The Epworth League of m ., v., 11 v it ENTERTAINMENT si THE OPEEA HOUSE Friday Evening' May 26, 1893. THIS ENTERTAINMENT will be of a liternry cfiarHCter, and nn enjoynbU time is promised those who attend. The proceeds will be nsed by tbe "De partment of Mercy and Help" of this organization for charitable purpose in Heppner To those who bavo had the opportunity of attending the previous entertainments of the League, do words of praise are necessary to cnn Tinoe them that this one will be a sucoeas ; to those who Lave not, we would say. Come to tbis one and be convinced. Tbe entertainment will conclude with a A13MISSION (Inoluding Supper): Children, 25 cts.; General Admission, 50 cts.; Ilererved Seats, 75 cts. Great spear Head Contest. CIII3W GC an o W A SAVE THE TAGS. One Hunarea and Tfioosana Two Honored and Filig Dollars, $173,250.00 In Valuable Presents to be Given Away In Return for SPEAR HEAD TAGS. 1,155 STEM WINDING ELGIN GOLD WATCHES $34,650 00 5,775 I'lNK IMPORTED FRENCH Ol'ERA GLASSE.S, MOROCCO HODY, ISLACK ENAMEL TRIMMINGS, GUARANTEED ACHROMATIC 28 875 00 23,100 IMPORTED GERMAN, BUCKIIORN HANDLE, EOUR I) LADED POCKET KNIVES 23 100 00 115,500 ROLLED GOLD WATCH CHARM ROTARY TEL ESCOPE TOOTH PICKS 67,750 00 115,500 LARGE PICTURES (14x28 inches) IN ELEVEN COLORS, for framing, no advertising ou them 28,875 00 261,030 Prizes, amounting to iT37250TSd The nbove nrticlos will be distributed, by counties, among parties who chew SPEAR HEAD Tlug Tobacco, and return to us the TIN TAOS taken therefrom. We will distribute 226 of these prizes in this County as follows: To THE PARTY sending us the greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS from this county we will Rive 1 GOLD WATCH. To the I-'IVE PARTIES sending us the next great est number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each, 1 Ol'ERA GLASS 5 OPERA. GLASSES. To the TWENTY PARTIES sending us the next greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each 1 POCKET KNIEE 20 TOCKET KNIVES. To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending us the next greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS we will give to each 1 ROLLED GOLD WATCH CHARM TOOTH PICK 100 TOOTH PICKS. To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES Bending us the next greutest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS we will give to each 1 LARGE PICTURE IN ' ELEVEN COLORS ,. loo PICTURES. Total number of Prizes for this county 226 CAUTION. No Tngs will be received before January 1st, 1894, nor after February 1st, 181)4. Each package containing tags must be marked plainly with Name of Sender, Town, County, State, and Number of Tags in each package. All charges on packages must be prepaid. READ. SPEAR HEAD possesses more qualities of intrinsic value than any other plug tobacco produced. It is the sweetest, the toughest, the richest. SPEAR HEAD is absolutely, positively and distinctively different in flavor from any other plug tobacco. A trial will convince the most skep tical of this fact. It is the largest seller of any similar shape and style on earth, which proves it has .caught the popular taste and pleases the people. Try it, and participate iu the contest for prizes. See that a TIN TAG is on every 10 cent piece of SPEAR HEAD you buy. Send in the tags, no Batter now small the quantity. Very sincerely, THE P. J. SORG COMPANY, Middlbtown, O. A list of the people obtaining these prizes in this county will be published in this paper immediately nftcr February 1st, 1894. . DON'T SEND ANY TAGSBEF0RE JANUARY 1st, 1894. Or1 COURSI' YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT EVERY BODY OUGHT TO KNOW. READ P. II. T. )Tlm young Imw to cliooso Urn best out) to miirry ;(lNTWO )Tho nmtriod how to bo Imjipy in niiii-ringe ; ( DAY'S )Tho fond piirent how to hnvo prizo buhics ; ( ONE )Tlio mother how t- have thorn without, pnin; (AGENT )Tho childless how to bo fruitful mid multiply; ( SOLD )Tlio curious how they "growed" and came to bo ;( 42 VI'lio healthy how to enjoy lily and keep well; (AND HE )The invalid how to pet well again speedily; SAVED )Tlto imprudent how to regain wasted energy. ( $1,100 )AU who want knowledge that is of most worth (IN ONE )Find it in Dr. Footo's " Plain Homo Talk," ( YEAR. )1,()()0 pages, 200 cuts, 24 col. plates; 200 recipes; (500 000 )Keduced from $3.25 to if 1.50: circular free. ( COPIES )Murrav Hill Hook Co., 12!) E. 2Sth St., New York.( SOLD. T."V . . -J-J mi . , WWM) t Ail nrw iiiiNcnberi) am, prompt preewmed with r free copy of this na a The Kselcy Institute OKBG-OBT Wk WWWR Plenty of them at the The Lancashire Insurance Co. J. W. PAriEliSON, AGENT eijiwu5? wos tho Rfeihodist Kpiseopal iTL,n.i w. ;n ra;-. r. a 11 'iii. j, , in v i , au Human Wonders, Freaks, Diseases. Now Pamphlet by Dr. K. B. Foott Jr. 8M vngea, 4U Uhistrntloiui; Id two parts. I. SEVEN WONDERS OF MAN AND SOMI OF HIS FREAKS, an Illustrated lc tur on the outlines of popular physiology, more briefly ami clearly presented than ever be fore, and explaining: many curious anomalies which have become familiar as nuneum freaks. . AUTO-TOX-iCMtA, 8CLF-POIS0NK0 DLOOD.exp nl n I ng the origin, relation and treatment of n vnrlety of chronic diseuses, nu h uh rimluriri, salt i luuim, cancer, ifrlp, catarrh, rhuumallsm, lliitflit's, apoplexy, t'pllcpsy, etc 'l nin pamptih't deseriN'i anil plctim-n thp Intri cate liuiium vital umt'tilntM-y. 