Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 02, 1893, Image 3

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T'HOHK during the imtertiou ol duulay adi.,
or change of Miue, wuit k1 their copy iu
not later ti u Muudtiy evening fur TuetWtty'i
edition, or Ihiiminy evening for Kridityi cdi-
1. The mm of five cent per line will be
charged fur "cardi of thanks," "ruMulutioiM of
reject," UiU vi wedding (treseuta and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himseli give as a matter ol news,) and.
iiuticvsuf special meetings lur whatever purpose.
2. Notice oi church and society and all other
Dtrtalnineuts from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall he charged for at the rate of Ave
tents a Hue. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to iu every instance.
Advertising rales reasonable and nudu known
upuu application.
We hold each and every cor respondent re-
sponsible lor nu or her eou.uuuiicuiiui.. No
uoirekpwiiueuce win ue puounneU unless the
wnuu s rai name is signed us au euuyuctj ol
gooU ialih.
Li lug Afceul, il Aitlchttuts i-ichttiiyt',
bun i- lancisco, is our autbuiueu akcut. luis
paper is kepi on ule u his ouice.
Stuge for Hurdmau, Monument, Long Creek,
John liuy ana canun Cl.y, leaven an lulluua :
Jvery uay at o:oU a. lu exeeut ouimuy.
Arrived every uay at .:ju p. in., eeepi .Holiday.
'Ihe cheapest, iiuickeHt and beat line to or
from the interior eoumry.
J. B. DELEVAN, l'rop.
blocuin-Johnston lrug Co., Aaenta.
Wire your business to H eppner people,
and littrtjote assist to buutt up iivpy
iter, fatruiuze those wlto patronise
hLere and 1 here.
Go to Ladies' Buzaar for Buttbhiuk
Pattbunh, l.a
J. J. MoGee, of Hordman, was iu town
The Gtzeite has a rattling good water
barrel tur mile client). ti.
The liuiTHuicK Pattbbns, at the
Lauiee' Baiaur. 1-2
0. 0. Lee, of Portland Dispatch, was
in tbe oily Wednesday.
E. Y. Judd uud . H. Claike, tbe wool
buyers, Cbttie iu last eveuiug.
Juhn W. Dt-puy in quite ill at bis
fat tier's reaidmce in Heppner.
The Qem and Palace saloons for fine
liquors, MuAtee Brob., Props, sw
Collections yesterday are reported
much better tbuu tbe previous month.
A Btriotly first olasg guitar for sale.
Brand new. Inquire at this office. 6 31.
Shu Kinsuiau ig on the road to tbe
Mulbeur country with a lot of cattle.
Tbe Heppner-Cauyon stage line is the
best, cheapest und quickest to tbe iu
Wm Duncan leaves for Idaho, next
week, and, perhaps, will looaie iu that
Rev Oennison, of Lexington, was up
to attend the K. of P. lodge meeting last
The iwiOK-A.WEEK Gazette now only
- 82.60 in advance, payable in cash or
eoon skins.
Hatt & Mathews, the barbers, City ho
tel barber shop. They are artists. Bulbs
in connection.
The Metropolitan fashion sheet fur
June can be bad free of charge at
Ladies' Bazaar. 12.
Mr. J. W. Stevens, and his son,
Asbton P. Steveus, departed for out
side points Thursday.
Tbe Eteley Instiiute, at Forest Grove
cures liquor, opium, morphine, oocuiue
end tobacco habit. Bee ad.
Tbe Gazette would gladly fill a few
orders for choice trees of any sort satis
faction guaranteed. Drop in. tf.
" For Butkbiok Pattern in the future,
end to Fell Bros. Heppner, Oregoo.
ThaJ now carry tbem in stock. 12
Our Heppner people have subscribed
liberally toward the celebration on tbe
4Uh and a grand time is expected.
Every man who takes any interest in
fast stock should subsoribe for Tbe
Horseman. Gazette shop, agents.
J. G. Young, of Rhea creek, is in at
tending tbe District Conference. We
okDowledge a pleusant visit yesterday
Johnny Weli.b got in Tuesday from
Hamilton. He left for borne Wednes
day, taking out a lot of freight tor G.
V. Modaley.
0 O McGonagill, of the Dale section
where he is ruuuing sheep, was in Hepp
ner on business ibursday. Sheep are
dajing well thus far.
Master Clay French is tbe authorized
gent for tbe Uregonian at this place.
