M0T1CK TO ADVaUtritjUIU. I'HOSK dealring the insertion ot display ada., or change of same, must get their copy iu not later than Monday evening fur Tuesday's edition, or Thursday evening for Fridays edi tion. THJt V ATTKHDOS PUBUSHlMi CO. NOTICE. l. the turn of Ave cent per line will be charged for "carde of thauka," "resolution! of renpeci, lira 01 wedding preseuU and donors. and obituary notices, (other than thoae the edit or suau muiaeii give as a matter of news,) and IlOticeS Of SOecial meetiULU f.,r u-hutnrur nKnuuu, 2. 2otlce ol church and society and all other entertaiuuienta from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged lor at the rate of live tenia a une. inese rules win be strictly adher ed to in ever? instance. Advertising rates reasonable aud made known upon application. We hold each and pverv cnrn.Hnnti.1put ro. sponsible for his or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writer's real name is signed as an evidence of guuu mull. "I P. FISHER, NEWSPAPER -1J log Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange, utinuiiKia our auiuouzeu agent. paper is kept on tile iu his orhce. ADVERT! This TIME TABLE. Stage for Hantaan, Monument, Long Creek John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows ; Every day at H: ju a. in., exceut sundav. A rrives every day at 6:30 p. m except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and best line to or iroiu me interior country. J- S. DELEVAN, Prop, blocum-Johnston Drug Co., Agents. Give your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronise you. IT FOLLOW ED NATURALLY. He called her miss, And she called him mister ; They continued this Till one night he kissed her. Then their bashfulness They perceived was folly ; Now he calls her Bess And she calls him Cholly. New York Press- hSaid smarty Jack to lisping Bill, "Let's see you rhyme with month.' To which the lisping lad replied, "Yeth, I'll do that at wunth." Here and There. Heppner Furniture Co., (or carpet, t Why not celebrate at Heppner this year? We do any Bind of jab work at Pendleton prices. Call and examine Heppner Furniture Jo. a wall pupeig. t The Heppner Water & Liight (Jo. are extending their mains. J. M. Russell, tbe wool-buyer, got in Wednesday from below. K Heppner oelebrates it is high time we were preparing fgr it, Frank MeFarlaud and family arrived last night frum California. (i. W. Matbews is visiting bis sons, Hick and Ureeu Matthews. Joe Banister, tbe irrepressible Joe, was in Tuesday on business. J. H. Kolman is going to give nway an organ, bee ad. next issue. Tbe Gem aud Palace saloons for fine liquors, McAtee Bros., l'rops. Bw I. N. HugbeB, Jr., ot Wagner, vras a guest of tbe Palaoe Wednestiav. Osmers & Hugbes opened up Wednes day having satisbed all demands. A strictly first class guitar for Bale. .Brand new. Inquire at tbia office. 5-34. Tbe Heppner-Cauyon stage line is tbe bes t, cbeapest and quickest to tbe iu tenor. Cbildren's waists, age 5 to 12 years cheaper than you can make thein at Fell Uros.' The twioe-a-wbkk Gazette now only 92.&U in advance, payable in cash or coon skins. Gov. Kea, J. N. Brown and Vim. Hugbes will leave for Canyon City to attend court. Halt & Mathews, the barbers, City ho tel barber shop. They are artiste, iSutbs in connection. The Kteley Institute, at Forest Grove cures liquor, op'nm, morphine, cocaine and tobacco hi.. ,1. Bee ad. The Gazette would gladly fill a fen orders for choice trees of any sort satis faction guaranteed. Drop iu. tf. Every man who takes any interest in fast stock should subscribe for The Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. N. Nielson is now running a stage be tween Heppner aud Lone Kock. See ad. for days of leaving aud arrival, tf. Tbe highest praise has been won by Hood's Pills for tbeir easy, yet effioieut aotion Sold by all druggists. Price 25 cents. Master Clay Frencli is the authorized geut for the Uregonian at this place. Wubsoribe through him, and have your paper delivered tree of charge. tt Since Heppner has secured water for sll purposes, there is quite a change for the belter, both iu health of our people and tbe appearanoe of tbe town. We