NOTICC; TO ADVCHTitiKUs. 'fcHOSE deilrinic the luiertion of display adi., 1 or change oi same, niut get their coj.v in nut later than Monday evening fur Tuethiay'i euittuu, or TkuraUay evening for Friday eUi- lioll. J Hit l'ATTUtKJN PUBLISHING Co. NOT1CK. 1. The mm of live cent per line will be charged lor "cardi of thanW "resolution! of respect," liita of wedding present and douori, aud obituary uoticei, (other thau thuae the edit or shall himielf give as a matter of newt,) and lioticeiof special meetiugH for whatever purpose. '2. otti;es of church and society and ail other entertain menu from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of live beuts a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to In every intuauce. Advertising rates reasonable aud made known upon application. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for his or her communication. No corresHiideuce will be published unless the writer s real mime Is signed as uu evidence oi good faith. - P. FlSHEK, NEWbl'Al'EK ADVKK'ilri-JL-J. ing Agent, 21 Merchants exchange, bau lmucisco, is our authuiueu agent, ihis paper is kept ou hie in his omcu. TIME TABLE. Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek, John Day and Canyon cily, leavea aa tulloMB : hveiy day at ti::iu a. in., except cjunday. Arrlvea every day at b:M p. iu., except .Monday. 'ilie cheapest, quickest and beat line to oi from the interior country. J. s. DELEVAN, Prop. Mocum-Johnston lirug Co., AuenU. Give your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to bund up Hepp tier. Patronize those who patronize you. Here and There. TUTT'S TRILLS make pure blood. Heppuer Furniture Co., (or carpet, t Cull and examine Heppuer Furniture Oo.'s wall papers. t iiorn On Saturday last, to tbe wife ol R. J. Howard, a boy. F. M. Holmes and wife were iu from Gooseberry yesterday. Tbt bank inspector called on our boys Friday and Saturday. Ford is hanging paper cheaper than ever. See him (or prices. 20-1. Mr. Walter Fell, of Seattle, Sundayed in Heppuer with his parents. Alexander Kunz, of Portland, was with us Sunday and Monday. The Gem and Palace saloons for fine liquors, McAtee Bros., Props. sw J. M. Keea and 0. J. Wilson, of lone, were Been on oar streets yesterday. Hon. J. N. Brown left Saturday last for 8alem to be absent a (ew days. Tbe Dalles Chronicle: J. B. Sperry, of Heppuer, returned borne toduy. W. B. Haines, of Eight Mile, was iu town over Sunday, a guest of the Cit hotel. The Heppner-Canyon stage line is the btst, chtui est aud qicukest to the in terior. Tbe Morrow County Land and Trust Company bus an unlimited supply ol mill feed. Children's waists, age 5 to 12 years cheaper than you can make them at Fell Bros.' Tbe twice-a.wbkk Gazette now oulj $2.50 in advance, payable in cash oi ooon Bkins. Mrs. G. W. Foor, of Weiser, arrived Saturday eve, and is yisiting with her many friends. We bear that the gang plows are run ning quite lively up in the Hardman neighborhood. Hatt & Mathews, the barbers, City ho tel barber shop. tThey are artists. Baths in connection. Albert Eea departed Monday of last week tor Idaho, with whioh we learn, he is much pleased. The Kteley Institute, at Forest Grove oures liquor, opium, morphine, oocaiue and tobacco habit. See ad. The Gazette would gladly fill a (ew orders (or choioe trees of any sort satis faction guaranteed. Drop in. tf. Wm. Penland loBt a Bquare and com pass recently in Heppuer. The finder will please return to this otlioe. 75-tf Every man who takes any interest in fast stock should subsonbe (or The Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. N. Nielson is now running a Btage be tween Heppner aud Lone Rook. See ad. for days of leaving and arrival, tf. Mrs. Geo. Swaggart was oalled last week to Weston to atteud tbe bedside of her brother who is very ill with consump tion. Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to dc all kinds of nursing. Call at ber bomt In north Heppner, or address her at this place. 