'in trm ts how to kt-t' It In iiiiinhiif nnlor, explains tin disorder! r:nininir t-omnum niltnenfit, tmtrirestt what's to be ilotie fur rclK f. It w ill eimtito every reader to t lift hlii'st 'If Niifely throiih'h khnalu in the itia of Ho that befet alt and piviuattirt'ly wreck luaoy. reuewulB dnring the month of April will be premium. For tho Cure Oi Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It li located lit Korcft drove. Or., The Most Iteuutiul Toten on the Coatt. Cull Mt the (7ajktt ottlo tor ptrticuUrl Strti tly i'omliliMiHnl. 't rentmrut prtvatmua lur vura. Gazette Office. CUftlOUS FRENCH COINS. TUx Are Rare, od Therefore Inter. big and Valuable. Numismatists or coin-collectors have interesting objects of search in two coins which belong to the transition period between the French republic and the second empire. One of these is an extremely rare coin which was Struck off just the moment of the assumption of the reins of empire by Napoleon III. Only the die for the obverse or head of a new imperial coin had been com pleted, and by some accident, or possi bly by mischievous design, a coin was struck off which bore the head of "Na poleon III., Emperor," on one side, and "French Republic" on the other. This contradictory coin is of interest to others than numismatists for it symbolizes in a striking way the many sudden changes which have taken place in French polities in the past century. With the other coin a singular story Is connected. While Louis Napoleon was i"prince-presidcnt," and just be fore he made himself emperor, a decree was issued ordering a flvc-franc silver piece to be coined bearing his image. The dies were made, and one coin was struck off as a sample and sent to the prince-president for approval. But some time passed before he examined it. When at last he gave it his attention he was annoyed to find that he had been represented on the coin with a "love lock," or hooked Jock of hair on the temple, which he did actually wear at that period, but which he thought un suitable to so digniiied and permanent afrepresentatiou of himself as an effigy upon a coin. The prince-president sent for the di rector of the mint, and ordered him to remove the "love-lock." Then he found that his silence with regard to the piece had been taken for approval, and that the stamping of the coins had com menced. The work was stopped, says the Youth's Companion, and the image was ieprived of its undignilied lock;' 'but the twenty-three coins that had already been struck off were not destroyed, and are now regarded as of great value. Foot-I'i lul uu Hit- PuLli to Health. Everyone nieding a doctor's adviot should read one ol Dr. Vootr's dimt miuiDblets ou "Old Eves, "Croup, "Itupluie," "i'himosis," "Varicocele," Disease of men, Disease of WumeD, uuu learn lliii best means of eel -core. M Hill Pub. (Jo., 129 East 2th Ht New xoik. DO AS A TRAMP DQES. Stick to Your Immediate Object and ftn- ceng Is Sure to Follow. A successful business man was asked by a Cincinnati Enquirer man the other day the secret of his success. "Well, said lie, "it is all due to some good ad vice given to me by an old man when I was a boy. I got out of a job one time &nd went to my old friend for sympathy and advice. He drew his chair up to mine, and, taking one of my hands loosely in his own, said: 'My boy, never be discouraged. Have some confidence in your own ability to tussle with the world. I'o independent. You must be like a tramp that is in New York and wants to get to Chicago. After a good deal of trouble he gets on ij a freight train, near the engine, maybe, lie doesn't ride far before he is seen and put off. Does the tramp give up? No; he simply gets on in the middle of the train, and if put off again goes farther back until at last he is put oil the ea boose. Then what does he do? Why he simply waits for another train and tries it over. Now, if j-ou have little troubles, just bide your time and crawl back into favor. If your employer should discharge you, that is no evi dence that you have no ability or that you cannot succeed. It may be the beet thing in the world for you. Why, some of the most noted novels and famous Bongs were refused by many smart pub lishers until at last some one saw their wortli and brought them out. Never be discouraged, my son. .lust get onto the next train and you will get there all right some time.' " All tree. Those who have used Dr. Kine's New Disoovery know its value, and those who have not, now have the opportumty to try it true. (Jul I on the advertised drug- Hint, and get u trial buttle, free. Send your name and address to H. E. Buoklen & (Jo., (JliiOHgo, and tint a suinple bux ot ur. Ainu 8 lNtt i-iiie Fills free, as well us a copy of Uuide to Health aud Hoime- uold instructor, free. All of nhioh is ijiiariititeert to do yon good and cost y u .othing. For sale by Sloouiu-Jobuson Drug (Jo. A MATTER OF FASHION. Engllah llnra T)lvlte Tliemnelvee Among Nine Public nchooli. It is not easy for Americans to under stand the extent to which fashion rules in English schools. The full upper class education for Englishmen, according to a writer in the Cosmopolitan, consists in taking a degree at Oxford or Cam bridge, preceded by four to six years at onoof the great public schools. Dozens of schools would give a man all he wants in the way of education, but to be "comme il faut" he should have been at one of the few crack old schools Eton, founded in 1440; Harrow, 1571; Winchester, 1:18"; Kugby, 1M7; or atone of tho five crack new schools. Chelten ham, 1841; Marlborough, 184;!; Welling ton, 1858; Clifton, 18110; or Haileybury, 1803. Among all the schools of England Eton stands easily first in reputation, Harrow second, Winchester third, and before she fell on evil days Rugby wa "afe" fourth. 