Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 23, 1893, Image 3

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'pHOSB deitlrin; the iuierttqn of display ads.,
L or change ol (tame, mutt get their copy iu
not later than UouUay reniiig fur Tueiu.iy'i
editiou, or Thursday everting tor Fridayi edi-
1. The lum of five cents per line will b
charged for "card of thauki."' "wtututluiii ol
ritct." liU of wedding prutenti mid douora,
mid obituary uotlcui, (other thau Uiuse the edit
or shall luumelf give as a matter of news, aud
uotlcea of Npeciai meetings for whatever purpose.
sotices ot church and society and ail other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of live
benuj a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every iuetauce.
. Auvertuu.g rales reasonable ana made known
upon application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for his or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless the
writer s real name is signed asau evidence of
good faith.
lug Agent, 21 Merchant! Exchange,
ban J? raucisco, is onr authorized agent. 'Ihi
paper it kept on file In his oince.
Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek,
Johu JJBy and uuuyou City, leaves follows ;
livery day at n :M a. m., except Buuday.
A rrives every day at 5:30 p. iu., except Monday.
Ihe cheapest, quickent and best line to 6r
froui the interior country.
J- s. DEI.EVAN, Prop.
fclocum-Johnstou Drug Co., Aneiito.
Uwe your bminess to Heppner people,
and thereore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Here and There.
TUTT'8 PILLS make pure blood.
Heppner Furniture Co., for carpet, t
Ed. Itood was in yesterday ou busi
Albert Rea ot home Saturday from
A. W. Balsiger was up from lone
Saturday last.
Bev. Hoskins and family were iu from
Galloway Friday.
Jas. Galloway, father-in-law of Jake
Kees, is quite ill.
Call and examine Heppner Furniture
Go .'s wall papers. t
Lane Matlock reports up from Goslieu
thai lie is no better.
The next I. O. 0. F. Grand Lodge will
meet at Pendleton.
Commissioner Brenner was in ye&ter
dav fioui Eiifiit Mile.
The Guzeile bus a rattlhijj good water
barrel for Bale cheup. tf.
Pendleton has reoeutly discovered
some opals near town .
(jilliam & Bisbee have jnat received
some eleitaut stove emus.
Lee Kilbuurue says the mustard is
burtiun orops iu bis seotion.
Tbe Ueni and Palace saloons for flue
liquors, MoAtee Bron., Props. sw
For a general family cut bur tie we con
fidently recommend Hood's Pills.
A strictly first olass guitar for sale.
Brand new. Inquire at this office. 5-31.
The HeppnerOauyon stage line ib the
beBt, chtbpeet und quic k tut to the in
Dr. J. E. Geieendorfer bas returned
from tbe East to bis chosen location,
Children's waists, age 5 to 12 years
cheaper than you cuu make them at
Fell Bros.'
Tbe iwioe-a.wekk Guzette now only
$2.60 in advance, pujuble iu cash or
coou skins.
Hatt & Mathews, tbe barbers, City ho
tel barber shop. They are artists. Baths
in connection.
A. B. Hiatt, of Ridge, saB range was
never better at this time ot the year in
bis neighborhood
Miss Bedggood, sister-in-law of Wm.
Douglass, is spending a few days with
friends in Ueppuer.
The Gazette was today tbe reoipi'eut
of a beautiful bouquet from the garden
of Mrs. W. G. Seetser.
I d. L, Matlock yesterday received the
bead aud boms of a mountain sheep,
all ready for mounting.
The Kieley U tiluie, at Forest jrove
cures liquor, ( p, urn, morphine, oocuiue
and tobacco habit.- bee ad.
Tbe Guzette would gladly till a few
orders for choice trees ot auy sort satis
faction guaranteed. Drop in. tf.
"Solo Jake" bas returned from the
outside precincts, where he bus been
herding sheep siuoe last fall.
