Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 02, 1893, Image 2

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TPit LEAD in Millinery, Ladies' Furnishings and Children's wear. Oar stock is the largest, and our prices the lowest ; and we guarantee satisfaction. Also carry a complete stock of
Dress Goods and Trimmings. Ladies' Hose and Underwear A Specialty.
-- SENJL) TO US F01t
We have a large stock to seleot from. We invite you to inspeot our stock, prices, eto.
Give your business lo Beppner people
and therefore (mist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those wlw patronizt
TVe hold each and every correspondent re
iponslble lor hii or her communis on. No
eSrrepotidcnce will be publ 1,hed t1
writer's real name U signed a an evidence of
good faith.
Did jou ever
Read about the Si
Man who
Hid his
Light under
A bushel?
Yes? well I
That is like '
Doing business
Without advertising. Si
All the
Bui ie schemes
la the country
Will not accomplish Si
Hull as much
As a good ad.
In a good, live,
Legitimate newspaper, -Mi
One that
Is read
Ev the people, 1
And tlrnt owns -Mi
Its own
Soul; that .
Uses its spce
Like merchandise, Si
Worth dollar
For dollar.
An European dispatch says that Aus
tria finds the task of putting the fi
nances on a gold baBis somewhat too
heavy a tusk to be borne. Austria has
been for some time in the market bid
Ana fnr uold at runious rates. Tbe
premium that has been paid iB insigoill
oaiit in oompaiiaon to the inorease in
the public debt in oonsequenoe of con
verting ooin bonds iuto gold bonds.
One can understand why England, a
oreditor nation, should desire to estab
lish a gold basis; one may also under
stand how Amerioan bankers, having
Invested largely in government bonds
payable on their fuce iu coin, should
conceive the idea that if such bonds
were miide payable in gold there would
be more profit iu the transuotionj but
one uannot easdy understand bow the
parliament of a country owing from two
to three thousand millions in coin should
consent Ihut bonds should be mule
payable in gold. The fact appears
pretty well established that England
and Germany have been foroing other
nations to adopt a policy by which
England and Germany may profit but
In m which other nations must lose.
Austria, Italy, and other debtor nations
have beeu driven by their necessities to
consent to a fiuunclal policy wbioh they
must peroeive wsb designed for tbe
benefit of their creditors. There is not
apusreutly finiiuo'al strength enough
iu Europe to resist this combination ol
money lenders. These debtor European
nations look, however, to the Dui'ed
8'utes for relief.- Pendleton Tribune,
Tub tun companies aBhed the govern
ment $7000 lor towing the Spanish car
avels from New York around to Chicago
The Pliiludelnhia Ledtfor makes the
roi ited assertion that it wus money iu
Columbus' pooket that there were no
tug oompauies here when he struck the
land of the free. Also when Gray as
cended the Columbia.
Frank C. Uahmi, the state printer,
wishes it known th t our readers may
each obtain a copy of the road laws or
fish and game laws, or both. Mr. Baker
asks that a 2-ceut stamp aocompany
the request.
Iwo Norlh Dakota National banks
have been closed by order of the oon
troller of the currency. Also ou the
same day a private bank at Ottumwa,
Iowa, suspended.
J, W. Davis, lust Sunday iu Portland,
suicided by shooting himself through
the bead. He was in love with a "gruss
widow" who jilted him. This caused
the rash act.
Tut Gazelle is iu receipt of an invi
tation to attend the auuual meeting of
te pioneer useooia'inn, of Umatilla
county, Friday and Saturday, June Id
aud 17.
Mils. Carter 1$. Harrison, wife of
the youngest son of William Ileury
Harrison, died Monday at North Bend,
Ohio, aged 77 years. Her husband died
in 1839.
Ex-Mayok Wubklbiqht suicided in
Chicago recently. Business tronbles
were the causes which led to this rash
ot. He was frjiu Taeoma.
Frank Hi-avbn whs defeated by Jim
Hull iu London last Saturday Iu 17
rounds. It wus claimed that Ulaven
Was drugged.