25,IH10 in rrrmhim. Offered by Liggett A Myers Tobacco Co., of Ht. Louis, Mo. The one guessing nearest the number of reople attending the World's Fair gets S5,(XU00, the sec ond $1,000.00, eto. Ten htsr tobacco tags untie yon to a guess. Ask your dealer for particulars or seud for circular. 116 42 Would lie Worth a Fortune. f During a severe storm, on Columbus return journey fnnn the new land he 1 1 1 I... .. .. umi iimuu, lie, lecimg mai nis Iran snip must go down, committed a narrative of his discovery to the sea. What a rich treasure it would be if it could be fished up in its oil and tar envelope to-day, and given to the world. "Brace I'll" Is a tantalising admonition to" those who at this season feel nil tired out. wPak, without appetite anil diseonrsged. Bn the way iu whioh Hood's Sursnpsrilla Imilds up the tired frame and stvea a good Bptetite. is really wonderful. 8o we ssy, "Take Hood's and it will brace you up." Tboy rncrrflsc appetite, purify ttm wbol Bjnu'iu HuuHt'iou uie liver, lute lkttu fcipans Tab ul o : a family rend (Jr. THE JAPANESE FLIRTATION. How Loat Heart Are Recovered la Japan. "The Japanese are nothing if not progressive," said a traveler who had just returned from the Orient to the San' Francisco Call. "American cus toms are coming into vogue over there, even our methods of flirtation, with some sliirht modin'.-ations, becoming popular. The Japanese maiden is ex ceedingly coy, and it is difficult for a foreigner to gain an entrance to society, but flirtations are by no means uncom mon. "How? Well, if a young man sees a pretty Japanese girl on the street he may follow her at a respectful distance. Presently lie will meet an elderly wom an, to whom he must impart the infor mation that he has lost his heart and is miserable. The old woman will ask what has become of his heart, and he must pointoutthe girl, at the same time slipping a quarter into the former's hand. She will disappear and in a few moments return wiih information that if he will be at a certain fashionable !ea honsc fu t!ie f-'r' -vh. ; . -. l,... may recover his heart. i".ie ; ;v;ty maiden will appear with a cliaper.:i. and the young man is at liberty to auihvss her. She will probably meet him often in this way, but always with a protect ress, whose .vigilance is never relaxed. If the aspiririir youth is circumspect, lie may eventually call, and so gradually work his way into society." Flower Seed Sent Free to Everybody. The attention of our readers il called to the attraotive advertisement of ) H Vluore & Co., publishers of Tbe Ladies' World, New York, in this issue of our paper. They offer to lend their cbaim lug Ladies' MaKHZine on trial S months ror only 12 cents, and to each subscriber is sent free, as a premium, 200 varieties of choice flower seeds, also a packet ot .he celebrated Eckford Hweet Peas, tbe most popnlar flower now grown. Tbe onnoern is thoroughly reliable, their offer uost liberal, aud our readers should take advantage of it. Women Who Die Early. Many of our most beautiful and ac complished ladies die before they have reached the prime of life. Of those who live to middle age only one in two bund red is sound; the other one hundred and ninety-nine are sufferers. Why ia it? .Self-ueglect. Tbe shattered health, oan be restoied;. the home made happy aud your life leugtbened if you commenoe at onoe. "Ruse bods" have bsen used for twenty years in the private practice of .me of the most eminent pbysioiaus of Paris, and will absolutely cure any form of female disease. Price, $100 at drug gists, or we will forward by mail post paid. (Send for our little book free.) Leverette Speoifio Go., 175 Tremont St., Boston, Muss. OMAHA, Kansas City, St. Paul, Chlcngo, St. jLOuis, AND ACL FOINTS RrtT 1TPTITII PIT Leaves Heppner, 8 a. m. Arrive" 60 p. m. Pullman Mleeoera, Colonlat weepera, Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. Steamers Portland to San Franoisco every four days. Tickets Europe. For rate, and general Information call on Depot Ticket Agent, J. C. HART Heppner, Oregon. W. n. HURLBUKT, A Hat Until. Fail. Agt. 254 Washington St., PORTLANO. OBKOOM. It li worth the nrice to everv nerion who even reads a newspaper. Darlington Journal. THE JOURNAL REFERS TO Blue Pencil Rules. BY A. a. NEVINS. A Pncltpt Primer for tht n of Ronnrtprn. Cnr- resnondeiiti and Couv Choppers. Hhort. simule ami pncttipl rules for maktnjf and editiuK uk t jiriH"r (iopy. kvuu ui eijUHi value WJ an ituu Kent ou receipt of price. Price 10 cents per iwi iu write rorrecv r.iikubii. copy. lunniAn, i u limner. iu