518-tf Chas. Frey's little son is getting aloDg nicely now under home treatment, bav ing been brought up from Salem some time ago. Geo. Muir reported yesterday that spring grain is looking well down bis way, but (all sown grain is not in the best condition possible. E. W. Kobison, of Eight Mile, called this afternoon while in town. He says tbe warm weather which we are now en joying will boom np the crops. Master Clay French is tbe authorized scent tor tbe Oregonian at this place. Subsoribe through him, and have your paper delivered tree ot charge. it Aleo Graham returned Friday from North Dakota, where he went last year with horses. He says that be did poorly with the Btock, financially speaking. Newer and neater quarters at the Palaoe Hotel's north business room. Charley JoneB tbe baber, wants to see bis old friends there. Baths in eonneo tion. . Dr. B. F. Vaughan has gone east to complete his dental education, leaving Drs. J. W. Rasmus and Eugene Vsugban in charge of his office. Those owing Dr. Vaughan will please make settlement with Dr. Eugene Vaughan who has full authority. 17-t(. Some Willamette valley quails were recently tnrned loose near here by Osoar Minor. The public are asked to not kill them, as it is desired that they should multiply and replenish the the low val leys and rngged hills of Eastern Oregon. The bids for the building of tbe Lex ington school house were opened last Saturday, and wss awarded to Davis & Burgoyne, of Lexington, on a bid of $4 000 The other bids we learn were: Wm. Tirtlot, $4,350; L. D. Boyed, $4, 385. Pbill Cohn, our very esteemed young (ellow-townsmsn, departeJ Mondav (or 'FriBOo. and be expects to return shortly with a bride. Who isit o( our town and country that does not wish Phil! tbe beBt wife and happiest borne that can be imagined? Not one, we are sure. V. A. Steveni was in today (rom MoKinney creek and likes the prospects for crops this years. Tbe ground is wet deeper than for year, and as the mountain snows will probably remain on till late in tbe season, be very reasonably argnes that Morrow couDty is lure o( a good crop. A report wi toirculated Saturday even ing that tbe waters of Willow oreek were invadiug tbe railroitd track, about ooe half a mile thiazide of Willows Junction. Tbe agent at Willows corroborated the auie by telegraph, but as the flood is ubsiding and tbe trains are making tegular trips without delay it n presumed that the.iamHge 1b very little. The recent rise is caused by melting snow and raius. Jan. Cowins has been having some painting dona on his cottage ou Main street A first-olass Japanese cook wants a sit uation on (arm or with sbeepcamp. Ad dress Gazette. 1 2 John Rash, brother o: Mrs. D. A. Her ren, is down from the Yellowstone coun try iu Montana. Towns Mathews has ooncluded lamb ing operations, and was up to town yesterday on business. Arlington Record: Mr. Clarenoe Shurte is quite tick, but it is hoped will soon be on nis feet again. Jhus. Adams, a sheepherder of Rat ledge, Or., killed himself Sunday last with a 44 oal. S. &. W. revolver. Hon. Phill Metsohan and Gov. Pen uoyer are on another tour to Eastern Oregon lookiug up the asylum matters. Fred Thomas and Lee French got to gether Friday last, and matters were in teresting (ur a Bhort time, for Fred at least. Fred Thomas came down (rom his mountain ranch last Friday where be re ports a great deal of snow in many places. At the last meeting of tbe Epworlh Leauue arrangements were made to uold a public entertainment in the near future. The charter members of tbe 8. O. V oamp will please bear in mind that the inuster will occur Saturday evening. Be on hand. M. O. Riley came in from the Blues Saturday last, and reports that finally spriug is making some inroads on winter up his way. Theo. Dauner departed this morning for Peudletou to atteud tbe Odd Fellows doings. He was accompanied by other Oreturen of Heppner. Marian Webb came up from Portland Saturday Inst, still walking on crutches, but muoh improved in health. Marian has been in the hospital formany months. Miss Maggie Rea sold her household goods at auction Saturday last, and will go down to Portland Thursday to take a course in short-band and dressmaking. Tbe highest praise has been won by Hood's Pills for their easy, yet efficient adion. Sold by all druggists. Price 25 ceutG, Quite a stable of race horses are now quartered up at the truck. N. 8. Whet stone is also training a number of lively colts, mention of which will be made later ou. A buld headed woman is unusual be fore she is 40, but gray hair is common with tueui earlier. BaldueBS and gray uess may be prevented by using Hull's Hair Renewer. Al Fioreuoe was down yesterday treat ing his friends ou the advent of a new boy at his house born the 6th inst. It B never too late to set the public right on these little events. Tbe regular meeting of the W. R. C. will be held iu the M. E. church, Hepp