Gun. James B. Weavkh, in au inter
view with reporter of tb Rosky Moon-
ain News reoently, declared that while
all issues presented by tbe PopuliBts
are important, that the paramount
inane is the silver Question, and that be
hopes that all bimetallists will join
hands. A person can be an advocate
of silver and yet not be a populist.
Henry Villabd has resigned as pres
ided of the North American Uo. and J.
W. Wetmore bus been eleoted to take
his plaoe.
Thb oountry has had more failures
in tne past two mOUlUB luau m mo
previous two years.
Montana's silver statue was unveiled
at Chicago on tbe 30tb inst.
Thb Pendleton Daily Tribune is now
a morning paper
He has Resigned hi" Position as Director
oftue Imperial Orchestra or Vienna.
Ilnna Richter. who was considered by
munv one of the first of living oon-
duotore, has resigned bis position as
direotor of tbe
Imperial Opera at
Vienna, and will
tuke tbe leader
ship of the Boston
symphony Orches
tra. His reputa
tion rests on bis
coaneotion with
Wstrner in tbe
many musical fes-
DR.Ha.NsRtc.nnR tivals at Bayreutb
tin waa hum nt Raab. in Hungary, April
4, 1843. At an early age he joined the
choir of the court obapel in Vienna, and
In 1853 entered the Ooneervatonum.
He accepted the post of conductor of
the Hof and National Theater, Munioh,
in 1868. In 1881 he oouducted import
ant orchestral concerts in London, where
he emitod much attention, chiefly tor
his knowledge of the scores of Beethoven
and other large Works, which ue con
ducted without book.
k. m. c. on decimation day.
Ed. Gazette:
We were at Lexington on Memorial
and Deooration Day, and would like to
Bay something through your paper
about it. We highly appreoiuted the
aerviocs. Mr. Bromblet preaohed au
eioelhint sermon on Subbutb. We feel
proud of the patriotic feeling displayed
in Morrow coniily. Decoration Day
exeroiBCs were very good. A very af
fectiug scene to me at least, was the
Sous of Veterans filing around the
mound to be decorated iu memory of
the "uuknowu dead." It looked to me
hkeohildren surrounding their father's
gruve. The Sons are proud of theii
captain, and well they may be. We
congratulate you, boys, iu being so
fortunate as to have him for a ouptam.
lie is jiiBt us proud of you as your are
of him, The fathers, G. A. R.'s, eould
not tire iu their praises.
The address Captain Patterson de
livered was very fine. Several very nice
addresses, recitations aud songs were a
part of the prouram, and appreciated by
ihe audienoe. When liev. Palmer al
luded to the ohioken he eujo)ed at his
luuoh, I oould not help wonderiug
whether he enjoyed it any more than
tie boys in blue did while iu Ihe army,
wheu they appropriated, to their own
use, w ithout leave or license, a nieas of
chicken from somtone's chicken coop.
Perhaps they did not dress them as
well as their wives, sisters or mothers
would have done, but they always
assured us they tasted very good.
The Eiiworih League, of Lexington
took in 801 ut their stand in tbe grove.
Their object is to purchase an orgau.
Post Commander Smith's wife was
takeu very sick at the grove. Dr. Ship
ley administered remedies to ber.
After she got better she was removed
to her sister's, Mrs. Hill, of Lexiugton,
Mr. Henry Warren bus the sympathy
of his comruds curing his suffering.
Ilia name wus mentioned frequently by
the U. A. R.'s. His ooudi iou wss not
known but by very few until they had
arrived ut the grove and met with some
f the Eight Mile oomrades. He aud
his family have the sympathy of their
E. M. C.
EimiT Milk, MBy 3,
Witnesses Testify to lieo. Mccarty's (loud
Chaiacter-A Keettilng Bniall Chaur
of t'onvlctiou.
Ellknsiu kou, Wash., May '29. In
the Roslyn bunk robbery trial the morn
ing was consumed in the examiuatiou
of witnesses iu behalf of the defense.
