Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 30, 1893, Image 3

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noticic to AuvturisKus.
T 'HOSE desiring the insertion of display ads
. . , "V --to".iHfe I wiiie,. tuuat Ket their copy lii
uot later thau Muuday ev.mi.a- iur TuesXiy.
edLlou, or Thursday evening for Fridays Vi'
tlou- THitiTTJaMotil-ullUBHlKfiCo.
i':Tl!e.,um ' fiye centt per line will be
VHf-'H', t'ar(UJ?f ""''." "resolution, of
H?i"Xl, " ul presents and donors,
t?.)? n F' "?"c". Wilier '"an those the edi
r shall htwsell give as a matter oi news,) and
uoUum ol special meetings for whatever purpose.
A polices ol church and society and ill other
entertaiumeuu from which revenue is to be de
rued, shall be charged ior at the rate ol live
tents a line. These rule, will be strictly adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and madekuuwu
upon application.
cucl' ud very correspondent re
sponsible for his or her couiuirfnicatluu. No
correspondence will be published unless the
writer , real name is signed as au evidence ol
good laith.
ing Agent, 21 Merchants txchange,
ban t rancisco, is onr authorized agent. Uuis
paper is kept ou tile in hiBouice.
Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek
John Uay and canyon City, leaves as follows :
livery day at 6:M a. in., except Sunday.
Arrives every day at o;i p. ui., except Monday.
ihe cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interior country.
i , u . rJ- DKLEVAN, Prop.
Blocum-Johnston Drug Co., Agents.
Wire your business to tlepyner peopte,
and thertjoie usstxt to build up iltpp
uer. fulroiUze tliuue who paiiuut-t
Here and There.
TUTT'S FILLS make pure blood.
Heppner Furniture Co., for carpet, t
0. A. Rtiea was dowa to Portland last
Mrs. Sam Donaldson is over from
Go to Ladies' Bazaar for Buttekiuk
Patterns. 1-2
Call and examine Heppner Furniture
Co.'s wall papers. t
The Gazette bas a rattling good water
barrel fur sale cheap, tf .
Warren Carsner was over from Uuy
etuok Saturday and Suuday.
The Uem aud Palace saloons for fine
liquors, McAtee Bros.. Props. sw
The races biing over, Heppner is
asuuuiiiitf its normal Ouudition.
W. L. bill, of Gooseberry, was added
to our list of subbCiiberB lust week.
A strictly first class guitar for sale.
Brand new. Inquire at this office. 5 34.
A. L. Burnett, of Butter oreek, was in
Sutuiduy alter u bard spring's rustling.
The distillery trust has bad five with
drawels recently aud threatens to dis
rupt. The Heppner Canyon stage line is the
best', itbi.tkt and quickest to the in
Children's waists, uro 5 to 12 years
cheaper than you can make them at
Fell Bros.'
The twioe-a-wbek Guzette now only
82.60 in advance, pa) able in cash or
coon ekius.
Hatt k Matbewv, the barbers, City ho
tel barber shop. They are artists. Baths
in connection.
The Metropolitan fashion sheet for
June can be bad free of oharge at
Ladies' Bazaar. 12.
Fat Mo.viahon writes down from
Wuue Sulphur Springs, Montaua, where
the Guzette yet reaches him.
The Kteley Institute, at Forest Grove
onres liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine
and tobaoco habit. See ad.
Mr. Geo. Mathews, father of the
Malhew Bros., departed this mormon
or bis borne in Portland.
The Gazette would gladly fill a few
orders for choioe trees of any sort satis
faction guaranteed. Drop in. tt.
0. W. Fuller's seven-year-old boy has
been very ill for the past winter and
spring with dropsy of the heart.
For Butikrick Patterns in the future,
send to Fell Bros, rieppuer, Oregon.
They now oarry them in Block. 12
N. Nieleon is now running a stage be
tween Htppm ' and Lone Rock. See
ad. for days ot leaving aud arrival, tf.
Every man who takes any interest in
fast stock should subscribe for The
Horsemun. Guzette shop, agents.
