Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 16, 1893, Image 3

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- or change of same, must get their copy in
not later than Monday evening for Tuesday's
edition, or lliursduy evening tor Fridavs edi-
tlOU. 'i'UE l'ATTIf M....M Pt:Uii.,..k-' l':.
1. The ran nf Mm Kami Jn v.
charged for "cards of thauks," "resolutions of
r--. ....-v.. presume ana uonors.
ena obituary notices, (otuer tnau those the edit
or shall hiuiseli give as a matter of news,) and
uottcesof special meetings lor whatever purpose,
i Jotiees ol church and society and ail inner
r i iruui wnicn reveuue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at Uie rate of five
teute a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
We hold nih BnH ......
. : . ti . tm i CBUUIIUl'llli it;-
sponsible for his or her communication. No
...-r.,..w.co win ue puniibiiea uuiess the
rlSiJ''B 1 name is signed asau evidence ol
. lug Agent, 21 Merchants tichange,
ban b rauclsco, is our authored agent, tail
paper is kept on lile iu his olhce.
Stage for Hardmau, Monument, Long Creek,
John Uay and Canyon City, leaves as follows :
Every duy at tkau a. m., except Sunday.
A rrives every day at 6:30 p. m., except Monday.
the cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interior country.
, u , DELEVAN, Prop.
Blocuru-Johnston Drug Co., Agents.
Give your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Here' and There.
Spring bats arrived at last.
Heppner Furniture Co., (or carpet, t
For good health use TCTT'S PILLS.
Dan Osmers returned from The Dalles
Saturday last.
Cs 1 and examine Heppner Furniture
Co. j wall papers, t
Little Dick died Sunday morning last
ot blood poisoning.
T. W. Ayers and wife left today for
Condon, Gilliam Co.
Ed. Copner bas been appointed post
master at Lone Rock.
Ed. Hooker and W. R. Munkers were
m trom Eight Mile yesterday.
O. P. Snyder dropped iu from Goose
berry on business, yesterday.
The Gem aud Palace saloons for fine
liquors, MuAtee Bros., Props. sw
Frank McGarr, of Fox valley, oame iu
Suuduv for Long Creek freight.
J. L. Yeager is down at Eugene, attend
ing the Grand Lodge, 1. U. U. F.
Tsaao Blum, representing the Portland
Syrup Co., Huudayed in Heppner.
J. L. Kiucaid and wife were oallera at
the Gazette office this afternoon.
E. Y. Judd aud T. E. Fell are expected
in from Taooma Boon to buy wool.
Master Erie Ruark spent last week
out at Johnny Kirk's on iitiea oreek.
A strictly first olass guitar for sale.
Brand new. Inquire at this office. 5-31.
W. J, Leezer has sold his hotel busi
ness to"Chuck"Glisun. May be sucoeed.
O. L. and Olis Patterson returned Sat
urday from a business trip to Pendleton.
Geo. Beckwitb, auditor of the Pacific
Expcess Co., was in Heppner last Thurs
day. The Heppner-Canyon stage liue is the
best, cheapest and quickest to the in
terior. Last Sunday a pleasant dinner was
enjoyed over at Jerry Crohn's by rela
tives. Mr. and Mrs. 0. T. Walker, of Jordan
Fork, oalled on the Gazette today while
in town. t
Johnny Chrisinan and Vane Hinton
oame in Sunday from Long Creek for
Children's waists, age 5 to 12 years
cheaper than you can make them at
Fell Bros.'
The twick-a-wekk Gazette now only
82.50 in advance, payable in cash or
oooo skins.
Hatt & Mathews, the barbers, City ho
tel barber shop. They are artiBts. Baths
in connection.
The Bob Watkius crew have just
finished sheariug the Hynd & Bartatt
sheep numbering 1,800.
W. 8. Brown will commence today to
gather up bis sheep preparatory for the
Eastern drive of muttons.
The hteley Institute, at Forest Grove
cures liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine
and tobacco habit, bee ad.
The Gazette would gladly fill a few
orders for choioe trees of any Bort satis
faction guaranteed. Drop in. tf.
Every man who takes any interest in
fast stock should subscribe for The
Horseman, Gazette shop, agents.
A petition for closing of saloons and
business bouses was circulated in town
last week. We mean on Sunday.
Mr. Busbell, a temperance lecturer,
will bold forth in the M. E. ehuroh
Thursday evening. Admission free.
