3 SEMl-WEEKLV" 6AZETTE Bv PAPER. LESS THAN 5 CENTS OFFICIAL A week payt for The Semi-Weekly Gazette $2.50 A YEAR, IN ADNANCB Wben we can get it. HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 16. 1893. WEEKLY NO. 630.) 8EMI-WEEKLY NO. 127.) ELEVENTH YEAR Bemmef SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BT THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. ALVAH W. PATTERSON Bus. Manager. OTIS PATTERSON Editor At $3.50 per year, $1.25 for ux months, 75 eta. for three mouifis. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Th. -SAaiiB.'' of Lonl Creek, Grant County, Oregon, Is published by the same com Dauv every rriuay umiu, ,i ay morning. BUDScnpuuii price, 9 t. slft.nTEXlSOIT. Editor and Manager, Long Creek, Oregon, or "gazette, Heppner, Oregon. THIS PAPER is kept on tie at E.G. Dakes Advertising Agency, (It and 65 Merchants Exchange, San Franoisoo, California, where cou ncil for advertising oan be made tor it. THE UAZETTK'8 AGENTS. Wagner,.... Arlington,. Long Creek, Echo B. A. HunBaker .Phlll Heppner .ine jiagie - Postmaster Oscar De Vaul U r Wright Camas Prairie,. Nye, or. " ' . posimtor fiauTilton; Grint Co.Or "Fcrt Prafrle Citv' Or' ' ' .'.'.'.'.R.' R- McHaley rUOl KOCa, I P Know S'&'Sr :::::::::::::r.A.'K. ith&?'r.:::::: Johe:S" Pendleton, Or., Mount Vernon, Grant Co., Or, Shelby, Or., Postmaster . . . . Postmaster Miss Stella Flett .J. f . Alien Lone'Kor::::::: M-d'S Lexington jas. A.eacu AN AUEST WANTKD IN KVEEY PEKC1NCT. Umon Pacfig Railway-Local card. No, 10, mixed leavea Heppner 10:00 a. m. " jo, " ar. at Arlington 1-15 a.m. " 9, " leaves " Is! P- m. 9, " ar. at BeBpsar "MO 9. . dailj exoept Sunday. East bound, main line ar. at Arlington 8:42 p. m. West I' 2:40 p. in. Night trains are running on earn time ae before. LONE ROCK STAGE. Leaves Heppner 7 a. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, reaching Lone Kock at 6 p. m. Leaves Lone Kock 7 a. m. Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays, reaching Heppner at 5 p. m. Makes connection with the Lone Kock-rossil tri-weekly route. AgeutB, Slocum-Johnston Drug Co., Heppner, O'. United States Officials. Pmident Grover Cleveland President Ad ai Stevenson .( Walter O. Gresham Secretary of TreaiuVy". ..-Joto B-tijjto of Navy'.' .' 'VCsell SeeWrVof ?Agricniture.. ....J. Sterling Morton State of Oregon. a, Whli. instrnction B. McElroy ( J. H. Bltcl Senators 7 J. N.Dolol ( Binger Hermann rVinm-easmen J W. K. Ellis Frank C.Baker Printer ( F. A. Moore Supreme Judge. J; Seventh Judicial District. j M W. L. Bradshaw P.,,i'iSA. . ... ......r.W.H. Wilsun Morrow County Officials. joint Seaator Henry Blactaan 'Commiasioner...., Peter Brenner ruri w- Morrow ?"?! ...Geo. Noble. TSr;r;::::::::::::::::.-.w.j.L Hurreyor School Bup't.... lea Brown ... ..W. L.Salinie ' Coroner.... ,..T. W.Ayere, ir EBPPNEB TOWN OFFIOKBSi M . , J. R. Stmons ... . t,.i, I T. Vauirar. Vf . A. jwuwwu, ' .-- , . KKrt Recorder. E. G. Slocum rreaeurer Marshal.. J.,W. Baemus. PrecinotOffleerf. Justice of the Peace Constable F J. Hailock C. W. Byohard United States Land Offleers. TBI DAIXIS, OB. J. W. Lewia T. 8. Lang T.l OBAKDI, OB. Register Receiver A Cleaver......... . r Morlnlltinil rteceiver SZCBST BOeiBTIES. , H r.. Nn H) K. nf P. meeta ev. rv Tuesday evening at 7.80 o'clock in F 9 their Castle nau, national d,i vitd to attend. W. L. Balino. 