Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 28, 1893, Image 3

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I 'HOSE desiring the Insertion ol dls,ls.y ads
or change of same, niust get their tony in
not later Ulan Monday evening (or Tuesday's
editiun,or iiiureday evening lur Fridavs edi
tion. 1 H E fATTS RsON Pu BUSH 1st Co.
1. The sum of nve cents per line will be
charged lor "cards of thanks," "resolutions ol
renueet," list ot wedding present! and donors
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever uurtiose
2. Notices of church and society and all oilier
enteitxtmnenU from which revenue is to he de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of live
cents a line. These rule will be strictly adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for his or her communication fco
correspondence will be published unless the
writer's real name is signed as an evidence ol
good fa l til.
JLJ lug Agent, '21 Merchants exchange
ban I raucisco, is onr authorized agent. This
paper is kept on hie in his omce.
Stage for lliinliiian, Monument, Long Creek,
John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows :
Every day at li:30 a. m., except Sunday.
Arrives every day at a:3u p. ni except .Monday.
'lhe cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from tile interior country,
J. o. DELEVAN. Prop.
Slocum-Johnston Drug Co., Agents.
Give your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Here and There.
Olave Pearson was in onr midst Tues
day. li. W. Darling, ot Condon, was in town
W. G. Boyer has sold bisoattle to Sam
Chas. Hperry is 'tending bar down at
the Belvedere.
Dr. J. Jfi. Adkins and family are up
from Hillsboro.
W. W. Kirk, of Black Horse, is very
ill with la grippe.
Uncle Nat Webb is down from Walla
Walla on business.
J. R. Eateb and N. K. McVey were in
today from Ciooseberry.
Ed. Matlock is down in "Ibe sand"
rounding up bis horses.
Bev. W. E. Fotwine is expected in
from Pendleton tbis evening,
The Gem and Palace saloons for fine
liquors, MoAtee Bros,, Props. sw
Tne Hons of Veterans camp at Heppner
will be mustered in tomorrow evening.
Mrs. J. A. Paterson visited tbe family
of John Hughes below town Wednesday.
J. W. Vaughan, of Lexington, was up
last evening to attend Chapter meeting.
Heppner Chapter, U. D., B. A. M., held
their regular oonvooatiun last evening.
The Heppner-Canyon stage line is the
btst, chtbpest and qicukest to the in
The Morrow County Land and Trust
Company has an unlimited supply o(
mill teed.
Children's waiete, age 5 to 12 years
oheuper than you can make them at
Fell Bros.'
The twick-a.wekk Gazette now only
$2.50 in advance, payable in cash or
ooon Bkins.
Allen Evans and Daugherty Bros, have
brought in the first three loads of wool
this season.
A uTBt-olass Japanese cook wants a sit
uation on farm or with sbeepcamp. Ad
dress Gazette. 12
Halt & Mathews, the barbers, Cify ho
tel barber shop. They are artists. Baths
in connection.
The Kteley Institute, at Forest Grove
cures liquor, opinm, morphine, cocaine
and tobacco habit. Bee ad.
The Gazette would gladly till a few
orders for choioe trees of any sort satis
faction guaranteed. Drop in. tf.
Frank Sloan is assisting Assessor
Sbaw in his work of getting together the
taxable property of our oouutv.
Every man who takes any interest in
fast stock should subscribe for The
Horseman. Gazette shop, agents.
N. Nielson is now running a stage be
tween Heppner and Lone Bock. See
d. for days of leaving and arrival, tf.
Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to dc
Ml kinds of nursing. Call at ber homt
In north Heppner, or address her at this
place. oio-ii
.T. O. Williams, of Sand Hollow, sue.
ceeded in SBving 75 per cent, of his lambs
this vear. This is, perhaps, Detter tnan
tbe average.
The Pendleton E. O says that H.
ItTnDnnald was known as the artist sheep
herder. He bad been on it big drunk
before ooming over to Heppner.
Master Clay French is the authorized
agent for tbe Oregonian at this place.
Subscribe through him, and have your
paper delivered free of charge. tt
If you have a few dollars left after
p aying everybody else, drop it in on your
back subscription, for if there ever was a
time when cash is needed, it is now.
fieri. D. Fell, assisted by Robt. Hynd
Frank Elder and W. W. Stnead, are busy
son who will indiscriminately
uugs, jiim tor ine tun ot it.
