I iiul'l" I'11-wl sillr "II'" T ' itVn ' -ll-nV -I ! -1 IP t it GREAT SPANISH BRAIN AND Have you abused the laws of nature and injured your nervous system ? Are you despondent and melancholy with confused ideas and gloomy thoughts ? "ESPANO" will positively cure you. It contains no mineral poisons and is remarkable for awakening organic action throughout the Bvstcm and an improvement in every tissue. It produces better muscles, bones, nerves, hair, nails, skin, blood nd gives vigorous life to the unfortunate who has exhausted his powers. Prepared in tablet form and packed in boxes convenient to carry in the pocket. Each box contains 90 doses or enough to last one month and ia worth many times its weight in gold, The price $1.00 per box or 6 boxes for $5.00 if ordered at one time and a guarantee will be given that any case men tioned aliovo that it does not cure, the money will be refunded. As to our financial standing we refer to any bank in this city. Sent charges prepaid to any address in United States or Canada. Put up In plain wrapper with no mark to distinguish what it is. Send for circulars and testimonials. Addre j, srAJcisii amnicixij co., 1 Stockton Street SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., U. S. A. An able Brain and Korve Specialist can at any time be confidentially consulted entirely free of charge, personally or by mall, at the above address. : E On sale TO OMAHA, Kansas City, St. Paul, Chloaso, St. Louis, AND A l,L POINTS T. Leaves Ileppner, 10 a. m. Arrives 7:10 p. m. Cullman Hleeoera, Colonlat Nleien, Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. Bttnniers Portliind to Han Fruuoisco every four days. Tickets TO AND 1'lillM Europe. For rates and general Information call on Depot Ticket A noiit, J . O. I I A. LIT Ileppner. Oregon. w II. HURUHIUT, Aunt Genl. Paw. At. 2M Washington ft., I'OUTLAND, ORKOON. QUICK TIME TO 8!"iii rVioIiioo And nil points In California, via the Mb Whasta route of tho Southern Pacific Co. Th great hiidiway through California to all points hsst and Soulli. Ilrnnd Hcenlo Houls of tho I'Hi'ifio Coast. Pullman HulTot HleniNirs. tiei-ond-clnss HlouptirM Attni'lind In uxprma trains, affording superior aetHHumodHtiotts for sccond-cliiss paswingers. For rates, tickets, slooping oar reservations, to,, enll apon or lulilruss K. K0KIII.KU, Malinger, K. !. KOUKKM, Gn K & V Agt.. l'ortlaiid. Orcgiiu. Asst. l'liwer of the Il.-vll nh. ' A few days ago at the end of the Naples wharf a forty-foot pile of about Mie foot diameter was loosely tied with 5no hundred feet of cable. ' Tho hands luddenly noticed tho cable running from the coil, and before any one could euro It both pilo and cable were mov ing rapidly to sea. A devil-llsb had got jntanglod in the cable, lloals ore at jnoo secured ami started in pursuit. Hid after a two-milo race they caplureii the ?ine and lug, tho monster having be :omo loosened, which fact accounts for them being able to overtake it. When we consider that Ibis species of ray at lains a weight of 3,000 to , 000 pounds, with strength to correspond, this is not astonishing. Some months ago the pas tengera of tho steamer Fearless har pooned one of these llsh near San Caries y, and, after towing tho steamer for tonio time, the engine being reversed mil pulling against him, they wore tompt'lled to cut tlie lino to prevent Jtdng carried on the S.umibol bar. fort Movers Press. Klt'i-trir Hitters. This remedy is becoming so well known aud so popular as to need no spe cial mention. All who have used KKs'- trio Hitters sing tbe same song of praise. A purer uiedioiue dues not emst and it is Buarunteeil to tlo all that is claimed KltH'tno Hitters will cure all diseases of tbe liver aud kidneys, will remove pim ples, boils, salt rheum ami other direc tions OHilsed by uiipHm blood Will drive malaria from the system and pre vent aa well as otire all malarial fevers for cura of lit ill"Che, cmmtipHtioo and indigestiou try Electric Hitters entire atidf ii tion u no i unti l il. or money refund ed.- Price 5()c and 1U0 pur. bottle at Blocuui Jol.usi'ti Druu Co. Gnarantucd to cure Dillons Altaoktsod OouMipatloD, fnolf biio Uvana. "ESP'ANO" 1 This wondarfuj preparation is Purely Vegetable : compounded from the prescription of the Official Physician to the Court of Spain. " EBpano " recreates Mental and Nerve Power in Mail and Woman. An infallible remedy for Nervou9 and General Debility, Nervous Prostration, Creeping Paralysis, Weakness caused by Debilitating fosses, Excesses or Over-indulgences, In cipient Softening of the Brain or Paresis, DL?zines8, 1,oss of Ketnory, Confused Thoughts and all Brain, Nerve or Sexual Weaknesses. It has no equal in restoring the Stomach and Brain to its normal condition following the abuse of Alcoholio Beverages, or indui&enco in the Opium, Morphine or Chloral habit. THE BOOK :cal laf OF MORMON. rinill-'ii of the Sorl Its II Intcir Kilowatts " 1 o Out in Iowa u ii, ism him apiwiivil, Sun. Tin- i hiuvli Saints is ip.v,' ohi , Hi'cesMnns ami r,eL: has had t!i .Jhm--conlinfi- to l!ri;.'ln;ii '.", l.iinl i f .Miinnnn .avs t!ii' Xi w York i,i l'i. l..iU'i'-l)aj Hull' !l 1,. J::iiLvn in . 1 ui i.mnv rars it iit''. i''"i;i;i' tie- .t :i;--. i-l' :,uch at had "soured on inn. Younff iiud nil his polypniiiv: 1ml tin1 sci'ins, now mo fm-i I'U-.-y i'nnnni!ed -. ptit'liv.iilurly V.i Imrnti's, it iitl rojoctinn. ull litter lvvekitioris, i'vcu Joseph Smith's, iw iiioiT,vi)liiil. l.mnd theii tlicoloiry on tho 1 Mormon anil the Inv.'l; of the words oi l!i. r prophets whose hooks nro colli'. The tinii' i:. ;m faith, pnl;. 