mAu street, new ion iw-w QUICK TIME ! Sail Franolsoo And all points in California, via the Mt, rjhaeta route of ta Southern Pacific Co. The great hichwnj through California in all nointe Kaat and Sooth, tirand Boeote ltout of the Paciflo Coaat. Pullman BnSot tlleepera. Beoond-olaas Bleep ra Attached to expreaa trains, affording superior acixininiodationa for eeoond-ela&s passenger. For mtes, ticket, sleeping oar reservation, eto.. call npon or address R KOEHLER, Manager, B. P. ROGERS, Aast. Un. I. a p. Agt., Portland, Oregon. ionai BanK of f tine.. WM. PENLAND, ED, R BISHOP. President. Cashier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS COLLECTIONS Made on Favorable Terms. XECHAXGE BOUGHT & SOLD i HEPPNER, tf OREGON For Bciis, Pimpfcs carbuncles, scrofulous sores, eczema, and ti!l other blood diseases, take Ayer's Sarsapariila It will relieve and cure dyspepsia, tiervcus debility, and that tired feoiing. Has Cured Others will euro you. IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT jifHirf ft ltt'T or postal carrt to TIIF. PJtFrVti CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEOOffiBUKN, Managing Attorney, .V.O.BOa.463. WASHINGTON, I). C. prvsiOSS PROCURED F"p SOLDIERS, WIDOWS, CHILDREN, PARENTS. Alan, for PoMicr find Sailors dlmblorl in the linof fluty In the regular Army- Navv Mneethr war. Survivors of the Indian wars of lti2 to 1H42, and their wldowa, now en titled. Old and retrrtt'd tlnlniB t specialty. Thouianrte entitled to nljrhor rates, iend for new lawn. No sbargo tot advictj. No fa H!'UlllTftllf 11 ) S. P. FLORENCE, STOCKRAISER ! HEPPNEB. OREGON. Cattle branded and ear marked as shown above. Horses F cm right shoulder. My cattle range iij Morrow and Umatilla coun tiea. I will pay tlOC.OO for the arrest and con viction of any person atealinij my stock. LEGAL ADVEiiTISEMENTS. Sale of Mortgaged Chattels. TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY 1' virtue of a chattel mortgage made by G. W. Ixtrd and C. P. I.ord, In favor of Nelson O. Smead, on the hereinafter described chattels, to secure the sum of TltMi.&O and interest thereon from October 31, lKitl, at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, and filed In the office of the county clerk of Morrow county, Btate of Oregon, the undersigned will sell one hay mare, li years old, one 4-year old filly and one 8-year old lilly, to BaMnfy the said sum and Interest, on Saturday, the 27th day of May, 1SU& at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m , in the town of lone, Morrow county, Oregon. Dated at lone, Or., May 18, 1893. T. J. CAHLE, 128-30 Agent for S. o. Bmead, Mortgagee. administratrix Notice. Estate of Cornelius Driscoll, Deceased. . NOTI1E IS HEREBY GIVES THAT LET ters of administration on the estate of Cor nelius Priscoll, deceased, were granted tu the undersigned on the 10th day of May, 1803, by the probate court of Morrow county. All pernons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them to me fur allow ance, at the office of Ellis, Dawson & Lyons, in Heppner, Or , within six months after the date of this notice or they shall he forever barred. This 10th dny of Slav, 1803. 26-34 MAltV DK1SCOLL., Administratrix. Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, J May 0, 18D3. Notice is htreby given that the following-named settler hiiB tiled notice of his intention to make Anal proof iu support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County clerk of Morrow Co., Oregon, at Heppner. Oregon, on June 17, 1808, viz.: MATTHEW CLAY SMITH, Hd. No. 6846, for the BE), Bee. 3, Tp. 2 8-, R. 27 EWM. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz.: Elmer Gentry, Joseph Nelson, W. E. Straight, Troy Phipps, ail of Heppner, Or. 126-35 A. CLEAVER, Register. Notice of Contest. US. LAND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OR., . April 24, 1803. Complaint having been entered at this othce by Charles Ogilvy against Adolphus A. Splcer, for abandoning liis home stead entry No. 4407, dated May 22, 1880. upon the 84 fit!. 8KI 8WS, Sec. SB, and 8VI 8Wj Sec. 21, Tp. 2, 8 R 32 E. W. M., in Umatilla county, Or., with a view to the cancellation of saidentrv: the said parties are herebv summoned to appear at the otlice of Will C. Stimsou at Pilot hock, Oregon, on the lMh day of June, 1803, at 10 o'clock a. in., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment, to be used at tile final hearing iu this office on July 15, 1803, at ten o'clock a. in. It is further ordered that this notice be served by publication tor four consecutive weeks, and by posting upon the land as iu United States Land cases; said notice being published in the Heppner Gazette, at Heppner. Oregon. 122-32 A. C. McClullanu, Receiver. notice of Intention. LAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, May 4, '.803. Notlre is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof wHl be made be fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at'Heppner, Or., on June 23, 1893, viz: ARTHUR STEPHENS, Of nardman. Or., Declaratory statement No. 7107, for the SK) KWj, SV4 NE and JiW'i of Sec. 20, Tp. 4 S, R. 25 EWM He names the following witnesses tnnrnva ltf. continuous residence upon aud cultivation cf, said land, viz.: Frank Moreland, of Hardman, Or.; Fred A baugh, of Heppner, or.; Ed. Moreland and John A. Adams, of Hardman. Or. 126-35 John W. Lewis, Register. Notice. US. LAND OFFICE, THE DALLES, OR., . April 27. 