D. Coi has SO acres of rye, up on his
Hinton creek laucb, which is heading
cut aud will soon be ready for harvest.
Mrs. A. R Biggs, Stale Pies, of the
Vi. C. T. V., is expeoled soon to visit
Heppner. Further uotioe will be given.
C. A. Rhea bas Bold part of bis clip
in 'Frisco at 10 cents a pound. It was
heavy wool, shearing W pounds a
The fireman's ball, Thursday eve last,
was one of the best dunces of the season.
We learn in a financial way it was also
a success.'
Mrs. Neal, of 8alem, mother of Mrs.
A. L. A) era, is visiting her daughter
and husband.
Hood's Pills act especially upon the
liver, musing it from torpidity to its
natural duties, cure constipation aud
assist digestion.
Mrs. Ben Swaggart recently painted
B very fine picture ot Multnomah Falls,
wbioh our reporter had the pleasure of
seeing a few days ago.
J. B Ely and Ed. Hulloway were up
from Douglas jeeterday. Ed wbb taken
sick, temporally, but later in the day
was able to return borne.
Tom Keenev and T. J. Soroggins
started homeward today with a load of
supplies. They took out witn tntm
their quarter horse, Pin Ear.
Master Clay French is the authorized
agent for the Oregonian at this place.
Subsoribe through bim, and have your
paper delivered free of cnarge. tt
Mrs. A. B. Mackey is moving this
week from Alniue to Milton. A B. is
overou the Washington side "rustling,
and will join bia wife this fall.
Fell Bros., of Ladies' Bazaar, are
arams for the Bittkkick rATTERNa,
Tbey have a large Block to select from,
Newer and neater quarters at the
Palace Hotel s norm Dnmnes" room.
Charley Jones the baber, wants to see
his old tnendB there. Baths in eonneo-
Gov. Rea and William Hughes got in
today from Canyon City. No trials in
criminal cases have come c ft" yet owing
to tbe non appearance of the prneeput
ing attorney who is with Judge Fee in
one of the adjoining counties.
Dr. B. F. Vanghan has gone eBst to
complete bis dental education, leaving
Drs. J. W. Rasmus and Eugene Vanghan
in chargeof his office. 'Ih'.se owing Dr.
Vaughau will please muke settlement
with Dr. Eugeue Vaughan who has full
17 tf.
The advice that most men will give
you is uot to drink, bnt when yoodo
get tbe D-S. ine neiveuere em"""
carries an excellent s'ock ol cigars, liquors
wines and beer. A fine billiard parlor
in connection. Call on Cnarlie and
.Jobn who will always treat you court
eously, Ira D. Miller, H. E. Warren and
M artin Lovegreen were in from Eight
file Saturday, and feeling good over
the prospects for a good crop. Tbe.e
gentlemen are hauiing in wool for Jacob
The Buttbkick Pattksxs, at the
Ladies' Bazaar. 1-2
Mrs. Otis Patterson and Miss Lena
Patterson are Bojourning up at Walla
Rey. Chas. Kirk and wife, of La
Grande, are visiting their relatives and
friends in this vicinity.
Pruf. Errett Hicks returned last even
ing from Arizona, via Walla Walla, and
departed ihiu moruiug for hia home at
Canyou City.
B.lly Crunk. Joel Grnome and Carl
Crow are shearing this year with the
boys in Morrow cou nty, and took in the
races last week.
J. P. Moluernr. ef The Dalles, ownerof
Rockiand Boy aud a merchant of that
place, departed for borne Monday, quite
well pleased with Heppner and her
A little dance Saturday night at the
opera house, was enjoyed by the tew
mat were ttiere, but it was not well
enough advertised and many knew
nothing ot it.
Some time ago our reoorter was in
formed that Mis. Morgan, of Pendleton,
visited her relatives here, Mr. aud Mrs.
Kd. Keenev , but lie has Biuoe learned
tn.it mis la a mistake.
Q nte a 'number of Heppner people
uie tukiug 111 the Lexington memorial
servioes today. iLe exouisiou rale be
iweeu Hepuuer and Lexiugtou was
piuoed at bU eeulo the round trip.