uer at two o'clock, Saturday April 29 As arraugemeots for decoration day will then be made, a full attendance is desired. Dr. Paul Grant, A. M. Smith and Mr. Frendley returned from the interior country Sunday, Dr. Grant leaving Monday morning for the Main hue, the others remaining over till this morning. The man who died suddenly Saturday, H. McDonald, bad in bis possession the address of J. P. Howe, Eugene, Lane Co., Or., or Brownsville, Linn Co., Or. This man might know something of McDon ald. Newt Jones is carrying in a sling a very bad eye, for which be is unable to account. It has been troubling him for some days, aud yesterday he came to town for med ical attention. He hopes for immediate relief. Yesterday Mrs. J. W. Matlock re turned from a visit to Pullman Wash., accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Taylor. The latter bad been severely ill for a time, but now is in excellent health. Elmer Gentry has been on the sick list tor the past two weeks and shows the effects ol it, too. He has had muoh sickness iu his family tbe past winter, and bas begun to think that hard luck is ou bis side. After suffering horribly (or years from sorofula in its worst form, a young son of Mr. R. L. King, 7u6 Franklin street, lticbniaud, Va., was recently cured by ihe use of Ayei's Sarsaparilla. No other medicine can approach this preparation as a cleanser ol the blood. Down at Kleckner & Sheldon's last Friday eveuiug, about b o'clock, matters were made Boniewhat interesting by a lit tle setto between Gid Hatt aud Chas. Sheldon, in which the latter took seoond money. It was the result of some busi ness difference, and is to be regretted. There are Barsaparillas and sarsaparil las; but if you are not careful iu your purchase, the disease you wish to cure will only be intensified. Be sure vou get Ayer's Sarsaparilla and no other. It is compounded from the Honduras root and other highly oouoentrated alteratives. Arlington Record: Miss Lulu E Bootbby, of Lexington, is visiting the Misses Bedford. Miss Lulu bas in her short stay made many warm friends. Some of them, or at least one, will draw a deep sigh alter her departure Saturday (or ber borne. Come again, Mies Lulu, and come soon aud stay longer. Surveyor Isa Brown was in Saturday, yet Buffering considerably (rom bis reoent experience with "Jack Frost." Mr. Brown reports crops in (air con dition, though some of it shows tne effect of freezing weather. Late warm rains are doing much good, and farmers in that vicinity are looking forward to fair crops. Alliance Herald: J. F. Willis, of Rawliu Post, Lexington, was among the Grand Army "boys" here last week, and visited the Herald office. Mr. Willis says be but voices the expression of all the members who attended tbe encamp ment when be states tbat for genuine hospitality tbe people of Pendleton are second to none. Fbom the Usbof Coal Oil. At Hills bo ro a coal oil lamp was overturned in tbe bedroom of Mrs. George Perrine where tbe small coildren were playing, tbe oil from which was spilled on tbe bead and shoulders of one of tbe younger occupants of the room and took fire and severely burned the back of the head neck, shoulders and left arm, and set tire to the bedding and draperies of tbe room. Tbe lamp bad been used tbe night before and had not been extinguish ed iu the morning. Had electrio lights been used there would have bee no such aooidett, besides it a cleaner and more economical liiibt than oil. Tbe nee of coal oil when electrio lights are so cheap is bad management, to say the least. Pabdoskd On. Jack Thompson, who shut end killed a man named Sherry at this place on IS, 1SS7, and who was sentenced to the state penitentiary j for a term of 15 years, was pardoned I out last Wednesday by Gov. Pennoyer, Ur. W. UartluM Stockton, Cal. I Would Be Dead Gut For Hood's Sarsaparilla A Wonderful Cure Restored to Good Health " Last winter I was In a very bad condition, my general health all run down. I grew thin, had no appetite, could not sleep morn than fire minutes at a time, and when I woke up 1 would havo pains in my bowels. In the morning when I arose I would seem more tired than when I went to bed. I had a thumping naniln in tha region ot my heart. I cannot tell How Miserable I Felt. I was obliged to give up work entirely. My friends advised me to take Hood's Sarsaparilla and I did so. I am now using the sixth bottle, and can say that It has worked upon me wMaerf ul cure. I have grown quite strong, am again able to work, sleep well aud have a good appetite, with no more Palpitation of the Heart. t am happier now and in better health than I have been for years. I firmly believe that It It had not been for Hood's Sarsaparilla I would be dead to-day. It may not be worth mentioning, HOOD'S Sarsaparilla but before taking Hood's Sarsaparilla I had paid two physicians sixty dollars for medicine, and Hood's Sarsaparilla gave me a new lease of life for five." w. Mahshali., Commercial Hotel, Stockton, Cal. n, Get HOOD'S. HOOD'S PlLLS are hand made, and perfect In proportion and appearanoe. 