iA 0 D UdMVM TO AUVKItllatiw. I'HOSE acnirliij the insarcion ol display ads or clasuse ui same, must gm tueir cony lii i.utlaler tuati Mouu.y evening tor TuesS.ys imuu, or 'irmrsday evening lor Fridays ti- iUH J-iTTiKSUM J'UULItHlM,Co. 1. The sum o( Bve cents per Hue will be charged lor "cards ol thanks," "resolutions ot respect, lists OI eduiug preseuts and donors uu obituary notices, toliier tnau those the eoit or shall hlmsell give as a matter ol ues,l and uotlces ol special ineeliugs lor hatever purpose 2. fioutes ol church and society and allolher utsrtaiuuienu Iroiu hicli reveuus is to be de rived, shall be charged lor at the rale ol Ivi cents a like. Ihese rules wlu be strictly adher ed to lu svery instance. Advertising rates reasonable and matte known upou application We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible lor his or her communication. f,o correspondence will be published unless the Wilier a real name is signed as au evluence ol good land. 1 P. FI&UEK, NEWSPAPER A1MEKU;,. Ia ing AKeiit, Aicrcnunis jnchai.ge, buu 1'ianclsco, is our auluuiueu anenl, inis paper is kepi on nle lu his oince. TIME lAbLE. Stage lor Ilardmau, Monument, Long Creek John Day ami caulou Lay, icaies as lotions ' tvery uay albluUa. m., ekeept ouuoay. Arrives every day at o: mi p. in., except Monday. 1 he cheapest, quickest aud best line lo or from Hie inienor country. , , . J- o. UELEVAN, Prop. falocum-Joiinston iirug Co., Aaeuts. Uive your busiueim tu Uepfjuer peupit, and. Oiemjure wmusl Co liuua up titpp ner. fuuoiuze llwae wno imirouM you. Here and There. Mrs. Dan Oemers is dangerously ill. Jas. lioyse, ot Idea, Whs in Heppuer Shim day. J. W. Oilman, of Fossil, was in Hepp Qi r Sunday. John Rush's child is quite siok down it E. U. Sloan's. J. F. Siimy was over from Wagner the firstoi tlie week. Mrs. W. A Johnston went below yes terday ou a visit. Frank M. Holmes was in from Goose berry lust evening. Mrs. W. J McAtee returned from The Dulles lust evening. John Royse was down from Hardrnau on business Monday. The Qhzette has a rattling good water bairel for sale cheup. tf. Fred Ashbauifh was down from Alc Kiuuey oreek Monday. The Gem aud Palace saloons for finf liquors. McAtee Bros., Props, svv Johnny Crifmau came in yesterday from the John Buy with wool. Late word from Lane Matlock brings the good nes that be is better. Mrs. Jus. McHaley has returned from her visit to the John Day eeotiou. A strictly first olaSB guitar for snle. Brand new. Inquire at this office. 5-34. Geo. Noble is down to lone todny, selling the Uecil horses under execution. W. W. Union: W. H. Games leaves this morning for Spokane on a business trip. The Heppner Canyon stage liue is the litst, cheapest and quickest to the in terior. S. I. Stratton and Chas. Hodsnn, two Morrow county teachers, tiuudayed in Heppner. The TWiCB-A.WEKK Gazette now only $2.50 in advance, payable in cash or oooii skius. The firm of Sbaw Bros. & MoCaity have purchased the Ferguson ranch below tuwu. Hatt & Mathews, the barbers, City ho tel barber shop. They are artists. Bulbs in connection. Rockland Boy, Moloerny's race horse, has been on the sick list Bince returning to The Dulles. Chas. M. Meek?r, representing the Medford Distilling & Refiuiug Co., was in Heppner over Sunday. Hou. Puill Metsohan recently visited Grant oounty as a witness in the case, state vs Eugene Brackett. The Kteliy Institute, at Forest Grove cures liquor, pium, morphine, cocaine and tobacco burnt . See ad. The Gazette would gladly fill a few orders for choioe trees of auy sort satis faction guaranteed. Drop in. tf. Every man who takes any interest io fast stock should subscribe for The Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. Jack Price lett for his Spokane borne on Tuesday of last week, feeliug njuon benefitted by his stay in Heppner. Almira Barker "proved up" before Cieik Morrow last Saturday, with Jas Ayers aud