Charles lVekworth, of Baker City,
testified that George MoCUrty'a repu
tation was good. William Fisher aud
W. 1.. Young, of the same place, also
testified to the good character borne by
the ilefHudent iii Maker City. M. Priets,
a juror in the Lewis oase, testified that
Sarah J. Morgan said iu Ibe Lewis
trial that she was going to send Lewis
to the penitentiary and that now was
her opportunity. Benson and McMillan,
also jurors in the same case, testified to
tbe same effect. J. Adsins testified
that he saw Lewis September "18, 1892, j
on the Columbia river. The witness
wbb riding with Leis from Crab creek
to Rook islaud the 24th of last Septem
ber. He kept the days aud date only so
far as regarding Lewis. George Mo
Ourty, the defendent, being placed on
the stand, said be lived in Baker City,
Or. He bad been a Drosoeotor since
1884 and had left Sumpter Valley ac
companied by Ras. Lewis, lorn Mc
Carthy, Mrs Lewis and his own wife.
Tom left them last June. He was pros
pecting through Peshastin aid Swank
during the summer. He told of seeing
tbe two Mastersons, who testified a few
days ago; told of going to people on
the. Columbia river and buying fruit;
that they camped on a creek near tbe
Columbia; that they broke oamp last
September, starting back to Baker City,
Or.,; tbut be was not nt the Roslynbauk
robbery, nor in any way participated in
it. When cross exnmined as to the trip
to Salt Luke, he said he boarded with
Mrs. Bryan ; that he never went by tbe
names of Grouse, Granger or Openi;
was in that oity in January. He met
a man froui linker City, but never gave
him a pipe or ehowed him a wig; never
told him that he robbed tbe Roslyn
bunk. He did not see the bank robbers;
neither did be see Billy, Tom, Fred Mc
Carthy, or lias Lewis when he left tbe
Columbia river. Mrs. McCaithy, "the
Queen," urrived this afternoon. She
will probably give evidence tomorrow.
The jury was discharged Tuesday
morning, failing to agree. Both Lewis
aud McCarthy will have to lay in juil
till the next teim of oourt, awaiting
uew trial.
Large and Patriotic, a at tiering of Morrow
Couutyltes Honor Ibe Memory of the
1'alleu Heroes.
The 30th day of May each year has
been set apart by the patriotic citizens
of our land, aud particularly by the
Grand Army of the Republic, Women's
Relief Corps und Sons of Veterans, as a
day fitting to decorate tbe graves of dead
comrades, in memory of their deeds of
during and sacrifice in defense of tbe
Union. This dute wus, pethups, select
ed as the period when llowirs and all
vegetable life are at their best, when
Nature iu all her beauty oauuot help but
create hope for the future iu the breast
of a human being, aud at the Bame time
cause due rttlicliou over, and due up-
preciutiou ot, the events of the past.
The happenings of the long ago, when
bright, happy boys marched f irth to do
buttle for ibeir oouutry.wus appropriate
ly ooiumemoraied by a buudful of buttle-
eoarred veterauB, their wives, daughters
aud sous, assisted by many patriotic
citizens, numbering iu li from tiOO to
700, ut Lexiugtou lueediiy.
The down truiu trom Heppner
brought ubout 100 people who wore met
ut the depot oy the Q. A. R., W. K. O
audS.ofV. iu a body. Forming the
prooessiou, they murobed direotly to the
grove where the following program was
rendered :
Souk by choir, "itest From Your Labors."
1'rayer, Kuv. Hramblct.
N eicome address, .Mr. J. YV. Vaugiian.
Reply, Mr. J. o. Voumk.
buna by eliolr, "1 lie chining Way. 1
oration, lion. V . U. fellis.
Duet, lAiille AlaBleis and Kxle Kouark.
Address, (.apt. A. W. I'aiU'rson.
bong by choir, "blessed Are thu Dead."
bout;, by Kev. allouay.
