GlMS nHtrlfc Ail lS f AILS. Best Coutfh tiyrup. TBctesGood. in time, hoia pt aruggiPTS- On Sale TO OMAHA, Kansas City, St. Paul, Cliietiffo, St. Ioiiis, AND ALL POINTS EAST, mm SOUT0. Leaves Heppner, 8 a.m. Arrive", 6:50 p. m. Pullman Sleetierti Colonist Sleeper, Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. BUamoru Portlnnd to Han Francisco every four days. Tickets TO-A.1TT3 Europe. For rates and general information call on Depot Ticket Agent, J. C. HA.RT Heppner, Oregon. W. H. HURLBUKT, Asst Uenl. Pass. Agt. 254 Washington Bt., PORTI.ANn, OKROON. QCTIOK TXTVIT3 ! TO JS 111 Francisco And all points In California, tib the Mt, Bhaeta route of the Southern Pacific Co. Ttie groat highway through California to all point East and South. Grand Bcenio Route of the Pacific ('oast. Pullman RnfTet Bleepera. tieoond-cluss Bloopers Attached to express trains, affording superior ftocoinmodationb for second-class passongors. For rates, tickets, Bleeping car reservations, to,, call upon or addroBB E. KOK1ILEK, Manager, E. P. ROGERS, Asst. tten. F. & P. Agt., Portland, Oregon. S. P. FLORENCE, STOCKRAISER ! IIICI'PNUU. OllliGON. Cuttln branded and earmarked as shown above. liorBOB F on right Bhoulder. Mv onltle range in Morrow and Umatilla coun tios. 1 will pay $1W.(I0 for the armHt. and con viction of any person atoaling my Block. HALIC, HAHNK.SH Kllor, stork and flxturcp. flood business; esliihlishi'il in the midst of a Knoil (arming and stock-mlsing country. Also for Halo u unnd house and two loot witti or without the business property. For further In formation address (lazetto, Heppner, tr. 4K:i tf f'JS.OUU IN KHWAltim. Beventli Half-Veiu'ly Literary Com petition of TI10 Canadian Atri'li'iiltill'lst. In lu'cimlaiii'e witli their iiHimi custom for Ionic veins past, the publishers of that old and reliable publictil Ion, tlie Canadian AKi'lciillur lit, now piem-nts Us 7lh Grout Hiilf-Ycarly eriuy roinpetilloii to the people of the I'ultod Stales and t'amida. 'I iiiseoinpetltion will close May :ui, IK'.U, (Ifulnys theieaitcr being allowed for letters to renrli us troin dlslttul points). The joiiowmg is me prmi list 1st Uriind l'li.o Jud " " ltd " " 4th " " Ml J2.500 in Hold . . i.ihh) in (inld . . Mi in Hold . . 'i'lll in Uold liHI In Uold tVlHKl Kli'mnit Silver Tea Services, l'iauns. Ormini Gold Walclies, Ac, making a total of over lu.noti Hew to hkcc ur a 1'itizit. Take a few sheets of paper and make all (he words you can nut of letters contained in the words, "t'oU'MlrlAN Kxi'osrnoN," ami send them to us, enclosing one dollar for six mouth's sill'SiTlptiim to the AKrieulturist or the Indies' Home Miiitatne two of the bcsl home monthlies in the world. Kl'l.KH I. Korelun words are not allowed 2. Letters cannot he used otteiier lluiu they appear In the two words, "t'oliiinhliui Imposition. 3. Names of places and persona harrcd. All lists coiitaiuliiK over OKI correct words will receive a valuahle special prize, heiul post Hi curd for list ol prue winners In former emu petitions. Address, Thk Annu m tiihimt Ptni, Co.. I'ctcrhoroiiKli, i.'n tiiida. The I'lilitis ltoyiil. l'tirix is sniiu'wliat, jiorploxoil about tin1 1'itliits Ivuvul, imi't" one of its chief jrlnrii's. It is now ratlier a white elcpliiint. It I'livet-s a jrreat ileal of the most valuable trrouml in the eit.v, but to little purpnse. The trndo of the arcade is steailily ilec httiii.'. In order to ;ive it anotlier elinni e of life there will be built a eafe anil beer frrinlen at the lower end of the inelnsure in the hope nf briiifjiutf back tho old-time ttrollera through the eovered galleries. Preventing Future Misery. If there is in this vale of tears, a more prolific source of misery then the rheu matic twinge, we have yet to hear of it. People are horn with tendency to rheu matism, juat as they are with one to ooiiNtitnptiiiu or to serofiiia. Mhnlit causes may develop this. As soon as the nuonizilitf complaint man if cats itself, recourse should he had to Hosteller's Htomscli Hitlers, which will cheek its further inroads and banish the rheumatic poison from the sstein. This statement tallies exactly with the testemony of physicians who have employed tins fine blood depurent in their private practice. There is also the amplest prufeHsimiR snd general testimony as to the ellicaoy of the Bitters for mslaris, liver com plaint, constipation, inditfestion, kidney trouble, nervousneaa and less of appe tite and flesh. After a wetting, whether followed by a cold or not, the bitters is useful as a preventative of the initial attack of rheumatism. IB THK ROBLY-N BASK EOHBERT. From the Condon Globe. The following poetry wai composed by Cal Hale while confined in the Ellens bor jail awaiting trial, and banded ui by him tbia week for publication : On the 24th day of September All in the present year, Five bold and dashing highwaymen In the town of Kollyn did appear. They rode itraight to the Roilyn bank And gave these stern commands: "Gentlemen, if you value life, Obey and throw up your hands!" The cashier seemed to hesitate, A thing he should not have done; Ai one of the robbers reminded him By tapping him with hii gun. They next went over to the safe, It'scouteuls to unfold, And took therefrom $5,onn In notel and shining gold. Tben they mounted their hones, Their horses good and true : And with a few good parting shots, Bade KoBlyn town adieu. Excitement at that very time lii Koslyn town ran high ; And the deputies and detectives Were out and on the tiy. A reward was offered by the bank, And another by the state, To arouse these hungry bloodhounds And their greed to stimulate They scoured the country all around Like school boyB out for fun; But not a robber could they find fior the w ay w hich they had gone. Then up Jumped the meanest cur ol all And bulllvan is hii name; This blood money 1 must try to get, Likew ise I'll get some fame." So he whistled to his minioni Home five and twenty strong, Saying, we will arrest some fellows 'Vtay up in Eastern Oregon, He said, "we muitdo lometblng, This reward for to win; We will arrest some sheepberden And swear they are the men." So they arrested five men, Five men both true and good, Who never saw the Koslyn bank Nor the town In which it stood. They brought them up to Ellensburg And threw them into jail, There to await their trial On ten thousand dollars bail. Now good people, all come join me