington jesierday, returning on the up train last eveoing. Hereports every thing prosperous below. Master Clay French is the authorized agent for the Oregonian at this place. tJubsoribe throuub bim, and have your paper delivered free of charge. tf A oow derailed No 1 Tuesday morn ing jiiBt tbis side of Portland. A trump named C. C Chase was instantly killed but do oue else whs hurt, although there were some close calls. For a refreshing kIbbs of beer and a nioe luncb, oall on Kleckner & Sheldou at tbe Arcade. Also a floe stook of liquors and cigars. Good old porter in took, excellent for family UBe. Word oame down this morning that TT.O. Boyer was quite ill. Dr. Swin iurce was called who reports him as much better. Later be was brought down to Heppner where he can be made more comfortable. The advice that most- mn will give yon is not to drink, bnt when joodo get the b-pst. The Belvedere saloon carries n excellent s'ock of cigars. Iiqtmrs wines and beer. A fine billiard parlor in connection. Call on Charlie and John who will always tieat you court eously, tf. A. 8. Haines, of Eigbt Mile, reports .crops doing well now. The weather is crertHinly wonderful for tbis season of. the j ear. B. P. Dfberty wsb in town today on business oouuected With bis wool. Mrs. Joe Woolery is visiting her mother, Mrs Pry Wusuu, of Monument. R. N. White, repris'eutiug The Consol idated Adjustment Co., Chicago, is aruuud ainuug our busiueas men. Bub Driter claims be wu"niu)unuied" at the Bii"w Wednesday, but with the aid of cfhoers and some stoat talking reatitutiuu was made. Mrs Geo. Gray returned borne from Tbe Dalles last evening, having spent three weeks pleasautly with Mr. Gray's mother who lives at that place. (Jy Fnqua, E.B.Stanton, J. 8. Booth by and J fc yiuug called at the Gzetle i flice last Saturday while in to attend a meeting ot Rawlins Post, G. A. B. Hon. W. R. Ellis and wife, ot Hepp ner, have been in onr community the past week, tbe guest of his old friend Rn burd MoClaieu. -Brownsville Times, 'Gene Noble came up from below on th excursion train Suuday. He bad been in attendance at the commencement exercises at the Monmouth Normal school. Tuesday the wool press at Henry Hi ppner's warehouse was badly broken. However, we presume that it can be easily repaired, aud that baling goes ou as before. Mrs G. W. Swaggart and MrB. Wilson will operate au ice-cream and straw berry stand on tbe 4th of July in the Ktore room formerly ocoupied by Lane Matlock. 40-2 J. J. Roberts left yesterday for Pendle ton to bring borne tbe trotting mare, Alta. Hon. T. J. Matlook, the owner, in tended going himself, but slight illness prevented. Isa Brown and eon, Clarence, called on ns yesterday while in town. Clarence is one ot tbe U. P.'s victims of tbeir rigid system of economy, recently in augurated. The fi-ihiog party last Suuday proved to be a recreation party, who went out to get a breath ot country air. No fish were caught as they did not go out for that purpose. Hon. W. B. Ellis and wife, accom panied by Miss Mamie Stott, returned from below Mouday eveoing lust. Miss Mamie has been attending school at Tbe Dalles for some time. Tbe D. S. Baker went over tbe Cas cades last Tuesday without accident except to a barge which it was towing. It was finally picked up near Bonneville, not bdiy injured. Wm. Duncan writes that be is over at Boise City, Idaho, aud that work is plentiful at $1.75 per day and board, and $4 50 per day team aud man. He rxpects to go on to Montana iu tbe near tuiure. G. W. Burleigh, editor of the Living Issue, ui rived from John Day on this morning's stage, aud tomorrow will proceed on up to Weston, to be in attendance on the 4tb ot July pionio and festivities. Jas. Jones left Monday for Walla Walla. Toward the first of next week be will proceed ou up to Spokane with his race horses where be will be joined by Dave McAtee and, perhaps, other Heppnerites. Jus. R'lyse and son, Chas., came in this morning from Gooseberry, Charley leaving on tue down train for Eugene. He will return in about a week, when be aud bis father will take a trip up iu the Dayton oountry, with a view of locating iu that