After spending au hour ut lunoh und
social enjoyment, a Committee oousisi-
ingof Mis. Albert Willis, Misses Annu
llilll ano Lulu boothby, Messrs. Walter
lliil, Dallas Diiupuiuu, Frank Smith
und Cnpt. T. J. League, repaired to the
cemetery to decorate tbe graves of tbe
Ojmrades who hud passed beyond the
urllily roll cull, after which the re
mainder of Ihe program was rendered
us follows :
ronir by choir, "America."
Kccualloii, Josle Mtlloii.
Mediation, Miss Lulu Itoothby.
Vocal duct, Code aud Viva Hart.
The assemblage then repaired to a
mound raised iu the form ot a gruve.
which was deoorated to tbe memory of
the uukuown dead by the G A. R. Dur
ing this ceremony, Mrs. N. A Kelly aud
Miss Jennie Kiukaid assisted by ad-
dressts audrecitatious. Tbe program was
then completed us follows :
Recitation, Nora RtHtne.
Address, Rev. M. Hramblct
Kccilalton, Rcssic Kstcs.
Song, Pallas llampmau.
KcvilHllou, Anna llllt.
Rtn Itailon, t'ora Pnskell.
Recitation, Mrs. lua Lcactl.
Soiir by choir, "They'll Never Come Back."
Recitation, Myrtle Hrov a.
Kecltallou, louimy laovutng.
Remarks by Kldcr Howard aud Kcv. Palmer,
Kcctlatton, ta teach.
bong by choir, "freedom's t'alt to Battle.'
Tbe program was completed by re
marks from old soldiers, and also patri
olio addresses by Mrs. Audrew Ashbungb
and Mrs. Spray.
The gathering then indulged in social
1'oiiveraiitiou till the arrival of the Hepp
ner train, when yt reporter dragged him
self aboard with tunny adieus to friends.
tired but feeling well paid fur tbe day's
An act of Hermoism is Followed
by Dire Results.
Almost at the Post of bis Own Life-After
Yean of Suffering he is Restored to Health
Ills story as Told to a Keportsr of
the Aabarn fialletln.
From the Auburn N. Y., Bulletin.
It is ou record that upon a chilly
April day, a few years ago, ao eight-
year old boy fell into the East river at
the foot of East Eighth Street, New
York, and when all efforts to resone
him had furled, Edward Donnelly, at
risk of bis own life, plunged into the
water and, when himself nearly ex
bausted, saved the boy from drowning.
It was a humane and self sacrificing deed
aud received deserved oommendatiou
iu all tbe many newspapers that made
mention of it. i-dward Donnelly was
then a resident of New York City, but
his wife was Amanda Grautman ot
Auburn, and bis sister was Mrs. 8am-
uel D. Corry of No. 71 Moravia St.
which gave a local interest to the inci
dent. All this was some time ago, and
both it and Mr. Donnelly have passed
out of tbe minds of your correspondents
until, a few days ago, while in Saratoga,
be was shown a letter to a friend which
be was permitted to make the following
extract :
Auburn, N. Y Oct. 26. '92
I am taking Dr. Williams' Pink t ills.
They have cured me of that terrible
disease, locomotor ataxia. Wheu I com
me need taking them, I was wholly uu-
uule to worKjMMJ nearly Helpless, lam
now improv-fcso raucb that I have been
piuuiug uyptew sua wuuviiug lueui
the barn ou a wheelbarrow.
Yours truly, Edward Donnkllj',
71 Moravia St., Auburn, N. Y.
Immediately on reaching Auburn,
your correspondent called at the above
address and fouod Mr. Donnelly out in
a burn where be was grindiug apples
aud makiLg cider with a hand press aud
be Beeuied well and cheerful and happy.
And then later in the presence of Ins
wile and Mrs. Corry aud Mrs. Taylor,
who all confirmed bis statement, be
told your corresponded tbe stoiy of
his siekueas aud of bis restoration to
health by the use ot Dr. Williams' Piuk
rills tor pale people.
