Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 09, 1893, Image 3

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I' HOSE desiring the iuaurtlou of display ads.,
ur chautft ui KHiiie, niuBl (jet their copy in
nut later than Monday evening fur Tuettday's
editiuii, or IhuriKlay evening lor Fridays edi
tion. iUK i'ATTKttauW 1'UBLltsaiNliCO.
1. The turn of five centi per line will be
charged fur "cards oi thanks," "resolutions of
rubect," lists ol wedding preatuta and donors,
and uhituuiy uoticei, (other tnau those the edit
or shall hiuiHeli give us a waiter uf news,) and
notices oi special meetings lor whatever purpose.
2. Nutiees 01 church and society and aliuther
uiitertaininenu frum which revenue is to he de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of hve
tents a line. 1 hese rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and uiadeknowu
npou application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
spoiiKioie lor las or her communication, fco
correBi'ondeiJce will be puljlibhcd uiucss the
wiimi s ieai liauie is signed as an evidence ui
good faith.
lJ iug Ayent, 21 Merchants exchange,
buu 1'iaiicisco, is onr authoneu agent, inis
paper is kept on hie in hib oihce.
Htage for lliirdniun, Monument, Lour Creek,
Joliu Day ana cuuyuii cily, leaven u lujlous :
Jivery any at tiuu a. m., exeept omiUay.
Arriv es every day atu:ot)i. ui., uxct-'pl Monday.
'Hie elieapebt, 4iaekeBt and beat line to or
from the interior country.
J. S. DELEVAN, l'rop.
Slocum-Johliaton Drug Co,, AteulB.
(Jive your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
tier. Patronize those who patroutze
Here and There.
D. A. Herrio is in Portland.
League entertainment May 20th.
Heppner Furniture Co., for carpet, t
For iroud health use TUTT'S PILLS,
Mrs. Newt Junes is reported quite ill,
Euiinett Cochran got in Saturday ou
Hon. W, li. Ellis returned yesterday
from below.
'Squire Burnett was up from Lexing
ton yesterday.
Call and examine Heppner Furniture
Co.'a wail papers . t
Win. Cuilds, the Baker City sheep
buyer, arrived Saturday.
Joel Grootne was in town Saturday
after a hard spring's rustling.
The liem and Palace saloous for tine
liquors, Mo A tee bros,, l'rops. svv
Read the advertisement of the League
entertainment in another column.
Three lota of wool arrived Saturday
for the Wool drawers' Warehouse.
Mrs. H. D. (Jodley returned ou yester
day's train from a visit to Portland.
Giant llobiuson, a well-known Califor
nia sheaier, is in Heppner country.
A striotly first olass guitar for sale.
Brand new. Inquire at this otlioe. 5-34,
The Ueppuer-Canyon stage line is the
best, cheapest and qicukest to the in
terior. Senator W. F. Matlock is in town
today shaking hands with his numerous
Children's waists, age 5 to 12 years
oheaper than you can make them at
Fell Bros.'
The twice-a-wekk Gazette now only
$2.50 in advance, payable in cash or
ooon skins.
The nice weather of Saturday was
followed by a good soaking rain Sun
day evening.
Col. J. a. Eddy and other members of
the railroad commission will be here
this evening.
Mnjof L. W. Briggs returned Friday
from Oregon City. He reports an
elegant time.
Hatt & Mathews, the barbers, City ho
tel barber shop. They are artists. Baths
in conneotion.
Orren Farnsworth got iu Friday from
the ranoh, and reports a short orop ot
lambs this year.
Mr. Thompson, a partner of Allen
Evans in the sheep business, was in
town Saturday laBt.
Thad Armstrong was in Sunday from
Alpine and reports a prosperous out
look in his neighborhood.
The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove
oures liquor, opium, morphine, oocaine
and tobacco habit. See ad.
Arlington Record: W. K. Ellis, con
gressman elect from this district, came
down from Heppner Tuesday.
The Gazette would gladly till a few
orders for choice trees of any sort satis
faction guaranteed. Drop in. tf.
Rev. Shulse returned from Columbus,
Wash.last evening where he bad been
to attend quarterly conference.
Every man who takes any interest in
fast stock should subscribe for The
Horseman. Gazette shop, agentB.
W. H. Fiske, manager of the Portland
office of F. Chevalier & Co., whiskey
merchants, was in town over Friday.
N. Nielson is now running a stage be
tween Heppner and Loue Rook. See
ad. for days of leaving and arrival, tf.