are often deceived in the age of people having beautiful and luxuriant Lair, not knowing that they use Hall's Hair lienewer to keep gray hairs away. Newer and neater quarters at tbe i Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones the baber, wants to see his old friends there. Baths in tonnec tion. Liying Issue: Three wagoos loaded 'With wool started for Heppner one day last week. This is tbe first wool to go on the market from Grant county tun year. It was clipped from one of J as. Ismail's bauds. Heppner's school will be run out the full nine months. Those pupils who atop Before the end of the term will fiud next year tbat tbey cannot enter tbeir old olassea. System in school work is as necessary as iu anything else. Vr. B. F. Vaugbau has gone east to complete bis dental education, leaving Drs. J. W. Kasmus and Eugene Vaugban in charge of his office. Those owing Dr. Vaughan will please muke settlement with Dr. Eugene Vaugban who has full authority. 17-tf. Tbe advice tbat most men will give you i not to drink, but when yon do get tbe beBt. Tbe Belvedere saloon carries an excellent slock ol cigars, liquors wines and beer. A fine bilnard parlor in connection. Call on Charlie and John who will always treat you court eously, tf. Since it is now a well established fact that Catarrh is a blood disease, medical men are quite generally prescribing Ayer's Sarsaparilla for tbat most loath some oomplaint, and tbe result in nearly every instance, proves tbe wisdom ot tbeir advice. "Tbe flowers tbat bloom in the spring" are not more vigorous are tbao those persons who pnrify tbeir blood with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. The fabled Elixnr Vitas could not impart greater vivacity to tbe countenance than this wonderful medicine. T. M.: Wm. Ash, tbe old man who forged checks on some banks In Eastern Oreguo, pleaded guilty to tbe crime at Prioeville at the reoent session of oourt beld in tbat city, aud Judge Bradsliaw sentenced him to three years in the penitentiary. He is old and decrepit, nd perhaps bis venerable appearanoe was tbe meaus of hini being successful iu tbe commission of the oriuie. O. E. Furnswortb and family have moved to their raucb for tbe Buuimer. A. M. Cree, of Miles City, Montana, was registered at the Palac Wednesday. T. V. Smith, Fred Hunt and G. K. Wagner, ot Wagner, arrived Wednes day. Mrs. R. H. Wbitson, of Pendleton, baa been quite ill but ac present is improv ing. Drop us your subscription. A few hundred delinquents meaus a great deal to us. Mr. A. A. Jayne, an attorney from Arlington, cuius up last evening on business . L. B. Shewmaker, of Mountain Home, Idaho, was registered at the Palaoe Wednesday. Recorder's oourt is very quiet now, few arrests and all quiet on this part ot Willow creek. Oliver J. Wright, formerly of tbe Heppner branch, reports from South Butte, Montana. Born To the wife of Judge F. J. linlluOk, of Heppner, Wednesday, May 17th, lsyb a sou. Oue of our latest cyclists is Ike Eunis, baviug purcbuse a "Courier" pneumutio through Gilliam & Bisbee. Bob Viusou aud Jus. Ross, residents of the ftorih fork, came over early this wees: to join in shearing. Ed. A. (Jhtiniberu, representing Mooney Valentine tt Uoidumuh, was in towu over yesterday, on business. Win. Peulaud reports marked suocesi with his numerous bands ot siieep. oueariug is now in progress with him, ihe Heppner water bonds are ex pected this evening to receive tl. aiguatures of tbe mayor and recorder, Johnny Keeney bus purchased a half interest in the City hotel, and now tbe linn will doubtless be lilisan & Keigney Fell Bros, have Dut on sale at Ladies Bnzuaruiotol ladies' and children's straw hat frames at 50 cents each. See them. 28-1 1, Mr. Watson has his drive of 6,000 bead ot Morrow county sheep on the toad to Nevada. He finished gathering yesteiuay. Mr. Lille and family arrived from Wagner Wednesday, leaving yesterday for Iowa. While in town they were guests of the City botel. O. F. Thompson aud familv. J. A. Mo Cumber uud wife, Duyid McCarty and tawny came over Wednesday to attend the ilucCuity-aioan nuptials. Hon. J. N. Brown returned from Saleui last eveuiug, aud will