1 1 i lv di'iiil, anil ii:, pi'.i vv. turner Inn inline, pi.riwr-:, fur primitive I :'ii! ('.iiimi'f.1 if not tlees (l::,k'()niitenaiicec and disowned even by its former vota- ries. .Mormon was a prophet inspired, ac- cording to the records attributed to him. to write- ii n e.pij.'ndix to the Scriptures Unlikr Mohammed, his actual exist- cneo ns ti historic character is accepted only by fione who are called after his name. His work was written, Oi gi-nven, nearly fifteen centuries ago on thin metallic plates, about c ifrlit inches long by seven wide, held together by three rinj's. It was sealed up in the year 4'.:u A. I)., and deposited on the west side of a lull, ulonu- tho base at which in the fullness of time, when America should have been discovered by Columbus, anil Do Witt Clinton should lie uovernorof Xoiv York, n mnil road was to run between the town of I'lilmyra anil the village of Manchester, The historical iiii'ormiit ion in this rcc- ord, which comprises sixteen distinct books, by dillt'ivnt persons, was of the sort known us "important if true. t'oot-l'riuts on the Path to Health. Everyone needinir a doctor's advice should read oue of Dr. Eoote's dime piuupblets on "Old Eves." "Crniio." "Kupture," "l'liiinosis," "Varicocele," Disease of men, Disease of Women, ami learn th.i best means of sel -otiie. M. Hill Pub. Co., las) East 2Hth St., Ne Vork. lllxby's Troorpt anil Tractlc. "Do bo a little pationt with tho chil dren, my dear," suid Mr. liixby to his wifo when slip spoke sharply to them for upsnt-ling her work-basket and send ing its oontents all over tho floor. "Ito- member that you were a child yoursolf once, and themostobedient and p'oasing childron are those who are rulod by love. When they vex me I What in the name of Moses do you mean, Wlllin Ilixbv. bv deliberately sticking vour foot into my Bilk hat? If that don't boat any thing I ever heard o fl Now Imilr nf. t.lint. hnl. nil, 1 , b- lit IT., half.nnnf. IM 1.1,. vM f. th ... , , , , woousneu aim give you sucn a warming up as you wouldn't forget as long as you live! I ought to do itl It's the only way to teach you young ones to behave a little less liko a lot of hyenas! Now you put off to bed without your suppor. young man!" l'Aopular Ciiinpetl tion. Tbe publishers of the Ladies' Home Vsgiiziiie preseu's its great Bible com petition to the piiblio of America. This competition closes on May 3t)lh, 18l3 il5 days thereafter being allowed for Id lers to resob ns from distant points). llrnsTloNs. 1. Which Ii the longest book in the New Testament? 1'. Which is shortest '.' ;l. the longest vvrsvf i. The shortest? How toCobpitii Write tho quwlious down, aud follow with tbe answers. Mail this to ns, together with SI to pay for six months' subscription to tl.e Ladies llnme MsgHzine one of tbe best home magazine of the day, and if yenr an swer are correct you aill receive one nf the following piii s: $l,0tH) in gold; tMUlu gold; SJ.iO iugohl; $11X1 in gold ; IftlO elegant silver tea sets; organ, pi anos, &o. Everything fair aud square. Send postal card fur li-t nf former pn winuers. Over $10,1100 distributed diir nig the past two vears. Address: Tuk L.iiuiw' Hums Mauazinb, I'eterborough, Cauuda. IXdltSlON TO ltTlYsMUK. The Uniou TaoiUe will Ml ticket, from Hcppner to lVitvsville, aud re'un. ou the invasion of tbe Annua! Hiiudai Hcluml Convention, Thursday, .lun 8 Ii 1803, ns follows: Adults, 50 oents; did lireii-, 30 cents, nil excursuuiist to gi and come on the regular trsui. Eur tickets snd further information a ply to J. C. Hurt, sifeut at Hrppuei W. U. HrKLBUHT. tf Asst. Oen. l ass. Agt. NERVE REVIVER TO EDUCATE NEGROES. Til Singular History of an Holder's ilequest. Ki-Slave- Tho Stato Scliool Commissioner and the Attorney-General, writes an Atlanta ((ia.) correspondent, were in consulta tion tho other day in regard to securing for tho purpose of negro education in this State a sum of money that has lain in tho Bank of England m-iiy years. It is a logacy the history of which is very singular. Archibald McLean, a Scotchman, was a prosperous planter in Chatham early in the present century. His estate was known as Uowrie, and on it he had a larR" number of slaves. Ilis family in Scotland was strongly opposed to slavery. After his death and tho death of his son and heir a certain interest in the estate went to his brother, John JIo Lcan. John McLean died at (ilastrow July 3, ISliO, leaving a will that directed tho application of half his interest in n'3 deceased brother's Georgia estato to "10 education of the negro slavos there or thcir offspring as soon aa the laws of Georgia should pormit tho education of 'bo slaves. Four prominent Savannah merchants wore named aa -trus- toc!J under the will, but declined tl10 trust on the ground that tho laws ' Georgia prohibited tl10 education of slaves, and tho bequest wtt8 therefore void. Tho sum involved was a Utile over 355 pounds. Tho heirs, ln vi(!w of the legal condition of tho b'gacy in Georgia, attempted to secure "le money, but the courts decided !fainst them. Accordingly tho money has been in charge of tho Hank of Encr- land, and William Lloyd Garrison was notill"d of tho facts to the end that when ' olrouinstances might ariso under which tll3 money could bo applied according to the terms of the will steps could be taken for securing possession of it. I After the emancipation of all slaves in this country a son of Mr. C.arrison, who nau found among his talker s papers a memorandum on the matter, called the I attention of the Ceorgia authorities to! the legacy. Whilo tho Hank of Eng-1 1 l $ land is anxious to pay over tho monev Chicago, Oct 12, 1808. 