rphe Epworth League of the Methodic Episcopal 1 Church of Ileponer Will Oive an ENTERTAINMENT rHE OPERA HOUSE 1233 Friday Evening, May 26, THIS ENTERTAINMENT will be of a literary character, and n enjoyable time i. promiied tboee who attend. The proceeds will be u,ed by the De partment of Merc, and Help" of this organization for chants,!, parpoeea 1B Heppner To those who have had the opportunity of attending the pr.T.ou. entertainment of the League, no word, of praise are tiecW to con I noe them that this one will be a .aooea, ; to those who Lave no , we would say. Come to tbi. one and be convinced. The entertainment will conclude with a Children, 25 ctu.; ADMISSION (Including Supper): General Admission, 50 cts.; Rererved beats, to cts. OF )Tlie young Imiw to cliouse tno nesi one 10 many ! n-rTToT?'Pi. t..o.r. ui imw tn nn riannv in iiiiurtitire : '- ( ONE (AGENT ( SOLD YOU )The fond parent liow to nave prize oauies; WANT )The mother how t have them without pain ; mrv (tii v,;i,iioca Imw tn ha fruitful and multrolv: 1 J lllio vmmivDa ...... - - . . An f-xTvnr Ti,a.,mnno lnw ihpv " in-owed" and came to be :( tkZ WH AT vrha health v how to enjoy life and keep well ; (AND HE EVERY )The invalid how to get well again speedily; BODY )The imprudent how to regain wasted energy. OUGHT )A11 who want knowledge that is of most worth TO )Find it in Dr. 'note's " nam nome um, ( SAVED ( $1,100 (IN ONE ( YEAR. (500,000 KNOW. 11,000 pages, 200 cuts, 24 col. plates ; sou recipes; uu.uuu READ )Reduced from $3.25 to $l..r)0; (ureulars free. (UES PUT )Murray Hill Book Co., 12!) K. 2l.h St., New Y ork.( SOLD. WILD HORSES. Why Tney Are Touultrr Than th Do. mefttic Lqulne. "Ecst and fat are the greatest ene mies of the horse," is a saying of the Arabs, and, if every horse owner would embody its truth in his practice, there would be little need to write anything further on the subject, says the Ridel and Driver. Its observances would be potent to improve the horse in health, strength, vitality, endurance and lon gevity, and, by "holding up the glass to nature," correct the irrational treat ment and abnormal condition, under which he is often reared. Not that the conditions surrounding the horse in a state of nature should be wholly imitated, for they do not all tend to his improvement in the quantities adapted to man s use. But it is worthy to note that the wild horse is tough, sound and healthy; and, making due al lowance for the influence of natural se lection of the survival of the fittest, when it is observed that he is seldom in a state of rest, that he lives unconfined in the open air, upon natural food, it j may reasonably connect these as cause and effect, and safely consider exercise, pure air and simple diet the funda mental conditions upon which to build up, by skill in breeding and training, the highest and most perfect equine tyne., Specimen Cases. 8. H. Clifford. New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, Lin Btomach was disordered, his liver was affected to n alarming degree, appetite fell awav and be was terribly reduced in flpsh and strength. Tnree bottles of Eleotrio Bitters cured him. Hidward Shepherd, Harrisburg, III., had a run- nine snre on Ills lei? ot eitfht years stano insr. Used three bottles of tileotric Bit ters and seven boxes of Bnoklen's Arnica Salve. Bnd his leg is sound and well John Speaker, Catawba, O., had five large fever Bores on Ms leg, dootors said h was incurable. One bottle ot Elec tric Bitters and one box Bucklen's Arni oa Halve eured him entirely. Sold by Slocum-Jobnson Drug Co. Hair That Your may retain its youthful color, fullness, and beauty, dress it daily with Ayer's Hair Vigor It cleanses the scalp, cures humors, and stimulates a new growth of hair. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Mass. IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT DB. FOOTE'S HAND-ROOK OF HEALTH HINTS AND READY RECIPES, 1 the title of a very valuable book that gives a great amount of Information of the Utmost Importance to Everybody, concerning their dally habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, etc., IT TELLS ABOUT What to Eat, How to Eat It, Tltlnrs to Do, Things to Avoid, Perils of Summer, How to Breathe, Danges of Klaiing, Influence of Plants, Parasites of the Rldn, Care of Teeth, Occupation for Invalids, HathlngBnst Wiiy, After-Dinner Naps, Alcohol as a Food and a t.tliiKH and Lung Diseases, Effects of Tobacco, Medicine, How to Avoid Them, Cure for Intemperance, Superfluous Hair, Clothing, What to Wear, Headache, CauHe & Cure, llemovlng Same, How Much to Wear, To Get Kid of I.lce, Kestonng tlie nrowneu, . mmiuki"uh I'ln'-uonn. jriaiuriui mirccuuiia, rw.fWllnir UnmiBS. Preventing Nour-Slghted- How to Avoid Them, Croup-to Prevent. Ventilation, ness, kxercise, IT TELLS HOW TO CUKE Black Eyes, Boils, Bums, Chlllblalns, Cold Feet, Corns, Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid Feet, Freckles, Headacne, IllOOOUgn, Illvt., mwcwiicm, iloijink, iiinfumiu DrouBLB, ivy roinouiug. Holes, Pimples, Plies, Kheumatlsm, Illngworm, Hnoring, Mtanmiurlng, Sore Eyes, Sore Monte, Bore Nipples Sore Throat, Sunstroke, KtlngB and Insect Bites, Hweatlng Feet, Toothache, Ulcers, Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms In Children. IT WILL SAVE UOCTOHS' BILLS. HrAll new snhscribers and prompt renewals during the month of April will be prepensed with a free oopyot this as a premium. The Kecley kU -OF- For the Cure 01 Liquor, Opium awl Tobacco Habits it Is located at ForcBt drove, Or., The Moil Beautif ul Town on the Coatt n.n . tl, n'w.TTR office for particulars Strictly coulldentlal. Treatment private and sure cure. GREAT SPEAR HEAD CONTEST. IrllMH ...... r.r-r tft IflHN WEDDERBURN. - 5"?'' f.u, uox 40. WASHINGTON, D. C. , ..nAnurn twin SOLDIERS. WIPUWOi CHILDREN. KAKenio. ID ON SALE TO OMAHA, Kansas City, St. Paul, Chloago, AND Abb POINTS EAST, PITH BP Notice of Intention. TAND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, j Anrtl is. 1093. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of her iuteution to make final proof in supviort of her claim, and that said proof will be made before the county Cleric ot Morrow county, at Ueypuer. uresoti, on June it, i'.-t, vu. : ALM1KA BARKER, Hd. No. M33 for, the WV4 NW) and N!4 SWli S Tn. 1 N. R at E. w. M. one names ineioiiowingw iiueBBe iu prue tiei eontlnuous residence upon ana cultivation 01, said land, viz. : Oeorge W. Vincent and Jas. Ayers, of Gallow ay. Oregon, J. M. McCuuiber and M. M. McCumber, nf t-' ho. (tretron. K. B. Lyons, uctauce tsracnu, cute caiupoeii and Cnriiuan mnsuauseu, uolu uuuee. A. CLEiVFB, LW-130 Kegistor. Leaves Heppner, 8 a.m. 60 p. m. Arrives Pullman tit3e". Colonist Sleeper, Reclining ChaiF Cars and Diners. Steamers Sulvori of". Indian war, of to 1H42, "d tht-lr widows, now entltlptl. Oloacj relet-tnd cla ms a sperlalty. Ttiouianrts entiticu w fa end for new laws. Ml .iirHMT:il Mo cUrge for atlvics. No fee S. P. FLORENCE, OII1SW SAVE THE TAGS. One Wied and Seventy-Ttiree Ttiousanfl Two Hunflred ana Flliy Dollars, $173,250.00 In Valuable Presents to be Given Away In Return for SPEAR HEAD TAGS. I 1 55 STEM WINDINO ELGIN COLD WATCIIKS $34,6r.O 00 5,775 l'INK IMPORTED 1-RKNCH OPERA GLASSES. MOROCCtJ HOUY, HI.ACK ENAMEL TRIMMINGS, GUARANTEED ACIIKOMAT1C 28,875 00 23 100 IMPORTED GERMAN, HI'CKIIORN HANDLE, l'Ol'R HLADEI) POCKET KNIVES 23,100 00 115 500 ROLLED GOLD WATCH CHARM ROTARY TEL- ' ESCOl'H TOOTH PICKS 57,750 00 115.500 LARGE PICTURES (14x28 inches) IN ELEVEN COLORS, for framing, no advertising ou them 28,875 00 261,030 Prizes, amounting to $173,250 00 The shove articles will he distributed, by counties, amongrtnrties who chew SPEAR HEAD Plug Tobacco, aud return to us the TIN TAOS taken therefrom. We will distribute 226 of these prir.es in this county as follows: To THE PARTY sending us the greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS from this county we will give I GOLD WATCH. To the FIVE PARTIES sending us the next great est number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to rat h, 1 OPERA GLASS 5 OPERA GLASSES. To the TWENTY PARTIES sending us the next ereatest number of Sl'EAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each 1 POCKET KNU'E 20 POCKET KNIVES. To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending us the next greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS we will Rive to each 1 ROLLED GOLD WATCH CHARM TOOTH PICK 100 TOOTH PICKS. To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending us the next greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS we will give to each 1 LARGE PICTURE IN ELEVEN COLORS 100 PICTURES. Total number of Prizes for this county 226 ' CAUTION. No Tags will be received before January 1st, 1894, nor lifter February 1st, 18114. Each package containing tags must be marked plainly with Name of Sender, Town, County, State, and Number of Tags in each package. All charges on packages must be prepaid. KE AD. Sl'EAR HEAD possesses more qualities of intrinsic value than any other plug tobacco produced. It is the sweetest, the toughest, the richest SPEAR HEAD is absolutely, positively and distinctively dim-rent in flavor from any Other plug tobacco. A trial wiU convince the most skep tical of this fact It is the largest seller of nnv similar shape anil style on earth, which proves it has caught the popular taste and pleases the people. Try it and participate iu the contest for times. See that a T1V TAG is on every 10 cent piece of SPEAR HEAD you buy. Scud iu the tags, no matter Low small the quantity. Very sincerely, THE P. J. SORG COMPANY, Midiubtown, a The Most Desirable End. Most people havo many things in uhich thev desire to succeed, innocent n themselves except when they inter ere with a hiffher aim and worthier purpose. It is this conflict of. aims, this fiulal.itm of duties, that makus life if ten seem so complex and so difficult,. The questions come continually before every thoughtful mind: "Is this aim which I set before me the highest I can reach? Is it not merely adosiraolo end, but the most desirable? Is it likely to load to still better and worthier purposes, or is it nueiy to muo uibuj from view?" As wo answer mtao qui tions to oursolvos intelligently and con scientiously, the rightful limits of each will bocome cloar, and our aesire w succeed in each will harmonize with those limits. Thus the desire lor pleas ure will be limited by the desire for health, the care of self by the care for othors, the love of monoy by the love ot honor, the effort to ploase Dy tne eiion to do rik-ht N. i. Ledger. Foot-Prints on tlie Path to Health. Everyone needing a doctor's advice should read one of Dr. Foote's dime pamphlets on "Old Eyes," "Group, "itnninrs." "Phimosis." "Varicocele," Disease of men, Disease of Women, and learn the best menus ot