Pin Ear, the Long Creek raoe horse,
came in today and will take part iu the
raoes, commencing Thursday.
Every man who takes any interest in
fast stork should subscribe for The
Horseman. Gazette shop, agents.
N. Nielson is now running a stage be
tween Heppner and Lone Book. See
ad. for days ot leaving and arrival, tf.
E. Campbell, tbe Vinson sheepman,
was iu town last Friday. He reports
splendid sheep range up in bis vicinity.
Tbe Gazette acknowledges tbe receipt
of the program for tbe Washington oouu
ty Teachers' Institute, J. H. Stanley,
A. W. Baling, Cbas. Ingrabam and
Till Warren were in yesterday from
Eight Mile. The crop outlook in tbat
neighborhood is good.
Bev. Jonas Busbell lectured on tem
perance Thursday, Friday and Saturday
evenings. Uu Sunday evening he
preached to a large audience.
Master Clay French is tbe authorized
agent for the Oregonian at this place.
Subsoribe through him, and have your
paper delivered free of charge. tf
Newer and neater quarters at the
Palace Hotel's north business room.
Charley Jones the ba'ber, wants to see
bis old friends there. Baths in connec
tion. Osoar Minor got in a few Chins pheas
ants last week, Jas. Rbea taking part of
them. Morrow county will soon be as
replete with China pheasants as tbe val
ley section.
Dr. L. F. Shipley had B very severe
fit last night about 8 o'clock in Ed. I.
Matlock's saloon. He was pioked up
unooncious but soon recovered enough to
be taken borne in a carriage. Today be
is muoh better.
Andrew B. Grover, who has a ranoh
near lone, drew the prize given by tbe
People's Warehouse two round trip
tickets to the World's Fair. Tbe lucky
number was 6,921. The P. W. is a
Pendleton house,
Dr. B. F. Vaugban has gone east to
complete bis dental education, leaving
Drs. J. W. Basmus end Eugene Vsughan
in charge of bis office. Those owing Dr.
Vaugban will please make settlement
with Dr. Eugene Yaughan who has full
anthoritv. 17-tf.
The advice that most men will give
you is not to drink, but when yon do
get the best. Tbe Belvedere saloon
carries an excellent stock of cigars, liquors
wines and beer. A tine billiard parlor
in couneotion. Call on Charlie and
John who will always treat you court
eously, tf.
Tribune: Senator Matlock learns
from Henry Chsppell tbat f r the small
amount of mouey expended Oregon
makea a first olass showing in com
parison with ber sister states. Tbe
fruit exhibit, it is thought without
doubt be awarded the premium. '
Wm. Spencer and wife returned from
their wedding trip oa Saturday's train,
llrs. J. A. Patterson departed tbia
morning for Portland to be absent a
A. G. Bartholomew, one of tbe old
"vets," says that orop prospects are
good in the Alpine neighborhood.
Frank Holmes, of Gooseberry, says
as a general thing crops are not hurt
, mucu in His vicinity by tbe weeds.
Sheriff Geo. Noble returned Friday
irom Eugene where he had been in at
tendiii.ee ou Giaud Lodge, I. O. O. F.
B. E. Lofton, Shank Bros., and Jake
Slyth got in Saturday for Fox valley
freight, leaving the same day for borne.
Bev. Frank Adkins and family oame
in last evening. Mr. Adkins will at.
tend tbe district convention whila over.
J. W. Matlook keeps a neat store at
the old place and sells obeap. A visit
to nu store will oonviuoe you. . Call on
Ucole Jake Watenburger returned
irom California last i nday. He is well
pleased with tbat seotion and will doubt
lees return.
Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Fox left this morn
ing, for Chicago. While baok in tbat
section they will visit their old home
iu Michigan.
The tax list recently published in the
Guzette was for lbWU and not for this
year. The assessment for 1893 will be
much heavier.