When 1 oiler up this prayer; That Huilivan and his bloodhounds The fires of hell may share. May they sutler all the tortures The devil himself can plan, Is my earneBt prayer for Huilivan And all his curBed clan THE POULTRY VARUS. Practical Hints to Admirers And Breeders of Fine Fowls. It is an important f ant that cats, rats and chickens oannot be raised together with profit. With all the other directions which are given for the prevention of disease among poultry, none is of more Importance than that of having clean, well-ventilated houses. To determine the eiaot age of ggs, dissolve about four ounces of oomuion salt in a quart of pure water, and then immerse the egg. It it be only a day or bo old, it will sink to the bottom of the vessel, but if three days old it will float iu the liquid; if more than five it oomes to the surface and rises above in propor tion to its increased age. So says the Western Advertiser. POULTRY RAiBINU. "What 1 know" about poultry raising I have learned through an experience of fifteen yeara on a farm with all kinds of poultry, except geese. During several years of this time I have been an invalid, unable to do the greater part of tho work that falls to tho lot of the farmer's wife, and taking care of my poultry has been a very pleasant, as profitable, recreation. The best capital to begin with is good, sound common bcusc. This will enable you to see that the birds must be kept perfectly healthy, and the means by which you may gain this end. Almost every poultry raiser has some particu lar breed of chickens which Is the beBt and every one can make the selections according to his fancy. My own choice Is the Brahma, which 1 think, all things considered, is the best farmers' fowl. Their greatest fault 1b laying too few eggs, uiilcsB very extra care Is taken in feeding, which often does not pay; but when a one-year old hen dresses six and one-half pounds, 1 can overlook the "egg every day and two on Holiday." Another very desirable qual ity Is their non-scratchlDg especially on these "fonceless plains." They have no desire to find the center of the earth directly under your pet petunia bed or cucumber vine. Having secured your breed, your success will depend on taking Intelligent care of them. They must have a clean, dry, warm houBe, well lighted and ventilated, plenty of pure water and good food. You do not need to Bend to an arch itect for "plans and specifications" of a poultry house. Four posts long enough for the re. quired height, set in the ground far enough apart to give you the required size, sided up c lose on the north and west, slatted on the south and east, well covered with hay, will answer all practical purposes. Replace the hay cover every year with fresh hay; the perches to con sist of an Inclined ladder of the required width the lower perch near the ground. My hen houBe U built on this plan, forconvcnlence, and to save time and strength in hunting eggs and earing for the hens. 1 havo the nest box in the lien house, In rows running across the end, one row above anotlier. The floor of the box should he covered with dry dirt and changed occasi. oually. The best nesting material is fine hay. Thetloorof course is the earth, If it is always dry. Once cleaning through the year will do, If there is a litter scattered In occasionally, nd dry dirt often lu damp weather, but the house must be dry. hen the hens want to set, I transfer them to tho first box in the upper row and so on until the row Is full. (A llrauma will stay anywhere or under any circumstances, almost ) I have a door made of thin slats hanging in front of the boxeB where the heiiB sit, to keep out the others. Some time in the forenoon I gently lift every hen oft'. The food should be whole grain; have the food and water near. I afterward see that every hen Is in her place again. Met two hens at once, as one can care for both broods; mark the eggs with ink with the date set. Do not give too many esgs to the earliest hens set, uor set hens too early, The scientist will tell you there is no w ay to tell the sex of an egg, but you select the largest ggs and you will have a preponderance of male birds, lu hot, dry weather sprinkle the setting egs with warm water twice a week to keep the shells Horn breaking. Do not have too many male birds; one to three dozen hens is auttieieut. But the most important thing I have to tell you of is a sure preventive of cholera and gapes, and 1 do not know how many more disease! I found It out over twenty years ago, and 1 have never seen it fail. 1 have never lost a chicken with cholera, and I have raised from lho to too chickens lu the year for the last ttfteeu years, w hile my neighbors' chickens have died by dozens at dlllerent times. It Is simply this: 1 never fall to change the male birds of my nock every year. 1 get some that are not kin to my tliH'k every year, and then l market all the hens that are one year old, every year, for a hen Is never so good to eat or lay after the first year. They fatten easily, and therefore are much more liable to contract disease, I have never lost any chickens, except ft few with lice w lieu I first begau. tiouielluies dur. lug a long wet spell tome of tht little chicks will get lice on them. A small portion of sul phur In lard, rubbed on the top of the head, (where they always breed) is the cure, and dur ing such times I sprinkle sulphur In the Bitting nests, and if the old hen should hare "them" too, rub the top of the bead and the vent also, and a small quantity of sulphur re ay be put in the food. Clean, healthy chlckeni do not have lice. After every brood Is removed from the nest box It must be emptied and iprinkled with alaked lime. My rearing coops are entirely separate from the hen house. They ro very aimple In con struction. "John" can make them in a very short time. A ridge the width of the coop is thrown up, and the coop built on it to secure against damp. The coop ought to be about thirty Inches high; any length desired; boarded close at the back and ends; made into divisions w ith slats to accommodate one hen each, and securely covered with hay. My coop la built under a row of young cottonwoods, facing the south; the dirt floor covered with hay, which must be kept clean. The first hen that comes off goes into the first division; fasten her in with a slat door; the same door will do succes sively all