Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 09, 1893, Image 3

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    " lor N
mi ' u ...
I 'HOhM. desiring the insertion of dlRiiltT ml;,
orctiKiiijuuisaiiie, uimi get their copy in
nut later than Sunday evening for Tumiay'd
ftd.Utm, ur iuurituay evening ior Fridays eili-
tWU. fATltanoN i'UUUbHlMiCO.
1. The Bum of five cent per line will be
cliargeu for "curds oi uiankB," "resulutiuni oi
loMpcut," linttfui wedding prebents and donurs,
anu obituary uuiii-en, (.outer tuau thuse the edit
or hhail hiiuneii give as a matter oi news,) and
uoiiueaoi hpetiai lueeiingb lor w hatever puroi.
2. Notice ui church and eocieiy and ail other
entertainment troui which revenue in to be de
rived, nhall be charged lor at the rate of tive
veuta a line. Tbee rules w ill be stru-tiy adlier
ed to tu every instance.
Auvui iuiug rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
spotiMulo ior his or her communication. Iso
uorieupoiident'e will be published unless the
w utei 8 ruai name is signed as au evidence oi
got hi iaith.
JJt iug Agent, 21 Merchants exchange,
Buu i laticisco, is our authorueu agent, iiiis
paper is kept on file in his oihce.
Stage for Hurdmaii, Monument, Long Creek,
John Ltay and tanjou city, leaves as loilous ;
hvery day att:;Rj p. m., except auuuay.
Arm es every day ato .uo a. in., except Jiouday.
Hie irfteapent, nuickeat and best line to or
I'lom the interim country.
J. a. DELE VAN, Trop.
Hlocum-Johnston Drug Co., Agents.
Uive your business to Heppner people,
and therefore asxisl to buiut v.p Hepp
tier. Patronize those who patronize
Here and There.
TUTT:S FILLb make pure blood.
Tho3. Woolery was up from lone Tburs-day.
J as. Daugherty la iu from Walluwa
Mrs. Joe Woolery, of lone, Sundayed
iii Heppner.
J ridge Hallook will hereafter otlice al
bis residence.
The Gazette has a rattling good water
barrel tor sale cheap. tf .
Assessor Shaw is taking iu the
metropolis this week .
The Gem aud Palace saloons for Hue
liquors, MoAtee Bros., Props. sw
'lue weather remains cool, which is a
good thing lor the wheat crop.
K Y. Judd is here making advances
and taking wool on consignment.
A striotly first class guitar fur sale.
Brand new. Inquire at this otiiee. 5-34.
Ben Poppen says his chance for a
crop is as good as auyoue could expect.
Mrs. G. Gate aud daughter will leave
uext week tur tueir home in band Hollow.
The Heppner-Cauyon stage hue is the
Ltbl, clitoi el una quickest to the iu
ten or.
W. J. Clark, representing Honeyinan,
Deitart & Co., was in town over Wed
nesday. Jus. M. Thompson and A. H. Dills
were drowned in the lower John Day
L. D. Boyed and Geo. Harrington left
for their Granite placer mine yesterday
Jas. Jones did not go to Walla Walla
as leported, but will likely join the hoises
at Spokane.
The iwiCE-A-WEEK Gazette now only
$2.50 in advance, payable in cash or
ouon skins.
Halt & Mathews, the barbers, City ho
tel barber shop. They are artists. Baths
in connection.
Will 'Walbridge and Chas. Mallory
left yesierday with their horses, bound
JNew lork.
ere Were quite a number of G. A.
R. DeoDki and 83. of V.'s in to hear the
lecture Wednesday.
Nearly every rancher in the Alpine
neighborhood is outting his rye which is
a big orop this year.
Miss May Bailey will leave next
Monday for the World's Fair and ber
old home in Michigan.
The body of Amos Bills, who was
drowned iu Ihe John Day, was found
near The Dalles Wednesday.
The Kteley J iiatitnte, at Forest Grove
cures liquor, opium, morphine, oocaine
and tobacco habit. See ad.
The Gazette would gladly fill a few
orders for choice trees of any sort satis
faction guaranteed. Drop in. tf.
Every man who takes any interest in
fast stock should subscribe for The
Horseman. Gazette shop, agents.
J. P. Hadley, of Hardman, says either
cool weather or one good shower insures
a big wheat crop iu his neighborhood.
Last Saturday, Fred ThomBs hauled
in from the Penland headquarters ranch,
a load of wool weighing 11,897 pounds.