0. O, W. B Potteb. K. ofR.4 8. tl RAWLINS POST, NO. th G. A. R. Meets at Lexington, Ox., the last Satnrday of month. All veterBM are mvitea to. om, C. C. Boon, Adjutant, Geo. W . Smith. Commander, FRor-asssxoitfjLXi- 1 A. A. ROBERTS, Keai jMiaie, inaur- noa and Collections. Office in Counoil Chambers, Heppner. Or. swtf, Where? At Abrahamsick's. In addition to bis ..;i.ir,n hnainofM. he hu added a fine i: ..t.,r nf all kinds, neeligei hirt. hosierv. etc. Also baa on band io.,i nattms for smts. sum. l"u,j. i IT t , Abrahamsick, May street, Heppner, Or. Coffin k MoFarland have just received a oar load of Mitobell Wations. Hacks, etc., and bave also a large supply of farm ing implements of all kinds. J. N. BBOWN, Attorney at Law, JAS. D. HAMILTON Brown & Hamilton d ,i ln .11 mnrta of the stat. Insurance, real asuta colleotun and loan agents. Promt attention liven to all business entrust, ad to them. Omca. Mam Stbek. Hiffni. Omoox. A Year's Subscription to a Pop ular Agricultural Paper GIVEN FREE TO OUR READERS By a Bpeoial arrangement with tba publishers we are pro pared to tarnish FREE to each of oar readers a year's subscription to the popular monthly gricultural journal, the Amebic am Farmer, published at Springfield and Cleveland, Ohio. This offer is made to any of our sub scribers who will pay up ail arrearages on subscription and one year in advance, and to any new subscribers who will pay one year in advance, rne American Farmer enjoys a large national circula tion, and ranks among the leading agricultural papers. By this arrange ment it COSTS YOU NOTHING to re oeive the American Farmer for one year, It will be to your advantage to cail promptly. Sample oopiea oan be seen at our office. The Orielnal DIGTIQHRRY. Y SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT WITH THE i publishers, we are able to obtain a number th above book, aud propose to furnish a copy to each of our subscribers. ine aicuoiiary is a iieuestijiy in every noiuw, Bchool and business house. It tills a vacancy, aud furnishes knowledge which no one hun dred other volumes of the choicest books could uoolv. i ouuk and old: euueated ana lKnorani, rich and poor, should have it within reagh, and refer to its couteuls every day in the year. As some have asked if this is really the Orig inal Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, we are able to state we have luarned direct from the nublishers the fact, that this. is the very work complete on which about forty of the best years the author s lite were bo wen employed in ritinir. It contains the entire vocabulary of about lbO,uuu words, including the correct spell ing, derivation and definition of same, and is the regular standard size, containing about 800,000 square inches of printed surface, and Is bounu in cioiu utui muruuuu aim aueeu. Until further notice we wilt furnish this valuable Dictionary First jo any new subscriber. Second To any renewal subscriber Third To any subscriber now in arrears who pays up and one year in advance, at the following prices, viz: Full Cloth bound, gilt side and back stamps, 'marbled edges. $1-00, Half Mo'occo, bound, gilt side and back ttamns. marbled edcres. ai.s,o. hull bheep Douno, ieaxner laDei, maroiea Iges, $2.00 Fifty cents added in all cases for express age to Heppner. -Ab the tmbliahera limit the time and nuiauer 01 uookb iney win iuiriiiBu at me iuw nriffs. we Advise all who desire to avail them selves of this