along. The coop should have slats part way down for ventilation; a wide plank will secure the front at night. We have no rats In this part of the state and the traditional "yaller dog" keeps off the other vermin. Keep the hen In the coop until Bhe will come there to roost. Soak scraps of bread in sweet milk for the firBt feed; afterwards make corn meal Into dongh with sour milk, or sweet, if you have it, or water. It is the cheapest and best feed, al though the scientist will tell you it is very im proper indeed, "sours on the stomach," etc. Keep your feed, together with a shallow vessel of thick, sour milk, in a coop near by which ex cludes the hens. In damp weather put a little cayenne pepper in their food and keep them close in cool, damp mornings and during rains. Before cold weather teach the chickens to go to the hen house to roost, I have told you what I practically know to be true. I have received many valuable hints from agricultural papers, and J also have found out many things by experience. Every farm, er's wife, or children, can make a success of poultry raising, and thereby add not only to the dollars (which are often like "angels' visits" to the farmer's wife,) with which to buy many coveted things not otherwise attainable. Farm er's Wife lu Kansas Farmer. $25,000 in Premiums. Offered by Liggett & Myerg Tobacco Co., of St. Louis, Mo. The one guessing uearest ine numoer or people attending the World's fr'air gets $5,(X 0 00. the Beo- oud $1,000 00, eto. Ten Star tobaooo tags auntie you to a guess. Ask your ueuier lor particulars or send tor circular, 11642 GOOSEBERRY GLEANINGS. A good rain fell here last Wednesday night. Mr. U. 3. G. Gettya, of Idaho, is id our midst, seeking work. He has struck the right place, as this 18 a working country. Land for grazing in this country is get" ting very scaroe, as the farmer's sod plow is turning the green grass over every day. I. B. Esteb, blacksmith, will do any work in his line as cheap anyone, and guarantee it to wear out in oourse of time. G. M. Holmes is plowing on an eighty acre piece of sod on Miltou Maxwell's ranch which he has rented for the eusu lug year. We thank the editor for the story which has been running in the paper, Bnd would like to see that much space filled with another soon. Oliver Sujder was in the city last Mon day, and landed home with a very bard chill. He also hud auother one Wednes day. This is no joke -it wasold-faBhion-ed, Missouri ague. Thinks he must have brought it from the East. We think Gooseberry would be a good place for some good, honest merchant to take bis stand. We have a splendid country around, and an industrious peo pie. Some one wishing to stnrt iu the merchandise business will give us a call and we will see if we can prove what we say. A Readbb. UoosEHEititY, Or. April 20, '03. Foot-Prints on the Path to Health. Everyone needing a doctor's advice should read one of Dr. Foote'a dime pamphlets on "Old Eyes," "Croup," "Rupture," "Phimosis," "Varicocele," Disease of men, Disense of Women, and learn thrt best means of seli-cure. M. Hill Pub. Co., 129 East 2Hth St., New York. Just a Peculiar Coincidence. From the Seattle Breeze-Mercury. We desire right here to call down the Heppner Gazette, au Oregon exchange that hitherto we have regarded with dis tinguished approbation. The worthy beet last week so far forgot its lesson in the ethics of jinrnulism as to publish one of onr origiual gems of thought the same week as we did. Either the Gazette man has a great mind that drifts am' bumps iu the same crooked channel at our own, or else he uses hie brillinut shears ou the same exchanges we do Next time we want to be truly bright and braiuy we are going to write some, tiling ourselves, as we find that any one horsc organ is liable to take a fancy to the same items e do and by publishing them extemporaneously thus help t" knock the gilt edge off our reputation for pungent originality. .Strength and Health. If you are not feeling strong and healthy, try Electric Bitters It "La Grippe" has left you weak aud weary, use Electric Hitters. This remedy acts direotly on the liver, stomach and kid neys, geutly aiding those organts to per form their fuuotious. If yon nre afflicted with sick headache, you will tiud speedy aud permanent relief by taking Electric Hitters. One trial will oonvinoe you tliBt this is the remedy you need. Large but ties only 60o at Slooum-Johustoo Drug Company. A Care For Twenty Cents. Any remedy sold at one dollar a bottle which claims to cure rheumatism, is simpy au imposi ion, for when all ex penses are deducted it leaves not more thau tweuty cents to represent the medi oiue. Dr. Drummond's Lightning Rem edy, which is performing such wonderful cures that it is being prescribed by the medical faculty everywhere, is compound ed at great expeuse from rare drugs and cannot be sold for ltvs than five dollars a Dottle. But it always cures. Sent pre paid to any address ou receipt of price. I'mmmoud Medicine Co., 48 50 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents wanted. 22 DRUNKENNESS, or the I.1QIOR HABIT ( urea at Home In Ten Days by Adminis tering Dr. Haiues' Uuldeu Specific. It can be given iu a glass of beer, a onp of ooffee or tea, or in food, without the knowledge of the patient. It is absolute ly harmless, aud will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate driukeror au alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every instauce a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnated with the specific, it! becomes an utter impossibility for the ! liquor appetite to exist. Cures guaran teed. 48 page book of particulars free. Address the Golden Spkoihc Co., 1H5 Race Street. Cincinnati, Ohio. i eight mile matters. We bear that the fish are coming hp Rhea oreek. Hard weather on young lambs, as the rain baa been very cold. We had fine rains on Sunday and .Mon day aud the first (bonder of the season. I extend my oongratulationa to Mr. and Mr. Worden. May the sunshine of their live never be eclipsed. The farmers are busy turning over mother Mother Earth. The ground is in good condition for breaking. Harland Stanton is working for C. E. Jones. Esquire Jones has ne doubt found bis offioe remunerative, as be baa been called on go frequently to tie the nuptial knot this year. Rev. J. T. Galloway preached on Sabbath morning on "The Two Cove nents; The