The Ceoil horses, sold Tuesday down
at lone, brought in $650, eighty head.
J. W. McGonagill was the purchaser.
The highest praise has been won by
Hood's Pills for their easy, yet eftioient
action Sold by all druggists. Price 25
A. Andrews made final proof today on
his homestead before W.' E. Ellis. Hia
witnesses were Milt Powell and Tbad
Jl flreeuBiIathewB, having purobased the
3aoe UHel barber shop from Unas.
15fys, asks for a oontiuuanoe of trade.
TBatbs in connection.
Mrs. Geo. Noble and daughter have
gone to Colorado Springsi Colorado, for
the benefit of the former's health, and
will remain till September.
Master Clay French is the authorized
agent for the Oregonian at this place.
Subsoribe through him, Bnd have your
paper delivered free of charge. tf
A lumber of Heppner Ladies gathered
, is at the home of Sheriff Noble Tues
day evening to remind Mrs. Noble and
Airs. Rush that this was their birthday,
the former being 45 and the latter 58.
It was a pleasant occasion.
J. T. flloAlister's little sou, of Lexing
ton, was brought to town Saturday
with a very bad cut in bis foot, made
by barb wire the day before. With
proper attention it will get well in a
short time.
Mian T'.nnra Muir aooidently fell down
tbe cellar stairs at Geo. Fell's residence
isday receiving a badly sprained
and anKie. inis win give nor
me pain for a few days, but n not
thought to be serious.
Dr. B. F. Vaughan has gone east to
ootnplete bis dental education, leaving
Drs. J. W. Rasmus and Eugene Vanghan
in charge of bis office. Those owing Dr.
Vaoghan will please make settlement
with Dr. Eugene VaughBn wko has full
.authority. 11-tt.
Tuesday, Chas. Seehafer, suffering
from astbma and rheumatism, was
gent to Portland for treatment by our
citizens. Heppner is always charitable
to strangers, but pretty soon, if times
keep op as bard as present, we will have
io exercise a little among ourselves.
The advice that most men will give ;
you 19 not to drink, but when yondo i
t the best. The Belvedere Baloon
carries an excellent slock of cigars, liquors
wines and beer. A fine billiard parlor
io connection. Call on Charlie and
John who wid always tieat you court
eously, tf.
Gid Boyer got back Wednesday from
Washington where be bad been looking
up some horses, formerly the properly
oi the missing Billy Jones.
P. O. Borg went to Portland this
morning tu attend Grand Lodee, A. F.
fe A. M. Hj will visit Astoria before
We have endeavored to publish the
W. C. T. U. items sent iu long ere this,
but lackof printers bus thus lur render
ed it impossible.
Salem Statesman.- Hun. J. S. Browu,
of Heppner, is iu this city. He came
dowu to see his new boy that arrived
Monday night at ''Grandou' Paivin's
E. P. Veruz, accompanied by A. J.
Paul, representing Kuuuu, Burrell & Co.,
took iu tbe Eight Mile and Gooseberry
country the first of the week. Drops are
all right yet, they say.
For a refreshing glass of beer and a
nice lunch, call ou Kleckuer & Sheldon
at the Arcade. Also a fine stock oi
liquors and cigars, Good old porter iu
stock, exoelleut tur family use.
Mrs. Frank Goble, through the as
sistance of Heppner people, has been
sent below for treatment at the hands
of Dr. Jones. D. A. H err en oirculated
the paper in behilf of Mrs. Goble.
Tbe Epwortb League oleared about
$25 off their ice cream stand at the Sunday
school convention. This will be used
to help the M. E. Sunday School. They
will run a stand in Heppner ou July 4th.
The last Saturday of this mouth, at
1 o'clock p. uu, Rawlins Post of Lexing
ton, will meet in Heppner. Also the
W. R. C. at the same time and place.
Those intending to become members
should take notice. 33 38.
H. N. Powell, o! Sand Hollow, form
erly a member of tbe firm of Powell
Bros., prominent sheepmen of that sec
tion, dropped in Wednesday, leaving a
notice of dissolution of tbe above firm
for publication. Mr. Powell left Thurs
day for Portland.
Osoar Minor got back last Sunday
night from tbe .cow camp up in the
mountains. He saw some game up
th'ire which was tume enough to kill,
but Oscar was humane enough not to
leave a few little fawns motherless.
Tue cattle are doing well.
