H'i'l&KttiL ! insertion of disiilay ads.. B. UlllHl vet ftifir i.nv in lay evening for Tumulty's 1 4iVftiil.tr tir li'rl.luti li iUK FlTTKHauN I'UBUbHlMiL'u. NOTICE. 1 Ttia a...- nl ... . ... . charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of repwt," lilts ol wedding presents and donors, sud obituary notices, (other than those the euit or Bhall himself give as a matter of news,) aud notices Of HDecial meeting fnr whntfli-uF i.nnu. 2. Notices ol church and society aud all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of Ave cents a line. These rules will bo strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for his or her communication. No correspondence will tie published unless the writer s real name is signed as an evidence of good laillt. T P. flSHEK, NEWSPAPER ADVEKTIS 1 J ing Agent, 11 Merchants exchange, oan t raticisco, is our authorised agent. This paper is kept on tile ill his otlice. TIME TABLE. Stage for Hnrdm.ni, Monument, Long Creek, John Day and canyon city, leaves sb follows : tvery day at o:au a. in., except feuuday. Arm es every day at .ri:;iO p. in., except .Monday. The clicupest, quickest and best line to or from tile interior country. J. o. DELEVAN, 1'rop. Siocum-Johnston Drug Co., Agents. Give your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. Here and There. Mr. H. C. Gregg left for Boise, Wednesday. J. N. Thompson was in the city yesterday. T. J. Allyn was seen on our streets yesterday. Our county jail is aguin empty. This is a good sign. J. A. Woolery and wife were up from lone yesterday. Kleekner. and Sheldon's resort for "half and half." S. J. La France, the music man, was in town yesterday. Homer H. Hallook, "of Portland is visiting in the city. Miss Allen, of Toll Bock, has returned from a visit to California. Job work tustely executed at the Gazette otlice. Mo delays. To be in the ruoe tor trade, advertise in the Semi-Weekly Uuzette. The Gem and Palace saloons for fine liquors, McAtee Bros., Props. aw Mr. Diokie, horse-buyer, is here look ing alter Morrow county stock. Phill. Heppner, of Arlington, is nurs ing what threatens to be a felon. John Barker, of Galloway, was a visitor to Heppner Wednesday. E. B. Dufur, of The Dalles, was in the city on business Wednesday last. The usual monthly sohool meeting of our directors will occur tomorrow, Mr. K. B. Dufur, of the firm'of Dufur & Menafee, left yesterday for home. Old Joe Taylor, the Portland sport, died recently from blood poisoning. A striotly first class guitar fur sale. Brand new. Inquire at this otlice. 5-31. The Heppner-Ganyon stage line is the best, cheapest and quickest, to the in terior. Children's waists, age 5 to 12 years cheaper than you can make them at Fell Bros.' The twiob-a.wkkk Gazette now only 82.50 in advance, payable in cash or coou skins. Halt & Mathews, the barbers, City ho tel barber shop. They are artists. Baths in connection. J. J. Corbett, the ohampion pugilist will show in "Gentleman Jack" up at Pendleton tonight. Oregon strawberries will be late in ripening this year owning to unusual amount of damp weather. The Kteley Institute, at Forest Grove cures liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine and tobacco habit. Bee ad. The Gazette would gladly fill a few orders for choice trees of any sort satis faction guaranteed. Drop in. tf. Every man who takes any interest in fust stock should subscribe for The Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. N. Nielson is now running a stage be tween Heppner and Lone Book. See ad. for days of leaving and arrival, tf. Trees in the vicinitv of Heppner are very slow this year in leafing out. Down the creek fruit trees are in bloom. Hood's Pills cure constipation by restoring the peristaltic aotion of the allimentry canal. They are the best family oathartic. W. R. Norway, representing, J. A folger & Co.'s Golden Gate baking powder, arrived last night on his usual monthly visit to Heppner. Master Clay French is the authorized aeent for the Oregonian at this place. Subscribe through him, and have your iOUDSCriue iui paper deliver ThAjand W. R.W slivered free of charge. tt aa Army boys assisted by the 1. and other civic orders, will notice Djcoration Day, May 3Utb, at Lexington. All should come out. We are often deceived in the age of people having