Coyenenl of Work and the Covenent of grace." In the evening bis theme was ".Repentance." Eight Mile Center school is prospering finely under the care of Prof. Andrew Ham. Quite a number of scholars are coming from the adjoining districts and others contemplate attending aohool here. Prof. Ham is a very popular teacher. Eight Mile was entertained by a traveling showman, Tuesday and Thurs day April 8tb, and 20th. He performed many laughable freaks and the people were well entertained. He found quite a number of handsome dry-goods in J. R. Jones' bat. He is an expert at rat tling tho bones and also of tell mg young men's fortunes by the aid of a fortune telling ball, but before he bad finished telling a certain young man's fortune the string of the ball broke and he had to stop abruptly. Imagine the disap pointment of the young man to have the string break when he was receiving such Interesting information. V. No. Eight Mils, April 2Cth, 1893. Beware or Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, As meroury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous Burfaoes. Suoh articles should never be used except on pre sciiptions from reputable physicians, as (be damage tbey will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly deserve from tbem. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manu factured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., oontains no mercury, and is taken internally, aoting direotly upon the blood and muoous surfaces of the system. In buying Hull's Catarrh Cure, be sure you get the genuine. It is taken in ternally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by P. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials tree. 13ySold by druggists, price 75c. per bottle. 10 MERMAID FOR DINNER. Mongol Fishermen Feast Upon One ot the Fabulous Creatures. One of the men employed in the sea of Tsushima recently observed a very singular looking fish, says the Tokyo Shimpo, and immediately obtained a spear, with which he killed it. On ex amining it he found that it had a girl's head, with human eyes, mouth and ears; hair was growing on the head, and there were appendages like hands where the pectoral fins should have been. This part of the thing was un doubtedly human. The belly, back and caudal portion were piscine, their color a brownish black, like the color of a carp. The monster was two feet long aud measured one loot nine inches in circumference. Here was one of the creatirKijsknown as mermaid (nigyo). Traditir.n says that anyone eating a mermaid shall live one thousand years. The fishermen accordingly cooked and ate it, finding it exceedingly palatable, much superior in taste to bream or a carp. The mermaids make their ap pearance on the eve of a great tempest, Tsushima is on the west coast, and it happened that the day after the capture of the strange fish there was a fierce galo. 2,228,67!!. These figures represent the number of bottles of Dr. King's New Disoovery for Consumption, Coughs aud Colds, whioh were Bold in the United States from March, '91 to March, '92. Two million, two hundred and twenty-eight thousauU, six hundred and seventy-two bottles solo iu cue year, and each and every bottlt was sold on a positive guarantee that money would be refuuded if satisfactory results did net follow its use. The seoret of its sucoess is plaiu, It never disap points and can always be depended ou as the very best remedy for oougbs, oolds, eto. Price 50o and 8J.U0 at Slocum Johnson Drug Oo. A Remarkable Servant. A few days ago there died in France a woman who, although ill-favored and disagreeable, exercised a most power ful influence on the destinies of Europe. Extraordinary though it may appear, she was nothing but a servant girl, with so little education that she barely knew how to write her name, which was Pepa. She was a Spaniard by birth and was the maid and confidential factotum of Empress Kugenic, both before and after her marriage to Na poleon. It is generally admitted that Empress Eugenie was principally re sponsible for many of the most cruel of France's disasters. She was entirely under the control of her maid, who possessed all the vices and none of the virtues of the Spanish character. The emperor and many of Eugenie's friends and relatives repeatedly implored her to dismiss Pepa, but without avail, and it was current at the time that she owed her exceedingly strange position to some dangerous secret of her mis tress which the latter feared she wguld revoaL Backlfn'a Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for outs bruises, sores, ttloers, salt rbeum, frvei aorps, tetter, chapped hands, chilblain enrna snd all skin eruptions, and posi tively oures piles, or no pay required. Ii is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. 1'rioe 25 cents per box. For sale by Hlooum-Johnson Drug Company. Fat 1'rople. The only safe and reliable treatment for obesity, or supeifluoas fat, is the "Leverette" Obesity Pills, whioh gradu ally reduce the weight Bnd measurement. No injury or inconvenience leaves no wrinkles acts by absorption. This cure is founded upon the most scientific prin ciples, and has been used by one ot the moat eminent physicians ot Europe in his private practice "tor five years'' with the most gratifying results. Mr. Henry Perkins, 2J Union Park, Boston, writes: "From the use of the 'Leverette obeeity pilli my weight has been reduced ten pounds in three weeks snd my general health is very much improved. The principles of Your treatment are fullv in dorsed by my family phyiuoian. In proof or my gratitude 1 herewith give you per mission to nee ray name it you desire to do so." Piiue $'2.00 per package, or three packages tor $0 00 by mail. All orders supplied direct from our office. The Livsrkttb Spkcutio Co., 175 Tremont Street Boston, Mass. For Boils, Pimplc9 carbunclee, scrofulous sores, eczema, and a!l other blood diseases, take Ayer'sSarsaparilla It will relieve and cure dyspepsia, nervous debility, and that tired feeling. Has Cured Others will cure you. IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT ftdilrfH lctt'T or mRtal onrtl to THE I'RKSS 1'LAIMN OMPATrT, JOHN WEDDERtJURN, - - Managing Attorney. P.O. Box 403. WASHI.NGTON'.D.C. TENSIONS PROCURED Fnn SOLDIERS, WIDOWS, CHILDREN, PARENTS. Aim, for SnWOrs snd Wallora itisabli-fl In the linfof duty in the regular Annvor