NOl'ICK TO ADVKBTISKRS. pKObE desiring the iunertion of display ads., I or change of same, uw get their copy In not ater toaa Monday evening for Tuesday's edition, or Thursday evening for Fridays edi tion Tut i-iTTKRSOM PuBUSHUiti CO. NOTICE. 1. The sum of Sve cenu per line will be charged for "tarda of thanka," "reaolutiona of respect, iiiti of wedding preaeuU aud donors, and obituary uoticea, (other tnau those the edit or ahall hiuiaell give a a matter of news,) aud hollces of special meetings for whatever purpose i. Notices of church and society aud another utertaiuiueuta from which revenue is to he de rived, shall L charged for at the rat of live tents a hue. Ihese rules will be strictly adher ed to iu every luslauce. Advertising rates reasonable aud madekuowu upou application. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for bis or her comniuiucaliou. No correspondence will be published unless the writer s real name is signed asau evidence of good faith. T P. FISHEK, NEWSPAPER ADVERTIti JLJ lug Agent, ill Merchants txchaiige, ban r raucisco, is our authorized agent, 'lias paper is kept ou file in his othce. TIME TABLE. Stage tor Hardman, Monument, Long Creek. John Hay and Canyon City, leaves an follows : livery day at b:3u a. ra., eicept Sunday. Arrives every day at i:3U p. in., except .Monday. '1 he cheapest, quickest and best line to or from the interior country. J. s. DEI.EVAN, Prop. blocum-Jobnfiton Drug Co., Agents. Oive your buniness tu Heppner people, and tlierejure asmit to build up hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. Here and There. TTJTT'S PILLS make pure blood. Heppner Furniture Co., for carpet, t John Duuk has gone up to Pulouse City. Geo. Lovelet was iu from Wall oreek Wednesday. Lee Matlock returned Tuesday from a visit to Kugene. Qeo. Lund is in from the country to spend a few days. Call and examine Heppner Furniture Co.'s wall papers. t Ye sporting element is pretty thick in Heppner at present. The Gazette bas a rattling good water barrel fur Bale cheap. tf. Mrs. Joe Luokman will shortly leave lor Los Angeles for her health. Andrew Rood and family have moved to the country for the summer. The Gem aud Palace saloons for tine liquors, McAtee Bros., Props. sw Dr. J.J. Bill returned Wednesday from Fossil and surrounding oountry. Dr. J. E. Adkins and family have re urned to their home at Hillsboro. Hon. A. 8. Bennett and wife, of The Dalles, have returned from the East. A striotly first olass guitar for sale. Brand new. Inquire at this office. 5-31. Sam and Milt Morgan Wednesday shipped a carload of ouule to Purtland. The Heppuer-Cauyon stage line is the best, ehtapest and quickest to the in tenor. J. E. Coleman, of Gooseberry, is at tending the (state Grange meeting at The Dulles. Children's waists, age 5 to 12 years cheaper than you can make them at Fell Bros.' The xwiob-a.wkek Gazette now only $2.60 in advance, payable in cash or ooon skins. Hatt & Mathews, the barbers, City ho tel barber shop. They are artists. Baths in conneotion. Dun Mathoit, representing, the Stand- era uu Do., visited his Jtteppner custo mers this week. The Hillsboro Democrat bas been burned out, root aud brunch. Loss 4,000; insurance, 51,000. Sam Walker and H. E. Warren, two residents of the county, tarried with ue over Wednesday. The Gazette Wednesday was the re cipient of a call from Mrs. Jus. Mo Haley and Mrs. Ed. Keeuey. The Matlock Bros, stable of racers oan be seen down at Willis Stewarts'. They are a nice mt of horses. J. D. Hiokey. Nels Jones' camptender, is preparing to go buck in the Green horn seotiou for the summer. The Kteley institute, at Forest Grove cures liquor, opium, morphine, oocuiue and tobaoco habit, bee ad. The Gazette would gladly till a few orders for choice trees of any sort satis faction guaranteed. Drop in. tf. Every man who takes any interest in fast stock should subscribe for The Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. N. Nielson