25c. per box. on recommendation of W. R. Ellis, then district attorney, and on tbe strength of a petition which Thoe. McNeil had drawn up at the Herald office and whioh was cigned by numerous influential citizens ot Wasco oounty. Thompson's term would have expired May 23, 1900. It will be remembered Sherry was a bully and an old prize fighter. He had been imposing on Thompson (or two days trying to get him to fight but Thompson avoided him, until Sherry stepped up to Thompson in Silvertootb's saloon and deliberately spit in his (Boe, whereupon the latter drew his revolver and shot Sherry down, killing him in stantly. Nearly everyone who witnessed the tragedy says tbe killing was justi fiable. The Antelope Herald. "Gbttiho Tub Mitten." An old-time New England expression, "getting the mitten," meauing having your offer of marriage rejeoted by your "best girl," bas an origin in tbe customs of the earli er days. One hundred years ago gloves were unknown in the oountry towns Mittens were knitted and worn In all families. If a young man, going home (rom singing eohool with the girl ot his ohoice, was holding her mittened hand to keep it from getting cold, and took that opportunity to urge his suit, if the offer proved aooeptable, the hand would remain; it taken by surprise, an effort to withdraw the hand would leave tbe mit ten. So the suitor would "get the mit ten, but would not get the hand." Boa ton Transoript. Lodge Entertainment. Nareissa Re bekah lodge No. 2, 1. O. O. F., entertained their friends right royally Tuesday even ing. After the regular business ot the evening the lodge olosed in the working degree and opened in tbe social degree. Tbe eervioes of tbe Fourth cavalry orchestra had been secured and they opened tbe evening programme by an overture. Tbeu followed a flute solo by Oscar Feobter, a reoitatiou by Mr. Geo. H. Sutherland, and songs by Miss Lulu Stabl and Mr. J. Sloane, Jr. Refresh ments were then served and the re mainder of tbe evening was spent in social conversation, cards anddanoing. Walla Walla Statesman. Notice to Stock Breeders. I will keep, at my farm 7 miles northeast of Lexington, a fine Jack of the Black Warrior breed. This Jaok is large and of high form. Terms: Five dollars, in surance. Mares intrusted to my care will be kept in good pasture at one dollar per month. Dae care will be taken to prevent acoidente, or the stray ing ot mares, though I will be respon sible for none. B. F. Swaooabt. 114 tf. Lexington, O. Fashionable Dbebshakebb. Mis W. W. Smesd and Mrs. Margaret Looney are prepared to do dressmaking in tbe latest fashion and sewing of every nature, at hard time prices, at the home ot Mrs. W. W, Smead. Don't fail to give them a call. 118-aw. Bhokmakeb. Ed. Birbeck, a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi ence, has just located in tbe Abraham eior building, on May street, where be is prepared to do eveiything in his line. ,Wr Birbeck is strictly a first -clans work, man and warrants all work. Give bim a call. r Mwtf A Fine Hobse. The imported run ning stallion, Sir Henry, bas been brouitbt over to Heppner, and will stand tbe ensuing season at this place. He is the property of "Cayuse" Reynolds, and is a fine horse. 