Geo. Vincent as witnesses . Constipation, and all troubles with the digestive orguus and the liver, are cured by Hood's Pills. Uuequuled as a dinner pill. John Williams sprained bis ankle quite badly one day last week, and he is guing around on crutohes in conse quence. Teeterdny a warm breBth blew from the Dortb, while the dust sifted intoevery orevioe available about Heppner, apparently. W. W. Union: Mrs. H. C. Gregg leaves this morning for Spokane, where she will join her husband aud from there proceed to Chicago, Gieen Mathews, having purchased the Palace hotel baiber shop from Chas. Jones, ssks for a continuance of trade. Baths in conneotion. Master L lay French is the authorized agent for the Oreaonian at this place. Subscribe through him, and have your paper delivered tree of charge. tf Rufus Ingalls Camp, No. 7, Sods of Veterans, will bold their next meeting on the eve of June 17th, at the K of P. hall. Meeting promptly at 6 o'olook. Sell your wool, but if yon can't sell it consign it. Most any wool man fun eeonre advances sufficient for present aud future needs, so fur as this year is concerned. School closed in the Ekelsen district last Saturday. Mr. Miller was the teacher for the past term and was very well liked. The people out there will build a school house in this dis triet this jear. The Dalles Chronicle: The lecture last night by R O. Bates proved as iatereMing as wai elaimed, and few there were who did not shed tears at the pathetic recital of the trials undergone during the war in the rebellion. Ut. B. F. Vaniihan has gone east to complete bis dental education, leaving Drs. J. W. Rasmus and Eugene Vaughan in charge of his office. Those owing Dr. Vaughan will, please make settlement with Dr. Eugene Vaughan who h full authority. T7-tf. The advice that most men will give you is not to drink, hnt when )ondo get the besi. The B-lvedere saloon parries n excellent s'nrk of cgars. liqnnra wines and beer. A fioe bil iard parlor in connection. Call on Charlie and John who will alwajs tiett you court .eously. tf. Csv Roberts, of h.:nht Mile, enn- (fidetitlf expects a big crop this year if yeBi..rday from a trip to the mountains, the couotay can have one more good Luuoetord Canyon. Every time i 3S&&T& S3!. load, of wood a, hauled over this! evU Iblbg points lo Ibe full, rSalltutiOM ot lLt Iuj Uiti's' expectations, boiu In Hepp .er, Saturday, the 3rd iosi., to the wile of Vaster Crawford, a Miss Loug, niece of Mr. aud Mrs. T. K. How hi d, nun returned to tier bouie at Uiiiuu. Joe Banuister took out a big load ot nitri'iiaiiiiifce tor Cox iios.,ot Huiduiac, today. Frauk Roberts has beguu sprinkling, usiug lue uuy bydrauts lor that purpose. UouU sciieme. JttT Joued leaves tomorrow for Island, Or., UiocKumas couuiy. His family will UCCoUlpauy LliU. T. J . (June, ol lone, was up to attend a leg jiur uieeiiog ol Heppner Lode lust Saiuiduy toVeuiug. W alt ltichaidsuu has completed shear ing tuts uiiug. He says wool is much Cleaner tins year IhuU ludD. C. b. tu,w) was in from Hardmun )eleiUuy. Crops are lucking very well lu tils luouil y , luougu a little lute. Sohoul diaincis oubuot colhct any taxes this your, so mere will be lo full aud winter teiuis luugbt lu Ibis county. W. (J, bweetser, of Blaik Hoiae, left a choice lot of ludibiies uu our tuLne yes uuy. ihey grew on "bunchgiuBs' Willi out lrriguiiuu. Alia. Juhu Neal, acconipauied by her uuuabler, Mi a. A. L Ajtro, lelt yesver U..j lui S deiii. .urs. Ayeis will remain thete Una sjumuier. Aicu Ciuwtord, an old Heppuerite, it in our Haunt. At prtseut he is a resident ol b'.iuu county, but ooutemplutes re tuibiug lo ihionuw uuuuiy. J. A. ihouipsou aud 1. J. Owens stop ped lu Hcppnei Suuuuy ou their way tu the mountains tut wood. I Ley say the crop ol uiustuiU is retarding tlie giuwth of llieir giuiu. Tue Pyiuiau Sisters of Dorian Temple will conduct a smud ou Juiy 4ili, ut the Celebration giouuds. Ibe