T.-M.: James M. Johns, L. VV. Darling
and H. B. Hendricks were admitted to
practice as attorneys by the Bupreme
oourt in session at Pendleton May 3rd.
Newer and neater quarters at the
Palace Hotel's north business room.
Charley Jones the baber, wants to see
his old friends there. Baths in eonuee
tion. To overcome the marks of age, all who
have gray beards should use Bucking
ham's Dye for the Whiskers, the bei-t
and cleanest dye made for coloring brown
or black.
The direotors of the Heppner school
have decided to have a fnll nine mouths'
term this year, and will keep up the
lick as long as the present administra
tion is in power.
N. F. Miller of Prineville, late of the
Jobe Day section, got in Sunday on
business. Mr. Miller is running a
general merchandising business over in
the metropolis of Crook.
H. C. Gregg, of Spokane, brother of
Mrs. Otis Patterson, arrived yesterday
on a short visit. Mr. Gregg is now
working on Idaho's Souvenir World's
Fair Sovenir whioh be will complete
tr. B. F. Vaughan has gone east to
complete his dental edncation. leaving
Drs. J. W. Rasmus nnd Eugene Vaughaa
in oharge of his office. Thuse owing Dr.
Vaoghan will please make settlement
with Dr. Eugene Vaughan who has full
authority. 17-tf.
The advice that most men will give
you is not to drink, but when joado
get the best. The Belvedere saloon
carries an eicellent stock ot cigars, liquors
wines and beer. A tine billiard parlor
id conneotion. Call on Charlie aua
John who will always tieat yoa court
eously, Bob Shaw it buying sheep for Jack
Anderson, representing The Anderson
iitock Co. Bob is also representing iD
the same line, the interests of J. A. Wat
-sod. of California, and Mr Snell, of
Montana. In all, they will buy about
-,20,0otf head of sheep.
Not many physicians make great
therapeutic discoveries. For the most
part tbey content themselves with ad
ministering judiciously !wbat is pre
scribed in the books. To Dr. J. C.
Aver, however, is due. the credit of die
coveriui: that ureatest of blood-purifiers
Ayer's Sursaparilla.
C. Roberts, the wool buyer, came in
Friday but went down the line Saturday,
to return again later on.
Geo. Smith proved up before Clerk
Morrow Saturday, with W. C. Reininger
and Luton Jones as witnesses.
Homer H. Hallock is out iu Eaiteru
Oregon getting up matter for the
World's Fair prospectus, state of
Rev. W. E. Potwine and Bishop Morris
arrived last evening from Portland, and
will hold services in the M. E. church
this evening.
Hood's Pills act especially upon the
liver, rousing it from torpidity to its
natural duties, cure oonstipation and
astist digestion.
F. J. Connelly, representing bis firm
of Lane & Connelly, inanf. and dealers
iu cigars, visited our merchants and
business men last week.
Sunday night's rainfall amounted to
78 lUOths oi an inch the largest of any
one rain since a local observer has
been stationed at Heppner.
Master Clay French is the authorized
aiient for the Oregonian at this place.
Subscribe through him, and have your
paper delivered free of charge. tf
We are often deceived in the age of
people haviug beautiful and luxuriant
hair, not knowing that they use Hull's
Hair Renewer to keep gray hairs an ay.
Harry Olmsted, formerly of this
county, but late of Georgia, arrived
last week to consummate proof on his
timber oultuie before Commissioner
Si. Fiiqua took out a lot of squirrel
poison huturCay, and proposes to rid
his premises of a few of the pesis,
bounty or no bounty. This is the right
T. N. Crow, who has bad cbargeof Alex
Thompson's sheep for some time, was
in Saturday and reports 60 per cent,
iuorease. This is, perhaps, an average
this year.
Allen Evans harvested 92 per oent. of
lambs, nnd his 124 sacks of tine wool is
in the Wool Growers' warehouse, ready
fore sale or shipment. His wool is not
as dirty as last year.
At Lexington Thursday last H. Pat
berg went through a bridge with his
team, into the creek, narrowly escaping
drowning and serious injury. All how
ever, got out without any serious re
sults. J. A. Kleokuer, of the firm of Kleokner
St Sheldon, bus accepted a position with
Nels Jones, and will saok wool out at
the ranch during shearing. The em
ployment will prove both recreating and
K. H. Gubbert, of Oregon City, an
editor nud piiuler of many years ex
perience, visited the Hayes Bros, over
Sunday. Mr. Gabbert will visit his
brother at Pullman Wash., before re
turning below.