Dan Neville departed thii morning (or
Butte, Montana, to be absent tbis sum
Heppner ought to afford a regular
band organization. Why not organize
Tiger Hose Co., No 1. is getting to be
effective through their system ot freiiueut
Uncle Nat McBee is back from a round
up, lookiug after his duties as stock in
spector. 8alem Statesman: Senator Henry
Blaosman, of Heppner, was in tbe city
Mrs. Akers, mother of the Akers Bros.,
of Gooseberry, is reported seriously ill
with paralysis.
Soon tbe Gazette will begin another
story, perhaps, better than the last one,
Then. Danner got back last night from
the I. O O. F. doings atPeidleton. Sam
Letzer will return soon,
Word oomes from below that Heppner's
bonds are being printed, ready to be
signed and delivered.
Mr. T. M. Courter, aooompanied by his
two young daughters, oalled at the Ga
zette olliue this afternoon.
W ill Kaliler aod 'Squire Sorivner were
dowu from Hardmnn Wednesday. Tbey
say orops are lookiug well.
T. M. Spenoer and A. Barnes, travel
ing men, oame iu last evening to do
business with onr merchants.
Marion Evaus has a mule colt, aired
by Ben daggart's jack, which is 3 feet
aod 8 inches high this spring's colt,
Its pretty dull now in the matter of
live news, but we have got some boss
snake stories stored for later in thn
The McFarland Mercantile Co. 's
windows show the handiwork of an
artist. We are told that S. S. Horner is
the same.
The first wagon load of wool for this
season came into town Wednesday.
They should begin to drop in pretty
lively now.
Dr. B. F. aughan has been beard
from at Chicago where be is pursuing
his studies in dentistry. He writes that
be is doing quite well.
Jhb. Knlwell got in from Arlington
and John Day last Wednesday. He is
acoumpanied by his brother, Jasper
Kidwell, of Walla Walla.
J. F. M. y toner oad is in the city for
the purpose of writing up the town and
business men for the Uregonian's band
book of the Pacific Northwest.
Ford run his looal ad. two times and
then took it out, because be bad so
muoh to do. W hy is it ? Does be work
cheap, or does advertising pay '
G. W. Harrington returned Monday
last from the Athena country where he
hud been to buy wheat, not to apprehend
any criminal, as was reported in a Pen
dleton paper.
Miss Dorman fell down the stairs
loading to tbe rooms above tbe butcher
shop, last Tuesday evening, reoeiving
some bruises but, fortunately, escaping
serious injury.
T. A. Hollabaugh, representing The
Buwers Kuuber Co., was in town over
Wednesday. He tells the best snake
story in the oountry, which We propose
to publish as soon as we get the papers
for it.
The disappearance of Mrs. Walt. Rich
ardson's little boy today from J as. Jones',
caused bis relatives to fear that he bad
been drowned, but the little fellow final
ly turned up all O. K,, muoh to the joy
of all. .
We would call the attention of tbe
HeoDner authorities to the fact that tbe
four Baboook tire extinguishers are scat
tered around town. They should ba put
in their places on tbe hook and ladder
Dick Howard, while leading a stallion
IhsI Tuesday, was suddenly set upon by
the am m til and badly bitten in the leg.
He was riding another animal at tbe
time, and bad little opportunity to
protect himself.
Ewing, a typographical error ot the
Boating sort, glided up from Arlington
Wednesday and staid long enough to
earn $4 and a night's lodging. Yester
day morning he pursued bis way on up
toward Pendleton.
Win. Milton, who is stopping down at
l'homoson & Binns' stable, has reoently
completed an ornamental table for
photos and other bousehold ictas, wbioh
is something new to us, being construct
ed of wood, ribbons and unraveled rope,
nrinoioally of tbe latter. It is to be
rattled off soon.
Today ye reporter had the pleasure of
seeing the three great two-year-olds,
Morrow, Lizzie Malarkey and Boss Lee,
all belonging to the Matlock ranch. They
are fine looking animals, well bred and
will doubtless show good speed this year.
They were shod today over at "ap Si
mons & Son's, preparatory for training
Pendleton Tribune: Governor Pen-
nover and State Treasurer Metscban are
expected to pass through here on their
wnv home from Baker City tomorrow
(26tb) morning. When they return to Sa
lem tbe choioe of the site for tbe braneh
insane asvlum will be selected. Eoho is
one of the plaoes whioh has reoently en-
O! the Agony
Of Those who Suffer
Hood's Sareaparllla Purltee,
Soothe, HeaU, CURES.