"I was bom in Albany, N. Y., and
am 42 years old. Tbe greuteet portion
ot my lite, 1 tiuve uvea in aev lorn
Oity. I was general foreman there of
tbei!. A. Mulgrew saw mills, foot of
Eigblb Street on tbe East river. It was
ou ibe 2!)th ot April, 1889, that tbe boy
tell iuto tbe river aud I rescued him
from drowning, but iu saving his life
I coutraoted a disease, which nearly
cost me my own. Why, sir, 1 am sure
I should Lave died long ago, if Pink
Pills bad not saved my lite.
"You see when I saved the boy.
was in the water so long tbat 1 wbb
takeu witb a deathly chill and suon be
came so stiffened up and weak tbat .
could neither work nor walk. For some
time I whs under treatment of Dr
George McDonald. He fiuully said he
oould do nothing for me and that I bad
better go iuto the oouutry. Ou the 1st
of lHBt June (1892) my wife audi oauie
up to Auburu. I wus then in great
pain, aliuost helpless, tbe disease whs
growing upou me and I bit tbat I bud
oome to tbe borne of my wife aud of ber
sister to die.
"Wheu the disease first oame upon
me the uambuess begun in my heels
and pretty soon tbe whole of both my
feet became atnicted. There was a
cold feeling Homes the small of my back
and downward and a sense ot soreness
and a tight pressure on the cbest. The
uumbness gradually extended up both
legs aud into the lower part of my body.
1 felt that death was creeping up to
my vitals aud I must lay I longed for
tbe hour when it should relieve me of
my paiu and misery. -1 wss still taxing
medioiue("It was Iodide ot Potassium,"
Saul his wife) and was using ruooed and
buviug plasters put all over my body,
but with no benefit
"The latter part of lust June I learn
ed of a ease cured by the use of Dr.
Williams' Piuk Pills for pale people.
I had never beard ot those blessed
pills before, but I thought if they could
oure one man of tbe same disease with
which t nraa iilrliotfld. DerbHtis 'thsv
would also oure me. So I sent to th
Chas. H. Hagar company, the popular
Auburn druggists aud chemists at 109
and 111 Ueueeee St and got three boxes
of the Piuk Pills aud bega taking them
at once. Iu three weeks time 1 was so
improved that trom being helpless, I
I was able to help myself and to get up
suu go to wora anu so whjb vvery uur
from No. 74 Walnut St., where I then
lived, to Osborne's new twiue factory,
Seymour sjd Cottage streets (More
than a mile) where I was than employed,
but all the while I was taking Piuk
"then Dr. Patohen of Wiscousin.
nnols ot my wife, aud who was here on
a isit. began to poo-poo at me for
taking Piuk Pills and fiuully persuaded
me to stop taking tbem ami let him
treat me. When be returned to tbe
West Ue left a prescription with Dr.
Hyatt of Auburn, who also treated me.
But their treatment did me no good,
sud afier a while the old trouble re
turned and I was getting bad again.
Then I began again to take Piuk Pills;
have taken them ever s ine, am Inking
them now; have takeu iu all about 20
boxes, at an entire oost of leu than 110.-
00 (My ether treatment eest m pile
of money) aud again I am well and able
to work.
"In New York a Dr. McDonald said my
disease wss locomotor st am. He treat
ed me by striking me ou th- knees with
out giving me paiu ; by having me try
to walk with my eyes oloued; by trying
to stand fiist on one tout aud tbeu ou
the other, but I couldn't do it, and s
after a bile he said I had locomotor
ataxia and was incurable, and that 1
bad better go iuto tbe country among
my friends who would mauo the few
remaining days of my life as oomfortable
as possible and give me kind attendance.
Well I came, or rather was brought trom
New York into the oountry; but instead
of dying, I am a . well man, nearly as
well as ever before in my life. Piuk
Pills did it. It I was able I would at
my own expense, publish the virtues of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to tbe whole
world and especially in New York City,
where I am much better known than I
am here.
"Another thing," said Mr. Donnelly,
"I am sure tbat tbe Pink Pills for pule
people (and they are well named) are
(he beat remedy for impure blood and
tbe best blood maker in the world, why,
when I was sick and before I took them,
if I cut myself tbe very little blood tbut
came from tbe wound wbb thin and pale
und watery. A few days ago 1 aocident
ly out my hand slightly und I bled like
a pig and tbe blood was a bright red.