beautiful and luxuriant hair, not kuowing that they use Hall's Hair Beuewer to keep gray hairs away Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones the baber, wants to see his pld friends there. Baths in connec tion". To overoome the marks of asr . all who have gray beards should use Bucking ham's Dye for the Whiskers, the bem and cleanest dye made for coloring brown or black. The Hotel Grande, Arlington, in order to continue in the procession, tarts an ad. in this issue. The Grande is one of the best conducted hotels in the oountry. It is said that mails don't connect at Hardman for Wagner in direot violation of posted instructions. This should be correoted, as the delay Is annoying to all those reoeiving mails at Wagner. Dr. B. F. Vsuiihan has gone east to complete fair dental education, leaving Drs. J. W. Kasnins and Eugene Vaughan in charge of his office. Those owing Dr. Vaughan will please make settlement with Dr. Eugene Vaughan who has full authority, 17-tf. The advice that most men will give you is not to drink, but when yon do get the best. The Belvedere saloon carries an exoellent stock of cigars, liquors wines and beer. A fine billiard parlor Id connection. Call on Charlie and John who will always treat you court eously,. Not many physicians make great therapeutic discoveries. For the most Dart thnv content themselves with ad ministering judiciously what is pre scribed in the books. To Dr. J. C Ayer, however, is due the credit of dis covering that greatest of blood-purifiers ,Ayer'a Sarsaparilla. .Bessie H Bedloe, Burlington, V'., bad a tieeaae of tbe scalp, causing ber hair to become very harsh and dry, and to iall so freely that she scarcely dared to niiub it. Aver's Hair Vigur gave her a healthy Bonip, rui.v,d I lie dandruff, aud niHile the hair thick and glossy. Jack Heltemus got into the mill race down at Kugeue and came very near drowning. J. W. Dawson arrived home last even ing from a three weeks visit with friends aud relatives in the valley. A. Hermaun, of Spokane. Wash.. special agent for the State Insurance Company, was in the city yesterday. P. C. Thompson Company have ao otmodated you and need their money. Don't forget those who help you. 6-7 Mina Williams and W. C. Cox, of Long Creek, pulled out Thursday for for home with merchandise for W. M. Rudio. Tribune: Mrs. George Carmichael osme down from Weston last night and left this moruing for Heppner to visit her father, Wm. Burnett was in our city Wednes day aud re-eohoed the universal opin ion that Morrow county will have a good crop this year. August Charlton wai in from Goose berry yeBterday. Mr. Charlton thinkB prospects are very good for a large wheat orop this year. A. P. Esterbrook, formerly of Heppner aud The Dalles, is now sojourning over iu liilliuin oounty, looking after the interests of the Hinger Sewing Machine. Mr. D. A. Herren came in last .even ing from Portland, aud reports that Mrs. Herren will probably be well enough to return home in the course of three weeks. The case, of Ed Allen and Walter Brown vs. Jus. Dunlap etal, over the Blaok Butte olaim in Fox valley was argued iu the supreme oourt Wednesday at Salem. Tbeadore Anderson of Goosebrry was in the oity today, 'Theadore has about 250 acres of grain in, aud oonseqaeutly is very much hopes that we may have a seasonable year. G. W. Vincent was in from Galloway today. Mr. Vincent says bis lambing averaged about 85 per cent. He has lin lulled shearing, and is now busy hauling iu bis wool. Felix Johnson, Mrs. Con. Driscoll and Burnett Long, . of the Butter oreek section, were in on business Wednesday. Mrs. Driscoll left for the outer country yesttrduy, via the branch line. Heppner has made more permanent improvements in the way f plantiuu shade trees, pluuiug lawns, etc., this spring than any previous season. The reason for it is evident Heppner has plenty of water. Condon Globe: Mr. Lyons, a young attorney of Heppner, wines Col. Luoob that he expects to be here in a few days to locate at Condon in the practice of law. He is a graduate of Ann Arbor, Mich. John S. Brown is on the branoh in place of Ed Keece this week. Ed. and family are sojourning in Portland. Mr. Brown is a son of Isa Brown, county surveyor, and has bten working for the Union Paoiho for about three years. See ad. in this