proceeds are tu gu towards the purchase of puru pberuuliu, etc. E. D. Palmer, of Lexington, took in Heppuei's busy maris of trade Satur day. Mr. i'oiuier bus faith that iVtor row couuty will buve a big yield of grain inig year. Born To the wife of J. S. Young, a 9 pound boy, May, 31, 1893. Motner una baby gelling along well under the care of Mrs. Rebecoa Kelly, but Jake IB worse than usual. Mr. Thomas Murray Speooer, the well known traveling mau, has been cboKeu hb delegute fioni Oregon to the national gathering ot T. P. A., to meet in Peoria, June Ci. Rev. Edwin Palmer and Rev. H. M. DuBose loll this morning for Pendleton, where the latter will lecture. Mr. Palmer will return in time to bold the regular Sunday services. For a refreshing glass ot beer and a uioe lunch, call ou Kleckoer & Sheldon at the Arcade. Also a fine stock Ol liquors ai d cigars. Good old porter in stock, excellent for family use. Mies Maitba Neville completed her term of school down at Pettysville last Fiiday. The day was made pleusuut by songs, recitations, dialogues, etc Miss Martha is very sitcceHslul teacher. The Heppuer Paik Association grounds ill be sold next Saturday to satisfy a uote given by the Association to jas. Jones. This ends the corporation, but there will doubtless be races there this fall. Today Marshal John Rasmus arrested au old sheep herder from the Jobn Day, on a charge ot insanity. He is appar ently harmless, but we learn has created more or less consternation among the people between here and Uardman. The last Saturday of this mouth, at 1 o'clook p. ui., Hiwlins Post of Lexing ton, will meet in Heppner. Also the W. R. C. at the same time and place. Ihose intending to become members should take uutioe. 33 38. Bob Watkius, who was with the out fit of shearers this year called the "Watkius crew," having completed his labors in Morrow couuty for the season, will devote his attention to his ranch and other home affairs. Mr. E. A. Bruudags suffered a slight stroke ol parulvsis lust week, but he is able to be about again. His proposed trip hus beeu postponed for the time being, hut he hopes to be able to leave in the course ot a few weeks. C. G. Fuqua, E. B. Stanton, J. F. W illis and Post Commaoder Smith were among the Grand Army "Boys" in town Saturday. As lorn Jiorgau would put it, they haven't yet lost their "snip" ou the prospects of a good wheat crop. A. B. Niles, of the popular firm ot Niles & Vinson, marble and granite dealers, ot Walla Waila, is in the city aud will rustle for orders in the vicinity of Heppner for the ntxt few days. The reliability of the firm is unquestionable. August Charlton, ot Gooseberry, called on ub this morning on bis way home. He remarked to our local mau that yesterday was a hard day on gruin. He kbw several fields that were suffering considerably as he was coming to town John J. Holland, advauce man for Sanger k Lent's circus and menagerie, was in town over last night to make ar rangements for this show to oast their tents here ou June 28. b. Their adver tising car No. 1, will arrive next Satur day, aud w ill be followed by car No, 2, quite soon thereafter. C. N. P.'ck reports that in the neigh borhood of Lexiugton the apple crop bids tair to excel the average ot past years. PeacheB will be a failure in that locality. Pi ones and plums are badly damaged, aud will be a short crop. Small fiuits are doing well. So far the prospect is good for crops, though there may be "blue" times between now and harvest. Yesterday morning Jas. Jonee lett for the Walla Walla race meeting witn the two-y ear-nbl, Cora Jones, and the our-year-old, Bib White. He was accompanied by Geo. AiKen with Cbam pague. Sen. Biaokman's horse. The hist named horses are now the property of Jas. Junes and Dave MoAtee Mr. McAtee will join the party at Walla Walla or Spokaue, and will take in the whole Mootaua cirouit. The following visiting ministers and lay