1, , doc ceive it, a letter to that effect having and at hor death asighd to which of her chil just been received by the School Com- dren she may wish of the fumley this Property missioner of Georgia, the dlfllculty is must ni)l be su'd or morgegod tiil the youngst that the negroes f the (imvrie plaiita- , o - tion have been scattered by tho war. and there is no way of finding tlieit heirs. Now the question is whether tho bequest, which bus been bearing inter est since ls;',(i, can be secured and de voted to the general education of the negroes. 82.-i.OOo in Pirmliinis. Offered by Liuifett & Myers Tobacco of Nr. Louis, Mi lhe one guessing ",'rt the number of people attending t-ait'si me nuuii lie World's KHir "riii a rair gets jn,i u mi. rue see mi Kl.O(Kl.tK), eto. Teu Htar tobncoo "'' V '.n EUMSS. Ask your dealer for pai iieuinrsor semi lor circular. 116 42 Hulls anil Thlr loung. Every bird watches over and cares for ler own nest, though tho numbers are sc rrcat and the tumult so exeossive that It is liftlcult to conceive how each gull can dia 'anguish her own spotted eggs, placod in the niilst of so many others, exactly similar to iie, shape and color; anil when at length the young are hatched and are swimming shout on the loch or crowded togother on some grassy point, the old birds, as tlney come home from a distance with food, fly itti'uiijr mum uu'usanus or young ones exactly similar to their own, without even looking at them, until they find their own Offspring, which, recognizing their pareutf among ail the other birds, receive the mor sel without any of the hungry little creat uro around attempting to dispute the prize, each waiting patiently for its own parent, in perfect contldouce that its turo will como in due season. lie Had to Draw tlie Line. A good story is being told ahout town ol an old gentleman who has lived for years at one of the Stamford hotels with hit family. Beverul vears utro his elilcat duinrlitor. u-h was mar. led, died. After a suitable timt ' the bcrcavi-u widower asked forthe hand I of tho noxtilau)thur. Not long afterward i be was left alone afrain, and ftKUia h oiiK&t for the hunil of the third dauirhtei of hit old friend. At lust, when he caiur for the lourth, the old man exclaimed: "c, take her; but, hang.it all, whemhe'i (tone whafll you dol You can't havo th old woman, too." - l o (i.-t at the Kaels. Ki'ltarilintf HihhI'b SarsspMrills, ask the lieople who tskeB this niKlioine, or n ail ihe If slim. minis often published in this imper. Tliy will oertainly ooiivinoe yon that llooiVs Sarsaparilla possesses ii'ifqnnllt'd merit' a ml that HOOD'S IThKS. A IlKALTiirrb lliiN. Kleekner and Sheldon now have on tap fine porter aud are prdpared to (uruub "half and half." AS IT IS IN INDIA. M AeHdeot to Hindoo and the Cons, quanees It Entailed.' The Indian papers report that some time since, in the neighborhood of Fyzabad, a man of the Ahir, or cow herd caste, was carrying a young calf home on his shoulders, when by some accident it slipped down and broke its neck. The Brahmins declared him to be outcast and sentenced him to the severest form of Hindoo excommunica tion for six months. They further told him that he could not hare committed a greater sin than causing the death of a cow, but, taking into consideration that he was an uneducated man, they had dealt very leniently with him. During the period of excommunication he was ordered to lead a life of mendicancy and with a rope round his neck and a portion of the calf's tail on j his shoulders he was to perform pil grimages to different Hindoo shrines. ' The members of his family were forbid den to supply him with either shelter or food under a penalty of undergoing similar excommunication. The Ahir recently returned to his village, but un til the purification ceremonies are over he must live in a temporary grass thatched house which has been erected for his residence. It remains for a man of one of the lowest and most degraded castes to purify him. A barber, after shaving the delinquent and paring the nails of his hands and toes, will make over the hair and nails to the low caste attendant, who will burn them and also set fire to the hut. After this the" Ahir, being covered with cow-dung, will take a plunge into the river Sarju and. come out purified, liut his troubles are even then by no means at an end. After he has feasted fifty llrahmins and one hun dred oi his brethren he will De re admitted into caste-fellowship. It bhoald be in Every Honse. J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharpsburg, ra., says be will not be without Vr King's New Disoovery for consumption Coughs and Colds, that it cured his wife who was threatened with Pneumonia af ter an attack of "L8 Grippe," when vari ous other remedies and several pbysi otans bad done her no good. Robert Barber, of Cooksport, Pa claims Dr King's New Disoovery has done him more good than anvthing be ever used for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. Free trial bottles at Slncum-Johnson Drug Co. Large bottles, 50o aud $1.00 TWO QUEER WILLS. Onrlout Document! lor Which No Law yer Would Assume Kespunslbility. "Talking of queer legal documents. laid an abstract man not a man in the abstract to the Chicago Evening Nows btory-Teller, "I have hero a truo copy of a will which will, I think, hold uf its neaa among even the product of