P. C. Thompson Company have ac
comodated you and need their money.
Don't forget those who help you. 6-7
N. Nielson is now running a stage be
tween Heppner and Lone Kock. See
ad. for days of leaving and arrival, tf.
The races at Heppner the 241b. 25th
and 26th will be more generally attended
than any oontest ever held in Heppner.
Constipation, and all troubles with the
digestive organs and the liver, are cured
by Hood's Pills. Unequaled as a dinner
E. N. Crockett, the Long Creek drug
gist, oame in Saturday, leaving Monday
for EugeDe to attend the Grand Lodge,
I. 0. U. F.
Frank Jones' horse "bucked" into Phil
Cohn's drug store Saturday, demolish
ing some glass, but not doiug near the
damage one would imagine.
Master Clay Frenoli is the authorized
agent for the Oregonian at this place.
Subsoribe through bim, and have your
paper delivered free ot charge. tf
We are often deceived in the age of
people having beautiful and luxuriant
bair, not knowing that they use Hall's
Hair Keoewer to keep gray hairs away.
Clerk J. W. Morrow has lost his fioe,
yearling, Jersey beifer, and is moon
solable. It was a great animal and we
do not wonder that be prized it highly.
Newer and neater quarters at the
Palace Hotel's north business room.
Charley Jones the baber, wants to see
bis old friends there. Baths in connec
tion. Dr. B. F. Vanghan bas gone east to
complete bis dental education, leaving
Drs. J. W. Rasmus and Eugene Veughan
in charge of his office. Those owing Dr.
Vanghan will please make settlement
with Dr. Eugene Vanghan who ban full
authority. H-tf.
The advice that most men will give
you is not to drink, but when ond
get the best. The Belvedere saloon
carries an excellent stock of cigars, liquors
wines and beer. A fine billiard parlor
in connection. Call on Charlie aod
John who will always treat you court
eously, Vnt lontr aero, our branch train took on
tan utanda ol bees at Arlington, destined
for Lexington. They ran Harry Woods
nnt of the bassage car. and be bad to
wait thirty minutes lor tbem to settle
before be could load iu the baggage and
.boru Tij the wife of Ben Compton,
out near Parker's mill, about the 1st
lust., a noy.
A. P. Bradbury, representing Murphy,
Grant & Co., of 'Fnsoo, was in town
over Sunday.
Hnk Scherzioger aud Oscar Sohaffar
are shearing (heir sheep out near
opruig noiiovv.
Jack Dempsey's-match with Smith is
likely to be postponed on the account
oi lue aeatb ul btnith s wife.
Mrs. Morgan, of Pendleton, is visiting
ner orotuer ana siswr-in-law, Mr. and
airs. n,a. fveeney, ot this place.
Mrs. H. E. Hallock, aooompanied by
her grand daughter, Alius Flora Hallock,
amveu oaturuay irom rortiand.
J, F. Willis bas been on the ailing
list for several days past, though was
aoie to De up at Ueppuer yesterday.
Miss Maggie Hartley left Saturdav for
Colorado Springs, Colorado, rjbe was
oalled home by the serious illness of
her step-lather.
Towus Mathews' SDot "and Billy
Cowins' Billy were matched for a quar
ter race last Munuay morning, wmob
was wou by topot.
Thos. McMillan was in yesterday from
oelow. na aud fumuy will leave shortly
for Castle Kock, Wan., wuere tbey will
matte their future home.
Miss Eppa Wilsou, who bas been
visiting her sister, Mrs. Ed. Keeney at
this place, returned to ber home at
Mouument Saturday last.
Thirty loads of wool arrived at the
Wool Growers' Warehouse vesterdav.
while they loaded seven teams with mer
chaudise for the John Day.
MisB Lena Patterson, sister of the
Patterson Bros., arrived Sundav from
Canyon City, and will leave shortly for
the Jiast, via San Francisoo.
Sam Walker, one of our solid Goose
berry friends, was in the oity today,
calling on the shop. Sam feels eu
couraged at tbe crop prospeot.
Prof. Errett Hicks arrived Sundav
from Canyon City, leaving Monday for
Portland. Prof. Hioks was prinoipal
of tbe Canyon schools last sohool year.
B. L. Akers waB in vesterdav from
Gooseberry. He reports his mother as
much better. Tbe grain is that section
will be interfered with, to me extent,
by mustard.