J osl look at the blood in the veins of
uiy bands." So indeed they were, aud
his obeeks also wore the ruby flush of
health with which only good bluod aud
plenty of it cau paint tbe human fuce.
Your correBpundent again called up
on Chas. H. Sugar Co., at their request.
They weie much interested in the vase
und cure by use of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills and told of several other instances,
which bud come to their kuowledge
where the use of Dr. Williams' Piuk
Pills bad proved tllicucious in mukiug
most wonderful ouresj. These pills con
tain in a condensed form ull the elements
necessary to give new life aud richness
to the blood, and restore shuttered
nerves. They are unfailing speoifio for
such diseases as locomotor ataxia,
partial purlysis, St Vitus'aunce, so ntiou,
neuralgia, rbeumutism, uervous bead
uohe, the after effeois of la grippe, palpi
tation of tbe heart, pale aud sallow
completions, and that tired feeling re
sulting from nervuus prostration; all
diseases depending upon vitiated humors
in the blood, such as.. Borofuiit. chrouio
erysipelas! etc. They are also a speoifio
for troubles peculiar to females, suoh as
supreasions, irregularities, aud all forms
of weakness. They build np tbe blood
and resiore tbe glow of health to pule
and sallow cheeks. In tbe caBe ol men
they effect a radical cure in all oases
arming from mental worry, and over
work or exoeseea of whatever nature.
, These Pills are mntiufuotured by the
Dr. Williams' Medicine Company,
Schenectady, W. X , aud lirockville, Out.
and are sold ouly in boxes beam g tne
firm's trade mark and wrapper, 50 cents
a box, or six boxes for 91 oU. Bear in
mind tnat Dr. Williams Jfiuk I'll Is are
never sold in bulk, or by tbe di zen or
hundred, and any dealer who offers
substitutes in this form is trying to de
fraud you und should be avoided. Dr,
Williams' Piuk Pills may be bad of hII
druggists or direct by mail from Dr.
Williams' Medicine Company from
either address. Tbe pnoe ut which
IhcBe pills are sold make a course of
treatment comparatively inexpensive as
compared with other remedies or medi
cal treatment.
The Stndebaker wagon beads them all,
i or sale at Gilliam s isisbee s.
"Hardware" did you say? Why, yes
at i'. v. ibompson & Uo.'s stand, and tbe
plaoe for bargains. a
The Palace is the leading hotel in the
city. Well furnished rooms with pleut)
ot light are provided for everyone, i
If you want to buy groceries, and
breud stuff cheap, go to the Enterprise
urocery. kur a xtuni, proprietors, i
Sorg, the jeweler, is the u,au to fix up
your watuu or clock. Ue keeps a full
stock of everything pertaining to bis
business' a
M. Lichtenthal A Co.'s new stock of
splendid, summer bottou and tie special
ties in tbe shoe hue are attraction mark
ed attention. a
The M. L. A T. Co., since they have
rooted an their plattorms, have an im
mense storage capacity. This company
uow deals in grain, lumber and wood.
Thompson A Binnsown the buss which
goes to and trom tbe City hotel, but will
call for parties desiring to go to train in
any part of the oity. Leave orders at
City hotel. u
Minor & Co., the new firm, have not
lost any of their popularity by tbe
change. Tbey ooutinue lo do business
in tbe old way the greatest amount
quality considered, for the least money
Gillium A Bisbee are still doing bnsi
ness at tbe old stand, reports to the
oontrary notwithstanding. They invite in
spection o their mammoth stock of hard
ware, wagons, implimeuts, eto. a
Give the matter a little thouubt.