J. C. Coobraiie, of Monument, left
Sunday with a big load of supplies for
Mrs H. Welch, Newt Robinson, Geo.
ilaguewood aud others. Mr. Cochraue
says that the roads are getting bitter,
but are bud yet.
J, M. Hauler, of Vinson, was in Satur
day and Sunday, the first visit to Hepp
ner for over a year. Mr. Hauler has
been seriously ulHiuted for years, and
during the past winter has rot been
able to get about.
The "official list" of the session of
county ouurt appears in this issue. In
our next will appear the remainder of
the report. Also a list of taxpayers who
pay on $1,000 aud upwards, aud much
delayed correspondence.
Harold Fiske, of Portland, was the
successful applicant for the cadetsbip,
down at The Dulles. Mr. Johnson, of
the same place, was the successful
appearances of clearing up. All fruit is
O. K. down there except peaches.
P. E. Hamilton, of Nez Perce oouuty,
Idaho, formerly of this couuty, is shear
ing iu our midst in a crew of Idaho
boys. The; will shear baok, perhaps,
as far us Montana. Mr. Hamilton is
farming up iu Idaho, with marked
Hugh Fields got in Friday from
Brownsville. He says that it rained
every day iu April down his way, but
when he left home there were some
alternate. Roy Ulassoock, of Heppuer,
made a good showing, but fell some
short of the goal.
Little Olati Hayes, accompanied by
his parents, returned from The Dalles
Friday. The physician says that he
cau effect a cuieiu his case, aud judg
lug from the results obtained iu the
past by the National Surgical Institute,
we do not doubt it.
Bessie H Bedloe, Burlington, Vt., bad
a disease of the scalp, causing her hair
to become very harsh aud dry, and to
(all so treely that she scarcely dared to
comb it. Aver s Hair Vigor gave her a
healthy scalp, removed the daudruff,
aud made the hair thick and glossy.
The Uroth Si Thompson hot spring,
of Grant county, which was reported as
frozen over receutly,has taken a change
aud is flowing as hot as ever. A sub
terranean racket was noticed, ac
companied by a visible trembling of the
earth. The spring has flowed hot water
ever since.
Tribune: Professor F. J. Van Winkle
on Wednesday received from the state
boaid of education a life diploma, whiob
authorizes him to teach iu auy public
school iu the state during bis life, with
out the formality of an examinalion.
Professor Van Winkle is probably the
youngest teacher in the state holding
such a diploma.
Pendleton Tribune: The stockholders
of the Bailey ditch have filed their inten
tion by virtue of the laws of Oregon, of
appropriating b.UOO inches of water from
the Umatilla river in section 21, town
ship 5 north, range 25 east, W, M., about
three miles above the Umatilla J ucotion
They will built a ditch four feet deep,
four feet wide at the bottom and tweuty
feet widj at the top. The ditch will rnn
went along the Columbia river to the
town of Castle Rock in Morrow county
They intend tn build six reservoirs.
Si kpwsb Pakty Last Saturday even
ing, at the residence of Tbeo. Danner
Miss Elsie Lacy was tendered a fare
well surprise party by some twenty-five
or more of her young friends. Miss
Lacy leaves Saturday for her home iu
Black Horse, and before leaving it was
deoided to give here some testimonial
of the regard in which she is held by
her numerous young friends. A splen
did time was enjoyed by all present.
Miss Lacy has been attending school
for the past year at Heppner.
Saturday's Incident. Last Saturday
Lee Kilbourne, of Gooseberry, was ar
rested down on Main street for drunk
I and disorderly oonduct. He so
1 cornpauied tLe marshal as far as the
I oity jail, but then resisted and squared
! himeif for a fight, and we are informed,
J made a motion as If to draw a weapon,
1 bat he 1 roved to be unarmed. The
1 marshal tried to put tim in by forte but
was unable to do so, and finally knocked
Kilbourne down with his cans, oatting
Numerous Boils
And Catarrh In the Head
Mr. W. L. Tucker
Koseburg, Oregon. -
" I feel that it Is Impossible for me to say too
much tn favor ot Hood's Sarsaparilla. I wu
a gTeat sufferer from impure blood aud Catarrh
in my Head. Job's comforters failed to comfort
me, and I suffered from numerous bails
Agony Beyond Description.