vicinity. Cuus. Nelsou, who used to live at Heppner, is iu trouble down at Tilla mook, charged with attempting to burn the town. However, there is little evidence againBt bim. Tbe Gazette hopes Chas. will get cut of the tronble all right. Tboa. Stubblefield and sister and Misses Hady and Eppa Wilaou, Daisy Elsie Franklin und Mis. Leslie came iu iu from Grant couuiy to attend ibe oircus Mis. Leslie did not return with ttie vounn ueople but went over to Pendle- iou to vnit tier dauguter, airs, iuob Biadley. Conductor French takes this oppor luuily, iu tbe name ot the order of Railway Conductors, to thank the ueonle of Morrow county for their at tendance on the exouision Sunday last The proceeds, above $75 aud Ibe cost of unutiug. no to tue or,.er or wnicn, oi course, Mr. Freuch is a member. Rev. Henry Rasmus, of the First M. E. ohuroh ot a okaue, arrived Wednes day eveuiug on a visit to relatives and mends here. Henry looks much tbe same as ot old, though we believe he is in better bealib tbau when be need to reside in Hepp ler. He will leave tomor row for Walla Walla to be at tbe bedaidq of bis mother who is seriously ill, as an nounced iu lust issue. The Gazette regrets much that his stay could not be more extended. Hood'sCures Numerous Boils And Catarrh In the Hoad Sir. W. 1. Tucker Roseburg, Oregon. " I feel that it Is Impossible for me to say toe much in favor of Hood's Sarsaparilla. I was a great sufferer from impure blood and Catarrk in my head. Job's comforters failed to comfort me, and I suffered from numerous twila Agony Beyond Description. When I began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla I had six of them, only four of which came to a head, and since then, tnanks to this good medicine, I have been free from this great affliction. I gained 11 pounds in three weeks. The Catarrh In my head which has troubled me for years has also neen cured by Hoods Sarsaparilla aud 1 Hood's x Cures am enjoying good general health. I earnestly recommend Hood's sarsaparilla to all who are afflicted." W. L. Tucker, Koseburg, Oregon. HOOD'S PiLLS cure all Liver Ills, Billon nen, Jaundice, Indigestion, fiick Headache. HA VEVO 17 BACK A CHE ? DR. GRANT'S CURES Diabetes, Briahf8 Disease, Inflammation of the Blad der, Yellow Water, Brick Dust sediment in urine, Burning Sensation, Pain in the Back, and all Dis eases if the KWneys. PREPARED BY O.W.R. Mannfacturipg Co., PORTLAND, OREGON. For sale by Slooum-Johnston Drug Co and 1. W. Ayers. Jr. There is Great Excitement Among rbeumatio sufferers over tbe new remedy that is being put up in New York City . It is claimed there has never been a oh so where II has failed to cure. It is called Dr. Drummond's Lightning Remedy fur Rheumatism and is sold tor 5 a bottle. The remedy is certainly making tor itself a world- wide reputation. This wonderful prei aratiou has worked some remarkable oures among rbeumatio sufferers; Sent by express prepaid on receipt of prioe. Drummond Medicine Co., 48 50 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents Wanted. 12 Good News. Dr. B. F. Vanghan, having oompleted his dental education, is prepared to do all kinds ot work in hie line. Teeth made without plates, bridge work, clasp plates, full npper and lower gold plates, full aluminium plates, porcelain and gold orown, etc. Ulcerated teeth permanently cured. Upeoial attention given to children's eetb. ' 'Come early and avoid tbe rush 34tf mil insinrr-T-w-n t-t it innniriTiii rim -! Ah) thing new of real merit, you can generally find for sale by 3AtE BT Gilliam & Bisbee, HEPrNKn, on. This piece ot advertising spaoe belongs to Slocum-Johnston Drug O PHILL COHN, Pbopkibtor. There is not a winged inseot bovering around Phillip. P. 6. TWPSOi go. Who are noted for being The Leaders. We don't run a tbird-clsse junk shop where yon can buy shoddy goods at twioe their value, but we keep nrsl-claBB goods at honest prioea, witb no baits or trap. We keep Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hardware, Tinware, GROCERIES- Wood and Willoware, Guns, Ammunition, STATIONERY, CONFEOHONERY, ETC. - Axk our old onstomers how we treat them. : : : : : Corner Main and Willow