John 0. Biowu, with one ot tbe Fields
squirrel killers, minks lhat in one day,
luursday lust, he kilied a thousand
squirrels. Uuoie Hugh i'lelds, the in
ventor, tliiuks that a thousand is a
suiuilUay'a work, but as compared wilh
the old methods, it is certainly a Very
fust way to got rid ot them.
Tne members of the W. C. T. U. are
hereby notified that the meeting of the
Union will begin promptly at 7 0 dock
Wednesday eveuiuK, the time being
changed on acoouut of conference. All
members are especially urged to be
present, as important steps will be taken
toward upeuiug Ihe reading rocm.
Ashton P. Stevens, the San Frauolsoo
baiijoist aud Oomposer, urrived from
Poitiuud WednesUa). Ihe youug gen
tleniau is accompanied by bis father,
J. W. aievehB, ut tbe Mutual Lite In
suruuee io., aud R. H. Crawfoid. Mr.
S'eveus is oue ul tbe must prominent
banjo soloists of Anienca, aud is visiting
Oregon uu a mucb-needed vucaliuu.
ArlingLou Record. Mr. Stevens aud son
are now sojourning at Heppuer for a
lew da) a.
The League Entertainment. The
Epworth League entertainment, last Fri
day evening, was up to the expectations of
tbe most sanguine, having accomplished
the puipoee for wbioh it was gotten up
the payment of a debt made by the
League. Tbe program rendered was as
follows : Music, full chorus; prayer,
Elder Howard; address, Thomas Nelson;
duet, Misses Ida and Athalia Shnlse;
instrumental solo. Miss Bedggood; reci
tation, Ralph Bishop; duet, Jay Shipley
and A. W. P tterson; recitation, Graoe
Filkms; mueio, full chorus; recitation,
Eflie Fields; male quartette, Sailing,
Shipley, Patterson, Godley, solo, S. 8
Horuor; tableau, "Saved"; musie, Mr. J.
(J. and Miss Julia Hart; tableau, "Gypsy
Cunip"; music, Mr. aud Miss Hart;
tableau, "Good Kight." The whole was
concluded with a supper.
BitoKEN Lko. As H. E. Warren, of
Eight Mile, was proceeding homeward
from Heppner lust Saturday eveuing, he
fell off tbe wugou near Rhea oreek bridge,
breaking his left leg between the knee
and hip. We are uuuble to obtain the
full particulars, but judge that the
wagon must have passed over him. Mr.
Warreu la quite an aged gentleman, but
with proper atteutiou will likely get
aloug all right, though , the summer
season is very muoh agaiust a broken
limb. However, we have so far failed to
find just the time of year when such an
accident ib lu season. '
Endless Akkay. This morning the
(ji.Zelle'e editor wus called in to look
through Gilliam & Bisbee's storeroom
aud warehouse aud saw such an endless
array ot Studebuker wagons, Standard
i.owets, buy rukes, gas pipe and fittings,
wash basins, nails, stoves and ranges,
and no eud of other things in tbe tin
ware and hardware line, that ye reporter
was more thau bewildered. Ou quotiug
prices, we find tbiugB surprisingly oheap.
Mariou Piokard, their workman, was
busily engaged on a lot of the Field's
squirrel smokers.
Chicken Fiqut. Thursday niuht last
onr sporting element were regaled with
acock fight down at Eli Keeney'a pit.
The contestants were Town Matthews'
Billy and Ell Keeuey's Pap chiokeu.
Pap won tbis figbt, but was defeated
next eveuiug by Newt, Jones' chicken.
Tbe lust heat was a short one. It ie
claimed that considerable monev obauged
bauds on tbe results of tbe two evenings.
Abm Broken. Sunday last while out
riding for borses up near tbe old Diok
Tnyieur place, on Balm Fork, 'Gene
Jones' horse fell with bim, breaking
both bones of tbe right fonr arm just
above tbe wtist. He was brought down
to town aud Dr. MoiswordB set tbe
injured member, und 'Gene is getting
along very well.
Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak
er and repairer of many years' experi
ence, hag just located in the Abraham
sio building, on May street, where be
is prepared todo eveijlbing in bis line.
t. Hi; berk is strictly a first-class work
man and warrants all work. Give him a
call. Uwtt
Wasted. A good rustler to take
charge of a fine stock ot tbe latest and
best subscription books, and dispose of
tbem in and around Heppner. Liberal
commission to a good man. Must give
bonds. Address, O. K. Publishing Co.,
Box 322, Butte, Mootaoa. 27tf.
World's Fair Travelers Will Have
It. The public tit niand through service
when traveling. It is old-fashioned to
change cars. On Ihe through solid
veslibuled trains of tbe ChiOHgo, Uuion
Pscitio and Northwest Lioe, frutn or to
t'liicag", Oumba and intermediate poiuis,
there is no change. Tbis is the finest
and fuetent road . l'J-Ul.
On of Sioht. The traveling public
are now fully aliv to the fact that tbe
1 Chicago, Union Pacific at Northwest
O! the Agony
Of Those who Suffer from
Hood's Sartaparilla . Purltec,
Sothe; Heals, CVKES.
3lr. T. 7. Johnson
Saa Jose, Cal.
"I have for many years been a great sufferer
from fH'ROI'lXA breaking out on my arms
and legs ; they were covered with emption and
ores, discharging all tbe time. I tried very
many medicines and consulted physicians tar
and near, but constantly grew warsr. I
have taken but three bottles of Hood's Sarsapv
Hood's x Cures
rina for rheumatism, and has derived so much
benefit from it that she declares there is no
other medicine on earth. We would not bo
without it in the house if it costs $20 a bottle."
T. Varley Johnson, Ran Jose, Cal.
N. B. Be sure to Ret Hood's Sarsaparllla.
Hood's Pll!3ct easily, yet promptly and
efficiently, on the liver and bowels. 25c.
Line offers tbe very best uconmmodations
to the public from aud to Chicago,
Omaha and intermediate points not only
dnring tbe World's Fair, but all tbe
year around. 19-31
Rip's Wood Yabd. The Heppner
wood yard, under the mnni;eineut of
Rip Vun Winkle, is prepured to delivir
wood at your residence, sawed or un
sawed. Wood Bawed aud delivered at
$7.00 per cord. Wood sawed twice in
two, 75 cts. per cord; three times, $1 00.
Yard near the depot. Leave orders at
Sloan & Hon ard's. 4 tf.
Fashionablb Dressmakers. Mis. W.
W. Bmead and Mrs. Margnret Looney
are prepared to do dressmaking in tbe
lateBt fashion and sewing of every nature,
at bard time prioea, at the borne of Mrs.
W. W. Hmead. Don't fail to give them
aoall. 118-sw.
A Fink Horse. The imported run
ning stallion, Sir Henry, bas been
broniiht over to Heppner, and will stand
tbe ensuing season at this place. He is
tbe property of "Caynse" Reynold", and
is a fine borse. 570tf
First Class TaiIiOEINO Fred Miller
now looat ed on May street in tbe old
bakerv building, where be is prepared to
do first class work. A perfect fit
guaranteed. Give bim a trial. tf.
Look Here. When you want a re
freshing schooner of beer and a nioe
lunch, go see Kleokner k Sheldon.
Also fine liquors and cigars in stock.
A Healthful Dbink. Kleckner and
Sheldon now have on tap fine porter
and are prdpared to furnish "half and
half." tf
Tbe Stndebaker wagon beads them all.