is now running a stage be tween Heppner and Lone Book. See ad. for days of leaving and arrival, tf. M. J. Green, special agent of the Continental Ins. Co., Portland, was in the city over Wednesday on business. A. I. Weiler, of Koenigsberger, Falk A Co., of New Xork, was in town yeeter bay. Mr. Weiler's firm are oigar deal ers. Rev. Bramblet reports the annual association at Fossil well attended, Bud much interest shown in the proceed ing. , Milt Swaggart is down from Athena. F. E. Southard, the well-koown. travel ing man, visited our merchants this week. Frank Hale and Victor Grosbens were in yesterday for a bunch of cattle be longing to Marlatt Bros, and W. O. - Minor. T. B. Lyons, of the firm of Ellis Dawson & Lyons, is over from Condon. Mr. Lyons likes bis new location very much. C. G. Caspary, the county surveyor of Grant oountv. spent a few days in town this week, leaving for John Day this morning. Tnm Strioklen Rnd M. Allen got in from The Dulles Wednesday with a flue table of horses. Black Prince, Rockland Boy and others. O. L- Patterson, editor of the Long Creek Eagle, has returned to his post, after a visit of a week or more to Mor row's metropolis. L. T. Palmer, of the'Hsystack country, returned Irom the East this week, where be had been w'th horses. He reports anything but good prices. Master Clay French is the authorized agent for the Oregonian at this place. Subsoribe through birn, and have your paper delivered free of charge. tf Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north .business room. Charley Jones the baber, wants to see his old friends there. Baths in aonneo- tion. i if. tt V. Vanuhau has eooe east to complete bis dental education, leaving Drs. J. W. Rasmus and Eugene Vaughan in charge of his office. Th'Se owing Dr. Vanghan will please mk settlement with Dr. Eugene Vuugban who h full authority. l?-tf. The advice thnt most men will give joo is not to drink, but when oo do get the bfsi. The Belvedere saloon carries sn excellent s'ock of cigars, liqunrs wines and beer. A fine billiard parlor in connection. Call on Charlie and i John who will always treut you court eously, it. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, and do not purge, pain or gripe. Sold by all druggists. The subject of Dr, C. C. Slrattons lectute, on the 17tb, will be "Paradise Restored." The Fourth of July oelebrntion is approaching tangible Bhape. See com mittees elsewhere. A big slide ocoured near Meacuam station liint Mouday, covering the traok tor some distance with rocks and earth. C. K. Junes was in from Eight Mile neiuhboihood Weduesday. Ciops are looking hue, though generally, pretty late. Scott Brown, manufacturers of Scott's Emulsion, have moved into their new building, 182 South Fifth Avenue. New York. K. O.: J. K. Baling, of Milton, passed throngh on his way to Morrow county to prove up on bis timber oulture there. The oolonel, Sons of Veterans, Oregon Division, bas appointed A. W.Patterson, of the Gazette, Sergeant Major on bis staff, with the rank of lieutenant. E. A. Kramer came in with John Tbarp from Pendleton, Weduesday. Mr. Tbarp bus a sthble of horses ooutainiug Funny, the well knuwn Heppner favorite, aud uthers. It w es rumored that the Grant oounty horse. Chief, belonging to ChI Smith would ba at the Heppner race, but as be has uot arrived, the report must be an erroneous one. Weduesday P. C. Thompson Co. and Dan Horner instituted suit agaiust John M'trBhall. The aggregated mount claimed rune uu tu about $1,000, tlio first. named sueing for about $800. I. N. Hutlhes, the Wagner merchant, passed through town on his way home, early this week. While here he drop ped in on the Gazette, leaving an order fur some job printing. Tuesday T. W. Ay era and wife, W. 0. Laoy aud wife, Rev. Bramblet and daughter, Cy Shion and wife returned from the Baptist association at Fossil. They report an enthusiastic gathering, Portland Telegram: Temple