great opportunity to attend to It at once. SILVER'S CHAMPION BTHE THE DAILY BY MAIL Subscription price reduced as follows: One Year by mail) : : $S 00 Six Montht " : : 3 00 Three Months " : : : 1 SO One Month " : : 50 THE WEEKLY-BY MAIL.. One Year (in Advance) : I 00 The News is the only consistent champion of sliver In the West, and should be in every home In the West, and in the hands of every miner and business man in Colorado. Bend in your subscriptions at once. Address, THE NEWS, Denver, Colo. L UMBER ! WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF UN dressed Lumber, 16 miles of Heppner, at what is known as the SCOTT STV3UEXXjXj. PER 1,000 FEET, ROUGH, - 110 00 17 60 " CLEAR, TF DELIVERED IN HEPPNER, WILL, ADD L IA.U0 per 1,000 feet, additional. L HAMILTON, Prop, D. A.. Hamilton, Man'gr WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES (Northern Pacific R. R. Co., Lessee.) LATEST TIME CARD Two Through Trains Daily. 12 4.epm'fi.'.!.Ipm I.v.MInneafoliArl9.0rjem(4.1.rpm l.souml" l.ipm'l.r.... paul...Ar;'.ai,am;:t.40pm tO.l.Tsmlt.l.itm'Lv .Dnluth ..Arlll.W ifi.pm Ashland . Ar.a.3am8.:pni 2.aipiol7.-Jjm,l... Aahland.. Ar..3ara8.:p 7. loam ; V.'am I Ar . . .Lb luago . . ,LV D.l , ami iu.t' I . I 1 I .Chicago Tickets sold and twrage checked through to ! all points in the 1. tilten talano ' anaoa. Close cunn-tion made in Chicago with all traini ftoinir Ka.i and couth. For full Information apply to your nearest tieket agent or JAS. c. POND, (ien. Pass, and TkL Aft. Chicago, 111. Unabrid ocky-.-Mountam -:- News RHEUMATISM neuralgia, and sciatica can always be successfully treated with Ayer's Sarsaparilla A cure is sure to follow the persistent use of this medicine. Has Cured Others will cure you. Sill Canals, Trade-marks, Design Patents, Copjrigtts, And all Patent business contacted for -MODERATE FEES. Information and advice given to Inventor vittHMt barge. AddreM PRESS CLAIMS CO,, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. 1. O. Box 463. Washihqton, D.Q y This Company is mtnaged by a comblnatloa f the largest and most influential newspapers in Ine United States, for the. express purpose of protect Ins thrtr aabacrlbera against nnscrnpuloM tnd Incompetent Patent Agents, and each paper printing this advertisement vouches for the responsi bility and high standing of the Press Claims Company. I KEEP COOL inside, outside, and all the way through, by drinking . HIRES' This great Temperance drink-; is us healthful, as It is pleasant. Try iU eMS Guaranteed to cure Bilious attacks, . Sick Headache and Constipation. , 40 In i, each lottle. Price 26c.. For sale by. druggists, Picture '7, IT, 70" and sample doe fre. 4. F. SMITH & n. Proprietors, NEW YORK, PECULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS, PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR lailcaetlo. BllUasaaaa, HeaJaeke, Oaatl tattaa. Dvapepala, Oknk Liver TraaklM, ; DUalaeaa, Bad Cos.pl.xlaa, Dyaantu-r.. Offea.lv. Breath, and all dUaadar. mt the-. (mu.1l IJvar and Raw. Ik Rlnaiu Tatmles contain nothlntr tnJtrrioM ? ! the the iaoat delicate con Altntton. l'leAaaal to taaa, f Sold by druftel.. A trial bnttla saat btr auU arecewtoi 1 oenia. auoiw ; THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO, IS SPRUCE STREET, KIW YORK CITY. will ave the dyrptle from man d.vl of sniaery, sn. enanw " wliLvtewr wiabea. isey prevant Sick Headache, ,nae the food to mwHniMate evtiel aeo b. tba body, give kaaa ppeUt. ai Develop Plesh and aolid mnarle. Elegantly sugar oatMl. Price. 