Streets, HEPPNER, OREGON. M ir INOR cfo OO - Heppner, Oregon. RIGHT IN -f THE LEAD And Bound to Stay. -Onr Prices in all lines of- H. A. Thompson A. S. Bin in Dry M, Clc teiei, Hals, Caps Boots, Shoes, Provisions, Notions, Etc. Are the lowest Come and point out the goods you wish, and we are confident you will be pleased, because our prices are all right. Au early call will be appreciated. THOMPSON & BINNS, I PROPRIETORS The Htppner Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Below Collin It McFarland'l, Main Street. Good Conveyance for Traveling Men. Teams to my per day, 75ots. Hay and grain per day. Jl. Meals '26 cts. tt O. C. bargeaut's, next door to Feed Stable. Grain and I baled hay always on baud. FREE CAMP HOUSE FOR TEAMSTERS. ONLY EXCLUSIVE BOOT AND SHOE STORE FOOTWEAR M. LICIITENTHAL & CO. IS IN HEPPNER. NO SHOD'JY GOODS. FOOTWEAR. West Side of Malu Street, OKKQON. STORAGE AND FORWARDING. ATTENDED TO Business-like Manner -AMI AT- REASONABLE RATES. Wool Growers' Near the Warehouse Depot: HEPPNER, OREGON. Rip's Wood Yakd. The Heppner wood yard, under the management of Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver wood at your residenoe, sawed or un sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at $7.00 per oor'd. Wood sawed twice in two, 75 cts. per oord; three times, $1.00. Yard near tbe depot. Leave orders at jjloan & Howard's. 4-tf. Stbanqb Case. Conductor and Mrs. H. C. French remind ye writer of I peculiar case which oooured in Texas, and wbioh was recently the subject of much oomment in the newspapers. About six years ago, Orren Kimmis, a oonsio ot Mrs. Erenoh, was a oorduotor on one of the many lines running into Dennison, Texas. One niht be at tempted to put a tramp off bis train an was shot, dying in a few days from the wound. A man, supposed to be tbe murderer, was arrested and sent up for life on purely circumstantial evidence. Nothiog more was thought of the matter until recently a tramp died in California, who, before death, made a confession that be, himself, was the murderer and tbat the man suffering punishment in the Texas "pen" was innooent. This is one more link in tbe long chain of events transpiring yearly lhat go to prove that citoumstautial evidenoe is dangerous material on wbicb tooonvict. Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi ence, has just Jooated in the Abraham si Diiitding, on May street, where be ib prepared to do evetytbing in bis line. . i. tiirbeck is strictly a first-clans work man and warrants all work. Give him a oall. Uwtf First Class Tailobino Fred Miller oow looated on May street in the old bakery bui'ding, where be is prepared to do first class work. A perfect tit guaranteed. Give bim a trial. tf. A Bruised Oitic- Alex Gunn oarries a badly bruiBed left eye, tbe result of a friendly scuffla with Mike Fitzgerald last Monday. In falling, he struck bis h.-ad just above tbe eye on tbe sidewalk, and in a very sbort lime the optio was swollen sbut. The injury is not serioUB, though it certainly proved a paioful one. Ripans Tabules cure headache. Land Foe Sale. 480 aores over in WiUon prairie. A good stock ranob and will be sold cheap. Call at Gazette office for particulars and terms. tf. NOTICE. ppW S' mm pel Only First-Class hotel in Heppner. Building Wired for Electric Lights throughout. Ueet accommodations for the traveling public. Courteous treatment assured the ooun try people. MRS. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress. Change of Ownership E HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OF THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, whioh we propose to oonduot in the moat satisfactory manner. Will keen on bands at all times the choicest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. shaw & Mccarty, 85-ti Proorietora. DR. JOSEPH J. BILL, Graduate M. E. O. V. S., Loudon, England. TTEPPNER and LONE ROCK IV. STAGE LINE. IVIKIvSOIV, Prop. Leaves Heppner on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Leaves Lone Rock on Mondajs, Wednesdays and Fridays. Makes connection witb tbe weekly line to Fossil. Reasonable ohargei for both Passengers -:- and -:- Freight. wa-tf i SLOCCM-JOHNSTON DRDG CO., Agents, Heppner, Or. Owing to the stringency in money mat ters, I am forced to notify my patrons tbat I am compelled to do a striotly cash business, and by so doing will be able to meet my demands. Thankful for tbe kind patronage be stowed npon me in tbe past, and hoping to receive a share of your trade in the future, I am Yonrs Respeotfully, 89tf C. S. VanDuyn. The Hotel Grande. FOB BALE CHEAP. To stockmen end sheepmen: 12( acres good mesdow land, situated in the midst of the best summer rangi, on Middle Fork of tbe Jnbn Day river; well watered title perfect. AddresB J. M. Johns, Arlington Or. 83 40 ( FORMERLY THE HANFOKD HOUSE.) J. W. REDFORD, Proprietor. VERYTHING NEW. This house has bsen refitted nrt Is the nrst-clms hotel oi Arlington. It Is centrally located, and Is therefore the most convenient plate lor commercial travelers. Stales leave this house every morning for Condon n4 Fossil, Oregon; lso lor Cleveland Blckleton and uoldendale, Washington. Mim at all train., AHMNOTOX, - - HOW ' OHBGON, VETERINARY -mm- SURGEON ! Chronic Diseases a Specialty. I am prepared to da all kinds ot Veterinary Snriiery, Emasculating: Horses and Hnullmr. ai. alty. (This is th. only true method of operHtlineou horses.) BpeyliiK of Cattle and Hon on short notice. J will treat all animals iu the most approved procedure of Veter inary Surgery. If you have any sick animals It will be to your interest to call on me at Htewart's stables. HEPPNER, - - uut aw - . ORKGOM The Kecley Institute -OF- For the Cure o Liquor, Opium aai Tobacco Habits It Is located at Forest Grovs, Or., The Most Beautiful Town on fi Coatt . Call at the Oaktti offlcs tor particulars. Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sure cure. E COPPER mVTZTEDXc J J50TTOM rANTs I 4?rV ft Human Wonders, Freaks, Diseases. New Pamphlet by Dr. E. B. foote, 4i. i4 paires, tl illustrations; in two parts. I. SEVEN WONDERS) Of MAN AND SOME Of HIS FREAKS, an Illustrated loo turd on the outlines of popular physloloey, mure briefly and clearly presented lliau ever be fore, Hiid esi.lulnlti many curious anomalies which have become familiar as museum freaks. !t. AUTO-TOX-BMIA, 8ELF-P0I80NE0 B LOOO, ex p'alnlng; th.orlfctln, relation and treatment of a variety of cnronlotllsonaaa, U"h as Miliaria, Kaltrlic um, nancer, grip, catarrh, rli'-ul.mtlrm, Hr'l.t'x. aiioplery, plli-pny, eto. 'I his i,ui,ihii-t rtwnl.i-s p!' ti:rn tlie Intri i can- huillHii vluu ruai mn.-ri. llulro' tB how to I iu T uimtnu on i'T. ? fi.iiiiM urn niwipie .. lillil.ll''.. Ciff4n v-hiil's to lw for it-lii f. Ii will "ilile . '.T p-adfT to i nun-Hi .' n ii.i-cpi.ifi i " '1' '' "p" " "' thai ncct all and j.i.:u..i1.rt ', wrcc uuuij t"AIl new snDKcribers and prompt renewals during the month ot April win oe prewnsed with a free oopyof tbis as a premium. 4 KIJMv & I1UIIL, The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store, On May Street, opposite I'alaoe Hotel. They will keep on baud a full line of STAPLE A.N1) FANCY Groceries and Provisions. A full line of choice I'ifs, Cukes i nd Bread ; in fact everything that ia usually kept in a first-class bakery store. They will sell cheap foi cash. Oall ana try them. sw Otis Patterson NOTARY PUBLIC '-CONVEYANCER CALlv AT OPPICK Of' jTliii'voiin Imv.' to el si- tho bHsfoiiH to nmiry ;(fi TWO GOURSEjTlio iiianiwl how to b: lmj).v iu inn fringe ; ( DAYS YOU )The fond parent how to imvn priz Labies ; ( ONE WANT )Ttm mother how t have thfiii without pain; (AGENT TO )The childless how to be fruitful und multiply: ( SOLD KNOW )The curious how they "growed" and came to be;( 42 WHAT )The healthy how to en joy life and keep well; (AND ill EVERY )The invalid how to get well again speedily; BODY )The imprudent how to regain wasted energy. OUGHT )AU who want knowledge that is of most worth TO )Find it in Dr. Foote's " Plain Home Talk," KNOW. )1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 21 col. platen; 200 recipe; READ )Keduecd from tf::.2") to ifi riO; circulars free. P. 11. T. )Murni,y Hill Ti&. ('- :-.) E. 2.jh St., New Yorl (AND DTE ( SAVED ( $1,100 (IN ONE ( YEAR. (500.000 ( COPIES .( .SOLD.