1803. Complaint having been entered at this office bv Aaron KoyBe. of Morrow Co. agaiUBt John R. Allen for abandoning his Homestead Entry No. 41(W, dated Dec. 10, 1801, upon the NWJ Section 27, Township 1 N, Range 24 E, in Morrow County Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this othce on the 24 day of June, 1808 at 10 o'clock A. M., to res)ond aud furnish testimony con cerning said alleged anondonmeut. Frank Kellogg N. P., is authorized to take testimony in this ease, at 10 A. M. June 17, 1803 at his office in Heppner Or. 125-136 foils W. Lewis, Register. Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE. OREGON J April 27, 1803. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has hied notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow County, Or. at Heppuer, Or., on June 10. 1803, viz: Grorui William Di'r.n. D. 8. No. 103C3. for Lot 1 and the 84 NEV. See. 5. andS W t N WV Sec. 4, Tp. 5 8, R 2a E. W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of sain lann, viz: Sam Tyler and Hsnc Tyler, of Heppner Or., Charles Long, of Galloway Or., Fremont Spntwles, of Yiusou Or., 23-33 A Clsavsr, Register. Cure Tor Colds, Fevers and General D killty, &tall L!u LWau. 2to. per boul. One Smtifl Bile Ttean everr night fors Wewkaivu Torpid Liver. per uottla. I To aid Uigeetton take one Small Bll Bean Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE. OREGON, J April 18. 1803. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of her Intention to make final proof in support of her claim, nd that aald proof wilt be made oetore the i ounty Clerk ol Morrow County, at Heppuer, Oregon, on June 3, 180.H, vix.: ALMIUA BARKER, Hd. No. 6433 for, the W4 NWJt aud N' SWX Sec. 8, Tp. 1 N. R 28 E. W. M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon aud cultivation of, said laud, viz.: Ueorae W. Vi ncent and Jas. Ayers, of Gallowav, Oregon. J. M. McCumber aud M, M. Mct'umber, of ho, Oregon. R. B Lyons. Octauce Braehu, Ettie Campbell and Christian S. Christiauseu, take uotice. A. CtKATRTt, 120-130 Register. Notice of intention. I AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, J April 17, 1803. Notice is hereby given that tile following-named settler has tiled uotice of his intention to make final proof in sf'port of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore W, R. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner atlieppner, Oregon, on Fridav. June 9. 1803, viz.: ARTHUR ANDREWS, Homestead Application No. 2816, for the SEK of Sec. 21, Tp. 1 N, R26E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resideuce upon and cultivation of, said laud, viz.: Thad. Armstrong, J. C. Armstrong, Milt Pow ell and W. B. Finley, all of Alpine, Oregon, 120-130 John VY. Lkwis, Register. Notice of Contest. US. LAND OFFICE AT I A GRANDE, OR., . April 24. 1803. Complaint having been entered at this otiice by Thus. E. Parker against Joseph N. SuiHre for abandoning his homestead entry 30M, Dated Oct. 25, lie.7, for the EH Ntt'Jt, NW'i NW4 Sec. 10 and SE14 SVi Sec. 18, Tp. 6 S, R32E. W. M in Umatilla county, Oregon; with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said parties are herebv summoned to appear at the office of Will 0. Stimsou, iu Pilot Rock. Oregon, on the 17th dny of June, 1803, at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment, to be used at the final hearing in this office on the 17th day of July, 1803, at 10n'olix:k a. m. It la further ordered that this notice be served by publication for lour consecutive weeks in the Heppner Gazette, published at Heppner, Ore gon, and by posting ou the land as in United btates ijind cases. A. C. McCi.KU.ANi. 122-32 Receiver. Administrators Notice. Estate of James 8. Breeding, deceased. TVrOTK'EIS HEREBY GIVEN THAT. LET 1.1 TE KS of Administration on the estate of Jas. S. Breeding. deceased, were granted to the under signed on the 4th day of May, 1803 by the county court of Morrow county. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them to me for allowance, at mv place of resi dence within six months alter the date of this notice or they shall be forever barred. This 4th day of May 1883 A. J. Bkiedinu 124 30 STOCK BRANDS. While you keep your subscription paid up yci can keep your brand in free of oharge. Allyn. T. J., lone. Or. Horses 0(4 on left shoulder; cattle ame on left hip, under bit on right ear, and upper bit on the left; range, Mor row ounnty. Armstrong, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar un der 11 on left Bhonldor of horses: cattle same on left hip. Allison, O. D., Eight Mile. Or. Cattle brand. O D on left hip and horses aume brand on right Bhoulder. Range. Eight Mile. Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, JA con t.ected on ' le't flank: cattle, sameon left Iud. Ayers, Johnny, Lena, Or. Horses branded uimiKi.uu jhu my, 1-ui.iju same on ngni nip ateo orop off right ear and unoer bit on same. Hartholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses Dranueu 1 n. n either shoulder, linage in Mo row county. Bleukman. Geo., Hardman, Or. Horses, a flae ..null, nnuuiuur: caiue eauie on ngnt snoniuer bannister, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand. eu n ou ion nip ana tnign: split in each ear. Brenner, Peter, Goi.seberry Oregon Horses omnueu r o on leit Biioulder. l.attie same o right siue. Hurka. M 8tO. l.ona I ;raelr. Or fin MAY connected on left. hin. ciorwtff toft aUP n.. der half crop off right. Horace, aamn bn.nH m letft Bhoulder. Range in Grant and Morrow eonnty. BroBinan, Jerry. Lena, Or. Horses branded 7 ou ngni BnouiuiT: cattle u on the left side L.eir. ear nan croj a (l ngnt ear oooer slono. Barton, W m., L -pner, Or. -llorseB, J B pv right tlua-o, oatllt-. eame on right hip; split in each ear. .Brown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the ngni, Buuti; oaiuesameon rigntnip; range, Mor row county. Brown, J -P;, Heppner, Or. Horses and cattle uianueu D wiu ox-yoae aoove on left Bhoulder. Hrown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, circle ... wiin uor in ne ter on left hip; cattle, snme. Brown, w. J Lena. Oregon. Horses W bar oyer n, on me leu snouiuer. uattle same on left boyer, w. li., Heppner, Or. Horsee, boi brand ot rut., hip cattle, same, with split in each ear. Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip. BrUWHlee. YV. J.. FllX.Or Cnttln. .TH nnnnoo.a.1 on left Bide; crop en left ear and two splite and middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses Bame uranu on ine lett tnign; Itange in Fox valley, la rant county, t arsner Warren. Wagner. Or. Horses brand- eouoii ngni stinc; cattle (three hare) on i igni nun, crop ana split in each ear. Itange lr Grant and Morrow countiH. t'ain.E.. Caieb.Or.- Y 1) on horses on left Btifle U with quarter circle over it, on left Bhoulder huh ou ion snne on all colte under fl years; lett shoulder only on ail horses over 5 years. All it.uK. or uniui couuiy. Clark. Wm. H.. Le, a. Or -lTntu. wrrr. n nected, on left shoulder: oattle same on right hip. Kai ge Morrow and Umatilla counties. I ate, Clias. R Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses it uu"ent Biiuuiuer; cattle same on right hip. itauKe uiuiiuw auu umaniia counties. Cecil. W m.. Donitlfui nr. h., m in. shoulder; cattle same on left hip, waddles on each jaw and two bits in the right ear. Curl, !. H John Day, Or. Double cross'on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in right ear, split in left ear. Itange in Grant county. On sheep, inverted A and epear poiut " -..... . .umiAu" nwm, crop ou ieii ear, punched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in ngni bu unoer nair orop in left ear. All rang Cook. A. J..Lena.Or. Hnrw. flHnn riant el..,, I der. Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square U...I.UU iciiauuviuii in rigut. ('urrin.a. Currinsvilie, Or. -Horses, on Cox Ed. 8 Hardman, Or.-aitle, C witt. in velum, uurstw. on lert lip. Cochran. H. K... Minnniu,i fmnr p. rt. HorBes branded circle with bat beneath, on left Bhoulder: cattle same brand oil both hips, mark under alone both ears and Hnwlan. Chapin, H., Hardman. Or. Horses branded r. on right hip. Cattle brauded the same. uiosene, Ebb Horses braided with three uuti iors on len sune. t;attle aa-ne on left side. Doonan. wm., Heppner, Or. Horses brandeu OO with bar over thein, on left shoulder; cau u Httuitt ou ten nip. Douglass. W. M.. Gallowav. Or. fvttl. n li right side, swa.low-fork in eaoh ear; horses, 11 D uu ittti nip. Douglas. O. T., Douglas, Or Horse TD on the right stifle; cattle same on right hin. Duuimn, VI. P., John Day.Or.-Quarter circle vu 111,111 tmuiur, uum on norsee anu oattle. Range Grant county. Elv. J. B. A Sons. Onnctlna fir Rmu. K.nj ed Li on left shoulder, catti same on left hip. hole in right ear. . Elliott. Waeh., Heppner, Or. Diamond on right shuulder. Emery, C. B Hardman, Or. Horses branded reversed Cwith tail on left shoulder; cau lie same on light hip. Range in Morrow county. . vouvu, uoitituttr, vtr. nurses, tr couueuieu on rigut snouiaer: cattle Mm. nght hip. Ear mark, hole in right and crop Florence, L. A., Heppner. Or. Cattle, LF oa right hip; horses F with bar under on right Florence. 8. P. Heppner. Or Horses, F on right shot Jdei ; cattle, F on right hip or thigh, trench. George. HeuDner. Or. Cattl hmnHiul WF, with bar over it. oo left side; crop off left Mtar. uorneb, same oranu on ten nip. - Gay. Henry, Heppner, Or. tiAx on left enouiui Gilinan- French. Land and Live Stock Cn.. Fna. sii. Or, Horsea, anchor B on left shoulder; vent, same on left stifle. Cattle, earn on both hips ear marks, crop off right ear and onderbit in left. Range in (iiiliam, Grant, Crook and Morrow counties. Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or. Horse branded H 8. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle. Itange in Morrow and Untatillacountie. Giltwater, J.C., Prairie City, Or. On horse, O O on left shoulder aud atine; cattle, ou right side. Range in Grant county. Hajee. Geo., Lena, Or, Brand JH connected, with quarter cirri" oyer it, ou left shoulder.