J. H. Kolman went down to Portland
Monday on business and is expected to
return today. Mr. J. Wollenberg is as
sisting Joe Biber this week and will
remain till J. H. returns from a pros
pecting tour over in Graut county, on
which he will leave next Monday.
Numerous . Boils
And Catarrh In the Head
Nr. TP. I. Tucker
Roseburg, Oregon.
I feel that it Is Impossible for me to say too
much In favor of Hood'i Sarsaparllla. I was
a great sufferer from impure blood and Catarrh
in my hoad. Job's comforters tailed to comfort
me, and Z suffered from numerous bviU
Agony Beyond Description.
When I becan to take Hood's Sarsaparllla I had
six of them, only four of which came to a head,
and since then, thanks to tills good medicine, I
have been free from this great affliction. I
gained 11 pounds in three weeks. The Catarrh
my head which has troubled me Ior years nu
also been cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla and I
Hood's p8.- Cures
am enjoying good general health. I earnestly
recommend Ilood's Sarsaparllla to all who are
afflicted." W. L. Tuckek, Koseburg, Oregon.
HOOD'S PILL8 cure all Liver Ills, Bilious
ness, Jaundice, Indigestion, Sick Headache.
Billi's Lectube, A large audience
greeted Ralph 0. Bates, as ''Billy," in
his leoture. "Billy and Dick, from An
dereonville to the White House," last
Wednesday evening at the opera house.
Tbe lecture was rather long, asoompared
with most of them, but so intensely in
terested did tbe audienoe become that
they sut almost immovable for two hours
and twenty-five minutes,wholly absorbed
in the plain, unvarnished etory, moved
to tears one moment, laughing immoder
ately or full of wrath the next, as the
recital of tender scenes of home, ridio
ulous conditions of the unfortunates and
cruel treatment of prisoners progressed.
To hear it means that every man, woman
and child will go home with a greater
reverence for our oountry and our flag.
Mr. Bates, accompanied by his secretary,
Mr. Whitney, departed yesterday morn
ing for Pendleton, followed by the best
wishes of Bcores of newly made friends
in this looality.
For sale by Slocum-Johnaton Drug Co.
and T. W. Ayers, Jr.
Anything New of Real Merit
You can Generally Find
For :-; Sale :-: bv
Who are
Noted for being
The Leaders.
We don't run a third-class junk shop where you ean buy shoddy goods at twioe
their value, but we keep first-class goods at honest prions, with
no baits or traps. We keep
Grill iam
& I3isbees
This pieoe of advertising Bpaoe belongs
Slocum-Johnston TJrug: O
PHILL OOHN, Proprietor.
There is not a winged inseot hovering
around Phillip.
H. A. Thompson
wbioh be gave at once. Ambrose kbot
Wm. Lunceford last winter, but tbe
former's friends think that he will be
oleared without difficulty. July Htb
has been set for the day of the execution if
Oallin, tbe murderer of Shaw. Mrs.
Sbnw was released, but in tbe mindB of
many she is as guilty as Gulliu. Eu
gene Brackett, tbe defaulter, gets one
year in the penitentiary.
The' ieppner Livery, Feed and
Wood and Willoware, Guns, Ammunition.
Ask our old customers bow we treat tbem. : : : : : :
Corner Main and Willow Streets, HEPPNEK, OREGON.
Jeep Your Eye Open for.
Where you will find a grand display of quality and elegance, and the
fairest prices ever made for such qualities. Visitors are
not asked to believe, but are shown goods to convince them
that we are leading the trade in
Boots, Shoes. Hats, Caps, -Furnishing Goods, etc.
If you want value for your money, oorae and see us. If you want to enjoy th full
purchasing power of your Hollar, spend it with
mmm fllnlWnfli Vniinni
(Ml JVUHUHIZl tivy.vi.wi
Below Coflin & Mctfarland'B, Main Street.
Good Conveyance for Traveling Men.
Teams to hay per day, 75ots. Hay and grain per day. $1.25. Meals 26 cts.
at O. 0. Sergeant's, next door to Feed Stable. Urain and
baled hay always on hand.
Interesting; Lectures. Last Satur
day evening the people of Heppner were
treated to a lecture on "The Lost At
lantus," by Rev. DuBose. It was un
usually interesting, and a large audienoe
greeted the speaker ou this occasion. On
Monday evening, this week, Mr. DuBose
delivered his promised leoture, "The
Sunrise Century," to a large number of
Heppner people. We believe this lecture
did not meet with as enthusiastic
reoeption aB the first lecture, though it
was full of good thoughts. Rey. DuBose
is an excellent speaker, though he would
not be classed as an orator.