leave soon to be in attendance on circuit court at Canyon City next Monday moruiug. Asa Abbott stabbed Jobn Arthur at iVlouutuiu Home, on the 6th inst. iu trying to prevent this, Justice Joe 1. bprugue was badly cut. Both will recover. The singers and musicians for tbe League entertainment Hie requested to meet at tbe opera bouse tomorrow (Saturday) evening at 8 o'clock for re- herasal. A new stook of summer millinery just received at Lames' Bnzaar. Everything new aud latest styles. We invite you to inspect it. More to arrive soon. 28 -It. FellBuos, Miss Gussie Cohn, of Boise City, Idaho, as a representative of the Ga zette aud a delegate of tbe Oregon Press Association, joined tbe party at Nampa, Iduho, en route to Chicago, on tbe 12th inst. Jerry Brosnan pleaded guilty to simple assault on the person of Jobn Moilally, beiore J ustice iiullook, last Monday. He was fined $5 aud costs. Air. Brosnau did not strike Mr. Moilally, but simply gave him a "oussin1," The Gazette was the recipient today of a call Horn Win. Cecil, oue of the oldest settlers on Willow creek, Tbe 21tb of thiB month be will be 74 yeais ot age, yet be looks as young as many Uo at titty. Mr. Cecil reports tbat grain has been frozen out iu many places down Willow creek. The Dulles Cbroniole: A railroad is proposed, according to tbe Antelope Herald, starting at The Dalles aud crossing the John Day near tbe bridge, then up the river aud up Rook creek and across the country tu Pendleton. The Herald advises its Rook oieek friends to not be iu a burry about giving the right ot way to any oompany until that Company makes it manifest tbat tbey will build a road. Wbat the country wants is a portuge around tbe Celilo rapids tbat will give us practioslly an open river. Hood'sCures Saved From the Grave Scrofula in Face and Neck Blind at Times Hood's Sarsaparilla Remtored Health Gained 33 Pound i WHghU Mr. Wm. EHcfc West Duluth, Minn. Business Men Unitb. A brenoh of the Merobaots' Retail Commercial Agenoy has been formed iu Portland with a full organization. Tbe plan of the organization is to obtain a reliable list of delinquent debtors and refuse them credit. Great care will be taken to give tbe honest debtor every op portunity to adjust bis claim or state his reason for not doing so before listing bim as delinquent. Meetings are to be held at tbe cull,of the executive board. Quite a number of our Heppner business men belong to tbe Chicago agenoy, and should at once organize for their own protection. Tbe idea contemplates tbe fair treatment of all honest men, and is a protection rather than a detriment to them. " I have been a very great sufferer from a seri ous case of scrofula. First, a large bunch came in my neck growing as big as a good sized apple. It was as hard as bone, and after drawing it to a head the doctor lanced it, and for two years It Was a Running Sore Then we succeeded in healing It up, but the dis ease began to appear In my face, which would swell up and affect my eyes so that evary morn ing they were so inflamed and swollen that I was blind. The swelling would subside in the middle of the afternoon so that I could see a little. Well, I was iu this condition for about year. I went to every physician In my town, all of whom failed to help me and said noihing could be done to cure me. But I began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, and when I had used a bottle and a half, the swelling In my face had entirely gone down. I kept on taking the medi cine, and gained 33 pounds in weight. I Have Been Perfectly Cured am now in good health, and confidently say Hood's barsaparllla saved me from tbe grave. Today I am looking as stout and hearty as ever Hood's Cures In my life, and I cheerfully recommend Hood1 Sarsaparilla to anyone suffering from blood dis eases." William EniCK, West Dnluth, Minn. Hood's Pills do not purge, pain or gripe, but act promptly, easily and efficiently. 