issue of the gruud ball to be giveu by the Tiger Hose Co., No. 1, Thursday evening, May 25, The prooeeds are for the benefit of the com pany, so every business man in Heppner should encourage the boys by buying a ticket. M. S. Maxwell came in yesterday from Gooseberry leaving this morning for Eugene, where be goes ss a repre Beutauve from the I. O. O. F. lodge, of Hardman, to the Grand Lodge which meets in Eugene next Wednesday and Thursday. A. A. Whitney, representing D. M. Osborne's farm machinery, oame in Tuesday from below, and Wednesday proceeded as far as Toll Bock on his way to Long Creed:, but gave up the trip at this point on account of bad roads. ' 0. h. Patterson, editor of the Long Creek Eagle, accompanied by W. M. Kudio, arrived Wednesday from Long Creek. Mr. Patterson left yesterday for Pendleton on a business trip, and Mr. Kudio will remain here a few days on a like mission. B. A. Hunsaker and Warren Carsuer, of Haystack, came in Tuesday from Wagner on business. Mr. Carsner left Wednesday for home, but Mr. Hunsaker remained a few days. Both gentlemen report good sucoess with their sheep for the past winter and Bpring. Don't get names and dates mixed. The Leauue entertainment on May 26tb, while the lecinre by Dr. Stratton takes place June 11 ill, and have nothing to do with each other. Should there be any money left from the .League entertain ment, after expenses are paid, it will be used for benevolent purposes in Heppner. The Dalles Chronicle: After Pen- noyer's four years are up he ought to apply to Geo. P. Kowell 4 Co., for a position as an original advertisement writer. He he's secured more adver tising in a six-word dispatch than the sixty tuousanu dollars appropriated for the World fair. Uncle Nat McBee, Morrow oonnty's scab inspector, has now almost complet ed his rounds over the county, and in conversation with our reporter recently informed him that in round numbers, there were 22U,oUU sheep in Morro He finds them in good average condi tion for any season. Condon Globe: After a rather spirited oontest for the Condon postoflioe, L. W. Dai line was finally favored with the appoiutment. As Mr. Herbert Halstead resigned the otlice several weeks ago, it is probable Mr. Darling will take charge of the same at once. He will move it from the present location to bis pluoe of business. The new law firm composed of Hon. W. R. Ellis, J. W. Dawson aud T. R. Lyons, win be known under the firm name ol Ellis, Dawson & Lyons. Mr. Lyons will be Btatiuned st Condon to represent the firm at that plaoe. Mr. Ellis is too well known to need any comment at onr bands, hut Messrs. Dawsou tk Lyons are new comers, yet during their brief residence here they have established a reputation. lor sterling iutergrity and hard workers. This sno- oeeds anywhere. Mr. Phill. Cohn, acoompauied by his bride, arrived last evening from tneco. Later iu theevening they were serenaded by the Heppner Cornet Band at the home of Mr. Blackmao. After a fe selections the boys were invited in to partake of an elegant luncb of wine, cake and cigarB. Congratulations and toasts being ended, the boys departed after rendering a closing selection. Mr. ErViAi COPPER T I VETE j-0? Z JJ.OTTOM TANT5 ! Hood's Cures Ur. C. B. Card Oakland, Cat. Made Over Anew Chronic Headache Cured-Weak Lungs Made Strong and Well. " For years I had sick headaches every day, and I also had rery weak lands. Since I hare been taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, I have been entirely enred of beadaches, and my lunirs are strong and well. Friends often say How Well You're Looking. I tell them It is due to Hood's Sarsaparilla. I am small In stature never weighed over 100 pounds before taking Hood's Sarsspa- rilla, and at the time I began taking tt I bad run down to 85 pounds, but now I weigh 111. My friends thought I would be dead long ago, but X am perfectly well. I am unable to express my thanks for the good Hood's Sarsaparilla has done me." Mas. C. B. Cabs, 1215 Adeline Street, Oakland, California. Hood's Pills cure all Liver Ills I'.ilious ness, Jaundice, Indigestion, Sick Headache. and Mrs. Cohn will at once take up their residence at Heppner where Mr. Cohn is located in the drug business. The G. A. It. veterans, of Lexington . invite the attendance on the 80tb. inst.. at their