men were preseut at the M. . South, coiifi-r-n(;e, last week: Rev.. P. M. Bell, La Grande; Elder Howard, Pen dleton ; Al R. lUnger, Daytou, Wash.; Rbv. Frank A'lklns, Peiidlelon; Rev Cbas Kirk, rninmerville; Rev. M. Lark in, Koiso City: G. H. Gibhs, Day tou, Wash J Rev. E G. Miohaels, Walla Walla: Kev. W. M. Fauobe', Weston; Rev Sbeltou, Dayton; Rev. DuBoise, San Fiaucieoo. Grant Johnson, represent ng J. M. Russell & Co., of Portland, is here seeking consignments foi his firm. This is the only manner in which tbey will touch wool this season, owing to Ibe uncertainty of trade conditions wbioh is sliakii g 'he financial foundation of lbs country from stem to stern. Mr. John son is weli-kiiowu here and baa- a host of friends, having visittd this section before, laith in ihe capacity of a wool grader arid buyer. Bktteb Hoads -C. N. Peck returned Hood's Cures Dyspepsia and Indigestion llr. N. Fiske San Franclsoo. The combination of excellent stomaclt tonics In Hood's Sarsaparilla is such that, with proper attention to diet, Indigestion and even the worst cases of dyspepsia apt cured by this medicine. Head this: "Having for several years been greatly troubled with Indigestion, and having seea Hood's SarsaparlllaadvcT'ised, I concluded ti HOOD'S Sarsapariila give it a trial. To my happlneis and trreat satis faction I found it to be the only remedy tor this complaint" Mns. N. Fiskb, 425 Uoary Street, Sau Francisco, Cat. Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly ansl sfflcleutly, ou the liver and bowels. Sue pieoeof road, it requires a half day's work to make it passable, and then one oan not haul over three-fourths of a load. This is occasioned by about one fourth of a mile of bad road, the re maining twenty miles, if the desti nation be near Lexington, is fairly good ditch a condition of a public thorough fare is a public, menace. One is in constant danger of break downs, balking burses, and many other casualties not enumerated here. Such things as a bread-box, blankets and the like, can hardly be kept on a wsgon, the roads are so rough. The notioe of the supervisor is called to the condition of the roads ot this locality, which should have immediate attention. We fear that many who reside in this vicinity do not appreciate the value of a good road to the general public. This should not be the case. M. E. South Conferknok . Con ference opened on Thursday, June 1st and closed Sunday evening, Jnne 4tb. FirBt day was devoted to hearing reports from pastors, there being two present, in regard to the condition, spiritnal aud otherwise, of their respective oharges. Reports showed them to be in a flour ishing oondition. Seoond day was de voted to a discussion of the general interests of the churches in the district. Third day reading and discussion of the reports from the various committees and election of delegates to annual oenferenoe. J. J. Adkins was selected as one of the delegates. Preaching during conference by Rev. M. Larkin, Rev. i.. G. Miohuel, Rev. Wm. Fanoher. Kev. D. W. Yoakum, Rev. G. H. Gibbs, Rev. Henry Baruhart and Dr. G. M. DuBose. Conference adjourned to meet next year at Weston. And now vor Bonneville. Con duolor H. C. Frenob has secured from the Union Pscifio, the privilege ot running an excursion from Heppner to Bonneville, on Sunday, Jnne 25th, 1893. The round trip from Heppner, Arlington and intermediate points, bas been placed at 82 60. The train will stop at any place between Heppner and Arlington to take on or let off passengers, leaving Heppuer at 6 a. m. One of the import ant lestures of the excursion will be a visit to tba grandest bit of scenery on the ooast, Multnomah Falls. Do not delay buying tickets till the last hour. It takes time to make arrangements and secure coaches, and Mr. French should know in the neighborhood of the number be will have to aooommodute long before the 26lb iust. And above all, don't forget to bring well filled baskets. 