23cta. laea- aoi. SOLD EVER Y1VUERE. J FR AZER GAR EASE BEST IX THE IfOBLD. It wear! na quantise are waeu rpeaaad, actnan oaUaatlaar two box, of anr V bar brand. Nos CWd 0T Baal. i a.a.1 in m. a,aj. FOR SALE BY DEALERS' OE NEBA1XT. JW Prevent and enr Constipation and Side Beadacbe, Small Uile llcaua. ru"n,T" IS.ZiZ Conetipauoo, Small ilile Ih-aua. Guaranteed to cure Billoiai Attaokaand 1 uooa. un rutK 11 BdeB Tutt's Pills Highest of all in Leavening Power. mm ri e9 ABSOLUTELY PURE If C. T. D. COLIN, I hereby solemnly promise, God helping me, to abstain from all distilled fer mented and malt liquors, including wine, beer, and cider, and to employ all proper weans to discourage tbe use of, and traffio in, tbe earn. Qubstion (1) When does a member of the W. O.l. XJ. cesse to be a Diember by non-pyment of dues? (2) Sbonld the name of a member be dropped with out being oonsiilered by the Onion? Akswkb There is no written law in tbe W. C. T. U. reBardinc the matter. It is the dnty of the treasurer to oolleot ilnaa and after a woman baa IHilecl to respond and the time has passed, the usual rule is to drop tbe name. She certainly could not be counted by the treasurer in sending dues to the state treasurer.: It wouldiperheps be well for the local union td fix' -snme general rule by wbioh the treasurer oould be governed, for tbere must dome a time sooner or later when she cannot (solid t a person, who ia delinquent in dues, a number of the Uuion, In the matter of gathering dues the treasurer .has a dnty to perform and she has no right to negieot it, but there- counts a time wben ber duty ceases. Joiner rugn, in Union 8ignal. . The above is given by request of some who are not posted in regard to the payment of dues. Lb It all members who are aware that tbey are delinquent, pay np promptly to Mrs F. O. Borg, Treaa. of Heppner Union. ... M. V. 0. Our meetings are growing in interest. We are always glad to see visitors and always intend to have something that will interest all. "And they that be wise shall shine as tbe brightness of the firmament; 'and tbey that tnrn many to rigbvousnesa, as tbe stars for ever and ever" Tbe W. 0. T. U. of Arizona rejoices over the nomination, by Pres. Cleveland, of Hon. L. 0. Hughes for governor. MrB. Hngbes is president of the W. C. T. TJ. in Arizona, and th- take with thfm to tbe capital the a ..V'y good will of every wbite-ribbooer.' R) ' -tlx " - ....... 18 IT TROEf Is Is true that "life is only T What we make it?" Then beware Lest tome sinful word or action Btain or mar its surface fair. Patience, purity must mingle In your heart with constant prayer. Is it true that "up the ladder We are mounting round by round?" Then beware, lest you, in stumbling, Push a brother to the ground. Purity and prayer and patience Must in every act be found. Is it true that "rest remaineth Only for the 'free from sin?' " Then beware, lest, cold and careless, Yon should fall to enter in. By your prayers and pure example Strive some sinful soul to win. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE NOTES. Tbe examinations for tbe month of April are over, and tbegrades will soon be made out and banded to each student. The third year surveying cIbbs have bad some practical work in laying out lines for the steam heating apparatus for tbe college station buildings, green bouse, and mechanical ban. ine apparatus will be put in during tbe summer. An architect has been at work for some time on the designs for tbe ad ditions to the meohanioal hall. The addition will join tbe east wing of the old building and extend it forty feet farther east. Then the main portion will be forty by seventy-eight feet, three stories in hight and extends toward the north. The lower floor of tbe wing will be added to tbe present machine shop, and tbe seoond to wood working and printing room. Tbe first floor of tbe main building will be for mechanioul and electrical laboratories; secona, lor recitation and drafting rooms, and it is undeoided yet wbat shall be placed on tbe third floor. The plans will soon be Rniahed and work begun so as to have it ready for students at the begiuing of tbe next school year. OUite a number of tbe Congregational convention attended the chapel exer cises a few mornings ago and several of the members addressed the students with fitting remarks. They also visited several of the departments and saw the students at work in be shops, labora tories and class rooms. A oommittet has been appointed by tbe Atbletio association to confer with Monmouth Normal school, and if ar rangements can be made, the two associations will enter into a oontest of field sports. It is to be hoped that tbe contest will take place as it would b of arraat interest and result in a lasting benefit to both of the associations. Mr. Dnmmet, wife of J. A. Dummet, state secretary of tbe Y. W. C. A., visited ad organised Young Women's Christ ian Association, with twenty-eigbt Charter members. If the Y. M. O. A.'s do not begin to throw off tbe old orust and come forth with more enthusiasm they are apt to be left in the rear, as the Y. W. C. A.'s are wide awake and determined young ladies. Tbe students and people of Corvallis Latest U. S. Gov't Report Belong Powder watched on the 29th, a very interesting game of ball played between the Albany college nine and tbe nine of this oollege, in which tbe boys of the O. A. O. oame out winners. Tbe nine have not had muoh practice on account of the stormy weather. It is to be hoped by tbe end of tbis school year with the praatioe the boys, of this oollege will have, that they will be champions over every col lege in tbe state. There is now a catalogue ready to be printed inolading a'l tbe books in tbe library. These catalogues will be dis tributed among the students. Tbis will enable tbem to select from this list any book they wish. Tbe new catalogues for the next school year are to be completed by tbe end of June so each student oan get one before they leave. ' A. G. Lewis, the engineer of tbe mechanioal department, has, been giving bis alass some good instructions in the hue of engineering. This gentleman is likely to take a class next school year, as he bas bud good sucoees with his previous class. CONTIIIBOTOK. Cohyallis, May 1, 1893. A COMPETENT LEADER. the Head of the United Workers or the United. Statea the Laboring man. Garment -For In the struggle between the Clothing Manufacturers' Association, and the members of the Cutters' Union, of New York, in whioh tbe unionists were so successful, tbe strik era were under tbe leadership of Cbas. F. Reichers, who is tbe General Seore. tary of tbe United Gurment Workers. He hIbo conducted tbe Boston . fight aud figured nromi Tork lock-out. He CMAS.r.R( ichERS neatly in tbe New is a native of Brooklyn, and 39 years of age. He is of German parentage, and is a olotbing cutter. Wben he was seventeen years old be went to Europe and visited nearly all the large oitiee abroad. From 1881 to 1891 he worked at bis trade in Brooklyn. Since that time he bas been active in tbe promotion of labor interests. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. . Tbe beet salve in the world for outs bruises, sores, uloers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains oorns and all skin eruptions, and posi tively oures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 oents per box. For sale by Slooum-Jobnaon Drug Company. MY MULE. Editor Gazbttb: I bave been working my mule, plo ing my garden and fixing my fenoe. Every person that passes by bas something to say about my mule. Tbe Grand Army passed by yesterday Tbe old vets and the young vets, the old ladies and tbe young ladies of the vets all laughed and seemed to be happy when they saw tbe old mule and me at work. I bave no doubt that a great many old vets are drawing pensions from injuries reoeived while riding a mule bareback. Kuoh injuries are fatal, so far as tbis life is concerned, and I think the peLsiou Is a just one. At any rate, I appreciate tbe good feeling tbe vets bave for a mule. Mr. Editor, I do not understand why tbe people of Heppner do take such notice of my mule. Home do appear to be waking fun; others appear to be sincere. Sometimes I think I am doing wrong by working the mule. Then I go and read my bible and tbere I find I am all right, providing I do not work his ancestor on the Sabbath day. Uro. Tom Ayere rode a male cattle twenty years ago a nice too, Bnd smart and cunning. Avers' mule made bim rich. The after mule Bro, mule wonld take the brother out on the range and show him all tbe alickears, I think a mule is just the animal for every man to work or ride. And I will say light beie that wben . uiuA mwinle make fun of a mule nw r ' they don't go to church much. Toh Moboan. Now Try This. ti -ill ni von niithiijir and will sure- ly do you good, if you have a ooogh.cold or any trouble with throat, obeat or lungs. Dr. King's New Disoovery for Consump tion, uougbs and colds, is guaranteed to (five relief or money will be paid back. Sufferers from la grippe found it just the thing and under its nse had a speedy and perfect recovery. Try a sample bot tle at our expense aud learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at Slocum-Johnson Drug Co. Large size 600 aud $1.00. To aid Diirestlon take one HmaU Ilile Deoa after eatiuf. tin. per buttw. LIST OF TAX-PAYERS Who Pay on $i,ooo.and Upwards, as bhown by the Roll. THE PEOPLE WHO GREASE THE MACHINERY Of State, County tnd Bchool Affairs From Our Common wealth-A Fair Showing From Morrow County. Tbe following is a list of Morrow county tax-payers who pay on 81,000 aud upwards: A. Andrews $ 1,421 00 L B. Doberty 4,970 00 Mrs L. Hales 3,865 60 O. A. Hales 1,406 00 U. O. Moore 2,263 10 J. T. McAlister 1.8H1 50 Bawerfeind BroB 1.186 CO Wm.Oeoil 8,486 60 O. T. Uouglas 2,157 50 J. L. Ko bison ,9i'5 00 S. '. Ualston, Jr 8,910 00 Robert Saver 1,085 00 1. KEsteb 1,816 60 K. Alien & Bona 4,200 00 John A. Adams 1,159 60 Cox, Adams & Co 2,055 00 Geo. W. Cbapin 1,003 50 L. W.Coleman 1,700 00 A.D.Coleman 1,924 00 Wm. Hendrix 3,501 00 W. E. Kahler 3,020 50 W. L.Mallory 1,097 50 Parker & Gleason '. . 