Thb Picnic Tbe Sunduy sohool pio-
nio at Pettysville yesterday was quite
largely attended a larger crowd than
last year. The day being a fine one,
added muoh to their enjoyment. A
large number of Heppner people went
down on the train, returning in tbe
eveniDg. One or more of Heppner's
small boys went down wilh the crowd
against the wishes of their stern pater
familias. Bud on their return were pic-
nioked to a beautiful finish, lhey Had
not anticipated such a warm recption.
This was the only inoideut of the day
not nn tho Drouram. The behavior at
tbe Pettysville grounds was good.
Still Missing. Billy Jones, of Lena,
who left here for Kansas City Jan. 6th
this vear. has not been beard of sinoe,
either in Virginia, bis old home, or in
Morrow county, where he had lived for
some years. A letter from Kansas City
states that he Bold his horses, and many
think that be has been foully dealt with.
He left Gid Bojer to pay a debt of 4o0
and also owed for horses purchased'
He was always known here as an honor
able boy, and it bardly seems possible
that he has intended to beat anyone.
Surgical Operation. Little Etta
Rogers yesterday had a tumor removed
from the right side of her neck. It had
been there since babyhood, but after
hovina a Bnpll of the measUs some time
aeo. the tumor became somewhat aggra
vated, end occasionally discharged muoh
ous. The operation was peiformed by
Dr. McSwords, assisted by Dr. B. F.
Vaughan in the administration of chloro
form. Tbe little patient is doing well.
And now for Bonnbvillb. Con
ductor H. 0. French has Becured from
the Union Paoifio, tbe privilege of
running an excursion from Heppner to
Bonneville, on Sunday,. June 25th, 1893.
The round trip from Heppner, Arlington
and intermediate points, has been placed
at $2.50. The train will stop at any
place between Heppner and Arlington
to take on or let off passengers, leaving
Heppner at 6 a. m. One of the import
ant features of tbe excursion will be a
visit to tbe grandest bit of scenery on
the coast, Multnomah Fulls. Do not
delay buying tickets till the last hour.
It takes time to make arrangements and
seoure coaches, and Mr. Frenoh should
know in the neighborhood of tbe
number he will have to aooommodate
long before tbe 25tn lust. And above
all, don't forget to bring well filled
baskets. oa-K.
Wont glile of MhIii Street,
Will go Below. Joe Max, the insane
Bohemian arrested Tuesday,' had been
herding Bheep on the John Day for Em
met Cochran. Tbe pbysioians thougbt(
perhaps, he oould be brought around
all right with a little treatment, bntjtbia
morning Sheriff Noble reports him cra
zier than ever. He will probably be ad
judged insane tomorrow and be taken
below Monday.
Rip's Wood Yard. The Heppner
wood yard, under the management of
Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver
wood at your reBidenoe, sawed or nn-
sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at
87.00 per cord. Wood sawed twice in
two. 75 cts. per oord; three times, fcl.uu.
Yard near the depot. Leave orders at
Sloan & Howard's. 4-tf.
From Canyon Word comes over
from Canyon City to William Hughes
iw 1ib crand iury has found a bill
charcinz John Ambrose with manslaugh
ter. His bonds were placed at $2000
OnlyFirBt-Class hotel in Heppner.
Building Wired for Electric Lights
Jiest accommodations for the traveling
Courteons treatment assured the conn
try people.
MitS. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress.
Growers' Warehouse
Near the Depot:
Change of Ownership
2V. KIEISOiV, Prop.
fa Ti S
which we propose to conduot in the most satisfactory manner. Will keep
ou hands al all times the choicest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
Leaves Heppner on Tuesdays, Thursdays Bnd Saturdays. Leaves Iins Rock on
Mondays, Wednesdays aud Fridays. Makes connection with tbe weekly
line to Fossil. Reasonable oharges for both
Wanted. A good rustler to take
charge of a floe stook of tbe latest and
best subscription books, and dispose of
them in and around Heppner. Liberal
commission to a good man. Must give
bonds. Address, O. K. Publishing Co.,
Box 322, Butte, Montana. 27tf.
64a-tf w
- Freight.
6LOC DM-JOHN STON DRDG CO., Agents, Heppner, Or.