Mr. T. V. Johwum
San Jose, Cal.
"I have for many years been a great sufferer
from Ml KOFI I, A breaking out on my arms
and legs ; they were covered with eruption and
sores, discharging all the time. 1 tried very
many medicines and consulted physicians far
and near, but constantly isrew worse. I
have taken but three bottles of Hood's Sarsapa-
Hood's 2. Cures
rllla for rheumatism, and has derived so much
benefit from it that she declares there is no
other medicine on earth. We would not be
without it in the house if it costs $20 a bottle."
T. V ablet Johxson, San Jose, Cal.
N. B. Be sure to get Hood's Sursaparllla.
meats of the law, and after May 8th there
will be fun and work for tbe lawyers, and
probably an occasional obanoe for the
M. D.'s to get in for a fee nnd the news
papers to oatch a good item -about all
the latter will get ont of it.
Notice to Stock Bbbeubks.-I will
keep', at my farm 7 miles northeast of
Lexington, a fine Jack of the Black
Warrior breed. This Jack is large and
of high form. Terms : Ten dollars, in
surance. Mares intrusted to my care
will be kept in good pasture at one
dollar per month. Due care will be
taken to prevent accidents, or the stray
ing of mares, though I will be respon
sible for none. B. F. Swaugaht.
114 tf. Lexington, 0.
New Restaurant John Sullivan and
Henry long have bought tbe kitchen and
dining room furniture of Lane Matlock
and bave opened up a model restaurant
at bis old stand on lower Main street.
Meals served at all hours for 35 and 60
cents. This house will also pay highest
market price for butter, eggs, chickens
and young pigeons. Henry Yong is a
oook of long experience, so you are as
sured of a tl ret-o I ass meal. Give them a
call. 20-law
To aid Digestion take one Small Bile Bean
Biter eating. 25u. per bottle.
getting things ready for the wool season, . , Th jB 8 beBUtiflll o,
nation on tbe Meadows which would be
down at the Wool Growers' wan bouse.
Newer and neater quarters at the
PalBce Hotel's north business room,
Charley Jones the baber, wants to see
his old friends there. Baths in eonneo
ion. D. 0. Ely made proof on bis pre-emption
before Clerk J. W. Morrow last Wednes
day. Geo. Ely came up with him on
business oalling on the Gazette office
A bald beaded woman is unusual be
fore she is 40, but gray bair is common
with tbem earlier. Baldness and erny
ness may be prevented by using HbII's
Hair Benewer.
Arthur Hodeon and J. F.Willis were
in Wednesday from below. Arthur's
school has closed for this year, and Mr.
Willis was tiokled "mightily" over the
good prospeots for crops.
Dr. B. F. Vaughan has gone east to
oomplete his dental education, leaving
Drs. J. W. Rasmus snd Eugene Vatigban
a obariie of his office. Those owing Dr.
Vanghan will please make settlement
with Dr. Eugene Yauehan who has full
authority. 17-tf.
After suffering horribly for years from
scrofula in its worst form, a young son
of Mr. K. L. King, 706 Franklin street,
Ricbmand. Va.. was recently enred by
the nse of Ayer's Sarsapanlla. No other
medicine can approach this preparation
as a cleanser of the blood.
There are aarsaparillas and sarsaparil
lss; bnt if yon are not careful in yonr
purchase, the disease you wish to cure
will only be intensified. Be snre von get
Ayer's SarBaparilla and no other. It is
compounded from the Honduras root and
other highly oonoentrated alteratives.
Some person or persons have evidently
been putting out poison for dogs. Last
night Jas. Roberts lost his bull dog, and
Dr. Fox' Frill also passed to the un
known, both by poison. This morning
Geo. Thornton's fine dog was found near
death from tbe same oause, and to end
ber misery, Geo. shot her. We bave
nothing bat condemnation for tbe per-
Hood's Pillaaet easily, yet promptly and
efficiently, on the liver and bowels. 25c.
R ill imEZr?rriSSam2m
& I3isbee,
This piece of advertising spaoe belongs
Slocum-Johnston L)ni C-
PHILL COHN, Proprietor.