17,153 00 Ben Coppenga, adm. estate of FredOoppeuga. 1,916 00 A. C, Wright 7,449 40 J. O. Williams 2,567 00 M. K. Morgan 1,177 00 M. A. Olden 1,227 60 E. B. Stantou I,3o0 50 J. P.Brown ; 2,237 00 HyndA Barrett... 1,804 50 Nelson Jones 14,802 00 I J. Matlock 11,710 50 Frank MoFarland 11,800 00 J. W. Marlatt 3,817 00 8. N. Morgan.. 1,414 50 J. L. Morrow & Son 3,511 00 J. W. Rector . 1,125 00 E. G. Sloan 1,202 25 E. 8. Baling... 2,049 00 R W. Turner 1,582 00 Mrs. Bettie Wells : 1,680 00 J. J. Adkius... 6,276 60 T. W. Ayers, Sr 8,617 26 Mrs. E. J. Ayers .' 4,497 25 T. W.Ayers, Jr.... 1,375 00 A. Abrabaiusiok.... 1,020 00 T. H. Bisbee 3,202 25 W.G. Boyer. 1,013 00 Brown & Hamilton 2,874 60 P. O. Borg 2,642 00 George Conser 1,920 Ou K. U. UoX W PbillOobn 1,000 00 A. Daly 1,880 50 O. IS. Faruoworlb tuioo ar, S. P. Florence 3,497 50 L. A. Florence 1,263 00 O.E. Fell 2,276 25 A. U Fox 1,719 25 Frauk Gilliam 1,670 00 Gilliam & Bisbee 7,600 00 S. P. Garigues 1,800 00 T. H. Howard. ; 1,640 110 Wm. Huahes 1,099 60 Heppner Furniture Co 1,390 00 haves Bros 4,040 00 D. O. Justus, for P. C. Thomp son ,iO" w Mrs. Julius b-eithley 2,238 25 N. A. Kelley..: 2,122 50 W.A. Kirk..., 1,389 00 Ellis Minor ' 7,565 25 Minor Bros. 14.552 60 Xbo8.Mo(Jullough. 1,280 50 MoAtee Bros. 1.200 00 J. B. Natter 4,730 00 Patlersou Pub. Co 8,050 00 I'hos.Qaaid 18,640 00 PatQuaid l.0 00 Bush Bros 10,422 60 Mrs. A. M. Sl'ioum 1.750 00 Sifinnm-Juhnstun Druir Co.... 2,135 00 D. B. btalter 1,146 60 Sloan & Howard 8,3u0 00 Henry bcberziBger 2,504 00 Willis Stewart 1.010 00 G. W. Swuggart '. 1.295 00 Mrs. M. J. Swaggart 1,600 00 P. C. Thompson 28,087 Oo P, C. Thompson Co 8,830 00 ti U 'l'nvliir 2,685 00 ti. B. Thompson a S. VauDuvn 25 Albert Wright ' B.y''U f- I' .1 t'urU 1.142 2o J. M. Hamblet 1.701 75 Johrt Jordan 2,u80 5u H. Paubrg J10 V E.G.8perry 1.7 H M Thornton 3,270 00 J. A. Woolery l.o7u uu Williams ifros U, F. Wilruot 1,480 00 1.146 Ou J. S. Bootliby 1,201 25 1,842 2o 1,490 Ou Carl Crow Davis & Burgoyue. . iVl. bvuus 1,380 60 1.743 60 1,015 00 1,210 00 65,625 00 2 372 75 1,110 00 .1. Evaus W. B. MoAllister..., 8. Peck Wm. Penland Andrew Keaney.... Urs. It. A. Hummers W. A. Ayers 3,336 75 2,49 00 J. L. Ayers. . . Ji-rrv Brosuau "J Cbas. Cunningham l.fi9 6U E. F. Day io,om ou Ueury Jones jj", Michael Kenuey.. 1M' Hh Fmlda 2,740 00 J. M. Waddell"! 1,012 00 J. M. Hayes .'l ft .1 I! Ki.i, 5,205 00 C. 8. Kirk & Hon 1.2 J''' J.C.Lrg Silas A, Wright . u H. Blackmau 4 Co 7,800 00 The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Million Homes 40 Years tlie Standard. T. L. Dorman 2,010 00 Fuller Heirs, by Ellis 6,200 00 A. M. Guun 1.768 50 G. W. Harrington 8,243 00 James Stewart Estate 1,195 00 John Hughes 4,269 00 Hugbes & Laland.Lind Estate 4,600 00 D. W. Horner 1,918 25 Stephen Lalande 6.232 75 Mrs, L. A. Leezer 1,800 00 M. Licbteutbal & Oo 2,650 00 Ed, L. Matlock 3,213 50 Goi.rge Noble 2,144 80 O. A. Bhea 21,835 00 W. H. Bush 1,855 00- Shaw & McCarty 2,130 00 John A. Thompson 12,197 50 John Barker 4,759 25 J. F. Hoskina 1,312 00 i A. F. Hedger 1,641 25 . T. D. Matthews 6,389 00 H. S. Scales 3,120 00 Antone Vey 19,481 00 . Joseph Vey 18,366 00 Geo. S. Crane 8,835 00 Allen Evans 8,219 00 James Taylor 2,265 00 ' J. S. Van Cleve 1,017 50 ' O. K. &N. Co 368.687 00 Western Union Telegraph Co. 6,214 00 ' Heppner Flouring Mill Co. . . : 9,200 00 Heppner Building & Loan Ass. 12,000 00 Palace Hotel Co 12,400 00 Morrow Co. Laud & Trust Co. . 