There is some talk of a railroad tan-
ping the Condon, Gooseberry and Hard
man country. We do not attach muob
importance to it, as the Heppner branch
does not even pay expenses.
John W. Doak was in town from
Press Thompson's big sheep rai.cn
above town uu Hinton oreek, yesterday,
having just completed a hard season's
rustling among the wooly monarchs.
E. R. Lyous departed this mnm;
for Condon, his future home. He was
acoompauied by J. Porter, representing
the Herkiug-Hall-Marvin Co., sale men
and his law partner, Mr. J. W. Dawson!
Clay Luoe, Tom Sewell, Arthur Little
and Billy Welob came in yesterday
from John Day with tbe first wool of
the seuson from that seotion. The
roads are drying up and are very rough.
Train No. 7, the "Corbett train was
derailed three miles beyond Grants
Friday night, aud together with the
delay occasioned by the bridge being
burned out at Mosier, got into Portland
Since it is now a well establish, rot
that Catarrh is a blood disease, medical
men are quite generally prescribing
Ayer's Sarsaparilla for that most Innth-
some complaint, and tbe result in nearly
every instance, proves the wisdom of
tueir auvice.
"The flowers that bloom in the sn'rinc"
are not more vigorous are than those
persons who purify their blood with
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. The fabled Elixer
Vitse oould not impart greater vivaoity
tothecouutenanoe than this wonderful
John Mollnllv WAR in vnatarrlnir f.
Vinson. Uncle John, the people will
leuiemuer, was cleared ot the charge
recently made against him. but to iim
supnse of no one at Heppner, as be has
a ways oeen Known as a man striotlv
honest in his dealings.
The "Gentleman Jack" nlnv
J-J. Corbett is tbe star,, was not very
successful over at Pendleton. The play
was cut in order that the combination
oould catch tbe train. But Corbett'a
ability as an actor is much overdrawn,
and if he were not the ohampion, be
would not be reoognized as a first olass
ourtuin puller.
Cbas. Parrish and Ed. 0. Allen return.
ed Saturday from Salem, and dennrterl
that evening for their homes in Grant
oounty. Mr.Farnsb will push on through
to Burns to be in attendance on circuit
court. They have confidence in winning
no s case Detore the suoreme onnrt.
This will be remembered as the Blaok
Butte mining suit.
There is nothing I have ever used for
muscular rheumatism that gives me as
muob relief as Chamberlain's Pain Balm
does. I have been using it for about
two years four bottles in all as occa
sion required, and always keeD a bottle
of it in my borne. I believe I know a
good thing when I get hold of it, and
Pain Balm is fht best liniment I have
ever met with. W. B. Denny, dairyman,
new .Lexington. Uhio. 5U oent bott es
for sale by Hlocum-Jobnston Drug Co.
Death of Little Dick. James Jones
had tbe misfortune to lose Little Dick, a
valuable race borse aod a great favorite
of Heppner, where be bas been owned
and run for tbe past seven years. Also
well known through Idaho and Washing'
ton where he bas been running for
tbe past ten years. During that period
he has been in many a hotly contested
raoe. All through bis long racing
career, he failed only twice in getting a
place, onoe being left at tbe post. His best
one-fourth mile was run at Burns,
Harney Co. Oregon, in 1879 where be
defeated Torn Benton, Little Girl,
Olympia aud Vandee, 0 22. In 1880,
at Port TowuseDd, in a large field of
horses, be won tbe three-eighths dash
in OM'A, tfing tbe world's reojrd made
by Cyclooe, of California. In the same
year, be run second to Lady Duffy at
Spokane a mile and repeat; also win
ning the one-half mile and repeat raoe
overRjly Boly, Lidy Duffy and aeveral
other fast horses. He bas caused many
horses to come to Heppner in the past
few years. After retiring from the turf,
his owner B. F. Swaitgart, sold bim to
James Jooes. He became lame and in
treating him for this, blood poisoning
ensued which caused his death.
CotmciL MuEnsa. Council mit last
evening, Mayor Simons presiding, aod
all coiiuoilin u present exoept Farm-
worth and Yeager .Minutes of
next regular meeting read and approved.
The oominittee on streets and
public property report progress on the
matter of opening street to depot.
Committee given further time to tot.
Committee ob streets and pablio
Ifm A. U. Allen
Ferry, Wuh.