32 if. Thb Next Bkst Thino. It is not prob able that ncany wool men . will have an opportunity to sell at Heppner this year, but if they do we would at onoe ad vise them to sell without delay. The next best thing that the Gazette can think of is to consign clips, getting reasonable advances. The sooner wool Is at the ohief markets the better. There is no market at any primary shipping point on the ooast, acd the sooner the bead markets are reached the better. Waktbd A good rustler to take charge of a fioe stock of the latest and best subscription books, and dispose of them in and aronnd Beppner. Liberal commission to a good man. Must give bonds. Address, O. K. Publishing Co., Box 322, Butte, Montana. 271 f. Fashioxablc DaEsesfAKiBR Mis. W. W. Smend and Mrs, Margaret Lsoney are prepared to do dressmaking in the latest fashion and sewing of every nature, at bard time prices, Bt the borne of Mrs. W. W. Smead. Don't fail to give them a call. l18 w- A Fink Hobsi. The imported run ning stallion, Sir Henry, baa been brought over to Heppner, arid will stand the ensuing season at tbis place. He is the property of "Cay use" Reynolds, and is a fine horse. S70tf First Class Taiujbiho Fred Miller now looat ed on May street in tba old bakery bui'ding, where bail prepared to do first class work. A perfect tit guaranteed. Give him a trial. tf. Camp Meeting. -The Methodist camp meeting at Lexiugton coiqmenod yesterday and will continue over two Habbatbs. A boardiug tent Is on the ground, and ample provision made for all who may attend. 1 Grand feaverJ125 0rgan will be given BOSTON CASH STORE. For every dollar's worth'of goods you buy, a ticket will be given. We represent the following leading firms of the United States. Agent lor : : BECKER, MEYER cfc Co'$ ( 2-JO Market St.. Chicago,) Flue Boyi' and Youthi' Clothing. Their good, have a national rep iitatio.i, equal to high grade tailor worn. Ageucr for- The BiwDsville Wooh Mills Co. Their goodi have received the highest awards at all the fairs of the United euu. ' WE are always there with our perpetual poltoy ot low prices and first-class goods. OUK CABINET has been seleoted. OCR SECKE TAKY OF WAR bas annihilated high prioes. OCR SECKE TAR Y OF STATE has oloeed a treaty annexing a new Spring anil Summer stook for your inspeotiou, at living, breathing prioes, at the BOSTON CASH STORE, J. IT. KOLMAJST. ARB YOU Thinking of a new Spring Style Attire ? Wondering what ma terial what oolor you should purchase ? Puzzling your mind about the correct thing in trimmings ? Consulting with our dressmaker as to which of the many styles will be most becoming ? IF SO Come and talk it over with us. We're prepared to throw aflood of light upon every element of uncetainty. A Big Line of Silks. All the latest styles in Fignrnd India Silks. Samples will he mailed FRRE on applioatiou. Yours Kejp'y, GENERAL MERCHANTS, HEPPNER, - OREGON. Annual Convention of Y Excursion ANoPicnic (Mouth of Rhea Creek) Thursday, June 8, 1893. At . 11 O'clock, SharD- This will be the best of al1 the previous good times on these occasions, as ample arrangements are being made to inRure a pleasant time. A large general table will be provided, and friends are invited to contribute to this feature. The program will consist of Mosio, Recitations, Essay i, Htleot Readings and Papers on various subjects of interest to Sabbath School workers, followed by joint discus sions, in which all are invited to take part (see program). For rates of fare, see railroad advertisements. The songs sre selected from Gospel Hymns No. 5, the following numbers; 148, 49, 151, 160,122, 26, 4, 160. Please come prepared to aid in the singing ; bring plenty of books. We hope to have every Sabbath School in the oounty represented ; not only by Delegate, bnt with appropriate programs of their own choosing. The Orove Committee will meet on Mouday, June Dili. Come and help with out further notice. 