No. 4, Pythian Sisters, gave a pink ribbon bull last night at Albiua Mrs. Youug, the presiding officer of the temple, deserves great oredit for having made the affair a big social aodfiuauoial success. Hugh FieldB had Gilliam & Bisbee to oonstiuct a new squirrel killer recently. It simply smokes the pests to death with sulphur fumes. The firm is having a run ou these machines, so we would judge they are successful. The Gazette's editor being oalled to attend tbe races this week, as the seoretary of tbe asBooiation, tbe news mutter will perhaps, not be up to tbe standard. When two things must be done at the same time, one or the other must suffer. Miss Lena Patterson leaves tomorrow morning for Walla Walla, to remain a few days with friends, when she will leave for the East, via San Frunoisoo. She will be acoouipnmed as tar ub Walla Walla by the biggest half of the Gazette's editor. Sam Donaldson, an old pioneer of the 50, is in town, having arrived from Fos sil Wednesday. Sum used to live here, and the Gazette believes that nearly everv individual in this community know9him. He ison tbe way to tbeCceur d'Aalene section. 0.a.VVMi5 --V- ."L- Geo. F. Davis, representing the wool house uf S. KoBhland & Co., of 'Frisoo, is here to buy woul if he can do so with profit. Prices are low aud tbe outlook, Mr. Davis thinks, betokens a continuation of the same at least until after the next session of congress. C. B. Cate dropped iu on Wednesday while over from Mountain valley. Shear lng is about done aud crops are in and growing. The Eagle Valley sawmill is strain in running order for the season, C. H. has been troubled muoh with rheumatism this soring. He left Thurs day for home. Whist Party. Last ing a whist party Saturday even- was given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Pat terson, in honor of Miss Lena Patterson. There were present: Miss Janet Ingra ham, Miss May Bailey, Miss Ellen Crab- tree, Mrs. J. D. Hamilton, Mrs. S. 8. Hornor, Messrs. W. L. Saling, J. W, Dawson, J. D. Hamilton, S. S, Hornor, and A, W. Patterson. A pleaBant even ing was spent. FOURTH OF JULV. tiv Mr. W. UartKa.ll Stockton, Cal. I Wouldje Dead But For Hood's Sarsaparilla A Wonderful Cure Restored ta Good Health " Last winter I was In a very bad condition, my general health all run down. I grew thin, had no appetite, could not sleep more than five minutes at a time, and when 1 woke up I would have pains In my bowels. In the morning when I arose I would seem more tired than when I went to bed. I had a thumping aenaaclra in the region o my heart I canuot tell How Miserable I Felt. I was obliged to give up work entirely. My friends advised me,to take Hood's Sarsaparilla and I did so. I am now using the sixth bottle, and can say that It has worked upon me m wamalerfiil cure. I have grown quite strong, am again utile to work, sleep well and har. a good appetite, with no more Palpitation of the Heart. I am happier now and In better health than I have been for years. I firmly believe that if tt had not been for Hood's Sarsaparilla I would bo dead to-day. It may not be worth mentloulng, HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CUR! but before taking Hood's Sursauarilla I had paid two physicians sixty dollars for medicine, and Hood's Sarsaparilla (rave me a new lease ol life for live." w. Marshall, Commercial Get HOOD'S. Hotel, Stockton, Cal. HOOD'8 PILL8 are hand made, and perfeot In proportion and appearance. 20c. per box. HATTEES '4 O.W.R. MF'G. C PORTLAND. ORE. For sale bv Slocnm-JohnBton Drug Co, and T. W. Ayers, Jr. Wanted. A good rustler to take charge of a fine stock of the latest and best subscription books, and dispose of them in and around Heppner. Liberal commission to a good man. Must give bonds. Address, O. E. Publishing Co Box 322, Butte, Montana. 