SubBoribe through him, and have your
paper delivered free of charge. tf
1. L. Howard, of Galloway, dropped
iu od us yesteiday before departing
for Camas prairie with bis sheep. His
Gazette will reach him at Ckiah.
Tbe rustling oommittee were out
Wednesday looking after subscriptions
to tbe Fourth of July fund. Heppuer
will have a big celebration tbis year.
Fell Bros., of Ladies' Bnzaar, are
gems fur tbe Buttebick 1'attkkxs.
Tbey have a large stook to select from,
Hood's Pills oure constipation by
restoring the peristaltic action of the
allimentry caual. They are the best
family oatbartic.
Mrs. C. P. Mallory goes East this
week to visit relatives in YVmoousin.
Her husband leaves shortly fur N w
York with a carload of horses, where
Mrs. Mallory will join him.
Fifty cents is a small doctor bill, but
that is all it will cost vou to cure anv
ordinary oase of rhenmatisui if you use
Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it and
you will be surprise at the relief it
affords. The first application will quiet
the pain.. 50-cent bottles for sale by
Slooum-Jobustou Drug Co.
Tbe Portland Dispatch says that H.
'Wilson, an employ in Inman, Paulson's
mill, had tbe index finger of his left
band taken off Hatmday with mw.
Mr. Wilson used to represent tlie Singer
Sewing Machine Co in tbis looahty.
Dr. B. F Ysugban has gone east to
complete bis dental education, leaving
Drs. J. W. Rasmus and Eugene Vaughau
in charge of his office. Those owing Dr.
Taughan will please make settlement
with Vt. tugeue Vaugban who has full
uthonty.t 17-tf.
The advice tbst most men will give
70a is not to drink, bat when yoodo
set-tbe best. The Belvedere ssIood
carries an excellent s'ook ol cigars, liquors
. wines and beer. A fine billiard parlor
in connection. Call on Charlie aud
John who will always tieat you court
eously, tf.
Mr. E. A. Brnndage will leave this
week for New York, and, of course,
will take in tbe fair before returning.
Tbe old gentleman bas b-en away from
"York slate" some years, and he will
doubtless epj vy bis visit. He iutended
to leie Wedueday morning, but. we
are informed, was detained by lllue-s.
Are you insnred f If not, now is the
time to provide yourself and family with
bottle of Chamberlin's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrbce Remedy as an insurance
gainst any serious results from nn
attack of bowel d mplaint during the
nmmer months. 1 is almost certain to
be needed and should be prooured at
one. No other remedy can take ita
place or do its work i 25 and 50 cent
j bottles for sae by Sjlocum Johnston
li ng io.
Agent Collins of Arlington, has re
signed as adjutant of tbe third regiment,
O. N U.
Rev. H. M. DuBose will preach next
Sunday morning and evening at tbe
iu. E. chin on, buulb. All are iuvited.
Elgin Cor. La Grande Faimer: Mr.
Ueudricke aud wife are ou a visit to
Haidmau, Morrow county with friends
Bijd relatives.
Gieen Mathews, having purchased the
Palace hoitl baiber shop from Cbas.
Joues, asks for a continuance of trade.
Buttis iu couuection.
The Stage, ' R. E. Fuller's little
Taoouia paper, Las gone dead. "Bub"
was at lue head of our j ib departmeut
avvniie last year. He Las considerable
ability as a writer.
Contrary to aunonoement made in a
recen ihsuj of the; Gazette, t e match
race Oetvveeu Appai--ufca aLd Coou Du
Came i 1 lust .Ui'Oduy afternoon, Coou
Dog wiuuing eaany.
Lecture at M. E. church, tjoulh,
Monday eyeuiug, June 5vL, by Rev.
H. M. DuUose., D. D. of San Frauoisco,
ou Lis popular BUbjeot, "Tbe Sunrise
Century." Admittance 25 oeuts.
S. Collins, A. L. Huff, Rev. Dennison
and Dr. John -Huutiugtnu oauie uri from
Ai liugtou Tuesday to see Dorio Lodge
confer the squire and Kuigbt ranks
They leturueu home Wednesday, and
neii pleased, with their visit
Dr. B. F. Vauuhau got Lome Tuesday
eveuiug from Chicago. Tbe doctor
was well pleased 'with everything in 4
he saw there, particularly with the
opening exeroises of toe World's Jf'aii
be completed bis course iu deutai
surgery while in Chicago,
The editor was half iuclined to sug
gest that the readers of the Gazette
should look up Fell Bros.' Ladies
Bazaar ad. in this iBsue, but tbat is
haidly neatBsary, for you can find it
without much trouble It is a striking
illustration of tbe kind of enterprise
iu the makeup of tbe Fell Bros. They
will do to patronize.