Reference is made to tbe neat bard
ware, tinware, plumbing, etc., stock o
Billy Putter, Odd Fellows' ball. He de.
sires to please in both quality and price
Tbe general merchandise establish
ment formerly owued by Coftin k McKar-
land, has lately changed hands, now be
ing under tbe oontrol and management
of The MoFarlund Mercantile Companv,
which continues business at tbe old stand
with larger stock than ever. a
Dr. DraniDiODd's Lightning
Remedy will relieve the painful torture
of rheumatism in the joints or muscles
The paiu will cease with the first dose,
and its continued use will effect a mar
velous cure. If life is worth SO, go to
the drnggist and get Dr. Drumruond's
Lluhtniog Remedy, or send to the
Drumtnond Medieiue Co., 48 iO Maiden
Lane, New York, and tbey will send you
large bottle by prepaid express.
Agents wanted. S4
onsumption o
VN3.r iyi
jWhat shall stay
'say Scott's Emulsion of pure Norwegian
cod liver oil
and soda has cured us of consumption in its first
stages. Have you a cough or cold acute or leading
to consumption ? Make no delay but take
Scott's Emulsion cures Coughs,
Colds, Consumption, Scrofula,
and all Anaemio and Wasting
Diseases. Prevents wasting In
Children. Almost as palatable as
milk. Get only the genuine. Pre
pared by Scott 4 Bowne, Chemists, New
York. Sold by all Druggists.
OJ1 )The7youno' how to choosy thu bust one to marry j( IN 'fWO
UUUKtthilTlie matrtfld now to ho
)The fund parenthow to have prize babies ; ( ONE
)The mother how t - have them without pain ; . (AGENT
)The childless how to bo fruitful and multiply ; ( SOLD
)The curious how they
)The health how to enjoy life and keep well : (AND HE
EVERY )The invalid how to gut well again speedily ; ( SAVED
BODY )The imprudent how to regain wasted energy. ( $1,100
OUGHT )A11 who want knowledge that is of most worth (IN ONH
TO )Pind it in Dr. Poote's " Plain Home Talk," ( YEAR.
KNOW. )1,000 pages, -200 cuts, 24 col. plates; 200 recipes; (500,000
READ )Reduced front $3.25 to $1,150: circulars free. COPIES
P. H. T. )Muvrav Hill ttook Co., 129 E. 2Hth St., New York.( SOLD.
Persons ffhi. Attained an Ape Exeriinf
One Hundred and Twenty-Five Years.
The records prove that the following
named persons have attained an age exceed
ing 125 years. The years designated in the
leftrtiaud column is theyearof death. When
sot otherwise specified, the subject was a
tesident of the British Isles:
rear. im.
1759 Don Cameron 130
1700 John Delasomer 181
George K .,g 12f
1707 John Tnylor 13f
1774 William Bcattie 139
1778 John Watson 13f
1T80-Robert McBr de la",
W.lllam Ellis.. 131
1764 El za T. yle'. 4 131
1775 Peter Or .aa 131
1701 El zaM-.oUaat 3
mi Mrs. Keith 131
1767 Francs Ange is
1777 John Brooltey 134
1714 Jane Harr son 136
1759 J imes She. lie. 139
1768 Calhar ne N wnan ..130
1771 Mar Raret Foster 136
1776 Jiih.i Miara t 137
1773 J. Rich .rdson 187
1793 Robertson 137
1757 William Sti.irpley. 138
1708 J. McDonouRti ; 139
1770 Fairbrolher 138
1772 Mrs. Clum :.. J38
1778 Swarling (a monk) 143
1773 Charles MuFinley 143
1757 John Eftingham ....144
1782-Evan Wilt imi 145
1766 Thomas W.nsioe 14a
1T3 J. C Drakenoerg 140
1652-WI11 am Mead..,. 148
1768 Francis Coufi 150
1542 Thomas Nowman.... . 152
1056 James Bowels 153
rk'nry West 152
1048 Thomas Damme 140
10asThomas Parr i5g
1797 Joseph Surrln?ton . 100
1668 William Edwards 168
1670 Henry JenkiDS 169
1780 Lou sa Truio 175
1820 Solomon K.bet 143
1822 Lucret a Stewart 130
1839 William Jamea (South Carolina) 138
1816 Thomas L.lghtfoot (Canada) 127
1861 Mar on Moore (England) 131
1869 Lockbart (Iowa) 127
1878-Eulalla Perej (California) no
.... EdnaOondman (Arkansas) 127
1888 Granny Ro-e (Sou h Carolina) 131
1889 Wapmarek (Germany) 130
The cases of Thomas Parr, Henry Jenkins
and Louisa Truxo are the best authenti
cated of any in the list, notwithstanding
that tbey are given as being among the
oldest In 1887 James James, a negro, liv
ing near Santa Kosa, Mex., proved to the
satisfaction of a number of doctors that be
was 135 years old.