doc umentary freaks. He fished into a pile of lotter-press eopios as he spoke, and brought out the following. The documont bears date of January 2, 1872, and was proved in open court April 5, 1873. It is recorded in "Vol. 1 of Wills," page 184: "First I give acd bequeath tp hwo I intuniS 10 marry, she Is the mother of myn Hon Wll helm and expects an orthcr child. When th child was horn and bod children shall live tc the eage of 31 years tho shul divided equally between them share and share alike. Also ) give and bequeath to my wife a:i householf furniture beds one gray cow and received b nerinneuor aowcr: I glvo and devise to m heirB and assigns all that parcel of land a house situate and eto. ; Lot No. 3 in Block the subdivlsiowaiide by the Hlue Island Laud ana ttulldlng Company known as Washing. on Heights as Recorded in the Recorder's oftlce or cook county, ill., in Book 1V0 of Maus, page viv. "It is further understood that mv wifo aforesaid have the house and all tho household furniture, one gray cow, tho whole premmisses by appoint sole executrix of this my lust will ror me use oi herself and children whom I here Bud testament. (Si?ncdi "Legally tho instrument is not strona enough to stand," said tho abstract man- wiU be noticed that where the property is described the spelling is "H right. That is accounted for by tho apparent fact that it Is copied from tho deed. Ho went too far, however, and when he wrote: ! give and devise to my heirs,' he also added 'and assigns. which moans nothing, and consequently uesiroys me value oi tno Instrument, "As an oxample of poor orthography this one is a daisy," and tho following was produced: Flower Nerds Sent Free to Everybody. The attention of our readers is called to the nttrsotive advertisement of 8. H Moore & Co., publishers of Tbe Ladies' World, New York, in this issue of our paper. They offer to send their charm ing Ladies' Magazine on trial 3 months for only 12 cents, and to est h subscriber is senlrce, as a premium, 200 varieties or choice tlower seeds, also a packet of tbe celebtated Eckford 8weet Peas, tbe most popular nower now grown. Th conoern is thoroughly reliable, their offer most liberal, aud our readers should take atlvnotage of it. DRUNKENNESS, or the UClTOR HABIT Cured at Home tn Ten Days by Adminis tering Dr. Haines' (iolden Specific. It can be given in a glass of beer, a cup if ooffce or ten. or in food, without tbe Knowledge of tbe patient. It is absolute ly harmless, and will effect a permanent md speedy oure, whether the patient is moderate dnukeror an alcoholio wreck It has been given in thousands of cases. md in every instance a perfect cure bus 'ollowed. It never fsil. J he system nee impregnated with the specific, it becomes an ntter impossibility for tbe liquor appetite to exist. Cures guaran teed. 48 page book of particulars free. Adit res the Goldbm Spkoiiio Co., 185 Usee Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Fat People. The only safe and reliable treatment for obesity, or supeirliions fat, is th "Leverelte" Obesity Pills, wbioh gradu ally reduce the weight and measurement. No injury or inconvenience leave no wrinkles -aota by absorption. Tbisctire is founded mam the most soi?ntitio prin eiples, and has been used by one of the '"" eminent physicians of Europe in 1,18 P'i'tt prnolioe "fur fivejearg" wilh "wt irrHtify iK "'oln. Mr Henry I Vrkms, :",) Union Park, Boston, writes: "From the me nt tbe 'LeTerette obesity pills my weight baa been reduoed ten ponuda iu three weeks and my general health is rery tnnob improred. Tbe principles of your treatment are fnlly in dorsed hy niy family pbysioian. In roof nf my gratitude I herewith give you per mission to use my name it yon desire to do so." I'riue $2.00 per package, or three packtites for $500 by mail. All orders supplied direct from opr offioe. The IjEVkrktti KpKcirto Co., 175 Trenton t Street ItostoD, Mass. ,M . . , , . 'rfHbiuir ii'hooner of wer and a Bice lunch, no se Kleckner k Sbeldou, Also due moor, and oig.r. II If I i I IF TOP WANT W9WAT3S f.V-':T Aiarf"8 s leu, r or i.- st ii n-r,' in THE PHllH CLAIMS IOHPKIT. I0HN WE00FR8UHN, . Managing mtorney. P.O. Bol U3. WASHINGTON, D. c. T-PNUIONS PROCVKED F" SOLDIERS, WIDOWS. CHILDREN, PARC NTS. Also, fr oMir and Sailor (!1$ablM In the line of fl'ity tn the revulnr atviVi-t Nu v ttlnrettie wur. unrtv.rt of ifm Indian wars of 1J to 1X4 i;nl th'-lr willows, now i'nt!tl(i. Old am relfti rt ci;iinig iwhlty. ThnusHndB entitled to Mi-tier rtcs. end forni'W law. Ko clwrtfe for tulvicts. No fee S. P. FLORENCE, .STOCKRAISER! HKPPNEK. ORKGON. Cattle branded and par marked as shown above. HorBes F on riht fihodlder. My cattle ranite in Morrow and Umatilla coun ien. I will pay fNtt.OO for the arrest and con viction of any person stealing my stock. Write for our Mammoth Catalogue, a tHrO-ynie book, plainly illustrat ed, giving Mannfactwr erV lowest price with liiauufactiirers'diBcoiint ob all goods manufact ured and imported into the United states. if) to 60 cents on every dollar you spend. We sell only hrst-clasH goods CiroeerieB, Furni ture, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats. Cans. Boots and Shoes, Notions, Crock ery, Jewelry, Buggies and Harness, Agricul tural Implements; in met hi iy in ii ik yuu nuiit. .Niven uy buying oi us, Send 2b centB to pay ex logue, a preBsage on cat buyer's guide. We are the only concern that sells at manufacturers' prices, allowing the buyer the same discount that the manufacturer gives to the wholesale trade. We guarantee all goods to be equal to representations or money refunded. Goods sent Dy express or freight, with privilegeof examina tion before paying, A. KARPEN A CO., 122 Quincey tit., Chicago, 111. I Bank fi HepDnsr. WM. PENLANI). ED. R BISHOP, President. Cashier. riiANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS COLLECTIONS Made on Favorable TermB. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD HEPPNEE. tf OREGON LEGAL ADYEilTISEMENTS. Notice of Intention, TAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, J May 25, wr.i. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice oi hiB intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore J, W. Morrow. Countv Clerk, at Hepmier. Or., on July 7. 1HM. viz.: THOMAS J. ANDREWS, Of Hnrdman. Homestead Application No. 25.12, for the SE'4 of sec. HO and WW NEU of Sec. 81, Tp. fiH., R. aiKWM. He names the following witnesses to nrove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: James W. Wv and. Char es H. llullis. Charles Coleman, all of Hardmau, Or.: Ueorge E. Wright, of Lone Rock, Or. 131-141 . John W. Lewis, Register. Notice of intention. I AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, J May 2f, lfsiW. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final nroof in sunnort of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Or., on July8. lHf3,vU.: MILTON E. BROWV. Of Heppner-. Homestead Application No. 2fi70, for the N', NE and N!i NWi of tiec. 3, Tp. 5 3, R2HEWM. He names tho following witnessed to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said lauu, viz : James M. Hayes, H. P. Long, Issnc C. Large, Albert MatteBou, all of Heppner. 0(. wi-m john t. lewis, uegieter. Notice of intention. I AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE. OREGON J May 22. 18!).'i. Notice Is herebv iriven that the following-named settler has tiled notice of hiB intention to make final nroof In suurHirt of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow Countv, Or., at Heppner, Oregon, on June W h, is;i;l." viz.: HARRISON WEBB. Hd. No. 5S47 for Lots 1 and 2 Sec. SO. and Lots 3 and 4 Sec. 19 Tp. 2 S. R. 2S, E. W. M. He names me louowing witnesses to prove bis continuous residence uoon and cultivation nf. said land, viz.: Isaac Fhltuis. Trov Phiims. TIenrv Jntien nnd W. E. Straight, all of Heppner, Oregon. iw-hu A. cieaver, Register. Notice of intention. rAND OrFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, May W. tm. Notice In h nhv irivnn that the followinir-named pttlprhnn HI mi! noffio 01 ins inu'uuon ro make nnai proof in support of his claim, and that said proof w ill be made before the Countv clerk nf Mi at Heppner. Oregon, on June 17, IM13, via.: aiAritir.w ci-Av SMITH. He names the following tt ltnoK' tn nrnvhli continuous resideuce upon aud cultivation of, said land, viz.: Elmer Gentry. Joseph Nelson, W. E. Straight, Troy Phippi, all of Heppner. Or. a. LLwr.n, itegistcr. Notice of Contest. 8. LAND OFFICE AT LA ORANDE, OR., Anril 2-1. tsi3. i:oini,lHint hnvlm. huun U. entered at this office bv Charles Oirilvy sssftist Ailolphui A. antrer. for atsimloiilnir Kis hoine. stesd entry No. 44it7, dated .Msv i!. lxsii. np,tn ttie 'i SKi See. it, sml SW'i, sh'u sec 4. Tu. 0. 8 R :t! E. W. M. in rnotlll. Or., with a view to thecaneellstloniif ..,.' the said tarties are herebv siinimoneti to siiHsr at theotheeol Will c. !-limson at I'ilot Kovk oreKon, on the lMh day oi June, l.vi;;. ai ni v i-iw m. ,u re.iHuio ann o r lsn teatin,n,,T concerning said s)lK'd alwurioliinent, to lie isiM at tlie Imal ncariiis; In tins olhce on Julr 5, 1MB, at ten o'clock a. in. It ii further onieni tliAt this nir. u anr,..,.i by pulilli-ation lor four consecutive weeks and by IHislini; umiii tlie land s, iu l'nl!ei states I-aud cases; said notice twins published iu the Ileppner Gazette, at llefipucr. tiretcon. !!; A. C. McCi.ku.ind, Keeelver. notict of Intention. LAND OFFICE AT THE DALI ES. OREGON May 4, :i& Notice i heretiy given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make filial priad in support of his claim, and that said proof v,MI he made he fore J. W Morrow, l ouiily clerk, at tioppuer Or., oil June 28. 1. Hi: AKTtll'K STErilEXS, Of Ilanlman. nr., Ileclaratorv ststetnent Vo 7m7, for the SEv. SWi,, m, Sei, and .Nttw eK", oi fee ai. 1 p 4 S. R. lew M He names the lolloulng wlliie.se. to prove hi" roiittuuouB residence ujiou and cultiiatioll of, , laiKi, , is. MI!l,ih; . H,W!"; r .; K.i Mon Uud and John A. Adami, of Hardman. Or. Johh W. Uwts, Regitter. ,ncrw tpwltf. curltT lh. . " ... " ST1I n maa act on us liver, lille Menus ssyj. FARMERS Administratrix Notice. Estate of Cornelim Drltcoll, Dwased. NOTK E IS HKHEBY (JIVEN THAT LET-U-rs of administration on the estate of Cor nelim DriBcoll, di-cettit d. were granted tn the undersigned on the loth day of May, 18M3, by the prodate court of Morrow county. Ail (.erwoiiB having clttiint ajrainHt paid estate are required to exhibit them to me for allow ance, at the oftce of Ellis, Dawson A Lvoua. In He.pner, (r , within six month after the date of ttiii notice or thev shall be forever barred. Tula loth dny of May, iws. 26-34 Administratrix. Notice. LT 6- LAND OFFICE, THE DALLES, OR., j April -.'7. 