sen-cure, ai. Hill Pub. Co., 129 East 28th tit.. New York. Distant Travels of the Htork. An interesting proof of the distant travels of a stork was discovered this spring in the neighborhood of lterlin For a number of years a pair oi storKt built their nest annually in the park oi the castle Ruheloben. A few years ago one of the servants placed a ring with the name of the place and date on the leg of the male bird, in order to be cer tain that the same bird returned each year. This spring the stork came back to its customary place, tlie Dearer oi two rings. The second oue bore the in scription: "Intliascntls greetings to uer-many." Kspelislve Watldlittf. According to the dispatch from Wi nona, JVlinn., twelve tnousanu uonarsiu bills has been found in a piano stool among the effects of Lena Weinberg, the housekeeper of the old Huff house, who diet I two years ago. l-.ighteen months ago twelve thousand dollars was found in some false-bottomed trunks. The stool was ingeniously fixed to hold money without suspicion. The find was made by the administra tor, IP 25,00u In Preiulnnis. Offered by Lignett & Myers Tobaooo (Jo., of tit. Louis, Mo. The one guessing nearest the number of people attending the World's p air gets $5,0(0 00, the sec ond 1.0tHJ.00. etc. leu Star lobaooo tails sulitle you to a guess. Ask your dealer tor particulars or send for circular. 116 42 Portland to San every tour days. Franoisco Notice of Intention. -r i-n riFFIf-E AT THE DALLES. OKEUUN, Lj Aliril 17, 103. Notice ! hereby given that ,v.Q flW iiiir-numpri spttlfr has tiled- notice of his intention to make linal proof in srJport of his claim, and tnal sain protn win ue mane ue fore W. K. Ellis. U. 8. Coinmissioner at Heppner, Oreeon. ou ridav. June y, vi.; Homestead Application No. 2S16, for the SE!i of Sec. 21. I p. 1 N, K -J6 E. W. M. He names the following winienpt-B i 'v"c continuous residence upon .uu wwau- .i i.4 li,wl vi-t MJ" ."""I . . Wit. Dnm. Thad. Armstrong, j. t.. ahuhii'mik, i.,t,v ell and W. B. Jftnley, all oi Alpine, uirk-. 12U-M0 JOHN n. ijiiwiB, ncRi.i". Tickets TO FEOil Europe. It im nrnrtri tti nrlpft to fiVMV DefBOn whoeven read a uewspaper. Darlington Journal. STOCKRAISER ! HEPPNEB. OREGON. Cattle branded and earmarked-as shown above. Horses F on right shoulder. My cattle range in Morrow and Umatilla coun ties. I will pay tlOO.OO for the arrest and con viction of any person stealing my stock. QUICK TI3VIT3 t And all points in California, via the Mt. Bhasta route of the Southern Pacific Co. The great highway throngh California to all points East and South. Urund Weenie lioute of the Pacific Coast. Pullman Bnffet Weepers. Second-class Bloopers AttachHlto express trains, affording superior accommodations for seoond-elass passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping car reservations, eto call apon or address E. KOEHLEB, Manager, E. P. ROGERS, Gen. F. & P. Agt, Portland, Oregon. ! - For rates and general Information call on ' Depot Ticket Agent, J. C. HART Heppner, Oregon. W. H. HCRLBURT, Asst Genl. Pass. Agt. 254 Washington St., Portland. Orison. Notice of Contest. -rr u i -n rwirirK a i' LA GRANDE. OR I . irii ! iki:i r,,mnlnlnt havinir been entered at this office h Thos. E. Parker against Joncnh N. Sniste for abandoiiiiig Ills homestead cntrv 3964, Dated Oct. SS, 18H7, for the EV4 N w NWC; NW' Sec. 19 and BEH8W! bee. 1, 1 P-' 8, R:i2E. W. M., in tmatllltt county, Oregon u,t,h a npw to the cancellation of said entry the Baid parties arc hereby siimmouetl to appear at the office of W ill C. s-timsun, in Pilot Kock, Orcuou, ou the 17th day of June, 1S!, at 10 n'..lnb a m tn rt-SllOtld lllld IlirillHn ll'Sllllll'UJ concerning said alleged abandonment, to be ised at the nnal nearmg in mis omce uu 7th day of July, WJ3, at lOo'clock a. m. t, I. r,il,., nnlprnl that this notice be served by publication lor four consecutive w eeks in the Heppner Gazette, published at Heppner, Ore gon, and by posting ou the land as In Lnlted (states iMim cases. a. v. nvvw..". -. Hsrdlsri, Albert, Nye. Oreaon Horses. A H ted. us left shoulder; lauieon u.r.. THE JOURNAL REFERS TO Blue Pencil Rules, BY A. Q-. NEVINS- A Pocket Primer for the use of Reporters. Cor- rnarinnHonta .nil t'mw Chnttners. Short, simple and practical rules tor ma&liig ano etiiti ig newspaper copy, and of equal value to an w no wilin to write i-nrrcci r.nifiiHii. bent on receipt of price. Price 10 cents per copy. ALLEN rOKMAN, ruuiisner. 117 nassau street, new i orit ii-o- WANTED 1 nnal nrl SALESMEN. Local and Traveling. To represent our well-known house. You need no eupital to represent a firm that warrants tonk tfrnt-claBt ahd true to name. WORK ALL THM YKAlt. fiwpermomu tu the right man. Apply quick, stming age. iJ. u. Ill IV I VU JJ-, rJiiT-BrvTnin. Florists and Seedsmen 117.07 St. Paul, Minn. (This house is responsible.) FOR SALE, H ARNK8S-8HOP, stock and fixtures. Good business; estaoiisnea m iue nuum, wi a onnH farm! tip And Ht(trk-raisinsr cou 11 try. Also for sale a good house and two lots with or without the business property. For further in fnrmn.tlnn address Gazette. Heppner, Or. 48.1 tf Administrators Notice. Estate of JameB S. Breeding, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thai i TERB of Administration on the estate of Jas. S Breediiig,deet(Ksed, were granted to the under siened on the 4th day of May.lWW by the county court of Morrow county. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit dence within six months after the date of tuft nntipp or thev shall be forever barred. 1 his 4th. day of May 1883 A. J. Brbkuino. 124-30 STOCK BRANDS. While you keep your subscription paid up ycu can keep your brand in free of charge. AiUn T. .1 . lone. Or. Horses Qtt on left shoulder; cattle name on left hip, nnder bit on right ear, and upper ouon tne leu; range, mor row county. , a rinui.riinff- j. t;.. Aimne. ur. i wiin oar un der n on left shouluer of horses; cattle same on left hip. . , ... . . X 1 lim n ll. II.. Kiffnr mile. or. aitie Dmna O D on left hip and horsee same brand on right shoolder. Kange. iLignciuue. AdkmB, tl. J., neppner, ur.-norBou, tia wu a,'iti nn init, fiftiik: cattle, sameou left hip. Ayers, johnny, Lena, Or. Horses branded triangle on leh hip; cattle same on right hip; also crop off right ear and upper bit on same. Hartholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses branded 7 K on either shoulder. liange in Moi row county. . Hleakman, Geo., Hardman, Or. Horses, a flag onleft shoulder: cattle same on right shoulder. Bannister, J. W., Harrtman, Or. (battle brand ed B on left hip and thigh; split in each ear. Brenner, Peter, liocseberry Oregon Horses branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle earn on right Bide. , m liurKe, m DC ijong Vreeit, ui catuo, oonnHcti bip.crop off lert ear. Humphrey, J M. Hardman, Or.-Horses, H on lef" flank , Hayes, J. MM Heppner. Or.-Horses, wineglass on left shoulder cattie. name on right hip. Huston. Lather. Kudu Mile, Or. norse n u the left shoulder and heart on the left stifle at Up same on left hip. lUiure in Morrow county. Jvy, AJiiM, Lrf-nif tJret'fc, ur-HRUie riirht hio. croDOlf left ear and bit in right. Horse same binnd on left Bhouider Raiwe n Grant conntT JunJEin, o. m.. neppner. ur. noiw", o"w shoe J on left tihuuldor. Cattle, the same. ttsrnfp on tiirbt Mile. Johnson, Felix, Lena, Or. Horses, oircleT en left stifle; cattle, same on right hip, under half crop in right and split in left ear JonkiiiB. U W..Mt, Vernon.Ur. J on norweon left shoulder; on cattle, J on left hip and two smooth crops on both ears. Itange in Fox and bear valleys Kenny, Alike, Heppner, Or. Horses brands KNY on left hip cattle same and crop off left ear: nnder alniie nn the right Kirk, J. T., Heppner. Or.-Horaes 69 on left shoulder; cattle. Hit on left hip. Kirk. J 4J. Heppner. Ur. Horses. 17 on eitner flan k : cattle 17 right side. Kirk, Jesse, Heppner, Or,; horse 11 on left shoulder ; cattle same on fight side, underbit on right ear. Kumberland.W.O..Monnt Vernon. Or. I Lon cattle on right and left sides, swallow fork in it ft and under cioo in right ear. Horses same brand on left shoulder. Range in Grant county. Keeney. Ku. Heonner. Or. Horses J L and ace of clubs on left stifle. Hauge in CnratUla and Morrow counties Leahey, J W, Heppner Or. Horses branded jU Bnd A on left shoulder; catlle same on left hip; wattle over right eyi three Blits in right ear. Loften, Btepnen, Sox, Or. fc) L on left hip on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horses same brand on left shoulder. Kange Grant county. Lieoallen, John W., Lexa Or. Horses branded half-circle JL connected on left shoul der. Cattle, same on left hip. Kange, near Lex ington. Lord, George, Heppner, Or. Horses branded double H coi.necU Sometimes called & swing H, on left Bhouider. Markham, A. M Heppuer Or. Cattle large Mod left side, both ears cropped, and split in bo:h. Horses M ou left hip. liange, Clark's canyon. Minor, Oscar, Heppner, nr. Cattle, U Dob right hip; horse. M on lef t shoulder. Morgan, tt. N., Heppner, Or. Horses, M) on left ehonldtM cattle same on left hip. Olcumoer, Jas a, fceno, or. Horses, ja. with bar over on right shoulder. Mann. H. H.. Lena, in. Horses old mares ZZ on nrht hio: young stuck, small ta on left shoulder. Morgan, ihos.. Hennner. Or. Horses, airala T on left shoulder and left thigh; cattle, Z on right thigh. Mitchell, uscar. lone, or. Horses. 77 on right hip; cattle. 77 on right side. McClaren, JJ. (i., Brownsville, Or, Horses, Figure 5 on each shoulder; cattle, M2 on hip McKern.w.J. Mount VerUon.Or Xlou cattle on right hip, crop iu right ear, half crop in left same brand ou homes on left hip. Kange in Graut oounty. McCarty. David H.. Echo. Or. Horses branded DM connected, on the left shoulder; cattle same on hip and Bide. DlcGirr, rranK, Vox Valley, Or. Mule shoe with toe-cork on cattle on ribs aad under in each ear; horses same brand on left stifle. McHaley, O. V., Hamilton, Or. On Horses, S with half circle under on left shoulder; on Cattle, four bare connected on top on the right side MAY connected on left hip, ciop off left ear, nn- id on right. Ho letft shoulder. der half cro; letft Bfa county. off right. HorBes, same brand on ttange in Grant ana uorrow Lena. Or. Horses branded 7 right Bhouider; cattle a on the ten- side, Brosman, Jerry. A Yankee Governor's rrlde. Connected with a saw-mill in Top- sham, which William Kintr, the first Governor of Maine, owned, was a store, with tho business of which he was not well informod. lieing alone in the store one day a lady entering asked him the price ot needles. "One cent apiece, madam," replied the Governor. "But elsewhere I can purchase three or four for a cent," she replied, "wen, ' gov ernor King responded, "if that is so take thom all. 1 won't have an article in my shop that's not worth a cent." LEGAL ADVEIiTISEMENTS. Administratrix Notice. Estate of Cornelius Driscoll, Deceased. NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAI l.H ters of administration on the estate of Cor nelius Driscoll, deceased, were uranted to the ndcrslKiied on me lum uay oi ia, w, j the probate court of Morrow county. All persons havlnn claims against said estate are required to exhibit them to me for allow- ....... 