Tbe way many advertisers figure, it
niat'ers little whether a paper bas 10
subscribers or 10,000. What tbey seem
to w ..nt, ih a cheap aJ. Advertising in
a LewBpaper is a good deal like an old
soak's idea of whisky all good, but
some ib much better than others. Tbe
circulation of a newspaper gauges the
Value of Hs advertising space, aud tbis
Btaudard we steadily adhere to.
Grant Co. News: Tbe stage road
over Dixie mountain is somewhat of the
oousislenoy of raw pie crust, but Mo
Ewau & Dailey's stage train walk right
luiouub uu time. The Sumpter Valley
railway ib in g' od trim, but every time
tbe etigiueer blows his whistle it ex
hausts all of the i-teaui and be has to
atop from 10 to 20 minutes and fire up.
Ine a. V. tasi mail runs 22 miles iu 2
bouts wheu the weather is good.
Dr. M. J. Davis is a prominent physi
cian of LewiH, Cass county, Iowa, and
has been actively eugaged in the prac
tice of medicine at tbat plaoe for tbe pat
thirty five years. Ou the 2otb day of
May, while iu Des Moines en, route to
Chicago, he was suddenly taken with an
attack of diarrhoea. Having sold Cham
berlin's Colio, Cuolera and Diarrhoea
Remedy lor the past seventeen years,
aud kuuwing its reliability, he pruouied
a 20 cent bottle, two doses of which
cured him. The exoitement aud change
of wuter iuoideut to traveling often pro
duces diurihcea. Every one should pro
cure a bottle of this remedy before leav
ing home. For sale by Slooum-Jobuston
Drug Co.
ToSfmmeb Rang2. Soon tbe feetit
i herder and bis
will bie away jj'VA
csSlia. tothemouutair. t&a!
ranges back of Heppuer where abounds
acres and acres of good government
grass, whioh oa i be bad for the taking.
The sizzle of the oampfire, built up
against a rotten log, will entertain him
through the evenings while be peruses
tbe Gazette and other metropolitan
periodicals, and revolves in his mind
the exteut aud value of the one
to be enjoyed this fall. Seriously, what
Heppnej and Morrow county is today
was made principally from tbe labor of
ye herder, whose life' may not be as
picturesque as tbat of a danoing-mas-ter,
but be is a sight more solid benefit
to tbe oouutry.
Nearly a Serious Accident. M on
day AI Bmns had to return nithbiB'bus
to tbe Palace hotel on short notice. Just
before the train was ready to pull out a
traveling man dajooveied that be was
short a valise and overcoat. Returning
as rapidly as possible he secured tbe
missing artilces and started to return
At tbe intersection of Willow with Main
strett, Ben Alley was "trimming" an
aic light. Neither saw the other till too
late to avoid a cullisioo. The lampi
worth 87o, was totally ruined, while Mr.
Ei uns' vehicle was badly damaged, be
sides be narrowly escaped a runaway.
Bboken Leo Last Monday evening,
in a friendly souffle over at J. B. Natter's
brewery saloon, Vi m. Lord threw Frank
Merrill in such a manner as to break tbe
small boue of bis left leg just above the
ankle, and in the opinion of the physi
cian, Dr. McSwords, fractured the large
boue slightly. Merril is at the Mountain
House at present, doing very well under
tbe circumstances.
M. E Shuts Confbbbnok The an
nual district conference of tbe M. E
ohurob, S iutb, is in session in the oity,
with a larne attendance of laymen aud
ministers. We are unable in this issue
to give a lull account of the proceed
ings up to tbe time of going to press,
but iu Tuesday's issue we will bare a
full report, ,
Rip's Wood Yard. Tbe Heppner
wood yard, under the management of
Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver
wood at yonr residenoe, sawed or ud
sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at
teS ottovTPAntS
Hood 'sCures
Sharp Pains
Short Dreath, Heart Trouble, Rheumatism.
Mr. L. II. Paine
Eagle Creek, Oregon.