67011 Fibkt Clahs Tailobinci Fred .Miller is now located on May street in the old bakery building, where be is prepared to do first class work. A perfect tit guaranteed . Oive bim a trial. tf. pnOYJIi 10SI6E Don't Forget It. THE BOSTON CASH STORE Has been removed from Lichtenthal's old stand, the former location, to Henry Heppner's building on site formerly occupied by Kirk & Rasmus, corner May and Main streets, where J- H. Kolman, the popular prorprietor, will be pleased to show you his new Btock of HSpniig and Siinimer Goods. - which will be sold, as of old, at ROCK -:- BOTTOM -:- PRICES. Don't fail to visit me at my new quarters. J. H. KOLMAN. ARE YOU i Thinking of a new Spring Style Attire ? Wondering what ma terial what color you should purchase ? Puzzling your mind about the correct thing in trimmings ? Consulting with vour dressmaker as to which of the many styles will be most becoming ? IF JSO Come and talk it over with us. We're prepared to throw a flood of light upon every element of unceitainty. A Big Line of Silks. All the latest styles in Figured India Silks. Samples will be mailed FREE on application. Yonrs Seap'y, "" GENERAL MERCHANTS. HEPPNEB, - - OREGON. E. G. 8 LOCUM. THE -Have just SPRING Consisting of "Wall -:- Paper - One Carload EPPNER wiw mm Latest Designs, Patterns and Prices. Also a fine line of w Hammocks, Baby Carriages, Rugs, Mattings, Clooks, Glass, Refrigerators, Window Shades and Portiere Curtains Undertaking A. Specialty. HERE IS THE PLACE 4 To Qet JEven on Your Life- -- iff : Hardware Stohe ! A COMPLETE LINE OF - - - Hardware, ; QUEENSWARE, Wood and Willowwire, Blacksmiths' Pipe, Tanks, Bathtubs and Sinks, Plumbing Materials, Agricultural imple ments. All Kinds of Repairing quickly and neatly done. THE CELEBRATED in Wa .;. -:- Ton will save money by getting our prioes before purchasing elsewhere. -: -: : -- Odd Fellows' building, Main St., BORG, : THE Out for Cash Bargains -IN- Jewelry, Cash Talks. V Trust Busts SEE BOKG, MAY biKEET, HEPPNEK, OK. J. M. WADDELL. reoeived a seleot- STOCK, ONE CAR LOAD : - and -:- Carpets. FURNITURE ! Stoves and Tinware, GLASSWARE," Supplies, Iron, Steel and Coal, Pumps and BH-tf HEPPNEK, OREGON. : JEWELER! Watches, Clocks, SILVERWARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Etc., Eto. Anything New of Heal You can Generally Find a or : Sale :-: by We don't run a tbird-olase junk shop where Joo can buy shoddy goods at twioe their value, but we keep first-class goods at honest prices, with no baits or trap.. We keep Gents' Furnishinq; Goods, Hardware, Tinware, -GROCERIES Wood and Willoware, -STATIONERY, CONFEOHONERY, ETO.- Ask our old oustomere how we treat them. Corner Main and UIS ON MINOR SPECIAL CLOTHING ! We invite inspection of our new invoices of desirable styles in all the latest patterns and very best qualities of Imported -:-and-:- Domestic-: SUITINGS ! EauciDg iu Price from $5.50 to .10.0n Call and Inspect While .r r lours lor xraae, IWINOR Sfe CO. STORAGE AND ATTENDED TO IN A Business-like -:- Manner AND AT REASONABLE RATES. Wool G rowers' Warehouse Near the Depot! HEPPNER, : . OREGON. ! Change of WE HAVE TAKEN CHARGE whioh we propose to oonduot in on hands' at all times the oboioest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. SEEA.W 85-tl I3R. JOSEPH J. BILL, Graduate M. E. C. V. S., London, England. Veterinary -m- 5urgeon ! Chronic Diseases a Specialty. I am prepared to da all klnilnof Veterinary Hurg-ory, Kmanmlatlng Honei and Kecllnri a Hpci alty. (This It the only true method ol operating-un liorien.) HpeyInK ol Cattle and H(.n. on iliort notice. I will treat all anhnala In the mint approved procedure ol Vrter Inary Burgery. II you have any ali-k anlmali It will ba to your liiturent to ., tall on me at Htewart'i italilea. HEPPNER, - . . . ORKSON h Heelcy Institute OF OREGrON SPRING- SO IS New York Cash Racket Store. JDHT OHDEREI), AND TO ARRIVE BOON : Hprinifand Hummer Drcm Goods, Calicoes, GiiiKliams, FlouocinK', Urspery, Gents' Furnisuiifs; also Ladies' Underwear and, numerous other kouIh iu tbat line. Notions and Tinware in stock; very cheap. When I say cheap, I mean it. You bare but to call aud inves tigate to be satisfied. I do none but a cash business, and can therefore uudersell all sompetitort. ,J. W. MATLOCK, Prop. Main Street, next door to tbe Opera House. is I atterson NOTARY PUBLIC The Lancashire Insurance Co. OP MANCHKIiTKH, 1IQJUA.JE i W. WTERSQN. flliLNT or,eotth. Ht)u1. wor.! Merit lnlVil 1 VI Who are Noted for being; The Leaders. Guns, Ammunition, : : : ; ; : Willow Streets, HEPPNER, OREGON. (JOT f & CO.'S LINE OF the Stock is at its Best. m - FORWARDING. Ownership OF THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, the most satisfaotorv niBrmor Will & McCAETY, ProDrietoi-H. For the Cure Oi Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It li located at Fnreat drove, Or., The Motl Beautiful Town on the Coait. Call at the Giitt olUca lor particular!. fltrlctlycoDlldentlal. Treatment prlrato and inrs cure. IS f H32RIS. THE- CONVEYANCER OIFrieJ)