memorial exercises, of all secret orders and the public sohool of Hepp ner, as well as all private citizens ol this town and vicinitv. The piuentm will be in charge of the Hons of Vetprna, It is hoped that a good attendance will be had on this occasion. Chicago Tribune: "Mrs. William G. Nourse, No. 846 Raciue avenue, i.uil Mrs. Philip W. Herzog, of Minneapolis, were among the passengers arriving on the steamer Teutonio last Wedecsday, at New York, they having passed the last six months in Europe." Mrs. Nourse is a consm of the Patterson Bros. Hood Kiver Glacier: It was thought for a while there would be no peach crop here this year, but at present there is promise of at least a fair yield. The trees are in bloom, and some of them are masses of piuk, while all have bloom enough and to spare, should one-half of the blossoms materahze. All other fruits promise to yeld abundantly, though with present weather outlook the strawberries will not be ripe before the 25th. Wobld's FaibTbavelebs Will Have It. The publio demand through service when traveling. It is old-fashioned tn change oars. Ou the through solid vestibuled trains of the Chicago, Union Faoifio and Northwest Line, from or to Chicago, Omaha and intermediate points, there is no change. This is the finest and fastest roud. 19-31. Oct of Sight. The traveling publio are now fully alivs to the fact that tbe Chicago, Union Pacific & Northwest Line offers the very best accommodations to tbe publio from and to Cbioago, Omaha and intermediate points not only during tbe World's Fair, but all the year around. 19-31 Kip's Wood Yard. The Heppner wood yard, under the management of Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver wood at your residenoe, sawed or ran- sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at 87.00 per oord. Wood sawed twice in two, 75 cts. per oord; three times. 81.00. Yard near the depot. Leave orders at Sloan & Howard's. 4-tf. Fashionable Dressmakers. Mi s. W. W. Smead and Mrs. Margaret Loonej are prepared to do dressmaking in tbe latest fashion and sewing of every nature, at hard time prioes, at the home of Mrs. W. W. Hmead. Don't fail to give them a call. 118-sw. A Fine Hobse. The imported run ning stallion, Sir Henry, has been brought over to Heppner, and will stand the ensuing season at tbis plaoe. He is the property of "Caynse" Reynolds, and is a fine horse. 570tf First Class Tailobino Fred Miller is now located on May street iu the old bakery building, where be is prepared to do first class work. A perfect fit guaranteed. Qive him a trial. tf. Look Herb. When you want a re. freshing schooner of beer and a nioe lnnoh, go see Kleekner & Sheldon. Also fine liquors and cigars in stock. 21-tf. A Healtrftjl Drink. Kleekner and Sheldon now.have on tap fine porter and are prdpared to furnish "halt and half." tf ItalMmorn fretm. A Baltimore frnnk is a fro of proof size and a tn.lo li'rht, in eolor, hut nr parently not difftr-nt fi'mn liny othei frog'. The frealcislinc.is tt.-vNy-it -.vhor his froship wan worried, w'len hi8tpa of hopping oft or jrivin;,' utt -ranfe U the deep, sonorous note nsmiliy bran from frogs, he siinoly nyr.r ' moutf and cried. The irt i: n'-'.yr if not human, and siijrosts. 1 ,v. : ; i .,ne and volume, a had, pee vis": ; '.':!. T.-..: cry is not a Kindle not', but wnvi-.u. and ig jontinued even after the auuoyunce leases. "OfArA QUARANTINED. Gilliam rphe Epworth League of the Methodist Kpiscopal . Church of IlepDner Will Give an IV PNTFRTATNMFNT AT- THE OPERA. HOUSE Friday Evening, May t 1893. THIS ENTERTAINMENT will be of a literary character, and nn enjoyable time is promised those who attend. - The proceeds will be used by the "De partment of Mercy and Help" of this organization for charitable purposes iu Heppner To those who have had the opportunity of attending tbe previous entertainments of the League, no worili of praise are necessary to con vince them that tbis one will be a suocess ; to thoee who have not, we would ssy. Come to this one and be convinced. Tbe entertaiument will oonclude with a ADMISSION (Including Supper)': Children, 25 cts.; General Admission, 50 cts.; Rererved Seats, 75 cts. This piece of advertising space belongs to Slocum-Johnston Drug Qo. lEniLL COHN, Pbopbietok. There is not a winged inseot hovering around Phillip. H. A. Thompson THOMPSON PROPRIETORS Tk Heppner Livery, M anil Sale Stable. Below Coffin & McFurland's, Main Street. Good Conveyance for Traveling Men. Teams to bay per day, 75 ots. Hay and grain per day, 81-25. Meals 25 cts. a at O. C. Bargeant's, next door to Peed Stable. Grain aud baled hay always on hand. FREE CAMP HOUSE FOR TEAMSTERS. ONLY EXCLUSIVE BOOT AND SHOE STORE FOOTWEAR in heppner. IS M. LIC1ITENTI1AL & CO. - West Side ol HEPPNER, 1 . 