20 Miles from a Doctor
But Hood's Sarsaparilla was
Equal to the Emergency
PleurUy, ChllU and fever JrXlffc
teg Perfect Cure.
"After my baby was bora I got Into very seri
ous condition, having pleurisy, chills and fever,
gradually developing Into milk leg. We live 20
miles from a physician and did not know what
to do. Finally after great deal af affer-
iag I began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla and
when I was using the third bottle I could see
It Was Doing Me Cood.
I continued with another bottle, and recovered
o rapidly that now I am ia goad health. I
Hood's Cures
cordially recommend It as a good medicine."
Mas. A. M. Allen, Ferry, Washington.
Hood'a Pills cure all Liver Ills. Bilious.
ness, Jaundice, Indigestion, Sick Headache.
Brinht's Disease.
Inflammation of the Blad
der, Yellow Water, Brick
Dust Sediment in Urine,
Burning Sensation, Pain
In the Back, and all Dis
eases of the Kidneys.
O.w.R. Mannractunng Co,, llLQW
For sale by Sloonm-Johuston Drug Co.
property ask that the street on tbe end
of Main street be vacated. Carried
Move for reconsideration was defeated
and street deolared opened Com
mittee on streets and public property
ordered to oontraot with Mr. Adkins.
...Mayor asked to appoint a com
mittee to solioit funds by subscription to
pay balanoe on bill for fire bell, in
addition to that donated by the fire
oompany Bills laid over till next
meeting Council adjourned.
Temporary Embarrassmbnt. On last
Friday, August Bnohler, of The Dalles,
dosed up the saloon of Osmers &
Hughes on an attachment .for 81,200.
We learn the embarrassment is only
temporary, and is occasioned by an
account owing to Mr. Buohler by Mr.
Osmers and not by the firm. The
matter will likely be straightened nn in
tne near future and tbe nrm will re
sume business. Their assetts are ample
to oover all liabilities, and muob more,
Wanted. A good rustler to take
charge of a fine stook of tbe latest and
best subscription books, and dispose of
them in and around Heppner. Liberal
commission to a good man. Address
O. E. Publishing Co., Box 322, Butte,
Montana. 27 tf.
World's Fair Travelers Will Have
It. Tbe public demand through service
when traveling. It is old-fashioned tn
change cars. On - the through solid
vesttbuled trains of tbe Cbioago, Union
Paoifio and Northwest Line, from or to
Chicago, Omaha and intermediate points,
there is no change. This is tbe finest
and fastest road. 19-81.
Out of Sight. The traveling public
are now fully alive to the fact that the
Chioago, Union Paoifio & Northwest
Line offers tbe very best aooommodations
to the public from and to ChioBgo,
Omaha and intermediate points not only
during the World's Fair, but all the
year around. 19-31
Bir's Wood Yard. The Heppner
wood yard, under the management of
Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver
wood at your residenoe, sawed or no
sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at
87.00 per oord. Wood sawed twioe in
two, 75 cts. per cord; three times, 81.00.
Yard near tbe depot. Leave orders at
Bloan & Howard's. 4 tf.
Fashionable Dressmakers. Mrs. W.
W. Bmead and Mrs. Margaret Looney
are prepared to do dressmaking in tbe
latest fashion and sewing of every nature,
at hard time prioes, at the borne of Mrs.
W. W. Hmead. Don't fail to give them
a call. 118-sw.
A Fine Horse. The imported run
ning stallion, Sir Henry, bag been
brought over to Heppner, and will stand
tbe ensuing season at this place. He is
tbe property of "Cayuse" Reynolds, and
is a fine bone. 070t(
First Class Tailoring Fred Miller
is now looated on May street in tbe old
bakery boi'ding, where he is prepared to
do first class work. A perfect tit
guaranteed. Give bim a trial. tf.
Look Hebe. When you want a re
freshing schooner of beer and a nioe
lunch, go see Klerkner k Sheldon.
Also fine liquors and cigars in stock.
Seven steers, coming two-years-old,
two steers coming three-years-old, two
heifers two-years-old. all brsnded P,
with bar over it, on either bip. Parties
finding same will please notify me at
Alpine, Uregon.
116 23 law. Rate Pariell.
a a -ra ,
Don't Forget It.
Has been removed from Lichtenthal's old stand, the former location,
to Henry Heppner's building on site formerly occupied by Kirk &
EasmuB, corner Aay and Main streets, where J. H. Kolruan, the
popular prorprietor, will be pleased
-Spring and
which will be sold, as of old, at
Don't fail to visit me at my new quarters.