Born To the wife of Chan. Wagner,
of The Dalles, on Sunday, May 21st, a
9 pound boy. Grandpa McAfee is get
tiug along nicely.
John B. Curmicbael and family were
visitors to Heppner Salurday. The
weeds are hurting Crops considerably
iu his neighborhood.
The Gazette acknowledges tbe re
oeipt of a complimentary ticket to tbe
spring meeting of the Oregon Breeding
and Speed Association.
The American Eagle must be a gny
old bud he is bald. If you don't want
to be bald use Hall's Hair renewer, and
you wou't be. Try it.
B. B. Broomell, speoial agent of the
Pacfic department of ehe National Fire
Insurance Co., of Hartford, was in
Heppner over Friday night.
Bev.M. V. HowurH, presiding elder
of Pendleton district, will preach at M.
E. ohun h. South, next Friday evening
utSo'olock. All are invited.
F. W. Eutr
Hmil & Oil,
ton, representing Gilbert,
of Walla Walla, passed
through Heppner 'ast week en route
from Grass valley to outside points.
W. J. Wattenburger, a young farmer
of tbe Galloway seotion, was in town
yesterday. He has 150 acres of wheat
and 30 to 40 acres of alfalfa, all looking
Bev. M. Bramblet will deliver the
Memorial sermon, next Sunday, at
Lexington. All old soldiers and tbe
public generally are invited to be
i, Wooly Clarke, tbe veteran wool buyer,
oame in Friday from Pendleton. Tbe
Hepnnpr bills were mighty small knobs
when Olaike made bis first trip up Wil
low creek.
Condon Globe: Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Ayers of Heppner visited their old
friends, Mr. ond Mrs. Maddock at
Condon the first of tbe week and then
prooeeded to Fossil.
Albert Davis, from near Henrv
Thompson's on Butter creek, called at
the Gazette office this week. Grain is
looking well in bis neighborhood and
range was never better.
Our reporter dropped in on Ed. Bir
beok yesterday and was shown a very
elegant pair of shoes, made of kangaroo
leather. The workmanship displayed
on them is burd to beat.
A number of tbe old vets and tbeir
sods met last Saturday in the Knights'
hall, a regular meeting of Bufus Iugalls
Camp. The next meeting was Bet for
the third Saturday in June.
The Heppner water bonds were signed,
sealed, etc., last Friday night. The oity
seal and the signatures ot Mayor
Simons ond Beoorder Boberls appear
on the bonds 450 times each.
I. L. Van Winkle had a horse out up
quite severely in J. O. Hart's pasture
reoently. His little boy was riding the
horse after cows at the time he was
hurt. Van thiuks tbe bores will die.
Andy Tillard, Towns Mathews and
Jap Griffith had some difference about
scabby Bbeep trespassing on range, last
Thursday, but tbe matter was settled
amicably to the satisfaction of all witb
out suit.
W. A. Kirk, J. L. Yeager, Thomas
Morgan, D. N. Hardman, Milt Max
well, and E N. Crookett, of Long Creek,
have returned from the I. O . O. F.
Grand Lodge at Eugene, Mr.. Crockett
departed this morning for home.'
In all esses where a mild but effective
aperient is needed, Ayer's Pills are the
best. Tbey improve the appetite, re
store healthy aotion, promote digestion,
and regulate every function. No pill is
in greater demand, or more highly reo
ommended by tbe profession.
Dyspepsia has driven to an early and
even suicidal grave many a man who, if
be bad tried the virtues of Ayer's Sarsa
panlla, would be alive today and in the
enjoyment of health and competence.
Sutl'erer, be warned in season, and don't
allow tbe system to run dowa.