27 tf. World's Fair Travelers Will Have It. The public demand through service wbeu traveling. It is old-fasbioned tn change oars. On tbe through solid vestibuled trains of the Chicago, Union Paoifio and Northwest Line, from or to Chicago. Omaha and intermediate points, there is no change. This is the finest and fastest road. 19-31. Anything New of Real Morit You can Generally Find For .-: Sale :-: by Who are Noted for being The Leaders. We don't run a third-class junk shop where you can buy shoddy goods at twice their value, but we keep first-class goods at honest prices, with Do baits or traps. We keep brents Furnishing Goods, Hardware, Tinware, SS SAT-.T1 33 TT Gilliam & I3isbee, V V p aV jr GROCERIES Wood and Willoware, Guns, Ammunition, - STATIONERY, CONFECTIONERY, ETC. - Ask our old oustoraers bow we treat them. : : : : Corner Main aud Willow Streets, HEPPNER, OREGON. Jeep Your Eye Open for- BARGAINS I AT- Doors Open at 7:30 Entertainment at 8 p. m. This piece of advertising space belongB -to Slocum-Johnston TJrug O PHILL COHN, PBOPRIETOB. There is not a winged insect bovering around Phillip. H. A. Thompson A. E. The general committee on Fourth of July arrangements has appointed tbe following oommittees: Finance, W. A. Johnston, Otis Patterson, E. J. Slocum j Program, Ben Leland, Phill Oobn, T. W. Ayers, Jr.; Amusements, W. B. Potter, A. A. Roberts, Geo. Fell, Geo. CoDser, Frank McFarlaod; Invitation, H. E. Warren, Alvah W. Patterson, E. Q. Slocum; Arrangements, H. Mc Farland, C. S. Van Duyn, C A. Minor; Grounds, Frank Gilliam, F. Rogers, Mat Dichtentbul; Music, Fred Ballock, Vawter Crawford, H. D. Uodley Tbe various committees are request ed to meet at tbe earliest possible date. Oct of Sight. The traveling public are now fully alive to the fact that tbe Chicago, Union Paoifio & Northwest Line offers tbe very best accommodations to the public from and to Cbioago, Omaha and intermediate pointB not only during the World's . Fair, but all tbe year around. 19-31 Rip's Wood Yard. The Heppner wood yard, under tbe management of Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver wood at your residenoe, sawed or uu sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at S7.00 uer eord. Wood sawed twice in rwo, 75 cts, per cord: three times, $1.00 Yard near tbe depot. Leave ordera at Sloan & Howard's. 4-tf. THOMPSON & BINNS, PROPRIETORS The Heppner Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Bolow Coflln & McFarlana , Main Bireei. Good Conveyance for Traveling Men. Tm in hv tier dav. 75 otn. Hav and erain per day, 81.25. Meals 25 cts. at C. C. Sergeant's, next door to Feed Stable. Grain and baled hay always on hand. FREE CAMP HOUSE FOR TEAMSTERS. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. Services at M E. Church, Sonth, Sunday, may 28tb. Preaching at 11 a m. and 8 p, m. by Rev. E. E. Kirk, of Summerville. District conference June lHt to June 5th. Services eaoh evening during tbe week, continuing from Sun day. All are invited to attend. Edwin Palmer, pastor. Regular services at M. E. chnrob next Sabbath. Tbe subjects announced for last Sunday, but postponed on aceount of the temperance lecture, will be consid ered on ibn date. J. M. Shtjlsi, Pastor. BTEATKD. One bay horse, star in forehead, brand ed H on right shoulder. Suitable reward for information that leads to thereoovery or delivery to my raDoh. O. E. Farnbwohtb, Heppner or Hardman, Or, Fashionable Dressmakers. Mi s. W W. Smead and Mrs. Margaret Looney are prepared to do dressmaking in tbe latest fashion and sewingof every nature, nt hard time nrices. at the borne of Mrs. W. W. Smead. Don't fail to give them a call. UHsw. A Fine Hobsb. The imported run Ding stallion, Sir Henry, bas been brought over to Heppner, and will stand tbe ensuing season at this place. He is tbe properly of "Cay use" Reynolds, and ii a fine horse. 