For sale at Gilliam k Bisbee's. a
"Hardware" did yoo sayT Why, yes
at P. O. Thompson k Co.'s stand, and the
plaoe for bargains. a
Tbe Palace is the leading hotel in tbe
oity. Well furnished rooms with plenty
of light are provided for everyone, a
If you want to buy groceries, and
bread stuff cheap, go to the Enterprise
Grocery. Kirk & Ruhl, proprietors, a
Borg, the jeweler, is the man ta fix np
your watch or clock. Lie keeps a full
Block of everything pertaining to his
business a
M. Lichtentbal 4 Co.'s new stock of
splendid, summer botton and tie special
ties in the shoe line are attracting mark
ed attention. a
The M. L. A T. Co., since they bava
roofed all their platforms, have an im
mense storage capacity. This company
now deals in grain, lumber and wood, a
Thompson & Binus own tbe buss which
goes to and from tbe City hotel, but will
call for parties desiring to go to train in
any part ot the city. Leave orders at
City hotel.
Minor & Co., tbe new firm, have not
lost any ot their popnlarity by the
obange. They oontinue to do business
in the old way tbe greatest amount
quality considered, for the least money
The general merchandise establish
ment formerly owned by Coffin k McFar
land, has lately changed hande, now be
ing under the control and management
of Tbe MoFarland Mercantile Companv,
wbioh continues business at tbe old stand
with a larger stook than ever. 1
Tak to Shoes with Low, gqaara Haab
and Ampla Toe Kooiu.
" A writer in the Phrenological Journal
gives tbe following advice, in an article en
titled "How to Walk Well." '-A great deal
depends," he says, "on shoe leather, it we
would get comfort aud avoid injury. We
are in a lively climate, whlcb does not en
courage us to wear the beautiful, aenaibla
sandals of tne Greeks and Hebrews. It was
the advice of an unforgotten young soldier
to our marching volunteers of the civil
war, Trust in God, but keep your shoes
easy. We must not nave errors In our
premises ; a corn is a fatal error to a walk
er. Tnerefore take to square, low heels.
wide soles, and ample toe room. Wear
loose, short, warm clothes, if the weather
be cold, but heavy ones never.
"Light flannel is capital, all the year
around. Caps are better than bats, bv land
as by sea, for the wind can not catch at
them. One's stockings are apt to bunct
and feel uncomfortable on a long tramp
But if, before starting, yoj soak your feet
fore and aft. so thiittiii-y are cased in lather,
ihey will keep coot and easy under you from
morning till n ght. 'Break an egg in your
bootsl' said James T. Tielils, who was a boy
all his life. BJt whichever you do, you wUJ
find it a great help and "onvenience. though
tbe prescription may seem queer to s
I'ower of ttoa Mosqalto. '
A scientist computes that with the aid
of a machine constructed on the princi
ple of the boring, drilling and pumping
apparatus of the mosquito, a bole could
be bored to the center of tbe earth In
less than a day.
It- :-is- :-the -:- Talk -:- of -:-1 he -:- City.
A golden opportunity to get au organ.
will be given
For every dollar's worth'kof goods you buy, a ticket will be given.
We represent the following leading firms c; the United states.
Agent for : :
( 220 Market St., Chicago,)
Fine Boys' and Youths' Clothing.
Their goods have a national rep
utation, equal to high grade tailor
work. . .
Agency for-
Tbe Bruwnsville Woolen Mills Co.
Their goods have received the
highest awards at all the fairs of
the United states.
WE are always there with our perpetual
OUR CABINET has been Beleoted.
OUR SECRETARY OF WAR bas annihilated high prices.
OCU SECRETARY OF STATE has dosed a treaty annexing a new Spring and
Summer stock for yonr inspection, at living, breathing prices, at the
Thinkingof a new Spring Style
Attire ? Wondering what ma
terial what color you should
purchase ? Puzzling your
mind about the correct thing
in trimmings ? Consulting
with vour dressmaker as to
which of the many styles will
be most beooming ?
Come and talk it over with ua.
We're prepared to throw a flood
of light upon every element of
A Big Line of Silks.
AU the latest styles in Figured India
Silks. Samples will he mailed FREE on
application. lours Resp y.
.1 To Get Even on Your Liife.
f : Hardware
Wood and Willowware, Blacksmiths' Supplies, Iron, Steel and Coal, Pumps and
Pipe, Tanks, Bathtubs aud Hinkn, Plumbing Materials, agricultural Imple
ments. All Kinds ot Kepairiug quickly and neatly done.