2. th. nr.n ni V. IlftWHOIl &. l.VOUB. in Heppner, Or., within six months after the date of this nolice or they shall be forever barred. This 10th day ot May, was. 26-34 MARY DKltiCOLLi, Administratrix. One of tho worst stories of extreme parsimony on record comes from Union town. A younif man from that place in tho city yesterday said that some time tifo he wrote to a wealthy citizen of Green county who owned land in TJniontown, asking him for his price on a lot. In a few days he received a reply in a curious looking envelope, lie ex amined it carefully and found that the envelope was turned inside out Mak ing a closer inspection he discovered that it was the one he had sent the Green county man. Since then ho has had several of his envelopes returned in the same way. The Green county citi zen was too stingy to buy, envelopes, .......tl. l.icc tlm tiftiwn tlintl- UtUUtil. V. . ... . "... .,.1. f it The Umoutown man re- " The promptness and certainty of its cures have made Chamberlain's Cough Remedy famous. It is intended espec ially for coughs, colds, croup and wboop ing coughs, and is the most effeottml remedy known for these diseases. Mr 0. B. Main, of Union City, Pa., ssys: "I have a great sale on Chamberlains Cough Itemedy. I warrant every bottle and have never heard of one failing, to give entire satisfaction." 50 oent bottles foi sale by Hlooum- Johnston Drug Oo. A. Perfumed Lake, A rOBe-colored lake is one of the nov el attractions in the Caspian sea. One lake is covered with salt crystals strong enough to allow man and beast to crosi the hike on foot. Another is as rounci as any circle and of n lovely rose-color. Its banks of suit crystals form a setting white as the driven snow, to the water, which not only shows all the colorf from violet to rosy-red, but from which rises a perfume as of violets. Hoth the perfume and the coloring are the result of the presence of sea weeds, the violet Polycystis violacea and the pink Clatx rocystia rosea persicuia. Flower Seeds Sent Free to Everybody. The atleution of our readers it called to th., nttrunhva advertisement oi a. a. Moore & Co., publishers of The Ladies World, New York, id this issue oi oil paper. They offer to send their obarm lug Ladies' Magnzine on trial 3 month fur onlv li items, and to each subscribe is sunt fret, as a premium, 200 varieties ,if eh,u. Hower seeds, also a packet ot the oelebratsd Eokford Bweet reas, tne in A list of the people obtaining these priies in this county will be published in this puper immediately after February 1st, BON'T SEND ANY TA681EF0RE JANUARY 1st, 1894. ninat tinniilar flower now grown nonoern la thoroughly reliable, their offer thou- ' '"' literal, and our readers should take santl dollars. marked that it was not much wonder that some people got rich, lie added that it was a pity there was a law time. While Mr. T. J. Kiohev.of Altonn, Mo., wits Iriivi'lmg in Kansas he was taken violeutly ill with cholera morbus. Hh nailed at a tlrua store to get some medi t'Mie ntnl lite druggist recommended C'lmtulierlaiii's Colic. Cholera and Dmrr lm-: Krwily so biu'ily lie cono uded o try it. The result was immediate reliw, aiid n few doses cured hint completely. It is made for bowel complaint and notbr nig else. It never fails. Fursale by Sloouui-Johnstou Drug Co. Notice of Intention. r ivn nvlTTtrE at l,A tlKAMia. unr-miw, I . m.. o iHti:l. Notice Is htrebv Kiven ,ht ti, (nllnwintr-named settler has Died notice of his intention to make tiual proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clem ot Morrow ui-umou, at Heppner, Oregon, on June 17, 1HU8, vu.s Hd. No. 684ti, for the SEX, See 3, Tp. 2 S., R. 27 EWM. II .. nmam ttta fnllnwtnff wltnPRSCB to OTOVe HIS continuous residence upon and t.ultlvatlou of, said land, viz.: Elmer uentrv, josepn neison, c. oiia.au., Troy Phlpps.sH of Heppner, Or Notice of Contest Up. LAND OFFICE AT LA WKAHDt, UK., . Anrii a. I8it;i. ConinUint having been entered at this office by Charles OgUvy against Adohmus A. bplcer, lor aoanuoiinig inn numc- antra Nn 44tt7. rtttted a) liT 22. 1(M(9. UpOll the SU SEH HV)4 8ec. ifit, and H S tiW it faec. 2-i Tp. 2, 3 K 32 K. W, M., in I'matllla county, Or with a view to the cancellation of said entry; the said parties are nereoy BumiiHineu tu upicu at th ttV. Will C. Stimson at I'ilot Kock, n.i,.n nn thfl iMh dav of June. lwW. ai 10 o'clock a. ra to respond and furnish testimony concerning saia aueKeu uuuuiirui, w useo at tne iinai neariiig in una vun w.i -. 15, Hy3, at ten o'clock a. m. i. f.,PtriTnriipr(d timt this notice be served Kv nuhih-Attnn for four consecutive weeks, and by posuiiK upou w iww h in vi .i iAiid casts; said notice being puWIshed iu the Heppner Gazette, at Heppner, uregon. 122-32 a. C. McClklland, Keceiver, Left ear half crop a id right ear tipper slope. Hortj.n Win riiiiinnr. Or. -Horses. J B riKht thitfh, cattle, same on right hip; split in ao.