- Hialt A. B., Ridge, Or. Cattle, round-top A with quarter circle under it on the right hip. Range in Morrow and Umatilla counties, Hintoo A Jeuks, Hamilton. Or tttle, two bars on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left. Horses, J on right thigh. Itange in Grant county. Hughe. Hamuel, Wagner, Or J- (T F L connected! on right shoulder on horse; on cattle on right hip and on lett side, swllow fork in right ear ud slit iu left. Kaug in Hayauck district, Monvw county. hale. Milton, Wagi.ei. Or. Horsea Dranded -O- (. irele with parallel tails) on left shoulder, t mle same on left hip ; also large circl on left Edwin, John Day.Or. Oattle E Hon right hip; horvee same on right ahouider. tangein Grant county. Howard. J L, alloway. Or. Horses, (cross with bar above it) on riant ehoultwr: , same on lett side. R&ntra in Morrow and I: ma- uiia conutiee. Hugh., Mat, Heppner, Or. Horse, ensiled heart on the left shoulder. Range Morrow Co. Huusakar. B A . V. aguar. Or. llor, an lft I Hardisty, Albert, Nye. Oregon-Hontes, A H conn-cled. on left s'.onlder; t attle on th left tup. crop off left ear. liumphreva, J M. Hardman, Or. Horse. H on lef flank Hayee, J. M., Henpner. Or. Homes, wineglass on left shoulttPT ca'tl". eame on right hip. Huston. I,i.i her, Kieht Mile, Or.-Horse Hon the left ebon -tr-rarj.i heart on the left Btifle Cat tle eame on lt.fl bio. Range in Morrow county Ivy. Alfred. L'.ng Citek, Or Cattle 1 Don right hip, crop oil ;. ft ear and bit in right. Horses same bmr.d on .n,."i. shoulder Itange n Grant oountr. Jnnkin.S. M., Heppner, Or -Horse, horee. shoe J ou leit shoulder. Cattle, the eants. Range ou Fight ll'.le. J ohnsi in . t tt i x Lena, Or. Horse, circl T en left Btit'e; cetrie. on right hip, under half crop in ritht, tied eniit in left ear Jenkiie, D V,'.,lt. Vemon,Or. J onhorseaon left shonldet; o.'-cattle, ) on left hip and two smooth crops ou both ear. Range in Fox and Hear vail 'i s Kenny, 11 ilia Heppner, Or. Horses branded KNY tin left tup cattle same aud crop ofl left ear: under lOnim ou the right Kirk. J. T Heppner. Or.-Horse 60 en left thf.nldar: cattle, '.0 on left hip. Kirk. J C, heppner. Or. Horse. 17 on either flank: cattle 17 on right side. Kirk. Jesse, Heppuer, Or.; horse' 11 on left shonlder; oattle hums on light side, nnderbit on right ear. Knmberland. W. G.. Mount Vernon. Or. I L on oattle on right and left sides, swallow fork in It ft ear and omler ciop in right ear. Horses same brand on left sltrii.lder. Range in Grant countv. Keeney. Kii, Heppner, Ur. Horses J L and ace of chilte on leftstifie. Rauge in Umatilla anil Morrow counties Leaner, J W. Heppner Or. Hones branded L and A on left shoulder; cattle same on left hin wattle over right y three slits in right ear Loften, Btepnen, Fox, Or. 8 L on left hip on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horses same brand ou left shoulder. Range Grant oounty. " Lienallen, John W., Le-l-t- or Horsea branded half-circle JL oonnected on leftehoul dor. Cattle, sunn on lefl hip. Range, near Lex. ington. Lord. George. Heppner. Or.-Horses branded double n coi neeti Sometime called a swing H. on led shoulder. Markham, A. M., Heppner, Or.-Cattle large M on Ieii side, both hiob cropped, and Bplit in bo h horses M on left hip. Itange. Clark'a canyon. ' B ' " Minor, Oecar, Heppner, Or.-Cattle, M Dion right hip; horae. Ill ou lef t shoulder. Morgan B N., Heppner, Or.-Horses, M ) on len shonlde, cattle same on left hip McCnmbor, Jas A, Echo, Or.-Horses. M with bar over on right shoulder. Mann, H. B., L,eiia, Or.-Horeea-old mares ZZ on right hip; young stock, small is on left shoulder Morgan, Thus., Hoppner, Or.-Horses, oirele w1; '" "liouldor aud loft thigh; cattle. Z on right thigh. Mitchell. Oscar, lone. Or. Horses, 77 on right hip; oattle. 77 on right side. MoClaren, D G-., Brownsville, Or,-Horse, Figure 5 on each Bhoulder; cattle. Al2 on hi d McKero.W.J. Mount Veruoti.Or-Xl on cattle 00 right hip, crop iu right ear. half orop m left oounty n tS " lef 1 hil" K"K" ' in 0Q' McCarty David H.,Echo,Or. Horses branded on f hip and sid4.OU 16,1 ,huoM"i "ma McUirr, Frank, Fox Yalley, Or.-Mule shoe with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and under in .,6B,ri h,,rse sme brand on left stifle. ;.hh ! : V" 1Jm'll'n. Or.-On Horses, S with halt circle under on left shoulder; on Cattle. four bars connected on top on the right side Range in Grant County. ".mo iifr Andrw', k"?? kook.Or.-Horaes N con- Nli?-si",uJdOT: fnie on both hips. Nortljke, it., biiverton. Or.-HorBos, oircl. 7 on mM. me ou left hip. Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or.-A Jon cattle on left hip: on horses, same ou left thigh. Range iu Grant oounty "aux Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or.-P O on lefl ihnUidet. Clip, Herman, Pmirie City, Or.-On cattle, O LP connected on left hip; liorseB on left still, and wan le on noee. Range in Grant oounty. iJirS V"MJ,1S"f1,.t llil6- Or.-Horses, quar ter circle shield on left shoulder and 24 on left ..n'ief'hL ,f!'rkml,,t,:..,"r' "Kl't cropped. 24 on left hip. Range on Eight Mile. I. fSiilden 11'"'um1.'J'.--HoreeslPoB P.per. Erne t, Lexington. Or.- Hor-es brand e n (L E counecied) o, loft shoulder ; cattle pie on nght hip. Range, Morrow couuu. 1 iper, J, il., Lexington, ur. lioiBee, JE con nected oi left Bhouldur; cattle, same on left hip. under bn in each ear. tettya, A. (J., lone, Or.; horses diamond P on -shonlder; cattle, J il J oonnected, on the iilit av"1 pe m lo't ear "liD Ul Powell, jonn T.. Dayville, Or-Horses, JP con. uee ed oil leit shoulder. Cattle OK connected ou lett hip, two under half crops, one on eaoh ear wit tie under throat, ltai ge in Grant county. Rickuid, G.D., Canyon City, Or.