14,010 00 Silas Brown 8,460 00 Edwin Cambpell 1,100 00 L. F. Dodeon 1,200 00 Dodson & MoDougal 1,200 00 J. M. Fisher 1,320 00 1. G.Hewison 2,750 00 Jacob Johnson 1,375 00 T.J. Kirk 1,925 00 H. B. LeFevre ; 1,046 00 Miltou N. Moore 1,408 00 , W. F. Matlock 3,160 00 Zeb Boseudorf , 2,20.1 00 Wm. Kust 1,760 00 J. W. Keddiugton. 1,290 00 ; Jade Switzler 4,500 00 Nat. Webb 5,915 00 P. A. Worthiugton 2,420 00 MOHTUaCB absbsshbktb. Tbe Jarvis Conklin Mtg. Co. .8 1,100 00 Lombard Investment Co 1,600 00 ' N. P, B. B.CO. Northern Paoitic Railroad Co. .$47,652 00 SHERItr'S ASSKSHMliNTS. Allen & Rudio 8 1,200 00 T. J.Allyn 2,248 00 Wm. AyerB 3,820 00" J. C. Bull 1,150 00 Walter Berry . , 2,200 00 David Baker.. 1,108 75 0. 0. Curtie 1,854 00 Mrs. Isabella Comgal 4,020 00 R. Cobbook. 1,085 00 W. M. Douglas 8,850 25 B. M. Doheriy 8,800 00 W. P.. Duttou tor W. H. Dutton 1,400 00 W. P. Dutton 4,88160 John Elder 1,304 50 Hugh Field 10,3ba 50 Gilliam heirs 2,220 ()0 ' Kd. Holloway 1,478 50 ' Jumes riager 7,715 00 D. A. Heireu 6,790 00 , Henry Heppner 14.400 00 Felix Johnson 2,445 00 James Jones 3,786 00 Newton Junes , 7 1,030 00) . John JenkiuB 1,056 60 Mrs. E. Kiloup 3,467 60 Joseph Luukman 6,344 00 Joseph Mason 1,310 00 V. M. Mallory 1,800 00 Powell Bros 4,540 50 E. V. Rood 9,6!l(l IX) Andrew Rood 8,179 00 James Rhea 6.070 00 Nelsou Swaggart 1,320 00 .. IS. F. Swagguit l,nt 00 It. F. Whipley 1,871 50 B. Sperry, for John Spenoer 1,440 00 A. J . Suobe 1,810 00 Alia. Hurrah A. Thompson 2.026 00 , John Q. Wilsou 1,460 00 Mrs. iMiuna Welou o.ioi oo 1'. M. Griinsbaw 6,075 00 Frank: Heisuey 1.426 00 Jumes Jones 1,200 00 ti. Kester 3,000 00 Sam Palmer u,&w uo J. D. Wuit 8,000 00 First National Bank of llepp- fcuw ner JJ6.000 00 : Nittioual ijbiikof Heppner .. . 31,000 00 Mrs. R. IS. French i.itn m A Snake's BIC tlu(lertakln. A negro woman in Georgia hoed cot ton until midday, and then lay down for a nap in the shade of a tree. She was barefooted. Suddenly a tickling Sensation in one of her big toes dis turbed her slumber. She looked sleep ily iu that direction, and saw a sight that made her teeth chatter. A huge blacksnake had swallowed the toe, and was acting as though he proposed to swallow the rest of her. As she gazed , along tbe sleek back of the undulating serpent he seemed so long that hla tail was below the horizon. When she re- ' covered from her temporary paralyais she arose like a skyrocket fired slant wise, and disapeared in the pine tim ber with a blood-curdling shriek. After being jerked through tho underbruah . tor a few rods the shake let go. Tha l'astleut Chines. 'h wonderful exumple of patience in the Chinee is afforded by a consular re- ' port dealing with the manufacture of salt in central Chinu. Holes about si inches in diameter are bored in the rock by means of a primitive form of iron drill, and sometimes a period ol forty years elapses before tho covered brine is reached, so that tho work it carried on from one generation to an other. During this time the boring, as may be Imagined, goes down to an im mense depth. When brine ia found it is drawn up in bamboo tubes by a rope working over a large drum turned by bullocks. Tho brine is evaporated in iron caldrons, the heat being supplied by naturnl gas, which is gencrallj found In tho vicinity of the suit wella. Baking Powder.