When I began to take Rood's Sarsaparilla I had
six of them, only four of which came to a lioad,
and since then, thanks to tills good medicine, I
have been free from this great affliction. I
f:alned 11 pounds in three weeks. The Catarrh
a my head which has troubled me for years has
also Deeu cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla and I
Hood's k Cures
am enjoylne Rood general health. I earnestly
recommend Hood's Sai-sanarilln tn nil u-hn nra
afflicted." W. L. Tucker, Koseburg, Oregon.
HOOD'S PlLL8 cure all Liver Ills, Bilious
ness, Jaundice, indigestion, Sick Headache.
his head pretty badly necessitating the
attendance of a physician. This aotion
on the part of the marshal has called
forth some criticism, but our people
Bhould remember that a marshal is not
supposed to "take the worst of if with
anyone, and that in times part and gone
our town has been terrorized by tl 6
failure ot the marshal to do but duty.
This has not ocoured under the prewn.
administration. While we dislike
much one can to see a human hewn
beaten up, yet such will not occur in
Heppner if prisoners will accept the
inevitable. Lee Kilbourne is all right
when be is sober, but when drinking
does things that be would never think ot
if not intoxioated. Monday he paid $25
on two oharges the one above-mentioned
and that of resisting an offioer.
A Foolish Move. The action otOhas-
F. Guff, of Long Greek, bus been
heraldtnl far and wide. Charley had
many friends, and they all agree that
his course is a foolish one. Even if he
had, in unguarded moments, used
other people's money, he bad friends
enough, we believe, who would have
given him assistance in straightening
up bis affairs. Any man who runs
away from the seaue of bis errors, par
ticularly ot a financial kind, does some
thing that he will ever regret. Better
stay with it and tight it out, paying
dollar for dollar.
Sold to H. I'atbhro. Saturday last
Cbas. Valentine, of Lexington, sold to
H. Fatberg, his floe imported Clydes
dale stallion, Bed Rover. His weight is
1850 pounds, aud stands seventeen
hands and one inch high; is six years
old. The price paid is $1U00, and be is
well worth the money paid. Ha was
imported to America by John Gilmore,
ot Stratbblane, Scotland, and is the
best pedigreed draft horse west of the
Kooky mountains.
Notice to Stock Bbbkijers. I will
keep, at my farm 7 miles northeast of
Lexington, a fine Jack of the Blaok
Warrior breed. This Jack is large and
of high form. Terms : Ten dollars, in
surance. Mares intrusted to my oare
will be kept id good pasture at one
dollar per month. Due care will be
taken to prevent accidents, or the stray
ing of mares, though I will be respon
sible for none. B. F. Swaqqart.
114 tf. Lexington, U.
World's FaibTkavelebb Will Havb
It. The public demand through service
when traveling. It is old-fashioned to
change oara. On the through solid
vestibuled trains of the Chioago, Union
Paoifio and Northwest Line, from or to
Chioago, Omaba and intermediate points,
there is no change. This is the finest
and fastest road. 19-31.
Oct of Sight. The traveling publio
are now fully alive to the fact that the
Chioago, Union Paoifio & Northwest
Line offers the very best acoommodationi
to the publio from and to Chioago,
Omaha and intermediate points not only
during the World's Fair, but all the
year around. 19-31
Rip's Wood Yard. The Heppner
wood yard, under the management of
Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver
wood at your residence, sawed or nn
sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at
$7.00 per oord. Wood sawed twioe in
two, 75 cts. per oord; three times, $1 00.
Yard near the depot. Leave orders at
Sloan 4 How ard's. 4 tf.
Fashionable Dressmaekbs. Mis. W.
W. Smesd and Mrs. Margaret Looney
are prepared to do dressmaking in the
latest fashion and sewing of every nature,
at bard time prioes, at the bom nf Mrs.
W. W. Hmead. Don't fail to give them
a call. 118-sw.
A Fikx HoBh. The imported ran
ning stallion, Sir Henry, has been
brouubt over to Heppner, and will stanJ
the ensuing season at this place. He is
the property of "Caynse" Reynolds, and
is fine horse. 570tf
First Class Tailoring Fred Miller
is now located on May street in the old
bakery building, wbere be is prepared to
do first class work. A perfect fit
guaranteed. Give bim a trial. tf.
Look Hebe. When you want
freshing schoone r of beer end s nioe
lunch, go see Kleckoer 4 Sheldon.
Alto doe liquors: and cigars in stock.