25c. II. i VI VOX' BACKACHE? ANT'S DR. GR YV' CURES Diabetes. Brlaht'8 Disease. Inflammation of the Blad der, Yellow Water, Brick bust Sediment in Urine, Burning Sensation, Pain in the Back, and all Dis eases of the Kidneys. PUKPAKKD BY O.W.R. Mannfactnring Co,. PORTLAND, OREGON. For sale by Sloonm-Johuston Drug Co. late in the evening when the pests are out, soaring them into tbeir boles. Then the rest of tbe program is simple. Just pull out tbe hole and brain them with a olub. This is on tbe game plan of working up a dry well into post holes, as a matter of economy. Wanted. A good rustler to take charge of a fine stock of tbe latest and best subscription books, and dispose of them in and around Heppner. Liberal commission to a good man. Must give bonds. Address, O.K. Publishing Co., Box 322, Butte, Montana. 27lf. FOB 6.A.I.Z: sz Gilliam & I3isbees HEPPNER, OH. This pieee ot advertising space belongs to Slocum-Johnston Drug C PHILL COHN, Proprietor. There is not a winged insect bovering around Phillip. World's Fair Travelers Win Have It. The public demand through service when traveling. It is old-fashioned to obange oars. On the through solid vestibuled traios of tbe Obiongo, Union racifio and Northwest Line, from or to Cbioagn, Omaba and intermediate points, there is no change. 11ns is the hnest and fastest road. 19-31. Oct of Sight. Tbe traveling publio are now fully alive to tbe fact that the Chicago, Union Facitio & Northwest Line offers thevery best accommodations to the public from and to Chicago, Omaba and intermediate points not only during tbe World's Fair, but all tbe year around. 19-31 On His Wat to California. F. D. Smitb, tbe lucky winner of tbe Examin er's capital gift, tbe fine orange farm and residence near Sacramento, arrived from Wagner Wednesday on bis way below to take possession. Mr. Smitb has tbe deed to bis property and aleo and insur ance policy calling for $1,700 in case of loss, nn tbe dwelling, wbioh cost in Cali fornia 82,500. Mr, Smith leaves Hepp ner for bis future borne tbe last of this week or the first of next. After the Shuikrels. Unole Billy Gilliam was in Wednesday to prooure a lot of sulphur to rise in smoking squirrels to death. In "tbe valley" this plan works well. Mr Gilliam hag a plan of bis own, which, however, has only been reduced to theory. His idea a to hammer a little on a fence along Rip's Wood Yard. The Heppner wood yard, under the management of Rip Tan Winkle, is prepared to deliver wood at your reBidenoe, sawed or un sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at 87.00 per oord. Wood sawed twioe in two, 75 cts. per oord; three times, 81.00. Yard near tbe depot. Leave orders at Sloan & Howard's. 4 tf. A Fine Horki. The imported run ning stallion, Sir Henry, has been brought over to Heppner, and will stand tbe ensuing season at this place. He is tbe property of "Cayuse" Reynolds, and is a fine home. 570tf First Class Tailoring f red Miller is now located on May street in the old bakerv building, where be is prepared to do first class work. A perfect tit guarauteed. Give him a trial. tf. A Healthful Drink. Kleckner and Sheldon now have on tap fine porter Bod are prdpared to furnish "half and half." tf COPPER lIVETED-r T3ottomT5AkTs ENErW tVAIF GUARANTEED. he Epworth League of the Methodist Episcopal Jliuren 01 j lepDiier vv m vjivt- n ENTERTAINMENT 1 Anything New of Real Merit You can Generally Find For :-: Sal :-: by 1 1 1 Who are Noted for being The Leaders. We dop I run a third-class junk shop where you can buy shoddy goods at twioe their talne, but we keep Brsi class goods at honest priori, witb no baits or traps. We keep Furnish Goods Hardware Tinware GROCERIES Wood and Willoware, Guns, Ammunition, - STATIONERY, CONFECJTIONERY, ETC. - Ask our old customers bow we treat tbem. : : ; : : . Corner Mam aud Willow Streets, HEPPNEK, OREGON. Jeep Your Eye Open for- BARGAINS! AT- rHE -AT- OPERA. ON- HOUSE Friday Evening, May 26, 1893. THIS ENTERTAINMENT will be of a literary character, and an enjoyable time is promised those who attend. The proceeds will be used by the "De partment of Mercy and Help" of this organization for charitable purposes iu Heppner. To those who have bad tbe opportunity of attending the .. th T.Dm,o nn wnnU nf nraiBe are necessary to con- preVlOUB euWIIHIuiUDUil u mw Li. , .. i vinoe them tbat this one will be a suooess ; to tnose wno nave uu., -u. Come to this