"I have lived here tn Oregon for the past
twenty years, and most of the time have been a
very great sufferer from indamtnntarT
rhrmnattain.' I have also had what the doctor
called heart disease, with shortness ot breath
and sharp pains in th left tide. I decided to take
Hood's Sarsaparilla, and before I had finished
three bottles I was in better health than I had
been for years. I do not have any pain now,
sleep well, and to-day no woman of my age
Enjoys Better Health
than I. At home on the ranch I not only attend
to my family housework, hut last summer I
cared for and milked four cows. I do not feel
that I can ay half enough In praise of
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Mrs. L. M. Paine, Eagle Creek, Oregon.
Hood's Pills are prompt arid efficient, yet
easy In action. Sold by all druggists. 2f0- -
For sale by Slocnm-Johnston Drue Co.
and T. W. Ayers, Jr.
$7.00 per cord. Wood sawed twioe in
two, 75 cts. per cord; three times, SI 00.
Yard near tbe depot. Leave orders at
Sloan & Howard's. 4-tf.
Wanted. A good rustler to take
charge of a fine stook of tbe latest and
best subscription books, and dispose of
them in and around Heppner. Liberal
commission to a good man. Must give
bonds. Address, O. K. Publishing Co.,
Box 322, Butte, Montana. 27lf.
Fashionable Duessuakebs. Mis. W,
W. Smend and Mrs. Margaret Looney
are prepared to do dressmaking in tbe
latest fashion and sewing of every nature,
at bard time prioes, at tbe borne of Mrs.
W. W, Smead. Don't fail to give tbem
a call. 118-sw.
A Fine Hors. The imported run-
nintr stallion. Sir Henrv. has been
brousbt over to Heppner, and will stand
tbe ensuing season at this place. He is
the property of "Cay use" Reynolds, and
a i ennii
is a uue uorne, utoti
First Class Tailobino Fred Miller
now looat ed on May street in tbe old
bakery building, where he is prepared to
do first class work. A perfect tit
guaranteed. Give him a trial. tf.
Camp Meeting -Tbe Methodist camp
meeting at Lexington commenced
yesterday and will continue over two
Sabbaths. A boarding tent Is on the
ground, and ample provision made for
all whonay attend.
At M. E. obnrch next Sabbath. Rev
P. M. B ill, will preach in the morning,
Rev. VV. M. Fancber, ot Weston, in the
evening. All are invited.
J. M. Shulse, Pastor.
Preaching at the Baptist church in
Heppner uext Sunday at 11 o'clock and
at nigbt. Come and welcome all that
will. M. Bbamhlet, Pastor.
(Rev. Bramblet, pastor of tbe Baptist
cburcb, requested us to publish in this
issue, a sketch nt bis sermon last Hun-
day evening. This we promised to do,
but Dud that we are unable to tulnll
tbe same. Editob.)
Completely Uprooted.
How many remedies there are wbiob
merely relieve without uprooting disease
The onotrast with sterling remedies
which soch palliatives afford, not only
enhance the dignity ot the former, bnt
serve to emphasize tbe folly ot employ
ing half way measures wben thorough
ones are available. A marked instanee
of tbis is tbe ffnot, on tbe oue band, of
H tetter's Stomach bit ers in cases of
chills and fever and billons remittejt.
aud on tbe other ot ordinary remedies
in maladies of this type. By tbe Bitters
.malarial omplaint in every stage, and
of tbe most malignant tyoe, are com
plelely conquered and lose ibeir bold
npon tbe system, ibey are rarely if ev
er dislodged by the ordinary resources
of medicine, although their symptom
may. unquestionably be mitigated
tbronb such means. Tbe same bold
good of iodigestion, biliousness, kidney
complaint, rhenmatiam, nervousness and
debility. By tbe Bitten they are cured
wben many remedies fail.
This piece of advertising epaoe belongs
Slocum-Johnston Drug Qo.
PH1LL COHN, Proprietor.
There Ib not a winged inseot hovering
around Phillip.
H. A. Thompson
The Heppner Livery,
Below Coffin it Hcrarland'a, Main street.
Good Conveyance for Tiaveling Men.
Teams to hay per day, 75 ots. Hay and grain per dBy. $1.25. Meals 25 ots.
. at 0. 0. Sergeant's, next door to Feed RtBblo. Grain and
baled hay always on band,
Went Side ot
:V. NIBLSON, Prop.