Has been removed from Lichtenthal's old stand, the former location,
to Henry Heppner's building on tite formerly occupied by Kirk &
Rasmus, corner May and Main streets, where J- H. Kolnmn, the
popular prorprietor, will be pleased to show you his new stock of
which will be sold, as of old, at
Don't fail to visit me at my new quarters.
Thinking of anew Spring Style
Attire ? Wondering what ma
terial what color you should
purchase ? Puzzling your
mind about the correct thing
in trimmings ? Consulting
with vour dressmaker as to
which of the many styles will
be most becoming ?
irr so
Come and talk it over with us.
We're prepared to throw a flood
of light upon every element of
A Big Line of Silks.
All the latest styles in Figured India
ailks. Samples will be mailed f Khft ou
application. Yours Besp y.
mcFanand rnercanuie Go.
M To Gret Even on Your
v Hardware, Stoves and Tinware,
Wood and Willowware, Blacksmiths' Supplies, Iron, Steel and Coal, Pumps and
Pipe, Tanks, Bathtubs Bnd Kinks, Plumbing Materials, Agricultural Inipltt
ments. All Kinds of Jtepairing quickly and neutly done.
.;. -:- Yon will save money by
getting our prioes before purchasing
elsewhere. -:- -: :- : -:- -:-
Odd Fellows' building, Main St.,
-Have just
Consisting of
"Wall-:- Paper - :
Latest Designs. Patternn and Prices.
' Also a fine line of w
Hammocks, Buby Carriages,
Rngs, Mattings, Clooks, Glass, Refrigerators, Window Hhadts and Portii-rn Curtains
Out for
Cash Bargains
Cash Talks.
reoeived a seleot-
- and -:- Carpols.
A. Spec
Etc., Etc.
Trust Busts
bi'iirJKT, HEW NEK, OR.
Anj-tning New of lieal Merit
You ea.n Generally Kind
For :-: Sale by
We don't ruu a third-class junk shop where you can buy shoddy goods at twice
their value, but we keep tirst-clase goods at honest prioes, with
no baits or trap. We keep
Gouts' Furnishing Goods, Hardware, Tinware,
Wood and Willoware, Guns, Ammunition,
Ask our old customers how we treat them.
Corner Main and
XeeP Your Eye Open
MINOli & CO.'S
Where you will find a grand display of quality and elegance, and the
fairest prices ever made for such qualities. Visitors are
not naked to believe, but are shown goods to convince them
that we are leading the trade in
ry hi km, Cling, Mm,
Boots, Shoes. Hats, Caps, Furnishing Goods, etc.
If yon want value for your money, oorae nnd sea us. If you want tn enjoy the fnll
purchasing power of your Dollar, spend it with
& CO
Wool G rowers' Warehouse
Near- the Depot:
Change of
1 1 wnion we propose to conduct in
on lunula at all times the choicest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
Graduate M. E. C V. H., Loudon, England.
Veterinary Surgeon
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
I am pri'imrcil to do nil kiln of Veterinary Hurnnry, Emasculating- Hornon anil KeidliiKi a Hiascl
ally. (IIiIk In Hie! only true tiiiMIiimI of iiiitii(iik ijii liorni'i.) MpeyliiK cil Cattle and lloei
on Blioit notice. I will iri'iit nil nnlniHli In the moat unproved procedure or Veter
inary HuiKcry. If you have any Hick iinliiialH it will li to your lnUreat to
call ou me at Htewart'i atablel.
NKITNEIt, . !,,l,w . . OREGON
Ills Ec:kj Institute
0 IE&Ei C3r CM$r
so is the .
New York Cash Jlaeket Store.
Goods, Culinop", Ginghams, Floiiuciiigs, Drapery, Guilts' Furnishings; also Ladies'
I'niliTwt-iir and, mime rous oilier gunds in that line. Notions and Tinware in
xttie.k; very cheap. W hen I say clmap, I mean it. Yon have but to call and inves
tigate, to he niitiblird. I clu none but a ciihu business, and can therefore undersell
all competitors.
Main Hlreet, next door to the Opera Home.
1 1 w
Who are
Noted for bein?
The Leaders.
: : : : ; .
Willow Streets, HEPPNER, OREGON.
tue most satisfaninrv nnw
Will keep
Por the Cure oi
Liquor, Opium ami Tobacco Habits
It ! located at Foreit drove, Or.,
The Mont Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the Oazhttk office lor particular!.
Stric tly confidential. Treatment private anil lure
Commissioner of the V. B. Circuit Court. All land
J matters attended to promptly and accurately.
Office in National Bunk building.
: : : OREGON