one and be convinced. Tbe entertainment will conclude with a ADMISSION (Iuoluding Supper): Children, 25 cts.; General Admission, 50 cts.; ItererveU beats, to cia. H. A. Thompson A. G. Blnni THOMPSON & BINNS, PROPRIETORS The Heppner Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Below Collin 4 McFarland's, Main Street Good Conveyance for Traveling Men. Teams to bay per day, 75 ots. Hay and grain per day. 81-25. Meals 25 cts. at 0. C. Sargeant'B, neit door to Feed Stable. Oram and baled hay always on hand. FREE CAMP HOUSE FOR TEAMSTERS. ONLY EXCLUSIVE BOOT AND SHOE STORE FOOTWEAR in heppner. M. LICDTENTHAL & CO. ' IS NO SHODDY GOODS. FOOTWEAR. HEPPNER, Went Side ot Main Htrtet, OREGON. m i 1. Only First-Clasa botel iu Heppner. 2. Building Wired for Eleotric Lights throughout. 3. lient accommodations for tbe traveling public. 4. Courteous treatment assured the ooun- try people. MRS. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress. TTEPPNER and LONE ROCK n ST A. Gill EiTJSTK. V. NIKlvSON, Prop. Leaves Heppner on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Leaves Lone Hock on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Makes connection witb lbs weekly line to Fossil. Heasonable oharges for both Passengers :- and -:- Freight. MINOR & CO.'S Where you will find a grand display of quality and elegance, and the fairest prices ever made for such qualities. Visitors are not asked to believe, but are shown goods to convince them that we are leading the trade in Dry hi km, Cling, Notions, Boots, Shoes. Hats, Caps, Furnishino- Goods, etc. If you want value for your money, oome and see us. If you want to enjoy the full I uiini j Brouu U Willi 1VIIMOK, c CO STORAGE AND FORWARDING. ATTENDED TO IN A Business-like -:- Manner AND AT REASONABLE RATES. Wool G rowers' Warehouse Neat' the Depot: BEPEBKB, : : OREGON Change of Ownership WK HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OF THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, which we propose to oonduot in the most miliar - - vv" iwouwct. vl III KfttD on hands at all times tbe choicest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. shaw & Mccarty, 85tt . Prom-ietors. Dli. JOSI5PI-I J. BILL, Graduate M. E. C. V. H ., London, England. Veterinary Surgeon-! Chronic Diseases a Specialty. I am preparer to da all klmli of Veterinary Burirory, Kmalatlng Huniea and Reirlinim a Jt,.,.i ally. (Tula la the only true method of oieratfnK 0.1 HpeylnJ of " aUlei"?ufiS d' ou ihort notice. I will treat all anlma'la In the n.o.t approved proJedurS of Veter- luary Surgery. If jrou have any nick anlmala It will be to your lutereat to HEPPNER, . . : OREGON SBHIKG f IS i HERE. -SO IS Till New York Cash Itacket Store. trru'p npnuDfn wn rvr i ooriTLi uwi . . . . ,, . "l'Y .V : Pr"i"d Hummer DreM Goodi, Ciilicoee, Oiuuliams, FI'MimcItikh, Ilrnpery, Omits' FnrnieliiiiK; rIo Ledin.' Underwear end, nuroeroiu other goodd in flint line. Notions end Tinware in took; very cheap. When I nay olieap. I miti it. You have but to call and inre. tiijate to be latufled. I do none but a oaMi liuainaHB, and can therefore underanll all competitors. " 543-tf i 8LOCCM-JOH.N8TON DRUG CO.. Agents. Heppner. Or. The Hotel Grande. ( FORMERLY THK 8ANFOKD HOt:iiK.) J. W. REDFORD, Proprietor. EVERYTHING NEW. This home hna bepn refitted and In the flrat-olaiil hotel of Arlington. It la centrally located, and la therefore the moat convenient place for commercial travelera. rJUKea leave thla houae every morning for Condon and Foul), Oregon; alio for Cleveland Blckleton and Uoldeudale, Waahlngton. 3VCZ1 at nil trains. AMLINOTONt ORBOON. Main Street, J. AY. MATLOCK, Prop. , next door to tbe Opera Huiii-h, T1- CENTRAL HOTEL Is Now Opento tfeePublic . New Building and Newly Furnished Thiwtat Board per week $4 R0 " and Lodging per week, 6,50 Single Meals M oentg i 25 cents Only first-clans $1 a day house iu town. Free Lack to and from all trains HEI'I'NER, C. O. SAHQENT. Proprietor. OKKQON I. H. ELLIS HEPPNER, ATTOIlNBTATliAVr' And Conimiaeioner of the V. 8. Circuit Pm. an i. , ' oil 1UUU f mattera attended to promptly and aoenrataly. Office in National Bank building. RKGON.