There is not a winged insect hovering
around Phillip.
H. A. Thompson
A. E. Binns
The Heppner Livery, Feed and Sale Stile.
Below Coffin & MeFarland's, Main Street.
Good Conveyance for Traveling Men.
Teams to hay per day, 75 ots. Hay and grain per day. $1.25. Meals 25 eta. a
at 0. C. Sergeant's, next door to Feed 8table. Grain and
baled hay always on band.
The New Hotbii. Tbe Central House,
tbe new hotel on lower Main street, tbe
property of Mr. Chas. Sargent, will be
open for tbe publio about tbe first to the
middle of next week. It is a well ap
pointed house and when completed, will
form the only first-class $1.00 hotel in
Heppner. Mr. Sargent proposes to run
it in good style. 20-tt.
Oct of Sight. The traveling publio
are now fully alive to the fact that the
Chicago, Union Paoifio & Northwest
Line offers tbevery best aoaommodations
to the publio from and to Chicago,
Omaha and intermediate points not only
during the World's Fair, but all the
year around. 19-31
Rip's Wood Yard. The Heppner
wood yard, under tbe management of
Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver
wood at your residence, sawed or un
sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at
87.50 per oord. Wood sawed twioe in
two. 75 cts. per cord; three times, $1.00.
Yard near the depot. Leave orders at
Sloan & Howard's. 4-tf.
They increase appetite, purify the whole
system and set on the liver, Kile UeauaSmaU.
Fashionable Dressmakers. Mi s. W.
W. Smesd and Mrs. Margaret Loonej
are prepared to do dressmaking in tbe
latest fashion and sewing of every nature,
at hard time prices, at tbe borne ot Mrs,
W. W. Smead. Don't fail to give them
a call. 118-sw,
Anything New of Real Merit
You can Generally Find
For :-: Sale :-: bv
Who are
Noted for being
The Leaders.
We don t run a third-class junk shop where you can buy shoddy goods at twioe
their value, but we keep nrst-claes goods at honest prions, with
no baits or traps,. We keep
Furnish iner
n l
II l m-
is, Hardware, inward,
Wood and Willoware, Guns, Ammunition,
Ask our old oustomers how we treat tbem. : : : : : :
Corner Main and Willow Streets, HEPPNER, OREGON
Jeep Your Eye Open for-
B A R G Ail NS !
Where ou will find a grand display of quality and elegancfl, and the
fairett prices ever made for such qualities. Visitors are
not asked to believe, but are shown goods to convince them
that we are leading the trade in
Ml l
Boots, Shoes. Hats, Caps, Furnishing; Goods, etc.
If you want value for your money, oome and see us. If you want to enjoy the full
purchasing power of your Dollar, spend it wiib
West Side of Main Street,
the Depot:
Only First-Class hotel in Heppner.
Building Wired for Eleotric Lihts
lieHt aooommodatiens for the traveling
Courteous treatment assured tbe coun
try people.
MRS. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress.
KVBilable. Pendleton would like very
much to have the asylum here, but if the
commissioners do not think it i best, we
would like to see it go to Milton, Jioho
or some other place in tbe county.
Last op tue Blook Housb. Tbe old
block bouse at the Casoades on the
Washington side has reoently fallen
down during a heavy wind, and of
course will uever berebnilt. This bouse
was built in 1856, and though it has
never received a hostile bullet, being
built two years after the memorable
ficht upon the old block boose, now
ci mpletely gone to rnin, it baa been an
old landmars and quartered a good
mnny troops and civilians while tbe In
dians were yet hostile. The Dalles
Chronicle. a
n.rii Registered. R. h. Chamber
lain, deputy revenue cnlleotor, came in
this week to give our Chinese a obanoe
to reg-'ster under the Geary act, which
they all aocepted without protest. In
..m rlf;en. he iufoimed our reporter,
the Chinese refuce to obey the require-
A Fink Hoksk. The imported run
ning stallion, air nenry, nas neen
brought over to Heppner, and will stand
the ensuing season at tbis place. He is
tbe property of "Caynse" Reynolds, and
is a fine horse. 570tf
First Class Taiiobino Fred Miller
is now looated on May street in the old
bakery building, where be is prepared to
do first class work. A perfect tit
guaranteed. Give him a trial. tf.
i 1
Look Heiib. When you want a re
freshing schooner of beer and a nice
lunoh, go see Eleokner & Sheldon.