2. 3. 4. ITEPPNER and LONE ROCK eiVYGK LINK. 2V. iXIISXviSOIV. Prop. Leaves Heppner on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Suturduys. Lenres Lone Hi.rk on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Mnkes connection with the weekly line to Fossil. Reasonable charges for both Passengers -:- and -: Freight. 643-tfiw fjLOCCM-JOHNSTON DRCG CO., Agents, Heppner, Or. EG m i DM MO, na7;-ttfi office. . NOTARY PUBLIC & I3isbee, HEPPNEIl, Oil. JJll ILlVXiAllUllUll X ON- A. R. Blnm & BINNS, NO SHODDY GOODS. FOOTWEAR. Main fitrett, OREGON. Only First-ClRss hotel in Heppner. UmldiriK Wired for Eleotric Lights throughout. Heat sccommodHtiorjs (or the traveling pnbhe. C'ourteons treatment insured the coun try people. MRU. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress. MITEL 1170 Plonv nf thorn n ho CONVEYANCER 0IC1 Anything New of Real Merit You can Generally Find' For Sale :-: by We don'l run a third-class jnnk shop where yon ean buy shoddy goods at iwioe their value, but we keep first-class goods at honest prioes, with no baits or traps. We keep fids' Furnislii Goods, Hardware, Tinware, GROCERIES Wood and Willoware, Guns, Ammunition, - STATIONERY, CONF KO TIONERY, ETC- Aek our old customers bow we treat them. Corner Main and Jeep Your Eye Open MINOR Where you will find a grand display of quality and elegancs, and the fairest prices ever made for such qualities. Visitors are not asked to believe, but are shown goods to convince them that we are leading the trade in Dry his, Moling, Has, Tl i V L TT-i. la r- . i rt i duuis, onues. ndis, caps, rurnisnuio; booas, etc. If you want value for your money, oome and see us. If you want to enjoy the full purchasing power of your Dollar, spend it with STORAGE AND ATTENDED TO IN A Business-like -:- Manner AND AT REASONABLE RATES. Wool Growers' Warehouse Near the Depot: HEPPNER, : : OREGON. Change of WE HAVE TAKEN CHARGE which we propose to oondnct in on hands at all times the choicest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. SHAW & McOAETY, 85-tl Proorietors. DR. .JOSEPH J. BILL Graduate M. E. C. V. 3. , London, England. T 7" VETERINARY yjRGEON ! Chronic Diseases a Specialty. I tm prepared to d sll kinds of Vetf rlnary Sureerr, Kmssculstlnf Horses and Reirllries a Speci ally. (This Is the only true method ol operating on horses.) Speylnx ol Cattle and Hons ou short notice. 1 will treat all anlaiali In the most auproTed procedure ol Veter inary Burs-cry. II you have any slrk animals It will be to your interest to call on ine at Htewart's stables. HEI'PNER, - ssssw - . OREGON SPUING i -SO New York Cash Racket Store. J0HT ORDERED, AND TO ARRIVE SOON : Spring and Summer Dress Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Financings, Drnpery, Gents' Furnishings; slso Ladies' Underwear and, numerous other goods in that line. Notions and Tinware in took; very cheap. When I say cheap, I mean it. You have bat to call aud inves tigate to be satisfied. I do none but a ossh business, and can therefore undersell all snmpetitors. J. W. MATLOCK, Pro). Main Street, next door to tbe Opera Honse. T1 CENTRAL HOTEL ts Now Open to the Public New Bnilding and Newly- Furnished Throughout. Board per week $4 60 " and Lodging per week, 5.50 Only first-claes $1 a day house in town. Free back to and from all trains O. a. RAHQENTi Proprietor. HKI'I'NEK, .... l R. ELLIS HK2TNKB, III! T t)V. Who are Noted for beinf. The Leaders. : : : : : : Willow Streets, HEPPNER, OREGON. for- BARGAINS! AT & CO.'S FORWARDING. Ownership OP THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, the most Batisfaotorv manner. Will trunn IS HERE. IS TIIK- Single Meals .' 25 oents Lodging 25 oents OREGON ATTpnNBTJLTLAW Ab.i1 Commissioner of the U. S. Circuit Court. AU lands f matters attended to promptly and aeoonttly. Offioe In National Bank building. : OKKUON