5Utf First Class Tailoring Fred Miller now looat ed on May street in tbe old bakery bui'diog, where be is prepared to do first class work. A perfect tit guaranteed. Give bim a trial, tf. Eipana Tabulea : a family remidy. Look Hebe. Wbeu you want a re freshing schooner of beer and a nice lunoh. ito see Kleckncr k Sheldon Also line liqnors and cigars in stock 21-tf. A Healthful Drini. Kleckner and Sheldon now have on tap fine porter and are prdpared to furnish "bait and half." tf CTOFPEH HIYETEDa-T 4 t OTTOM r A NTS ONLY EXCLUSIVE BOOT AND SHOE STORE FOOTWEAR M. L1CHTENTHAL & CO. IS IN HEPPNER. NO 8HODDT GOODS. MINOR & CO.'S Where you will find a grand display of quality and elegance, and the fairest prices ever made for such qualities. Visitors are not asked to believe, but are Bhown goods to convince them that we are leading the trade in Dry mt hm Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Furnishing Goods, etc. If you want value for your money, oome and see us. If you want to enjoy the full purchasing power of your Dollar, spend it with Clon 11::!::;, STORAGE AND FORWARDING. ATTENDED TO -IN A- Business-like Manner REASONABLE RATES. Wool HEPPNER, Growers' Warehouse Near the Depot: : : OREGON. Change of Ownership HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OF THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET. whioh we propose to conduct in the most satisfactory manner. Will keep on hands at all times the ohoioeat Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. SHAW & McCAETY, 85-tl ProDrietors, FOOTWEAR. HEPI'NKR, West Bide o( Vain Btreet, OBEOON. im 1U1DU DR. JOSEPH J. BILL, Qrsduate M. E. C. V. S. , London, England. Veterinary -m- $URGE0N Chronic Diseases a Specialty. I am prepared to da all kin (In of Veterinary Surgery, Kmaactilatim Horsei and Kcit-llnga a Bnci any. (Thli li the only true method of operatingon horiei.) tipeyiug ol Cattle and Houu od ihort notice. I will treat all animate tn the moit lnary Bur gory. If you have any nick anlmtila It will be to your Interest to can on me ai mew an i uauiea. approved procedure of Veter- HEPPNIR, OREGON SPRING IS HERE. Only First-Class hotel iu Heppner. Building Wired for Electric Lights throughout. iiest scoommodations for the trsvelieg public. Courteous treatment sssured the coun try people. MRS. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress. TJEPPNER and LONE ROCK NIELSON, Prop. 7! SO IS TIIK- New York Cash Racket Store. JDST ORDERED, AND TO ARRIVE SOON : 8prinad Summer Dress Ooods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Flouncing, Drapery, Gents' Furnishings; also Ladies' Underwear and, numerous other goods in thnt line. Notions and Tinware in stock; rery cheap. When I say obeap, I mean it. You baTe but to call and inves tigate to be satisfied. I do none but a cash business, and can therefore undersell all aompetltors. J. W. MATLOCK, Prop. Main Street, neit door to tbe Opera House. Leares Heppner on Tuesdays, Thursdays bh1 Saturdays. Leares Lone Rock on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Makes connection with the weekly line to Fossil. Reasonable obarges for both Passengers -:- and -:- Freight. 6i3-tf ss bLOCUM-JOHNSTON DRDG CO., Agents. Heppner, Or. QUARANTINED. The Hotel Grande. I FORMERLY THK HANKORD HOL'HE.) J. W. REDFORD, Proprietor. VERYTHI.NO NEW. This house has hem refuted and Is the BrsU luss hotel of Arllnntou. It Is centrally located, and Is therelore the most convenient place tor commercial travelers. Suites leave this house everjr morning lor Condon and Fossil, Oregon; also tot Cleveland Vlcklcton and Uoldendale, Washington. HVXhxl m. all traa.lX3.sai. AHLLNtiTOvi - - ' ORBOON, E" T1 CENTRAL HOTEL f Is Now Open to the Public.-- New Building and Newly Furnished Throughout. Board per week $t 50 1 Hmirie Meals 28 cents " and Lodging per week, 5.50 1 Lodging 25 centa Ouly firut-claBB $1 a day bouse in town. Free Lack to and from all trains O. O. SAHOENT. Proprietor. HKl'I'NKB, OREGON 1 1 mi BEPPNEB, ATTOHNBY AT Xj.XT And Commissioner of the U. S. Circuit Court. All land matters attended tu promptly aud accurately. OfGe in National Bank building. i i OBEdOJf