-h nur Hrown. lea, Lexington, Or. HorseB IB on the right stifle; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor- Brown. J .P., Heppner. Or. Horses and cattle hrnnricrl H with ix-voka above on left shoulder Brown, J. C., Heppner, Or. Horeea, circle r vritti Hot in na tnr nn iMt hiu: cattle, same. n lir T T i-lwn-nn UrsUs W Kar over it, on the left Bhouider. Cattle same on left hip. Boyer, W. G.. Heppner, Or. Horses, box brand or hgb hip cattle, same, with split in Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left Urr.inLi W..T kv Or-f'ftl . J R ooTinected on left Bide; crop on left ear and two splits and middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses aame i 1 ,fl. i . 1.. U M.-,- oallmi rnmiiAf Warren. W aimer. Or. Horses brand- n .m riirht atiHp! cHttl three hnrs) on right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Kange in 14 runt unii Morrow cmititiBS. C'ain,K., ( 'aleb.Or. D on horses on left stifle Tl with nnHrtttr circle over it. on left shoulder anA nn inft tttifift nn ftllnnltj nndftr n years: on left shoulder only on all horses over o years, ajj mtiirH in Grmit oonntv. Clark, Wm. H., Lei a, Or. Horses WHC con nected, on left shoulder: cattle same on right I hip. Kange Morrow ana umatuia counties . (,HW, KUHS. l T1UBOU Or iWUH, TCO H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Range Morrow and Umatilla counties. Cecil, Wm., Douglas. Or.; horse JC on lef shoulder; ca'tle same on left hip, waddles on each jaw and two bits in the right ear. i;uri. X. jonn uay. ur. uouoie cnB ou each hip on cattle, swallow fork and nnder bit in ngUt ear, spue in leit ear, nange in urani couniy. On sheep, inverted A aud Bpear point on shoulder. Ear markou ewes, crop on left ear, puuehed upper bit m right, wetners, crop m right and under half crop in left ear. All range in Grant countv. t ook. A. J..ljena.Ur. Horses, won ngntsnoui- der. Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square The Oldest Fleee of Muste. The most ancient piece of music wluch BKainstus.uitfposUitte stamps the second , of the priests," and due to the na tion which has produced the greatest number ot musical composers ot the first class that the world has known. This song or chant was sunp in the Temple at Jerusalem, and is still to be heard in the Jewish synagofrues in Spain and Portugal. The "Te Ileum Lauda- j mus" of St. Gregory the Great dates back to the sixth century. notice of Intention. -r ANflCiFKIOE AT THE DALLES. OREGON, I i May 4, :&93. Notice is hereby Kiven that the followitiR-tiatned settler has filed notice of his intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim, and tnai saia proot w-n oe maue oe foreJ. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Or., oa June a. lotM, vu: AKTUUR STEPHENS, lf Hanltnan Or.. Declaratory Stal 717, for the SEV SW),, (-lj NEH, and NW! v-l.. nl S.v -ill- Tn. 4 S. R. -Jfi EWM He names the follow lug witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ot, sahi land, vu,: Frank Moreland, of Hardman, Or.: 1-red Ash baiiKh, of Heppner, or.; Ed. Moreland and John A. Adams, of Hardman. Or. l'ift;tf John W. Lewis, Register. laft and Hnlit in richt. CurrinsTUle, Or. -Horses, n on notice. TT 8. LAND OFFICE, A r.tone l-.tt-pnisnt. ' An Indiana stone quarry company u LEGAL BLANKS. The Lancashire Insurance Co. Women Who Die Karljr. Many of our most besntiful and ao eoniplished ladies die before they have resohed the prime of lite. Of those who m;.l.lla see onlv od in two hnnd- having a life-sized figure of an elephant rt,j jg iound; the other one hundred and ..!.:...,) ...1 ..... .-.f n tnlhl hh-M-k Of Stone. dm nfT'rirAt-a. 7'hv ia It? Plpnt nf ihpiTI at ihfS It .will Ih eleven feet high and weigh ge(.Deelw-t. The shattered health can I lOMiy wi iiiviii cui. iii thirtvtons- it will be exhibited at the be restoied; the home made happy and world s fair. I your life leoeitienea it you commeno at ouoe. nose onus usvr ueen useu tur twenty years in the private practice of one ot the most eminent physicians of Paris, and will absolutely cure any form of female disease. Price, tl 00 at drug uit. or will forward by mail post- Dki. (Send for onr little book free.) THE DALIES. OR., Anrll 'i?. li.y:l. comoLaint hsviite been entered at this otlice bv Aaron Royse, ot Morrow Co. aitailist John R Allen for abandoning his Homestead Entry No. IIM, dated Doc. 19, IMH, uion the NW 1 Section -T, To nshin 1 N. Range J4 E, in Morrow Countv Oregon, with a view to the cancellation nf said entry, the said parties are hereby suinmont-d to appear at this oltlce ou the -'4 dav of June, W-t at 10 o'clock A, M ., to respond and lurnish testimony con cernlnir said aliened abondoimieiit. trank KellOKtf - r., IS aiunortmi to lase it-suinouj in this case, at 10 A. M. June 17, 1'JS at his office in Heppner Or, rjl JOHM V. LIHI!, ntniiwi. Gazette Office. OU MANCH 1 ss i-.-. v W. riTTIBSON. ACLNT p.. .p. -!i!?--vr.4 l)f IVurse Voo lteatl The testimouisli frequently published in this per relating to Hood's Ssrsa panlla. They are front reliable people, stale simple facts, nnd show beyond a I ...I . .I.... lli-tillYd l-PMl'"! lThv don't von try this owdieine? Be lure to i UTuretW Speoxfio Co., 1.5 Tremont get HoodV 1 Botton, llMf. Notice of Intention. LAND OFFICE AT A GRANDE, OREGON April 27, IMW. Notice is hereby Riven that the following-named settler has hied notice of his intention to makt final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow County, Or. at Heppner. or., on June 10. lv.3, vir: CsmaiiB W11.1.14.V DranN. n A Kn mtai. for Lot 1 and the ttu NEV. Sec. ! .V and 8 W N Sec , Tp. 5 8, R 2 E. W. aide. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his coutluuous residence upon aud cultivation of said land, viz: n Sam Tvler and Harve Tyler, of Heppner Or., Charles 'ions, of i.alloway Or., Kremont Spmwles, oi inson Or., j3-;t3 A Cliaver, Register. curnn. a left Btitin. Cox Ed. 8., Hartlman, Or. Cattle, C with : iu oBiiter; horses. CK on left xiD. Cochran, It, E., Monnment, (irant Co , Or. HurseB branded circle with bar beneath, on left Bhouider; cattle same brand on both hips, mars nrular hIodh hoth ears anddewlaD. ( hauin, H.. Hardman, Or. Horses branded n nn ritrht. Km. ( 'fittlft brnuded tlie same. Dickens, Ebb Horses brajded with three tini fork on left stifle. Cattle sane on leftside. Doonan. Wm., Heppner, Or. Hortwa branded OO with bar over them, on left shoulder; caU tie same on igit nip. DnnfflftSB. W. M . (Jalloway. Or. Cattle. R D on right aide, swu. low-fork in each ear; horses, K I) on left hip. DouKlas, O. T., Donglas, Or Horses TD on tha ntht atltlB! (!ttlt Willi B tin riUflt fllD, Duncan, W". P., John Day, Or. Quarter circle W un nht shoulder, botn on Dorses ana catue. kmiuH lirHIit, iimintv. it iv A U. A. SutiH. Dnnelas.Or. Horses brand ed fchX on left shoulder, cattle same on left Km ho a ir riaiht ear. Elliott. Wash., Heppner, Or. Diamond on piiriLt uVirmlilur. Enieiy, ('. B., nardman. Or. Horses branded L) (reverBed C with tail on left Bhouider ; cat- tie Mime on ntim uijj. iu muimw nUumjl Eleek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horsw, It ..mitMtrtri on riuht shouluer: cattle same on nght hip. Ear mark, hole in right and crop ott left. , k .irTiPtt ii. a., nennner. jt. lbuib. ijr on right hip; horses F with bar under on right Florence, 8. P. Heppner, Or Horses, F on ritrM uhor.hlHi: cattle. I1 on ritrht hio or thigh. rr-mn-h (imiriiA. Heuunpr. Or. Cattle branded WF. with bar over it. on left side; crop off left our HnrMft. same brand on left hiu. Guy. Henry. Heppner, Or. iiAlf on left Oilman-French, Land and Live Stock Co., Fos sil, Or. Horses, anchor on left shoulder; vent, same un left stifle. Cattle, same on both hips 1.1 r if a cmn off ritrht ear and nnderbit in left Hange in (iilliam, Urant, Crook aud Morrow counties. Oentry. Flmer, Echo, Or. Horses branded H. S. with a uuarter circle over 11, on leu stine. Ussnsra in M.irrnv Hiid U mat 1 Ha COOll 1 1 (Jilt water, J . C, i'raine City, Or. On horses, O -O on left shoulder and stine; cattle, on right side. Kange in (irant county. Hayes. Oeo., Liena, Or, Brand JH connected, with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder. Hiatt A. B Hidge, Or.-Cattle. round-top 4 with quarter circle under it on the right hip. Hange in Morrow and Umatilla counties. Hintun A Jenks, Hamilton. Or C attle, two bars on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left. Horses, Jon right thigh. Kange in (irant county. Hughes. Samuel, Wagner, Or (T F L connected) on right shoulder on hones; on cattle, on right hip and on left side, awallow fork in right ear and slit in left Kne in Haystack district, Morrow county. . . Hale. Milton. Wagner. Or.-Horwe branded rT . ..' i -iisl t.ilatWin lft Bhouider. (Vttle same on left hip ; also Urge circle on left One ShnaU Bile Bean ererr sight fort VekarouaaTorpta i-ivers. no, ft JLi p.i; jhn n.. Or Cattle E Hon nght hip; horses same on right shoulder, bang in Orant county. . , Howard, J U -ialloway. Or.-HoriK, (cross with bar above it) on rigm BmHuuer , uii on left side, Kange in Morrow and Lma- .TMat. Heppner, Or.-Hor.e-, shaded . . . , . .1.4.. Hsim M itrrnw I O. oreaa, I em let. 1 heart on the left shoulder. yRC , Hunaakar. B A, W agn tr. Or, H shealtikr; eaitle, I ea I kip. Kan in drant Countv. Neal.Audrew. Lone Itock,Or. Horses A N con nected on left shoulder; cuttle same on both hips. Nordyke, E., tiilverton. Or. Horses, circle 7 on left thigh: oal tie, same on left hip. Oliver, Joaeph, Canyon (!ity, Or. A S on cattle on left hip; on horBBH, same ou left thigh, Kange in Grant county, Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O on left ehoiLidei. Olp, Herman, Piairie City, Or. On cattle, O LP connected on left hip; horses on left stifle and wart le on nose, liange in (irant county, Peareon, Oluve, Eight Mile, Or. Horaea, quar ter circle shield on left shoulder and 24 on left hiD. ('at tie. fork in left ear. ritcht cronoed. "24 on left hip. HHnge on Eight Mile. ranter U it aeon, Haruman.Or, Horses li? on If ft shoulder. Piper, Ernest, Lexington. Or. Hordes brand e wli (L E connected) on left shoulder ; cuttle s me on right nip. nange, morrow county. Piuer, J. H Lexington. Or. Uut-Hes, JE con nected oiileft shoulder; cattle, same on left hip. under bit in each ear. Pettye, A. C, lone. Or,; horses diamond P on shoulder: cattle. J H J connected, on tha left hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in the right. Lowell, John T., Dayvule, ur Morses, J r con neciedon left shoulder. Cattle OK couuected nn left hip, two under half crops, oue on each ear, wattle under throat. Km go in Grant county. Kickaru, (i. D., Canyon City, Or. r U on left loulder. on horseB only. Kanue Can von creek and Hear valley, Grant county. liood, Andrew, Jiardinan, Or. Horses, Bqnare ortnr with quarter-circle over it on left stifle. Renin ger, Chris, Heppner, Or. Horses, CKos left shoulder. nice. lan, Hardman. Or.; horses, three