1M. Complaint having been entered at this office by Aaron Kove. of Morrow Co. aminst John K Allen for abandoning hil HomecteMd Entry No. 4ir.'i. tiated Dec iy, ltyi, upon the Mi, stt-tioii 27, Township 1 N, Range 2i K, in .Morrow County Oregon, with a view to the cancellation .f aul entry, the said parlies are hereby summoned to appear at thin otticeon the 24 day of June, WM at 10 o'clock A.M., to respond and turnish testimony con cerning said alleged abandonment. Frank Kellogg V P., is authorized to take testimony in thi case, at 10 a. M. June J7, lb'Jd at his ollice in Hcppucr Or. I'-io-Wa John W. Lewis, Register. Notice of Intention. T AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON ij April '21, IMtit Nulioe is hurebr given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of bit, intention to makt final proof In. support of bis claim, aud that said .proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow County. Or. at Heppaer, or., on June 10. lws, viz: Geokor William DuksN. D. 8. No W.n:i. for Lot 1 and the KH NEM. Sec o, aud S Wii N WJj, Sec. 4, Tp. 5 8, It 21) E. W. M. He names the Following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Sam Tyler and Harve Tyler, of Ileppner Or., Charles Long, of Galloway Or., Fremont Sprowles, oi Vinson Or., A Cleaver, Register. Notice of Contest US. LAND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OR., April k-A Complaint having been entered at this ollice by '1 hoi. E. Parker ajjainut Joseph N. i-Mihtre for abandoning bis homestead entry :(, Dated Oct. is, 1KH7, for the E N , NVU NW teec. l!i and sE'i 8W4 Sec. IS, Tp. 6 S, R :)2 E. W. M., in Umatilla county, Oregon; with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at the othce of Will C. stimsuti, in Pilot Kock, Oregon, on the 17th dny of June, 1893, at 10 o clock a. m., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment, to be used at the fiiml hearing in this ollice on the 17th dHy of July, l&ya, at lOo'clock a. m. It is further ordered that thiB notice be served by publication for four consecutive w eeks in the Heppner Gazette, published at Hcppner, Ore gon, arid by posting on tho land as in United Mates Land cases. A. C. AIcCi.ei.land. 122-&; Receiver. STOUh BRANDS. While you keop your subscription paid up yru can keep your brand in f reeof charge. Allyii. T. J . lone. Or. Horses 01 on left sllimlder; cattle ame on left hip, under bit on i. ei, uiu uppuruivon me leit; range, Mor row county. Armstrong;, J. C, Alpine. Or.-T with bar nn r ,". 1 shonlder of horses; cattle saiue Allison, 6. D., Eicht Mile. Or. -Cattle brand, ODon left Inp and horses same brand on riuht shoulder. Ranife. Kittht Mile. Adkius, J. J Heppner, Or. Horses, JA con t.ctecl on leit Hank: cattle, sameon left hip, Ayers, Johnny, Lena, Or. Horses branded tnauirie on lett hip: cattle uniiie on right hiw also crop off richt ear and npper bit on same. Bailliolmnew, A. Alpine. Or. Horses branded 7 fc, n either slionlder. Kange in Mo -row county. Uleakiuan, Goo., Hardman, Or. Horses, a hag oideft shoulder: cattle same ou riKht shoulder. bannister, J. W., Hnnlman, Or.-Cattle brand, ed I H on left hip and thigli: split in each ear. Uronner, Peter, ho. seherry Oregon-Horses branded P B on loft shoulder. Cattle sama on right siae linrke. M 8t 0, Long Creek, Or-On cattle, MAY connected on loft hip, crop off left ear, un! der half cron off right. HorBes. same brand on lotfl shoulder. Kange in Grant and Morrow eounty. Brosman, Jerry, Lena, Or.-Horses branded 1 n right shoulder: caltle H on the left side. Left ear hnlf croi a id right ear upper slope. Karton, Wm i s ,pner, Or. -Horses, J B on right tlngu. cattle, same on right hip: split in each ear. ' Hrown, Isa, Leiington, Or. Horses IB on the nglit ntltle; cattle same on right hip; range. Mor row county. Brown, J .P Heppner. Or. -Horses and cattle branded B with oi-yoke above on left shoulder, Hrown, J. C, Heppner. Or.-Horses, circle witlidotinc.H teron left hip; cattle, same. ... vtt. ,'iukoii. norses iv bar oyer it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left hip. Boyer, W. G.. Heppner, Or.-Horeee, boi brand ot r:g,, hip cattle, same, with split in each ear. liorg. P. O.. Hennnnr Or IT,, ran. D D 1-e. shoulder; cattle, same on left hip. ' Bn.wnlee, W. J., i'ox.Or-Cattle. JB oopneoted on left side; crop on left ear and two split mid middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses same Grant county, ' ' Caisner VVarren, Wagner. Or.-Horses brand edOnn light stifle; caltle (three bars) on right ribs, crop aud split in each ear. Kange in Grant and Morrow counties. l ain u., l aleb.Or.-Y t) on horses on left stifle U With ouarter circle nvpr It n lar, di.....i.i..- and on left stifle on all colts under 5 yearn; ou loll shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All range in Grant county. Clark, Wm. H., Le, a. Or. -Homes WHC con nected. on left shoulder: cattle same on right . lia:uee Morrow and Umatilla counties. Cate, ( has. K Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H c on right shoulder; oattle same on right hip. Itauge Morrow and Umatilla counties. tacll, Wm., Douglas. Or.; horses JC on lof shoulder: caltle sumo nn lfi hi X....iJi ' each jaw and two b.ts in the right ear. Curl, 1. H John Lav. Or.-Double cross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under hit in right ear, Bplit in left ear. Kange in Grant county. Un sheep, inverted A aud spear point on shoulder, kar niarko.i ewes, cron nit lft OUr puuehed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop iti right and under half crop in left ear. All ranau iu Grant couutv. ' Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or.-Hor8es. BOon rightshonl aei. I sltle, same on right hip: ear mark squaw square ... .... i ouu ouin in nglit. Cumn. K. Y., Currinsville, Or. left suile. Horeee, on Cox id. B., Hardman, Or.