Leaves Heppner on Tuesdays, Thursdays
Mondays, Wednesdays and rrMays. Makes connection witn tue weekly
line to Fossil . Keasouable oliargei for both
Passengers -:-
643-tf 1
The Hotel Grande.
J. W.. REDFORD, Proprietor.
VF.RYTHINfl NEW. Tblf home hu hfn
It ! n trail v lofAtf(I. Alld ll thfrifrirt
8tK leave thii home every morning
Blckleton and Uoldendale, Waih!iu;ton. JVXriix &t All tT-a,xxm9
KIRK & lilTIJI..
Tlie- Enterprise Bakery and Grocerj Store.
On May Street, opposite Palace HoteL They will keepon band afnll llneof
Groceries and Provisions.
Afnll line of choice Pies, Cak
usually kept in first-class bakery store.
try idem.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
L W. rAntUMJN, AULM orpt ?! th.worw
& Bisbee,
A. E. Binni
Feed and Sale Stable.
Main Street,
1. Only First-Claps hotel in Heppner.
2. Building Wired for Electric Light
S. .Best accommodations for the traveling
4. Courteous treatment assured the coun
try people.
WliS. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress.
and Saturdays. Leaves Lone Itck on
and -:- Freight.
1)K0Q CO., Agents, Heppner. Or.
refitted artd li the flmt-f Uah hotiO nf Arllnvtnn
tho mt,t rmi Vfiilptit itliipo fnr rumniproliil trat-uUn
for Condon and Fomil, OreKOn; alio for Cleveland
end Bread; in fact eTerjtliinjr tbst i
They will sell cheap foi cash. Call and
, (w
Anything New of Real Merit ""
You can Generally Find ri r
For Sale :-: by vil
We don t run a third-clan junk shop where yon can boy shoddy goods at twioe
their value, but we keep first-class goods at honest prioes, with
no baits or traps. We keep
Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hardware, Tinware,
Wood and Willoware,- Guns, Ammunition,
Ask our eld customers bow we treat tbem.
Cotner Main and
Jeep Your Eye Open
Where you will find a grand dieplay of quality and elegancy and tbe
fairest prices ever made for such qualities. Visitors are
not asked to believe, but are shown goods to convince them
that we are leading the trade in
Dry Goad:, (keriei, Uk Me,
Boots, Shoes. Hats, Caps, Furnishing Goods, etc.
If yon want value for your money, oome and see us. If you want to enjoy tbe full
purchasing power of your Dollar, spend it wih
Business-like -:- Manner
Wool Growers' Warehouse
Near the Depot:
Change of
whioh we propose to oonduct in
on hands at all timet tbe ohoioost
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
shaw & Mccarty,
86-tt ProDrietors.
Graduate M. E. 0. V. 8. , Loudon, England.
Veterinary -sm- Surgeon i
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
1 am prepared to do til kind, of Veterinary Hurnnry, KmntcuUUng Hornet and Hritllnffi Bpfol
ally. (This 11 the only true metliixl nf niwratfiiii on liorici.) Hpeylng ol Cattlonxl llosi
on ihort notice. I will treat nil auiniali In the most approved procedure of Veter
inary Burgery. II you have any ali k anluiali It will be to your lutereat to
call on me at Htewart'l atablei.
n Mi-nan, .
New York Cash Racket Store.
JCHT ORDERED, AND TO ARRIVE HOON : Spring and Summer Dress
Goods, Calicoes, Giniihams, Fl"ncini!S, Drapery, Geuts1 Furnishings; also Ladies'
Underwear and, numerous other Roods in thut line. Notions and Tinware in
stook; very cheap. When I say cheap, I mean it. You have bnt to call aud inves
tigate to be sat ulled. 1 do none but a cash business, and can therefore undersell
all competitors.
J. W. MATLOCK, Prop.
Main Street, next door to tbe Opera House.
f Is Now Open
New Building and Newly Furnished Throughout.
Board per week ti 60
" and Lodging per week 6,i0
Only first-clans 11 a day house in town. Free liack to and from all traiui
O. O. 8AHOKNT, Proprietor.
Who are
Noted for being
The Leaders.
: ;
Willow Streets, HEPPNER," OREGON.
the most satiafactnrv mminar Will IraAti
to the Public t
Single Meals. 'IS oents
Lodging 2ft cents
Commissioner of the TJ. S. Circuit Court. All land
attended to promptly and accurately.
Oflloe in National Bank building;.