Passengers -:- and
Graduate M. E. C. V. S., London, England.
Veterinary -m- Surgeon
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
1 am prepared lo do all klwla of Vetf rlnary HnrRery, Kmaiculatlns; Horn! and KckIIiikb ft Hpeel-
Bi.r. (lull ! m only iruw meuiuu Ml iiiieruuiiif oil UOTRUI.l Blieyiug OI uaillv anil lloiift
on ahort notice. I will treHt all animali In the moat approved procedure of VeUtr-
II yon have any alck anlmala It wilt n to your Interest to
luary Hurgery.
call on uie at Htewart'i atablel.
le bvv
Fashiokable Dhebsmamrs. Mis. W.
W. Smead and Mrs. Margaret Looney
are prepared to do dressmaking in tbe
latest fashion and sewing of every nature,
at bard time prioes, at tbe home of Mrs.
W. W. Hmead. Don't fail to give them
a call. 118 bw
A Fink Horse. The imported run
ning stallion, Sir Henry, has been
brouisht over to Heppner, and will stand
tbe ensuing season at this place. He is
the property of "Caynae" Reynolds, and
is a fine horse. o'Utt
The Hotel Grande.
J. W. REDFORD, Proprietor.
I-VF.RYTHING NEW. Thla home haa been renUed and li the flrst-cluss hotel of Arlington.
4j It li centrally located, and ii therefore the molt convenient place for commercial traveler!.
Btairei leave thll home every morning for Condon and Foiall, Oregon; alio for Cleveland
Blckleton and Ooldendale, Waahlngton. JVIilx txt a-11 trafiM,
New York Cash llacket Store.
JDHT ORDERED. AND TO ARRIVE SOON : Spring and Snmnwr Dress
(loodc, Calicoes, Oiughams, Flounoings, Drspery, Gents' Furnishings; also Ladies'
Underwear and, numerous other goods in that line. Notions and Tinware iu
stock; very cheap. When I say cheap, I mean it. You have but to call and inves
tigate to be satisfied. I do none but a cash business, and can therefore undersell
all competitors.
J. W. MA'll
Main Street, next door to tbe Opera House.
OCIv, Prop.
oM rAl
la the title of a very valuable book that gives a great araoant of Information of tbe Utmoal
Importance to Everybody, concerning their dally habits of Katlng, Drinking, Ureailng, etc.,
WhattoKat, Influence of Planta, Parnate of the flkfn, Care of Teeth,
IIow to Eat It. Occupation for Invalids, hathing- Heat Wny, After-Dinner Kapn,
Things to Do, Alcohol kb a 'ood and a I.ungsund I.unp IHneaaeB, KffwtH of Tobacco,
Things to Avoid, Medicine, IIow Ui Avoid Thcmv Cure for Intemperance,
renia OI Hummer, nupi'niu'J'i" vimum. mini nnar, iit;ii'ini:iir, I.BUMI1 amm,
How to Breathe, Kemovlng Name, How Much to Vt'i ar, To (let Kid of l.lce,
Xlangers of Klaaing, Restoring the Drowned, Contagion Dln-axea, Malarial Affections,
Overheating iiouaes, Preventing .N'eur-Hlghted- How to Avoid Theni, Croupto Prevent.
Vsnthatlon, uess, Kxerelne,
IT TELLS HOW TO ( IHE Black EyeK, Holla, Ilunn, Clilllklalns, Cold Feet, Coma,
Cougha, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Karache, Felons, Kstld
Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hlooough, Hlvea, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Ureasts, Ivy Poisoning,
Holes, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Hnorlng, Htammering, Hore Eyes, Sore Mouth,
Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Htinga aud Insert Bites, Hweatlng Feet, Toothache, Ulcers.
WarU, Whooping Cough, Worms la Children. IT WILL SAVE IMTOUS HILLS.
Ms-All new sntiscribers and prompt'renewals dnnna the month of April will be
presented with a free copy of this as a premium.
Now Open to the Public.
New Building and Newly
Furnished Throughout.
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office
Board per week Si.Ml Single Meals. '15 cents
" and Lodging per week, 5,50 Lodging 2fi cents
Only first-clans $1 a day house iu town. Free Lack to and from all trains
C. O. 8AHGKNT. Proprietor.
I. L Ml
Commissioner of the U. S. Circuit Court. All land
matters attended to promptly and acooritsly.
Office in National Bank building.