Wiley MoBee, who bas lived in
California for the past two. or three
years, returned last week to bis borne
in Morrow county, aocompanied by bis
family. Mr. MoBee is troubled con
siderably ith asthma, and thinks tbat
if be does not get better be will go to
Dave McAfee was arrested yesterday,
on complaint of See Driskell, charged
witb gambling and tbe case was con
tinued till today, wben Dave pleaded
guilty aud wai fined 10. Afterwards
See came iuto Dave's saloon, armed with
a revolver. He was immediately arrested,
charged witb carrying ooncealed
weapons. He was fiued $30, which be
paid this morning.
I. O. O. T. Oeoanization Last Sat
urday evening, at the M. E. church.
Bev. Jonas Busbell organized a lodge of
of Good; Templars, starting out with
about twenty members. Tbe officers
elected are as follows: B. F. Hevland,
Chief; Mrs. Ed. Smith. Vice Chief; Wm.
Ayets, Past Chief ; J. C. Jackson, Chap
lain; Albert Wright, Treasurer; Walter
Vau Duvn, Financial Treasurer; 8. C.
Smith, Secretary; Miss Maiy Nelson,
Asst. Secretary; Bert Danner, Marshal;
Graoe Filkins, Deputy Marshal; Cbas.
Van Doyn, Sentinel ; Grover Smith,
Guard; Bey. Edwin Palmer, Lodge
Deputy; Bev. J. M. Shulse, Vice Cban
oellor of Course of Study. Tbey have
not jet decided where they will bold
their meetings.
St bpriseu All- 'Hocxd Last even
ing a number of Hppuer's young people
I gathered at the bo:re of Miss Hattie
Jenkins, tbe occasion of a surprise
parly tendered the yemeg lady. After
the gaesta bad arrived, they were treat
ed to a bigger surprise then tbey, tbem-
Three Chilto Poisoned
By Impure Vaccination
Covered with 8orea
Bow Their Hi el Wert Suvd.
Ilri. James Thrower
San Jose, Cal.
" When we were Ilvinj in Clico, Cal., tny three
children, respectively S, 7 and 10 years of age,
were an in good neaitn until they were vacci
nated In January, and after that not one of them
was well for months. They were all Um
poisoned -by impure matter used in vacci
nation. In August I began giving them Hood's
arsaparuia. Tbey were covered with
Sores From Head to Foot.
After they had taken the medicine for about a
month, tha eruptions healed, their appeUtes
bscame natural, they slept well and commenced
to gain In flesh. Ther hare not had a felt
do? aloe.. No children are more robnftt and
aeolthr. My husband and myself believe we
owe our children's lives to Hood's Sarsaparilla,
which we always keep In the house. I am only
too glad to give this statement and I hope it will
be the means of persuading other people to use
medicines which I know to have so mneh merit
as Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood's Fills." Mrs.
James Throweb, San Jose, California.
N. B. If you decide to take Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, do not be induced to buy any other.
HOOD'S PlLLS cure Conitipatlon by reitorlng
tbe pulitaltlo action of the altmantary canal.
selves, bad planned to perpetrate. Mr.
Chas. P. Mallory and Miss Hattie came
in from a walk about 8 o'clock. They
stepped to the middle ot the floor, and
Rev. Sbulse prooeeded to make the
oouple man and wife, before tbe as
tonisbed guests had time to reoover from
tbeir amazement. Tbe bride was
attended by Miss Grace Ball and the
groom by Ben Ltland. All accepted
tbe situation with the best possible
grace, and tbe evening wai pleasantly
spent. Mr. and Mrs. Mallory will atari
for Chicago in a few days. Tbe Ga
zette extends congratulations.
A Rbminobk. Lives of poor men ofl
remind us honest men won't stand no
chanoe, the more we work there grow
behind us bigger patobes on our pants
On our pants, once new arjd glossv,
now are stripes of different hue, all
beoauae subscribers linger and don't
pay ns wbat is due. Then let us be up
and, doing; send in your mite, however
small, or wben the snow of wintei
strikes us, we shall have no pants at
all. Selected.