Navv nincettip war. Survivor i if the Indian wars of to 1H4'2, and their wiiJowi. now entitled. Olrtantt relffti'd cJulnn BTiectHlty. Tliounaruli untitled to hltrher nitcB. Send for new lawn. Jiu Uargu for advictj, Nofitf r Any Time is the right time tor everybody to drink WSzr'R00t 1 111 Beer A temperance drink. A home-made drink. A health-giving drink. A thirst-auenchinf drink. A drink that is popular everywhere. J Delicious, Sparkling:, Effervescent. A rj ernt packape makes 5 gallons of dm I enciousceveratie. uon t tie deceived 11 a dealer, I for the sake oflaiger profit, tells yon some other kind is just as good in false. f.o mutation ) is as good as the genuine Kirks . OUI NEW 1893 IXOTIS SIIB CITIL A Magnificent FLOWER SEEDS loiieciion 01 Varieties, FREE! An Unparalleled Offer bjaa Old-Entablinhed snd KeU abli PublUlilnc llouael Th Ladies' Would ii a large IrO pige, 80-column IJluMrattd Mmb tint) for ladies aod the fatuity clrclt. It it devoted 10 itortea, poemi. ladles' fsocy work, aniatlc needlework, home dec ration, Douiekeepiag, fauhloni, hygiene, juvenile reading, etiquette, etc. To introdace this thariiiioif ladles' Dner into 100.000 homes where it la not already taken, we now make the following ctlouat vffr; Uponru of only IB en tit in nix-4r or mampt.tM The I.adlea' World for Tbrea Month and to eatb subscriber we will aio ttnd W Wl " ree ana (nwiwiit, -y risjras.i. wa it) ctl on of Choice Flower needa, two hundrtd eorifini, Including Pane let, Verbenas, Chrysanthemums, Asters, Phlox Drunimondii, Balsam, Cypress Vine, Stocks, Digitalis, Double sine three n Flower Seeds, put up by a Hrat-claas Seed House and warranted freeh and reliable. No lady can afford to mlaa this wonderful opportunity. We guarantee every subscriber many tlmea the value of money sent, and will refund your money and make you a present of both seeds and Magazine if you are not satlaHed. Ours is an old and reliable publishing house, endorsed by ail the leading news papers. Ws have received hundreds of testimonials from pleased patrons during the peat five years: " I kad beautiful jtowm from Me Hid you unt me (wo years ag, and from tvtrtiM knoUki mt ttactly at advtriiud," Mrs. N. C. Bsyum, Dana, Wis. " Mytilf and fritndt Autre ten. far tanou Minoe advirtttdbf ID IDS ana tnie enure mag"1""1" B-uueiHuu wi v.uuu eu. and hat found Uum to tt tnitreiy taitttactory," . J. Davis, Brooklyn, N. Y, Mrs. Henry wai subscriber), and Jraca Greenwood, each Ht-her (a regular ordered our seeds hut aeason. Do not con found this offer with the catchpenny schemes; f unscrupulous personi. Bt to-day don't put U off! Six subscriptions and all Seed Collections unit for 60 cents. I To any li i Ins us 19 cents sAe mis (Am adttrtitemint, we will send Vee, In addition to all tho above, one packet of the cele brated Eckford Sweet Pea, embracing J the newest arietles. Including Httrentton, Ibii 1 aearord, Hpienaor, i ne iueen, unmet rnne. "teC Apple Blossom, ete. Sweet Pes are the most popular WLff 5 ..iil..hlIia.hl. knnn...t rtn..T. an. , Iti ..lrl .tld TO I the Eckford Varieties which ws offer, are the largest, lfi fnest and most celebrated known. Thev Brow to ZJml ktlsht of 6 feet, and produce for three months a continuous pr fusion of fragrant blooms of the most brilliant coloring. ANOTHER GREAT OFFER ! Ssaffi W2E subscription pries) we will send The Ladle a World for One Tear, together with our magnificent to i lee t Ion of thole Flowor iMdi shove described, likewise one packet of the e I tensive I y advss. awed snd jnitlv celebrated Ickfurd Sweet Peas. Address : . ft. H. MtjOliE V CO., ST Park Plane, New Trlu PR. PIT MONT'S FK3IALE HKGULATINfi PIU S are filwnyn Bate and reliable. 1'J.UOO teati nioniali from all over the world. Beware of dangerous substitutet and imitations, l'rioe fi.00 per package, cent by mail securely sealed from observation. Adilrefis Dr. R. TuMont, 98, 8. Halted St. (Jhicago, 111b., U . S. A. F1IEE TllIAL. WEAK MEN SeZl obi of manly vifjor. Varicocele, etc. Prof. Dn Hont'B Nerve Pills will effect a Bpeedy cure by its use, thousands of enses of the very worst kind and of long standing have been 'restored to perfect health. l.,(K0 testimonials from all over the world. Price per package $1.00, six for $." 00, trial package sent securely sealed for ten cents pofltajfo. AddrcBB, Dr. K PuMont, y S. HalBted St., Chicago, Ills., U. S. A, WANTED. SALESMEN. ' , i -r , Local and Traveling. To represent our well-known house. You need no capital to represent a firm that warrants nursery stock rirst-cltiBS ai.d true to name. HOKK AU. THK VKAK. lno per month to the right man. Apply quick, stating age. 1,. I.. MAY i 0., Nurserymen, Florists anil Seedsmen, 117-27 St. Paul, Minn. (Tliifl houae is responsible.) Bonds For Sale. fOTICE IS HERKBY GIVEN THAT SEALED li proposals will be received at the otlice of the city recorder of the town of Heppner, Mor row Co., Oregon, for the purchase of water bonds, for the use of the town of Heppner; said bonds to be sold shall aggregate In amount Slo.uH) in denomination! of 1 1,000, payable in -11 vears from Aug 4, lstf.', the date thereof, bearing Interest at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum, pavable semi annually, principal and interest paviibleiu tin ted States gold coin of the present standard of weight and fineness in the city of New York; that proposals will be opened and considered on the 1st day of May, 1mm, at the hour of 7 o'clock, p. m., at a regular meeting of the town council of Heppner. and tinder the provisions of the charter of the town of Heppner. The right to reject any and all bids Is reserved. J. R. Simons, Mayor of Heppner. Attest: A. A. Roberts. Ikai.- Recorder of Heppuer, Patcd, Heppner, Or., April !, lsu. ui-i! Notice to Teachers. VOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT FOR 11 the purpose of making an examination of all persons who mav otter themselves as candi date fur County or State Certificates, State Di plomas or State life IMnlonifis, the superinten dent of this county will hold a public examin ation at the court house iu Heppner begiiiiug May 10th ly;t. at 1 o'clock p. ni. W. L. Salin.i, l"-2. Supt. of Morrow Co., Ore. Ttie general merchandise pHtnbbsh ment formerly owDed hy Coffin A Mi Far. land, lias lately changed hands, now be ing under the control and management of The McFarland Mercantile Compftnv, wbiou continues business at the old stand with a larger stock thau ever. a pmup ,n nrHt watch-shaped bottles, sugat uauhi, JMiis kUI UtJsuu. 