panel worm fence on left sliouluer; cattle, DAri on right Bhouider. Kange near Hardman. Koyee. Aaron, lie uoner. Or Horues. Dlain V on left shoulder; cattle, same brand reversed on fight hip mid crop off right ear. Kange in Mor row county. Kusn Jiros., rieppner, ur. Horses branded X un the right shoulder; cattle, IX on the left hip, crop ott left ear and dewlap un neck. Kange in Morrow and adjoining countieB. KuBt, William, Pendleton, Or, Horses R ea left shoulder; cattle, K on left hip, crop ott right ear, underbit on left ear. bfieep. It on weathers, round crop off righ ear, Itange Cma tilla and Morrow c unities. Keaney, Andrew, Lexington, Or. Horses branded A It un right shoulder, vent quarter circle over brand; cattle same on right hip, Kange Morrow county. Koyee, Win. H, Dairyville, Or HR connected with quarter circle over top on cattle on right hip and crop off right ear and split in left. Horses same brau'd on left shoulder. Kange in Morrow, Grant and Gilliam counties. Rector. J. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, JO oa left shoulder. Cattle, Qon right hip. 1 Smcknall. J, W.. Gooseberry. Or. Horses branded 31 on left shoulder; lange in Morrow county. bailing, c t rieppner, ur HorseB branded on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Kwaggart, H. P., Lexington, Or. Horses with dash under it ou left stine; cattle H with dash under it on right hip, crop off right ear and waddled on right land leg. liange in Morrow, Gilliam and Umatilla counties. nwnggart. A. L.LEUa. Or. Horses brand t un left shoulder; cettle same on left hip. Crop un ear, wattle on left hind leg. Htraight W. E., Heppner, Or. Horses shaded J ti ou left btifle; cattle J 8 on left hip, swallow fork in right ear, nnderbit in left. bapp, lhoe., Heppner, Or. Horses, B A P en left hip; cattlt same on left hip. tShirtz, James, Long Creek, Or. Horses. 8 a left stitie and over 'I on left shoulder. biirier.John, Fox, Or. NO connected on horses on right hip; cattle, same on right hip, crop off right ear and nnder bit in left ear. Range in Grant county. ttinith UroB., Busanville, Ur, Horses, branded H. Z. oo shoulder; cattle, ameonleft Bhouider. tiauires. James. Arlaiiftuu. Or.: hnram hmnHnd JH on left shoulder; cat lie the same, also nose waddle. Itange in Jiorrow and Gilliam counties, Stephens, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses IS Hon right stitie; cattle horizontal L on the right side bteveusou, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle, on right hip; swallow-fork in left ear. riwaggart. G. W.. Heppner, Or. Hones, 44 on left Btiouldei ; cattle, 44 on left hip. bmith, E. E. Lioue Kock, Ur. Horses branded a crossed seven on left shoulder; cattle same on Lett side, liange, uilliam county. Sperry, E. G., Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on Left hip, crop off right and underbit in left year, dewlap; horses W Con left shoulder. 1 horn peon, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, I on left shoulut-r; cattle, 1 on left shoulder. Tiplseta,b.T.,Enierprise,Or. Horses, C-on left shoulder. Turner R. W.. Heppner, Or. Small eapital T Lett shoulder, horses; cattle same on left hip with split in born ears. Thornton, H. M., lone, Or. Horses branded HT connected on left stitie; sheep same brand Vanderpool, H. T Lena, Or; Horses HV con. nected ou right shoulder .cattle, same on right hiu. Wal bridge. Wm., Heppner. Or. Horses, V. L. on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip. crop off left ear aud right ear lopped. Wilson, John Q,,' tialem or Heppner, Or. Horses branded Jg on the left shoulder. Range Morrow county. Warren, W B, Caleb, Or Cattle, W with quarter circle over it, ou left side, split iu right ear. Hurt ei same brand on left shoulder. Range m Grant oouuty. ' Wood, F L, Dayville, Or Heart on horses m left stitie; on cattle, 'I on left side and under bit in left ear. Range in Uraut county. ' Wright, Silas A. Heppuer, Or. Cattle branded 8 W on the right hip, square crop ott right ear and split in left, Wallace, Francis, Mount Vernon.Or Square ob cattle on the left hip. upper slope in the left ear and under slope in right ear. bame brand on horses on right shoulder, hauge in Harney and drant countv Wade, Henry, Heppner. Or. Horses branded ace of spade on leit shoulder and left hip Cattle branded same on left side and left hip. Wells, A. b, Heppner, Or. Horses, w on left shoulder; catt same. W oinnger, John, John Day City. Or On horMe three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on sheep, bit in both ears. Range in Grant and Malauec sounties. Woodward, John. Heppner, Or. Horse. UP connected on lef t shoulder. Watkins, Lishe, Heppner, Or, Horses branded TJE connected on left stitie. Wallace, Charles, Portland, Or. Cattle, W oa right thigh, hou in left ear; horses, W on right nualuer, mi same on left shoulder. Wbttuer Bros., Dreway, Harney county, Or. Horn branded W U. ctmuected on left Moulder Willianu, Vasco, Hamilton, Or. Quarter etr cle o?er three bant oo left hip, both cattle and horse. Range Grant county. Williams. J O, Long Creek. Or Horse, qoar ter circle over thrue bars on left hip; cattle same and feiit in each ear. Kange in Grant county. Wren, A. A., i eppner, Ur. Horse running A A uu uiuoiuw, mum, same uii rigm mo. Young, J. S., Gooseberry, Or. Horw braadad T" right h..ntH- Young, W. A., Gooseberry, Or. Horse braad cd X-l tdoabl X connected) oa lets ihrsjiia-