-F U an left iliouliler, on hores only. Range Canyon creek and Bear vallttj, Grant county. hood. Andrew, Hardman. Or. Horses, sqnar eroa, with quarter-circle over it ou left stifle. Bellinger, Citrus, heppner, Or.-Horses, U B on left ehouidet . Bice. Dan, Hardman. Or.; horses, three panel worm fence on left shoulder; caUlo, DAN on right Bhoulder. Rauge near llardmau. lloyse, Aaron, Heppuer, OiHorsee, plain V on left shoulder; cuttle, same braurl reversed oi right Ittp aud crop off right ear. Rauge in Mr row county. Ruali Bros., Heppner, Or.-Horaea branded J en the right ahoulder: oatUe, IX. on the left hip eruu oil left ear and dewlap on neck. Range it Morrow and adjoining counties. 1 nnf ' ,lll"'UJ. Pendleton, Or.-HorBes K en left ehonlder; cattle, R on left hip, crop oil right ear, uuderoit on left ear. bheep. It on weathers rouu.l crop off ngh ear. Range Ulna . tilla and Morrow o tunties. Reaney Andrew. Lexington, Or.-Horses branded A R on right Bhoulder, vent quaite! circle over brand; cattle same on right hip. Itange Morrow couuty. v. ttXlrtt?- Ui' IJil'J"ille. Or HR oonnected with quarter uircle over Utp on cattle on right hip aud crop ofl right ear and split in left, "lorse. tame brand on left shoulder. Range in Morrow i..rautaiidUilliauicouuties. "otrow. Lector J. W., Heppner, Or.-Horsee. JO OS left shoulder. CaiUo, Oon right hip. SpickuaU, J. W., "Gooseberry, Or.-Horses ctmn U l"U 8ll"ulun '""W i Jlorrow Bailing, C O Heppner, Or-Horees branded on left shoulder; cattle Bame on left hiu tSwaggari, H. b, Lexington, Or.-Horsee with dash under it on left stifle, oattle H with oash uuder it on right hip, crop off right ear and waddled on . right hind leg. Range 5i Morrow Gilllamand Umatilla oouuties. 1 Bwaggart. A. L., Ella. Or.-Horses brande-1 1 uu lett slum der; cettle Bame on .left hip. CroB on ear, wattle on left hind leg. Btraight W E., Heppner, Or.-Horses shaded J b on lei, stihe; cattle J 8 on left hip. swallow fork in nghi ear, underbit in left. oapp. Tiiob., heppner, Or.-Horaes, K A P on lett hip; catti, sameon left hip " Shirt, James, Long Creek, Or.-Horses. I en lett etitie and - over 2 on left shoulder. hobrser. SranVcountT """" II. . onsuoulder; cait,,, ame on MtahoMef. Bquires, James Arlington, Or,; horses branded JS on lett shoulder; catile the same, also uoei waddle. Range ,u Morrow and GUliam contiet! T "ro;. onwnville, Or. Horeee, branded Stephens. YT aZumU i""'.? 1?" right etihe; catUe hunzoutal L oi the right side Bteveusou, lire A. J., Heppuer, Or -Cattle H ou right hi,; BwaUow-forkinleft earT ' Bwaggart. Q. W., Heppuer, Or.-Horse. 44 oa left Bhoulde, ; cattle, 44 on loft hip binith. E. E. Louu Rocs ttr n.. i j-j a croSBed seven on left shoulder; oattl same m ...B.uD. .uit,, uttittun oounty, bperry, E. G., heppner, Or.-Cattle W C on left hip, orop off right and underbit in left year dewlap; horses W U on left shonlder. ' IhoUiPSun. J. A.. U.M,nar iru . left; shoula, r; cattle. I on left shoulder ' shiuideJ" B'I"tnlerDrilw0r--Ures. 0-on left Tur ner R.W.. Heppner, Or.-SmaH capital T leit shoulder, homes; cattle ame on lift hip wiih Bplit in both ears. " Lhornton, B. M., lone, Or.-Horse branded H 1 connected on left slide: h. j Vanderpool. H.'T.. Lena. Or H.. n ' uected ou right shoulder;oattle, same oa right Walbritlge, Wm Heppner, Or. Horses, U. L. 1 the left shoulder: cttitln uir. ,n .:Jk. 1.1- r.: orop on left ear and right ear lopped. ' Wilson, John balem or Heppner, Or. noraos brantleti in on r.t,,. L,rt 1 o Morrow county. ' Warren. W B. Caleb. Or Cmtlo w 1,1. , circle over it, ou left side, Bplit in rigutia boreea same bread ou left shoulder. Raiigeia Grant couuty. . Wood. F L. left stifle; on cattle, ion left side and under bit in left ear. Range in Grant county. 0 W on the right hin. suuare mm 1 id split in lett. ' Wallace. Fraucis. Mnnnt Ynrnnn na oattle on the left hip. upper slope loth. left ear and under slope in rigut ear. Same brimd ou hor ou right shonlder. Rang in Barcer andtirantcouutv. uamey W aue, Henry , Heppner, Or.-Horsee branded ace ot spau, on ieit shoulder and lefthiD Cattie braudeti same on left side aud left hinT W ells. A. ., Heppner, Or.-Honw., on left shoulder: call e eame, 1 Wolhnirer. John. Jithn I lav !';, t, , three paruUel bars on left oultier; 7 on-st7.IT Woodward. John. HenniMtr. rtrw-, rrm oonnectod on left shoulder. ' Watkui., Lihe. Heppner, Or.-Uor. brndd CE conuecteoon left slide. " Wallace. Charlee. Portland o r.t. to nghi thigh, hoi in left ear; horse, W oa rurht snouiaer, aom. sameon left shoulder. " """" i"? v". Uaru.y coonty, Or. -Hut"Tr '""df1 B. conuecieu on left .honldir Williams. bC,i. ham I,.... " f'e ""ro uu ''' hip, both cat", aid horse. Range Grant eounu. " W Uliants. J O. Long Creek. (lrR.. ter circle over three bars on left hip; oato sain at... -lit in each ear Range in tinil count, K len. A. A. eppner. Ur.-Horae. runnm A A on shoulder; t an,., same on ngni lni T iZZSZ"' "-" "raai , r-)Yi"vie;K ?uofcberr)r' ' biaa. tfur Mting. lb), par bwiu. ahoulowr; oafti. I a lt tup.