Odd Fellows' balding, Main St.,
E. G. 8 LOCUM.
-Have just
Coneiftiug of
"Wall :- Paper -
One Carload
Latest Designs. Patterns and Price.
Also a fine line of w
Hammocks, Baby Carriages,
Rog, Meltings, Clooka,Glafi, Refrigerator., Window rihndce and Torture Curtaina
Undertaking A. -f Specialty.
Out for
Cash Bargains
Cash Talks. J25&r Trust Busts
is I
away at the
Agent for the well-known tailor
ing firm of
150 Fifth Avenue, Chicago, who
has a world-Hide rcpuidiioii
for superior w orkmuiihtiip.
We keep the celebrated : :
Ladies', Gents' and Children's
Moots aud fc-hocs.
polioy ot low prices and first-class goods.
Stoves and Tinware,
Bain Waps, Hacks and Buckboards,
.;. -:- Yoo will save monoy by
getting oar prices before purchasing
elsewhere. :- :- : -: :- -:-
reooived a select-
: - arid -:- Carpets.
Sll.V K R V A R E,
Elo., Etc
Anything New of Real Merit
You can Generally Find -f4 r.
For Sale :-: by -" I l !
We don't run tbird-clasB junk shop where yoa esn buy shoddy goods at twiw
their Vltln hnt B. tr-.nr. H.ut 1 .l l B 7
, -
no baits or
Gouts' Furnishinff Goods, Hardware,
Wood and Willoware,
Ask our old customers bow we treat tbem.
Corner Main and
IeeP You" Eye Open
"Where you will find a grand display
fairest prices ever made for such qualities. Visitors are
not asked to believe, but are shown goods to convince them
that we are leading the trade in
Dry M, Groceries, Clothing, Mm,
Boots, Shoes. Hats, Caps,
If yon waut value for your money, oorao
Business-like -:- Manner
Wool Growers' Warehouse
Near the Depot:
Change of
l T whiob we propose to oondnot in
on hands at all timed tbe o hoi cent
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
shaw & Mccarty,
Graduate M. E. C. V. S. , London, England.
Veterinary Surgeon";
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
1 am prepared to do U kinds of Veterinary Bnntery, Emasculating- Horses slid Rexllnmi a Hpeol
alty. (Tbis Is tu only true method o( oiwratfriifon horses.) Hiieyln. ol Cattle and Horn
on short notice. I will treat all animals In the must sniiroved procedure ol Voter-
ii. j Burger;, ii you uave any su a
call on nie at
New York Cash Racket Store.
JCHT ORDERED, AND TO ARRIVE SOON : fipringand Summ.r Drcs.
Goods, Calicoe., Uinuliam., Flnanoinif., Dmiiery, (tout.' FuruiabinRa; lo Ludiea'
Underwear and, numerous other Roods in t Lint line. Notiona and Tinware in
stock; Tery aheap. When I uy oheap, I ninn it. You liaTe but to call and iuvea
tiirate to be satisfied. I do none but a oaali buairi.M, and can therefore underaell
all onmpetitori.
J. W. MATLOCK, Prop.
Main Street, next door to the Opera Honr.
-Is Now Opentothe Public.i
New Building and Newly Furnished Throughout.
Board per week 84 50
" and Lodging per week, S,o0
Only firbt-claBS $1 dny Iiouh in towu. Free liack to and from all traint
Who are
Noted for beinj?
The Leaders.
won. guuua lit uoueet prioea, witn
trip. We keep
Guns, Ammunition,
! : ; ; .
Willow Streets, HEPPNER, OREGON.
of quality and elegancn, and the
Furnishing Goods, etc.
und see ua. If yon want to enjoy the full
the most entlafantnrv
annuals It will b. to your Interest to
Stewart's stables.
Kit) iw
Hinrjle Meals 29 oents
tJ(in 2Bcenla
C. O. SAHQKNT, Proprietor.
CommiaHioniT of the V. S. Circuit Court. All land
P matter attended to promptly and aocoraWly.
Offloa in National Bank building.