Beware of Ointmeata for Tatarrk tbat con
tain Mercury,
as meronry will snrely destroy the iDse
of smell and completely derange tbe
whole svetem when entering it tbrnngb
the tnnoons surfaces. Snob articles
sbonld never be nsed except on pre
scriptions from repntable physicians
as the damage they will do is ten fold to
the good ynn csd possibly derive from
them. Hall's Cstarrb Cnre, msnnfaotnr-
ed by F. J Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.,
contains no mercury, and ie taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and tnnenns snrfsoes of the svstem. In
buying Hall's Catarrh Cnre be stire to
net the gennine. It is taken internally
and made in Toledo. Ohio, F. J. Cheney
CV 'iVstironntels free.
!Sold by Druggists, price 75c per
Kiddrn Changes.
A cold or exposure mav cause the
prisonous acids in the blood tn clog its
rirenlatinn. Ibis is tbeu mutism. Dr.
Drnmmond'i Lightning Remedy has
sured thousands. It will eurt too.
That dreaded and dreadful disease I
its ravages? Thousands
and hypophosphites of lime
Inippy in niarringe: ( DAYS
"grovved" and came to be;( 42
For the Cure cu
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It Is located at Forest Grovo, Or.,
The Most beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at tbe Gazetts office for particular!.
Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sure
There is no other remedy that gives the
sufferer such quick, satisfaction. The
price for a bottlp is $5 and that is tbe
coat of a cnre. Drummond Medicine Co.
48 60 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents
wanted. 34
Brlnhra nifto.ieo
Inflammation of the Blad
der, Yellow water, Brick
Dust Sediment in Urine,
Burning Sensation, Pain
in the Back, and all Dis
eases of the Kidneys.
O.V.R. Manufacturing Co,,
Fur site by Slooum-JohnstonDrugCo.
and T. VV. Avers, Jr.
The underslRned having been restored to
health by simple means, after sutlerine for sev
eral VPflrl Willi a Mvara I... fl- .
a j ;. '6 niteciiuii, ana mat
dread disease Consumption, is anxious to maka
known to his fellow sufferers the mean! of cure,
lo those who desire it, he will cheerfully lend
( r.ie i,f.harB?. a "Py of the prescription uied,
which they will find a sure cure for Consump
tion, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat
I and lung maladies. He hopes all mflereri will
; try his remedy, as it is invaluable. Thoiedeilr
I 'he prescription, which willtostthem noth
inn, and may prove a blessing, will please ad-
taw Brooklyn, New York.
Peril for
pueij hlou
Schenectady K.Y.
" K"i!!c, OnU
Treasurer's Notice,
. 2 : r uuulJ "rmiiiB registered prior
to. snrt Including ihe Uih da of May. 1H92.
Jill be paid on presentation at tho county
Treasurer s office. Interest ceases after date of
tbls notice.
Dated at Heppner Or. May 31st lwa.
,, W. J. Lef.zir,
" Treasurer of Morrow Co.
Ooni.-ijine. Worth Eaowlaf
k"i I hat it is more easily to cure those suffer
Ins from Nervous liebility. Early Decay. Organic
Weaknesses, hxhannlag Loss, In man or
woman, than alm,t any other chronic dlaeaae
After years ol study and experiment we have
the remedy. No qnnck treatmant. Do not de
spair, forget pal Imposition! on your pun.
Sast outragi on your confidence, past failurei.
ly remedy it ,f r.Klay poMiive cure. You
have tried them all. try this, never fail! Ptata
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31 t&V'3
per ttox. &8W
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N". B. RferancM si to responsibility