80 33 GEO. LORD, See. HERE IS THE PEA.CE - To Oet Even on Your Lile. !. U tJTJST OPENED. A COMPLETE LINE OF rrr- mm . Hardware, : QUEENSWARE, Wood and Willoware, Blacksmiths' Supplies, Iron, Steel and Coal, Pumps srid Pipe, Tanks, Ilatbtnhs and tjinks, Plumbing Materials, Agricultural Imple ments. All Kinds ot ?tpairing quickly and neatly done. UK CELEBRATED : -:- Yon will getting our prices elsewhere. : :- Odd Fellows' building, Main St., BORG, : THE Out for Cash Bargains IN Jewelry, Cash Talks. BEE IKJRU, MAY biitttT, i.i nryr away at the Agent for the well-known tailor ing firm of J. L. CAIIN. 150 Fifth Avenue, Chiewro, who has a world-wide repuiutlou for superior workmanship. We keep the celebrated :: ROSENTHAL & FEDKR'S Indies', Gents' aud children's ttuuts and bhues. the Morrow County Sun- -AT Stoves and Tinware, GLASSVARE, AND hoc save money by before pnrchaHing : -:- :- -:- SW-tf HEPPNER, OREGON JEWELER! , Watches, Clocks, SILVF.RWAR E, MIMICAL INSTRUMENTS, Etc., Etc. Trust Busts HEPPNER, OR. a sa""''inii ardware Store"! - IgliJiTIrT Anything New of Real Merit Yon oan Generally Find For Sale :-: by Wedontrnn a third-olassjnnksliopber,onean bny shoddy goods at Iwim their Tain., but . keep first-class good, at bonest price." with nobaitsortr.ps. We keep m Furnishing Goods, Hardware, Tinware, GROCERIES Wood and Willoware, Guns, Ammunition, STATIONERY, CONFECTIONERY, ETC. - Ask our eld customers how we treat them. : : . . Corner Main and Willow Str.et, HEPPNER,' OREGON. -KeeP Your Eye Open - MINOR Where you will find a grand display inirest prices ever made for such qualities. Visitors are not asked to believe, but are shown goods to eonvince them that we are leading the trade in Dry hi km Clotk lions, Boots, Shoes. Hat?, Caps, If you want value for your money, come and see us. If yon want to enjoy the full purchasing power of your Dollar, spend it with STORAGE AND ATTENDED TO IN A Business-like -:- Manner AND AT REASONABLE RATES. Wool Growers' Warehouse Near the IDepot: HEPPNKR, : . OREGOK. Change of Ownership "irWirVVWrWM; VyE HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OF THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET. which we propose to conduct in the most satisfactory manner. Will keep on bands at all times the ohoicest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc.. Etc. shaw 85-tt Dll. JOSEPH J. BILL, Graduate M. E. C. V. S. , London, England. Veterinary Surgeon Chronic Diseases a Specialty. TlFvr,".Th.Iu,.h1.1 J !.'.?.rt: ' V'l:i.'.l ??'!.7' K"'.-lin Horse, and R.Rnia . on short notl,:.: I wl rest . ; ; Inary Surs.rr. II vou k. anv .i.k . eel! en m. at HEI'PNIR, tun iw SPRING BO IS New York Cash Racket Store. Oood.''?.8.! AN" TO ARRI VE BOON : Hprin and Snuim.r Dress Goods, Calicoes, Gin,,hnis, FlnnMCinirs, Urspery, Gents' r-(irnisbiuK.j also Ladies Underwear and, unmerous other Roods in that line. Notions and Tinware ia stook; very ohesp. When I say cheap, I mean it. You have but to call and inves tigate to be satisfied. I do none but a easb business, and can therefore undersell all competitors. J. W. MATLOCK, Prop. Main Street, next door to the Opera House. CENTRAL HOTEL Is Now Opgqtothe Public New Building and Newly Furnished tatat Board per week $1 50 " and Lodging per week, 6,50 Only firat-clasH 1 a day house in town. Free Lack to and from all trains C. O. BA HCJKNT. Proprietor. HEPPNKR, If. L E1LIS ATTO n Commissioner Office in National HJtI'PSK, RSJBbAISBji "Who are Noted for being The Leaders. for-. BARGAINS! AT - & CO.'S of quality and elegancy and the Furnishing Goods, etc. FORWARDING. & Mccarty, ProDrietortst. Hpssl. 5". "S "? '"u'""!' Hags ,f ..." 'i"" Htaw". .U.i.."' ,vu OREGON IS -f HERE. TIIK- Hinple Meals 25 cents kolf'n 25oenta isr m-ir at uaw And of the V. 8. Circuit Court. All land matters attended to promptly and aeonrattly. Bank building. UKSOOS t vs