Wanted. A good rustler to take
charge of a fine stock of the latest and
best subscription books, and dieppse ol
them it and around Heppner. Liberal
commission to a good man. Must give
bonds. Address, O. E. Publishing Co.,
Bux 322, Butte, Montana. ' 27tf.
World's Fair Travelers Will Hate
It. Tbe public demand through service
wben traveling. It is old-fashioned to
change cars. On the through solid
vestibuled trains of tbe Ghioago, Union
Paoifio and Northwest Line, from or to
Dhioagn, Omaha and intermediate points,
there is no change. This is the finest
and fastest road. 19-31.
Oct or Sight. Tbe traveling public
are now fully alive to the fact tbat tbe
Chioago, Union Pacifio & Northwest
Line offers tbe very best aooammodations
to the public from aud to Chioago,
Omaha and intermediate points not only
during the World's Fair, but all tbe
year around. 19-31
Bip's Wood Yard. The Heppner
wood yard, under the management of
Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver
wood at your residenoe, sawed or uu
sawed. Wood sawed and delivered al
87.00 per oord. Wood sawed twice in
two, 75 cts. per cord; three times, $1. 00.
Yard near the depot. Leave orders at
Sloan k Howard's. 4 tf.
Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeck, a shoemak
er and repairer of many years' experi
enoe, has just looated in tbe Abraham'
sic Dnilding, on May street, where be
is prepared to do eveiytbing in his line.
li. Birbeck is strictly a first-class work
man and warrants all work. Give him a
oall. Mwtf
A Fine Hobsi. The imported run
ning stallion, Sir Henry, baa been
brought over to Heppner, and will stand
tbe ensuing season at this place. He is
tbe property of "Cayuse" Reynolds, and
is a nne norte. ovutt
First Class Tailoiimo Fred Miller
now looat ed on May street in tba old
bakery building, where be is prepared to
do first class work. A perfect fit
guaranteed. Give bim a trial. tf,
Look Herb. When you want a re
freshing schooner or beer and a nice
lunob, go see Kleckner k Sheldon.
Also fine liquors aud cigara in stock.
A Healthful Drink. Kleckner and
Sheldon now have on tap fine porter
and are prdpared to furnish "half and
half." tf-
One bay horse, star in forehead, brand,
ed H no right shonlder. Suitable rewatd
for intormaiion tbat leads to tbe recovery
or delivery to my ranch.
O. . Fabnswortr,
Heppner or Hardman, Or.
It-:-is-:-the-:-Talk-:-of-:-tlie -:- City.
A golden opportunity to get an organ.
will be given
For every dollar's worthjof goods you buy, aticket will bo guen.
Wejrepresent the following leadinglfirms of the United States.
Agent for : :
( 220 Market St., Chleago,)
Fine Bovs' and Youths' Clothing.
Their goods have a national rep
utation, equal to high grade tailor
Agency for-
The Brownsville Woolen Mills Co,
Their goods have received the
highest awards at all the fain of
the United Estates.
WE are a'way8 there with our perpetual policy of low. prices and
first-clasB goods.
OUll CABINET has been selected.
OUR SECRETARY OF AVAR 1 annihilated high
prices, and
OUR SECRETARY OF STATE has closed a treaty
annexing a new spring and summer stock for your inspec
tion, at living, breathing prices, at the
Thinkingof anewSpringJStylo
Attire ? Wondering what ma
terial what oolor youjshould
purcha9e?j "Pazzlingg your
f-raind about the correct thing
in trimmings ? Consulting
with vour dressmaker as to
which of the many styles will
be mo3t becoming ?
Come and talk it over with us.
We're prepared to throw a flood
of light upon every element of
A Big Line of Silks.
All tbe latest styles in Fignrivi Indin
Silks. Samples will be re m led FKEE on
application. Xonrs Heap y,
tni0 Pi!ic5i(iiie 8t
To G-et Even on Your Life.-
Wood rd3 Willowvitre, Blncksmiths' Supplies, Iron, fUeol nml Conl, Pumps find
Pipe, Tanks, BtUutnbs and Kinks, Plumbing MnteriHls, Agricultural Imple
ments. All Kinds of Repairing quickly and neatly done.