Also fine liquors and cigars in stock.
A Positive Assertion. E. J. Slocum
sells more dry goods, boots and shoes for
the money than any firm in Eastern
Oregon. 20tf.
Tubkey Eoos. Bowman & Wilson
bave thoroughbred Mammoth Bronze
turkey egns for sale at their Butter creek
ranch. Leave orders at Minor Bros., or
address them at Echo. 572-89 w
Leaves Heppner on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Leaves Lone Itock on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Makes connection with the weekly
line to Fossil. Reasonable oharges for both
Passengers -:- and -:- Freight.
643-tfsw SLOCOM-JOHNBTON DROG CO., Agents, Heppner, Or.
The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store.
On May Street, opposite I'slaoe Hotel. Tbeywill keeponhand a full line of
Groceries anil Provisions.
A full line of choice Pies, Cukes nnd Bread ; in fact everything that is
usually Kept in a nrst-clasa bakery Btore. I hy will sell cheap roi cash. Call and
try tbem. sw
.w" . it ri La -
-rev Pii
! 453i OTTOvTPANTs
best oiio to maiTV;(IN LWO
in ninrrin'm : ( DAYS
!irm without, pain; (AGENT
'.:i:f ill mid multiply : ( S(.LI)
and mine to b;( 42
OP yFhiTynmtf how to choor.e
COURSEJThe married how to bo .
YOU )Tho fond parent-how to !
WANT )The mother how t have i
TO )The childless how to bo ' .
KNOW )Tho curious how tiiev " . i
WHAT )The healthy how to ("njov
EVERY )The invalid how to pet v..
HUJJY )The imprudent now to i ".r.i"i tvnstetl energy.
OUGHT )AJ1 who want knowledo thai, is of most worth
TO )Pind it in Dr. Foote'u "Plain Home Talk,"
KNOW. )1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 24 ;.!. phttvsi 20U recipes;
KAU HteUiieed from to m .;.,; n-culars 1. ::.
Change of Ownership
whiob we propose to conduct in the most satisfactory manner.
Will keep
on hands at all times the choicest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
shaw & Mccarty,
85-tl Proprietors.
Graduate M. E. C. V. 8. , London, England.
Veterinary -m- $urgeon !
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
1 am prepared to lv all kind of Veterinary Hnrnery, KniaiculatlUK Honei and Ketrlliivii & H..l.
alty. (Thin ia the only true method of oimratiiiKoii horaei.) HpeyliiK of Cattle ami Hota
on ihort notice. I will trettt all anl ma
lnary Huruery. Jf you have any Hick aulmali
call on me at Htewart'i itublei,
HEPPNER, . ;,,lHw
In the mint approved procedure of Veter-
U will be to your iu terra t to
Tho Ksclcy kite
For the Cure oi
Liquor. Opium and Tobacco Habits
It ii located at Fore it Urove, Or.,
i The Mont Beautiful Town on the Coant.
Call at the CIazrttr office for parttculnn.
I Btrlctly coufldentlal. Treatiueiitprivatuand iur
I cure.
f is iiurk:.
i'i; anil keep w( ll;
U'uili Kpi'fililv ;
P. II. T. )Murray Hill Hook Co
(AN I J 1113
( $1,100
( (JOl'lES
.. -Sth St., New Yi:.( ,"-OLD.
The LancashireJnsurance Co.
A. W PATTERSON. AGENT " . tt no- i wrii
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office
Ncw York Cash Racket Store.
JDHT OUDKItKI), AND TO A1UUVK SOON : Spring and Suinin.r
Goods, Calicoes', OiniitiHniB, Fl'iunoiniis, Drapery, dents' KnruishiiiK; alio LaditV
Underwear and, numerous other Kodr) in tna( line. Notlona and Tinware in
stock; rery cbeap. When I aay cheap, I mean it, You bare but to call and iuve -ti)iate
to be aatiaUed. I do none but a oaah buflinaaa, and can therefore nnderaell
all competitors
J. W. MATLOCK, Prop.
Main Street, next door to tbe Opera House
17. 1 B
Oommiiaiouer ot tbe U. S. Circuit Court. All land
matter! attended to promptly and aeonrately.
Office in National Hank building.
Otis Patterson