Thinking of anewSpriug Style
Attire ? Wondering what ma
terial what color you should
purchase ? Puzzling your
mindjabout the correct thing
in trimminga ? Consulting
with vour dressmaker as to
which of tbe many styles will
be most becoming ?
Come and talk it over with us.
We're prepared to throw a flood
of light upon every element of
A Big Line of Silks.
All (1.. lotnni .!.n ,n VlnnA Trwlio
Silks. Samples will be maU&l FREE on
application. Yours Besp'y, "
4 : To Qet Even on Your Life.
M Hardware : Store
Wood and Willowware, Blacksmiths' Supplies, Iron, Steel Bnd Coal, Pumps and
Pipe, Tanks, Bathtubs and Sinks, Plumbing Materials, Agricultural Imple
ments. All Kinds of Repairing quickly and neatly done.
-:- -:- You will
getting our prioes
elsewhere. -:- -:
Odd Fellows' building, Main St.,
-Have just
Consisting of
Paper - :
One Carload
Latest Designs, Patterns and Prices.
Also a fine line of
Hammocks, Baby Carriages,
Rugs, Mattings, Clooks, Olass, Refrigerators, Window wbades and Portiere Curtains
Undertaking -fr
Out for
Cash Bargains
Cash Talksl XL- Trust Busts
to show you his new stock of
Slimmer Goods,-
Stoves and Tinware,
save money by
before purchasing
:- -:- :- -:-
received a select-
- and -:- Carpets.
'A Special ty.
, Watches,
Etc., Etc.
Anything New of Real Merit -"
You can Generally Find -"
For :-: Sale :-: by ivlA I
. "Who are
- Noted for being
The Leaders.
We don t ran a third-class nnk shop where yon can buy shoddy goods at twioe
their Taloe, but we keep firat-class goods at honest prioes, with
no baits or traps. We keep
Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hardware, Tinware,
Wood and Willoware, Guns, Ammunition,
Ask our old oustomers how we treat them.
Corner Main Bnd
Jeep Your Eye Open
Where you will find a grand display of quality and elegance, and the
fairest prices ever made for such qualities. Visitors are
not asked to believe, but are shown goods to convince them
that we are leading the trade in
Dry M, Unee
Boots, Shoes. Hats, Caps, Furnishing Goods, etc.
If you want value for your mouey, come and see us. If yon want to enjoy the full
purchasing powerof your Dollur, spend it with
' IN A
Business-like -:- Manner
Wool Growers' Warehouse
Near the Depot:
Change of
whioh we propose to oonduot in
on hands at all times the choioest
Meats, Sausage,
ed Beef,
Graduate M. E. C. V. 8. , London, England.
Veterinary $uiigeon i
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
I m prepared to do all kinds ol Veterinary BurirTv, Kmsncnlatlng Horses and Rrirllnn a StwoI
alty. (This Is the only true method of oneratbiji on liorsus.) Bpeying of Cattle and Hunt
on short notice. J will treat all animals In the most approved procedure of Veter
inary surgery. II you have any sick aniuuiU It will be to your Interest to
call en me at Stewart's stablt-a.
HKPPNER, . . usiw . OKKurm
New York Cash ltacket Store.
Ooods, Caliooes, Ginghams, Flnnncings, Drapery, Gents' Furnishings; also Ladies'
Underwear and, numerous oilier goods in Hint line. Notions snd Tinware in
stook; very cheap. When I say cheap, I liimn it. You hae but to call and inves
tigate to be satisfied. I do none but a oanb biMiusss, and can therefore undersell
an competitors.
T. W. MATLOCK, Prop.
Main Street, next door to tbe Opera Hoi. -v.
t Is Now Open ihe Public t
New Pioiliii and Newly Furnished Tliroihout
Board per week St 50
" and Lodging per week,. 5,50
Only first-clnBB $1 a day house in town. Tree Lack to and from nil trains
C. O. SAItQKNT. Proprietor.
: : : :
Willow Streets, HEPPNER, OREGON.
m, nmng,
the most satisfactory mmntr Will iUn
Bologna, Corn-
Etc., Etc.
Single Meals. ,0,5 0fmtg
lining.... 25 oents
Commissioner of the U. S. Circuit Court. All land
matters attended to promptly aud aoooratW.
Office in National Bank building.