:- -:- Ton will save money by
getting onr prices before purchasing
elsewhere. -:- -: :- : : -:-
Odd Fellows' building, Main St.,
E. G. 8 LOCUM.
Have just received a seleot-
Consisting of
Wall -:- Paper -
One Carload
Latest Designs, Patterns, and Prices.
Also a fine line of w
Hammocks, Buby Carriages,
Rugi, Mattingi, Clooki, Glass, Refrigerators, Window Shades and Portiere Curtains
Undertaking -f A. -f Special ly.
Out for
Cash ' Bargains
Cash Talks.
away at the
Agent for the well-known tailor
ing firm of
lot Fifth Avenue, Clm-afro, who
has a world-wide n-puiHtlou
for superior workmanr-hip.
We keep the celebrated ::
Ladies', dents' ami Children'!
Hoots and trhocs.
Stoves and Tinware,
: - and -:- Carpets.
mmu Store
S1I.V E R W A R E,
Etc., Etc.
Trust li usts
Anything New of Real Merit '
j You can Generally Find --w '
For .-: Sale by C C
I Who are
Noted for bein
" Tlie Leaders.
We don't rnn tbird-class junk shop where jom can bnv hn.M. .i .
th..r value, but keep first-clasgSttUpr wfth
no baits or trap. We keep
Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hardware, Tinware,
Wood and Willoware, Guns, Ammunition,
Aak onr old oustomers how we treat them. : : : :
Corner Maiu and Willow Streets, HEPPNER,' OREGON.
IeP Your Eye Open
you will find a grand display of quality and elegance, and the
fairest prices ever made for euch qualities. Visitors are
not asked to believe,' but are shown goods to convince thein
that we are leading the trade in
Mi km, Cling, Notion:.
Boots, Shoes. Hats, Caps, Furnishing Goods, etc.
ant value for your money, oome and see us. If you want to enjoy the full
purchasing power of jour Dollar, spend it with
If you w
Business-like -:- Manner
Wool Growers' Warehoused
Near the.
Change of
' hloh we propoee to oonduct in
on bunds nt nil times the choicest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
Graduate M. E. 0. V. S., London, England.
Veterinary -me- Sgeon "
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
1 ni
Pre,m'!iJnu0.f" kl',"1H 0f V!,"l"!'rs, 8,,r"7. EmMculatint Horaei and R,linir Bpecl-
lnary Surgery, n you hav. ay ,.. !!, wl17 b, , 0ur iuureit to
iirnDMVD t"" " l Mtewart'i itaWet.
PNKR, . - WB.w . . ORKUON
Ncw York Cash liackct Store.
Goods, Calicoe., OiiiKliame, Flnnnomii, Pmpery, Genu- Furnishing: alio Ladiei'
Underwear mid, nuniMoi.n other ooda in that line. Notioni and Tiowar. in
stuck; very clienp. When I .ay cheap, I mma it. You have but to call aud invea
tiijate to bH .atii.aed. I do none but a oaeh buainoas, and can therefore nnderiell
all O'impotitors.
J. "W. MYTLOCI, Prop.
, next door to the Opera House.
Main Street,
--Is Now Opento the Public.-
New Bniini and Newly Furnished TMoot
Board per week $50
" and LodtiiiiK per week 5,50
Only firut-elufis $1 a day bouse in town. Free back to and from all trains
C. O. SAHQKNT, Proprietor.
1 1 Ml
the most satiefaotorv m.n,,, toiii
Hinitle Meals 25 eenta
Lodging dents
Commissioner of the U. 8. Circuit Court. All land
mutters attended to promptly and aconrattly.
Offio in National Bank building,