-Caitle, C with in center: horses. CK on left "up. Cochran. H. K.. M.innm.,.i r;nn. n.. .-- . Horses bianded circle witi, ha, ulu,ii X iA. shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark , ,, . e; eoie niiu uewiap. ( liaiun, H., Hardman, Or.-Horses branded - on right hip. Cattle brauded the same. Dickens. Lbb Horses braided with three tineo for on left si ihe Cattle aa ne on left side. Doonaa. win., Heppner, Or.-Horses brauded u w"h bar over them, on left shoulder: cat tle same on left hip. Douglass, W. 41 .Galloway, Or. Cattle. R Don right side, swa low-fork in each ear; horses, R b on left hip. Douglas, O. T., Douelaa, Or Horeee TD on the tight Btifle; cattle same on right hip. Duncan, VV . P., John Day.Or. -Quarter circle on right shoulder, both on horses aud cattle, liaiige Grant county. r.iy, J. o, o: Bons, Douglas, Or.-Horses brand 1 fc.Ll on left shoulder, cattle aama on lfi Hliuuider, cattle aanie oq lefi bip. bole ir rittlit ear. Elliott. W fifth.. liftirmAP Or DiamoLd on risjiii miuuiiipr. meiy, I . fcj., Hardman, Or.-Horees brandt-d L lifverised t wiihtaiJion left shtiuider; cat- ntTH.Hiwvn mmi nip. nange in Aiurrow cinmty riecK, jacKKti, tieppuur, Or. WorHtw. ) wuuwjiw un .-mm Bnouiuer; oattle same nn riKiit hip Earmark, hula in right and croti ott left. I-h. run ce. L. A.. IloDDner. Or. Tatti. I.P .. nght hip; horse if with bar under on right Hurence. 8. P. Heppner. Or Horeee, F ou riRtit nhui Ide. ; cattle. F on ri(fht hip or thitrh. t- rench, (JeorK, Heppner. Or.-Cattle branded Wb.with bar over it. un left Hidn: rmi. nil Uit ear. Htretb, mme brand on luft hip. iay, Henry, Meppner, Or. OA If on loft Oilman-French. Land and Lire Stork Cn on. wi.-iiut, nucuor o od len Biiouider; Tent, m.. uu gimr, V ULLit", Nil lie on OOin DlpB' ear UmrkR. Croii nff risrhr nnr and nn.lut-Kit ;n l..t llange iu Oiliiaui, Urant, Crook and Morrow Willi Wfst. Oeiitry, F.lmer, Echo, Or. Hones branded 11 . with a quarter circle over it, on left Btitle tiiuiKe in Mornw and UmatilUcoQiUie. (jiltHtwr, J.t'., I'mine l iiy. Or. On hum, O-o on left ehuuidt-r aud stine; cattle, od right sit it. iiuif in Orant count. hHes. lieu., LrfiiK, Or, hrand JH connected with quarter eircl- over it, on lett ehtmlder, Hiait A. H., Uidtre, Or. lattle. round-top withquaner circi under it on tbe nght hip Kantce in Morrow and Umatillaoountiea. Huiton 4 Jeuk, Hamilton, Or ttle, two bare on either hip; crop in right ear and upht in left. H ureee, J on right thigh. Kange in O nm t county . Hoghee. tSamnel, Wagner, Or "T" (T F L connectedjon rjht hould,ron honwa; oncatUe on right hip and on lett aide, swallow fork in rinht ear and slit in left. Kange iu Huatack district. Mom w county. Hale. Muton, Wkguei. Or.-Horwni branded -O- l. ircie with parallel taiia) on left ahoulder t f tile Muue on left hip ; alo large circle on left aide. Hall Fdwin, John Day.Or. Cattle E Hon right hip; nun same ou nght ahuuider. i:augeic urant uounty. HoWHlli- J f, ftllnne Os T "toi un leit wde. Kanga in Morrow aad Cma- Uii rountvv. . Wughe, Mat, Heppner. Or-Home. anaded '1 wuiuw;iiBiiH,vaiui I l.i i A 1 . : eHbip. Nye, Oregon Horses.A H onnn-cted. on left shoulder; latueon the leit hip, crop otl lett ear. Humphreys, J SI. Hardman, Or. Horses, H on lef flank Haes, J. M., Heppner, Or. Horses, wineglass on left slioiTldt,! cattle, same on right hip. Huston. I.ulher, tilit Mile, Or. Horse Hon the left sitou l,i,.r and lieart on the left stifle I at . tie Hume n left hip. ..nire in Morrow eonnly. Ivy. Alfred, Lonjr Creek, Or CntOe 1 Don right hip, cropiitT left ear and bit ln right. Horses same bnu:d ou left shoulder Kange u Grant countv Jui.kin. 8. M., Heppner, Or Horses, bursa, shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the sams. Kange on bight Mile. Johnson, telix Lena, Or. Horses, circleT en left stihe; cattle, same on right hip, under lud crop in right and si, lit in left ear Jenkins, D VV.,.m. Vernon,ur. J on horseson left shonlner; o-i cattle, J on left hip and two BiuiHjlh crops ou both eani. Kange in ll'ox and Hear vall.-ys henu, Mike. Heppner, Or. Horses branded KNY ou lef: hip eal lie same and vrop off left ir: under .liite .,n Ihe right Kirk J T., Ileppner. Or. Horses 9 on left shonhler; cattle, nn on lett hip. Kirk. J C, Heppner. Or. Horses. 17 on either uankiCBtlle 11 on right side. Kirk Jesee, Ileppner, Or.; horse 11 on left skonlder; cattle sameon light side, nuderbitoa right ear. Kumberland. W. G.. Mount Vemon. Or. I L on caltle on right and left sides, swadow fork in lift ear and umW Clop in right ear. Homes same brand on left shoulder. Ita.ige in Grant countv. Riienej Kli. Heppner, Or.- Horses J Land ace of clubs on lefi stifle, iiaiige in Umatilla and li'iuriiw counties I galley. J W. Ileppner Or. Horses branded L nil Aoulell shoulder; can le name ou left bin' wattle over right ey three Bills in right ear. Lof ten, Stephen, lot. Or. B L on left hin on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horses ctunty loft "nolller. llange Grant Lienalleni John W., L" - Or.-Horses dS rf, .u"""" "'" J,Ltcohuectod on left shouj! inuloii. """" U lel' uear d,m'nk' HTK''- HepPDOT- Or.-Horses branded double H coi.iiock .Sometiiuea called a swing H, l)n lefl shoulder. Markham.A. M.. Heppner, Or.-Cattle lar Men le , side both ,,, cropped, and l"plitK wuU; ou Mi hip- ltaDgB' k HlT?- ?ecar' "oPi,n"r-"r--(''"e. M Dion nght hip; horse M on lefl shoulder. ir,?H"!. N- "efPner, Or.-Horses, M I on lefl shouhl-. cattle same on left hi ' SlcCumber, Jas A, Bcho, Or.