60. pur twtUa. mlmm mm ONLY LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice Of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, J April IK, lous. NotlCB 1s hereby given that the followin-iiftmed aettler has tiled notice of her intention to make niial proof in support of her claim, and that stud proof will be mada ueiore the Couuty Clem 01 Morrow luuuiy, m Heppner, Oregon, on June 3, vlt.: ALMIKA BAKKEK. Hd. No. $433 for. the NVVk J Nli SVl-4 Sec. 8, Tp. 1 N, K "2 E. v . M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of, aid land, viz.: George W. Vincent and Jas. Ayera, of (ialioway, Ore tron. J. M. MtiCumber aud M. M. MeCumber, of ho, Oregon. R. B Lyons, Octauce Brachn, Ettie Campbell and Christian S. Christiansen, take notice. A. Clearer, 120-130 Register. Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, J April 17, 1NI3. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has riled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore W. li. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner at Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, June 9, Ih'.'.i, viz.: ARTHUR ANDREWS, Homestead Application No. 216, for theSEIi of Sec. 21, Tp. 1 N, K'iHE. W. M. He names the following w itnefises to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of, said land, viz.: '1 had. Armstrong, J. C. Armstrong. Milt Pow ell and W. B. tfinley, all of Alpine, Oregon. 13M30 John W. Lewis, Register. Notice of Intention. rAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES OREGON j March 21, Hi)3. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of Mb claim, and that said proof will be made be fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk at Heppner, Or., on Sat. Mav 6, 1803, viz. : GEOKCiE SMITH, H. D. No. 2989, for the E SE4. HV SEJ, SE of Sec. 3J, Tp. 8, S R 26 E. W. M. Ho namesthe following witnesses to provehis continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said land, viz. : W. c. Renienger, T-aton Jones, G. F. Baird and B. F. Hevlaml, ail of Heppner, Oregon. 112-122 John W. Lewis, Register. Notice to Taxpayers. THOSK WHO DO NOT PAY TAXE8 DUE 1 by May l, lft'.Ki, must expect that the same win ue coiiecteu by law, costs aaueu. Geo. Noble, 117-22 Shariff. Guaranteed to cure Bilious Attacks and Constipation, Small Ltile Ueaua. Ri:ans Tabules cure scrofula. STOCK BRANDS. While yon koep your subscription paid up yen can keep your brand in free of charge. Allyn. T. J., lone, Or. Horses GG on left rthoulder; cattle same on left hip, nnderbiton risnt ear, ann upper 011 on me lett; range, Mor row county. Armatronsr. J. C. Alninn. Or. T with hoi. nn der it on left shonlder of horses; cattle same u mri nip. AlliRon. O. D.. F.iphr VilA. Or -PnttU O D on left hip and horses same brand on right Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, JA con acted on Inltrlank: cattle, hhttir nn loft Ayers, Johnny, Lena, Or. liorsea branded riangieon lett hip; cattle same on right hip; Isn crop off right ear and upper bit on same. Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or.-- Horses oranded 7 E on either shoulder. Range in M01 '(w county. Bleakman, Geo., Hardman, Or. Horses, a flag t'left shoulder: cattle same en right shouldnr liannister, J. W Hardman, Or. Cattle bramL d H on left hip and thigh: split in each ear. Brenner, Peter. Gocseberry Oregon Horses branded PB on left shoulder. Cattle same on ipht side. linrko. M 8t C, Long Creek, Or On cattle, VIA Y connected on left hip, ciopoff left ear, uu ler half orop off right. Horses, same brand on 'tft shoulder. Range in Grunt and Morrow sonnty. tiruman, Jerry, Lena, Or. HorseB branded 7 on npht Bhouidr'" cattle B on the left side. Left ear half croi ft I right ear upper slopa. Barton, Wm 1 e pner, Or. -Horses, J B on r.ght thign, cattlt aine on right hip; split in ach ear. Brown Ina, Lexington, Or. HorseB IB on the i-ightBtitie; cattle same on riifhthip; range, Mor row county. Brown, J .P., Heppner, Or. --Horses and cattle branded B with ox-yoke above on 4eft shoulder. Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. HsJiaee, circle 1 " with dot in ce ter on loft hip; cattle, same. Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Horses W. bar over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left hip. Boyer, W. G Heppner, Or. Horses, box iraud on ngh hip cattle, same, with split iu ach ear. Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left -moulder; cattle, same on left hip. Brownlee, W. J., Fox, Or Cattle. JB connected m left aide; crop un loft ear and two splits and middle piece cat out on right ear; on horyes same -irand on the left thigh; Range in Fox valley. Grant county, Caisner Vvarren. Wagner, Or. HorBea brand ed O on right stifle; cattle EE (three bars) on iffht nbB. crop and split in each ear. Range in tirantand Morrow counties. Cnin.K, Caleb.Or.-i; D on horses onleft stifle U with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder tnd on left etifie on all colts under 5 years; on left shoulder only on all horsea over 5 years. All range m Grant county, Clark, Wm. H., Lep a. Or. Horses WHO con nected, on left shoulder; cattle same on right nil). Bar ge Morrow and Umatilla conntiwt. Cate, Chas. R Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H (' on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Range Morrow and Umatilla counties. Cecil, Wm Douglas, Or.; horses JO on lef shoulder; ca'tle same on left hip, waddles on each jaw and two bits in the right ear. Curl, T. H., John Lay, Or. Double cross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant county. On Bheep, inverted A and Bpear point on shoulder. Ear markou ewes, crop on left ear puuehed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in right and under half crop in left ear. All range in Grant county. Cook, A. J. ,Lena,Or. Horses, 90on rightshoni Jer. Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square orop off left and split in right. Curnn. R. X., Currinsville, Or. -Horses, on left untie. Cox Ed. S,, Hardman, Or. Caitle, C with in center; horses. CE on Jeft iip. Cochran, R. K Monument, Grant Co, Or. Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left shoulder; cattle eaine brand on both hips, mark under slope both Bars and dewlap. Chapin, H.j Hardman, Or. Horses branded on right hip. Cattle brauded the same. Dickens, Lbb HorBes braided with three tinea fors on left stifle. Cattle aa-ne on left side. Doonan. Wm., Heppner, Or. Horaes branded OO with bar over them, on left shoulder; cat tie same on left hip. Douglass, W. M . Galloway, Or. Cattle, R Don right side.swadow-fork in each ear; horses, R D uu left hip. Douglas, O. T., Douglas, Or HorBes TD on the right stifle; cattle same on right hip. Duncan, W. P., John Day.Or. Quarter circle W on right shoulder, both on horsea and cattle. Hange Grant county. Ely, J. B. Jt 80ns, Donglas, Or. Horses brand ed ELY on left shoulder, cattle same on left hip. hole in right ear. Ellioti. Wash., Heppner, Or. Diamond on right shoulder. Emery, C. H., Hardman, Or. Horses branded (reversed C with tail on left shomder; cat tleaTia on light hip. Range in Morrow county. Fleek, Jackson, Heppuer, Or. Horses, 7F cou nected on rinht Bhoulder: cattle aama nn right hip. Ear mark, hole in right and orop Florence. L. A.. Henorjer. Or. Tattla. I.F nn right hip; horses F with bar under on right Florence. S. P. Heppner. Or. Horses, F on right shov Idei ; cattle, i on right hip or thigh, rrench. Georee. Hnonnr. (Jr. Cari-ln hmnrlAH WF, with bar over it. on left side; crop off left ear. norst. same oranu on lert nip. Gay, Henry, Heppner. Or. GAY on left shoulder. Gilman-Frenoh. Lftnd and LiTaSfnck fV... Fna. sil. Or. Horses, anchor 8 on left shoulder; rent same on left stifle. Cattle, same on both hips ear marks, crop off right ear and underbit in left. Range in Gilliam, Grant, Crook and Morrow counties. Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or. Horses branded H, B. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle. Range in Morrow and Umatillaconnties. Giltwater, J . C, Prairie City, Or. On horses, 0 O on left shoulder and stine; cattle, on right side. Range in Grant county. Hayes. Geo., Lena, Or, Brand JH connected, with quarter circl over it, on left shoulder. Hiatt A. B., Ridge, Or. tattle, round-top K with quarter circle under it on the right up. Ran ice in Morrow and Umatilla counties. Hmton A Jenks, Hamilton, Or Cattle, two bars on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left. Horses, J on right thigh. Range in Grant county. Hughes. Bamnel, Wagner, Or K (T F L con nected) on right shoulder on horses; on cattle, on right hip and on left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left. Range in Haystack district, Mohvw county. Hale. Milton. Wagner. Or. Horses branded -O- (circle with parallel tails) on left shoulder. Cettle same on left hip ; also large circle on left Edwin. John Day, Or. Cattle E Hon right hip; horses same on right shoulder, .fcangein UIHUl UUUI117. Howard. J L. allow. Or.-Hnrsss T iVmaa with bar above it) ou right shuuloer ; wttt.e i phdio on leusiue. nange in morrow ana Uma tilla counties. Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Dr. Horses, shaded heart on the left shoulder. Range Morrow Co. Hunsaker, B A, Wagnsr. Or. -Hone, n left atkaaliir; suts. ft aa UH kip. Hardlsrv. Albert. Kve. OrranhHnrsM 1 tt - ' 7 i-aVA -JA ri7.i " L ".l 1 V ju hip, crop off left ear. numprireya, 4 ai. uaraman, ur.-Horses. H on lef flank Huva. .T M Hprnnor Or H I ... on left ahouldei cattle, same on nht hip. iiuscon. iiutner, iLivht .line, ir. Hone Hon fie left shoulder and heart on the left stifle Cat le aame nn lfft hip. Ran ire in Morrow county . ivy, Aiireu, ijung t.reeit, jt--k attle 1 JJ on nmiiL nip, sjiiiiuu it-iiHrDu uu ui ngiit, norses same brand on left Bhoulder Range n Grunt ooontv. Junkin, 8. M., Heppner, Or Horses, horse shoe J on left Bhoulder, Cattle, the stuns. Range on Eight Mile. uuuBiu. kvu., uonu,, jr.ixurma, circle i. en left stifle; cattle, same on right hip, under half crop in rieht and sulit in left ear Jenkins, D W.,Mt. Vernon.Or. J on horses on mi. Biiuuiun, "ii uoLuo, uu leu, mp ana two smooth crops on both ears. Range in Fox and KIN i on left hip cattle same and crop off left ear: nnder slope on the right Kirk J. T., Heppner. Or. Horses 69 on left shonlder; cattle. rtH on left hip. Ifi-ir tr u. i, ' yt "-ic.. iurw. ii on either flank: cattle 17 on right side. iira:. Jesse, rieppner. Or.; hnreep 11 on left shoulder; cattle same on right side, underbit on li ...K.1nnJ OT n VT r ...imuu.miiu, . luuimi vemon. ur. 1 j on cattle on right and left sides, swallow fork in Uft . iu iiKiii wr. norseB same brand on left shoulder. Range in Grant countv. Keeney, Eli, Heppner, Or.-Horses J L and and Morrow counties ueahey, J W Heppner Or.-Horees branded L snd A on left shoulder: catt m i-ff wattle over right ey.- three slits in right ear. , v,,,.., vi. o j on lerc tup on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horses v.. id,, oiivuiuor. nange brant countv. 1 I .ior.ollovt TK TIT r 1 branded half-circle JL connected on left shoul. u. U " """il. nange, near Lax- lnmon. r , . ..1 a,. 11 . . u " "wur, ur. noraes branded aouble a coi,necU Sometimes nullaH . ewing H. on left shoulder. Slarkham, A. M Heppner, Or.-Cattle larg. M on left side, both ears cropped, and split in cunyon e" oa laft hi' Kan"e, Clark's Minor, Oscar, Heppner. Or. Cattle, M Dion right hip; horse. M on left shoulder. Morgan. M. N.. Heppner. Or.-Horsee, M) on left shouldei cattle same on left hip MeCumber, Jas A, Echo, Or. Horsea, M with bar over on right shoulder. Mann, U. a., t,eua, (Jr. Horses old mares Z'i shoulder yUng t"k' 8maU 22 on Mitruun TK. If . p.., ..cjum, ur. nnrso6, cirele V" ,6lu"llder ""d Jeft tluihj oaltle. L ou Mitchell, Oacar, lone, Or. Horeei, 77 on right hip; cattle, 77 on right Bide. MoClaren, D. 1 Brownsville, Or,-IIorse!, CiKure Son each ahouldor; cattle. M2 on hiu McKcrn.w. 1. Mouut Veruon, Or XI on cattl. on right hip, crop iu right ear. half crop iu laft same brand ou horses 0u left hip. Kange in Uraut oounty. llclJarty, David H Echo, Or. Homes brands UM connected, on the left shoulder; cattle same on hip and aide. McOirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or.-Mule ahoe with toe-cork ou cattle on ribs aud under in each ear; horses same brand on left stifle. -.i.ePt1,ey' : V" J1milton, Or.-Ou Horses, 8 with half circle under on left shonlder; on Cattle four bars connected on top on the right side Kange in Grant County. Neal. Andrew. Lone Kock.Or, HorseB A N con nected on left shoulder: cattle same on both hips, i ?.".?1ylt8' E" PilTerton. Or.