-Horses. M with bar over on right shoulder. " Mann H. B , Lena, Or.-Horsos-old mares ZZ shoulder b'P1 ,OU" hUjCk- 6maU 12 Mortran. TIkm-. Uannnas . . righHhighhOU''Jer,ma Mi "-tSt Ton Mitcliell. Oscar, one, Or.-Horses, 77 on rigid hip; oattle. 77 on right side. " ' McUaren, D. G., Brownsville, Or.-Horses mT to"', ;'""'hh.r. catUe. Al"on hi a ' McKern W. J. Muiu Vernon. Or-Xl on oattl. on right hip, crop iu right ear. half crop m lo t same brand ou horsts ou left hi,, . H.nPfn!i: Ka"ne in tiraut UVU l-l.. M T - -J TV . eHSlcHSleivhG8V T6 nnd," 'ft'tX MtMaley, G. V., Hamilton, Or. On Hon with half circle under on left shoulder; on C in ..'"I1 an'uhler: oattle same on both hius. ..uiujaB, c, niiverton, Or. liorsea nwaim le I . thigh; ca.tle. same on left b p ' r01 ' u Oliver. Jmtmli i an.or it;,.. . on left h,p; on l,rscs,'sun,eon' JeftAC! iu Grunt cinintv uer, t-erry. liexiugton, Or. P O on left Olp, Herman, Prairie City. Or.-On nnrti t niiESSS"- pi . e' i!'rh m left ear, right oronnnil 'M on lef t hip. Kange n tight Mile! 0r"Pped- . V''KTi',klf'e '' Le3ti"K'n, Or.-Hor-ee brand e L (L L coiineoied) , left shoulder ; rattle ?,e, f'siltfI"'- Uul"!6' """w cj"t,y. riper, j. a.t Ijeiiiijftuu, t)r. Hnrh .1 tr uS!heari"le'" left hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in Lie Powell, John T.. DayviJle, Or Horses J V non. nee ed on loft shoulder. iiluk Si lel I ip, two under half crops, one on eaohW l kaVdder.lhoatVK",B4Gra''tco lliiaard, G. D., Canyon City, Or. J' C on left shoulder, on horses only, kukb Canyon eek and Hear valley. Grant county. l"u'OB " Hood. Andrew, Hardman, Or.-Horses, sonars onj- with quarter-circle over it on left stifle. Kice, Dan, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel worm fence on lefl shoulder; ca:tle, DaS JS right shoulder! Kange uear Hardman. lefi"l.l:,o5r'"'' ,leP,PUM. Or-Horses, plain V on l ,, u' T U"UIS' "m,e brHI"1 reversed Ci Bill oJinS" tt ngl,t " ltw""' in Mo" Kush Bros., Heppner, Or. Horses branded 31 on the right shoulder; cattle, IX Tthe Wt n,p crop oil lett ear and dewlap on neck. Kange fc "if ",W adjoining counties. " " Kust, William, Pendleton, Or.-Horses 11 Kange Morrow coulity" D m"- lioyso, Wm. ii Dairyville. Or-Hlt connected P on cattWnStp aud ciop off right ear and split in left. Horses same brand on left shoulder. Kange in Morrow Grant and Gilliam counties. Morrow lluou.r. J. W., Heppner, Or Horses TO left shoulder. Caltle, VjOn right h Spicknall, J. W., 'Goosaberry, Or-Horses cr.ty "h"UWeri .,ZUf Cn UePPD,er. Or-Horses brandlB on leit shoulder; oattle same ou left hip bwaggan, H. h., Lexington. Or -Horses with dash under it on left stifle oattle H with wai dled on right hind leg. Kange iu Morrow Gilhamand Lmalilla couuties "orrow, bwiiggart. a. L., EIl. Or.-Horses brande-' i un lell shou der; eel tie same on left hio Croc on ear, wattle ou leit hind leg P " htraight w . K, Heppner, Or.-Horses shaded J 6 1 on lei stillejiMltleJbou, f. fork in ngh eai. uu.lerhit iu loft: ' "w,Ulow Wipp, llios., lleppuer. Or Hiinu. H s a lefl . hip; cam. same on lefi hip ' 8 A P on '"'"""- "verLVleTt'saidr6'- 0n norses on right hip; CHtt,u, Mme 0u right hm Lr'Sra!!treo'lrvttr 0"dur " iSiStt QurbeH onnKht tup; cattle, same on riuht. v H.t'o!', sridit'a0 nI?:?r8hbra??ed Bwagaart. G. W. ..... ,i?",Sar' " left siioum. ; cattle, 44 in lef t hip. ' oa tunitn, fc. t. Lok liuck, ur. H.7,rs. k.j acrosevenon lef, shoulder; oattle ia lett side, hange, Oiluam county aameou hperry. L. G. .Ileppner, Or. - Cattle W C on letl up. crop off right and uuderhit in lett yea? Uewlap; horses v c on ieft shoulder. 3 ihoinpson, J . A., Heppner, Or.-Horses t on, lett shulo, r; eaitio, z OIi let't fij' ' tt -'"Gr.-HerMs,. Con left , ,, V"rf; w-: opener, Or.-SmaH caDital T leit sliouldei, horses; caule same Ton lifthii with split in boil, ears. lett tup ihomuiu, li. 41., lune, Or.-Horses branded b 1 counecied ou i,tt sutte; sheep asie bSSd Vaniierpool, H. T.. Lena, Or;-Hr,, HV oo'i nected ou ruht hoular;UBttle. ol rht Walbridiie, Wm.. Heppner. Or. Horses IT r on die leit shouider; clllle Mme S. ?iht hip crop oil left eai and right ear lopped! P' Wilson, John y Ualem or Heppner, Or - Warren, w B. ( aleb, Or-Cattle, W with Quarter circle over it, on ieft as. split iu rigwfia? Su7cu,S.bn'l'd '6U "h"" Wood. F L. DnwiiiA nu . . left .tine; on cattle'. on left ."0" b?t in left ear hangs i Urant county. ' and split in leit. " " W allace, i rancis. Mount Vemon.Or-fjqnareon IZll ".J1"""1" ''"t" h left 01, horses on nglu shoulder, hauge ia tiuaa ana I. rant couutv. ' . n ado, lleury. Heppner. Or. Hom hr.nj ace uf spauee on leit shnuldnr .iui lr. allla brauue.1 same on left sine and lefl hipT w ells. A. o.. heooner. Ur.-Un. '7.. shoulder: can same. V oitmger. John, John Day City, Or On nomas Oiree parallel Oars on ieft shonider; 7 on sneeT bit in boiu ears. Kange in Grant and JuS eounuea. amuer. Woodward. John. Rennnnr n o .... oonneeusl on lett shoulder. ' ur n atauis, usbe. Heppner, Or.-Horses branded Ch couuecteo on left stitia. "'aufiea W allace, Charioa. I'oni.,,,1 rw rja-nia.igti.Uo.. in left ear; bonsai VV on naht sliouloer, in. uneon leftstouol-r Kniiuer Broe. ilrew,,, tluru, ctj 0. . HWdTia.'d.BC'' " uhW cla over .l,r." " .'I "?V"r--VllSitsr r three umoBbh hip, bouIcalUe IL'd nange Grant county, ins, J o. Cant 1 r.k f Dorses. Vl illiams, sss cu ele over ilov. ,.n r'..",' , . quar and slu in each er Uu,,Si Hang m tinuil canity. V ten, A. A., T-..J. ';:,"Zr.'Zn'- "'-Hor. branded ssttissams sa test s ids. ssassldss Hardisty. Albert.