-Horees, oirole 7 an left thigh; cal tie, same ou left hip. Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or A 1 on cattla on loft hip; on nurses, same on left thigh, ttauee in brant county. Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O on left shou.der. Olp, Herman, Piairie City, Or. On cattle, O hr connected on left hip; horsea on left stifle and wartle on uoee. Range in Grant county. Pearson, Olave, Eight Mile. Or.-Horses, Quar ter circle shield on left shoulder and 24 ou left hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right cropped. 24 on left hip. Kange on Eight Mile. Parker 4 Gleaeon. Hardman, Or, Horses IP on left shoulder. PlP?r; Erne-t, Lexington. Or,-Hor-es brand e (L E connected) ol left shoulder ; cattle me on right hip. Itange, Morrow count. Piper. J. H., Lexington. Or. -HorseB, JE con nected oi.ieft shoulder; cattle, same ou left hip. under bn in each oar. Pattys, A. C lone, Or,; horses diamond P oa shoulder; cattle, J H J connected, on the left hip, upper slope in left ear aud slip in tire Powell, John'!., Dayvillo, Or Horeea, JP con. nee, ed ou left shoulder. Cattle OK couuected on left hip, two under half crops, one ou each ear wattle under throat. Kai ge in Grant couuty. ' Ulckard, G. D., Canyon City, Or.-F (J oo left shoulder, on horses only. Kange Canyon oreek anil Hoar valley, Grant county. hood, Andrew, Hardman, Or. Horses, square crow with quarter-circle over it on left stifle. Huniuger, Chris, Heppner, Or.-Horees. C B on left shoulder. Kioe. Dan, Hardman, Or.; boraes, three panel worm fence ou left shoulder; caitle, 1JAN ou right shoulder. Kange near Hardman. Uoyse, Aaron, Heppner, Or Horses, plain V on lett Bhoulder: cattle, same brand reversed uu right hip aud orop oft right ear. Itange in Mor row county. Kuan liros., Heppner, Or. Horeea branded S on the right shoulder; cattle, IX on the left nin. crop off left ear and dewlap ou neck. Kange ie Morrow and adjoining oountiea. r i, i i ' i ouulewmi ur. Horses a oa lert anoniuer; cattle, K on left hip, orop ofl h. un.o, a ou lert Dip, on ..B..v , uuwiuii on ion, ear. sneep, ft on vuuuuyuungu ear. nange uma tula and Morrow o inntiea. Keaney, Andrew, Lexington, Or.-Horees branded A K on right shoulder, veut quarter circle over brand; cattle same on right hiu. Kange Morrow county. Kojue, Win. H, Dairyville, Or HH oonneoted with quarter cirr-le over top on cattle on right hip and crop off right ear and Bplit in left. Horse! same brand on lett Bhoulder. Hange in Morrow Grant and Gilliam counties. morrow r t5M,tur,?- W,v 'Vwwwr. Or.-Horses, JO o left ahoulder. Caitle, o ou right hio. Spicknall. J. W., "Gooseberry, Or.-Horse, county shoulder; lange in Morrow Sailing, C O Heppner, Or HorBes branded on lett shoulder; cuttle same on left hip. Swaggart, H. F., Lexington, Or.-Horses with dash under it on left BtiUe, cattle H with Uas i under it on right hip, crop off right ear aud waddled on right fund leg. Kange in Morrow. Gilliam and Umatilla counties, Bwaggart, A. L Ella. Or.-lloreeB branded J on lett ahoulder; cattle same on left tun. Croo on ear, wattle ou left hind leg. Straight W. E., Heppner, Or.-Horees shaded S ou let, stifle; cattle J H on left hip, swallow fork in nghi ear. underbit in left. bapp. ThoB., Heppner, Or.-Horses, 8 A P on left hip; oattli same ou left hip i Ja2?' Lon- -:reek, Or.-Hor.s, left stifle aud - over 2 on lef t ahoulder. Shrier.John, Fox, Or.-NO connected oa hores on right hip; eattie, same on right hip, crop ft right ear and under bit iu left eaf. Range in Grant county. " Smith BroB .. Bnaanvllle, Or. Horses, branded H.Z. on shoulder; cattle, ame on lef t ehoulde,. Squires, James Arlington, Or,; horaes branded Jtnd e"""ulder; cattle the same, also nose waddle. Kange in Morrow and Gilliam co..nties. Stephens. V. A., Harduian. Or-; horses Baton right stifle; cattle homontal L oa the right side BteveuBon, Mrs A. J., Heppuer, Or.-Catti". 8 on right hi, ; swallow-fork in left eaV. Bwaggart, G. W., Heppner, Or.-Horse., 44 left ehoulde, ; cattle, 44 on left hip Smith, E. E. Lone Kock, Ur. Horses branded a croBBed seven on left shoulder; oattl. sameoa left side. Kange. Gilliam couuty. if,Pkr''1''K0'!.li'Vpn!r',t)r'-Ca"le W C oa left hip, crop off right aud underbit iu left year, dewlap; horaes W C ou left shoulder. ' Ihompeon, J. A., Heppuer, Or.-Horse!, I on left shouia, r; cattle. 2 on left shoulder, shouMer" Pri"e'0l'-iior'M"' C-on le" i EurVer S," w-tfleppner, Or.-SmaH eapital T left Bhoulder,; cattle same on left hiu with epht in both ears. Thornton, H. M., lone, Or.-Horsea branded HI connected on left stifle; eheen name brand Vanderpool, H. T., Lena, Or;-Hoes HV oon. nected ou right BhouldenoatUe, sam. oa right ibirifieeLWm, "Heppnei''0r- HorBes, V.L. on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip! "... ci luppeu. Wilson, John i 0 Balem or Heppner, Or. Horeos branded Jo on the left shoulder. Bang. Morrow county, Warren, W B. Caleb, Or-Cattle, W with quarter circle over it ou left side, split iu riTeaf GraTeoTu.6"4 '6ft Shottlder' Wood, F L, Dayville, Or-Heart on horse, on left stifle; on eattie, 2 on left lid Mde?M iu left ear. ltauge in Grant county. ' VV on the right tup, square orop ott right ear aud split in left. " Wallace, Francie, Mount Vernon.Or Sauareoa cattle on the left hip. upper elope iiTh.eft ear and under slope in right ear. Same bni on horsee ou right shoulder. Kauge in Hum. aud Grant countv. "ucay Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or.-Horse. branded ace of spade, on left shoulder and left hjT Cattle branded same on left side and left hip. W ells, A. S., Heppner, Or.-Horae., un .ft Bhoulder: catt e same. ""l W oinnger, John. John Day City, Or-On ho three parallel bars on left ahoulder; 7 on sneeT un,tih " Urant Woodward, John, Heppu.r, Or.-HortMs np connected on left shoulder. norMe, up Watkins, Lishe. Heppner, Or. HorsM brandd UE conuecteo on left stifle. oreuaed WnllneA I 'h.,l. D.., l r . nght thigh, hol uiieft ear; horseTv? on' right ihoulaer, aom, same on left Bhoulder. nuiiuer oroe., urewsy, Harney county Or -Hw!m.bdv B-?-tl oi left shouldw i o.7T .hT.Ti"-.'--""" u- hoW-Ban-grG'ra;tnm.'UP' m U W illiams. J o. Long Creek. Or Hone, on, ter circle over three ban, on left hiprcnjj' 2i on Bhoulder; VmuI. same on nghtlip 4 t iziki&, i-crr.- 0r-Ho JxUZ;l!L -'200,eb,n?- Or.-Bor,M kraM 0